Repairs Design Furniture

Mounting foam. Master classes, crafts from construction foam. Creating a garden figurines from the mounting foam make macarows from the mounting foam

To do garden figures do it yourself out mounting foam - Excellent solution for any good owner. Even the smallest pricework, not to mention the creations of landscape designers near expensive cottages, decorate the figures for the garden - fabulous characters, funny animals, cartoon characters. It is not so important, from what material they will be made and how much will cost if these characters turn a piece of your garden or garden into fabulous space to joy for children and guests.

Having decided to decorate your site with garden figures, we must first of all determine what you see them. You can make future garden inhabitants from the most different materialsBut not with every way you can cope on your own. For example, wood carving, and even more so on a stone, requires considerable professionalism, so such garden figures are better to order specialists or buy ready-made. The same applies to the manufacture of gypsum sculptures. It is clear that it will require additional costs, including the delivery of figures to a new place of residence. In addition, each of the materials mentioned has its drawbacks.

Garden figures made of wood look beautiful - it is beautiful, "warm", environmentally friendly material. However B. natural conditions Among herbs and bushes such crafts for the garden may be short-lived or require special protection against dampness and rot.

Stone sculptures fit perfectly into garden reality and are preserved for a long time, but the stone is a heavy material and in the direct and figurative sense, so the figures will be sedimed, and not for all style will fit.

Gypsum crafts for the garden, perhaps today have the greatest distribution due to their relative cheapness and ease of manufacture. However, with incomplete observance of manufacturing technology, they may be fragile and not sufficiently waterproof.

Figures from the installation foam are not only devoid of listed flaws, but also have additional advantages:

  • low weight is so much that in the manufacture it is even recommended to fill the frames of the frame of sand or pebbles, so that the characters made from the mounting foam are sufficiently stable;
  • practically limitless freedom when working with the material - foam allows you to easily and quickly add in one place and refund in the other, because it can be perfectly cut and it can be applied to any surface that for a beginner sculptor, of course, very comfortable;
  • unlimited forms, sizes and style featuresSince the foam can be created and a cartoon snail on the lawn, and a Japanese-style lamp;
  • insensitivity to moisture, temperature changes and other natural phenomena.

In other words, mounting foam as a material allows you to make a garden figure of any shape and any size.

Preparation for work

To create their own sculptures for the garden from the mounting foam relatively simple, but you need to think everything in advance.

First, it is necessary to decide what the characters will be inhabitants of your garden or garden. It is very important that they organically fit into the style of the plot. And the truth is, it will be strange to look at a small dacha, some monumental girl with an oars, and in the Japanese kindergarten - a princess frog or a bunker from Russian fairy tales. In addition, it should be borne in mind that such art objects should not be too much, they should become a pleasant surprise for visitors, and not to meet every step. If you doubt whether there will be a good figure, made with your own hands from the mounting foam, in one place or another, you can draw on the cardboard and cut its approximate layout. Put it in the estimated place of residence of the future character and count on how everything will look in reality.

Secondly, pre-prepare not only a cylinder with foam, but also what you are going to make a frame for future sculpture. It can be metal buckets and cans, plastic bottles, boards and bars, fittings, durable, but well-bending wire, dense cardboard, plastic tubes, etc. In fact, the basis for the future masterpiece can become anything - the foam cover will hide everything. Capacity designed for the frame, you need to fill with sand or small pebbles to give the stability of the finished figure. And the wire, from which it is convenient to make hands-legs-tails, it is better to hide inside the hollow plastic tube so that the area for the coating of the foam was more, and the internal damage is less.

Thirdly, before starting to launch the figures from the mounting foam with their own hands, carefully examine the instructions for the foam you purchased because each manufacturer has its own nuances and requirements. Do not forget to stock individual protective means To work with this building material - at least gloves and respirator.

Step-by-step instructions for creating sculptures

So, are you ready to become a "foam" Michelangelo? Then proceed.

