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Lilac color in clothing: with what to combine and where to wear. Purple and his shades. Bold, bright, original color combinations. Pink and blue

In my small rose garden, I grow exclusively roses with an unusual coloring. Until recently, a black rose was the main attraction of the flower bed. Now I caught fire with a desire to purchase a lilac rose. Tell me what popular varieties Is there such a colorful colors?

Lilac roses are an extensive group of plants, which includes a wide variety of roses, ranging from tea-hybrid, and ending with the same numerous group as splashes. One feature combines flowers - they have a color that is not characteristic of roses. Unlike the usual red, white, yellow or pink, such roses are lilac. They are also called blue or purple, depending on the prevailing shade.

How did unusual roses appear?

The original color of the inflorescence was achieved as a result of selection, so all lilac roses are definitely hybrids. They argue that the basis of this color is a special gene, which stains the pansies.

If you need to take into account that they lose their saturated color in the sun. The most optimal place for landing will be a plot that after lunch gets into a half.

Popular representatives of lilac roses

Among the colors with such an amazing coloring is found both new varieties, derived after 2000, and more vintage, known since the end of the 18th century. So, the most famous representatives of lilac roses are varieties.

When you want ease and romance, the girls are often suited in calm and light tones. It can be pink, pale orange or lilac color. The latter is considered fashionable this season and can confidently complement the ensembles or hold a leading role. In the article we will tell how to be combination of lilac color in clothes Girls appreciated refinement and calm.

Not all women can see the difference between lilac and purple. And such a difference exists and it is that in violet color The leading role is assigned blue colorAnd the lilac represents nothing else as a balanced union of blue and red.

Due to the observance of certain proportions, the lilac colors are revealed as refined, gentle and feminine color. In many people, he provokes the appearance of a feeling of love, airiness, lightness, mysteriousness. This season, lilac color in fashion and expressed in the outfits in the color of the "Lilac Fog".

Despite the liveliness and positive energy, coming from this color, psychologists believe that lilac color is able to create a resistant restless feeling. The denial of lilac color shows a person with a good "business grip". Lilac color is popular among the types, accustomed to leave a direct response, prone to nostalgia and passion memories.

  • Lilac color largely symbolizes mystery and mystery. People in whose wardrobe dominates lilac color, often hide certain secrets. Also lilac is a sign of creativity, talks about the bright future of man. Dominant This tone people do, as a rule, in adolescence, when the personality is just beginning to form. The color symbolizes the absence of maturity and vanity, as well as the growth of personality and new beginnings. Lilac says about high level Vigilance, attachment to things, lifestyle and a certain circle of people. It is possible that this can explain the severe separation of fans of lilac things and numerous experiences caused by separation.
  • People preferring lilac color, distinguishes infantility, sensitivity, secrecy, infractiveness, laxity, impatience. Along with this, such persons quite calmly carry all the troubles delivered to them by the fate. The color of Lilac makes people persistent, optimistic and incredibly responsive. Even despite the series of failures, it fails to break the spirit of fans of a lavender shade. They do not cakes fate, try to achieve perfection, distinguish between other people.
  • Lilac allows you to increase the smelting, try to become independent, unique and reveal talents. Color can cause unjustified anxiety, raise business qualities. The dedication of the lilac shows dislike for the care of direct conversations, since these people prefer straightness. If you like the shade of violet, then you are used to calling things with your own names, but sometimes you prefer to dream and think about the past, and not about the future. Color is filled with mystic and mystery. Lilac allows you to know myself yourself, to establish contact with the outside world and the inner ego.

Lilac color has a lot of shades that will become an elegant addition of the evening or everyday image. We describe the most fashionable and current tones.

  • Shining orchid. It is one of the most relevant shades this season. The tone combines a mix of pink, purple and shade of Fuchsia, which makes the color very bright, mystical and unusual. Such a tone guides people to the creative way, carries passion and love. Can be applied in clothes different styles - romantic, sports, everyday, evening, etc.
  • Pale lilac. Allows you to charge solar energy and spring mood. Can be used as in upper clothesand in easier versions or details. Successfully harmonizes with light green, turquoise, heavenly blue, mint, pink, golden-beige, apricot, light green. In a pale-lilac dress, the girl becomes romantic and looks mysterious and exquisite. Supplement this tone will allow the color of emeralds, red, denim, menthol, sea wave color, beige.
  • Sirenevo Pink. Nothing other than the color of the ametist. It should be used in a pair with light brown, golden, electrician, lilac, gray, mint, pink.
  • Lavender. It is a rich shade of lilac. Harmonies with pearl, brown, menthol, pink, sky blue, dark purple.
  • Sine-lilac. Expressed calm and neutrality. May be present in one ensemble with gentle blue, indigo, brown, menthol, strawberry, beige-yellow.

