Repairs Design Furniture

Templates for drinking pubesomes from plywood for children. What and how to cut from plywood pubzik. Construction rates and standards

To start drinking the jigsaw, the schemes and drawings are prepared before. When creating furniture, interior elements (shelves, doors) and the execution of finishing works may require fuel pumping skill. This process requires care, clarity of movements and accuracy.

Drinking the jigsaw may be required when finishing works, but most often in the process of manufacturing furniture with their own hands, shelves and other things.

Preparatory work

Pre-master transfers the drawing to the plywood sheet. During drinking, it is necessary to keep the instrument correctly, observing security measures.

From how precisely the master will do work at each stage, the quality of the product depends.

For drinking parts, the logs will need:

Usually, in the presence of experience, the wizard immediately apply drawings on the surface, but for beginners it will take special adhesive paper, cottka.

  • tracing and adhesive paper (needed to accurately apply drawing on wood);
  • a sheet of plywood (moisture-proof or usual, depending on which product is required);
  • lobzik manual or electric (the first is used to dry out carved elements, patterns, small parts, the second is used if it is necessary to work with a lot of wood, large parts);
  • silo or drill (with their help holes for propilov, the diameter of the hole should allow inserting the pylon into it; the choice depends on which the tool is more convenient to work with which tool);
  • files (special sets are sold in stores, with the help of which, if necessary, cleaned the ends and edges of the product);
  • resistant plate (required for fixing plywood and tools);
  • pliers;
  • compass;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil;
  • knife with sharp replaceable blades.

When collecting furniture and creating large parts, straight rods are performed without artistic wood cutting. In this case, experts recommend using electric jigsaw. When drinking small parts and curly elements, a manual tool is used.

When choosing a tool, attention should be paid to ensure that it matches the work being performed.

To cut a high-quality part with your own hands, use quality raw materials. Electric jigscription must be kept vertically, without tilting and not loosening, making smooth movements up and down during operation.

At the same time, plywood moves towards the tool. The master must ensure that the electrolybiz does not vibrate. Otherwise, wood split. Incorrect use of the tool can lead to its jam in wood or break the pink.

In the first case, the product will be corrupted, and in the second master can get injured. Before drinking internal contours, it is necessary to make holes with a seboard or drill. Then the tool is inserted into the holes and the drinking begins. Experts are recommended to monitor the location of the peel tooth and make turns without stopping the cutting. The blade should be sharp, well stretched, correctly located and firmly fixed to avoid injury.

Carefully applied to the surface of plywood pattern - half of success when creating high-quality part.

Carefully applied to the surface of plywood pattern - half of success when creating high-quality part. For this use pre-prepared sketches and tracing. The cost of carting is low, but the process of transferring the image on the Faneur will require high concentration and accuracy of movements.

Transferring patterns to a tree with a tray can be replaced by projection of the image. On a sheet of plywood using the projector, the required pattern is displayed. The working surface must be firmly fixed so that the drawing is not shifted. The minuses of the method are the need to acquire a projector, the value of which is an order of magnitude higher tracing. This technique is used to transfer small images. The third way to transfer the drawing to the working surface is self-adhesive paper. The leaf with the image is glued on the fane. With this technique, you can get accurate lines.

Cutting simple figures

Cutting from plywood of simple figures is quite simple, it is only necessary to clearly stick to the lines.

To cut simple figures from plywood, it is recommended to correctly transfer the drawing to the surface, observing the rules for working with the hand tool (taking into account the lines deposited on wood).

Arcs and smooth lines cut down, without turning the tool, but directing the teeth strictly along the line. Make neat stupid and sharp corners can be if you know several nuances. Stupid angles cut off, using the equipment of the turn on the spot (the wizard performs a straight cut, and then turns the plywood sheet).

The loop formation is suitable for creating sharp corners. To do this, you must cut one side of the angle, and then the loop is cut on the outer contour, which allows you to create a 2nd side of an acute outer angle immediately. Make neat internal feeders helps the sequence of actions:

  • make holes for cutting;
  • cut the sheet by pattern to the top of the corner;
  • return Faneard to its original position;
  • cut the 2nd side of the corner.

To create decorative elements with the help of a jigsaw, the master will need plywood, tools, good lighting, eye meter. The work is performed slowly and gently. Hurry can lead to the fact that the corners will turn out uneven, and slices are oblique.

