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Popular cabbage varieties for open soil. The best cabbage varieties. Medium types of cabbage

White cabbage is an incredibly healthy vegetable with rich vitamin and mineral composition. This explains its popularity among gardeners. The rules of cultivation are not distinguished by complexity, but the basis of the collateral of the crop depends on the selection of the variety.

In the past times, a shortage of seed material was really felt due to limited deliveries from near and far abroad, so often the seeds were harvested from the usual varieties.

Already more than 20 years, the situation has changed fundamentally, and the varietal range of many gardeners and then consists of 2-3 positions. And in vain, because new developments have no less valuable qualities that conclude sustainability of cabbage to diseases and pests.

This article discusses the early, secondary and late varieties of popular vegetable with a description, which will allow to expand the diversity of cultivated crops in their garden and in the Urals and in the middle lane.

Most Popular

Cabbage variety is selected not only taking into account the winter and climatic features of the region, but also by destination. The mineral and vitamin composition of each plant has its own, but the influence of agrotechnology conditions and the type of soil also affects it.

In order to choose the appropriate option it was easier, the varietal range is divided into groups combined by a common feature.

Best Late Cabbage Sorts for Long Storage

- Medium-bed hybrid developed by breeders from Holland. It is characterized by minimal care and resistance to fusariosis, striking by TRIPS.

Vegetation lasts up to 120 days, Seed seeds can be directly on the open bed. Mature vegetable hits 3-5 kg. Shelf and processing period - up to 5 months.

- late cabbage with maturity 120-147 days. Heads rounded-flat green color, sometimes with a bluish tinge, weight is about 3-4 kg.

When landing, a scheme is used: 3-4 plants per 1 m2. Over the past six months, nutritional value is maintained. Weather cataclysms and violation of the watering regime do not violate the density of the structure and integrity of the head.

- Vegetation period 155-180 days After transferring seedlings to open beds. Heads of gray-green color have a small wax, weight tightens up to 4 kg.

Its taste and commodities of cabbage retains until the beginning of the next season (June of the month). The hybrid is tolerant to the fusarium, gray rot. Kochan is not cracking due to violations of moisture mode.

When disembarking, a scheme is used: 2-4 plants per 1 m2.

- The hybrid forms the heads later 115-125 days After planting seedlings. Round fruits have a dense structure, weight averages 2-3 kg. Scheme of landing: 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

Thanks to a good immunity, there is a tolerance for point necrosis and a tryps. For 8-10 months, cabbage retains nutritional value and transport.

- Very dense heads are not susceptible to cracking, the average weight is 3 kg. The variety is characterized by good taste, transportation and long-term storage (more than 7 months).

The main advantage is resistance to the accumulation of nitrates and radionuclides. Vegetable harvest is made through 160-175 days After transplanting seedlings.

- A variety developed by domestic breeders who have taken into account when growing climatic features and possible pest problems.

Harvesting starts later 130-140 days After disembarking seedlings. Serious green rounded kocheans hung an average of 4-7 kg. When disembarking, a scheme is used: 2-3 plants per 1 m2.

Cabbage is resistant to cracking, it has a delicate juicy flesh. Without loss of taste quality and commercial type, the vegetable is preserved 6-8 months.

Conferential Belokochante

- The hybrid is aging after 102 days After planting seedlings. A great need for humidity and fertilizers strengthens the immune system, which is opposed to many diseases and invasion of insects.

The rounded-reinforced head of the gray-green color hits up to 15 kg. Loan location when landing: 3 plants per 1 m2. Duration of storage without loss of nutritional qualities and a presentable type - 4-6 months.

- disease-resistant high-yielding grade, is distinguished by simple agricultural engineering. With hectares remove about 500 c (weight of the head to 3 kg). When disembarking, a scheme is used: 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

Harvesting starts later 130-150 days After transferring the seedlings.

- the fruit of the works of Dutch breeders with a period of vegetation 110-120 days. Koch has a rounded-flat head of a blue-green color, the weight of which on average reaches 5-7 kg. Often there are instances of 8-8.5 kg. When disembarking, a scheme is used: 3 plants per 1 m2.

Thanks to a good immunity, he opposes pests (in particular, trips) and fusariasis. Commodity and taste qualities are preserved for 4-6 months.

- the fruit of the work of Russian breeders, the growing season is 120-130 day After planting seedlings.