What appearance is the lilac color in clothing?

If you correctly pick up the necessary shade of lilac color, the appearance will be advantageous to be emphasized, which will give confidence and create a feeling of lightness. In general, lilac color can be recommended to the girls of all color.

  • Spring. Spring ladies can be safely used in the image of the entire lilac color palette. All options are successfully harmonized with such appearance.
  • Summer. Room ladies need to be focused on pale shades of lilac, as well as on gray-lilac color.
  • Fall. Better decision Saturated tones will become, however, it is necessary to correctly choose the texture of the fabric and additional colors. Rough materials should be excluded, and the choice of falling on the flowing materials.
  • Winter. Girls with contrast appearance should pay attention to the brightness that is present in the bright lilac, lilac and color of the wild orchid.

Lilac color in its variety of shades allows you to find a suitable tone. Deciding with the main background of the bow, it is necessary to work out the details and choose accompanying colors. Determine with fashionable combinations.

The colors of the companions of the lilac can be:

  • Pale-salad. Press the image of romanticity, very good in shoes and accessories - straps, hats, gloves, scarves. Creating such a cute and delicate image, no need to use bright tones Lilac. Good option It will become a pale lilac dress with a-shaped skirt, classic boats and a narrow strap on the waist of pale-salad tone.
  • Brown red. Such a tone can be used to emphasize in a specific zone, which, of course, should be perfect. If a we are talking About slender legs - it can be tight troughs or leggings, if the waist is a strap, if the neck is scarf, etc.
  • Apricot. The kit is suitable for creating summer images. Onions in these colors can be diluted with neutral beige and thereby demonstrate a calm balanced image. Try using an apricot straight cutting skirt, classic blouse of a light lilac shade and an accent element in the color of wild orchid.
  • Denim. In the casual set, jeans or jeggins can be used, which will complement the lavender tunic from flying fabric, summer boots or suede puffs of purple.
  • Menthol. It is well harmonized with a lilac amethyst, giving sexuality and energy. Tornneng, is actively used in sports kit and other images.
  • Golden. Allows you to supplement the evening dress blue-lilac color and create a memorable combination. If you wish, you can add bright or dark tonesin which accessories or jewelry will be performed.
  • Red. The combination is quite controversial and aggressive, especially if it is merged in one dress with bright and saturated lilac color. Not everyone can call a similar duet harmonious. Some combination causes irritation and "cuts" eye.
  • The black. Universal color will allow you to apply a lavender shade of a lilac in a business set. It can be a black pencil skirt, a black or white blouse and a lavender jacket. You can always replace the skirt on the dress or trousers, and the jacket to the cardigan or bolero.
  • Beige. Makes the image calm and neutral. When used near the face gives the skin a pleasant shade.
  • Pink. Positively manifests itself with a classic lilac color. In Luke, colors may have equal proportions. Combining things of these colors, better focus on smooth silk fabrics and products with minimal decor.
  • Carrot. Suitable for variation with a pale lilac shade. In the summer you can wear Bridges or Capri Capri in carrots and complement a set of lilac shirt with a floral print. Visually to lengthen the legs will allow the shoes of the same shade as Breeches.
  • Yellow-beige. A gold color may be present in the kit, and the leading in the image will become a purple or other bright lilac color.
  • Aquamarine. Makes a woman even more mysterious in the eyes of men due to a combination of two magical colors. Applied in a pair with classic lilac color.

Do not go beyond reasonable if you are not sure of your abilities and create an ensemble of more than three colors. If you are not sure that when merging a pair of tones is formed by a harmonious with a lilac steam, use neutral colors, such as white, gray and black.

Lilac color - the concept is very narrow, and there is no large variety of shades, as in the main colors. Having a small spectrum of tones, the lack of color wealth (and then the concept is very relative) it compensates for an incredible fascinating beauty that combines and tenderness, and coldness, and restraint.

Our task is to find out which colors are combined with lilac in clothing so that its natural beauty is emphasized, so that the color was pleasant to the eye, and the image was stylish and harmonious.

Perhaps the lilac color is one of those from which it is difficult to tear the eye, so it is attractive and overflow. Such beauty is explained - something lilac color reminds us with a pink, very feminine, gentle or bright depending on the shade, and at the same time there is something from blue and blue. Most. accurate definition lilac color will probably "Delicious" * Wink *

Despite the fact that shades related to lilac color (amethyst, eggplant, wisterium, etc.) are quite different from each other, they all require an almost identical approach to color ensembles.

And in general, a combination of flowers in clothes with lilac is not so difficult. (To get acquainted with common rules Combine colors, read our article :).

