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Alternative sources powered with their own hands. Alternative energy sources: technology review. Solar panels in windows

Until recently, the main sources of energy were: oil, coal, water and. However, natural resources are rapidly depleted, the prices of them grow, besides, emissions from their processing have a negative impact on the environment. For these reasons, many countries are inclined to introduce and develop in the field of energy, which will replace traditional fuels. In this article, we will consider what alternative energy sources, their types, efficiency and prospects of application.

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Alternative energy sources - what it is

An alternative energy source (AIE) is an environmentally friendly renewable resource, which when converting it allows to obtain heat or electricity used for the everyday needs of a person. Such resources include all existing types of natural reservoirs, the sun, the wind, heat from the bowels of the earth, as well as the recycled recycling. Alternative energy sources, in contrast to traditional species, can resume an unlimited number of times, they are more effective, cheaper and environmentally safe.

Types of alternative energy sources

Depending on the renewable resource, modern energy sources are divided into several types that determine the methods for its conversion and types of installations intended for this. Consider briefly alternative sources of energy and their characteristics.

Using alternative energy sources - sun and wind

The transformation of the energy of the Sun with the help of special devices allows you to get heat and electricity for further use. Electrical energy is generated by physical processes that occur in silicon semiconductors of solar panels under the influence of sun rays, and thermal - the properties of gases and liquids.

Using winds as an alternative energy source is based on converting air flow strength into electricity using special generator sets. Wind generators have different design and dimensions, and also differ at the location. The wind leads to the movement of the blade, which, in turn, rotate the generator generating electricity.

Water and heat of land in man service

The power of water to receive electricity has learned to use for a long time. Previously, hydroelectric power plants were built for this, which blocked the rivers, these were both small and grand structures. With the development of technologies for the design of hydroelectric power plants, and now it is possible to receive electricity not only due to the strength of the river stream, but also due to the tides of the seas and oceans (tidal stations). Water falls on the turbine blades, rotating the generator, which produces electricity entering the consumer.

In the depths of our land, hidden heat reserves are hidden, which make it possible to replace more expensive and "dirty" energy sources. This direction is called geothermal energy, in which four main types of heat resources are used:

  • superficial heat of the earth;
  • energy of steam and hot water, located at the surface of the Earth;
  • heat concentrated deep in the depths of the planet;
  • energy of magma and heat accumulated under volcanoes.

The inner body of the Earth is used for heating houses and production of electricity. Its reserves of 35 billion times higher than the annual need for energy throughout the world. The first geothermal power plant with a capacity of 7.5 MW was introduced in Italy in 1916. At the moment, the cost of electricity produced by Teotes is almost equal to the one that is produced by coal TPPs.

Biofuel - alternative gasoline

Biofuel is an alternative source of energy, which is obtained due to the processing of organic raw materials or waste. This type of fuel can be in a solid, liquid or gaseous state. As a solid biofuel, a tree, briquettes and pellets are used from its wood waste or agricultural products (Luzga sunflower and buckwheat, nut shell, etc.). This fuel is used to generate thermal and electrical energy to the TPP.

Liquid biofuels are obtained by processing the vegetable mass of certain crops and their waste (straw) and are used mainly as fuel for cars. To this type of ecotopulation can be attributed:

  • bioethanol;
  • biometanol;
  • biobutanol;
  • biodiesel;
  • dimethyl ether.

Gaseous ecotoplace is three species: biogas, bio-breeds and methane. It is obtained by fermentation of biological mass. Raw materials are exposed to special bacteria that decompose biomass, and as a result, gas is produced.

Development of alternative energy sources

According to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the share of using alternative sources of energy in Russia is only 1%. It is planned to increase this figure by 2020 to 4.5%, due to the attraction of not only funds of the Government of the Russian Federation, but also private entrepreneurs. The development of alternative energy has great potential:

  • in view of the small intensity of the sea and ocean coasts, chucks, Chukotka, Sakhalin and other territories are possible the development of wind and tidal energy;
  • actual development of solar energy, especially in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory, in the North Caucasus, Far East, etc.

