Repairs Design Furniture

What color of the walls expands the space. How to visually increase the small room: proper use of color and lighting. Style features for the visual increase in the room

Highlighting new housing, a person tries to make everything necessary changes In order to bring the available room to the ideal. Most housing owners would like to live in more spacious apartments. But if there are only very modest dimensions available, it is worth applying small tricks that visually expand the space.

Professional designers own the art of changes in the size of rooms without resorting to capital replication. The main enemies of the sensation of space are low ceilings, lack of light and the limited space. Manipulating these factors, you can create the necessary conditions.

Play of light

For visual expansion Premises with an excellent tool will be the light. Modern production lighting devices Allows you to choose and install any lamp exactly where it is especially necessary. In long narrow corridor can be placed spotlightswhich from the center of the ceiling will be directed to the walls. The wall flowing light will provide the desired effect. At the same time, the luminaires themselves should be invisible. It is desirable that they are hidden in plasterboard design or in a special niche.

In addition to the main source of light, you can use a few additional. This will make space volumetric. In addition, the light that reflects from shiny surfaces creates the illusion of the continuation of the room in those places where the rays come from.

We put accents

To distract attention from the closeness of the room in the far corner, you can put an object that attracts attention. It may be picture, small sculpture or other design element. For a larger effect, it can be highlighted with an additional lamp. The role of distracting reception can also play a part of the wall, decorated with a large print or active wall decor. It is important that this element is not too large, and the rest of the walls had a bright monochrome surface.

Furniture and decor elements

It is very important to properly place the furniture in the room and use the decor items. If the form of the room is allowed, the furniture can be installed in the center. This will ensure the creation of a visual functional barrier. Such a barrier will divide the space on the zone. Along the long walls should not put large interior items. They must be placed across the room. The window will get better deskAnd the cabinet or bed will fit into the depths of the room in the far wall.

In addition to the arrangement, you should pay attention to the color of the furniture. For a small-sized apartment you need to select light shades. At the same time, you can play texture, materials and patterns on selected models and achieve best combination with walls and flooring.

Transforming furniture not only will actually save space, but also create the necessary feeling of space in the room. In folded form, such interior items do not occupy a lot of space, but perfectly fulfill their main purpose. Glass tableOpen shelves and shelves give a feeling of transparency and space.

A large mirror from the floor to the ceiling duplicates the space. The room will twice the larger and the amount of light in it will also increase. A wardrobe with mirror doors perfectly cope with this task. Vertical mirror Pull out the room and "raise" the ceilings. In order for the style of the residential premises, it is still settled, you need to install only one big mirror. An excessive number of reflective surfaces will not allow the room to become quite cozy.

Play an important role in general premises. Burous and heavy curtains closed the windows and create a closed deaf space. Open openings will make space more air. For this you can use as curtains light transparent the cloth. Window size decorative elements also matters. It is not worth covering the whole wall. Let the curtains are placed only on window noise, leaving most of the wall free.

An excellent alternative to multi-layer curtains will be rolled blinds or Roman curtains. These new ways to decorate the room and hide it from other people's eyes will take at least a place on the wall, while maintaining the entire functionality of a simple curtain.

When used in close room, design and furniture items should be followed by minimalist style. Nothing limits the space as the abundance of the elements and the room loading with details.

Lines changing space

Another one effective reception Changes in the shape and size of the room are stripes. Their accommodation and direction can play a decisive role in the overall impression of the room.

For instance, flooring You can place along short walls. If you use the wallpaper on the same walls on the same walls, the expansion effect will be whiter noticeable. The wide band across the wall will expand it, and along - "lifting" the ceiling. Such a strip can be bright color to enhance the illusion.

There are whole collections of wallpaper, pictures on which consist of lines that are folded into patterns distorting space. This style is called "OP-ART". The form of space can also be changed by the creation on the ceiling of asymmetric designs from plasterboard.

In addition to drawings on wallpaper and floor coverings, there are also ceiling beams, in fixtures, in furniture and in other elements. It is necessary to use them correctly.

Colors in the service of the designer

A competent combination of colors will create the necessary sensations in the room. The main thing is that each color is used in moderation. Even white, which visually expands any room, sometimes gives a feeling of government room. It should be diluted with light shades of blue, pink, cream and other colors. Dark color gamut, sharp contrasts, large drawings on the walls will reduce the room.

