Repairs Design Furniture

Forests construction with their own hands. How to make scaffolding with your own hands. Varieties of scaffolding

With construction work outside and indoors (if there are high ceilings in them), construction forests are often needed - with their own hands the drawings of the auxiliary facilities are not necessary, but anyone can collect them on the finished technique.

Requirements for forests for construction and repair

Forests are used in construction and repair very widely. Even ordinary stucco walls with their own hands Without them, it is not easy, and the installation of the roof or wall siding is at all becoming the most complicated task without auxiliary support structures. Of course, the mobility of the stepladder or rigidly chopped goat-stools above, and their cost is noticeably lower.

But only solid forests will allow not to be distracted by permanent movement along the facade or the wall replaced whole. Saving time and strength, the concentration of energy on the repair is the main benefit from forests, homemade or purchased. The performance of the construction work when using forests increases several times - so that their cost can be added to the Count "Fee for the speed and convenience of repair".

Any construction of scaffolding is obliged to be reliable and durable - including, taking into account people, tools, construction and consumables placed on them. If there is at least the slightest doubts that the scaffolding will not be able to collect with the proper supply of stability, it is better to purchase a ready-made, branded product in a specialized store. Moreover, the choice of such products is quite diverse.

Classification of scaffolding

The term "forest" itself is associated with the historical experience of finishing facades by plaster, stucco and painting in the construction of palaces and other elite structures. For plasterers and decorates, multi-meter "shells" were erected from real logs and cereals. After the end of the work, all this material was spent on firewood, leaving the descendants only its name and the principle of structures.

Modern options are based on the framework and are made based on reusable use. Constructive forest construction can be performed in such versions:

  • Pine forests - from steel pipes, with welded curved reinforcement and nesting locks. Heavy and smooth, require considerable time to assemble and moving - but at the same time very durable. For example, a stone or brickwork is best done with them. On pin forests, you can download a large number of heavy building materials, they are very stable and durable;
  • Frames of light aluminum and / or steel alloys - are made of pipes and ribs of stiffness with reliable fixation of the design in a solid frame. May have wheels for moving on flat soil. Well suited for plaster or touching balcony siding - When the weight of building materials is small, and the work is conjugate with the rapid move along (up-down) the object being repaired;
  • Wedge forests are a kind of symbiosis of frame and pin structures that combines the advantages of both. Withstand a large load and at the same time mobile. The fasteners are made in the form of flanges with slots, which allows you to create polygonal and broken lines along complex facades.
  • Clamp forests - universal structures of small loading capacity for repair and restoration of curvilinear facades;
  • Suspended - well-known "crackers", with the help of which the washing of facade glasses and sealing of intercutric seams are performed. Between two stationary forests, the design without support for the soil can also be suspended.

Suspended, clamps and wedge options are only purchased, their independent "production" is not recommended. Pins or frame scaffolding, the drawings of which are shown below, with their own hands are collected in the presence of appropriate carpentry and metalworking skills.

Scaffolding - do it yourself from a tree, step-by-step instructions

The tree is the easiest in processing and at the same time inexpensive material - the creation of wooden forests is placed in several repair stages, quite fulfilled independently. We describe in detail how to make them of wooden bars, boards and rails.

How to make scaffolding with their own trees from a tree - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Choosing and Preparation of Wood

For work it will take several types of wood. Bearing supports are performed from a bar of 10x10 cm in size (a smaller cross section will not allow heavy construction work from the forests). Horizontal flooring is chopped out of thick boards (from 50 mm), rigidity ribs are from a thickness of 25 mm thick. Racks of fencing with a thickness of 20 mm can be used. Wood for supports and squeezes should be without bitch and cracks, it should be treated with special compositions to prevent rotting and appearance of mold.

Step 2: Frame Planning

Facefronts of wooden forests must be performed under a converging angle - this will noticeably increase the stability of the structure and will not be a hindrance when repairing walls.

In addition, carrier supports from a bar 10x10 cm It is advisable to choose solid, and not composite - then the strength of the multi-storey structure will be higher. The minimum allowable width of homemade forests from the tree is 50 cm, their length can be 3-4 meters. It is considered to be 6 meters in height restriction, otherwise the risk of overturning forests during operation is great. For work, standard woodworking tools will be required - saws and hacksaws, plans, drill and screwdriver.