Round heads have a light green color with a grayish tint, weight tightens up to 3-5 kg. When landing, the wells are arranged according to the scheme: 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

The advantage of varieties - taste, disadvantage - short storage (about 2 months). Glory is one of the best options for salting.

- The hybrid matches the seedlings after landing 120-140 days. Dense round heads have a slightly greenish tint, weight reaches 4 kg.

When disembarking, a scheme is used: 3 plants per 1 m2. The variety is universal, consumed in the fresh form and for salting. The shelf life without loss of valuable qualities is 3-4 months.


- The lifetime of the hybrid aging is 75-80 days After disembarking seedlings. Round heads weighing up to 7 kg have a green color and a dense structure. Layout location scheme: Space 3-5 plants per 1 m2. Differs unpretentious to weather conditions.

Shelf life without loss of taste and product species does not exceed 4 months.

- Early hybrid is distinguished by randomness, it is possible to collect a crop through 45-55 days After disembarking seedlings. The weight of the light-green middle size head is 1.5 kg.

The scheme used by landing: 5-6 plants per 1 m2. It is recommended for cultivation under any film and in the open soil. Cabbage is opposed to the pathogens of the mucous bacteriosis and the black leg.

- Grade is ready for landing in an open ground already in early May, later 45-50 days You can collect a harvest. The structure of the middle density head, the weight reaches 1.4-1.7 kg. When growing on high blood soils, the mass of the Kochan reaches 5 kg.

Layout location diagram when landing: 3-5 plants per 1 m2. Cabbage is distinguished by the friendship of the appearance of germination and excellent taste.

- Dutch hybrid, characterized by stability to fusarious fading. Layout location diagram at disembarking: 2-3 plants per 1 m2. The rounded-flat heads of dark-green color reaches a mass of up to 7 kg. Fruit aging comes after 85-90 days After disembarking seedlings.

It is distinguished by a strong root system, with a violation of the watering mode, the Kochan is not cracking. For 5-6 months, retains taste and commodity qualities.

A varietal variety will provide yield even with difficult weather conditions, because each plant has its own immunity to disease and pests. Taste qualities of varieties stimulate to new experiments that continue in the kitchen.

Using your 2018 experience and gardener reviews from the forum I will describe here the best cabbage varieties. Moreover, these varieties are also suitable for the Urals, and for Siberia, as well as for the middle strip of Russia.

Cabbage varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Cabbage June, characteristics

The raven cabbage variety designed for use in a fresh form, that is, immediately on the table. Casuals of this variety are round, weighing up to 2.5 kg. Cochan painting pale green with a small wax chain. The density is average.

The grade is resistant to cracking. Cleaning "June" cabbage produces 60-70 days after planting seedlings. The important quality of this variety for the regions of the Urals and Siberia is that it transfers freezing to -5 degrees.

Cabbage yields June: 6 kg / m. kV (subject to agrotechnics of this culture).

Cabbage Belococcal Dawn, Description

The best early cabbage variety resistant to cracking. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 118 days. This is a very good indicator.

Cocheans are rounded, small, medium density, weighing up to 2 kg. Grade for use in fresh form.

The dawn variety gives high yields even with a small application of nitrogen fertilizers.

High yield, the friendship of maturation and high commodity qualities of fruits - the indisputable advantages of this wonderful variety.

Cabbage yield Zarya: 3.4 - 10 kg with 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Express F1, description, photo

Rapid hybrid of white cabbage of domestic selection. The period from full shoots before the start of technical ripeness is 60-95 days.
Raised leaves rosette. The sheet is small, light green with a weak wax flare, flat.

Kochan is rounded, medium density, uncoated, medium density, whiteish cut. The outer and inner peraculs are short. The average weight of the head is 0.9-1.3 kg. Taste of oh quality high.

Cabbage yield express: up to 3.8 kg from 1 square. m.

The advantages of a hybrid: high yield of commercial products, excellent taste, friendly formation of early products.

Hybrid Cabbage Express F1 is included in the Russian State Register in the Central and Central Black Earth Regions.

Cabbage gift, feature with photo

One of the best average varieties of burglar cabbage for salting and quay. Since planting seedlings before harvesting takes 110-120 days.

Light green, dense cocheans of a rounded or flat-round shape seemed to be covered with a wax. Usually the mass of them from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.

The grade has excellent taste and is recommended for consuming fresh and for chairs.