The newcomers will help step-by-step instructions, advice of professionals (for creating artistic elements, special techniques of work with the jigsaw) and regular practice should be known. Lobzik drinking requires patience and hardness. Decorative wooden products made by their own hands, you can decorate the interior of the house and office.

Handling with manual jigsaw of plywood requires attention and time spending. As a result, beautiful practical products are obtained.

For processing the material in order to create decorative elements, a manual saw is used. As a result of wood processing, plywood, plastics are created crafts that have practical use and aesthetic value.

Figured peeling is a fascinating hobby that brings practical, moral and material benefits. From plywood and wooden blanks can be made:

  • candy Vase;
  • basket;
  • desktop stand for postcards;
  • lamp;
  • hanger in the hallway, living room;
  • photo frame;
  • needlenet;
  • breadpie;
  • panel;
  • candlestick;
  • stand under hot, for eggs;
  • casket.

Beginners for threads you can choose light pictures, simple schemes, drawings of crafts, sketches that have a pleasant appearance. After mastering the tubing techniques, you can try the forces on jewelry models with openwork fragments.

With the help of a jigsaw, you can make plaque for the design of the house. A variety of sketches allows you to create this item that will ensure interior decoration. By figured cutting, you can make crafts from a tree.

To cut the beautiful decor elements from plywood. Using the stencils for the jigsaw, from the blanks it is easy to make a frame for a photo, mirrors and much more. Handmade will complement the room design, the selected style will emphasize.

Operating procedure

To get a quality product and minimize the formation of defects, it is necessary to slowly perform work, focus on the process. Before you start, it is recommended to make sure that the plywood thickness is equal to the height of the groove on the printed sketch.

Preparation of stencil

Schemes for drinking tools can be of different sizes. To create an interior object drawing, such as shelves, you will need to use Watman A1 or A0 format, and you can use a standard sheet of cardboard toys.

The contour of the product is applied to the surface with accurate dimensions. Putting patterns with manual jigsaw can be found on special resources. But it is easier to come up with its compositions based on the type of workpiece. An individual approach to the development of the product schema will emphasize the texture of the tree.

Transferring images to the surface of plywood or boards

To qualitatively apply the contour to the surface of plywood or wood, print a template on thick paper. The transfer of the drawing from the drawing of A4 format can deliver a lot of trouble if draw ornament with a pencil.

In order to apply contours, complex patterns, you can use the auxiliary methods. One method provides for the use of copy paper. To do this, the copy is placed on the workpiece. The template is placed on top and outline.

The drawing can be glued to a 2-sided scotch plywood. When using glue, it is necessary to clean the surface with the emery paper. Available method provides for the use of a stencil made with manicure scissors. After preparation, the template is applied to the surface and describe each fragment with a pencil.

For convenience, the sheet is fixed with a scotch or insulating tape. The drawing can be applied in a thermal method. To do this, use an inkjet printer, with which the scheme is printed. After that, the drawing is applied to the surface of the face face and processed by a preheated iron.

Sawing technology technology

Cutting from plywood is carried out after applying the drawing to the workpiece. Processing is starting with internal elements of the product, and then cut the outer contour. This procedure for performing the work allows you to get a flat line, provides a convenient fixing of the workpiece.

Holes under the canvas need to drill in sharp places internal circuit. This requires attention, because chips can be formed on the back side. To avoid this, it is recommended not to completely do holes.

It is possible to limit the depth with the help of an insulating tape, which is winding the drill. After that, turn over the workpiece and handle the hole with a shell. After the end of operation, the product is grinding with a file or dad.

Small elements require delicate circulation, so it is recommended to show a mixture when processing. To do this, cut a thin strip of sandpaper and insert the jigsaw pylon instead of the web.

Handling with a manual tool requires the equipment of a special machine with a clamp. This device is used as a base. When processing, the workpiece is fixed at the chest level, which provides convenience and allows you to closely monitor the process.

For beginners, it is important in the process of using the jigger to observe accuracy to work out smooth movements. Cutting cloth for jigsaw fragileTherefore, it is recommended to avoid distortions, sharp movements, overheating.

When processing the workpiece must be reciprocated, and the tool must be arranged vertically. The use of electric jigsaw requires the fastening of the workpiece to the workbench. When using this equipment, you can process the blanks with a thickness of 5 cm.

