Repairs Design Furniture

Sealing interpanel seams: types and features of technology. Materials for sealing interpanel seams and joints Suture sealer for panel buildings

Sealing seams B. panel houses With cosmetic repair, it is unlikely to solve all problems. Currently it is the most inexpensive wayBut it is necessary to use it only when there is no serious damage.

First, inspection and make an assessment of the states of the seams, and only then make a plan of action and choose a solution. If during the construction, the installation and sealing of the docking seams in the panel building was performed well and now there are minor damage, then you can resort to cosmetic repairs.

Sequence of work:

  • Damaged joints between panels are thoroughly cleaned from old material and dirt.
  • Then the surface is treated with ground-impregnation of deep penetration. This work is important to fulfill with great responsibility, since the quality of the seal depends on it.
  • The internal space of the seam is filled with thermal insulating material and covered with plaster composition.
  • After that, mastic for sealing, protecting the repaired portion from the destructive impact of moisture, is applied to the surface. It is recommended not to save on this material, as using cheap mastic, not avoid repairs in the near future.

As redecorating It is considered quite primitive, it is necessary to focus on the quality of the materials used. This at least somehow guarantees a good durability of sealing joints of external walls.

Local repairs

The procedure for the device of interpanel seams during local repair is as follows:

  1. As with any form of repair, work on sealing is starting with inspection of damage. Foci detects with strong surface defects and start repair.
  2. Sowing and cracking cement are removed by the construction spatula.
  3. Then, at a distance of about 2 cm, the holes are drilled from the perforator, which are filled with the mounting foam. The better than the empties will be filled, the more hermetically seam.
  4. The extra parts of the mounting foam are cut off with a construction knife, after which the surface is ground and coated with a layer of plastering composition.
  5. Ending seams in panel houses with mastic applied.

This method of local repairs provides not only good waterproofing, but also thermal insulation. In some cases, it is advisable to use sealant instead of mounting foam.

Similarly, the pipe sealing on the roof or sealing the seams between the slabs of the overlap is performed.

"Warm seam"

This technology The sealing of interpanel seams is considered the most efficient. The cost of works depends on the length of damaged areas and is usually greatly exceeding the costs of cosmetic repairs.

Sequence of actions on the technology "Warm seam":

  • The junctions between the panels are completely revealed. Unlike local repair, here work is done along the entire length.
  • Old thermal insulation material is completely removed.
  • Damaged panel sections need to be repaired, seal cracks and chips.
  • The inner surface is treated with soil impregnation. It deeply penetrates into the pores and prepares the seam for sealing.
  • The seam is filled with a small amount of construction foam, as it has good thermal insulation properties and, expanding, does not leave emptiness. Performing this work, you need to be careful that the foam does not hit the skin or in the eye.
  • Without waiting when foam will increase in volume, start laying heat insulating material (Polyethylene foamed). Thus, the construction foam will remain inside the seam, filling all the slots and emptiness.
  • After that, they begin to apply mastic for finishing seams. It is important not to leave uncovered seaflings, as in this case the moisture will be able to get inside the seam and destroy it.

Similarly, sealing windows from the street side, as well as the sealing of the roof. The technology "Warm seam" is capable of long years Ensure the home reliable protection against moisture penetrating into the joints between the panels.

Despite the higher sealing price for this technique, you will save a lot of money, as you need the nearest repairs no earlier than in 10-15 years.

Interpanel Sewage Repair Technology Review.

Sealing outdoor seams by cement-sandy solution .

The cheapest technology. Repair consists in applying a layer of cement-sandy solution over the old seam. The advantage of technology is low cost. Disadvantages - poor clutch of material with a surface, often painted. No elasticity, as a result - deformation breaks, cracks, exfoliation at temperature deformations of panels

Seal outdoor seams layer mastic .

Repair technology consists in applying a layer of mastic over the old seam. The advantage of technology - again the low cost. Disadvantages - Little Ratiowhat leads to ruptures and a small service life , the inner cavity of the seam remains blank, which leads to the effect of drafts and soak on the side of neighboring, unretended seams. Our company on this technology does not work due to unsatisfactory quality.

Sealing outdoor seams on technology "Vilaterm + mastic »

The repair technology is to open and remove the materials of the old seam, the installation of the insulation "Vilaterm" and applying a layer of mastic. The advantage of technology is the optimal value of the relationshipnumber of material / deformation value, lack of deformation gaps, long term Services. Disadvantages - high cost, the inner cavity of the seam remains unfilled, which leads to the effect of drafts and blows from neighboring, unretended seams. Our company on this technology does not work, as the cost is comparable with the cost of the technology of "warm seam", and the quality is much worse.

