Repairs Design Furniture

Schemes for operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation work. Schemes of operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation work rate of operational control in construction

11.9.1 In the course of the implementation of production processes and operations, operating control is carried out in order to identify defects that can be hidden when a process or operation can also take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 Operational control of a construction person checks:

Compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations of technological and regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance with the quality of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of project and technological documentation, as well as the propagating technological operations of regulatory documentation.

11.9.2 In the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect security objectbut in accordance with the adopted technology become inaccessible to control after the start of subsequent work, as well as performed building structures and sections of engineering networks, eliminating defects of which identified by control, is impossible without disassembling or damage to subsequent designs and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervisory authorities, author's supervisory, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The executor of work is no later than three working days amends other participants about the timing of the specified procedures.

11.9.3 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation, are issued by acts of examination of hidden work ( appendix M. ). The developer (customer) may require a re-examination after eliminating the identified defects.

11.9.4 To the procedure for assessing the compliance of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the artist must submit acts of examining all hidden work that are part of these designs, geodesic executive schemes, as well as protocols for testing structures in cases provided for by project documentation and (or) contract of construction contract. The developer (customer) can perform the control of executive geodesic schemes represented by the performer. To this end, the artist must maintain before the acceptance of the acceptance, enshrined in nature the centering axes and assembly benchmarks.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be issued by acts of acceptance of responsible structures ( appendix N. ).

11.9.5 Tests of sections of engineering networks and mounted engineering equipment are carried out according to the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are issued by acts of acceptance of responsible structures (Appendix N).

11.9.6 When detecting as a result of a phased acceptance of work defects, structures, sections of engineering networks, relevant acts should be issued only after eliminating the identified defects.

In cases where subsequent work should begin after a break in more than 6 months from the date of completion of the phased acceptance, these procedures should be renewed before renewing the work again with the design of relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places of performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measurement tools, form of recording results, the procedure for making decisions when identifying, non-compliance with established requirements must comply with the requirements of project, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 The construction person appoints responsible performers for the implementation of operational control, documentation of its results and eliminating the defects detected by the controls.

The results of operational control must be documented in special work logs.

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The manual is intended for customers (developers), construction and installation organizations, specialists of state construction supervision, as well as engineering and technical workers directly employed on the construction of buildings and structures

  • Replaces the schemes of operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation work


Regulatory documents regulating the quality of construction and installation works, building materials, products and structures

Test methods and quality control of building materials, products and structures when performing construction and installation work

Part 1. Construction work

A. Earthworks

1. Development of recesses (tranches) under construction

2. Development of catlovanov excavators

3. Development of trenches under pipelines in unknown soils

4. Backside

5. Vertical layout

6. Device of embezzlement

B. Foundation Device

7. Installation of belts of tape foundations

8. Installation of blocks of walls underground buildings

9. Installation of blocks of a glass type

10. The device of pile foundations

11. Device of teams

12. Device of monolithic scratch

13. The device of horizontal waterproofing foundations from cement solutions

B. Concrete work

14. Installation of inventory formwork

15. Revenue work

16. Laying concrete mixes

17. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls

18. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns

19. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations

Mr. Stone Work

20. Laying of walls

21. Laying partition

22. Laying Pillars

D. Mounting work

23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns of single-storey buildings