Contrast can be used in case of a combination of one bright shade With the colors of calm gamma. Dark you can paint a small segment of the wall, and this site should be located vertically. Then the feeling of high ceiling will be created. To expand the space, some designers recommend making a ceiling of darker walls. But it should be remembered that this method of staining will lower the ceiling. It is possible to use it only indoors, where the ceilings are located higher than in ordinary typical apartments.

Another method of visual increase in the size of the room is to use on one of the walls. It can be a park alley or a winter forest road running away. The choice of the main topic depends on the taste of those who will use this room.

Many dream of living in big apartmentsHowever, reality does not always coincide with our desires. Slide the walls and increase housing, of course, it is impossible, but you can make it seem more spacious, bright and open at least visually. Here are some ways to help optimally use square meters And get rid of the feeling of goded, closed space.

1. Correct wallpapers

It is well known that light colors make the space seem spacious. At the same time, we remember that cold shades visually remove objects, and warm, on the contrary, approach. Thus, for a small room, it is better to choose the wallpaper of cold pastel tones: blue, gentle-salad, mint, turquoise, light-lilac.

Choosing a wall cover, consider that large drawing, as well as wallpaper of different colors, separated by a border, will visually narrow the room. Small ornament for compact premises is preferable.

2. Do not forget about the floors

Flooring also affects the perception of the interior. It acts here a similar rule: so that the room seemed more, it is better to choose bright floors. For kitchens will suit ceramic tilePreferably glossy, light parquet or laminate can be used in residential areas. If parquet dies are located longitudinally, the room will seem longer.

IN one-bedroom apartments And Studios's apartments, experts recommend to make the same floor covering without junctions, smoothly turning out of the corridor in the kitchen and room.

3. Multifunctional furniture

Bulky furniture - for example, high, volumetric cabinets will turn into a closer room in the camork. It is better to give preference to small, but multifunctional, mobile or folding, subjects. Podcast cabinet folding table, secret member, combined with bookshelves, folding sofa etc. Save free space without damaging comfort.

Light glossy surfaces, transparent plastic And glass, - furniture from such materials looks easy and weightless, without overloading space.

The furniture should be placed not at the level of the eye, and above or lower: for example, it is possible to place along the walls of low stands or, on the contrary, choose high and narrow lockers.

4. Visual effect of vertical and horizontal stripes

It is no secret that the correct geometric ornament is influenced by the perception of the interior. To visually lift the ceiling, choose wallpapers and textiles with vertical stripes or narrow and high furniture items. To force the room to seem longer, use horizontal stripes.

5. Do not use motley textiles in a small room

Bright colors and contrasts visually narrow the space, so the curtains are better to select not too motley, in the tone of the furniture. As far as possible, they should not interfere with the passage of sunlight, because the lighter room, the easier and spacious it seems. Similarly, one should not half small premises Stip in the patterned oriental carpet - if you think that the carpet is necessary, it is better to choose something not too big and bright.

6.Serkal and niche

Mirrors really create miracles, creating a powerful illusion of an additional space or window. However, turning the wall entirely in the mirror is still not worth it, otherwise your room will resemble a dance class.

Interesting effect can achieve, equipping a shallow decorative niche And decorating it with backlight on the contour, - it will create the illusion of an additional space where there is actually not it.

7. Proper organization Storage areas

The main enemy of small premises - a mess. Even a few things scattered as hit, create a feeling of litterness. Each thing should know its place, especially when it is not enough!

Distribute storage zones is better evenly for all rooms. Small hinged shelvesdisguised under pouf or coffee table Chest, baskets or boxes under the bed, wall organizers, - you can come up with a different one, sometimes unexpected ways of storing things in a close space.

Not big room It can be made comfortable and cozy, although it will require a more thoughtful and thorough approach to the decor and design than usual.

For each person, it is important for the surrounding space in the room in which he lives. People at all times strive by any ways to increase their personal territory, and today some tricks helps to cope with the task.

If you have already made repairs, but we would like to visually expand one or more rooms, it is worth using this option as a photo wallpaper, increasing space.

Even despite the fact that your room small sizesEven it can be made more comfortable and lighter thanks to the wallpaper that can "push the walls. When printing such walls for walls use materials high Quality and modern technologies Print.

This allows photo wallpaper for a long time Decorating the room, while they have a number of advantages:

  • for them just to care for;
  • the canvases do not fade;
  • expand space and look beautiful in the interior.

These wallpapers there are no minuses. Is that they can bother you, but since you will buy a photo wallpaper with a perspective in the interior, they will most likely neutral. And the fact that beautiful is not boring.