Sealing outdoor seams on technology "Polyurethane foam + cement-sandy solution » LLC "AltaalPservis"

The repair technology consists in the opening and removal of the materials of the old seam, filling the seam of polyurethane foam and applying a cement-sand mortar. This technology is registered in regulatory documents, so a number of customers are forced to choose it. The advantage of technology is the filling and lack of the effect of draft inside the seam. Disadvantages - poor clutch of the solution with the surface. The absence of elasticity, as a result, deformation gaps, cracks, exfoliation in temperature deformations of panels. Polyurethane foam is a porous material with low resistance to purge. If there are cracks in the cement-sandy solution layer, the seam will be bludging, the effect of repairs of seams will be minimal. The feature of technology is long manufacturing process. In the first stage of the seam revealed, purified from old materials, filled with polyurethane foam. The next day, the foam is cut and a layer of cement-sandy solution is applied. In view of the fact that when filling the polyurethane foam of seams remains open, a significant amount of foam comes out and is cut off in the following, the seam remains not fully filled, since the polyurethane foam expands in the direction of the smallest coating - it goes outward, and does not fill the entire emptiness inside the seam, remain empty cavities thatleads to the effect of drafts and stiffen from the neighboring, unretended seams.

Sealing outdoor seams on technology "Mounting foam + mastic »

The technology of repair is to open and remove the materials of the old seam, filling the seam by mounting foam, the removal of excess foam spoke out, applying the layer of mastic. The advantage of technology - the layer of mastic prevents the penetration of direct drafts to the apartment, the elastic mastic does not break down when panel deformations - from here a long service life. Disadvantages - long production process. The first stage of the seam is opened, purified from old materials, filled with mounting foam. The next day, the foam is cut and applied a layer of mastic. In view of the fact that when filling the installation foam, the seam remains open, a significant amount of foam comes out and in the future it is cut off, the seam remains not fully filled, as the foam expands in the direction of the smallest coagulation - it goes outward, and does not fill the entire emptiness inside the seam There are empty cavities for which drafts are walking.

Sealing outdoor seams on technology "Warm seam » LLC "AltaalPservis"

The repair technology consists in opening and removing the materials of the old seam, filling the seam of polyurethane foam, installation of the insulation "Vilaterm" and applying a layer of mastic. The advantage of technology is the optimal value of the relationshipnumber of material / deformation value, lack of deformation gaps, long service life. Pthe production process is performed by the rule in one day, the first stage of the seam is opened, cleared from old materials, filled with polyurethane foam. Almost immediately seam is closed by Vilaterm. Vilaterm is installed tight, with some compression, so that when expanding polyurethane foam it does not fall out. Thus, when filling the polyurethane foam of seams remains closed, when expanding the polyurethane foam does not go out, and penetrates the seam and fills all emptiness.The final stage is the applying layer of mastic, which protects the insulation from the adverse effects of the environment and solar radiation. Inside the seam, empty cavities are eliminated, disappears Effect of draft and stuff from the neighboring, unretended seams. Disadvantages - high cost. This technology is optimal in relation toprice / (quality + service life) .


Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the key to successful insulation of seams is a combination of a combination of two factors:

1. Application as an outer layer of elastic, irreparable material with good adhesion to concrete - this will protect the seam from the transverse blowing. On the this moment Well established themselves different kinds of mastic. If the seams of primary sealing (conducted during the construction of the building) were collapsed - this indicates the appearance of deformation between the panels (in the building of a long 90 meters, the deformation can be up to 5 centimeters with differentials between summer and winter temperatures as, concrete, as well as other materials has a coefficient Temperature expansion). It is pointless to seal in such houses in such houses (solution, concrete) meaningless.

2. Filling the seam insulation to the entire depth, and not only the outer part - it guarantees protection against longitudinal drafts along the seam, which is very important as the compression channels between the panels are interconnected, and the destroyed seams of the neighboring apartment can induce the corners in your. The best showed itself as aggregate polyurethane foam. Options are also possible with insulation of plant origin (package, linen production, wool), but it is necessary to make aware that such materials are subject to rotting - this will significantly reduce their service life. The insulation of seams on foam + mastic technology and "foam + solution" does not fill the seam for the entire depth:

Only one technology guarantees filling the seam of foam to the entire depth - this is a "warm seam" technology. Such an effect is achieved by closing the seam to the Vilaterm simultaneously with the stupid. Installing Vilaterma We achieve the fact that the polyurethane is not able to "get out" from the seam - it can expand only deep into the seam.

