Repairs Design Furniture

How to make the attic residential hand. How to make insulation overlapping a cold attic - the better to insulate. Materials for thermal insulation

Construction of a residential building is a labor-intensive process and financially expensive. Often, the addition of an additional floor at the construction stage has to abandon the deficit of finance. However, over time, the hosts are often wondering: how to increase residential space in the house? Expand the living area in the house is possible without an extension of new structures. The simplest solution is to use an attic room as a residential space. In order for an unbroken and dusting room to turn into a cozy and functional room, it is necessary to carry out a complex of work.

Performing repair or construction of an attic room, you should draw up a preliminary action plan. This will help to avoid additional costs, will optimize the re-equipment of the attic in the living rooms. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Plan and drawing. Before starting repairs, you should compile a detailed plan-drawing. For this, there are specialized computer programs. You can plan a traditional way, making a project on paper. In the drawings should be taken into account: the height between the floor and the ceiling, the size of the elements of the rafter system and other highlights.
  2. Definition of functionality. The residential attic floor can be turned into a bedroom, a nursery, a family holiday area or a working office.


The height between the floor and the ceiling in the residential attic should be at least 2.1 meters. If the height is below the established indicator, the level of comfort of accommodation is reduced.

Before proceeding with work, you should define the functional purpose for the attic room.

  1. Cleaning. Before starting construction work in the attic, it is necessary to take. After cleaning, you should again check the plan-drawing with real premises.
  2. Inspection. In order for the room to be comfortable and safe to accommodate, it is necessary to inspect its structural parts for possible breakdowns and damage, determine the disadvantages of the design and repair.
  3. Planning and purchase. After the estimate is prepared, and the choice of building material and roof coating is made, proceeding to procurement.

The approximate plan may include a plurality of subparagraphs, it all depends on the situation, architectural features of the structure and wishes of residents at home.

Selection of roof coating

As you know, the attic crowds the entire design of the private house, located under its roof. Therefore, the height of the roof and the choice of material for coating the roof is one of the main in the arrangement of the residential space. The most durable and durable types of coverage include:

  • metal tile;
  • Roll materials with high bitumen content;
  • Asbetic sheets of an ordinary or reinforced profile.

The choice of material for the coating depends on several factors, one of the most important is the type, angle of the skates, structure and architecture. It is the choice of material for the coating is important in order to equip reliable protection against moisture and atmospheric phenomena, ventilation, create optimal temperature conditions and comfort indoors under the roof. When choosing a material, it is worth performing approximate calculations to take into account the degree of load on the roof of the house and the rafter system. This will help increase the operational time of the structure and avoid unpleasant situations (cracks, collapse).

Staircase in the attic

Reconstruction of a dark and unspoic attic room - an integrated event. The question is how to equip the entrance to the attic, worries many. The staircase is a classic solution, but everything is not so simple! The design options are a colossal amount. Each type of stairs has its own characteristics and advantages, so it is not easy to make a choice.


A wide straight staircase corresponding to the design of the house looks expensive, thoroughly and aesthetically, but "steals" precious meters of living space.

A more democratic and inexpensive version of the equipment in the attic room is a foldable staircase. It is less monumental externally, but no less reliable in operation.

Types of non-stationary stairs for a private house:

  • Foldable design - a traditional staircase, which can be made with your own hands, owning basic knowledge.
  • Retractable design - in the assembled form is hidden behind the lid of the hatch from the eyes and does not disturb the aesthetics of the interior.
  • Sliding design - compact and reliable, consists of several sections and sliding mechanism.

In order to improve the entrance to the attic to be as comfortable for each of the households, it is necessary to calculate the size of the stairs and the number of steps. First of all, we measure the distance between the ceiling and the draft floor and make an approximate calculation, based on the average height of the stage. When all calculations are made, you can create a estimate for the purchase of the required material and make the design with your own hands. Detailed information is on our website. Choosing a staircase on the attic of a private house, it is important to understand who will most often use it. If it is intended for the elderly or children, the requirements for the convenience and safety of the attitude in the attic (manufacture of handrails or).