  1. 1 on the manufactured frame or part of it (in some cases it is better to connect parts of the figure in almost a finished form) in layers in layers in layers. It is important not to hurry here and have patience. The foam is applied with subtle layers, which must be given to dry out for about 15-20 minutes, otherwise the pieces will begin to fall off. The cylinder should be kept down to be able to use all the foam, without a residue, and it is best to use a special gun for applying it. It is not recommended to work with this material when minus temperatureOtherwise, the result can disappoint you.
  2. 2 Fully assembly foam freezes after 11-12 hours, so at the stage of layer-by-layer application you can form it with your hands, wincing the necessary forms. When the material is finally free, it is possible to cut off the great sculpter with the help of a stationery knife. At the same time, you can not only cut off, but also add material in the right places - in this sense, the assembly foam is out of competition.
  3. 3 ready and dried sculpture so that it is not destroyed in the future and served as long as possible, you should cover the layer of putty. To create a smooth and smooth surface, the product is watched by sandpaper.
  4. 4 Color the sculpture is better than acrylic paints, and the layers should be at least 2, otherwise it will not be very beautiful. At the same time, all small parts are installed with staining, including eyes that can be made from beads (by gluing them on the face or face) or from small rubber balls - so the look will be expressive. To your work as long as possible, it has not lost your beauty as long as possible, after the color it is recommended to cover the layer of varnish.
  5. 5 Everything, your masterpiece is ready, you can install it in your place. However, due to the ease of sculpture, you can change this place over time.

I would like to note that the manufacture of shapes for the garden with your own hands is especially nice if you do it with the children. In this case, your offspring will be able to not only rejoice at the meeting with the fun inhabitants of your site, but also be proud of what they participated in their creation.

Any dacket, a gardener wants not only to enjoy finding in nature, but also to get aesthetic satisfaction from decorated own hands Garden I. country house. Then there are things that, as it would seem, are no longer suitable in the farm: empty plastic bottles, tires, broken tiles. Crafts from these materials will no longer surprise anyone, and the summer houses want diversion and amazing things for gardens and the garden, therefore garden sculptures from the installation foam are increasingly appearing.

Catering crafts from foam have long been interested in the owners of the plots, because they perfectly convert the garden and allow you to be in the role of sculptor.

Country turtle from mounting foam

And cottages can be original and unusual. From the foam you can make a turtle, while it is simple and quickly performed. To work you will need the following materials: mounting foam and gun for her, old plastic form From under the cake, tape, wire, cardboard. First you need to take a form from under the cake and fill it with sand to increase the weight of the future turtle. Then you need to take a solid wire, bend it in a dome-shaped shape (it will be a turtle sheath), and its ends leave straight (this is a leg blank). There should be two such blanks. The resulting wires need to be closed with a cake shaft and fix the edge with a foam for mounting.

After the turtle is ready, it can be painted with acrylic paints.

Now we proceed to the neck and head of the turtle: you need to go to the wire hose and attach it with the help of the isol form, and then fix the mounting foam and wait 15-20 minutes. The remaining part of the hose is cut into 4 parts and proceed in part of the wire, which were intended for the legs of the turtle. Now you need to make a turtle tail. To do this, cut a triangle from cardboard and soldered it to the rear of the turtle, wait 20 minutes. But now the most basic part of the work is to give the shape of the frame. To do this, alternately apply the layers of foam for mounting, giving each of them to dry completely, otherwise the foam will start sliding and you will not get the desired result.

That's ready wonderful snout - Turtle! Now you can give the will of your fantasy: take into the hands of paint and brushes and paint it a cute animal in the color you need. As a result, you will have an exclusive thing that can fit perfectly into the landscape of your garden and giving and will delight not only you, but also your guests and new acquaintances.

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Garden Miracle Miracle

Mushroom is one of the simplest crafts from the mounting foam, which fits perfectly into the design of the site.