Special attention must be insulated with seams on the first and last floor of the house. For Barnaul, this is usually a nine or ninth or tenth floors. The fact is that the seams of these apartments borders, or rather, to say with the seams of the basement or the technical floor. During the construction of the house, builders are usually not taken care of insulation non-residential premises. In our practice there were cases whenabsolutely not insulated seam Techtaja or in the basement was stripped with the seams of the apartment. In these cases, even fulfilled on all technologies Repair of seams did not give results. Since 30 cm from the repaired seam remained a hole through which heat blew out of the apartment. Owners of such apartments need to be understood that the poor condition of the seams of technology and basement will affect the insulation of their own apartment.

History of panel house-building

The first housing and public facilities from reinforced concrete slabs began to build in Western Europe. This happened after the end of the First World War. There were reasons for that: in those days, the cities existed a large housing deficit. And therefore, the technology of large-pointed house building has accounted for very by the way. Houses in accordance with this technology were built quickly, and their cost, compared to other technologies, was low. Of course, no special architectural findings of the fabrication from panel plates were not assumed, but at that time it was not up to architectural sings.

In the USSR, such technology was thought back in the 20s of the twentieth century. But in order to make it a reality, there were plants for the manufacture of reinforced concrete trades. Therefore, to build large houses in the USSR began only at the end of the 30s. But soon the Second World War began, and therefore the construction of buildings and structures from large-pointed plates had to be forgotten until the mid-50s. Such housing began to build almost all cities. Starting from the 50s and ending with zero years of the 21st century, up to 75% of the total Russian (Soviet) housing stock were built exclusively on the aforementioned technology. Of course, both of us, as before in Europe, there were no special architectural elements here, but the millions of our citizens from the outcast and barracks moved into comfortable dwellings.

In addition to housing, erected from the panels, in Russia also built housing from the brick. It has always been believed that brick accommodation is much better than a large-pointed one. In brick houses, it did not blow from the gaps, the angles were not frozen, and everything was in order with sound insulation. That's why it was believed that large household houses are, so to speak, housing for the poor, and the houses from the brick are convenience and prestige.

But with the coming to our country of market relations, we had to consider the willy-noil. And then it turned out that panel houses have whole line Benefits in front of brick houses. First, it turned out that construction brick house costs 25-35% more expensive than the construction of a similar panel house. And, accordingly, the cost of apartments in brick houses is much higher than in houses from the panels. The same thing, by the way, concerns the monolithic-frame houses in relation to the houses panel. That is, the cost of one monolithic-frame house costs 50-60% more expensive than panel. And since, given the universal poor, the apartments in the panel houses are bought far faster than in brick houses. In other words, in accordance with Russian realities, panel houses fit into market relations much more successful than brick, monolithic-frame, wooden, "Canadian", "Finnish", etc. And secondly - the house-building factory began to use the latest technology And thereby proved that it is possible to build quite comfortable, modern and durable housing from the panels. By the way: With regard to durability, modern structures from the panels are guaranteed to serve at least 100 years. Not left aside and architects. Gray and dull reinforced concrete "boxes" of years past though gradually, but inferior to refined reinforced concrete architectural masterpieces. And besides, it is spent on the construction of a panel time of time by 30-60% less than on the construction of the entire brick or monolithic-frame counterpart.

These are these circumstances - that is, the cost, time spent on construction, new technologies, a long-term guarantee in operation and market demand - are just the advantages that was mentioned above. And therefore, the modern building market has reacted very much for all these circumstances and advantages. If in zero years panel housekeeping predicted fast and inevitable collapse, then now there is no, probably, such a Russian city, wherever the construction of structures from the panels would be in the pen. Only in one Moscow (which, as is well known, is by no means the poorest Russian city) Currently, up to 55% of the housing under construction accounts for a large-passage house building.

Requirements of guests and snips when sealing seams

Sealing joints with new construction

Repair of joints of external walls of full-blood panel buildings with new construction is normalized by SNiP 3.03.01-87 ("carrier and enclosing structures"). The rules are spelled out in the section "Installation of prefabricated ZBB structures". The sealing of the junctions is the complex of measures, including the device insulation device, installation in the mouth of the gaskets and the application of a special sealing mastic or self-adhesive tape. Works on the repair of panels to eliminate the defects of their production and new mechanical damage as a rule, are carried out in the shops of house-building enterprises. Works on the sealing of joints with the use of special air-protecting tapes should be composed of a substantially, and be sure to work on the installation of the inner walls. The surface of the joints before the tape sticker must be deguted and clean from dust. The tape connection is performed by braziness (100-120 mm). This end of the bottom tape is on top of the tape from the interface of the mounted floor. The location of the self-adhesive tapes are located at a distance of 300 mm from the place of intersection of the stakes of the design panels. The use of rolled and bituminous materials (rubberoid) for the inlet air insulation is not allowed! During work on sealing closed junctions Sealing gaskets are installed in the mouths of the joints. The installation of gaskets and the subsequent work on applying sealing mastic is performed with suspended lugs, with mounted forests and lifting steels, with dismays or any means, depending on the elevation of the building floors, in accordance with the safety instructions and the operation of these funds. It is also advisable to build a special containment booth for the shelter and heating of workers and for temporary storage of equipment and other tools tools, for storing the reserves of mastic, overalls, solvents that seal gaskets, air-protecting tapes, aid kits, etc. Before starting work on the sealing of joints, use The ability to examine the joints for the final refinement of the state of the jammed elements. Damaged faces of these elements can be repaired by polymer-cement mortar.