Defects in work

When violating the processing technology, the tool is possible. Lobzik can cut crooked while the tool is tilted or improper. If the blade is stuck at the stage of formation of figured elements, it will take carefully to maintain a new line located in parallel to the fragment with a defect.

A little about safety technician

Lobsik for figure drinking is an arcuate frame. The tool is equipped with a handle, 2 fasteners for cutting canvas that allow you to cut patterns of different complexity.

Depending on the type of work, various nozzles are chosen. Thick saws are used to cut the contours, and thin canvas are used for openwork work. Mechanization processing process of blanks can be using an electrical tool. To accelerate the process, individual models are supplied with a mechanism with a pendulum move.

Stationary electric tool that is mounted on a static surface, according to the principle of action resembles a sewing machine. The use of equipment of this type eliminates the errors of the perpendicular cut.

Lobzik drinking requires compliance with security rules. The workplace must be properly equipped. When working, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment.

Plywood is very affordable, relatively inexpensive material for various crafts. Things made from it can have not only decorative meaning, but also be useful in our daily life, in everyday life.

Plywood is easily processed by building material, which is produced by gluing several layers of veneer, specially treated wood chips.


These sheets that can be used for making crafts and structures may differ:

  • the number of veneer layers is three-layer, five-layer and multilayer;
  • wood breed, of which a multilayer sheet (deciduous or coniferous) is manufactured;
  • according to the degree of treatment (polished from one or both sides, not polished).

Construction rates and standards

To learn more about the construction material under consideration (on the classification of all plywood nomenclature, the types of standard size), which can be purchased for the manufacture of many products and crafts, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following documents:

  • GOST 3916.1-96 "General Plywood with outer layers of hardwood veneer".
  • GOST 3916.2-96 "Plywood of general purpose with outer layers of veneer of coniferous rocks."

Schemes, drawings and patterns for products from plywood sheets

Drawing programs for computers

Today, without difficulty, you will find the diagram, the pattern of plywood design so that later using automated design systems to prepare any drawing (including the above-mentioned cat). Next, with the help of the plotter, withdraw on the paper sheet of the required format.

Drawing popular programs are easier in development and can be used in 2D and 3D modeling, including for plywood structures:

  • "Compass" - a complex of automated systems, with the possibility of drawing up drawings, according to the standards of the Esskdi SPDS series;
  • AutoCAD is a two- and three-dimensional automated design and drawing system.

So, if you can't find a detailed drawing of the products you need from plywood material, the applied capabilities of the given software will help you make a full drawing according to any schemes and patterns laid out on the Internet.


The price of the construction plywood, from which the kayak is made is simply incommensurable with the pleasure that a person will receive, who made it with his own hands, loving water rides on rigorous boats.

Kayak in Eskimos, this is the same kayak at Aleutov - the traditional rowing boat of the peoples of the Arctic. Such a boat can be a single, double or triple. We post the kayak drawings from plywood for one person.

The algorithm for the construction of a rowing boat from plywood sheets in principle is common, with the exception of some nuances. Step-by-step procedures for revealing, processing and assembling kayak can be viewed on the video in this article.

Plywood table - simple and functional

The clear drawings of the table of plywood with their own hands, which will be easy to implement even a person, without special carpentry skills and experience. Table lid (1 sheet) - 1300 x 600 x 16 (mm) Inner wall (1 sheet) - 1170 x 400 x 16 (mm)

Plywood designer

Different drawings of the plywood designer are now gaining more and more popularity. Assembling such models from a safe material is a very useful occupation for children, teenagers. Such crafts will become good instances of collections, will decorate the corner of the modellers.


Stages of work on the installation of the tank model are as follows:

  1. Plywood is grouhed (first the medium-sized, and then fine-grained skurt);
  2. Drawings are neatly translated through a copy-grained abrasive plywood material with fine-grained abrasive.
  3. In the corners of the contour translation, the cross-cutting holes (drill 3 mm or more) are drilled;
  4. Fasten the pink in the jigsaw and start drinking the tank elements;

Drinking parts should be started inside the loop of the tank blanks, and only after the contector itself.

During the assembly of the plywood nodes of the model, you have various types of nicks at any time to fit the items to each other at any time.

