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What are the types of home parrots. The most beautiful parrots on Earth

The incredible number of bird species on the planet Earth strikes imagination. Within the framework of this article, let's talk about such funny feathered as parrots, the most popular types and their features.

How many types of parrots exist in the world, their description, photos, types of parrots for home content, diet - all information can be found in the great encyclopedia of parrots.

There are almost 400 species of parrots, which differ in color, sizes, behavior, skills. Some parrot varieties are able to speak, others - no. Below is information about the most popular home parrots, talking species, content and feeding.

In nature, there are two main types of parrots. One of them is a cacatoo, which is divided into 3 varieties. Everything they combine More than 20 breeds. The second numerous detachment of feathered is the parrot family. They are already there are more than 360 species.

Cockada: habitat, species, description, photo

Kakada lives in New Guinea, Australia, in Malaysia, in the Philippines, in New Zealand, Indonesia. Birds also live in Singapore and South America, but they were delivered there.

Habitat is diverse:

  • parel;
  • herbal canopies;
  • mangrove and pine forests;
  • eucalyptus forests.

With adverse climatic conditions, the parrots settle near farms and very much damage the landing of grain crops. Cockatoo feeds seeds, grain. When it does not bring offspring, they are knocked in flocks. Live long - 50-85 years. Birds are large from 35 to 75 cm. Have a rather powerful beak, which are able to overwhell metal and wooden bars.

The color of the plumage is pretty petrol: yellow, gray, white, pink, black, orange. They fly well and jump on shrubs And trees clinging to big sharp claws. Cockada is a very funny bird. Many species of these parrots are suitable for home. They are very accustomed to the owners, but there are capricious. It is impossible to offend these feathers, they are very polarly.

The attractiveness of this variety of parrots is that they are good artists, incredibly curved, smart - can open different locking devices (Castles, Spivenets, Casov, etc.). Birds can be taught to speak, pronounce separate phrases and words. Further, some types of cacada with a description and photos that can live at home are presented.

Zheroshky Cockada

The maximum size of this parrot is 40 cm. White plumage, chokhol orange or yellow. It is noteworthy with two yellow spots on the plumage of the shric - received its name from them.

It is very easily getting used to captivity, but multiplies only in spacious avoices, the cells are not suitable. So you get used to people that can be released on the will And they always return. In the summer, many owners export their country around, where they live free.

Birds are movable and smart. They have ability to learn, quickly learn to speak, obedient, unpretentious. The price of Kakada depends on the breed, skills and age.

Cockada Goffin - One of the smallest feathers of this breed, no more than 30 centimeters long. The main color of the plumage is light yellow, pink, white. Birds are considered rare and listed in the Red Book.

Quickly gets used to captivity and ties to the owners. Popular breed for keeping at home.


Parrot Jaco is also called gray for the predominant color of the plumage, is considered very capable of learning. He remembers I. reproduces a large number of words, sounds, phrases, can conduct a dialogue with the owners. There are two varieties of birds. Determine each easily - on the color of the tail of the tail.

The first species is the red-knakue jaco, the native places of which are some countries of the African continent (Angola, Togo, Kenya). The maximum length of its body is 40 cm, and the weight is 450 gr.

His smaller fellow, drossy Jaco, can weigh up to 400 grams and up to 35 centimeters long. Inhabits in such countries in Africa as Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia.

The diet of the cacada should be balanced, do not contain fatty food.

The main menu of Cockada should consist of cereal mixtures, vegetables and fruits. The main grain crops for feeding are:

  • cereal - wheat, oats, rice, buckwheat, millet;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • grupified grains.

Can giving nuts, boiled roots and corn, bananas, apples, pears, celery leaves, lettuce, dandelion, turnip, yogurt. In the food you need to add MEL and eggs from eggs.

It is impossible to feed sugar, parsley, milk, coffee, chocolate, cabbage, avocado, fried, salty, pepper.

Family parrot

The most numerous detachment of parrots. The most popular varieties are: Wavy, Hanging, Aries, Lorium, Amazon, Ferry, Earthwood, Sparrows, Yellowerous, Long, Night, Singer, Dyatlovy, Nestorous, Soviet, Real. Do not list allMoreover, each breed has several subspecies.

Wavy parrots

The birthplace of wavy parrots is Australia. Currently they are common worldwide. Birds are divided according to the prevailing color: monochrome (green, white, blue, yellow, gray), multicolor. The name was obtained due to wavy stripes of blacks throughout the plumage.

Body mass of wavy parrots is small - 30-60 grams, length - up to 25 centimeters. They are fast get used to man And life in captivity. Very friendly and obedient birds. The average life expectancy is 8-20 years.

Sociable small bird. Easy learns. Undemanding to food, care and space.


The detachment of hanging feathers has 14 species. The main are: Molukksky, Ceylon, Sinegola, Filipino, Sangaian, Zelenoloby, Zolotogo, Spring, Flores, Yellow Hall.

Live with flocks in the tropics, mainly in multi-tiered forests. Sleep on branches of trees or high shrubs down their heads. Have battle Mice And the nickname is different. Feed with floral nectar, berries, tropical fruits.

At the slightest danger, fall, and then sharply take off, hiding from enemies in the forest more often. You can meet birds in India, in the Philippines, in New Guinea, Indonesia.

The maximum body length is 18 centimeters. Green plumage. There are blue and red splashes on the head feathers. The beak of these birds is long, but weak.

On our planet, as counted ornithologists counted, there are about eighty breeds and about three hundred species of exotic birds of the parrot family. A large number of species lives in Australia. These are representatives of the following breeds: Corella, Cockada and Wavy. Some breeds, such as Ara, Amazons and Wedge living in Central and South America. Fewer types of "bright birds" is located in South Asia and in Africa. All kinds in places with tropical and subtropical climates live.

Of course, all these birds are different. The names of rocks are diverse, as they reflect features. Poultry data attract their appearance, they have a different color of plumage, this beauty can be seen in the photo. Many species have a voice apparatus that reproduces various sounds, but, unfortunately, not everyone can imitate the human voice. The size can be from 8 cm to 1 meter.

All about parrots, their types

Types of these exotic birds can be seen in the photo. Learn the most interesting facts about them, to get acquainted with the varieties of home parrots, study behavior and chief interesting fact is a relationship with a person, this article will allow this article.

The most common breeds of parrots:

The most common bird from the parrot family is - Talking wavy parrot, He is also a favorite pet in humans.

The habitat and homeland of this species is Australia. They live with flocks ranging from 30 individuals to several hundred. There are also large flocks about 20,000 individuals.

The flight of these birds is reminded by the flight of swallows, their movements are so honed, which creates the impression of a whole. This gives them the opportunity to move safely, since there is a chance to become a victim of predatory birds.

The main color of this type - Green, there are also other color of the plumage.

In males, unlike females, there is a hat, emitting a fluorescent glow, this brightness helps when choosing a partner during a reproduction period.

They feed on the seeds of wild herbs, drink water from water bodies when drought - they are satisfied with dew, grass stems and berries.

The life of the wavy parrot is on average 10 years old, but some individuals live up to 25 years.


Poultry data can be pets. They belong to the talkative species of parrots. The voice is ringing and shouting. Easily fed by learning human speech.

They live with flocks in Indonesia, Australia and the Philippine Islands.

Distinctive trait - Bright horsechildren on their head. In the photo you can see that the color of their is white is white, but also encountered with black and white color.

Cockada has a massive and strong beak with a wide connected.

Feed insects and vegetable food. The life expectancy of this species is 70-90 years.


Another famous Parrot - Ara breed, whose representatives are the largest. At home, the bird needs a large space. The bird is very noisy, shouting, sociable and loves a lot of attention to yourself. They are trained very well, but cannot talk.

The plumage color is very bright, overflows with all the colors of the rainbow. Such a pet has the strongest beak, which looks outwardly resembles a hook.

The homeland of these beauties Brazil, Peru, Mexico and other places of South America.

They love fruit, it gives them the opportunity for a long time to do without water. The duration of life in nature is 50-60 years.


Another kind of home speaking parrots is Amazon. This is a small parrot with a strong physique and a large, bright tail. Distinctive feature of Amazon - This is a powerful trim beak with a sharp edge at the base.

In the photo you can see their beautiful, bright green plumage with stains of yellow, blue, red white colors. Thanks to these distinctive features, they differ from each other. Minus this type of parrot - This is an unpleasant smell of feathers.

The parrots of this species are distinguished by a calm and friendly character, which is very attracted by their owners. They are active, as well as smart, are able to learn and memorize words. Habitat - Tropical forests on the territory of South and Central America.