The surfaces in sealing the joints before applying the mastic, it is necessary to clean and degrease, pre-dust and freed from the influx of the excess solution and from the dirt pneumatic and electric brushes, and the wind, using the White Spirit type solvents, blowing compressed air, and dried with special devices for drying. Set the sealing gasket after mounting the floor panels. These gaskets should be enhanced by 20 50% of the diameter, the work is usually required for work of various diameters, given the possibility of scattering in the size of the joints that are inevitable when installing the prefabricated elements. If the mouth width is less than 12 mm, it is possible to compact them with cheaper materials, such as packles. Sealing gaskets when sealing joints are laid by a solid line, the gaps are not allowed. A rounded wooden blade is used, the gasket is hardened without tension, connecting along the length with a stickyt polyethylene or a mately insulating tape. Connection locations should be at a distance of at least 300 mm from the places of intersection of vertical and longitudinal joints of the building panels.

Absolutely unacceptable:

Slide the laying to the edges of the panels

Make installation panels with already fixed with gaskets, if not specified in the project specifically

Use two and more twisted laying

Lay gaskets in your mouth without preliminary cleaning

Apply sealing mastic and self-adhesive tape during rains and snowfalls (if the sediment falling on the surface is real.

Apply a mastic into sealing joints with the use of manual and pneumatic syringes of various brands, penetrated in the mouth and moving the tip along the sealed, while pressing the syringe tper, evenly and without breaks, and emptiness, or voids. When the mastic is injected into the horizontal joint, they withstand the angle between the longitudinal axis of the syringe and the joint of about 45 - 60 °. After applying the mastic, it is smoothed with a steel or wooden extender, with a soap solution, in winter conditions, with salt water. The thickness of the layer of mastic is determined by the project. Polyurethane foam mixtures and self-adhesive tapes are applied at a temperature not lower than minus 10 ° C.

Repair seal of panel joints

The repair of interpanel seams significantly exceeds the scope of work with new construction. It is understandable: all or almost all technological operations are carried out using scaffolding or industrial climbers. In such circumstances, the most efficient use of mastic and sealants. Repair work on sealing joints, which are eliminating defects in the seams of panel buildings in the warranty period - is the responsibility of a house-building enterprise. After the warranty period for sealing joints, specialized organizations are performed.

The decision to carry out the repair sealing of joints is taken at the complaints of the population after survey during the winter period. At this time, the identification of defects of the joints - leakage, freezing, etc. The study of defects is carried out outside and from the inside. Be sure to examine apartments that have defects of the joints, and all adjacent apartments (nearby, above and below). The apartment is measured by relative humidity and temperature, housing survey is carried out in order to obtain and refine information about all problems and isolation. In the case when the cause of defects remain unclear, additional studies are carried out using special methods, for example, using thermal imaging equipment. The presence of separate defects in the tightness of the joints is less than 30% of the rooms of the building overlooking the surveyed facade, the repair of these joints and adjacent to it, as well as repairing the joints at the place of the junction of window and door blocks. Successfully get rid of the freezing of external enclosing panels allows the repair of joints according to the technology of "warm seam". Repair on the sealing of the junctions passes only on defective areas. In buildings with open joints, all joints should be repaired as closed. The defects of the joints in more than 30% of the premises are the basis for the repair and sealing of the joints of the entire facade or the end of the building. Sealing outdoor joints of the building panels lead only with dry weather and preferably at positive air temperatures. Before the work on the sealing of joints, it is necessary to mount lifting and transport equipment, carry out electricity, prepare tools and boxes for storing them, be sure to establish warning posters in the work area, instruct workers according to TB rules and from.