24. Installation of precast concrete columns of multi-storey buildings

25. Installation of reinforced concrete rheel, beams, farms

26. Installation of slabs of floors and coatings

27. Installation of staircase marches and sites

28. Installation of balcony plates and jumpers

29. Installation of outdoor wall panels of frame buildings

30. Installation of panels, blocks of bearing walls of buildings

31. Installation of bulk blocks of elevator mines

32. Installation of precast concrete ventilation blocks

33. Installation of bulk blocks

34. Installation of sanitary cabins

35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions

36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and plates

37. Installation of frame-and-wing partitions

38. Installation of walls from the Sandwich panels and polystic assembly

39. Welding of mounting compounds of reinforced concrete structures

40. Anticorrosive protection of steel mortgage products

41. Sealing joints

42. Measurement of joints and seams

43. Device of the garbage industry

E. Roofing and insulating work

44. Preparation of bases and underlying elements of insulation and roofing

45. The heat insulation device from bulk materials

46. \u200b\u200bHeat insulation device from plates

47. Device of isolation from rolled materials

48. The insulation device of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

49. Roofing device from roll materials

50. Roofing device from piece materials

51. The roofing device from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

52. Device of the roof of metal

J. Joiner's work

53. Installing window blocks

54. Installation of door blocks

55. Device of antlesole, cabinets

Z. Flooring device

56. Preparation of soil bases under the floors

57. Device of a concrete underlying layer, screeds

58. Floor sound insulation device

59. Device of the floating waterproofing floor

60. Bitumen waterproofing device

61. Device of monolithic coatings

62. Flooring device from ceramic tile

63. Device of mosaic floors

64. The device of floors from polymeric materials

65. Laying of lags in floors floors

66. Laying of Lag on the Pilthies on the Soil Base

67. Device of board floors

68. Flooring device from piece parquet

69. The device of floors from the shield parquet

I. Finishing work

70. Plastering (simple plaster)

71. Plastering (improved stucco)

72. Plastering (high-quality plaster)

73. Plastering (coatings made of dry plaster plaster)

74. Painting works (painting by water compositions)

75. Painting works (painting anhydrous compositions)

76. Facing work

77. Wallpaper work

78. Glass work (glazing of the binding)

79. Glass work (installation of glass blocks and fiberglass)

80. Device of fencing of fiberglass

81. Finishing (facing) walls panels, sheets with factory finishing

82. Installation of suspended ceilings in the interiors of buildings

K. Improvement

83. Drainage device

84. Device of a cabinet from concrete and asphalt concrete

85. The device of sidewalks and tracks from the plates

86. The device of a rubber base and asphalt concrete coating

Part 2. Repair and construction work

1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations

2. Laying of precast concrete slabs of floors when reconstructing brick buildings

3. Device of monolithic sites in overlaps

4. Installation of slabs of floor beams

5. Strengthening brick columns and common

6. Installation of metal jumpers

7. Installation of stairs on metal cosos

8. Device of a chalk system from wooden elements

9. Repair of plaster

10. Repair of plaster facades of buildings

11. Coloring facades

12. Installation of stucco parts of facades

13. Installation of drain pipes

Part 3. Mounting work

1. Device of holes and furrows for laying pipelines

2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines

3. Installation of pressure pipes from asbestos-cement pipes

4. Installation of indoor cold and hot water pipelines

5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete non-pressure pipelines

6. Installation of sewage pipelines from ceramic pipes

7. Installation of the internal sewage system and drain

8. Installation of waterborne reinforcement

9. Installation of the bath and washbasin

10. Installation of sanitary devices

11. Installation of the internal heating system

12. Installation of metal air ducts

13. Electrical displacement device

14. Device of round reinforced concrete wells

15. Installation of heating chambers

16. Installation of disadvantaged channels

17. Isolation of pipelines of heat

Schemes of input and operational quality control of construction and installation work

Part IV, Issue 2


Geodesic work

Geodesic work when laying pipelines


SNIP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction.

Snip 11-02-96. Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions.

SP 11-104-97 Engineering and geodesic surveys for construction.

GOST R 51872-2002 Documentation Executive geodesic. Rules of implementation.

Snip 3.01.03-84 Geodesic works in construction.

Handbook for the production of geodesic work in construction (to SNiP 3.01.03-84).

Geodesic work when laying pipelines are a mandatory component of the technology of manufacturing pipelines (self-control, operational control and acceptance control).

Geodesic controls, along with mechanical, provide the possibility of laying pipelines into the design position (self-control), provide the ability to monitor the position of pipelines and its elements with project and regulatory requirements both during installation (operational control) and on its completion (acceptance control by executive geodesic Shooting the planned and high-rise position of the laid pipeline).

Before starting work on the pipeline laying, check:

The presence of PPG, a technological map and Sokk or the composition of the PPR of technological documentation for geodesic work when laying pipelines containing methods for carrying out detailed breakdowns, a scheme of location of signs, marks and landmarks, order and scope of work;

The presence of a part breaking act; the presence of an executive drawing on the results of the deposit in nature and consolidate the places of connections and connections of communications, the corners of the pipeline, wells, cameras, channels, tunnels, the intersection of the pipeline with other networks;

The safety of the signs of the external centering network of the pipeline and axial signs, the invariance of their position by repeated measurements of network elements; restoration of lost signs;

Acts of examination of previously performed excavation works on the device of trenches and catlovanov, acts of acceptance of tranches and catlovanov;

The presence of an executive drawing (scheme) according to the results of the geodesic testing of the compliance of the planned and high-rise position of trenches and the projector of the project; the presence in the drawing confirmation by the customer the correctness of the compilation and conformity of the actuative drawing of nature;

Conducting workers' work organization and methods to reconcile pipes and other elements of the pipeline in the plan and vertically.