Warming of a residential attic

To create comfortable accommodation conditions in the attic of a private house, special attention should be paid to the insulation of the room. You can do your own work without attracting expensive specialists. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  1. First of all, it should be verified in the integrity of the roof and roofing. If the locations of damage or coating cutters are found, it is necessary to close them with the help of a construction tape. If the disorder of the integrity of the roof coverage is largely, restoration works should be carried out or completely overlap it.
  2. Next, the integrity of the rafter system is checked. Remember that even minor deviations from the norm may cause a violation of the integrity of the entire structure.
  3. Special rails are attached to the racks, which in the future will provide a gap for ventilation between the layer of insulation and the roof. First, the rigid coating is fixed, for example, the runneroid, and the rails are attached over it.


Reiki for ventilation gap need to be attached exclusively along the rafting legs. If you attach across, the strength of the structure will significantly reduce.

  1. Krepim insulation. The choice of material for insulation the attic occurs depending on the design features and the financial capabilities of the home owners. To insulate a residential premises in the attic, you can choose:
  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene plates;
  • Kraft paper, straw or sawdust.

There is a tightness of the selection of thermal insulation material: the cooler of the roof of the roof of the house, the more dense the insulation must be. As an option for insulation of overlaps between floors, clayzit is often used. Especially relevant using clay for concrete floor overlap on the attic of a residential building. Warring a residential attic room should be remembered about vapor barrier. When choosing such a material as a mineral wool with a foil coating, an additional vapor insulation layer is not needed.

Proper and ceiling attic


The insulation of the attic room does not guarantee heat in the room under the roof. Using the attic house in the role of an additional living area involves the organization of a qualitative communication system. One aspect of a comfortable pastime, especially during the cold period of the year, is heating. The arrangement of the heating system in the attic home makes it possible for year-round use of this space. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • Using a stationary heating system.
  • Fireplace equipment in the attic.
  • The use of electrical appliances for heating the room.

Each of the proposed options will be implemented, but has its own characteristics. For the arrangement of the traditional heating system, it is necessary to remove pipes into the attic. After that, the calculation of the heated area and the installation of radiators is performed. Fireplace in the room under the roof is an original idea. Undoubtedly, the presence of a fireplace in the room is always cozy and warm. Performing construction, it is better to do an additional branch for the fireplace, which will be connected to the total heating system at home. The device of such a system is complicated by the need for the presence of a powerful feed pump. This will help to cope with the increased load. In addition, it must be borne in mind that for the fireplace it is necessary to equip a high-quality chimney, and this will lead to additional financial spending. The use of electric heating devices for heating the roof is the most fiscal way. It does not require construction or arrangement of specialized premises, smokers or compartments.


When choosing equipment, the power of the instruments should be taken into account and remember the exercise technique of a private house.

Electrical installation has cons: large energy consumption, risk of fire, airborne indoor air. Choosing the most secure and economical heating option, experts advise preference to the autonomous heating system.


So that natural lighting freely falls into the roof rooms, we need translucent designs. In this case, the only right solution will become. An important point in the process of preparing for installation of the window into the roof races is made from the inside of a durable wooden frame, which will help keep the window frames and prevent possible deformation. The frame is set between rapid legs, so the width is ordered to reflect such a distance and thickness of the brushes. The windows can be installed on the front either directly in the roof of the house. What are the advantages of mansard windows?

  1. Savings for energy consumption. Such windows allow you to increase the capacity of natural light by 40%.
  2. Exquisite design. The windows help to create an original atmosphere in the room under the roof, organically complement the design, creating space in the room.
  3. Functionality. Manufacturers offer various configurations and functional loads of windows for attic rooms.

As for the conduct of electrical wiring in the attic to create high-quality artificial lighting, that is, several proven ways:

  • laying wires over the walls, hiding them into special plastic boxes;
  • Arrangement of hidden wiring, putting wires for internal trim.

The first way is the easiest, it can be performed quickly and easily with your own hands. The second method is more complicated technically, since the norms and requirements for the fire safety of a private house should be taken into account. Hidden wiring is laid at the frame of the frame of the frame, the walls of the walls and the ceiling.