Closed junction

This is a joint, where the sealant is located outside, in an open sealant is inside the junction. The intensity of aging of all used sealants depends on the force of exposure to ultraviolet irradiation, the intensity of precipitation, the "acid rain", the tightness of the open joint depends in a very large degree from the quality of the installation of joined designs (panels). The joints of large-pointed buildings that are isolated by foaming polyurethane compositions, joint-boring joints, belong to the closed type. Junctions open type These are joints where sealing is provided with special constructive elements, such as waterproofing screens and aprons, as well as with the help of an anti-sofa and crest, the so-called labyrinth configuration of the stuck edges of the panels. Air insulation is achieved by sealing gaskets and insulating materials. Wind screens are made in the form of ribbons from polyolefins or metal installed in the grooves depth to 20 mm. Sealing joint area This is part of a sealing junction with a gap, in which the sealing material protects against moisture and air joint and the room. The joints of the drainage type are joints, where isolation and sealing is provided by a special sealing gasket and mastic, or self-adhesive tape in the mouth of the joint. Also, the sealing of the joints is enhanced by the structural elements of the design to remove water - decompression cavity, special drainage aprons, drainage holes.

Decompression canal

This cavity is a sealing joint that provides a decrease in air flow rate and moisture, leveling the pressure of the outer atmospheric air, and reduces the kinetic energy drops of moisture. Sewer devices To remove water from the decompression channel, made in the form of aprons and tubes, from materials resistant to atmospheric. During the new construction, the sealing of open-type joints is not produced, but it is used in the repairs of such joints.

Sealing junctions

Between window and door blocks with quarters panel walls It is performed around the perimeter of blocks with a special sealing mastic. This also applies to sealing panel joints in low-rise construction.

Sealing joints in the form of seams of seams is characterized by high maintenance and lower consideration costs. Typically, the consumption of sealant in the coating seam is three times more, the joints than in the past.

Self-adhesive sealant has exceptional technological. Sealing joints with such a sealant is very simple in performance, the technology of work is greatly simplified, and this is quite low cost. The term "auto-synthetic sealant" comes from the expression - "self-adhesive", "self-adhesive". When sealing panel joints, this material should take into account compatibility (by chemical composition) of sealing building materials. Self-adhesive sealants adhesive (stick) almost to all building materials And to most of other sealing materials.

In selective sealing of panel joints, you need to be guided by such rules:

When the butts of the end wall panels are processed, the joints of the entire end facade of the house and the joints between the end panels and the longitudinal wall are needed.

When the vertical junction of the longitudinal facade is proceeding, it is necessary to carry out the sealing of all vertical joints at the entire height of the house, as well as all the sealing of horizontal joints adjacent to it.

With a defect of a horizontal sealing joint, all joints of the three-four vertical rows of panels are subject to.

When sealing panel joints, it is necessary to remember that the sealants at the point of connecting panels and other structures are stretched and compressed from temperature fluctuations, from shrinkage and "creep" concrete, loads arising from the sediment of the entire house. Moreover, the larger the ratio of the thickness of the sealant layer to the width of the interpanel seam, the stronger these loads. Therefore, the sealant layer must be twice as fewer than the seam. It is very important! First of all, when sealing panel joints with a mouth greater than 10 mm. And this, unfortunately, most of the polynico panel buildings in Russia.

Causes of bad sealing of joints

Design and execution errors

The combination of rigid seals with elastic. Rigid seals (a solution of cement and sand mixture) are destroyed and wedged into elastic mastic. The sealant will preserve its elasticity longer, if it is applied to mild gaskets, and the cohesive strength of these gaskets should be lower than the strength of the sealant.

Self-adhesive sealant tapes can not be glued with "dash", you need to glue with the provis. Temperature fluctuations inevitably lead to the beds of panels, and the sealant simply breaks or squeeze.

Self-adhesive tapes must be glued with the adhesive bottom sublayer, good sealing of panel joints This means close to zero stress inside the sealing material.

Sealing materials

The main materials that are used to seal the panel joints are mastic and self-adhesive tapes. The brands of these sealants are different, and have a different area of \u200b\u200bapplication, they differ from each other and elements. The main associated material, which is necessary for the sealing of the joints, is a seal that performs the function of heat shields and the bases under fitting mastic and self-adhesive ribbon. The best seals are compounds based on foaming polyurethane (PPU). Polyolefins, stabilized polyethylene, and thin galvanized steel (0.6 mm) are used for the plots. The keys from the polyolefin are welded with a stream of hot air, the joints of the metal - false, which then seal by self-adhesive cord. The connecting panels can be with an anti-rod (ridge), otherwise the so-called flat horizontal seam is obtained.