Unfortunately, alternative energy is not a priority direction of the Russian industry. The main problem is to finance such projects. Sometimes coal and oil production costs cheaper than the construction of wind generator and solar power plants.

Alternative energy sources for a private house

Owners of private houses, thanks to the use of alternative energy sources, can significantly reduce costs for or completely abandon the services of gas suppliers, electricity and heat. It is also possible not only to make its farm non-volatile, but also to implement excess. The state in every way encourages the development and use of installations of alternative energy sources by ordinary citizens. To obtain heat and electricity with unconventional energy sources, you can use factory equipment or make it with your own hands. So, alternative energy allows:

  • convert solar energy to electricity or heat for hot water supply and low-temperature heating;
  • with the help of special generators to receive electricity using wind power;
  • with the help of special pumps, it is warm and scratching the water and air and produce electricity through the heat generators;
  • getting gas from agricultural waste, biological materials and livelihoods of pets and birds.

The greatest efficiency is achieved by using several types of source of alternative energy.

Solar energy as an alternative energy source

The use of the energy of the Sun allows to obtain electricity and hot water for heating and DHW using solar semiconductor panels and collectors. Under the influence of light on silicon elements, the directional movement of electrons (electric current) occurs. By connecting a sufficient number of panels, you can get electricity, which is enough to ensure the needs of one house. For example, a solar battery with an area of \u200b\u200b1.4 m2 with good illumination produces 24 V with power of about 270 W. Since the sun shines not all the time and with different strengths, it is impossible to connect household appliances directly to the converting panels. In order to use electricity from solar panels, you need a whole system that includes:

  • battery (AKB) for the accumulation of excess electricity (activated in the dark time and rainy weather);
  • controller (optional, but recommended) is designed to monitor the charge level of the battery in order to prevent complete discharge or recharging, as well as to optimize the operation of solar panels;
  • invertertransforming a constant current into variable and allowing the voltage in 220-230 V.

In order to make a house or the cottage completely independent of centralized power supply, it is necessary to establish a large number of batteries and several batteries. This, of course, is not noone, but in the end completely pays off for a relatively short time. A set of panels for the production of 1500 W per day, which is enough to ensure cottages or some electrical appliances in the house, costs about $ 1,000, for production of 4 kW - about $ 2,200, and 9 kW - $ 6,200. You can buy a small installation and subsequently supplement it with new solar batteries, having achieved the required power.

Alternative Electricity Sources for Private House - Solar Panels

So, we have already considered that solar energy can be used to produce electricity (semiconductor panels) and heat for heating and hot water supply (collectors). We will analyze what is solar panels. Consists of a certain number of silicon photocells (household models). Such panels have an efficiency of 20-24% and relatively low cost. Photo cells are connected to each other, and their contacts are displayed on terminals located on a closed case of each battery. The housing is made of anodized aluminum, and the front panel is from durable high quality glass and anti-reflective composition.

Article on the topic:

What is the principles of work and types of solar panels for a private house, the cost of the kit, reviews, technical specifications, recommendations of specialists - read in publication.

Solar collectors - a decent replacement for traditional water heaters

Solar heatollectors allow you to accumulate 600-800 W / h from one square meter and ensure the house with a sufficient amount of energy for heating and DHW. Constructive collectors are divided into the following main groups:

  • vacuum. Flat or multi-tube structures with natural or forced circulation of the coolant in the system. These are mainly stationary collectors intended for seasonal use;
  • air Solar Systemswhich are the easiest and simple. The heat with a heated surface of the collector is removed by the stream of air;
  • in the third embodiment, heat from solar collectors can be used to transform it into electricity.

The last option is not particularly popular among ordinary consumers due to the complexity of the service and the high cost of equipment.