The seedlings are desired according to the scheme: 60 cm x 50 cm. This variety is recommended for both growing in the Urals and in Siberia and in the rest of Russia regions.

Cabbage yield gift: up to 10 kg with 1 square meter of landings (subject to agrotechnology of this culture).

Cabbage F1 aggressor, description

Popular medium perception (from germination to fruiting 115-120 days) Hybrid of Dutch selection, with high growth rates, stable yield under any conditions and ability to short-term storage (up to 5 months).

Kochan flat-circular shape, medium size, aligned, dense, weighing 3-5 kg. Resistant to cracking. Does not require special care. Great for risky agriculture zones (Siberia and Urals). Well tolerate lack of nitrogen and adverse weather conditions.

The high yield of commercial production and excellent flavoring qualities make cabbage the aggressor ideal for consumption in the fresh form, chairs and salts. The hybrid is particularly resistant to trips and fusarious fading.

Cabbage yield aggressor: 4.3-6.5 kg with 1 sq.m (subject to agrotechnology).

Cabbage Glory-1305, description

Classic cabbage variety, most adapted to a variety of climatic conditions. The time of ripening is 85-100 days.

Casuals are round, weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, dense.

This variety is considered one of the most damned medium sets of varieties of white cabbage. In addition, he is a flexible, cold-resistant, transportable. In addition, it has a good taste. Tight, round cochanis on top of light green, and inside white.

Glory is the best sort of cabbage to salmon and kip.

Cabbage yield Glory: up to 12 kg with 1 sq.m.

Cabbage amager 611

Lovely sort of cabbage, ripening comes to 115-120 days after complete germs. Cochanins rounded-plain, dense, weighing 3-3.5 kg.

AMEGER is the best variety of late cabbage, it is perfect for chairs. During storage, taste only improves.

Cabbage yield amager 611: 5 - 6 kg with 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Moscow Late

One of the most damned coarse varieties of cabbage.

The weight of one cochman is usually 7-8 kg, the limit is 15 kg. Casuals round, green.

This is one of the best cabbage varieties for chairs.

Cabbage yield in Moscow late: 10 - 12 kg with 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Megaton F1, description

High-yielding, middle-bed (102 days from germination to fruiting) Hybrid of Dutch selection.

Kochan flat-circular shape, dense, weighing up to 15 kg. Cabbage Megaton - Hybrid number 1 for chairs, with high taste. Also suitable for processing and consumption in fresh form.

This is the most dense hybrid of white-sized white cabbage. Differs high resistance to fusarium. Required by soil moisture and needs high fertilizer doses.

Cabbage yield Megaton: 5,86 - 9.34 kg from 1 square. m.

Cabbage Rinda F1

Gorgeous medium (95-105 days from germs to fruiting) Hybrid of Dutch selection.

Casuals are large, rounded, with a dense and thin inner structure, weighing 5-8 kg, on white cut. Little knocker. Designed for consumption in the fresh form, quay and not long-term storage (from 2 to 4 months).

Rinda f1 white cabbage is distinguished by the level of heads, high yields in various climatic conditions, the ability to remain for a long time.

Cabbage yield Rinda High.

Cabbage Nadezhda

Mid-Veter (from shoots to ripening 115-135 days), yield grade cabbage.

Kochan flat-core, pale green, weighing up to 5 kg. Resistant to cracking. Taste quality high. It is recommended for consumption in the latest form, chairs and short-term storage (up to 3 months).

The transportability of the variety is good.

Cabbage yield Nadezhda - up to 13 kg / m².

Cabbage Kolobok.

High-yielding Late Veterior Hybrid Cabbage Grade, maturing only for 150 days from the moment of seedlings.

Casuals are dense, rounded, weighing up to 5 kg, cracking resistant. Inner knocker short. Casuals on top of green, in the cut white.

The grade is resistant to cabbaceous bacteriosis, as well as to the fusarious fading of the leaves, to white and gray rot. Cabbage Kolobok is ideal for laying it for storage for the winter, as well as for chairs. In good conditions, the kochens of this variety can be saved until May next year.

Cabbage yield Kolobok: 7 - 12 kg / sq. m.

These are varieties and hybrids cabbage for open soil.

Cabbage grows on each garden. Therefore, a very important task becomes the right choice of a variety, which will give a generous harvest. Cabbage seeds are sold in garden shops in huge quantities. Variety pleases, but it makes it difficult. How to choose the best cabbage seeds for open soil? What features to pay attention to? Search for answers to these questions may take a long time.