Feed on fruit, leaf seeds, coffeepies and young shoots of trees. They live from 15 years to 50 years.


In the plumage of this type of parrot, two main colors are ash-gray with several lighter edges and purple-red, which gives expressiveness tail. They are common in West Africa. Inhabit places where there are large and crowded forests. These parrots are very popular for maintenance at home. Jaco - the most talented bird is capable of playing sounds. Can remember on average more than 1500 words. They can and often repeat the sounds of electronics, such as the sound of phones, intercoms, as well as alarm clocks.

And also imitate the sound of other birds living on the street. Manual and cute jaco can repeat and copy the behavior of the owner. Food for them are the fruits of palm tree, seeds, fruits and deciduous mass. They live on average up to 50 years.


Popular view of parrots. His main difference is the high jacket on the head and pointed, a little long tail.

The color of the feather of representatives of the male and female floors is varied. Male - painted more brightly than the female, so it attracts the attention of the opposite sex. The color of the male dark olive, gray, horser and head - yellow. The beak is a little shorter than the cacada. In the females, the color is gray, the lower part of the body with a brown tint. Her head and head of her pale gray with a yellowish tint. Korell lives in the arid areas of Australia. In natural conditions, they live in astounding forests and in open eucalyptus groves.

Basic food is seeds of grassy, \u200b\u200bshrub plants and trees. They live for 20-25 years.

Different types of parrots can adapt to home content, and often it is difficult for us to make a choice. In this review, we consider the most popular of them, which will help you to decide on the parrot breed, which is best suited to your character, conditions of detention and other criteria.

How many types of parrots exist in the world?

Numbered more than 300 species and 80 gods parrots. The entire parrot family is characterized by a strong bent beak, a bright multi-colored plumage, have a characteristic pavement of the fingers - two are directed forward, two - back, many can imitate the human voice. In the diet, fruits, vegetables, grains are dominated.

Half species Parrots live on the Australian continent. Corella, Cockada, Wavy and many others live there. About thirds of species are concentrated in Central and South America, it is Ara, wedge, Amazons and others. Somewhat less than them in South Asia and Africa. The habitat of parrots are forests, however, some species prefer to settle in an open territory, for example, some types of Australian feathers. And also in the mountains, it is a sled Nestor and New Zealand Kea.

Small parrots

Among the small species of parrots in captivity are divorced:

These small-size parrots, weigh only 30-45 grams. They cost cheap, obedient, love to communicate with a person, they have a beautiful plumage of different colors: green, blue, yellow, white. If they are constantly trained, then many of them are able to remember more than 200 words. However, not all representatives of this breed can imitate human speech. Therefore, you should not buy them only for this reason. Wavy parrots can be recommended by novice breeders, as they are undemanding to care and a small cell is suitable for them. In captivity can live 8-15 years old.

  • Underwear

Such interesting the name was obtained thanks to great attachment to each other.. Parrots choose a couple of life and keep her loyalty. Often you can observe such a touching picture: lovers are sitting, tightly clung to each other. These parrots with a bright cheerful plumage, grow small about 15 cm, the weight of about 50 years old are unpretentious, they are well tamed, according to the nature of mobile and alive, it is interesting for them to observe. However, training is not amenable, words do not remember. In captivity can live up to 20 years.

Types of parrots

Middle sizes birds

Among domestic pets are found:

  • Korela

Data parrots of medium sizes, reach 30 cm in heightTheir weight is approximately 100 grams. In Russia, among the tamed birds, there are in second place in popularity, yielding only wavy. A distinctive feature of Korella is a joke on the head, a plumage gray with a "Rumyanta" on the cheeks. This type of parrot is very social, loves the society of people, playful, but does not have abilities for learning, although with due patience, the parrot can still memorize several phrases. Mirny and no noisy, suitable for breeding novice lovers of feathers. You can keep with wavy. Live about 30 years.

  • Roselala

Operation Rosella is very bright, multicolored, they have a good-natured character. They are able to quickly adapt to life in captivity and go to contact well. Creating trusting relationships with a person, become a family member. At home, it is most often bred by the Pestreh Roselle, because they are unpretentious and with good care are capable of living long enough - 20 years. Rosella will not be able to talk, but it will be happy to sing with pleasure. He has a nice voice and good musical memory.

Parrots of large sizes

Among large birds in captivity the following types are able to live:

These beauties grow large, reach a height of up to 90 cm. They the plumage is very bright and motley. Ara needs special conditions of detention, as well as in high attention. It is worth noting that these birds behave very noisily behave and their cries are not all like everyone. Keep the whole day in the cage. To entertain them, take a sufficient number of toys, but without small parts that they can swallow. They have a powerful beak, so they can hurt, you can even lose your finger. Therefore, it is worth being attentive if the parrot is uncompressed, and there are small children in the house. Birds are well trained, but do not speak, live about 50-60 years.

Because of its size and noisy, the parrot parrot is not very suitable, it is better for him to live in a zoo or in a circus, where he can save himself the glory of an excellent artist.

  • Cockatoo

These feathers are divided into subspecies, happen pink, blackbut more often white. Birds are large size from 30 to 60 cm, so they need a lot of space, approximately with a small kitchen. If the kakada is tamed their character is kind and friendly, if not, it means that problems are not excluded - they will lead themselves noisy and scratchy. These are lovers to play. Due to its powerful tone, they can open locks, thereby showing ingenuity, can also reheat nuts and even snack wire. Cockada, as well as Ara, can shine with various artistic talents, but do not like to speak.

Distinctive the features of Kakada are An interesting high jacking on the head of a contrasting color and a loud unpleasant cream voice. Cockada is not suitable for beginners, this bird for experienced breeders.

  • African gray (Jaco)

These birds reach 33 cm long, weight of 500 gamps. Jacob do not have a bright plumageBut they are very smart. It is believed that Jaco is bored to dwell with other types of small parrots, so they require a society of themselves like or person. In terms of intelligence, an adult person is equal to a five-year-old child. It is good to study, it is capable of accumulating the vast lexicon, to imitate the human voice. This type of parrot requires classes, it is impossible to keep the whole day in the cage. Loneliness is not the best satellite, a parrot begins to hang out feathers. This breed requires an experienced bird lover. In captivity, Jacob lives up to 70 years.

  • Amazons

Parrots able to conquer the hearts with a playful and cheerful character, as well as excellent intelligent talent, allowing you to imitate different sounds. Also, birds have good memory and very emotional. In the world of this species, there are 29. Parrots reach 45 cm long, the physique at the same time is quite dense.

The distinctive characteristic of Amazon (for some exception) is a green plumage in which bright stains on the wings, tail or head are distinguished. These signs are given ability to identify this type of parrot. Belong to the group of short-cast parrots, which has a significant line - all its representatives are extremely like to communicate. Amazon lives about 45 years old.

  • Alexandrian parrot

Bird not popular with breedersBut deserves attention. In the wild lives in large stars on tropical trees. The bird is large, reaches 60 cm, while the wingspan reaches 20 cm in width. If proper care is given in captivity, it is capable of living up to 40 years. Alexandrian parrot has a green color, a distinctive feature are pink-black rings around the neck and a powerful bright red beak. His character is friendly and peaceful. The bird has a high intellect, goes well and quickly tied to a person, learning from his spoken speech.

So, we met with different breeds of parrots, found out that these birds are able to become domestic petsbecause very sociable and miles.

Parrots are one of the most unusual and exotic feathers. Thanks to the interesting and original sobs, as well as the ability to imitate human speech, the parrots have become one of the most popular pets. They differ not only for the color of the plumage, but also the form of the beak, the lasting life, the level of intelligence and size.

Top 5 largest parrots

Not today is well known and studied more than three hundred species of parrots.. A significant part of these feathers inhabit Australia, Central and South America. Despite the fact that at home, most often you can meet, and, as well,, recently, lovers of feathers increasingly prefer the largest and exotic types with an unusual plumage.

The leading positions in size and cost, this is deservedly occupied by this representative of the parrot family. The length of some adult individuals reaches 88-98 cm, while the tail is accounted for about 40-45 cm. The average wing length is 35.0-36.5 cm. Weight adult, fully formed individuals - half a kilogram or a little more.

It is interesting! Lovers of exotic pets are happy to start this bird, as despite the impressive sizes and very powerful beaks, it is a very gentle and devoted, intelligent bird.

A distinctive feature of such a parrot is the presence of a very beautiful and bright dark blue plumage, which effectively contrasts with yellow crossing around the eyes and the same color spot under the beak. Currently, this species refers to the category of rare, and disappearing parrots. Partly, this was the determining factor in pricing and negatively affects the possibilities to acquire such an unusual and beautiful bird.