When arranging hidden wiring, the copper wire is placed in a special corrugated metalwork. After that, it is mounted in the wall.

When the wiring was performed on the attic, all sockets and switches are placed in its place, you can begin to the most exciting stage - the interior planning. Here the flight of fantasies is only welcome! You can choose classic style solutions, cozy country or gentle provence. For young people, you can create a urban room under the roof in the style of Loft, and for children - a fabulous island of a dream.

The transformation of the dusty and dark attic into a cozy and spacious room under the roof itself is a labor-intensive process and requires financial costs. Knowing secrets and tricks, following the rules and advice of specialists, you can transform a non-residential attic under the roof in an additional living space in a short time.

Transformation of abandoned attic

Most often, the attic is used to store old and unnecessary things, tools, supplies that are not applicable, and sorry to part with them. But when the house is already equipped, then because of the growth in the number of family or the desire to equip an additional cozy room for a comfortable stay, it may be necessary to expand the living area and re-equipment the attic.

Over time, there may be a need for the so-called "useful floor". Then the attic room receives a beautiful and romantic name - an attic, causing associations with the Paris quarters and the roofs of Montmartre.

The design of the attic in a private house directly depends on the target that this room will correspond. When converting an attic room, it is important to follow the three stages:

  1. Planning.
  2. Insulation.
  3. Registration of space.

It is not easy, as it seems at first glance, make an attic room by residential. Such reconstruction provides not only certain financial costs, but also labor-intensive construction work. Layout and subsequent repairs can be made with your own hands. To begin with, a tykak is needed with constructive features of the house, such as the shape and height of the roof, the location of the stairs, ventilation and lighting, the number of rooms in the house.

Not every attic can be residential. Building requirements provide for the attic room to be organized with the slope of the roof slope not more than 45º, and the design of the house and did not interfere with the free move by the attic.

On the location of the stationary staircase in the house, it is necessary to take care even before repair work will be made on the first floor. It is important to decide where it will be installed to not clutter the passage, and free up the place for furniture.

For ventilation and lighting in the attic must be windows. Where windows will be located - on the front or in the roof itself - will depend on the shape of the roof.

The windows located in the roof are called attic.

Unlike conventional windows to the installation and sealing of mansard windows, more stringent requirements are imposed, since these windows are intensively subjected to loads in the form of rain and snow to a greater extent. But mansard windows are an excellent designer solution, which allows not only to fill the room with light, but also to become an ornament of the exterior of the house.

If the roof is a four-tie, then the windows in the roof is the only way to illuminate the entire attic.

Warming attic at home

In re-equipment, the attic is an important point is its insulation. In order for the attic to be comfortable, the appropriate temperature should be provided. Since the warm air is typically climbing up, then the insulation will prevent its dispersion.

Scope roofs are insulated with a thickness of at least 10 cm. For insulation of the attic room, only non-combustible, vapor-permeable and eco-friendly materials are used. As for the floor, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam, foam, foam, foam and roofs are suitable.

As a heater of the walls and floor, the attic can be used a slab or rolled insulation based on glass fiberglass. These modern materials have a property perfectly to hold warm air, and due to their small weight, the load on the foundation of the house will not increase significantly.

The insulation is located between the wall and plasterboard or lining, thereby keeping the interior of the room.

Laying the floor in the attic is made using a conventional board or plywood, and if the means allow, you can equip the floor with heating. If the attic room is low, then you should not use thick materials for the floor.

To insulate the attic, a continuous layer of insulation is required throughout the perimeter of the room. It is important to provide good sound insulation of the floor, as well as to avoid condensate formation - reliable waterproofing of the ceiling.

Finishing materials and elements

Materials for interior decoration are chosen depending on the style. The attic of a wooden house is separated by wooden materials - board, plywood, clapboard. At the same time, wooden or wicker furniture can be used in the interior of such a attic. Also, decorative transverse beams, painted in contrasting colors for accent on the walls and the ceiling.