Important detail when choosing - color

In order to visually increase the space, you need to focus on the flower gamut in the room. All shades should be light, light.

Panoramic wallpapers for walls need to be chosen very carefully, as it is this factor that has a huge psychological influence per person. This concerns mainly mood.

It is very important to repel from what room you want to hang the wallpaper.

It is necessary to pay attention to the amount of natural light that penetrates the room.

If your room is on the sunny side, you can choose an option consisting of warmly shades. This will make it possible to create a comfortable environment, but the space will not expand. In such a room, this is not so necessary, since the natural sunlight will distract attention from space space.

But the cold colors will help visually increase the space. Panoramic photo wallpapers and photoconditions with a perspective are particularly well.

Tip! For small rooms It is best to choose an image with the presence of a horizon line, the sea or photos open doors from beautiful view On nature or river.

Choosing a picture B. pastel tonesYou create a spring atmosphere and expand the space.

Striped wallpapers are also suitable: both horizontal and vertical. It is important to decide that you need more: push the walls (horizontal strip direction) or increase the distance between the floor and the ceiling (vertical stripes).

Get acquainted with the basic principles, nuances of selection of coatings and their color combination.

You can break the photo wallpapers in the corridor, to visually expand it. It is important to comply with all the advice that were presented above.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows you to pick up even bright wallpapers - provided that the interior is fulfilled in a quiet style, and the emphasis will be made only on the photo wallpaper.

Spectacular look and photo wallpaper with image of black and white photos. Such will fit into any interior, and will also attract a look.

It is necessary to pay attention to the plot. Do not choose a photo wallpaper with a specific meaning: the main thing is that they look at the same time neutrally deprived the room of familiar borders. For example, it can be a narrow street of Paris, or a beautiful image of sunrise. You need to choose such a plot so that you can come home and looking at him completely relax.

Tip! It is best to select naturalist photographs.

Wallpaper with the prospect: how to give preference?

3D Wall mural, expanding space, is an excellent option for lovers to stand out among others, even in small things, especially if it's wallpaper with a perspective: they give the room an amazing effect, plus at the same time you can choose a snapshot that or reduce the room, or increase. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful when choosing and your decision to take on the basis of the migration of objects on the wallpaper and in the room.

Optically urban space will help urban landscapes. It can be a door that opens onto the road leading to the garden, or view of the terrace and the sea. It all depends on how much you have a fantasy.

Don't forget and about traditional plots - about flowers. Prefer your favorite mind, and you will not regret. You will watch and admire the photo wallpapers every day, which expand the space of the bedroom or another room and are its highlight. Flower bouquet In realistic exhaustion, it can also be a good plot, with which you can beat a small space.

In order to add light room, it is worth thinking about photo walls with fake windows. In fact, it is not so important where they go to the garden or on the coast. It is important what will happen created an illusion of additional window Piece in the room.

Remember! Such a drawing may be not only bright, but also dark. In any case, fake windows effectively expand the space.

Where to buy pictures?

Today, photo wallpapers, increasing space, can be ordered in a printing company, which is engaged in high-quality seal of images. It is very rare to meet in the stores such an option of wall design, as the main feature is the uniqueness of the photo wallpaper. After all, you can order such a picture that will no longer have anyone.

Nuances design rooms

In order to arrange a room with photo wallpapers, in any room of the wall under the sticking should be completely free. Only low furniture can be placed near it, and so so that it does not overlap the drawing. No less it is important that the drawing corresponds to the interior of the room in its plot and color range..

Pick neutral pictures in order to at any moment when you want to remake the repair for some reason, this image was suitable under new interior. It is difficult to do this, but the photo wallpaper is not the cheap option, but, despite this, he justifies itself in all respects: durability, convenience, beauty and communion in the house.

If you are owner small-sized apartmentThe question is the question of how to make it more spacious and cozy. This article will help you understand how to visually expand the room and make it unique. Decide which your room should seem. Create stylish interior 2017, based on fashion trends.

Colors extending space

Pick up the color for the walls. If you are a bright girl, you are suitable sunny bright color or cream-white. If you are confident, then light green or blue colour. If you are a creative person, then pink or purple. Think about the overall picture of your room. Do not forget, the colors are expanding space - beige, cream, powder shades.

Think of your interests. Here are some examples: music, art, movies, animals, etc. Write this list. This is useful to select the design of your room. How to visually expand narrow room - Stop on bright colors!