  1. After fitting all parts, it is possible to start their gluing (for example, PVA glue, "Titan");

So that the nodes and elements of the tank are stronger and more reliable to grab each other, it is possible for a while after their gluing, tie into a thread or rope.

  1. Cannon can be done by circumcalling a wooden handle of a tassel for watercolor paint or from another utility material;
  2. If you wish for a tank, or on any other model, you can apply the onboard number or other inscriptions and patterns;
  3. For greater preservation and decorating the model, they can be covered with varnishes and paints.

Machine - Retro (old "Mercedes")

When you transfer these drawings of the car from plywood with your own hands on the plywood sheets themselves, do not forget to move and numbers.

When assembling the model itself, look at the numbers carefully.

In this case, the process is carried out according to the following algorithm, in accordance with digital notation:

  • detail or node under number 1 must be connected to another number 1;
  • and the item under the number 2 is mounted, respectively, with the following number 2 and so on, while the machine will not be collected.


Drawings of a pistol from plywood models "Bulldog". When assembling, we observe the same rules as when assembling the car: the same numbers must be mounted with each other.

This pistol model is better to cover from the vial of spraying paint, for better similarities with the original, the black paint layers can be applied.


Dinosaur drawings from plywood, for example, presented below, can be performed when designing to perform in any, scale you need to presented in the drawing program for a computer.

Preparation of material, model elements and the assembly itself does not differ in difficulty, but you will have to stock up with some patience when working the logging and fitting the model nodes to each other.

Salnament - "Vintage leaves"

This object in the form of grape leaves is always useful in the household in direct purpose - for napkins and for storage, for example, paper sheets of the selected format:

Vase, stand under pencils, handles, brushes

Drawings of vases from plywood, which can be easily cutting over the sample you need:

Plywood Punk

It is the ease and simplicity of drinking with a jib of plywood sheets of various configurations with different sizes, installation of them of various designs, allows you to perform multiple decorative panels for the walls of our housing. Any panel made carefully is a great gift to relatives and familiar people.

Drawings Panels from plywood, which also performs the role of a shelf in the household:

Some useful tips and warnings:

  • When transferring patterns, the drawings on the phanee use the thinnest and sharp stiffel of the pencil. It is even better to use the used ball handle, then the lines will always be the same, and the copy paper from the ball does not break. It is convenient to carry the drawings on the phaneer using a laser printer.
  • For better fastening of parts, where it is possible, it is recommended that the width of the grooves match.
  • There are two types of pylons with large and small cloths. Newbies will be more convenient to learn how to use a thick filling, and finely drink minor details, already having some experience and skills to use the jigsaw.
  • Pilking should cut from above - down, so pay special attention to the proper fastening of the peel in the jig.
  • Pilking can easily break, so sawing carefully, do not allow the partitions on the saw blade.
  • By purchasing a popul, see that the cloves are sharp, and it should not be easily bend easily, but on the contrary it should be solid. It is convenient to work not flat, and the so-called "twisted peelings" - they can be made in any direction.
  • For those who saw the designs from plywood sheets - a hobby, there is no need to purchase a ribbon saw, it is enough to purchase an electrolybiz. Although everything is an amateur, some masters still often resort to manual jigsaw when "it is necessary to feel the material."


  1. Before choosing, acquiring and direct work with the material, from which you will cut the models, panels, designers and designs. Check out its views, classification for construction documents (GOST).
  2. For drinking, purchase a high-quality tool, equipment and snap to it.
  3. Speakly approach the choice of high-quality plywood. Do not limit it to its visual inspection, tapping it on the subject of internal voids and bundles, due to poor gluing layers of veneer.
  4. Before the work itself, the jigsaw optimally equip your workplace. Special attention is paid to its good lighting, so that the cut is perfectly visible, markup and not tired. Not bad to illuminate the place of work with a jigsaw apply a strobe. Comfortable and comfortable sawing!

The dominance of gadgets in the everyday life of a modern man did not destroy many desires to work with hands with a tree and plywood. Available to all lesson - drinking a jigger - removes the nervous voltage, allows you to make useful and beautiful things.

Much can be done when there are ready-made pattern samples. Stencils for drinking with a jib of plywood allow you to choose the most accessible to beginner masters or the most interesting and useful subject.

What is needed for drinking

Work is easy to argue with thoughtful preliminary preparation when there is everything you need. It is possible to drink any crafts with hobbies without distracted by trifles.