Not only magnificent animals can work out from mounting foam, but also other figures from the world of nature. For example, you can make mushrooms for giving. To do this, you will need: foam for mounting, a box of a dome-shaped mold from under candy, a plastic bottle with sand, facade plaster, a stationery knife, acrylic paint and acrylic primer. First of all, it is necessary to apply a plastic bottle and a box from under the shape of a leg and a hat, respectively. The protruding parts of the dried foam and extra bumps gently cut the stationery knife, without curving the form of the future mushroom. Place a mushroom hat on the leg using a nail.

It turned out the workpiece of the future mushroom. In order for the paint in the future lay a uniform layer, it is necessary to cover foam facade plaster, pre-uploading the surface. After drying the plaster, cover the fungi acrylic primer. Mushroom is ready! You will only remain paint it and choose the place where it will be located on your summer cottage.

Making figures from the mounting foam is simple enough. Your country cottage area, Garden or garden will look wonderful thanks to such interesting figures. Before starting work, be sure to read the basic rules. In this article we will look at: how to make garden figures From the mounting foam with their own hands.

  1. Prepare workplaceShipping with linen or newspapers.
  2. Carefully read the instruction of the manufacturer of the mounting foam.
  3. It is impossible to make a figure from the mounting foam on the street at a minus temperature of the air.
  4. When working, use rubber gloves, since the mounting foam is toxic material.
  5. The frame of the figure should be hard to not be taken by the wind. As a weighting agent, sand, pebbles or land are used.
  6. The mounting foam fully freezes in 10 hours, it is sticky - so if you work with it for the first time, take acetone or solvent.
  7. The finished figure must be covered with completely furniture transparent varnish. Due to this, the figure will be resistant to any weather conditions.

You will need: 2 plastic bottles (5-6 liters), 4 plastic bottles (1.5-2 liters), plastic bucket (for example: from ice cream), scissors, stationery, sand or land, isolon (substrate under linoleum), can Mounting foam, tape, balloon or oil paint, furniture varnish, brush, wire, linoleum pieces for lambs, superclauses.

Master Class

You will need: Mounting foam cartridge, plastic lithon bottle, bucket, furniture varnish, tower, stationery knife.

Master Class

Snail from the mounting foam is ready!

You will need: old saucepan, iron can, wire, superchalter, cartridge mounting foam, oil paints, Furniture varnish, eye butt, scissors.

Master Class

Frog from the mounting foam is ready!

You will need: Mounting foam cartridge, 2 liter plastic bottle, sand, rubber tubes, toilet paper sleeve, scissors, wire, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

Fox from the mounting foam is ready!

You will need: Mounting foam cartridge, plastic trumpet For frame, rubber cord, stick or wire, superchalter, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

The lizard from the mounting foam is ready!

And by the new year on garden plot You can install a snowman. How to make a snowman from the mounting foam, see this video!

From the mounting foam you can make absolutely any shape. The main thing is to think over the frame and design. Fantasize and create masterpieces with your own hands!

Mounting foam firmly won its place in the construction sector. This convenient sealant is able to facilitate mounting work And the range of its use is extremely high. But now, increasingly, the mounting foam began to receive unusual use as a material to create crafts. To figure out how to do it - you must first know that it is a mounting foam and what features it possesses.

What is the mounting foam and what it is used

First of all, the mounting foam is effective toolcapable of percentage of mines to ensure reliable sealing of seams and proper position Installed parts. In essence, it is a compound of two components: isocionate and polyol, which are made from oil. The foam is sold in cylinders, in the composition of which, in addition to the compound of the polymer substance, it includes gas-propellant, which displaces the mixture from the nozzle. When contacting air, the mixture begins to significantly increase in volume and polymerization of the substance occurs.

Initially, the foam found its use in ensuring reliable fixation of those installed window Rams and door formwork, as well as filling emptiness. It is characterized by the following properties:

  • Significant volume covered area. When leaving the cylinder, the foam expand its volume, the difference of which in relation to the initial is 40 times.
  • Good adhesion. Foam is firmly engaged with most materials, excluding only oily and polymer coatings.
  • The ability to fill out all hard to reach places.
  • Ensuring a good degree of sound and thermal blood.