To successfully equip the room in the attic with their own hands, it is important to observe a few simple design rules:

  • Correct paint selection. In a small room for walls, it is better to use light tones, as they are able to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Bright color can be highlighted with a central wall as an emphasis.
  • Laconic placement of furniture. No need to clutter the room with cabinets, tables, chairs. The placement of furniture should be compact, for example, in order to save space, it is advisable to use functional hinged shelves. The bed in the bedroom will take its place at the lower wall.
  • The use of accessories that play an important role in creating an interior style. Such accessories complementing the image of the room can be curtains for mansard windows and textiles. The main rule is the harmony of texture and colors.

Features of the mapping attraction in the country

For a better presentation of the future room, it is necessary to make an outline plan of the room.

To re-equip the attic at the cottage in the residential premises, it is necessary to find out the possible technical changes and take into account the design features of the country structure. Work on reconstruction can be complicated by low ceilings and asymmetric lines of the attic. Then make up the list of works and produce the purchase of necessary materials.

To make it conveniently moving around the attic and did not arise difficulties with the placement of furniture, the optimal height from the floor level to the ceiling should be 220 cm. The maximum permissible minimum is within 190 cm.

If there is still a desire to convert the attic into a residential premises, and the height does not allow, then you will have to redo the roof, which is very expensive.

It is necessary to make a thorough check of structures (crates, beams, floor attic, roofing material). If there is such a need, you should replace the damaged parts and process the wooden parts by an antiseptic.

For re-equipment, the attic will need to produce additional work, such as:

  • Floor insulation when the laying of a layer thickness of at least 3 cm and the floor screed with laying of laminate or linoleum and the subsequent installation of plinths is made. You can also use boards or sheets of fiberboard with a thickness of at least 15 mm with a subsequent painting.
  • Heating of premises in the attic. For this purpose, you can use the electrical radiator or fireplace flying with firewood.
  • Communications, such as ventilation mines or plumbing pipes, you need to transfer or hide.
  • Lighting - Mounting electrical wiring with strict compliance with fire safety rules.
  • The decoration of the walls of the attic room can be performed with the help of lining, moisture-resistant drywall or Fiberboard sheets by fastening the screws. After that, the walls are putty and stained in the desired color or are covered with wallpaper.

In the attic can be located:

  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • children's;
  • dining room;
  • gym;
  • billiard room;
  • study;
  • wardrobe;
  • workshop.

Children's in the attic

You can equip a children's room for sleep and games even in the attic. For this purpose, natural safe environmentally friendly materials are best suited. The interior of the attic can be decorated both in the bright colors and in light pastel colors. The furniture should be safe, without sharp corners and securely fixed. It may be a small sofa and a table for games and classes. And the indispensable attribute of children is of course, toys. A rug or carpet tracks may become as an outdoor coating.

Bedroom arrangement

Due to its location, the attic is characterized by a special cozy atmosphere. Therefore, it is convenient to equip the bedroom for adults, adolescents or guest room. To make a comfortable bedroom for sleeping and leisure, it will take place to improve the bedrooms, as well as zones for storing bedding and linen.

From furniture you can use the required minimum - bed, mirror, soft puffs. In the interior of the bedroom, the lighting is played. Soft light scattering can be secured using wall scaves or landscaner.

Option of the working office

The attic room is ideal for creating a comfortable office. The interior of this room is better to perform in bright colors. To create a business environment, you will need a comfortable table, armchair, a small closet or several racks and office equipment. And be sure to take care of the quality lighting of the workplace. Such a relaxed atmosphere is able to configure the fruitful work.

Interior living room

Nothing unusual is to equip the living room in the attic. As a result of competent re-equipment, the attic room can be the place of receiving guests or family gatherings for a cup of tea or fragrant coffee. And the large windows in the attic with the opening view of the river or the garden will turn rest in genuine pleasure.

Soft and cabinet furniture for the living room should choose a low-sofa and chairs with a small coffee table and low lockers or racks.

Recreation of the rest room

For a comfortable stay with friends, you can organize a billiard room. For this purpose, it is necessary to put a billiard table in the center of the room, and lightweight woven furniture is quite suitable for recreation. It is necessary to ensure sufficient lighting over the billiard table with the help of lamps.

Movie lovers will enjoy the idea to equip a home theater. To do this, the perimeter of the rooms have upholstered furniture.