This is the only view belonging to the Palm Kakada. This species belongs to the category of the most ancient and inhabit the Northern part of Australia, as well as the Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea and many nearby Islands. The size of the parrot is extremely impressive. The average length of the body varies in the range of 70-80 cm at the length of the tail in a quarter of a meter. The weight of an adult individual can reach 1 kg. Staining the fir-stylist plumage, with barely catchy and very attractive greenish tint. Bearing massive and very large, black.

Important!According to the owners of black cabada, the bird is quite unpleasant, creamy, and sometimes a very loud and harsh voice that accompanies a significant part of their wakefulness.

The horser is large enough, presented by narrow long, twisted back, original tanning feathers. The cheeks are devoid of plumage and are characterized by red staining. Interene sections, located around the eyes, have black staining. Middle sized legs, gray. The females are always smaller males and have a less large beak.

This species can be considered a real long-liver, and the average life expectancy of a little less than a century. Birds will settle in high-ranking tropical forest areas and savannah, gathering in small groups, or lead a single lifestyle. The basis of the diet is represented by eucalyptus and acacia seeds, larvae of different insects.

This is a very popular bird that is highly appreciated by lovers of decorative feathered pets. The species is distinguished by high intelligence and, subject to learning recommendations, is able to remember about seventy words. The length of the body of an adult individual varies within 80-95 cm. The wing length is 38-40 cm, and the tail is about 50-52 cm. The weight of an adult parrot often exceeds 1.0-1.1 kg. For the upper part of the body of the body, bright blue staining is characterized, and the side of the neck, the chest and the abdomen area have orange-yellow staining.

Important!The bird has a strong and loud voice, so it is capable of creating certain inconveniences for all households. In order for the pennate pet is not gnawing interior items and did not snack the cell wire, it must be provided with enough toys and surround the attention.

Coloring of crumbling tail feathers bright blue. The throat area and the key are black. Parrot Sine-Yellow Ara settles in virgin tropical forest areas, but prefers coastal river areas. It is often found in the mountain valleys and in subalpine meadows. The view is strongly tied to the place of habitat, and can lead both a pair and solitary lifestyle. At home, it takes good enough, but requires upbringing and attention from the very first days.

The nightlocking parrot, according to some scientists, can refer to the category of the most ancient of all living bird species. The plumage has a very characteristic yellowish-green staining with black specks. Cacapo has a very sensitive facial disk, vibry-shaped feathers, a huge gray beak, short legs and small wings. Characteristic is also the presence of a relatively short tail.

It is interesting!A very unusual feature of such a tropical pet is the presence of a strong, but pleasant smell resembling the aroma of honey, herbs and flowers.

Sovic parrots do not have the ability to actively fly and keep a nightlife. The skeleton of this bird has significant differences from other species from the parrot family. The owl parrot has shortened wings whose ends are rounded. The chest area is small, low and underdeveloped keel. The average body length of the adult individual is 58-60 cm with weight in the range of 2-4 kg. Bird's plumage is soft, with characteristic black stripes in the back area. Facial feathers form a kind of facial disk, thanks to which the bird reminds a little owl. The voice is hoarse, a little carcake, sometimes turns into loud and sighty sounds.

One of the most striking representatives of its kind. Such a parrot is definitely a bit inferior in the size of the body with a common black cocada Goliath, and is also its opposite of the color of the plumage. The dimensions of the adult bird vary in the range of 40-55 cm, with a weight of 750-800 g or a little more. The parrots of this species are knocked into large and very noisy flocks that are able to inflict significantly damage to Australian farmers.

Important!It should be noted that the Australian subspecies of the gallowed cacada are much larger than the subspecies inhabiting the territory of New Guinea.

Adults have a bright yellow horsechlorian, which looks very effectively against the background of a snow-white plumage. This is not only very beautiful and clever, but also friendly, affectionate bird, which is capable of easily and quickly, and is also very tied to its owner. Thanks to good external data and trouble-free character, the yellow-chole kakada became very popular among all lovers of exotic feathered pets.

The category of the largest parrots, which are great for maintenance at home, can also be attributed to such species as a large parrot-vase, a red-born brilliant Laurie, a mercury mourning cabada and a cinema amazon.

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Parrots or parrots - The family of very popular animals belong to the class of birds. It is unlikely that anyone confuses the parrot with another bird. Parrots have an extremely bright plumage. Most types of color has all the colors of the rainbow. But there are views of the parrots of monophonic - green, olive, brown and even black.

All types of parrots have the top of the hooked beak, regardless of the bottom, can rise up. The bottom of the beak can move backwards, to the sides.

In many species of birds in the sky, closer to the end of the beak, there are solid transverse scars, similar to the file. This device is necessary to parrots for better grinding, seed chewing, fruit. In addition, the beak of the parrot is so strong that the bird is easily crushing the solid shell of nuts. The beak of birds use as a third paw. They cling to them over the branches when they face trees. The tongue of the parrot is muscular, on the end with a deepening, makes it easier for him to grab seeds.

The females and male parrots are mostly very similar, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from each other. Many species partners are true to each other all their lives.

Short historic excursion

Parrots are very distinguished against the background of other feathered pets known to us. Their ability to repeat the various sounds and even our speech, as well as a beautiful unusual look in love with yourself at first sight. But, unfortunately, many people except wavy parrots, Korell and undebrynikov other species are not known or are not known at all. And some of them are so rare that are listed in the Red Book. It is amazing that many parrot breeds live several thousand years on Earth, but they have kept their original appearance to this day.

For the first time in European countries, parrots appeared during the days of Alexander Macedon. Special talking representatives were sacred and kept in many noble homes and temples. Later the popularity of these birds acquired a comprehensive scale, and having a parrot at home became very fashionable. They confidently moved from the category of rare sacred birds into a group of domestic pets. Many types of parrots are kept for beauty, but what exactly find out next.

Methods for determining species

As we have said, today there are more than 300 varieties of parrots, which in turn are divided into two families: Parrots and Cockada. No, of course, the cockatoo is also a parrot, but they are slightly different from the habitual wavy or lovers. The Kakada family has three varieties (subfaming), which include 20 species. For example, here are trembling, salamonic, cacada-inco, black palm cacada.

So, to distinguish a cacatoo from ordinary parrots, it is enough to look at their appearance. All cabada have elongated feathers, horsters, which differ in color from the total plumage, the absence in the green of the green color, the beak shape - the bucket.

Types of parrots

Laurie parrots or Loriev

Characteristic features and external data

The Laurie parrot refers to the Loriev family, or brush-speaking. They feed on liquid, viscous food, and the structure of their tongue is adapted precisely for such non-solid feed. Laurie Language in new-range bristles, allowing to produce and feed viscous, liquid food. The beaks are externally, big and strong, like all parrots, and in fact substantially weaker - so that firm Parrot Lori "not on the beak". And it will be necessary to take into account those who want to acquire such a pet. The carnival colors of the plumage of this bird also has its explanation. Feeding with flowers and removing nectar from them, Laurie is well mastered among the colors and leaves.

These parrots are small in size - only 18 - 40 cm long. There are birds and smaller - Loricettes. There are total data from 58 to 70 species of Lorium.

Scream and Sneaks

That is how in a nutshell you can characterize these beautiful birds. They are smart, friendly, sociable, very playful - they will not refuse them in these talents. But the thing is that these abilities come complete with rosy, which creates problems to the owners, and a loud, unpleasant voice, which for some reason these handsome are possessed.

Laurie's slope is quite explained: they feed on liquid food, scattering it in all directions by splashing not only the territory of the cell, but also the wall, near which it costs. Litter in these externally refined ptah also liquid consistency, which requires frequent cleaning in the cell and the territory outside it. Taking into account this feature, the bottom or pallet of the cell is preferably noted with paper and pick up with a grid to collect moisture, although many owners prefer to fall asleep at the bottom of the sawdust. It is necessary to clean and change the bedroom layer every day that the smell of litter does not spread to the whole house.

Lori is smart and capable of talking. Their vocabulary can reach 70 or more words. They simulate the sounds well, the voices of other birds, but their own voice is no melodiousness - on the contrary, he cut, creaking, which also scares many fans of parrots.