Mechanical Lobzik

The main tool for cutting is the jigsaw: simple mechanical or electric. An ordinary manual model is a metal arcamago frame with a handle, which recorded the blade with the tooth. The clamps ensure the tension of the tape in the desired measure and the desired position that allows you to cut a wide variety of forms.

Lobzik's saws during operation are warmed up, undergo large loads, so they are often broken. The master makes sense to immediately buy a set that will allow you to perform work without being distracted by the search for a new blade. This is especially important for novice fans of plywood drinking, whose skills are still imperfect. Experienced craftsmen feel the material, automatically adjust the speed of movement and the pressure of the jigsaw push on the phaneer. The replacement of the blades they have to do much less often.

Note! To cut the stencil with a mechanical jigsaw, you can only use thin plywood (9 mm).

To cut the internal patterns of stencils, you will need a plate, which allows you to secure the workpiece on any table. This will provide convenience in work, protect the worktop from damage.


Masters regularly engaged in drinking, it is useful to have an electrolybiz. The tool will save physical effort, will increase the speed of work, ensuring high quality and accuracy of playing the pattern according to the diagram.

Electrical jigsaws of all models have a set of nozzles that are significantly simplifying sawing on a stencil, ensuring that smooth edges on the elements of crafts of any degree of complexity.

If the amateur plans to start working with not very thick plywood (9 mm or a little more), it makes sense to use household electric jigsaw with small power parameters (350-500 W).

Professionals work with more powerful jigsaws, allowing to cut wood patterns not only by easily reproducible templates, but also the most difficult stencil. The process can be carried out quickly and accurately with thick plywood (up to 30 mm) and wooden boards with a thickness of up to 140 mm. Setting up the tool is performed according to the instructions, the presence of which must be checked when purchasing.

Additional tool

In addition to the jigsaw and material for drinking, it may be necessary to have a hacksaw, seer or drill, with the help of which the holes are made on the plywood in several places the circuit of the pattern applied across the stencil. The edges of the patterns are treated with files, it is possible to use emery paper for these purposes.

Both beginners and professional cutters most often work on ready-made stencils. Light drawing can be invented by itself, but if there is a huge number of diverse sketches for drinking with a jigsaw of plywood in electronic and print editions, the process of creating the pattern is simplified. Details, drunk in a stencil, can be glued, covering the veil, varnish, paints.

Preparation of stencil and draw drawing

If a small funny craft is drunk, the picture found in special Internet publications is printed on the usual printer. A4 format allows you to make a small stencil.

When it is planned to drink from plywood larger parts, for example, platbands, shelves, elements of the interior, the possibilities of ordinary home printers are not enough. You have to look for a service capable of printing a large format sketches on special equipment.

The finished drawing for the stencil is first cut out of paper, paying attention to the contours of the inner slot parts and on the display mirror (if it is important for the part). Then transferred to the wood base, rolling the line from the back side of the plywood pencil or marker.

Note! It is better to use a simple pencil, because, despite the smaller visibility of the lines, if necessary, they can erase the eraser and correct.

You can transfer the drawing for a stencil through a copy, rolling the line sharply sharpened pencil. Also selling paper with a ready-made template is also for sale. It is glued on the phaneer, and after drinking the jigsaw removed. There are ways to transfer using the projector (when it is necessary to increase the scale) or needle a needle. With good drawing skills, you can draw stencils right on the plywood, without a copy.

What can be cut out of plywood

Opportunities for skill, essentially endless. In the presence of skills of work and desire, you can make a huge number of useful and just decorative items. Most often make the following crafts:

  • toys;
  • trays;
  • key rings;
  • caskets;
  • stands;
  • kashpo;
  • shelves;
  • candlesticks;
  • baskets.

The list of products can be continued arbitrarily for a long time, because the limits of the possibilities of drinking on the stencil does not exist. It is important to pick up a suitable drawing, have a high-quality tool and spending skills.

The simplest patterns of wood patterns for the logs are without through holes. It can be animal figures, hearts, fruits, toy machines. With the development of skill, the complexity of the stencil will increase.

Features of the heating process

Performing work requires good lighting. Tools are desirable to prepare in one convenient place under the right hand, without cluttering the space with superfluous details.