Quality indicators

The Russian State Registry includes 421 names. Of these, 196 domestic and 225 foreign selection. Our breeders created cabbage to grow in all twelve regions of the country.

Cabbage view of broccoli, Brussels, Chinese, Kohlrabi, red, sheet, Beijing, Savoy, Color and Japanese in prevalence cannot compete with white. In the Russian State Store, only 295 varieties of all these vegetables are listed. Choosing the best of 12 names of Brussels cabbage or from 22 Savoy varieties does not have to.

Important! Currently, in breeding mainly engaged in the elimination of new hybrids of the first generation. This made it possible to provide the population year-round consumption of fresh vegetables.

Hybrids have a number of indisputable advantages: they keep quicted faster, they are still kept longer, they have better taste. However, their advantages are revealed only with a high agrotechnical background.

Quality Quality Cabbage Seed Indicators Comprehensive:

  • varietal purity;
  • strength;
  • productivity;
  • yield;
  • taste qualities;
  • germination of seeds;
  • koch shape;
  • commodity quality (tight delicious forks, attractive color, short peasants, juicy leaves, increased amount of sugars, vitamins, dry substances and other nutrients);
  • high quality vegetable (large amount of vitamins, sugars, bav, small fiber content);
  • resistance to diseases, especially keel (for the districts of the Far East and the Leningrad Region), fusarious fading, vascular bacteriosis;
  • tRIPSE genetic resistance (for southern regions);
  • a tendency to the smallest accumulation of nitrates;
  • focus of at least 4-6 months;
  • transportability;
  • heat resistance;
  • drought resistance;
  • salt resistance;
  • cracking resistance;
  • equality of sizes of kochanov;
  • the friendship of maturation;
  • universal use;
  • high-tech in cultivation;
  • suitability for mechanized cultivation;
  • availability of processing;
  • labor intensity of cleaning of forks (ease of cutting fork and cleansing from leaves);
  • product yield.

The best varieties for open soil of commercial destination are brought abroad, however, the domestic cabbage has unsurpassed varieties for use in private farms.

It is worth remembering that new varieties and hybrids meet the characteristics necessary for industrial production. Many are not required when landing in private farms.

Economic indicators of cabbage, the necessary production in the south of the country are completely unnecessary in the central or northern regions. And the characteristics of the winter vegetable differ from the early.

Therefore, abandon the seeds of old and proven varieties giving a stable harvest in any conditions, early. Be sure to choose the zoned plants. New selection should take 10-15% of all crops.

Below are the descriptions of various varieties and hybrids of cabbage suitable for commercial production and cultivation on private householders in the central regions of Russia.

Early cabbage

In the southern regions of our Motherland, the climate is favorable for cultivating landings of early vegetables. However, for the production of middle and late vegetables, the climate is absolutely not suitable. Therefore, the southern regions are an early product provider. Often, white-baked cabbage is grown in a protected ground. Almost all the crop goes for sale.

Important! Early vegetables are characterized by small loose forks of excellent taste, which are used in fresh and in cooking. However, they are not lying and for preservation are also not suitable.

Early cabbage has three times of ripening:

  • very early;
  • from very early to early;
  • early (early).

Very early hybrids:

  • Angelina;
  • Baroque;
  • Granddaughter;
  • Daughter;
  • Legate;
  • Magnus;
  • Salenok;
  • Daughter-in-law;
  • The first love;
  • Prelate;
  • Prize;
  • Dawn;
  • Sympathy;
  • Speedon;
  • Sprint;
  • Stalker;
  • Cook;
  • Express.

Salenok F1 - rounded green kochan, yellow, good taste, weighing 1.7-2.5 kg. Yield 20-40 tons / hectares, which is higher than the transfer standard. Production product yield 90%.

Express F1 - time before harvesting 60-95 days, a small rounded Kochan weighing 0.9-1.3 kg with thin loose leaves, excellent taste. Yield 33-38 tons / ha with friendly maturation of Kochechkov and commercial output to 98%.

  1. Surprise F1 - Earls with a term of technical ripeness 90-110 days. Flat green kochan with a short batch, weighing 0.8-1.4 kg, good taste. Commodity yield 30-35 t. / Ha at the level of the Cossack F1 standard. It gives a reliable harvest with a 97% yield of commercial products, aligned and at the same time ripening fork.
  2. Rica F1 is a banner, resistant to fungal diseases, with a yield of up to 34 tons / ha, absolutely not inclined to cracking. Beautiful commodity and leveling of sizes of kochanov weighing 0.9-1.2 kg with excellent taste.