Than feed

In part, we have already touched food. It should be mostly liquid. Laurie is quite suitable for children's mixtures of type "Bebi Mix" and "Babi-dad" diluted with water. It is advisable to add a slightly honey, sugar or jam - Laurie loves sweet, they are sweet tooth. Apples, bananas, grapes, pears and any berries will come to them. Boiled chicken meat, wheat dried bread, moistened in sweet tea, honey drink, is also an option for feeding them. In the spring, it is necessary to give them sprigs of fruit trees with swollen or already blurred kidneys, dandelion and clover, blooming willow.


Laurie is multiply in captivity without problems - it is only necessary to create a condition for this. Build a nesting house in a cage. In nature, they equip the nests in the wrappers of trees. The height of the house must be at least 50 cm, the depth is at least 30. The diameter of the flyer is sufficient at 8 - 10 cm. The bottom of the nesting house or the box must be caught up with widths to protect the granted chicks from moisture and not shine them. To neutralize odor, it is desirable to mix the sawdust with peat.

Despite difficulties with content and departure, Laurie is quite worthy to take the place of the universal family pet. They are very smart, easily trained, friendly, sociable. With one festive view, these birds are able to raise the mood and fill the house with joy and happiness.

Parrots Jaco, or Gray Parrots

general information

This type of feathered is represented by one single representative of the genus, to which the gray African parrot refers. The dimensions of this nondescript on the first type of feathels are not so small. Long body body can reach thirty-five centimeters. At the same time, the wingspan are almost twice the length of the bird's body.

As for the colors of Pet's plumage, then it has a gray shade. However, even this parrot can paint with its tail consisting of red hue feathers. Moreover, both pilot of the tail of the tail are allocated to the tail of the tail and the brown parrot.

The area around the eye of the bird is gray and deprived of feathers. From afar it may even seem that it is white, but it is not. Simply against the background of the gray shade of the pen, covering almost the entire body of the bird, said area seems clarified.

As for the range of these glorious gray parrots, then these are some countries in West Africa, in which extensive forest thickets spread. Setting up on the crowns of high trees, they are still flying out in search of food, looking for fresh fruits, leaves and even snails.

Parrot talents

Immediately after successful purchase, do not hurry to brag that you have settled a gray talking parrot. Before he speaks, you will have to give a lot of time on his training. That is why it is recommended to acquire young chicks and raise them on their own.

With proper perseverance and finding a common language with his pennate ward, you will probably teach it not one hundred words. Moreover, thanks to the outstanding mental abilities, the bird can show wonders of erudition and consume learned words precisely at that moment they will have any meaning. Thus, the owners of these wonderful feathers often make up the opinion that their pet easily understands everything.

Surely because of the unique properties of Jaco, the demand for him is extremely great. However, on the other hand, such an excitement around the gray parrot could not remain unnoticed and attracted the attention of the defenders of the animal world. They, in turn, saw the danger in reducing the population of Jaco and achieved the fact that the parrot was included in the list of birds prohibited to catch in order to subsequent resale.

Before you buy a gray parrot, make sure that you have enough free space in your apartment for its content. A cell or an aviary in which a pet will live, should also be spacious and not constrained by the movement of the parrot. Otherwise, the bird you purchased will probably feel bad and, perhaps, even get sick.

In the same cell initially, it will be necessary to place a container with feed and cream. Moreover, the quality of the suggested hot grains and water will need to follow every day. Feeding with old grains or fierce water is not allowed.

As for the leisure of the parrot, he should never feel lonely. Even despite the presence of its own gaming stand, the bird will need to be elementary communication, with itself a similar or person. Without due attention to your pet, you will probably quarrel, which in turn will reflect on the poultry well-being.

Therefore, you must be aware that a gray parrot every day will need to pay at least three hours on simple communication. Otherwise, he will be quite independent and can amaze himself. However, if the pet will allocate any one member of your family for himself, to which it will later be born, he will spend much more than his time with him.


Earlier, the article has already mentioned that the parrot needs to give only fresh and nutritional food. Therefore, by purchasing food for their birds in pet stores, carefully study the packaging for damage or overdue labels. In the case of impaired hermetic packaging of feed or overdue shelf life, feed for your pet must be replaced with a new one. As for the delicacies that your Jaco will definitely perceive with pleasure, it is pineapple, corn, watermelon, carrots, cherry, beets, apricot, so on.

If your pet manifests the initiative and try to enjoy any human food, by type of sausage or bread, then they will be better to remove them immediately. A gray parrot should not be given to the familiar food for people, since their body is not adapted to it and it will not bring use.

Parrots wavy


The birthplace of the world's most popular parrots is Australia. It is believed that these birds existed for a very long time, according to some researchers as much as 5 million years ago, but the first written mentions about them relate to the 18th century.

Despite the ancient history, for the first time the wavy parrots were taken only in 1840. Outside Australia, elegant birds immediately attracted attention and quickly became popular in England, France, Germany and Belgium. However, due to the increasing popularity, the population of wavy parrots in Australia has declined sharply, and the law on the ban of the catch and the export of birds was issued in the country. But the world was not ready to part with the barely acquired pets, European breeders took up the breeding of wavy parrots.

The first healthy offspring of wavy parrots, grown in captivity, was obtained in 1850. This merit belonged to the employees of the Antwerp zoo, later the explosion experience was described in detail and became a real guide for breeding. Now the wavy parrots are popular all over the world, you can buy this pet in any pet store.


Wavy parrots are rather miniature birds, the length of the body of which, as a rule, does not exceed 19-20 cm. The wavy parrots have a long, beautiful tail, at the expense of which the bird seems much larger: the tail length corresponds to half the body length.

In general, wavy parrots are harmonious and compact birds. They have a strong, strong beak, like a bird of prey, elastic feathers, tightly adjacent to the body, a rich palette of the color. In natural habitat, the traditional color of the wavy parrots is green with transverse wavy dark strokes, but artificially created such bright colors, like blue-black, yellow-blue, motley, opal, harlequin (yellow breast and green belly; White breast and blue belly ) And the eyes of the eyes are dark blue with a rainbow shell of a white or yellow shade. Some birds at the head there is a miniature joke from feathers, such parrots are called Hokhlagami.

Among the wavy parrots, you can meet albinos (completely white birds with red eyes) and ottino (birds with yellow plumage), there are no wavy drawings in the color of these birds. It is important to understand that the color of albinos and ottino is a consequence of impaired pigmentation, not a feature of the breed, and it is not inherited.


These birds are very sociable and adore to talk. They easily remember and pronounce remembering words and expressions, and they do it both in the presence of a person and when communicating with other pets. And the parrots love to sing and will be very grateful to you if you take the rule from time to time to peel the melody or more often to include music.

It is important to take into account that parrots are artistic birds, they feel very poorly alone and can even get sick. If the owner is often absent at home and does not have the opportunity to communicate daily and talk to the pet, the optimal option will be another parrot.

In general, wavy parrots are quite active. They love to walk around the cage, climb on the rods, play, as well as wrapping in front of the mirror. Its appearance neat pets are given great importance, they are cleaned daily and wrapped.

Throughout life, the nature of the wavy parrot may change. Over time, it becomes more difficult for them to adapt to new places, it is harder to be transferred and separated with the owner.

Parrots KEA

Habitat area

KEA live in the mountainous locations of the Southern Island in New Zealand. Permanent winds blow here, fog frequent, and winter is snow. These are the only parrots that can survive and multiply at an altitude of more than 1500 m above sea level. Bird shelters make in rocks, at a depth of 1 to 5 meters.

Kea prefers beech forests and valleys with steep slopes, alpine meadows, shrubs and suburbs, where the local population and tourists live. They love "Shot" in humans, annoying tourists in camping and ski houses. In the summer season, Kea is more active at night. These are artistic birds that are very like a strong wind and demonstrate acrobatic tricks in flight.

Characteristics of Parrots KEA

Nestors of olive color with a green-brown tint, plumage under the wings and the ability to red-orange. Feathers in the wing are decorated with blue stripes. In the flight of the birds are very beautiful: the shades and colors are invisible until this point, when Kea plays the wings.

The legs of them are gray, flaky and eye iris are almost black. The size of KEA with a large crow: body length is about 47 cm, weight ranges from 700 to 1000 gr., Wings scope 90 cm. Life expectancy is about 15 years.

Paul ripening at Kea comes from 3 years. The period of reproduction - from July to January. Before the nesting, females two years are built and prepared the nest. It is in the voids of rocks or in nonorah, and its depth reaches 7 m.

The reliable refuge structure reduces the mortality of chicks. In masonry from 2 to 4 snow-white eggs. Caught their female 21 days. The bird does not leave the nest, the male provides food all the family. After two months, the female leaves the nest, giving the male to the offspring. The hometown of the chicks leave after 70 days.