Heat pumps for heating systems of private houses

Currently, various types of boilers are mainly used for and ensuring their hot water supply -, diesel, and. A more comparisonly recently appeared for another method of heating fluid with help, but until it has not yet been widely used. Moving along the overpass laid in the ground at a certain depth, heats up for several degrees and enters the evaporator. Next, the heated liquid gives the heat of the refrigerant, which at low temperatures turns into steam and enters the compressor. In the compressor, it is compressed, which leads to an increase in pressure and, accordingly, increase the temperature.

A compressed heated refrigerant moves into a condenser, where he is heated with another coolant (air, water or). As a result of this process, refrigerant cooling and returns it to a liquid state. After that, the fluid enters the evaporator, and the entire cycle is repeated.


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Fans of outdoor activities are often faced with the problem of the discharge of mobile phone batteries, navigators, tablet PCs and other things needed in the campaign. Spare batteries are not the best way out. We suggest try to make charging on the solar battery with your own hands. So you can not only provide uninterrupted communication while traveling, but also save considerable money. Determine the charging parameters to determine the power of the solar battery, you need to know its purpose. In order to charge a mobile phone and navigator, there is enough voltage source in 6 in a capacity of about 4 W. For a tablet PC, a camera and a laptop will be required 12 in voltage with a capacity of 15 W. Produce a solar panel yourself - the thing is troublesome, it's easier to purchase ...

When the reserves of traditional energy sources, such as oil, gas and coal, are inexorably decreased and their cost is quite high, and use leads to the formation of a greenhouse effect on the planet, an increasing number of countries in their energy policy, pay their eyes towards alternative energy sources.

What it is

Alternative energy sources are environmentally friendly, renewable resources, when transforming which, a person receives electrical and thermal energy used for its needs.

Such sources include wind and sun energy, water and seas, heat of the earth surface, as well as biofuels derived from the biological mass of animal and vegetable origin.

Types of alternative energy

Depending on the source of energy, which, as a result of the transformation, allows you to receive a person with electrical and thermal energy used in everyday life, alternative energy is classified into several types that determine the methods for its generation and types of employees settings for this.

Energy of sun

Solar energy is based on the conversion of the energy of the Sun, as a result of which electrical and thermal energy is obtained.

The production of electrical energy is based on physical processes occurring in semiconductors under the influence of sunlight, the production of thermal - on the properties of liquids and gases.

To generate electrical energy, solar power plants are completed, the basis of which is the solar panels (panels) manufactured based on silicon crystals.

The basis of heat plants - serve solar collectors, in which the energy of the Sun is converted into the thermal energy of the coolant.

The power of such installations depends on the number and power of individual devices that are part of thermal and solar stations.

Wind energy

Wind power engineering is based on the transformation of the kinetic energy of air masses into electrical energy used by consumers.

The basis of wind plants is the wind generator. Wind generators differ in technical parameters, overall sizes and design: with a horizontal and vertical axis of rotation, various types and number of blades, as well as at the location of their location (ground, sea, etc.).

Power of water

Hydropower is based on the conversion of the kinetic energy of the aquatic masses into electrical energy, which is also used by the person for its purposes.

The objects of this species include hydroelectric power plants of various capacities installed on rivers and other aquatic objects. In such installations, under the influence of natural flow of water, or by creating a dam, water affects the turbine blades of the generating electric current. Hydroturbine, is the basis of hydroelectric power plants.

Another method of obtaining electrical energy by converting water energy is the use of tide energy, through the construction of tidal stations. The work of such installations is based on the use of the kinetic energy of sea water during the tides and sings occurring in the seas and oceans under the influence of the solar system objects.

Heat land

Geothermal energy is based on the transformation of heat emitted by the surface of the Earth, both in places of geothermal water emissions (seismically dangerous territories) and in other regions of our planet.

Special installations are used to use geothermal waters, by which the inner heat of the Earth is converted into thermal and electrical energy.