For the preparation of drinks and cocktails, you can also use a table or bar counter and install a small refrigerator.

A small attic without windows can be turned into a dressing room for storage, depending on the season, outerwear or, on the contrary, umbrellas, swimsuits and slates. Combined lighting from point ceiling lights and spots embedded in niches or glued to bins of LED ribbons will make the interior with modern and fashionable.

After breaking the attic to the zones, you can equip a multifunction room.

As can be seen, once unsuitable for housing, the empty room can be perfectly used to implement the most diverse design solutions. The main principle is not to miss a single square centimeter of the useful living area. And then the interior once a useless attic will be excellent.


In this video, it is shown how you can perform the arrangement of the craft space:

See how you can make an attic salon in Moroccan style:


Warm attic is not only a place to store inventory, but also a decrease in the heat loss of the house by 20%! Significantly saved the insulation of the attic in a private house with their own hands, especially since the whole process does not require special construction skills.

Warm and humid air from the lower floors of the house, according to the laws of thermodynamics, rises up. From the correct insulation, the attic will depend on whether everything is warm to the street, or linger in the house. Hydro and vapor barrier films will help to solve the problem with moisture surplus.

First of all, it should be determined to further exploit the attic. If it is planned to make it heated, it is not necessary to insulate the adult partition, as well as organize vapor insulation from the lower floors. In this case, it is necessary to warm only the roof.

Roofing cake from the inside will look like this:

  • parosolation - a steamproof film for premises with forced ventilation or a vapor insulation membrane with minimal vapor permeability to remove excess steam out of the room;
  • insulation - can be any, but with vapor permeability above vaporizolation;
  • waterproofing is a simple waterproof film for a non-hygroscopic insulation or windproof film with one-sided vapor permeability for insulation, accumulating moisture.

If the attic will be non-residential, the attic overlap itself is needed. To lower the level of moisture in the house, you should not use impermeable films and insulation, allowing moisture to evaporate through the attic. And so that the moisture does not spoil the rafter, condensed on the inside, you need to choose anti-condensate waterproofing for metal roofs and ensure good ventilation of a cold attic.

Private construction is increasingly characterized by the use of mineral wool rolls or basalt plates. All thanks:

  • simple installation - thanks to different density, minvata can be wrapped with pipes, roll on the floor or installed in the wall frame;
  • high vapor permeability - saturated air calmly passes through the mineral insulation, without lingering in it and providing natural ventilation at home;
  • good sound insulation - dense basalt plates perfectly muffled sounds;
  • availability - You can purchase Minvatu in any construction store, and the variability of forms and sizes will allow you to choose the insulation for any needs.

The disadvantages also have - Minvat loses properties during wetting, so it is impossible to allow a dew point in the insulation and to ensure unobstructed evaporation of moisture from the stones and mats.

The foam insulation is also quite popular, because he:

  • relatively inexpensive;
  • simple in laying;
  • does not lose properties during wetting;
  • it has low thermal conductivity.

But due to the lack of vapor permeability, the house, insulated by foam, receive the effect of the greenhouse and must necessarily be equipped with forced ventilation. If condensate is formed between foam and wooden elements, it leads to a rapid rotting of the tree.

Spray insulation are convenient for fast and tight filling of hard-to-reach places. Equata manufactured from cellulose, vapor permeable and allows wooden structures to breathe. It is convenient to use for the insulation of small attic rooms.

But Equata is afraid of wetting, and for its use you will need special equipment for strangling.

Polyurene foam - durable and durable material, not afraid of moisture, is suitable for the insulation of large rooms. But, like any polymer insulation, does not miss steam and air, so it is not recommended for wooden houses. Thanks to the development of the construction industry, the insulation of PPU does not require the use of special equipment, as cylinders operating from the construction pistol on the principle of installation foam appeared.

Technology insulation attic

Depending on whether the attic will be inhabited, the technology of its insulation also depends. For a warm attic, only the roof is insulated, for cold - only the attic overlap.

Warming of a residential attic mineral wool or foam

If the house is already built and disassemble the roof, it can be done from the inside:

After that, you can start finishing the attic and starting it!