In the marriage period, the male can have at the same time up to 4 partners, each of which he cares. It is difficult to distinguish the female from male, the external difference in birds only in size - the female is a bit smaller.

KEA's abilities

The beak of a dark gray color successfully replaces the repairman tools tools with these clever birds. With the help of it, Kea can easily copes with car tires and janitors, climb the locks and tear the property left without supervision. High intelligence of birds allows them to organize an attack and knock out food from the hands of people.

Kea is extremely curious and stoles. Finding towards them, the thing is breaking or disassembled, and the details are carried out into the rocks, where these passes store their "treasures".

Local residents have a real training session: people have already been trying to invent a garbage container who could not open and knock on these clever birds.

Parrots Ara

Characteristic of type

Large, beautiful with very bright appearance and rich variety of species are perhaps the most basic characteristic features that have a parrot Ara. All of them come from South America everywhere in the central part, as well as the subject of pride of zoos, circus, reserves around the world. These birds deserve special attention not only due to beauty and exotic, but also because many of them are very rare and require our protection. Favorite and popular image of pirate feathels played with them a keen joke, they became the object of hunting lovers of exotic and light money.

The genus of these parrots consisted of only 15 species, but 7 of them are considered extinct, and most of the remaining today are on the verge of extinction. For example, like a blue parrot or blue Ara. How much exactly lives these birds in the wild it is difficult to say.


A red feathered familiar to many, because these birds we see in many photos of tropical forests, exotic warm beaches, in advertising zoos and circus programs. Ara is quite large birds (up to a meter long) with a beautiful multi-colored plumage. Murately green, red and yellow shades prevail. However, there are less bright, for example, as a kind of gray-blue (dim) hyacinth Ara.

In many parrots, plots around the eyes, as well as on the cheeks are deprived of plumage, and the soldier Ara has a beautiful bezel around the beak. People often confuse these parrots with a similar, but white color and a hokholcom. But the white parrot is a breed, or rather the view of the cacada.


In nature, these parrots live in tropical forests of a large pack. What is noteworthy, they create a strong and, as a rule, one for life. Mixed on the branches of trees, and some species can live in highlands at an altitude of 500 meters, for example, green-colored Ara (Soldier Ara up to 700 m). Feeding fruits, plants, can visit cultural plantations than harm to rural grounds. However, the person does not approach the person and from other types of birds to keep isolated.

By themselves, flocks of birds are very careful and in case of danger, they raise a very loud cry. Also, their rather unpleasant loud sounds can be heard in the morning when birds wake up. Not all these screams like, as they resemble squabs and loud wheezes.


  1. Ara Red. The main color of the plumage is red; Lained peeks of bridles and cheeks - whitish color with barely visible light-red rugs stretched into line; There are birds with yellowish feathers of feathers on the back of the head; The main (and the main) and the lateral crumbling feathers of the wings are yellow with green tips. Fold wing, fly and extreme steering feathers, upper and lower bogging feathers of blue tail.
  2. Ara Sina-Yellow. General background of plumage - juicy blue, the forehead is green; deprived of the feathers of the bridle and cheeks of light-white color, they cross the black longitudinal feathers in the form of strips, connecting between themselves on the black throat; Feathers covering ear holes, sides of the throat, the upper part of the chest, belly, milk feathers and crumbling feathers of the wing - yellow-orange color; Top side - blue, bottom side - olive yellow; beak - blacknous; Rainbow Eye Shell - Pale Yellowish Color; Legs - Dark Gray
  3. Ara Zelenokryly. The male and female are painted equally. The size of the female is smaller than the male, her head is smaller, and the tail is shorter, the brown eye sheath is brown. The head is massive. Bearing large, strong, black. Rainbow eye sheath pale yellow. Inclutter light pink or ivory color, connect black. At the base of the implity there is a black triangular stain. The cheeks are naked, white, covered with small dark red feathers. When green-colored Ara is excited, small feathers on the cheeks and head begin to strain. Paws are dark gray. Forms in the form of Zegodact: Two fingers look ahead, two - back. The tail is long, tapering to an end.
  4. Hyacinth Ara. Habitat: Outskirts of forest, forest stocks, swampy terrain, palm groves. Along the rivers. Less frequently in the rules. Habitation height up to 800 m. Main color - Violet blue. Wings just darker. The naked area around the eyes and at the base is connected - bright yellow. Snake and cercers - blacknasted. Beak black. Paws are dark gray. Rainbow dark, brown. Disappeared from many territories occupied by him. The reason for reducing the population is hunting for meat and feathers, caught (which contributed to almost complete disappearance from the territory of Paraguay), the loss of the natural habitat (for domestic animals, under the sowing of exotic trees and due to permanent fires).
  5. Small hyacinth Ara. Coloring cobalt-blue. Wings just darker. Head, chest and belly with green tide. The naked area around the eyes and the base is connected - pale yellow. Snake and cercers - blacknasted. Beak black. Paws Dark gray. Rainbing dark brown. The area is limited to a small and hard-to-reach site in the north-east of the state of Baia Brazil). Inhabits open and semi-open areas, near sandstones to a height of 500-800 m above sea level. Extremely rare is under threat of complete disappearance. By the end of the twentieth century in the wild, there were 90-250 individuals separated by 2 populations. Causes: Hunting, calfs, loss of pristine nature.
  6. Blue Ara. Body length 55-57 cm; The weight of 400 g. The color of the plumage is blunt-blue. Head is lighter, gray. Chest and belly - sea wave colors. Naked facial zone (from the implice to the eye) gray, dark. The forehead and ears are lighter than the main color of the head. Wings, bigger than the whole body. Beak black. Rainbow yellowish. Paws gray. In young individuals, the iris darkness, the implous color of the bone with black sides, the tail in short. Distributed in Brazil. It lives in plains with barbed shrubs and lonely high trees or landings, in palm trees, forest stairs along the banks of the rivers. Gnobs arranges in the wrappers of old trees, choosing the biggest hollow. The female lays eggs with an interval in two days. In masonry 2-3 eggs. Occupation lasts 26-28 days, only the female eggs rake. The male feeds the female and protects the nest, he spends the night outside the nest. Chicks feed both parents. The chicks are fascinated for about 4 months, but their parents feed their next three years.
  7. Nursery Ara. The plumage is green, head with a bluish tint. Red and yellow brushes are mostly inoperable or with a small number of feathers. Lob bugs red. The same color spots on the bottom of the back and on the stomach. On the wing there is a blue strip, a green wing below. The lower side of the steering feathers of gray-yellow color. The ability to olive-green, the tail is red-brown, with a blue end. The beak is black, iris orange-red. Paws are light. The female from male is distinguished by slightly smaller dimensions of the red belt on the forehead and pale red tones. It lives in the east of Brazil, Bolivia and in Paraguay. Typical inhabitant of tropical forests, mostly their upper and middle tiers.

Parrots Cakada

Features of the parrot Cockada and appearance description

"Cocata"this is translated by "plugs". When the content of this bird should be aware that the word "tubing" means a strong, massive beak of a bird and a powerful bite.

  1. The average body length of the cacata is 30 cm, but there are other species, more larger, their body length is 70 cm. The bird weight varies in 1 kg.
  2. Khokholok is the advantage of Kakada, it is on the forehead and the pattern in the form of long feathers. The main color of the bird and the Khokholka does not differ by contrete. The color of the feathers has different colors and shades, mainly such: black, red, pink, white and yellow. However, the feathers do not have a green and blue color.
  3. The next dignity of the kakada parrot is the beak, which has bends, large size and considerable length, which in turn gives a bird greater attractiveness. The wide part of the connection is more clutch, the sides of the connection are smoothly moving on the cluster, reminding the bucket. Such a structure of Beak is only this type of bird. It can easily break the wooden cage, furniture and other facilities that can see the parrot Cockada.
  4. The tip of the fleshy language has a dark color. The bird has in the tongue of a hollow, it applies it as a spoon. The ring around the perimeter of the eye is worn and vice versa. Although the cacada has good pet abilities, but best, it turns out, to climb on the trees and move on the ground.

Lifestyle of different types of cockada in the wild environment

Inhabit the parrots of Kakada Filipino Islands, New Guinea, Indonesia and Australia. From seats distribution It becomes clear that the bird can easily adapt to virtually different living conditions. For example, Australian Cockada prefers to live in large groups in the area where there is an open space. The subspecies of the cockatoo applies trees for the purpose of overnight, the rest of the day spends on the expanses of the Australian Savanna.