Step 3: Framework

Two bars are not more than 6 meters high on a flat horizontal surface, the removal between them is equal to the planned forest length. The other two exactly also stacked nearby. The upper part of the BRUSEV should slightly converge to the sustainability of the entire structure. For the distance between the supports of 4 meters along the length of the forests down below enough convergence in 40-50 cm up. That is, if the mid-scene distance between the beams-supports is at the bottom equal to the same four meters, then it is displayed from above in 3.5-3.6 meters. As a result, two symmetric wooden trapezoids are obtained.

The sidewalls from the timber are screwed to the supporting beams. They will serve as supports for workers of the flooring, so mounted on the inside. In general, wooden forests of their own manufacture can have no more than three "mounting floors", so the sidewall from the bar will be only four. Three correspond to forest levels, and the bottom serves for strength, it is fixed at 20-30 cm from the ground.

Step 4: Perform a bulk frame

To connect lateral trapezes in whole forests, an assistant will need (and better two). Alone, this operation is hard, and the accuracy of the docking will probably suffer. Siderates are prepared in advance, and they will be of different lengths. The fact is that sustainable forests must be pyramidal and in width, and in length. The necessary angle of convergence is small, otherwise there is an inconvenient gap between the upper part of the forests and the facade repaired. For example, for a width of 1 meter, it will rather the upper lumen in 85-90 cm.

By installing wooden sidewalls vertically and slightly tilt them to each other, long self-stakes are concerned lateral cross. The use of screws is preferable to the fact that after repair and construction work, the forest can be disassembled (partially or completely) and folded in a barn or garage.

Step 5: Finishing and Additional

It remains to nail to the transverse bars of the board for the flooring and a fencing over each table. From the side of the forests, you can fill additional crossings that will perform the role of stairs. Also useful for each support to make a node in the form of a push pin for fastening forests to an earthen soil - on smooth surfaces it is cleaned, and the whole design stands on sequations of end beams.

Any building of the house or facade work does not cost without the use of scaffolding. As a rule, forests make wooden or metal. Lighter in production, of course, forests from a tree. For the durability of the structure and strengthening its strength is chosen metal.

It all depends on the task and the required wear resistance of specific forests. The greater the work area, the more attention is worth paying the strength. For the construction of private houses or receiving structures create forests 2.5 meters high and a width of 1 m. Above 6 meters, the construction is better not to build, because an increase in the height of the structure reduces its stability.

Standard construction involves the use of the following components:

    Boards for flooring and jumpers 10 cm wide. And 5 cm thick for racks and stops of 10x10 cm. Nulls or self-tapping screws (for small structures).

Between the legs make spacers to give the strength of the structure. Stands with flooring and jumpers. To move between the levels of forests (up-down), they make steps from the bars, fixed on the racks, or use an appropriate staircase.

Metal structures are mounted from steel or aluminum pipes. This requires such materials:

    Pipes for struts with a diameter of 15 mm. Aprofyl pipe for racks with a diameter of 30 mm. Compositional adapters are made of pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. Auditable tools for connecting all components: drill, welding machine, etc.

Pipes 15 mm. Cut 2 meters, and their ends are flattened.

Of 30 mm. The pipes make segments of 0.75 m. (the length of one jumper) and 1.5 m.

The design components are sealed with each other with welding or bolts. The jumpers are fixed crosswise from both sides. When one section is ready, you can build up the following.

Safety during construction work should be above all, so do not attempt to collect and disassemble the building forest more than two or three times. From reusable assemblies, they lose strength.

Before starting work, always check the strength of the assembly.

The need for scaffolding arose along with the need for building or finishing buildings with a height of more than two floors.

The first such structures were made of wood, due to which the name of the scaffolding was obtained. They are built around the building, which must be repaired and there are different species. Consider the most common types of scaffolding.

Wooden scaffolding

The tree has long been widely used in construction, and it is possible to build scaffolding for finishing and repair work under low height. Usually this type of forest is used for private houses or low buildings. Since this type of scaffolding is the easiest and easiest performed, we give the technology of their manufacture.

For the construction of wooden scaffolding, there will be 150x50 mm floors of a length of half meter, segments of thin boards 25x100 mm, two long-fifty-fifth boards for supports and long boards of the required length for horizontal flooring.