Areas of applying self-adhesive tapes

Under the draining of the window, around the perimeter from the outside (it is necessary to protect against UV),

Sealing of butts of lanterns, translucent structures winter gardensRepair

Sealing metal roofs and places of adjoining roofs to the walls

Soundproofing joints

Sealing joints from within the premises for increasing heat resistance and fire resistance

Sealing joints of pairing window Rams and door boxes With walls of buildings with any decoration finish

For priming surfaces before applying sealant

Sealing interpanel seams, insulation and sealed windows and loggias are the main activity of the "Stroyalp" Group of Companies for 20 years. Our sealing technology of external seams "dense seam" gave start to develop a new SNIPA on the sealing of external seams of large-pointed buildings. The proposed technologies of previous generations will not be able to fully insulate and sew the seams in the panel house.

Sealing of the seams of the panel house includes the following types of work:
- Sealing interpanel seams: insulation of interpanel seam and applying sealant on the joint panels.
- Sealing of the loggia: insulation and sealing of bogs of loggias and panels (outer walls).
- Sealing window seams: insulation and sealing of windows in places of joints of panels and double-glazed windows (windows of windows and outdoor wall panels).
- The sealing of the loggia: repair of the soft roof of the loggia (usually on the last floor) and sealing of the seams of the loggia.
- sealing seams of monolithic belts: repair, plaster and sealing of belt in monolithic brick houses.

Sealing and insulation of seams for organizations - cost without materials:

Sealing interpanel seams Price:

Without opening up to 300 rosters of seams - from 200 rubles / mp.

With the opening of the seam + insulation with a Vilaterm to 300 sutures of the seams - from 300 rubles / mp.

No opening of the seams from 300 mp up to 1000 ppm seams - from 250 rubles / mp.

Without opening seams from 1000 pp. up to 2500 m.p. seams - from 270 rubles / mp.

No opening of the seams from 2500 mp. up to 5000 ppm seams - from 200 rubles / mp.

With an opening + warming with a Vilaterm from 300 mp. up to 1000 ppm seams - from 270 rubles / mp.

* Wholesale prices are given without the cost of materials, since the consumption of materials depends on many factors and is fixed in fact.

* In any case, an inspection of the object is necessary. The price may differ from the above prices to a smaller or most side.

Sealing interpanel seams apartments for individuals with materials - price per meter "by key":

1) Secondary sealing Price (stack of joints) - from 325 - 370 rubles / mp. with materials (restore sealant without insulation).

2) Primary sealing Price with insulation (for example in new buildings) - 550 rubles / mp. with materials.

3) Repair of interpanel seams and sealing of joints (repair of closed seam: filling interpanel space by mounting foam through the technological holes and sealing mastic) - 550 rubles / mp. with materials.

Watch on the topic: Various technologies Sealing interpanel seams.

Technologies of primary and secondary sealing. Old technology "Warm seam". Overhaul Interpanel seams are made only by the technology of "dense seam" developed by the engineers of the "Stroyalp" group of companies. According to which the SNIP on the sealing of the seals of large-pointed buildings was adopted.

Sealing and insulation of apartment seams with their own hands.

Repair of panel seams do it yourself, if you are not a climber, it is possible only on the first floor. At the same time, for a qualitative result, you need to accurately comply with technology and apply high-quality materials. It is also possible to insulate interpanel seams in an apartment from the inside. It is necessary to drill in the corners of the outer walls of the hole and gently reap. In any case, it will be warmer, but completely interpanel space you inside not to get. And the junction of the vertical wall with the ceiling and floor, the so-called castes of the seams - also do not get it, it needs to be done outside.

Sealant and insulation for sealing interphaline seams.

Sealants for interpanel seams.

There are many varieties of sealants for large-pasted buildings: polyurethane, acrylic, butyl rubber, thiocole sealants. Each sealant has advantages over any particular properties. Sealant for interpanel seams should have good deformability and adhesion. Good adhesion allows sealant to absorb in concrete surface Plates at any temperature. Good deformability allows sealant to stretch in seasonal temperature expansions and compression plate and not crack.

Insulation for interpanel seams.

There are two main types of insulation for interpanel seams:
- Vilaterm - tubular insulation, which is paved close from the surface of the plate at a distance of no more than 50mm.
- Mounting foam - Polyurethane foam in spray balms, which you can fill the entire cavity of interpanel space.

See more: Materials for sealing interpanel seams.

High-quality sealing and insulation of interpanel seams depends largely on the materials used. It is no secret that many managers are used to seal large-pasted masses, which are not intended to seal concrete surfaces.

Sealing of joints of windows and panels.

The common problem of windows in panel houses is that the tightness of the adjoints between windows windows and the building panels is missing.