Start with moving furniture. Find new good positions and make sure your favorite furniture will fit. Move only empty tables and drawers, and things temporarily shock on the bed. Give or throw out all unnecessary things to cleanse the space and free the boxes.

Color solution for room expansion

Who would not want to big house with spacious rooms? But often a person cannot afford that such pleasure, how to buy a big living space, so you have to use in small rooms.

But if you look at the situation at a different angle, then you can understand what is really not so bad, but the small room has its advantages. Firstly, they are easier to clean, secondly, they cost cheaper in terms of heating, thirdly, if competently approach the room, then you can create a truly cozy and visually large room.

For creating visual space You can use simple "deception of sight", the possibilities of optical illusions. In order to recreate the visual expanser, you will need:

  • Wallpapers of bright, cold or pastel tones.
    Wall mural.
    Mirrors and lamps.
    Curtains and furniture.

Which Wallpaper is expanding the room

For a small room, you should give preference to light tones, it is also strongly recommended to "play" in contrasts. For example, if the room is more elongated and narrow, it is perfectly suitable for such an option, how to make long walls in light colors to remove them from each other and expand the space visually.

And those that are smaller, on the contrary to darken, to bring together to each other. Or make a contrast - to stick the wallpaper with small patterns onto one wall, and in pursuance with large. The small pattern on the wallpaper makes the room visually more.

What wallpaper is expanding the room with low ceilings? You can save wallpaper with vertical lines. This technique will visually make the ceiling above. Or paint the ceiling for a couple of tones lighter. If you perform the whole room in monophonic light colors, it will create a peculiar, air atmosphere.

Photo wallpaper

Perfectly fit into the interior of a small photo wallpaper overlooking the removing forest path, the sea with small boats away, mountain landscape, etc. In general, all that depicts the perspective.
Also a chic solution will be the choice of photo wallpaper with an enlarged image of something, for example, shells, some plants, birds, and so on. The main thing is that the photo wallpaper was pasted on the wall, not forced to be furnished, especially high, because it will spoil the whole effect.


Furniture It is advisable to put multifunctional, light, using colors to expand space. An excellent choice will be a folding sofa, in which you can put bed on the day, and collect it so as not to occupy the place. Shelves on the walls can be painted in the tone of the walls. It is strongly recommended whenever possible to collect things into the closet so that they do not clutch the room.


How to visually expand the narrow room? Curtains, as well as wallpaper, you need to choose bright, with small patterns. Excellent option There will be a choice of longer, slightly lying on the curtain floor. Such a length will visually make the room above. It is impossible to use huge curtains, large and heavy curtains, a huge number of rushes and bows, because They create a visual sensation of a small space.


It may seem boring, but can actually be a cheerful occupation if you present how your room will look later. Remove dust, dirt cobweb ... Do whatever you can.

Put all your books on bookshelves. What about soft toys On the next shelf or on the bed? Organize a room at your request.

And finally, in the final part, accessories! Create your stylish interior of 2017.

Perhaps there is a room in any apartment or house, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich I would like to increase. But such a radical decision undertaken to increase the space of small rooms, as a demolition of interior walls or partitions, can not always find its use in that or otherwise. Therefore, experts advise to resort to some tricks in the design of the overall interior design, in particular, to properly select wallpaper for a small room.

Everyone knows that different colors Creable to visually cause various sensations, so it is important to know the purpose of the purpose of the colors used in the interiors of the premises to give the necessary effects. For example, light tones visually increase the subject, while dark items seem less than their true sizes.

That is why to achieve the effect of a visual increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you must adhere to several rules when choosing wallpapers in the interior of a small room.


  • You can increase the space of the room using wallpaper of bright shades of different colors in combination with furniture, for several tons of darker walls.
  • For small rooms it is worth choosing the wallpaper of pastel neutral shades, such as light beige, sand, cream, blue, pink, peach and many others.
  • If the glitter wallpaper, for example, with a silk screening, will fall to taste, then they can be used as an excellent alternative to matte wallpaper to decorate small rooms to visually increase the distance between opposite walls.
  • Choice color Gamma. Wallpapers for the design of the room also depends on its illumination: for rooms filled with solar or artificial light In large quantities, the wallpapers of cold shades may be approached, for dark rooms - only warm colors.
  • When choosing between smooth wallpaper and textured canvases, you should give preference to the latter on which the differences and game differences will be seen. They will increase the space on spectator perception And help create more interesting interiors.

You should not bold small rooms with vibrant or dark flowers, which not only distract attention, but also visually reduce the space.