Controlled operations

Composition and means of control


Preparatory work


The presence of PPG, technological card and source, or as part of the PPR of technological documentation for the conduct of detailed centering works when laying pipelines of engineering networks;

PPR, PPG, Technological Map and Sokk

The presence of an executive drawing based on the results of the submission of the pipeline route;

Executive drawing

The preservation and invariance of the position of the signs of the centering network of the pipeline, axial signs and signs that are fixing in nature the axis of the track, the beginning and end of the track, wells; restoration of lost signs;

General Journal of Work

The presence of acts of examination of previously accomplished earthworks and the act of acceptance of tranches and catlovanov;

Acts of examination of hidden work

The presence of an executive drawing based on the results of the geodesic executive shooting of the completed development of trenches and pitchers with the permission of the customer to lay the pipeline.

Executive drawing

Geodesic work when laying pipelines


Compliance with the given technology for the production of geodesic work when laying pipelines;

Accuracy of locked work;

Journal of Geodesic Control

Laying pipes, wells, cameras, channels, tunnels in the design position (deviations in terms of altitude from the marks provided by the PPR with the help of constant and running vision, lighthouses, references, vegetables, levels, theodolite, laser devices).

Executive geodesic schemes


Compliance with the actual position of the pipeline and other designs with the requirements of the project and regulatory documents on the results of instrumental geodesic survey;

Executive drawing

Proper registration of the executive drawing based on the results of executive shooting and receiving confirmation by the customer the correctness of the compilation of the executive drawing of nature.

Input and operational control are carried out:

master (foreman), geodesist - in the process of work

Acceptance controls carry out:

programmer (master), representatives of the customer technician and operating organizations

Kip - Level, Theodolite, Vizirki, Wire, Pages, Obstruction, Reiki, Roulette Measuring, Laser Devices, etc.

Geodesic works when laying pipelines are an integral part of the technological process of production of work. They must be implemented in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.03-84, PPR, PPRP, quality control schemes and other technological documentation of the quality management system operating in the enterprise.

Prior to work on the laying of pipelines, the position of the pipeline axis should be fixed.

The axis of the track is designed in a trench by theodolite or a plumb from the stretched wire between the native points of the axis or turning points.

Fastening the position of the axis of the track, especially wells, is allowed to be performed using the traction suitable on the rectilinear areas of the track at a distance of 40-50 m one from the other, as well as in places of rotation. On the pickles (edged boards, attached horizontally to the columns above the trenches, or inventory engineering hoops) endure and fix the axes between which the string is stretched. With the strings, the axis is transferred to the bottom of the trench.

Wrecked up the design slope of the Trench bottom after finalizing the unkinds and reinforcement and breaking the bottom of the pit for sealing the joints of pipelines can be carried out with the help of permanent (fixed) and moves, geometrical leveling, optical levels and laser bias. Markings of permanent (fixed) Visigines attached to inventory clips, or nail-born nail, or installed on the rifle of trenches, are taken out of the level, taking into account the design slope of the trench.

Breakdown at the height of the bottom of trenches, pitfalls and pita and the transfer of the axis of the pipeline using fixed and chassis vision "width \u003d" 418 "height \u003d" 198 src \u003d "\u003e

1. Fixed pickups 2. Chassis trial 3. Fixed sights on the rifling of trenches

When controlling the method of geometric leveling along the axis every 15-20 m, stakes are clogged, mixed from the axis at a convenient distance, legate them and sign the trench depth, calculated by the difference in the design mark and the knob. The depth of the trench is controlled by the rail with centimeter divisions, according to which the clamp with the slider is mixed. The clamp is fixed at a mark, equal to the depth of the trench from the top cutting of the caviar.

Automatic adjustment of the trench depth can be performed using various slope sensors installed on the excavation machine (pendulum, electronic level, hyrycop) or using the slope sensors installed parallel to the axis of the track separately from the excavation machine (string, laser light beam).

The breakdown of the well, the well includes the consolidation of the center of the well, the installation of the pickup, fixed at a distance of 0.6-0.7 m from the sticking of the trench, and the transmission of marks and axes to the pickling.