First, the triangular supports for the frames are pinned out of the trimming of fifty-way, and then they are trimmed with thinner boards. The dimensions of the triangles-supports are worth choosing, based on the following factors: the support should not be separated from the wall under the weight of the builder and its own weight, and there must also be enough space for the standing worker on the platform. In this regard, the length of the frames is usually chosen by 400-500 mm, and the feet of the worker should not be saved beyond the limits of the floor.

The backups are attached to the supports under sharp corners.

At the same time, the upper end of the backup is trimmed so as to insert it inside the triangle supports, and the lower part is pointed to consolidate in the ground. After that, the forests are withdrawn to the desired position and the vertical part of the triangular supports are attached to the nails wall, without cloging them along the hats, because later, after the end of the work, they will need to be removed. Then put the staircase and begin to navigate to the supports of the board for the flooring, in this case the nails are driven up to the stop.

Before starting construction work, you should be convinced of the stability of the design, and in general, building wooden forests should not be made above seven meters.

Metal scaffolding

They produce them from aluminum or steel pipes, and distinguish two versions of such structures: modular and frame. Modular types include suspended, wedge, clamp and modular (system) scaffolding. Among the frame forests distinguish pin, flag and tower tones.

All metal forests require an anchor attachment to the walls of the building, and without such an attachment, the height of the forests should not be more than four meters, and then provided that the base under the forests will be perfectly horizontal and tamped.

Consider the main types of metal scaffolding.

Flag (frame) scaffolding

Such structures have a load of up to 200 kg / sq.

meter. They consist of side frames, racks for horizontal and diagonal mounting sidewalls among themselves and shoes for support for the ground. The dimensions of such forests may differ depending on the manufacturer, but at the same time the construction scheme is the same.

Such scaffolding are simple in assembly and inexpensive, so they are very common. Frame ramp fasteners are inserted into specially intended holes and fixed by turning. In the vertical plane, the parts are connected by introducing a frame in the groove below the element located.


These forests are withstanding the load of 200 kg / sq.

meter. Such structures are often used to repair and finishing certain sections of buildings facades. Since building scaffolding around the entire building is quite consistent, and collectively collect them takes a lot of time, use the tongue tower.

It is the design of their finished frames with a staircase, to the base of it the wheels are occasionally. If the frames with a height of over 4 meters are used, additional struts are fixed to the frame of the first tier, and if the tier tiers are displayed on 2/3 of the maximum height, it is fixed to the wall of the building by brackets or anchors. Such tower tours can be height from 4 to 21 meters and differ by the number of tiers.

Pitry scaffolding

Used with a maximum load of 200 kg / kV.

meter. Horizontal elements of their design are mounted with pins, which insert into hollow tubes-eyepets on vertical racks. Each forest level is assembled in gradually, and the lower ends of the poles are inserted into the shoes.

For greater rigidity, diagonal discolutions are used. They can be mounted on a height of up to 40 meters, and most often they are used for masonry. Such scaffolding is made of steel tubes with a large wall thickness, and therefore they are capable of experiencing heavy loads.

Wedge scaffolding

Such structures with a regulatory load of 200-300 kg / kV.

the meter has a more complex design than the above options. Their elements are fixed with steel wedges scored with a hammer. This increases forest strength, because they are used at large loads.

The special form of the wedge prevents the collapse. Also used flange locks of racks with 8 holes. These scaffolding are used at an altitude of up to 40 meters for high-rise construction and finishing works.

Clamp scaffolding

They have a regulatory load of 200-250 kg / kV. meter.

All elements are connected on the clamps (swivel or deaf), which are breeding and racks with the subsequent fixing with threaded bolts. The disadvantages include the complexity of the assembly, but at the same time such forests can be mounted to a height of up to 80 meters. Also, clamping forests can be used for work with complex architectural elements - for example, arches and domes.

Which type of scaffolding to choose - depends, first of all, on the purpose of their use. Thus, pin or clamps are used for work at high altitude, and frame forests are used for construction and finishing works.

Assess the method of manufacture:

Human growth is less than the height of the house, so it is impossible to complete the walls of the walls or the facade finish without forests. These designs allow you to safely lead work at a height and make it possible to always have a supply of consumables at hand.

The builders have its own terminology used to designate such devices.

The forests they call the facilities are quite extended and high. Madses "goats" are usually referred to as low portable tables on which no more than two people can accommodate.

If you have to lay the walls, insulation, repair, or facade finish, think in advance what forests or scaffolding will be needed for work. We will tell about how to make the scaffolding with their own hands durable and resilient, saving considerable money on leases.