Drinking should be started with the internal elements of the pattern applied from the stencil. To perform rubber works on the plywood pre-in some places, the contour makes holes.

When drinking a regular manual junction, a piece of plywood hold hands. While working with the electrical apparatus, the workpiece is fixed on the workbench or table with the help of vice. In the presence of working with electric jigsaw, drinking is easily and fast; As a result, the line is obtained with smooth, neat, requiring minimal subsequent grinding.

Successful thread is possible only with proper, durable fastening of the sawmill, which is subject to mandatory verification. Carelessness leads to distortion of the drawing, which will be very unlike stencil. Inattention can provoke traumatic situations.

The presence of stencils, good jigsaw and desire to do discharge - all this together can deliver the process of work and the result of both the master and to close people or customers.

The art of drinking by the jigsik, many familiar with the school bench. Such an occupation can master everyone, regardless of artistic abilities, and this is probably its main advantage.

In addition, mastered some skills with a jigsaw, you can create a simple magnificent carved jewelry, which will serve to decorate the interior of the premises or the facade of the house.

Superior Lobzik: Tools

The first thing you need to cut the figures from plywood with your own hands is a jigsaw.

Such a tool in the domestic market is pretty extensive and in several main types:

  • Manual. A tool familiar to many in school lessons. How can you judge the name, all work on discharge will be performed manually. The best choice for creating small things or children learning the skills of this fascinating process;
  • Electric. It works much faster manual, but at the same time, it has a substantial mass (1-3 kg), and therefore it is quite uncomfortable to keep "weight". Yes, and the thin drawing will not work out, since the pink canvas is too large for such jewelry;

Council. If the choice fell on an electric tool, then you need to do all the work very carefully, otherwise you can get an uneven line of cut.
Children work with such a tool should not be trusted at all, because the likelihood of injury is high.

  • Stationary. The only drawback of this tool is its price - it is much higher than that of an electric or manual device. However, the device is very convenient for a carver, it is not necessary to keep it on weight, and the line of the cut, though it turns rude than the hand-held "colleague", but still the speed of work is several times higher.

The selection of a particular tool for creating various structures from wood raw materials depends only on the scope of work and personal preferences of the master itself. If, for example, the workload on the plywood is just a hobby, then there will be quite enough manual tool.

Tip: If such an occupation brings money and put "on stream", then without an electric or stationary "assistant" just can not do.

Preparation of raw materials and stencil

To those people who have skilled hands and extensive experience with a tool, drinking the jigsaw from plywood will not be much difficulty. First you need to take a piece of material to which the pattern will be applied, sanding to a smooth surface of small sandpaper.

After such preparation, it will be enough to apply the desired drawing and start performing the process itself.

All that will be done after downloading the drawing is to print it, transfer it to the sheet (you first need to prepare it sandpaper) and start working as a contour tool.

Wood drinking process: Features

The process of creating decorative parts from wood is even easier than drawing a drawing on a sheet of material. It is enough to simply first push the pylon into the preset hole (for this you can use a manual coft or an electric door) and start working using the contour.

At the same time, if the work is performed by a hand tool, all movements must be definitely smooth, without jerks, otherwise you can simply break the fragile pink of the jigsaw.

If everything is done correctly, then in the end, you can get a uniquely beautiful pattern, transferred exactly to the material, the item that is capable of decorating any room or the facade of the building.

Additional finish

In order for the product to be made from a sheet of material with a jigsaw, it looked even more beautifully and original, it can be additionally separated. To begin with, sanding all the surfaces by sandpaper, eliminating all small irregularities and roughness.

After, you can spend varnishing or bilting the entire surface of the plywood product, to cover it with paint or other finishing materials.

It is impossible not to note that drinking the jib from plywood makes it possible to get not only whole, but also prefabricated structures. In the latter case, the final finish will be accompanied by a compound of several elements together with the help of special glue or dranched carnations.

The main thing in the process of creating a combined product from several parts is still in the process of work, special attention to the lines of the cut, it should be located so that the excavation is somewhat less than always.

Tip: Several details of plywood filled with a jigsaw, after completing the tool, it is important to "fit" and correctly ease with sandpaper.
Only in this case can be guaranteed high surface quality and the most attractive type of finished product.


In the process of creating figures from plywood, there is nothing complicated - it is enough just to take a logs in the hands, prepare the material and get started. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

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