It is necessary to know that foam, despite its simplicity, requires a special relationship when conducting work with it:

  • with foam should be operated at temperatures above + 5 ° C,
  • any work is necessarily carried out in gloves to eliminate the possibility of foam entering unprotected parts of the body,
  • before starting work, a cylinder should be carefully shaken for a minute so that the contents have acquired a homogeneous structure,
  • the balloon throughout the work should be kept inverted, that is, the cap is down so that the gas that displaces the mixture from the cylinder can freely exit, because it is easier for other components,
  • any products should be covered by a protective layer of paint, since the mounting foam is afraid of direct rays of ultraviolet.
  • full surface hardened occurs after 8 hours, to specified period Material should not be subjected to loads.

Thanks to the unique properties of the foam, many crafts made from this universal sealant began to appear.

What tools will be needed to create crafts from mounting foam

For a start, it will take a simple set: the mounting foam itself in cylinders and a special gun for it, the cost of which begins from $ 5. In addition, work will require the presence of the following tools in order to create crafts for the garden:

  • stationery knife,
  • artistic brushes different sizes: 4.8, 10 and a wide brush of 25 mm for performing decorative works,
  • mounting foam cleaner,
  • oil paint,
  • weightlithors. Since foam has low weight, only 20 kg per m³, it is necessary to equip products with simple cargoes, the role of which performs the container with sand - plastic bottle or small bank,
  • colorless protective varnish. Simple varnishes are not always suitable due to the fact that the products obtained will become yellowness,
  • several pairs of household gloves: cotton or rubber. The latter is preferable because the shopping gloves sometimes provide insufficient protection of hands. It is important to remember that it is hard to remove the foam when you get to the skin, so the use of gloves is required.

When the specified tools prepared and the necessary supply of foam is available - it is necessary to start performing work.

How starts work on making crafts from mounting foam

Since keeping hard in the head artistic image DIY, one should first have photos or pictures displaying the essence of the future product and its prototype. Next, it will be necessary to build a frame with a weighting agent, to which the assembly foam will be applied by layers. For the construction of the frame, plastic containers are most often used, which are filled with sand to provide weight. In addition, there is another method, constructively more efficient when the frame for the future product is either welded from a thin reinforcement with a diameter of 5 mm, or twisted from thick wire. To ensure the stability of the craft, if it is located on the ground - should be left to leave 20 cm. Exact steel parts. For example, if a deer figurine is created in a standing position, the bar should be skiing from the hooves.

Thus, the best stability of the figure against wind will be achieved, as well as the load on all parts of the product is more evenly distributed.

In case the work on the creation of crafts from the foam for the garden is carried out inside the room, you should use the respirator. The mounting foam itself does not have toxicity, but has an unpleasant smell.

The process of creating crafts for a garden and a garden, according to the statements of beginner sculptors, is no difficulty. One should only act neatly and give a layer of foam in a timely manner, before proceeding to the application of the next layer.

Creating Figures for Garden from Mounting Foam

The process of creating the figure is technically simple. It is necessary to follow the steps:

  • Creating a frame of figurines. If the handicraft is a squat, it is sufficient to use as the base a plastic sand tank, which, with the help of well-made materials, be adjusted under the necessary dimensions of the form.
  • Next, with mounting pistol Foam is applied. The use of this tool will make it possible to accurately dispense the amount of material.
  • Each layer must be given 20 minutes to dry out.
  • With the help of a brush and a stationery knife when the foam layer is cured, the necessary dimensions and shape should be made.
  • After all the layers of foam were applied, and the figure acquired ready View - It is worth pasting the entire basis so that there are no cracks.
  • After that, the product is painted with acrylic paintsIntroducing at least two layers on the figure.
  • At the end of work, the figure is covered with varnish to provide better safety and resistance to weather conditions.