Options for construction scaffolding

Despite the large variety of types of scaffolding, their designs contain the same elements as intended:

    Vertical racks (perceive the workload and transmit it to the soil). Footage diagonal and horizontal (provide spatial rigidity of the frame). Forwards (short side elements of forests, to which flooring) .nastil (knocked out the boards, employees working by the construction site for builders) Overhead covers (protect forests from overturning). Reader (protect workers from falling). Summer (serve to lift and descend from work sites).

The material for the assembly of scaffolding and forests traditionally serves wood or metal. The wooden design is cheaper than steel, but withstands no more than two or three repeated assemblies. After that, it is suitable only on firewood.

Scaffolding from metal is several times more expensive wooden, but do not have restrictions on the number of use cycles. They are easily dismantled and transferred to a new place. Their design allows you to increase additional tiers in the course of work, increasing the working height.

If your plans include the construction of several residential buildings and housekeepings, it is better to make homemade forests from the profile metal. If high-altitude work will be carried out only once and on one object, it is more profitable to assemble the design of the bars and boards.

Features of the manufacture of wooden and metal forests with their own hands

Before the workpiece of parts for the assembly, a schematic drawing should be made and put on it the main design sizes.

It is not necessary to fantasize here, because the optimal dimensions of forests have already been identified by construction practice:

    the maximum design height is 6 meters; the distance between the racks from 2.0 to 2.5 meters; the width of the workstation is 1 meter.

Ergonomics found that the maximum performance is achieved in the case when the builder's hands during operation are 30-40 cm below the chest level. Therefore, jumpers for installing the first flooring must be placed at an altitude of 40-50 cm from the ground level. It will relieve you from the need to narrow low building scaffolding.

Fastening under the flooring of the second level is better to provide at a height of 180-200 cm. The third flooring is placed at the level of 360-400 cm.

If you decide to make a design from the boards, then buy the next set of sawn timber and fasteners in advance:

    For cutting racks and stubborn dilations - a timing of 10x10 cm or a boards with a width of at least 10 cm and a thickness of 5 cm. Explorations, screeds and railing can be made from the edged board "Thirtsters". For the flooring and jumpers on which it will be required, boards will be required. 4-5 cm thick.

Choosing between nails and self-drawing, it should be remembered that it is harder to remove nails when disassembling forests.

Self-tapping screws, on the contrary, quickly unscrewed from wood by screwdriver. However, they are worse than nails working on a break, since they are made of fragile colena steel. Therefore, for the manufacture of small forests, you can recommend the use of nails, and for extended and high designs - screws.

Scaffolding from boards are assembled in this order:

    on the flat platform parallel to each other lay 4 racks from a bar or a board, cropped "in size" in the height of the forests; the racks are associated with horizontal jumpers, on which the work flooring will be laid; the two "Lanenka" frames put vertically alone against another and connect them vertonal and horizontal screeds; horizontal jumpers put flooring from the boards and fasten it; the forests are fixed on two sidelocks-stops; on the racks are nourished the railing, stick and fix the staircase for lifting.

If there is a need to install two or more sections of wooden forests, then each other can be associated with wide sections of the boards, having stuck them to adjacent racks. In order for the nails not split short boards, drill holes in them before the drill. The construction of the profile pipes are similar to wood.

The difference between them lies in the use of adapters. They are used to build "Floors" of a metal structure. The design of the blanks for assembling the same section includes the following elements: profile pipe 30x30 or 40x40 mm for racks and jumpers (4 sections of 1.5 m and 4 segments 1 meter). Sounded round tube diameter 20 mm (4 segments of 2 meters for diagonal screeds). Profile pipe 25x25 mm or 35x35 mm (8 segments of 10 cm for the manufacture of adapters and sweesters). For the manufacture of railings, you can take the same pipe - 1 segment of a length of 2 meters. Standing plates 10x10 cm thick 2-3 mm thick (4 pieces) for spyers; 10 bolts with nuts and washers for connecting diagonal screeds between themselves and fastening them to frame racks. The assembly of a single-level section of metal forests consists of several operations: to the assembly shield (sheet OSB), the clamps are rigidly fixed racks of forests (high accuracy when working with metal - a very important factor); horizontal jumpers are welded to the stands; in the top ends of the racks for 5 cm from cutting pipes and fixed with their welding; removal of the racks with jumpers from the assembly shield, they are turned over 90 degrees and in this position again fixed to the shoebanks; the ends and the middle of thin-wing pipes intended for diagonal stretch marks are flattened with a hammer and drill holes in them bolts; tightening two diagonal screeds in the middle, they are imposed on the racks and place places for drilling holes; tie and fixed to the racks bolts and tighten into nuts; on the racks and railings the holes are drilled under the bolted connections; the plates are welded to the cuts; the plates are welded; the collected designs are vertically and injected into the lower ends of the spies; on the side jumpers, focusing from the Socketon Board Pour advice: To exclude a longitudinal displacement, it is necessary to fasten the steel corners of 30x30 mm. Diagonal screeds need to be attached to the other sidewalls, and horizontal to another, so that when assembling they do not interfere with each other. If the installation Scaffolding is performed with increasing section of the third tier (4.5 meters), then in its racks it is necessary to make holes for fastening the profile pipe of a stubborn hide, which protects the construction from falling. The lower and upper part of the racks of each section must drill holes for bolted connections with others. sections (when building scaffolding in length) .Video