A cold attic in a wooden house can be insulated with a minimum of costs and effort using ordinary sawdust. This method will allow to improve the microclimate in the house due to natural ventilation. To do this, it is important to ensure the maximum vapor permeability of the attic ceiling:

  • on the draft floor you need to put cardboard - just in order to prevent sopping of sawdust through the slot;
  • the sawdust layer is poured 15-20 cm thick;
  • in no case do not need to close sawdust with waterproofing - they should be easily ventilated;
  • the floor is laid with a small gap between sawdust and boards.

How correctly warming reinforced concrete attic floors is described in detail on the video:

If there is a scope roof in a residential building, then the space is formed under it, which may be called an attic or attic. It is necessary to know what the difference is the attic from the attic. This is necessary not only for understanding the functionality of the underwear space, but also in order to have problems during registration at home, since the total and living area of \u200b\u200bthe house can differ significantly depending on the purpose of the roof space.

Attic in a private house is an opportunity to expand the living space. This concept is clearly explained in Snip number 2.08.01-89. It is on this document that rely on the BTI when registering and re-registration of residential buildings.

In accordance with SNiP, the attic floor is an additional warm living space, which are located in the area under the roof. They can be completely limited to the rods of a four-piece roof or only two slopes and front of the building. Attic of the attic of the attic of the fact that the height of the wall from the floor surface level to the line of its intersection with a skate cannot be less than 1.5 m. If the walls are much higher, then this is a full-fledged second floor, and lower walls can only be on attic. The permissible height of the ceilings should be at least 2.5 m.

The next honors from the attic floor from the attic is, then these are residential premises, and therefore they must be heated, which requires a solid warming of roof structures. No less important is that these rooms need good ventilation and natural lighting, therefore the attic should have a sufficient number of windows.

Important! Even the usual attic can be converted to a full attic. For this, its walls need to be sewed to the frame so that it is not less than 1.5 m to the crossing line, it is also necessary to thoroughly insulate the roof design and equip the attic windows.

The main advantage that the attic gives the owners of the house is an additional living space without excess costs for the construction of another floor. It has been proven that the cost of such an area in the house is 50% less than when the full-fledged second floor is erected. The thing is that the cost of insulation of the roof structure is much smaller than the costs of the construction of the walls of another full-fledged tier.

Attic room

In the presentation of many people, the attic should differ from the attic because this is a space under the roof, brought by unnecessary trash. However, in Snip, the attic is called room under the roof of the house, which is limited by the enclosing structures (walls and skates), is unheated and is not intended for living.

There is also a concept of technical attic. It is allowed to establish technological equipment, lay engineering communications. Unlike the attic floor to the attic, strict requirements are not subject to the height of the ceilings, the distance from the floor to the line intersection of the walls with skates.

At the same time there are two types of them:

  • Cold. In this case, thermal insulation materials are stacked only in overlapping the last residential tier.
  • Warm. It is insulating not only in the interhesive floor, but also in the roof structures. Also an additional source of heating of such a room can serve as warm air, which on the ventilation system rises from the lower floors and fluidly passes through the attic space.

The attic is not only an extra storage location in the house. It serves as a kind of heat insulator, because residential rooms will be separated from cold air outside not only by enclosing structures, but also air in the attic space.

It is worth knowing: the house with the attic is much warmer than buildings with an underacted roof. That is why in the conditions of our harsh winters, it is wise to build residential buildings with a scope roof and an attic.


Let's summarize and clarify what the difference between the attic and attractive premises:

  1. The attic performs secondary functions and is used as an additional storage location or to install equipment and laying communications. Damage floor is used for permanent residence.
  2. Attic rooms can be warm (but without heating) and cold, attic needed in solid insulation and heating.
  3. No requirements are presented to the designs and form of non-residential space. Residential rooms under the skates have strict limitations: their height should be at least 2.5 m, and from the floor to the line of docking the skates with the walls should be at least 1.5 m.
  4. The costs of arrangement of the residential floor are significant in comparison with the cost of building a attic.
  5. A mansard tier needs to install full-fledged windows for lighting and venting the premises. For non-residential floors, it is enough to make a couple of small hearing winds for ventilation of space under the roof.
  6. The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor is included in the overall and living area of \u200b\u200bthe house, which cannot be said about non-residential space under the skates.