The use of the heat pump allows you to get warm from the surface of the Earth, regardless of its location. Its work is based on the properties of liquids and gases, as well as the laws of thermodynamics.

Thermal pumps differ in power and its design, depending on the primary source of energy, which defines their type, these are systems: "soil-water" and "water-water", "air-water" and "soil-air", "water-air "And" air-air "," freon-water "and" freon air ".


Types of biofuels differ in the methods of obtaining it, its aggregate state (liquid, solid, gaseous) and types of use. Unifying all types of biofuels with an indicator, it serves that the basis for their production is organic products, through the processing of which electric and thermal energy is obtained.

Solid types of biofuels are firewood, fuel briquettes or pellets, gaseous products are biogas and biogeneric, and liquid - bioethanol, biometanol, biobutanol, dimethyl ether and biodiesel.

Pros and cons of use

As in each specific source of energy, regardless of which the type it refers, traditional or alternative, is peculiar to those related to it and disadvantages of use.

In addition, each group of energy resources are characterized by common pros and cons. For alternative sources, these include:

  • The advantages of use are:
  • Renewability of alternative energy sources;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Availability and possibility of use in a wide range of use;
  • Low cost of energy obtained by conversion.
  • Cons usage:
  • High cost of equipment and considerable material costs at construction and installation stages;
  • Low efficiency of installations;
  • Dependence on external factors, somehow: weather conditions, wind power, etc.;
  • Regardless not a large installed capacity of generating installations, with the exception of hydroelectric power plants.

Alternative energy sources in Russia

In our country, as in many technically developed countries of the world, special attention is paid to the use of alternative energy sources. This is due to the large territories, on which there are currently no centralized energy sources, as well as a global trend associated with the struggle for the environment of the planet and the savings of traditional fuels.

In different regions, various types of alternative energy gained development. This is due to the geographical position and the possibility of using one or another primary source of energy.

Solar energy

Solar power plants are currently becoming increasingly distributed among different layers of the population, as an alternative or reserve source of electrical and thermal energy.

On an industrial scale, this type of energy is also present in our country.

The total installed power of solar power plants exceeds 400.0 MW, of which are the largest:

  • Oskaya them. A. A. Vlasneva, a set capacity of 40.0 MW in the Orenburg region;
  • Buribayevskaya, with a capacity of 20.0 MW and Bugulchanskaya, with a capacity of 15.0 MW, in the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • In the Peninsula, Crimea operates more than ten solar power plants with a capacity of 20.0 MW each.

At the development of project documentation and various stages of construction, there are more than 50 solar generation facilities located in various regions, from the Far East and Siberia to the central and southern regions of our country.

The total capacity of the projected and facilities under construction is more than 850.0 MW.

Wind Energy

Wind energy installations operating to produce electrical energy on an industrial scale also exist on the territory of our country, although their share in the total power of the energy system is significantly lower than solar power plants.

The total installed capacity of wind generators is a little more than 100.0 MW, of which the most powerful, it is:

  • Zelenograd windshop, with a capacity of 5.1 MW, located in the Kaliningrad region;
  • Ostynskaya (25.0 MW), Tarkhankutskaya (22.0 MW) and Sakskaya (20.0 MW) - on the Peninsula Crimea.

At the design and construction stage, there are 22 wind energy installations, a total capacity of more than 2500.0 MW.


This type of alternative energy is most common in Russia. Currently, the share of the electrical energy produced HPPs installed on rivers, in different regions of the country, exceeds 20.0% of the total generation of the entire energy system of the Russian Federation.

The total installed power of hydroelectric power plants, at the beginning of 2017, is 48085.94 MW, and their number is 191 generation reference, different power and design.

The energy of the tides are also used in our country, for the production of electrical energy. In the Murmansk region from the second half of the twentieth century, an oxygen-tidal power plant operates, which in 2007 was reconstructed and at present, its installed capacity is 1.7 MW.