How to make scaffolding with your own hands - Photo, video. At the construction stage, repair and service / private house sometimes have to work at height. With the help of a conventional gear staircase, it is not always convenient to produce work, and sometimes it is impossible at all.

Exit from such a situation - there will be scaffolding with their own hands.


Scaffolding from metal will be more reliable and longer, but often such structures are made of wood, as it is cheaper. Everyone can work with wood, and everything you need is a nail or self-tapping screw, saw, screwdriver, hammer or. As you can see, a set of tools is small and there is in the house of everyone, and if there is no something and there will be no money to buy the right tool.

Metal is more complicated in this regard. For the manufacture of metal scaffolding, it will take a certain skill, and so the welding machine and at least the basic concept of how correctly cooking the seams. It is for this reason that in 85% of cases of forests made from wood.


It is clear that the stage (scaffolding) is needed for a short time, but the manufacture requires the use of high quality wood and with a minimum amount of bitch. Some builders recommend making forests from wood, since, in contrast to the pine, her bitchs are arranged single and almost do not affect the final strength of the board. But there are almost no spruce boards, but pine more than enough.

Of these, you can also do with scaffolding, but before that it will be necessary to check the material very carefully (at least those boards that go to the flooring and racks). For this you need to fold two columns (3-4 bricks on each other, 2 building blocks, 2 boulders and more).

When checking boards, which in length 3 meters between them should be a distance of 2.5 meters. On the columns lay the board, and after getting up for the middle and jump on it. If the board has weaknesses, it will crack or even break. If you withstood - you can use.

Now about the thickness. Choose the thickness of the forest boards follows from what the design will be, the distance between the racks and the estimated load. The only thing that should be noted is that for flooring and racks most often use boards with a thickness of 4-5 cm, and for streaming boards with a thickness of 2.5-3 cm. Such boards can be used and after dismantling forests in the construction Works, if you do not damage it when disassembly.

Self-tapping screw or nails

Probably, after 100 years there will be disputes that it is better - nails or self-tapping screws, but in this case, everything is exacerbated by the fact that the work will be produced at the height and therefore the design should be reliable. In this case, nails will be the best option. The fact is that they are made of soft metal and when loading, they can bother, but do not break.

Unlike them, self-tapping screws are made of hardened steel, which is fragile and at shock or variable loads, they simply break. It is critical for scaffolding, because there are cases when they broke. But it was about "black" self-drawing. There are also anodized yellow-green-colored, which are not so fragile and can withstand the load.

If you are seriously concerned about reliability, it is better to use nails for the manufacture of scaffolding with their own hands. But they do not like them because of the fact that at the end of the work, disassemble the connection without loss and is not fast, since the wood will be damaged.

With independent work, do this - collect everything on the anodized self-drawing. If the design is properly and convenient, printed, driven by the nail pairs to each connection. In order for the wood to be damaged in the future, it is possible to put the trimming of thin boards under the nails, and entire boards can be used on the extended span, but with a small thickness. When disassembly, you can split them and easily remove nails.

Construction features

For various types of work, it will take different types of layout and scaffolding. For work with small weight materials, it does not need a high bearing capacity. In this case, you can make an appropriate layout or construction in the form of an envelope. For the finishing of the frontones or simply an outer decoration of a single-storey low house, the use of building goats is permissible, and the flooring is laid on their crossbars. If you can not get anything on the walls, you can use goats with floorboards laid on the crossbar.