Lilac color and bright shades

The combination is fresh and very pleasant. White color Make a lilac even deeper and saturated. In the summer, the image made in such shades will resemble the southern countries and warm southern evenings, and in the winter such a color ensemble will correspond to the winter range with its coldness and some blue. But in this couple it is better to add any other color, such as pink, blue or gray.

Lilac color is most magically combined with silver color. This ensemble is suitable, rather, not for everyday images (although if the silver color is minimal, then it is permissible), but for more solemn incidents.

At such events, the combination of colorful lilac and overflowing silver will put you in the center of attention and will give a reputation as styles.

Beige - also a good partner for lilac. With him combinations will be modest and maintained, but beige color Make an image more noble and solid, because lilac color is a little frivolous and flirty. To solve problems of casual outfits, such a duet is a great option: not too bright, but also fresh and with a highlight.

Lilac color in clothing and pastel shades

Here! That is where lilac color flourishes in full power! Even the darkest or bright shades in themselves in themselves, some kind of magical power, restrained tenderness and touching coolness, which, in combination with pastel, manifest themselves at the maximum point.

First of all, lilac color and in the dark, and in the bright version it is perfectly combined with gentle pink, lilac, soft blue and peach. These colors "break down" in the lilac his involvement in the pink palette, and more romantic, gentle and at the same time ultra-stylish combination you will not find.

No worse and combination with Saladov, lemon, mint flowerswhere lilac will strengthen its coldness.

Another big plus of such combinations (this is besides the fact that you will get a read-adjacent stylish image) is that these combinations can be combined and do it in any proportions. In this advantage of pastel tones, which are very stylishly played with Siren.

Lilac color and other colors

Despite the relative brightness of the lilac color, many others are pretty bright colors Enter with him in a fairly pleasant and harmonious connection.

Lilac + pink + blue

The indisputable leaders are pink and blue, why - you probably have already guessed yourself. A juicy combination for which you can watch forever.

Blue jeans, lilac blouse and pink jacket; Lilac overalls and pink t-shirt and blue accessories; Lilac pants, a gentle pink shirt and a bright pink jacket - examples of such successful combinations can be given forever. Such ensembles can add small silver accents.

Lilac + green

It is very unusual and interesting is the combination of lilac color in clothes with green, especially emerald or jade.

But such a combination is more suitable for a party or for especially bold ladies.

Lilac and wine shades

Please the eyes and lilac combined with wine hints.

Lilac cocktail dress and jacket of this color - the solution is elegant, eclectic and spectacular.

Combination in lilac clothes with yellow and orange

To create light spring and summer images, a wonderful pair of lilac will become yellow and orange colorsNaturally, not the most screaming their shades.

Lilac and black

The perfect combination for the office and everyday life when the lilac color in the minority is bright accent On a gloomy background.

Conversations are possible on the contrary, the main thing is that on a lilac background there is no small black accents or too small clothes (bolero, etc.), in such a proportion, this contrast does not look stylish.

Lilac and gray

Good, good combination. By big account, these colors are not affected by each other, but still look pretty harmonious.

Such a solution (with the addition of some bright color accents) is great for a cocktail dress. Also stylish will be an image: gray jeans, a gray t-shirt and a bright lilac cardigan.

Lilac color refreshes a gray gamut and gives her his floral mood!

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Scheme # 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or additional, contrasting, are colors that are located on the opposite sides of the Otten color circle. The combination looks very vividly and vigorously, especially with the maximum color saturation.

Scheme # 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks sufficiently alive even when using pale and unsaturated colors.

Scheme # 3. Similar combination

A combination from 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on color Circle (Ideally - 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, having. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme number 4. Separate-complementary combination

An embodiment of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color is used for it. The combination of the main color and two additional. It looks like this scheme is almost as contrast, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations properly, - use separate-complementary.

Scheme No. 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

The color scheme, where one color is the main one, two - complementary, and one more emphasizes accents. Example: blue-green, blue-purple, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square

Combining individual colors

  • White: Combined with everything. Best combination With blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia color, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, green mint, olive, gray, turquoise, soft blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, yellow-brown, lime color, green mint, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato and red: blue, green mint color, sandy, buty white, gray.
  • Cherry-red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, color of the damask rose.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, blue, green mint color, purple-pink, lime color.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, lilac, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, lilac, light blue, purple, gray, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry-red, brown, blue, gray.
  • Pale yellow: Fuchsia color, gray, brown, shades of red, yellowish brown, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, salad, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, yellowish brown, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: Fuchsia color, cherry-red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: Red, Gray, Brown, Orange, Pink, White, Yellow.
  • Dark blue: light-purple, blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Purple: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, gray, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, green mint color, light orange.
  • Black universal, Elegance, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilated or yellow.