The finished handicraft should be left for several days so that all materials purchased the final degree of hardening.

Foam lamps and lights

This master class can show those specialists who create not only beautiful, but also functional things from the mounting foam. Working lamps on the site will become a beautiful and attracting an addition to the overall picture. And what is nice, make their extremely harder than a simple figure.

To create a lamp, make the basis in the form of a stool from plates chipboard or OSB, since the latter is more durable. After that, the following actions are performed:

  • the base is thoroughly married with the assembly gun,
  • the following is complemented by others wooden elementswhich are also subjected to foam processing
  • in the top of the wood design it is necessary to make a lid for inserting a flashlight,
  • after that, the upper part is covered with a layer of foam and additional inserts are inserted into the design. decorative elements (Wooden jumpers, adhesive accessories),
  • finishing stage - Painting finished design, after which there is a flashlight through the cover on the housing.

If the flashlight works from solar batterythen you should consolidate it on the side. But it will break the aesthetic appearance, so you should consider the option of installing a flashlight that runs from the batteries.

Ready workers lighting Covered several foam layers with subsequent decoration. In this case, if the lamp has a supply power cable - It will be aesthetically attractive design. Even if the lamp of the old sample is not distinguished by the sophistication of the style, such a procedure will inhale new life In the old thing.

Decoration of dishes by mounting foam

In the event that the initial skills are not enough to carry out such work, it makes sense to practice on the dishes. Decoration will not be difficult, it is enough to carry out several actions:

  • clear the surface of the selected subject from pollution,
  • using the mounting gun, apply a layer of foam,
  • at the time of its polymerization, bring the resulting mass to give it a more correct form,
  • after pouring, the surface of the paint layer should be covered.

As can be seen, the process of decorating the dishes does not have significant differences compared to the creation of figures. The presence of the selected dishes as an element of the base will allow experiments without being distracted by the framework of the frame. Such method is used for any VAZ, Tumb or baskets.

Creating panels and ornaments from the mounting foam

Mounting foam is suitable for creating whole decorative panels. For example, a simple steel lattice will acquire the new kind Thanks to the application of foam on each of the rods, with the subsequent creation of artistic elements imitating the forging. With the help of the form, it is quite bye forces to create simple decorative panels of cladding, the purpose of which will consist in giving the building or its separate elements greater exterior attractiveness. In general, the possibility of applying a mounting foam is limited only by fantasy.

It is not difficult to create crafts for the garden with your own hands. The foam itself is lightweight and convenient to use the material, which besides many advantages, lures more than the price. The cost of an 850 ml assembly foam cylinder starts from $ 3, which makes it possible to create entire art composition without much costs. To make the finished product pleased with its appearance, several practical advice should be used in the work:

  • after the layers of foam sacrifice, it is necessary to give "searched" 3-4 days finished product To achieve maximum strength,
  • for the preservation and integrity of the coating, after applying several layers of paints, it is advisable to turn on the coating of the varnish. It is recommended to use a colorless protective lacquer, because, unlike the usual, it will not give the painted yellowish tint,
  • before staining, you should make sure that the selected paint does not have a nitrocellulose base in its composition. Otherwise the structure of the foam will be softened,
  • used stationery knife should have a good blade sharpness to cut foam without effort. Otherwise, the blade will tear the viscous foundation that breaks the appearance of the crafts,
  • the cheap mounting foam does not hold the form, so when working should be refracted from buying low-cost cylinders worth up to $ 3, the optimal will be the choice of foam from the manufacturer Tytan, at a cost of $ 5.5 per cylinder of 850 ml,
  • simple small sizes do not require the creation of a frame.

As can be seen from the written, learn how to create beautiful compositions in the presence of an understanding of the final image is easy, even though it will take time. If there is a desire to use only professional installation foam to create high-quality crafts, then the choice of specialists should be trusted.