It makes no sense to argue that one worse than the other, since the attic system, if you wish and the availability of funds, it can be converted to a full-fledged living space. It is only necessary to warm the roof system, sunmate the ceiling and sew walls so that they meet the regulatory requirements.

Therefore, we can say that when erecting a private house and arrange a scope roof system, it is worth considering that in the future you have the opportunity to re-equip the attic space for residential attic rooms. This will allow you with minimal cost, without burning out of the house, expand the living space.

To make the underlined space of the private house with warm and even residential, it is necessary to insulate the attic from all sides - in front of the front of the roof. This case is quite difficult and troublesome, taking into account the slopes of the walls of the attic, to which the insulation will have to be attached. It is important to withstand the technology, so that the heat-insulating "pie" served not one ten years and at the same time well kept warm. Therefore, the question is how the cold attic is correctly insulated with your own hands, it is worth considering more.

Options insulation

Before considering the list of materials, it makes sense to clarify what the concept of "insulation the attic" means, since it depends on the selection of insulation. Some homeowners are investing in this concept. Warming up and hatch in the attic in order to reduce the heat loss at home, and the manner itself will remain cold. Others mean the thermal insulation of the roof rods from the inside with insulating overlap, as was done in old houses with clay.

Third want to make an attic room exploited and warm, for which again it is necessary to insulate the walls of the attic, which are roofing rafts and side frontons. It is about such thermal insulation will be described in detail below. If we are talking about the insulation of the floor of a cold attic, the choice of materials here is quite large:

  • ceramzit;
  • wood waste (sawdust);
  • glass gamble in rolls (type isover or URSA);
  • plate or roll Minvat (Rockwool, Knauf);
  • plates of foamed polymers (foam plastic, polystyrene extrusion).

Note. There are no options for insulation of polyurethane foam and eco-way due to their high cost, we also led the most popular materials for the Children's Children. In addition, with their own hands, insulate the attic overlap by sprayed polyurethane foam will not work without special equipment.

Now, from the above list, we highlight those insulation, which is most often used to insulate the inclined walls of the attic. At the cost of cheaper, the foam will cost, and the thermal resistance is high, as well as the ability to push moisture. One problem is a magnifying material. Therefore, those households that worry about the fire safety of their home, it is better to buy mineral wool based on basalt fiber. Only Minvata absorbs moisture well, so it will be necessary to foresee it, which will be said later.

A few words about glass, which is also quite suitable for thermal insulation attic. It also does not burn, but also a high temperature will not be able to withstand, the material is charred at 200 ° C and more. If the attic room is planned to make a residential, then the glass is not the place there, it is harmful to human health.

Mineral wool insulation

As mentioned above, mineral wool - the material is porous and able to absorb moisture, as well as skip through itself a pair. Even if this insulation is protected on both sides with a steamproof film, then a dew point will appear due to the temperature difference on the street and inside the house. As a result, the formation of condensate from that air will begin, which is already in the open pores of the material.

Carrying out the insulation of the attic of Minvata with their own hands, it is necessary to learn the same rule: the insulation is isolated from moisture only on the one hand - internal, and outside the ventilation clearance (product) is required. Thanks to him, moisture from the wool will be removed, thereby maintaining its thermal insulation properties.

Also, the glass - and the Minvat is afraid of direct water from entering, which is changing instantly and ceases to be insulation. So, on the side of the street, it must be protected from wind and precipitation, while ensuring the exit to the same side of water vapor. That is why it is more difficult to warm the attic mineral wool than a foam with steam-resistant. Below in the diagram shows the correct "pie" of thermal insulation of the inclined walls of the attic from the inside:

As can be seen in the diagram, the insulation is laid in the opening between the rafted, but at first the waterproofing film is laid between the rafting boards and roofing coating - the diffusion membrane. She protects the Minvatu from direct moisture from entering all the pairs outside, in the product, from where they carry the ventilation air. The product must be arranged under the entire roofing plane, as shown in the diagram:

Since the diffusion membrane is simultaneously protected from water that can get onto its surface from the outside through the slots in the slate, the canvas of the film should be folded over the rafter horizontally, starting below. The canvas are put with the allen 100 mm, and the joints seal with scotch. When it comes to the insulation of the old house, where slate is pinned to the shell boards without membrane, it will have to mount it with strips vertically between the rafter.