Currently, the development of economic rationale and project documentation for the construction of such stations in Okhotsk (Penzhinskaya and Tugurskaya PES) and White (Mezenskaya) seas is being developed.

Geothermal energy

Energy of our planet's depths, its heat is widely used in a number of countries where volcanic activity is present. In our country, this type of energy, by virtue of its features, is distributed in the Far East.

Currently, 5 geothermal electrical stations have been successfully operating with an installed capacity of 80.1 MW, three of which are located on Kamchatka (Mutnovskaya, Pozhetskaya and Verkhne-Muntovskaya) and one on the Islands of Kunashir (Mendeleevskaya) and ITUP (Ocean).

Using biofuel

This type of energy resources is not as widespread as traditional fuels or hydropower. Nevertheless, due to the fact that in our country the forest and woodworking industry and large areas are engaged in the cultivation of crops, then there is increasing attention to this type of energy.

Last years, a large number of wood waste processing factories were built, from which fuel briquettes and granules (pellets) are manufactured. Briquettes and pellets, in turn, are used as a fuel for various types of boilers as a result of burning, thermal and electrical energy produced.

From waste of crops, biogas and liquid fuels for diesel engines and installations are produced, where they are burned, resulting in the production of thermal and electrical energy.

This type of fuel was not widespread in our country, but nevertheless the prospects for its development are quite extensive and successful.

Use for a private house

The use of alternative sources for the heating of a country house or cottage, as well as for its power supply, can be implemented sufficiently successfully. In this case, it all depends on the region of staying the user and the location of the energy consumption object.

The ability to produce an electric current solar stations and wind installations depends on the activity of the Sun and the wind speed at the place of their placement, as well as other weather events characterizing this region.

The Micro HPP device is possible only when there is a river consumption object near the object, and a geothermal station - with the presence of geothermal waters close to the surface of the earth.

Biofuels in the form of wood waste products, possibly in the country's regions rich in forests, with the developed industry of this area.

Obtaining biogas and liquid fuel is available where large areas are reserved for the cultivation of crops, which makes it possible to have a large biomass stock used to produce these fuels.

Is it possible to make with your own hands at home

If there is free time, desire, as well as the skills to work with a manual instrument, you can create installations with which to use alternative sources for your needs, both in the form of electrical and thermal energy.

This applies to all the above species of alternative energy, so for:

  • Solar power plants - you can independently produce solar panels using factory-made photocells, as well as collect the charge controller and an inverter that are elements of such installations.
  • Winds - as well as for solar stations, electronic devices (controller, inverter) are collected simply using existing electrical circuits and from factory production elements. The most important element, the wind generator - can be made of existing spare parts and materials.
  • MIC HPP - to make and mount maybe each, if there is a river or reservoir, where you can build a dam. The design and type of hydro turbines, depend on the type of water and terrain.
  • A biogasic installation - to create will not be difficult to any rural resident, the conditions for this will be - the presence of the required amount of biomass and the ambient temperature that allows it to occur to the process of fermentation.

The cost of energy is regularly increasing. This causes owners of private households to look for alternative energy sources for a private house. Someone has the ability to connect to the highway due to the inaccessible price of installation. All this causes engineers and folk craftsmen to turn to nature and its unique resources. Today, a number of devices are used to resume energy resources. You can make them with your own hands.

Application of biological waste

Biogas is a type of fuel, ranging to the category of environmentally friendly. The scope of its use is similar to natural gas. For its production it is necessary to use anaerobic bacteria. In fact, it is a product of their livelihoods. Waste is placed in a special container. When the biomaterial begins to decompose, gases are released:

This technology is actively used on animal farms in China and the USA. To continuously receive biogas at home, it is necessary to have access to a free source of manure or own farming. For the construction of the installation will have to make hermetic container and hindow the auger. It is used to mix components. Other mandatory components:

  1. 1. The neck. Used for laying waste.
  2. 2. nozzle. It is used to remove the gas.
  3. 3. Fitting. Allows you to unload the spent material.