Separate subspecies live in pairs or small groups, choosing to cover the crown of trees. Indonesian subspecies of Kakada prefers to settle in wetlands of subtropical and tropical forests. But, practically, most feathered for nestings choose a hollow in trees, as well as rocky clefts. Cockada is chosen on the search for trees, after some time finds and adjusts the new home, under itself using its powerful beak. The base of the hollow rushes a durable bark.

In all seasons of the year, Cockada is knocked into huge flockBut for the period of reproduction, they are distributed over long distances, approximately 500 hectares. The male and female at this time become extremely aggressive and no birds do not let themselves on their territory.

Hunt poan on trees, and on earth, their ration Nutrition looks like this:

  • flowers and capers;
  • acacia seeds, eucalyptus, and cones;
  • roots, pecan, nuts and almonds;
  • grass seeds;
  • grain crops - oats, corn and wheat;
  • shoots of leaves and trees;
  • fruit fruits - melon, fig and other berries;
  • larvae and insects.

Cockada inhabiting Australia, food Exclusively on Earth, during the meal, some group of feathered looks behind the environment, then a change occurs. This procedure is performed for security purposes. Each subspecies has its own characteristics, character and habits, but all these birds combine common features.

Parrots Kakada are stient Birds and do not prefer to live alone. Such a need is laid in a genetic code, due to this, they survive in wild conditions. The main task of the flock is the self-preservation, nutrition and protection against predatory animals. The feathered fairly sociable, constantly care and sprinkle with each other, can distinguish their relatives from other individuals. The parrot is a clean feather, he and his relatives must have a beautiful plumage in front of the whole group, it means that they are very caring and attentive.


Parrots Cockada refer to category odnolyubov. After meeting with the female, the male holds his whole life with her and even becomes lonely after her death, and the female also goes, remaining one for life. Devotion lies in a very strong attachment of parrots. Cockada from an early age pick up a couple, looking after each other, and spend a young time together. At the time of the onset of puberty, there is a quick formation of a pair for further reproduction and joint residence.

Female and male carefully protect And take care of each other. Cockada his choices can smooth and clean feathers for many hours. Prior to the moment of reproduction, the steam spends almost all the time together, and after such an event they are formed forever. Both male and female will take care of young.

Depending on the subspecies, on average, the surgery of eggs lasts 25 days. For a whole week, chicks are in the blind condition, without boost, but after that they open their eyes and appear down. At first, newborns are very dependent on parents and do not leave them for a step. After 12 weeks of life, young people fly out of the nest, but parents continue to take care of puberty.

Parrots Kakada sometimes leave their flock and join the other, however, it rarely happens, usually prefer to be in their native circle. Poland ripening birds begins for the fifth year of life, and the unwitting life expectancy is 90 years old, but wild individuals live a little less.

Types of Parrots Kakada

The planet lives 21 views. The most basic types of cabada:

  1. Rolling Cockada. Inhabited Tasmania, the islands of Kangaroo, the northeast territory of Australia and the southeast of New Guinea. Prefer to live near reservoirs, as well as love wooded terrain. The group number is not more than 80 individuals. Upper white plumage, and the lower plumage with a yellow tint. A narrow and sharp gears of yellow color. White and blue color near the eye ring. The eyerings of females - red-brown, and the males - black. Body length on average - 50 cm, weight - 900 grams, females are a bit harder.
  2. Pink Cockada. It dwells exclusively on the Australian savannas and fields. The group number ranges from 20 to 800 heads. The average population length is 36 cm, at least 50 years live in unweathe. The smoky gray color of the plumage, and the belly, neck and cheeks bright red. Khokholok above has a light shade, sometimes white. The inner feather is red-pink. Eye iris of females of light orange color, in males black and brown. These cockada is more peace-loving than other subspecies. But less popular than white cockada.
  3. White Kakada. Distributed in Molukskie Islands and in Indonesia. Prefers to live a pair, it happens, gather in flocks, not exceeding 80 individuals. Favorite places of white cockatoo: next to rivers, gentle and forests. The prevailing white cabada plumage color is a snow-white, surprisingly clean and white color. The shape of the Khokholka resembles a large crown. White Cockada length is 45 cm on average, body weight 600 gr. The eyerings of the red-brown females, the males black and brown. This white cockatoo is able to remember several tens of words. Very common among the poultry houses.
  4. Molukksky Cockada. Distributed in the swampy and forest areas, on the islands of sacrament and Ambon Indonesia Archipelago. The size of the pack does not exceed 20 individuals, more often live in pairs. Pale pink cooler color, on the cervices there is an orange color, under the tail yellow-orange color. There are several colors on the Khokholka: the inner pen has a contrast red-orange shade, and the external white pen and a length of 19 cm. The ring around the perimeter does not have a plumage, but has a blue shade. The length of the body is 55 cm, and the mass varies in the area of \u200b\u200b900 grams. This subspecies is in the Red Book.
  5. Timbar Cockada. Distributed in the Timbar Islands and in Indonesia. Mostly snow-white plumage. Near the ears there is a yellow color, the pink bridle of the beak. Bottles and pale yellow wings. White-gray beak. Bird length 32 cm, and the mass of about 300 gr. This Cockada Corrugation is ranked with endangered species.
  6. Cockada Inca - Mitchell Major. He is also common in Australia. Pale pink parrot color, it happens in a contrastful pink. Beak light shade. Khokholok has several colors: bright red, white in yellow stains. The length is 40 cm, and the mass reaches 440 grams. Eye iris standard color for cacada. The female is heavier than the male not a couple of dozen grams, which is also traditionally for parrots this subspecies. This bird is prohibited for maintenance at home, in order to obtain permission, it is necessary to agree with the authorities.

The rules for the content of such a bird are the same as in the content of other similar parrots. Maintenance regulations:

  1. We need an aviary or a cell with metal bar, which will be closed on the castle. Parameters: 120x120 cm, if the aviary is used, then its size should be: 5x2x2 m.
  2. Non-bottom cellsdesigned for simplified cleaning. The cell should be installed wooden floors for a parrot.
  3. The bird prefers daily daily, so in the aviary, it should be placed with warm water.
  4. The whole cell and accessories in it must be clean every day. Especially feeder, drinking capacity.
  5. Normal temperaturefor the content of birds should be in the area of \u200b\u200b+18 degrees. The cell and the lock must be durable, do not underestimate the power of the beak feat.
  6. It is necessary to periodically produce a cacle for flights on the apartment, but it is necessary to follow it in order not to damage the furniture.
  7. During the flying of the bird, it is recommended to close the windows and doors.

These birds are not addicted to food, but prefer rational food. rules:

  1. The diet should be balancedand different: grain, wheat, oats, beans, pumpkin seeds, rice and nuts. Also, the food is given grass, fruits and vegetables.
  2. It is necessary to adjust the diet at different times of the year. In winter, sunflower and safflower prefers, and in the summer season it is necessary to give a kakada shoots and greens. It is not necessary to deprive the feathered minerals, for example, sepia.
  3. Feeding adult and young individuals a bit is different. Usually, young people feed on about 4 times a day, adults are no more than two times. The first feed should be given early in the morning. It is necessary to provide filtered water, preferably daily.

Amazon parrots

Accommodation in wildlife

This variety of parrots lives mainly on the Antilles and in America. At the same time, you must know that Amazons are as many as thirty-two types, differing from each other near the signs and differences. The most common types of Amazon will be described in the article further.

However, these parrots are valued not only for their unusual appearance and mental abilities. In some countries, Amazon is treated as a delicacy, with all the consequences arising from here. Some of the species of this parrot are listed in the international red book, as an extinct view. Martino and purple subspecies should be attributed to these extinct species.

The appearance of the parrot and its life expectancy

As for the appearance of any of the varieties of parrots described in this article, then they all have a number of common features. They can vary them in the tails of thirty - forty centimeters. With such impressive dimensions, Amazons are considered birds of medium-sized, whose weight varies within 500 grams.

The main color prevailing in the color of the bird feathers is green. The difference between species usually consists in a peculiar color of the head and tail. It is on the head and tail of parrots belonging to different types, there may be feathers painted in blue, yellow, green and other colors.

The prevailing green colored feathers probably saved the birds of life more than once. It is believed that they are mainly inhabited in forests, where, due to their decoration of the plumage, skillfully merge with the surrounding plants. Even if he stands next to any bush, then you are unlikely to immediately notice this parrot.

For the same reason, in the wild, Amazon, as a rule, do not live up to fifty years. In the domestic conditions, when the parrot is always fed and is surrounded by care and caress, he can live up to an impressive seventy years.