Important. The membrane bands to the side surface of the rafter boobs are needed using a stapler and as often as possible, leaving the volume of 5 cm wide.

The next stage is the laying of the insulation of the Mrosvir into the gap between the rafters, for which it is cut by strips whose width is a pair of centimeters more than this gap. By the way, the minvati manufacturers make plates with a width of 600 mm, and rolls are 1200 mm, encroaching towards the standard step of the rafting boards. Additional fastening of the insulation in this case is not required, the vapor barrier film is further stacked and the interior decoration is mounted.

Like oblique walls of the attic, the frontones also need insulation. But here the composition of the "cake" depends on the construction material of this roof element. If it is composed of brick or timber, then it will be more correct to insulate the pontone of the attic outside, guided by the following scheme:

It is clear that such thermal insulation implies the outdoor insulation of the whole house, which is not always possible due to different reasons. Then we continue to insulate the attic from the inside, vertically placing wooden bars on the brick wall for further laying of the insulation. Before that, do not forget to lay a diffusion membrane under the bars. The same thing is done if the fronton has an old design - a wooden frame with outdoor clamping from the clapboard. "Cake" insulation then looks like this:

Note. The same "pie" is used for the inner insulation of a brick fronton attic. Masonry here plays the role of outer skin from the boards shown in the diagram.

Foam insulation

It should be noted that the insulation of the attic foam is somewhat simpler than the Minvata. First of all, due to the playproof of this insulation, so it's not necessary to arrange the internal vaporizolation. But the diffusion membrane and product is needed anyway, because the wood is also involved in the "pie", which should also give moisture somewhere. So the first stage of the insulation of the attic performed by their own hands is repeated as described in the previous section.

The foam of 25 kg / m3 density is cut with such a calculation so that it can be inserted tightly between the rafter. Then all the joints should be blown by polyurethane mounting foam, due to the circulation of air through the slot and the additional mounting of the insulation is ensured. Further everything is simple: the inner trim from drywall or other facing material is attached to the rafter boards.

In the same way, the thermal insulation of the frontones is carried out. It should be noted that this technology can also be used when insulating the attic extruded polystyrene foam (penopleypsex). This modern insulation has higher indicators than foam plastic, including in strength. Budge there is a need to put the penplex in 2 layers, the second can be attached to the first ordinary self-draws and glued with polyurethane glue.

Insulation of ventilation pipes in the attic

In modern private homes, the attic is often a technical floor where ventilating plants and pipes for moving air are air ducts. If the temperature is significantly lower there than in the premises, the air ducts are subject to warming necessarily and that is why:

  • air passing on them is heated due to energy resources paid by the homeowner. It is unacceptable that the air losing heat on the cold attic is wasted;
  • due to the temperature difference inside and outside the aircases will constantly stand out by condensate.

It is cheaper for the insulation of ventilation pipes to buy a roll minor and wind the air duct, fixing with twine.

After that, the mineral wool layer is covered with a special foil to exclude moisture. But in a compressed form, the thermal resistance of the rolled insulation decreases, so it is better to use the ready-made heels of foam. They dress up on the air duct on both sides and are fixed with knitting wire.

Rectangular ventilation pipes are most convenient to warm up self-adhesive material from foamed polyethylene. This is an excellent steamproof insulation, in which one side is covered with a sticky layer, which is good for a metal surface.


In fact, the materials and methods of insulation of the attic exists more, but we have led the most affordable of them to fulfill their own hands. For example, a layer of polyurethane foam does not require any "cake" at all, but it can be applied only if there are special aggregates. So at the moment, the polyfoam with mineral wool remains the most popular insulation, as well as the technology of their application.