Absolute tightness is an indispensable design condition. If you do not select gas on a permanent basis, you will have to additionally install the safety valve. It will save from overpressure. If you do not install it, the designs of the roof. An algorithm of actions such:

  1. 1. Pick the place for installation of the container. Product dimensions must comply with the volumes of available waste. It is advisable to fill the tank to 2/3 to work efficiently. The reservoir is made of reinforced concrete or metal. Having a small container, it does not have to count on a large amount of biogas. Approximately 100 cubes of energy goes on a ton of waste.
  2. 2. To accelerate the vital activity of bacteria, it is necessary to warm up waste. To this end, you can install a TEN or mount the coil straight under the container. It should be connected to the heating system.

Do not pay for electricity! Holy energy! Alternative energy for home with their own hands

Anaerobic bacteria live in waste and begin to show activity at certain temperatures. The automatic type apparatus includes heating, as soon as a new batch of material is received, and turns off it if the set temperature is reached. The gas obtained in this way can be converted to electricity using a gas generator.

Wind energy

People in antiquity knew how to use wind energy for different purposes. The design has changed little from it. True, instead of millstones, the generator drive began to apply. It converts the energy obtained as a result of the operation of such an installation, in electricity. Considering alternative sources of thermal energy, some owners of private houses stop their choice on these installations. The following materials will be required for installation of structures:

Homemade wind generators can be created according to various schemes. First you need to assemble the frame, install the rotary node. Following them mounted the generators of the blade. Install the side of the shovel equipped with a spring screed. The generator with a propeller is fixed on the bed. After that, it must be placed on the frame. Following this, there is a connection with the rotary node and put a button. Now you can connect to the generator and bring the wire battery. The number of blades depends on which diameter is available at the propeller. The volume of electricity produced is also important.

Alternative energy for a private house. Video review

Use of heat pump

This design is characterized by complexity. Here, alternative energy can be obtained from air, soil or arranged under the ground. Typically, these settings are used to heat the room. Alternative energy sources for the apartment of such a plan are a refrigeration chamber of impressive sizes. Cooling the surrounding space, they convert energy and generate heat. They give its environment. The components of the system are:

The collector installation is carried out horizontally or vertically. The last option is not always available due to the characteristics of the site. The drilling is carried out by deep wells, after which the contour is descended to them. With a horizontal arrangement, the object should be broken into the ground at the level of one and a half meters. If the dwelling is located near the reservoir, it is necessary to pave a heat exchanger in water.

The compressor can be taken from the air conditioner. To make a capacitor, take a 120 liter tank. In it is inserted by a cooler from copper. It will pass by Freon. It is also an area where water from the heating system is heated.

For the structure of the evaporator take a plastic barrel. It should have a volume of at least 130 liters. Auxiliary coil is inserted here. Combine it with the previous one using the compressor. The evaporator has a nozzle. It can be made of a sewer tube fragment. This element is necessary to control the flow of water from the reservoir.

Lower the evaporator in the reservoir. When it flows around the water launches the process of evaporation of freon. He goes into a capacitor and transmits it warm. The coolant passes through the heating system and heats the room. Thus, energy from the water can be obtained without much effort. It does not matter the water temperature in the reservoir. Only its constant availability is necessary.

Alternative heating sources

Solar radiation

Sometime, the solar panels were used for the work of spacecraft. This equipment is based on the ability of photons to generate electrically. Today, many modifications of solar panels are invented. Their design is improved every year. To make a sunny battery with your own hands, you can resort to two methods.

According to the first way, ready-made photocells should be purchased, assemble them in the form of a chain and lay a transparent material from above. This work requires limit accuracy, since all components differ in fragility. On the surface of the photocells there is a designation in Volt-amperes. There is nothing complicated in the calculations of the required number of elements for such a system.