For laying brick walls or building blocks, facade finishes with stone or bricks will require full-fledged scaffolding. Scaffolding from wood can be done more rigid if the separation and stops are used.

As a rule, such structures are not fixed to the walls, but fix on the stops that will be written the racks. Let's talk about each form separately.

Snapshots of the Power Type

The design got its name due to the fact that they are simply leaning towards, not fixed. They are held at the expense of the stop. The more load these scaffolding, the stronger they will stand. There are two types of structures that are made in the form of the letter "g", but they are deployed in different directions.

In the first drawing, a reliable and simple design of the scope. Their only disadvantage is that they cannot be adjusted in height. It will be convenient to sunmate the sink roof, clean or install drains, in general, all works that do not have a large variation of height. Some were even able to adapt such frames for the construction of the house from the bar. Through the fines of the stops will be convenient to lift or roll logs. They are quite reliable, as they can withstand a log of 11 meters and three people in addition.

In the second figure, Armenian scaffolding or envelope layoffs are depicted. This design is also reliable and simple, although at first glance and you can not say. But still it is tested by thousands of people who used them during construction. It is attractive those that require the minimum number of building materials, and can be assembled / disassembly / transportation in a few minutes. The main thing is the manufacture of triangles, and the installation at the desired height does not take a lot of time - to raise triangles, pour the beam, which after you want to fix in the ground.

To make triangles, use a board with a thickness of 4-5 cm and 10-15 cm wide. The vertical part may be long to make it convenient to raise the frame to the required height. The crossbar from above should be long from 0.8 to 1 meter, and the flooring boards will be laid. They will also be in a thickness of 5 cm, and in width - the more, the better, it is desirable 15 cm.

In the manufacture of corners, place the joint so that the horizontal board is on top. To enhance reliability, use metal overlays in the form of a corner. But if you set the corner with the help of three nailed on both sides, this is not necessary. The installation of triangles is made for each meter. If it turns out, they are nourished to, and if not, all hope for gravity. The main burden in such a design goes to a stop board, which is set at an angle and it rests on with one end to the ground, and the other in the upper part of the triangle.

The stops must be made of a timber or boards with a thickness of at least 5 cm, the pipes are not less than 7.6 cm in diameter or section (for profiled pipes at least 5 * 4 cm). During the installation of the stop, it should be put exactly in the angle, score to the ground, additionally fix and drive wedges. To exclude the risk of lateral shift, the installed stops should be fixed by several bodies that will connect everything into a rigid and strong design. You can use the unedged board to forcein if it is, the main thing is that the width and thickness parameters are not less than the minimum limit.

If you need to grow stubborn boards (so that there are more than 6 meters in length), additional emphasis should be made. It will rest in the middle of the base and thereby take part of the load. Now about the flooring of scaffolding with their own hands. It must be done from a wide board with a thickness of 4-5 cm. In this case, it is required to fix them to triangles at least on the screws. This design does not provide for the installation of the railing, and the slightest fluctuations under their feet will cause discomfort, so it is extremely desirable to take care of fixation.

Drawings and photos

The described options are good, if the use of heavy materials is not supposed. It is not always possible to be able to open the design on the wall, and then the full forests will be needed. In general, the design is not complicated, but also requires enough wood.

For arrangement, boards with a thickness of 4-5 cm will be required and first start collecting racks. These will be two thick boards or vertical bars, which are fastened by crossings. In terms of size, it should be from 0.8 to 1 meter. Do them proceed from the fact that a less convenient width of the floor starts from 0.65 meters. But still you will feel more confidently to feel 0.8 meters in the width. In order to give the design stability on the sides, you can make racks that will be touched upward.

So that the forests do not fall on the wall, they should be accepted with the release of 25 cm. They will not give the designs to fall. The racks are set at a distance of 150-250 cm from each other. The span depends on which thickness of the boards that you will use for the manufacture of flooring so that they do not get rid. The installed racks at the desired distance should be made by shakes with each other. So they will not give the designs to work out the side. The more you do pride and crossing, the more reliable there will be a design.

Also that the scaffolding made with their own hands did not fall, they should be written by a bar or boards, and one end must be nailed to the racks with nails, and the second is swapped into the ground. Cross beams will not give the designs to work out the side, but there is a possibility that without fastening the forest will fall forward. In order to avoid this beam, you should sign in binding.