Interior of a small room (video)

Wallpaper selection for a small room: Wallpaper with a pattern

Of course, bright and monotonous wallpapers largely visually expand the space of the room, but at the same time will give it a very boring and conservative appearance.

The use of patterns and ornaments on wallpaper will add more colorful and positive mood Interior, but not all of them are suitable for small rooms.

How to choose a wallpaper with a small-sized room:

  1. First, the wallpaper with a small non-contrast pattern can replace one-picture wallpaper completely, while a large drawing, even with a small contrast, can significantly ruin the solution to visually increase the size of the room. The correct option The use of wallpaper with a large pattern of uncontracting color will be pasting with one wall of the room, on the background of which placed low furniture, such as a sofa or a bed. For example, the use of wallpaper with a floral print will be spectacular in the bedroom in the headboard.
  2. Secondly, for small rooms, wallpapers are suitable with a rare contrast pattern of small or medium size, which revitalizes the room interior and will not reduce the space. For example, in children's bedrooms will effectively watch wallpapers with small images of cars for boys, or characters from the animated series "My little pony" for girls. But from the use of large contrasting patterns on the wallpaper it is worth completely abandoning, as they can eat a large room.
  3. Thirdly, you should not consider the option of finishing small rooms with high contrast and pattern density. Even room with not large quantity Furniture visually will seem too clumsy and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to either completely abandon this type of wallpaper, or allocate only one wall of the room for them.

Finishing the arguments on the use of wallpaper with drawings for room decoration small squares, It is worth mentioning again that it is worth staying on bright shades of color gamut that visually increase the space of small rooms.

Wallpaper for a small room: photo wallpaper

One of the most successful solutionsIn order to increase the space of the room with the help of wallpaper, it is used in the interior of photo walls.

But not all photographic images applied to wallpaper are capable of achieving the necessary effect.

It is best to use photographs with a perspective, the drawing on which is increasing in the image, for example: a forest path, a megapolis street or underwater spaces or any other, which is the soul.

To use photo wallpapers as an assistant with an increase in room space, it is important to adhere to some general recommendations:

  • For sticking photo wallpaper with a perspective, walls or its parts without windows or doorways are suitable.
  • Against the background of photographic, it is not recommended to have high furniture, it is best to put a sofa, a bed or a coffee table.
  • For very small rooms it is worth staying on the photo wallpaper of light tones.
  • Wall mural with a vertical pattern, for example, a forest factor, suitable for rooms with low ceilings, helping to lift it visually.

It should be remembered that in rooms with a large number of light, you can use photo wallpapers of cold shades (images of sea depths or high mountains), And for little lit rooms, paintings of warm colors will be suitable (autumn landscapes, sea sandy beaches).

Wallpapers, increasing room space: methods of use

By choosing the wallpaper of bright shades with the right pattern, helping to increase the space of a small room, it is importantly important to use them when finished, because otherwise you can not only do not achieve the desired result, but also to get the opposite effect.

We list the main points when decorating the walls of a small room with wallpaper:

  1. Expand and lengthen the room will help the design of two opposite walls with cold and brighter shades. This option will visually pull out the room in the direction of light walls.
  2. When making long rooms it is important to remember that the wallpaper with a small pattern is best spaced on long walls, when as a large drawing is used to decorate short walls.
  3. Long and narrow room can be decorated with wallpaper with a drawing of horizontal strips, as well as use on short Walls Wallpaper of a darker warm shade.
  4. Significantly increase the room space will help the wallpaper with a pattern that are not as accepted, but diagonally.
  5. For small rooms, the use of wallpaper of one color of different saturation will be effective. On the low part Walls glue the wallpaper of darker shades, and the top is brighter. This option will help to expand the area of \u200b\u200brooms with low ceilings.
  6. Receiving alternation of well-combined wallpapers with a pattern and without it perfectly suitable for small rooms. But it should be remembered that the wallpaper interval without a picture should be less than the wallpaper interval without. For example, you can alternate two cuts of monochon wallpaper with one cut wallpaper with a pattern that expand the small room.

Glossy wallpapers will also be suitable for small spaces, visually increasing the area due to the partial reflection of the subjects opposite.

How to equip a small room (video)

Do not forget about accessories used in small rooms. The color of furniture, curtains and other items should be in one tone with wallpaper. Any contrast will eat the space that will negatively affect the comfort in a small room.

Examples of wallpaper for a small room of visually increasing space (photo)