The most popular varieties of Amazon

  • Cuban. How easy it is to guess from the name, Cuban Amazon lives on the same island of freedom (in Cuba). The long body of this parrot usually fluctuates in the tails of thirty centimeters. As mentioned above, the coloring of the plumage of each of the types of individual. For example, Cuban Amazon has a characteristic coloring of the head with the prevailing white color. Poultry cheeks and throat has a pronounced red color. In addition, Cuban Amazon has a bluish painting of extreme wing feathers. This variety of parrots live in small flocks of several dozen individuals.

  • Sinelyl. Syeloby Amazon has a blue forehead coloring. In addition, in the colors of his head there are yellow feathers. Otherwise, the plumage of this parrot is green, with a different colors intensity. Siellular Amazon inhabited in the forests of Amazonia, making time from time to time to nearby plantations in order to live. However, precisely because of this, the local farmers, causing and killing the representatives of this type of parrots, are disliked.
  • Jolvesy. Yellowar Amazon is easily recognizable on the bright yellow coloring of the head of the head. He lives mostly in Mexico, although it is possible to meet him in the territory of Guatemala, Belize and even Honduras. He prefers to live in pairs, feeding the growing nuts nearby, berries and other vegetation. The population of this type of parrot is not numerous and is less than 10,000 individuals. That is why the yellow-haired Amazon is entered into a special registry as an extinct view. It is worth noting that this is a rather large variety of parrots. The length of their body may exceed forty centimeters in length.
  • Robust. In contrast to the yellow brown, the yellow color of the plumage in this species is located on the head of the bird and in the area of \u200b\u200bher neck. In addition, if you look at the appearance of the parrot, it will be possible to notice a spontaneous white spot around his eyes. Greeting Amazon lives only on the territory of Mexico. However, describing this type of parrots, it is worth emphasizing that it is the richest amazon that has the most impressive ability to parody human speech. Moreover, they are the faster than any other species come into contact with their belonging to them.
  • Bald. Unlike the yellow truck, the colors of feathers on the forehead of this parrot white. Otherwise, it is similar to the view described above. Bald Amazon also prefers to exist with small pairs or groups. And as well as the yellow card, lives in Mexico. A characteristic feature of this variety of parrots is the presence of three subspecies, referred to as Sonoric, white and small white white Amazon. It is characteristic that for this type of parrots, a small body size is characterized, about 25-27 cm. In connection with which it is determined by popular among bird lovers. The weight of this type of parrots is also small and fluctuating in the tails of four hundred grams.

  • Redhead. Probably, you have already immediately guessed that the red-born Amazon has a bright red color of the Operation of the forehead. In addition, the cheek has orange. Thanks to such a combination of colors, the red-born Amazon looks just great. Human-born Amazon lives mainly in Brazil and Mexico. By itself, this kind is not small. Dimensions of the parrot can come up to 36 and even more centimeters. Distribute this type of parrot prefers mainly in the flock. Which is characteristic of this type of parrots, this is what he has four subspecies that differ from each other not only with a slight difference in the coloring of the plumage and in dimensions, but also at the place of their habitat.
  • Surinamese. Sometimes it is also called, like - yellow-haired Amazon. This bird has a length of impressive 35 or more centimeters. Suriname Amazon is characterized by a small yellow spot on the forehead and red splashes in the colors of the back and the tail of the bird. This species of birds in Mexico, Brazil and Peru dwell. On the territory of the aforementioned countries, it can be found in the company of similar birds. They live mostly couples. However, occasionally can meet small groups of birds of this species. This species is characterized by the presence of four methods of parrots living on a fairly extensive territory. Thus, the subspecies of these parrots can be seen in Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and even on the island of Maramero.
  • Muller. Amazon Muller is a pretty major view of the parrots. Long body of this bird can exceed forty centimeters. In this connection, you should not be surprised that the weight of this not small bird is also large and can reach 700 grams. Amazon Muller spreads in Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia. The peculiar name is this type of parrot thanks to the erroneous translation of the original bird name associated with its unusual appearance. The feathers of this parrot, as if rushed with flour, in connection with which, it is even sometimes called the mill parrot.

Parrots Korlala

Description Parrots Korlel

Corelons grow to the size of a small pigeon, about 30 cm. Half their length is a tail of a pointed form. The adult part weighs about 150 g. The distinctive feature of the Parrots of Korölla is a long horschik, which is located on the pests and is painted in yellow. Corell colors can be a variety of: deep dark gray (wild color type), cinnamon colors, pearl, yellow-white, motley, pure white, creamy.

The males of this breed have a darker color, the body is covered with dark olive feathers, the wings have black or blue-gray splashes, a shcholok yellow, cheeks - a bright red shade. Corella's female light gray dull color. Poultry cheeks have orange or light brown spots. Young individuals of any floor have a bright color, which over time becomes rich.

The appearance of the offspring of Korella

Corellas take turns based on eggs and feeding chicks. Usually, the eggs males are based on the eggs, and at night - females. By that time, when the chicks begin to appear on the light, the female sits more on eggs. Corell chicks are born with dense yellow powder. Require food, they publish an unpleasant sound, so the owners who plan to explore the breeding of Parrots Korlel must be prepared for the fact that it will cut them.

When the last chick will appear, the parents of Corelons leave the nest often enough to extract food for the enhanced feeding of unquesting babies. When they fly away at night, then the chicks remain in the nest, closely clinging to each other, thereby warming up. At the age of two weeks, they finish with a dense gray down, they are partially revealed by wings covers.

At the age of 35-40 days, Corella's chicks first come out of the nest. At this time, they already feed on their own, they can sit down and hold on the barbell, make wings and try to fly around the cage. Parrots of the Corell breed feed their children from 2 weeks before the two months of age. Often the female immediately proceeds to the next masonry and stop feeding chicks. In such cases, young nymph must be jumped and start feeding artificially.

At the age of 4-10 months, the first molt begins in the young parrots of Korlel, it lasts about five weeks. After that, you can define the parrot floor. The difference between the young male from the female is that the "boys" are trying the voice and remove melodic songs, and this girl does not.

Types of parrot Koroela

What a parrot of Korell looks like, depends on the view to which it belongs:

  • So, Gray Corella has a plumage of a dark gray deep color, a bright yellow head and bright cheeks.
  • It looks like Correll color cinnamon, the most common color. But after the first molting, the cinnings of the "boys" become bright yellow faces and bright orange cheeks. Girls have cheeks remain orange, but more dull than males.
  • Pearl Koroell has a beautiful gear pattern on the plumage. The tail is yellow, and the feet of pink color.
  • Butterly - Korörla Yellow-white color with orange cheeks and red eyes. For a horschik, such birds are baldness.
  • Korell Mostny has 25% of dark plumage and 75% yellow. Visually, the female does not differ from the male.
  • Albino - Parrot of the Lytino type, it is pure white korella, having red legs, eyes and beaks.
  • Corella steam - a mild creamy parrot close to brown color. They have a brighter color, it is especially noticeable in adult individuals. Eyes of such birds are bright red.

Parrots are lovers


Landless - beautiful, bright, miniature parrots, the length of the body of which is about 17 cm, and the weight of about 50 grams. There are rather large heads at the expense of which the birds look a somewhat chunky, strong, beak beak, a small rounded tail, strong, short legs. Due to the strong legs, loves are quickly running around the ground and perfectly climb on trees.

Coloring serves as one of the main advantages of these parrots: Gamma is very bright and contrasting, the prevailing colors is green, however, the head, neck and chest are usually painted in other colors (blue, pink, yellow, red, etc.).

Beak in loves straw yellow or bright red; It is very strong and in case of danger serves as a bird with an effective weapon.

Features of content

Loves are rather unpretentious in the content. The bases from the foundations are a balanced diet and a spacious cell, the size of which for two parrots should be at least 80x40x60 cm. It is better to choose a metal cage, because Wooden rods Liberals can easily damage their strong beaks. To remove the offspring, the birds need a nesting house - a flyer or a doupel. There are a number of plants that provide danger to underwear. This, for example, Mokha, Fern, Azalea, Adenium, etc. Check out the full list and in no case let these plants in the birds.

In no case cannot be kept alone. This is a steam bird, which is sure to need a second half. However, often within the framework of the pair of lovers, disagreements happen. In the marriage period, one of the partners can begin to exercise aggression and drive their chosen one by a cell, without giving him to sit on the pranch. In such cases, "spouses" need to sit apart from each other in different cells. As a rule, they soon calm down and again begin to live a soul in the soul. If the measures taken do not help and the bird continues to show aggression for a long time, perhaps the partner does not suit her and you need to change the pair.