If the height of the scaffolding is 3 meters, you can not sign, but if the work will be carried out at the second or even third floor level, such fixation is necessary. You should also make a railing if the work will be carried out at high altitude. To do this, it is permissible to use not very thick boards, but the main condition - there should be no cracks and bitch. The handrails will give confidence in construction.

The level of overlapping the second floor is enough standard 6 meters. But such forests are inconvenient because they have to disassemble completely, if there is a need to move the design to another. You can assemble forests from strong old boards. Sometimes for the manufacture of stops and splitting, pipes or stiffs are used - everything that is found in the farm.

Building goats

There is another simple way to make mobile light construction forests with your own hands - make the same goats that are stuffed with a certain step of crossbar, which will be a staircase and a layer for the flooring. On the crossbar should be laid down the flooring board. This option is good because it is ideal for the skin of the house. The covering will take place and up and takes all the time to change the height, and leaning off or attaching the design to the wall is not possible. For this reason, the optimal option will be the construction goats.

Sometimes they make one rack on one side vertical and without inclination. It will give the opportunity to establish them closer to the wall, and then the flooring will be convenient for work. This is an excellent option in painting, pantry and preventive processing.

Varieties and nodes of metal forests

When erecting a stone house, or the building from building blocks will be more suitable metal construction forests with their own hands. They will be able to withstand any burden. Their popularity is less than the wooden structures, as more expensive. The second decisive moment is the analysis of building wooden forests, as the boards after you can put into the case, and the metal parts will be dust in the barn.

But both forests from metal have a lot of advantages. In disassembled form, they will not take a lot of space. From time to time, the owners of private houses are still needed - to care for the logberia, for example, and therefore, once every 2-3 years they will necessarily need. In this regard, the metal design will be more practical wooden, as it is easier to assemble and stronger.

All scaffolding from the metal has the same form of vertical layers, which are connected by hide and crossbars.

Only the method of fastening between them will differ:

You can only choose one of the species, and decide on the type of work you are going to spend. In the manufacture of metal scaffolding, with their own hands, the pins are most often used. They are easier to implement, but nor good for

In the construction or repair work carried out at the height, without the construction forests can not do. A device for construction work can be rented at the time of work, but it is not suiced, especially with prolonged repair projects. Having calculated the necessary height and configuration, the scaffolding can be constructed independently.

The purpose of the scaffolding is the possibility of delivery to the height of building materials and the safety of the builders during work. For this design should be stable, durable, with a climb, descent and protection mechanism. Best of all, wood or metal is suitable for fabrics.

Scaffolding consists of several elements:

  • supported frames are a framework, it accounts for the main load;
  • flooring (staged), on which builders and working material are located;
  • railing to protect against accident;
  • stops - for a sustainable position;
  • struts (diagonal and horizontal) - for strength of racks and uniform weight distribution;
  • stairs for lifting and descent.

From this article, you will learn how to properly collect wooden forests with your own hands - a step-by-step instruction has been prepared for you. The article will tell about the requirements for individual elements and designs in general. You will also learn about additional devices to work at the height.

Forests - temporary or constant support system and ladders, which serves for lifting and work at height. These are elevated requirements for strength, sustainability and safety, since work at a height of more than 1.5 m is a traumatic.

Regardless of the material and principle of construction, the following general requirements are presented to the forests:

  1. Reliability. The system of elements should with the reserve withstanding the weight of workers and material in motion.
  2. Manufacturability. It implies the convenience of assembly / disassembly of the entire design. With this work, a handyman or an initial level specialist should cope.
  3. Economy. The design must contain the permissible minimum elements, but be sustainable and reliable.
  4. Utility. For inventory forests - the ability to maximally use the design and individual elements. For wooden - the ability to repearely use the material after disassembly for other purposes without significant quality loss.

Inventory - products are professional and expensive. Acquire them for home use is unprofitable, it is possible only to rent with a large amount of work (for example, with a house facade). As a rule, in private construction it is customary to build conventionally disposable forests, exactly the corresponding design of the building.

Standard woods from wood

The design of these lobes came to us from the Middle Ages. The principle of formation of the frame and the connection of parts has not changed since then. Improved only themselves fasteners. They should pay special attention.