Laying pipes in height can be carried out:

During construction on a prepared basis (for lighthouses) in terms of level;

Regulatory documents regulating the quality of construction and installation works, building materials, products and structures
Test methods and quality control of building materials, products and structures when performing construction and installation work
Part 1. Construction work
A. Earthworks
1. Development of recesses (tranches) under construction
2. Development of catlovanov excavators
3. Development of trenches under pipelines in unknown soils
4. Backside
5. Vertical layout
6. Device of embezzlement
B. Foundation Device
7. Installation of belts of tape foundations
8. Installation of blocks of walls underground buildings
9. Installation of blocks of a glass type
10. The device of pile foundations
11. Device of teams
12. Device of monolithic scratch
13. The device of horizontal waterproofing foundations from cement solutions
B. Concrete work
14. Installation of inventory formwork
15. Revenue work
16. Laying concrete mixes
17. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls
18. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns
19. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations
Mr. Stone Work
20. Laying of walls
21. Laying partition
22. Laying Pillars
D. Mounting work
23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns of single-storey buildings
24. Installation of precast concrete columns of multi-storey buildings
25. Installation of reinforced concrete rheel, beams, farms
26. Installation of slabs of floors and coatings
27. Installation of staircase marches and sites
28. Installation of balcony plates and jumpers
29. Installation of outdoor wall panels of frame buildings
30. Installation of panels, blocks of bearing walls of buildings
31. Installation of bulk blocks of elevator mines
32. Installation of precast concrete ventilation blocks
33. Installation of bulk blocks
34. Installation of sanitary cabins
35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions
36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and plates
37. Installation of frame-and-wing partitions
38. Installation of walls from the Sandwich panels and polystic assembly
39. Welding of mounting compounds of reinforced concrete structures
40. Anticorrosive protection of steel mortgage products
41. Sealing joints
42. Measurement of joints and seams
43. Device of the garbage industry
E. Roofing and insulating work
44. Preparation of bases and underlying elements of insulation and roofing
45. The heat insulation device from bulk materials
46. \u200b\u200bHeat insulation device from plates
47. Device of isolation from rolled materials
48. The insulation device of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
49. Roofing device from roll materials
50. Roofing device from piece materials
51. The roofing device from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
52. Device of the roof of metal
J. Joiner's work
53. Installing window blocks
54. Installation of door blocks
55. Device of antlesole, cabinets
Z. Flooring device
56. Preparation of soil bases under the floors
57. Device of a concrete underlying layer, screeds
58. Floor sound insulation device
59. Device of the floating waterproofing floor
60. Bitumen waterproofing device
61. Device of monolithic coatings
62. Flooring device from ceramic tile
63. Device of mosaic floors
64. The device of floors from polymeric materials
65. Laying of lags in floors floors
66. Laying of Lag on the Pilthies on the Soil Base
67. Device of board floors
68. Flooring device from piece parquet
69. The device of floors from the shield parquet
I. Finishing work
70. Plastering (simple plaster)
71. Plastering (improved stucco)
72. Plastering (high-quality plaster)
73. Plastering (coatings made of dry plaster plaster)
74. Painting works (painting by water compositions)
75. Painting works (painting anhydrous compositions)
76. Facing work
77. Wallpaper work
78. Glass work (glazing of the binding)
79. Glass work (installation of glass blocks and fiberglass)
80. Device of fencing of fiberglass
81. Finishing (facing) walls panels, sheets with factory finishing
82. Installation of suspended ceilings in the interiors of buildings
K. Improvement
83. Drainage device
84. Device of a cabinet from concrete and asphalt concrete
85. The device of sidewalks and tracks from the plates
86. The device of a rubber base and asphalt concrete coating
Part 2. Repair and construction work
1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations
2. Laying of precast concrete slabs of floors when reconstructing brick buildings
3. Device of monolithic sites in overlaps
4. Installation of slabs of floor beams
5. Strengthening brick columns and common
6. Installation of metal jumpers
7. Installation of stairs on metal cosos
8. Device of a chalk system from wooden elements
9. Repair of plaster
10. Repair of plaster facades of buildings
11. Coloring facades
12. Installation of stucco parts of facades
13. Installation of drain pipes
Part 3. Mounting work
1. Device of holes and furrows for laying pipelines
2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines
3. Installation of pressure pipes from asbestos-cement pipes
4. Installation of indoor cold and hot water pipelines
5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete non-pressure pipelines
6. Installation of sewage pipelines from ceramic pipes
7. Installation of the internal sewage system and drain
8. Installation of waterborne reinforcement
9. Installation of the bath and washbasin
10. Installation of sanitary devices
11. Installation of the internal heating system
12. Installation of metal air ducts
13. Electrical displacement device
14. Device of round reinforced concrete wells
15. Installation of heating chambers
16. Installation of disadvantaged channels
17. Isolation of pipelines of heat