When building a house, the joints between the window frames and panels are attached, or the panel comes to a building with windows. In any case, the joints are plastered, shaded and painted. Water and cold appear in clear form does not penetrate, but the frames are almost always cold, since the cement solution is not insulation, and over time she passes and moisture.

If there is a replacement of old window frames on plastic double-glazed windows, window companies Close the joint between the frame and the panel of the mounting foam without protective sealing of the joint. Mounting foam is insulation and at first in the apartment heat. But the mounting foam is afraid of exposure to the external environment, solar ultraviolet and moisture. Within a short time, it swings and crumbs, so the slots appear in the joints in which the wind and moisture penetrates. In order to eliminate all these problems, it is necessary to close the foam in the layer of sealing mastic.

Over the sealant can be put galvanized, painted platbands. Over window slope Mount a wide sweat, for the leads to water, and not a narrow castler over the frame, how the window companies are put, which, on the contrary, contributes to the waterfront of the water into the upper jack between the frame and the panel.

See more: Warming and sealed windows and adjoins:

In order to get rid of the mold around the windows, the windows are sealing - sealing of joints and jamming of double-glazed windows and panels, insulation of tumps and panels.

Sealing loggias and balconies.

Loggias and balconies are often blurred in all panel houses.
The main problems of loggias and balconies panel houses:
- Loose and leakage jams and jacks of double-glazed glazed logs.
- loose and leakage adjoins and joints around the loggia or balcony.
- There are no sifts or incorrectly installed.
- Worn soft roofing of a loggia.

The leaks and jacks and walls and walls in glazed logs are also sealed as in the junction of window frames with panels. The sealing of a loggia or balcony is made according to standard seams of seams between panels. And the replacement of the soft roof of the loggia is made according to the standard technology of the soft roof device from waterproofing materials.

Errors and violations of the technology of sealing and insulation of interpanel seams.

Consider the reasons for the unsatisfactory result of sealing in panel houses.

Although many companies have accumulated a lot of experience, errors associated with the sealing of joints, allow us to talk about the need to develop new construction standards To solve this serious problem.

Sealing seams on the first and last floors.

Residents of the first I. last floorsAs a rule, more others suffer from problems with interpanel seams. During precipitation on the roof or the technical floor, water accumulates. If the seams between the panels have cavities, the moisture is seeping through them, which over time is manifested in the form of mold in residential rooms. The first floors are more likely to suffer due to empty seams.

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Sealing seams in panel houses.

We offer complex defense Your apartment from freezing in winter:

2. Sealing and insulation of gaps and joints of glazed balconies, loggias.
3. Installation of the roof over a balcony or loggia, followed by sealing of joints and insulation.
Modern materials For sealing interpanel seams, the temperature is maintained from +50 to -50 degrees Celsius. If the distance between the panels is too large and the sealant does not hold, the seams are sealing, laying the seal (veterm). Also in sealing interpanel seams use construction foamFilling all empties between panels. And then at the final stage of the sealing of interpanel seams, the compacted joint is smelted by a sealant. There are signs for which you can determine whether the sealing of interpanel seams needs your building. Basic - freezing, dampness of the wall, drafts. The sealing of interphaline seams can be carried out at a negative temperature, but it is impossible to be in crude weather. In winter, water freezes in interphaline seams and facade cracks, and this leads to the expansion of the slots and seams and the destruction of the wall. It is no secret that the ice has a power capable of destroying metal structures, concrete, stone and other materials. Water penetrates the wall of the facade through, and turning into ice expands the material, which leads to the destruction of the building. Do not tighten with the sealing of interpanel seams and you will extend the service life of your building.

The cost of working on the sealing of interpanel seams.

Minimum order 10 000 rubles. (about 30 pm meters.)

A) Primary sealing of interpanel seams (Vilaterm + sealing mastic) - 350 rubles. rm. meter.

B) secondary sealing (partial removal of the old sucking sealant + intercourse with sealing mastic) -350 rub. rm. meter

c) Repair of interpanel seams (repair of the old seam: Filling interpanel space by mounting foam through the technological holes + sealing mastic - 350 rubles. Metter).

D) primary sealing "dense seam" (foam + twilterm + sealing mastic) - 400 rubles. rm. meter

E) full opening (removal of old sealant and insulation) - 600 rubles.

Sealing and sealing interpanel seams and junctions - responsible work, like all construction works. All high-altitude work on seams are performed by industrial mountaineering. There are many factors affecting the quality of sealing of seams and junctions. It is necessary to choose the properly choose materials for the sealing of seams and joints. Depending on the brand of concrete wall, from the year of building a building of a particular sealant can serve in different ways. The customer is certainly interested in the long service life of the walls of his building. Properly selected sealing technology of seams and joints, correctly selected materials and professionalism of employees - required factors For high-quality work.