Basic elements of wooden forests

1 - racks; 2 - transverse; 3 - flooring; 4 - digs; 5 - stabilizing slopes

Racks. Vertical supports made of good quality cutting board. Perceive the normal (according to the gravity vector) the load from the whole structure and transmit it to the base (soil). Requirements:

  1. The cutting board of the 1st grade of any breed.
  2. Board thickness - not less than 30 mm, width - not less than 100 mm.
  3. Mechanical integrity of each individual element. The board should not be bursting, donor, rotten, curve, alternating section, with excessive obtance or holes.
  4. The board should not be amazed by insects.

Particular attention should be paid to the splicing node of the vertical racks. Elements should be connected "Online", and not "folding" and clamp on both sides.

Crossbars. Perceive the load from the flooring and transmitted on the racks. Requirements for them are similar to standards. One additional requirement: unacceptable the use of unexpected crossing without additional support.

Flooring. Cross ladders, transmitting the load from people and materials on the cross. It can be made of edged or unedged board, as well as to be combined - guides from the board, from above sheet material. It is allowed solid flooring and disintegrating.

Splits. Diagonal connections connecting racks of different rows. It is allowed to use a rack, a hill. It is advisable to install the discharge of the maximum length to link the greatest number of racks.

Sucks. Diagonal stops supporting the design to avoid deviation from the wall. Usually apply a 25 mm board.

Rules of construction of wooden forests

There is a set of general rules, observing which you can collect a reliable and secure design. These rules are derived from the requirements of TB and the experience of the work of the Masters-Top:

  1. The base should be reliable. If under your feet loose land or sand - make wooden platforms for string support.
  2. The width of the passage between the racks is at least 500 mm.
  3. On each node - at least 3 point of fastening. With multipoint mount - step 50-70 mm in a checker order.
  4. Use powerful self-tapping screws (at least 4.2 mm). In the case of assembly on nails (100 mm), bend them from the reverse side.
  5. Always install the handrails from the inside of the rack.
  6. Use the windshield (fencing at the flooring).
  7. Racks in the pairing place must be moved.
  8. Step pitch from 1 to 2 m, the minimum thickness of 25 mm flooring.

Assembling forests

To create a wooden displacement design, you will need a minimum of tools: a saw, a hammer with nails and a roulette.

Operating procedure:

  1. The length of the workspace should be divided into the optimal step (1.5 m) and obtain the number of racks.
  2. We collect "envelope" - frame from racks and cross. To do this, lay parallel two boards and measure the height of the tier. We sew them in this place cross.

Attention! The angle between the rack and the crossbar must be 90 °. Dissars can deform the frame under load.

  1. We cross the frame with a split.
  2. We harvest the required number of "envelopes".
  3. Install two "envelopes" vertically, in the design position. Sew them with a division at the maximum height so that they stood without support.
  4. Set the number of envelopes according to the length of the board of the board so that its edges fall on the cross.
  5. Take the board flooring on the crossbar and fix. Strengthen separation breaks.
  6. Fasten the flooring on top of self-draws or nails.
  7. Set the other "envelopes" and flooring.

Attention! Never, under no circumstances, do not split the flooring between the supports! The bog of the boards or sheets of the flooring should have to be accepted!

  1. Install the handrail and the windshield.
  2. If possible, tie the design to the wall.
  3. If the height of more than 2 tiers and the racks are required, you must first set the slopes. To do this, you need to link the racks at the bottom of the horizontal board of the maximum length. Then the edge of this board is associated with the top of the rack - it turns out a reliable triangular focus.

Forest collection is carried out in reverse order - disassembly of flooring, crossbar, extensive racks, slopes and envelopes. Disassembly should be carried out by qualified and experienced carpenters.

Fixtures for the device of wooden forests

Steel crossing - bracket

This element simplifies the installation noticeably, allowing you to quickly change the level of flooring. Such a device must correspond to the cross section of the board.

Triangular bracket

Such a bracket can be wooden or steel. Allows you to mount the scaffolding directly to the wall. For the device flooring based on it is enough several boards for the ladder. But at the same time it has to dismantle it for the permutation. Installation of something bottom is not possible. The most dangerous type of high-altitude loss. When working requires special skill and caution.

Mason express

Created from pallets on which brick is brought. For flooring use, as a rule, a rafter board. Does not require sawing material, while sufficiently reliable, if not to do more than 1.5 m.

Mason's scaffolding on video

Whatever the type of scope or forests you have chosen, remember that your life and health is in your hands. Saving one board or 10 minutes of strengthening time can turn into unpleasant, and sometimes serious consequences.