First you need to make a housing. For this purpose, they take a plywood sheet and nailed around the perimeter of the rails from the wood. After that, in the plywood, the holes for ventilation are equipped. It is placed inside the FGP fragment on which there is a soldered chain of photo cells. Following this, they check how well the design works well. Next fasten the plexiglass on wooden rails.

The second method is more suitable for professionals. The analysis of the electrocups is carried out from D223B diodes. Spike is produced by rows. Place elements in the housing that are closed with a transparent material. Severe two types of photocells. These are mono and polycrystalline modifications. The first efficiency is 13%. The service life of their service comes up to 25 years. They can work without failures only in sunny weather.

Ecology of consumption. Hereby: Today we will talk about alternative energy sources. Electricity tariffs grow day by day. And in some districts to connect to the main networks and there are practically no possibilities at all, since the cost of wiring and installation turns out to be prohibitively high.

When technical progress does not help, humanity begins to think about the natural sources of the necessary energy, thanks to which you can warm up and highlight your home. Here are the main of them:

  • bihods
  • wind energy,
  • thermal pumps
  • solar energy.

Consider the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a bio current generator. It will be similar to natural gas: waste is placed in a closed container, as a result of their decomposition, methane and hydrogen sulfide with carbon dioxide are distinguished. Such energy sources are used on animal farms, and those who wish to adopt experience, it is necessary to either have their own economy, or regularly receive its waste, and keep them somewhere. Many people are engaged in the economy, who has private houses (for example, holding chickens), so you can try quite well.

To create a generator, you need a container that will be sealed. It should be mounted a special auger to mix waste. Also, in addition to the hole for loading the biomaterial, a gas removal tube and a fitting for removing waste waste is needed. By the way, they can be used to fertilize the Earth and getting a good harvest. I repeat that the tightness of the container is extremely obligatory, otherwise no energy will fail. If the capacity will not be used constantly, then it will also need a valve for discharge pressure.

So, choose the size of the container depending on how much the amount of biomaterial is planning to use. Select a place to install the design. Keep in mind that 1 ton of waste tentatively gives 100 gas cubes. In order, the process developed more dynamically - it is necessary to organize heating of the tank. To do this, you will need a serpentine, or installing a Tan. Bacteria contained in waste becoming active when heated.

When the container is heated to the desired temperature - heating should turn off automatically. Gas, which will be converted into electricity through a gas generator.

To use the wind energy, also need a generator, a battery with a controller for measuring the charge level and a voltage converter. All wind-generator schemes work according to a single principle. A swivel knot, blades and a generator on the bed are attached to the collected frame. Then the spade with the spring screed is mounted. The generator is connected to the rotary node and install the current collector. Next, the wires are summarized to the battery. When choosing a propeller, pay attention to its diameter: it depends on this value, how much blades will be optimal for your wind generator, and actually - how much energy it can generate.

As you can see, nothing complicated in the installation and installation of electricity generators. Of course, a certain skill is needed, but what you can't do in order to save money! Remember only that energy sources (bioduses and wind) should also be permanent.

The following form of an alternative energy source is a heat pump. Its device is more difficult, and the installation is more costly, since it involves drilling wells on the site. Therefore, it is unlikely to suit the inexperienced owner of the country house. In addition, it will also be necessary and reservoir.

Let's focus better briefly on solar panels. They are a little simple to collect, because you can buy ready-made photocells. There are marks about power in Volt-amperes, so you can calculate how much photocells you need.

To assemble the solar battery case, you will need a sheet of plywood. You will whistle wooden slats and drill holes for ventilation. Inside it is necessary to place a sheet of fiberboard, on which the ready-made (soldered) chain of photoebles will be placed. It will only remain to check the performance of the chain and fasten the plexiglass. Here, perhaps, all.

As you can see - special labor costs are not required, as is not required to scientific degree in physics. And you can also combine the work of several options for electrical generators. In general, in order to create an alternative source of energy on its plot, you need a little smelting and a clear head. Published