Technology sealing interpanel seams and joints.
There are two basic methods of insulation and sealing seams.
1. If the seam is closed, i.e. It looks sealing and the joint of the reinforced concrete slabs is dense, i.e. Two plates fit tightly to each other, there is no possibility to lay a Vilater in the inner cavity between the plates. In this case, it is necessary to scroll holes after 20-30 cm and through these holes to fill the interchangeable cavity by mounting foam. Then it is necessary to make seams of seams, i.e. Shoot sealant to ensure complete seamless seam.
2. If the distance between the slabs is quite large, it is necessary to open the seam. Those. It is necessary to remove the old sealant or pass, clearing the cavity between the plates. Then lay the cavity to the Vilaterm, to use inaccessible areas and conduct finite sealing of seams seamless.

For apartment house - This is the same measure as the apartment repairs. Her B. obligatory Conducted both in new buildings and in old panel houses, which is necessary by overhaul. The fact is that if you do not seal the interpanel seams with high-quality moisture-resistant, material, then, how not to warm the apartment, there will always be drafts and dampness. Large gaps Between concrete blocks contribute to the accumulation of condensate, which eventually appears on the walls in the form of dark flots. In order not to pay later for expensive repairs, it is better to eliminate the root cause of all this - to close the cracks between the plates. To do this,, of course, will have to call specialists in this area, any communal service should be interested in. Many years of experience and professionalism, as you know, save time and money. You can choose one specific of several types of sealing - it all depends on what state is located. If the joints in the panel house are not yet treated with a sealant, then primary sealing is done. After 5-10 years, secondary - in case the house is in conditions high humidity And on the walls and ceilings began to appear wet stains.

For secondary sealing requires additional work - that is, the removal of old materials, selective opening of the seams and partial repairs junction Only after careful preparation, the insulation is laid and a new sealant is applied. If the interpanel seams were not subjected to devastating and hermetic material later for a long time It is in good condition, it is enough just to increase the waterproofing by imposing a new sealant layer. The seams between the panels are revealed in the case of their complete or partial destruction after which all the same works are carried out as with conventional sealing.

Sealing seams in panel houses of different series.

Sealing interpanel seams and their insulation in high-speed panel houses are produced differently as each typical series Houses has its own construction technology and design panels. The best technology of the insulation of seams with their subsequent sealing of the joints of the panels is the so-called "dense seam".

However, there are some features of seams of seams in each particular series of the house. For example, a panel plate in a series of home dual houses, sandwich type. Panel sandwich inside empty. The air located inside the stove could create good thermal insulationIf the stove was hermetic. However, plates are not hermetic, and therefore moisture and cold air freely penetrate the apartments. Sealing and insulation of houses with similar panels are very laborious. In addition, it requires large costs Materials. Inside the sandwich, the mounting foam is sprawling in large volumes. Directly the joint panels insulates the Vilaterm. Additionally, insulates the junction of the fusion of the cavity of the Villater. Qualitatively produced sealing and insulation will make an apartment with warm, despite the wrong project and unreasonable construction technology.

In the series of houses "Old Soviet panel" or P44, or P44T, cast plates, ordinary, and problems appear at large joints between panels, or chips of panels. Cold air cools the apartment, since the moisture is seeping through the interpanel space. On the cold walls of the apartment constantly formed mold and condensate. In the corners, at the level of the ceiling or floor there are drafts. Interpanel seams of houses of these series are sealed with the usual method of "dense seam". Very often in such houses, the junction between the plates is minimal, and therefore it is not possible to pave the Vilaterm. In such cases, the seams are thus stupid. Then they are abundantly missing sealant. Installation foam will be able to serve for a very long time if the seam is closed with a sealant. Since in this case it does not have contact with moisture, air and solar rays. In monolith-brick houses there is a seam between the upper overlap and brick masonry, as well as in glazed loggias in places adjacent frames of glass windows to the walls. Builders very often dug these seams and are closed with galvanized decorative plank. Beautiful for the commission and cold for the tenant. These seams also need warming and sealing. And only then they can be closed with a beautiful plank.

If you want your home to be in cleanliness and comfort, and "not cracked on the seam" from a strong wind, you can order the sealing of interpanel seams from us. Our construction organization conducts a full range high-rise worksrelated to sealing of seams of an apartment building. All material used by us for sealing is a material on a polyurethaneuce basis, which prevents the penetration of moisture and temperature fluctuations. By most modern technologies Allows the tenants of the old house the next 15 years to live, without experiencing any inconvenience.