According to the standing trials, the TYTAN Professional 65 O2 mounting foam is the leader among the compiled mixtures:

  • the time of film formation takes 4 minutes,
  • the primary hardening of the material occurs after 25 minutes,
  • the volume of material during the primary expansion was 51 liters, which is twice as high as most of the tested competitors,
  • massay of the mixture - 900 g.
  • retail price from $ 5.5 per cylinder, which is combined with large quantity Foam at the exit can significantly reduce the cost of buying new cylinders.

The specified foam is well suited not only for masters, but also for beginners. Blowing occurs slowly, which gives time to process a layer for giving necessary form. Budget foam M70 from the manufacturer Hercul will also be good choiceSince it has averages and low cost at $ 3, at the same time, it significantly exceeds the leader in the properties of hydroscopicity.

Installation foam, crafts for the garden from which you do not need to do is:

  • Makroflex
  • Hauser.
  • Expert
  • Clades
  • Ultima.
  • Bau Master.
  • Baumax
  • Cyclone.

All specified manufacturers sell low-quality foam, which after 5-6 months begin to lose shape.

You can have the opportunity to go beyond the city - this is great, and if the rest will take place on your own summer cottage, is generally beautiful. But here are only standard cottages on which we see only cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and other necessary vegetables and fruits, more cure longing than the desire to rest. Yes, and do not want to work in such an atmosphere. And what if you attach a bit of fantasy and effort and turn your country site into the present miracle? Believe me, your household after the transformation of the cottage will not want to return to the city. And so that such a reincarnation takes place, you will need crafts for the garden with your own hands. What do we mean? See, read, choose and inspire.

Original crafts for the garden and cottages with their hands from girlfriend

Of course, today most agricultural shops and flower kiosks offer a variety of options. garden sculptures, pots and other beauty. But this is not cheap, this is not cheap: to completely convert your plot, you will need to lay out a round sum. Is there a desire to spend? Not? Then you got there where you need. We will tell me how to create all this beauty with your own hands from materials that will be almost every surfacing owner.
So, in this section of our site, ideas are collected that deserve to take a place on your site. We invite you to get acquainted with the technology of making a bed of tires, original flower beds of plastic bottles, bird figures, animal gnomes of their same bottles and other materials. And together with us you can create real locks for your children, small fountains, relax corners, etc.
In addition to the "traditional" materials, we will let go in turn and at all unusual, for example, old printing machines, corps of different toy machines, children's buckets and much more. In principle, from our articles you will learn that you can decorate your garden or the country area, and such crafts for the garden will definitely be pleased with your loved ones and guests.

Collection of ideas for crafts

Our articles and reviews are devoted not only to materials from which you can create, but also a variety of ideas.
We will tell you what exactly you can create in your country. How do you like the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch crafts for the garden with your hands like:

  • garden gnomes and other fabulous heroes;
  • children's slides;
  • fountains;
  • hammocks and sun beds;
  • benches;
  • swing;
  • flower beds and flower beds;
  • plants figures;
  • japanese stone gardens;
  • original chairs and lounge chairs;
  • gaming zones;
  • domoki and Shalashi;
  • bunches and birds for birds;
  • interestingly decorated booths.

Do you think this is the whole list? In vain! This is only a small part of what can be placed on your summer cottage.

Location of crafts in the garden or on the plot

Firmly think of and performing the crawl, you need to find a place for it on the site. Therefore, a number of articles we devoted to the way you can place everything you create.
In the articles there are a lot of descriptions of different gardens and cottages with photos, where you will see entire family of pigs that walk in the garden, swans made of tires, swept in flowers, which are located near the porch of the house, and so on.
IMPORTANT When placing the site, do not overdo it and correctly combine the crafts for the garden with your own hands. The fact is that a large journey only will just repel.
How to connect different crafts, create entire plots of them, organize a seating area and games - all this will be considered in our materials.
Together with us will do not just easily, the main thing is interesting!