  1. Retrozewood Lady - Pernative favorite of many households. Chicks belonging to this kind have a herbal-green color, while the throat and cheeks are orange, and the forehead is bright red, the tail has a blue tint. Chicks, just left the parent nest, differ from adult individuals, their color is solid green. Only at 8-9 months of life grows a brown-colored plumage characteristic of the parrots of this species. In nature nest near water, often change the habitat, in search of food flies with flocks. Waking up on pairs, the male and female become inseparable: they feed each other, together fly to drink water, and during the occurrence of sexual maturity, the chick and not at all departs from his chosen.
  2. Warf parrots - The biggest representatives of the kind. This type of adversaries received its name due to the presence of a black plumage wing on the tips, the lower part of them has a similar color. The tail of yellowish color also has black bope. The main plumage of the body and the head is green. Chicks easily endure harsh climatic conditions, since the main range is mountainous areas placed at an altitude of about 3200 meters above sea level. Pretty speculation in the choice of a pair, therefore in captivity, a successfully selected steam, prone to reproduction, is a rarity.
  3. Orange Non-Refrevious - Big opponent of reproduction in captivity. Orange throat and cheeks - the main highlight of the species, brightly distinguished against the background of herbal and green plumage of the body.

Lovely wings include a wide range of colors:

  • their dark brown color on the edge contrasting the green;
  • the inner side is yellow, in the midst - a red spot;
  • covering the bottom of the wing of black feathers, edge - blue.

A distinctive feature of this species - in the will of chicks nest in pairs, and not the colonies. They are looking for a secluded corner where the female and the nest for the removal of the offspring.

  1. Mask love: Decoration and pride of any home. Other types of debris parrots are difficult to compare with mask. Since the latter are the most impressive representatives of the family. Their aristocratic color just fascinates: head - black, neck and breast - yellow, throat and sides - dark brown, the rest of the body is dark green. An unusually pronounced color gamma and the original combination of shades involuntarily make others enjoy the chick. In the captivity, the underwear breeds poorly, but correctly equipped with aviary and with the mind their chosen partner helps to correct the situation.
  2. Fisher's love - restless pests. Such status was obtained due to repeatedly fixed cases of attacks on cereal fields. Females independently equip the nests, they have a denser body structure, rather than males. Chicks have a green plumage, which alternates with yellow-orange - in the head and blue area - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ability.
  3. Blackstone loveless - disappearing from the face of the earth. Some types of adversaries are pretty similar to each other: so, the black-colored chick is easy to confuse with mask. But there is one characteristic difference - the first view has an oval stain of reddish-orange color, placed on the breast. Because of its small body size, loves often become victims of birds of prey. To defend yourself to somehow, they prefer to fly in the forests, where the trees serve as a kind of shield. Fly low above the ground, looking out for themselves. Very love to swim, which you need to take into account when the chick is in captivity.
  4. Lillian love - One of the smallest species. This type of parrot is named after the sister's widely known zoologist. Externally, chicks have similarities with pink parrots. A distinctive feature is the front of the head and the throat painted in a bright strawberry color. Therefore, this species also has the other, the corresponding name - strawberry adversities. The chicks are pretty shy, in eating unpretentious. In nature, they prefer to move in large flocks. In places where food is in short supply, can attack the farm, which makes the objects of hunting.
  5. Madagascar loves - Write and graze chicks. Unlike black-in-laws, open areas are preferred for flights, they do not like to move for distant distances. These are very grateful parrots, therefore, it is almost unsuitable for breeding at home. They may not get involved in captivity and during the years of life it is not used to your owner. The main color of the plumage of Madagascar loves is green. Pearl-gray breast plumage, neck and head has become an excuse for assigning a similar name - serogol loves. The yellowish shade has a belly and the bottom of the chest.
  6. Green-headed loves - prompt and active inhabitants of warm countries. If we compare all types of debris parrots, then green-headed belongs to the most active and cautious. They love to fly for a long time, and if you feel the danger, quickly hide in the crowns of trees. In search of food chicks fly by flocks, prefer rice seeds and wild figs fruits. Meet green-headed loves in the captivity is unlikely to succeed, because thanks to its taste and shrust, they cannot be caught. Each adipose relating to a certain form is beautiful and amazing. Unfortunately, some of them are on the verge of extinction due to human cruelty, negligence and natural factor.

Rock parrots


These are very beautiful and graceful poultry of medium sizes. The length reaches from 30 to 50 cm, the length of the wing is 16 cm. The characteristic feature of these parrots is a long step tail. Bearing round shape, large. The color of the plumage is predominantly green, around the neck there is a band in the form of "necklaces", and some species like "Tie". Wings they have sharp and long. Coloring males and females vary. All young parrots are painted like females. Three years old are having sex and acquire a characteristic adult color. The legs of these parrots are weak and short, so when climbing on branches or walking on the ground, they use the beak as the third support.


Food in South Asia and East Africa. Some species of this kind were brought to other regions, for example, to Australia and Madagascar Island, where they have taken root and begin to displace the aboriginal species of birds from the sites of nesting and feeding.

Inhabit forests and cultural landscapes. Live with flocks. Early in the morning and in the evening fly to the feeder, then on the water. Between feedings, rest on dense trees. Feed on seeds and fruits of wild and cultivated plants.


In the laying 2-4 eggs, only the female is sitting, the male feeds it and protects the nest. Young are outlined in 22-28 days, and leave the nest after 6-8 weeks. In the season they make 2 broods (in small species, possibly 3).

Very popular birds from nature lovers. They are well tolerated room content, quickly get used to the person, in captivity they live for a long time. Can quickly learn to pronounce separate words and even phrases. The only drawback is an unpleasant and sharp voice. They are very crying, but they can be studied.

Views and sizes

Large parrots

Large parrots are large intellectuals, while the most complex in the content and care. In length, they reach 90 cm.

Among them are most common:

  • amazons are quite capricious birds, can choose only one owner from all family members, and all the rest do not recognize and bite; They are inexpensive, compared with other major parrots; Amazon heights up to 40 cm, they live more than 50 years;
  • ara is the most expensive and largest parrots, can grow up to 90 cm long; If the bird has little to communicate, then its character will deteriorate, can even be dangerous, for example, to leave the owner without a finger; Live Ara 50-60 years;
  • jaco - live up to 80 years; Of all major parrots, they are the finest size - up to 33 cm; These birds are very clever (their level of intelligence, like a four-year-old child), so the creation of a comfortable life requires a large cost and effort of the host;
  • kakada - another complicated bird, along with Jaco; in good conditions lives up to 100 years; Adult special reaches 60 cm.

The biggest problem with which the unprepared owner of a large parrot may face - self-adhesive. Jaco and Kakada are subject to such a disease (although the occasion is also suffering from other parrots). If the parrot is incorrectly feeding, it is not enough to communicate with it (for example, less than 6 hours a day), not to develop it (to help entertain it can have various puzzle toys), then the bird will begin to pull his own feathers, and then continue to peck yourself in the chest. If the parrot seriously suffered from such neurosis, then it is very difficult to cure it.

Another feature of large birds is their screaming. To pay attention to the owner's attention or simply demonstrate his person, they often make loud, unpleasant sounds. Finally, inexperienced hosts may have difficulties in taking a large bird (for example, Ara or Cockada). Therefore, experts advise contact training workers who will help find a common language with a parrot. So, large parrots are good for those who have already contained previous birds, and who is ready for about 6 hours a day to devote to their pet. This is especially true of Ara or Jaco.

Middle parrots

Middle parrots grow up to 20-25 cm, and some of them - and up to 30 cm.

Among such birds are distinguished:

  • korell is the most common from the middle parrots, possibly due to their funny look: orange cheeks and yellow shoes, like a mini-kakada; such birds live 15-20 years;
  • loriquets - thanks to its blue-yellow-green-red feathers, they are deservedly considered one of the most vivid parrots. The diet they also have to be "bright": Loriquet's favorite delicacy is flowers. Such birds live up to 20 years;
  • senegalese parrot is one of the most easily leaving training. The gray-green-orange bird lives longer than all other medium parrots - 25-40 years. Perhaps the secret of long-life is that the parrot loves to sleep very much - at least 10 hours a day.

All middle parrots are very curious, the monotony quickly boring them. But mostly medium parrots are less whimsally than large ones.

Small parrots:

These include:

  • wavy (height 17 - 20 cm, live 8-15 years old, contrary to the opinion of many owners, this parrot can not give chocolate and other sweets, alcohol, any salty food, avocado, fatty food is poison for them);
  • loves (these birds really create a couple for life, height 14 cm, live 16 - 20 years).