From the early (ranksis):

  1. June - bred in 1071, did not lose its popularity and remained still unsurpassed for some characteristics. It grows from Moldova to the Far East, gives an excellent harvest of 36-64 t. / Ha with the yield of commercial products 97%. Disadvantages - forks of different weights from 0.9 to 2.4 kg.
  2. Number The first polar to 206 is recommended for cultivation in almost all regions, including in the extreme north. Round-flat Kochan weighing 1.6-3.2 kg has a good taste. High yield 33-66 tons / ha with product output of products up to 96%.

Widely regionalized Cossack F1, transfer F1, number The first mushroom 147 became standards for comparison with new domestic and foreign varieties.

Cabbage of the middle time of ripening

Manufacturers from central and western regions specialize in the cultivation of medium and late varieties and hybrids. This is due to the climatic conditions of these regions.

Of course, to grow on a privately compatible, several crochets of early vegetable for their own consumption are quite possible. But on an industrial scale in these regions, vegetables of the middle and late development time are perfectly growing.

Important! Mediterranean vegetables have excellent flavoring characteristics, used fresh and for preservation. It can be stored for several months in cellar and vegetable stores.

Cabbage of the middle time ripening are divided into three categories:

  • mediterranean;
  • secondary;
  • medium impact.

Golden hectares 1432, Stakhanovka, Glory, Gribovskaya are widespread from the medium. These variety ullaned varieties have a general drawback - various sizes of forks.

  1. Amazon F1 - use fresh, has an average fierce. The gray-green kochan with a short batch weighs 1.4-1.6 kg, has an excellent taste. High yield 47-66 t. / Ha is much superior to the Cossack standard.
  2. Bronko F1 - Technical ripe comes to 115-125 days. Dark green rounded swing weighing 2.6-2.8 kg has excellent taste. Good yield at the level of 52-78 tons / ha is much superior to the Belarusian 455 and transfer F1. The hybrid is resistant to diseases, high-yielding, has a friendly maturation of the lines of the forks.

Of the secondary sorts of Soviet selection:

  • Glory 1305;
  • Belarusian 455;
  • Losinoostrovskaya;
  • Slava Mribovskaya 231.

They do not have equal in resistance to any weather change, excellent taste and extraordinary high-yield.

Modern hybrids are more focused on the indicators necessary for commercial use: the levels of kochanov, small peraculsion, immunity to diseases.

  1. Kraatman F1 - suitable for chairs. 120-140 days passes to technical ripeness. The average size of a green kochan size is 1-4 kg of good taste is not inclined to cracking. Productivity ranges from 31 to 92 tons / ha.
  2. Semko anniversary 217 - In addition to consuming fresh and dummy can be stored for 5 months. The gray-green oval Kochan weighing about 4 kg has excellent taste. High yield 76-88 t. / Ha, resistance to fungal diseases makes this cabbage very sought-after.
  3. Nadezhda - led in 1975. The excellent taste of medium in size is slightly surcedived by kochenes weighing 2.4-3.4 kg and the highest yield to 110-140t. / Ha make its sales leaders.

Medium-free cabbage is characterized by high-yielding and universal use.

Megaton F1 - light green rounded kochens weighing 3-4 kg and excellent taste resistant to diseases and high-yields - maximum yield 103 t. / Ha.

Late cabbage

Good cabbage fresh in any dishes, as well as cooked and stew. Safety and urinary dishes are needed on the tables in autumn and in winter. The number of useful substances in them is enormous. The best salty in taste will be from late vegetables.

Important! Late varieties are characterized by the most impressive forms of forks - up to 10 kg. Their taste is improved during storage. They have a very dense structure, as they are able to be stored until the next harvest.

The usual and very common varieties of Soviet selection of type AMEGER 611, Kharkov Winter, Moscow Late, old varieties are reliable, but have many flaws:

  • disease exposure;
  • low yield;
  • mediocre taste.

There are new hybrids on sale that have significantly better characteristics.

The timing of ripening late vegetable is different:

  • late (late);
  • from late to very late;
  • very late.

The first group includes:

  • amrak hybrids;
  • Dominant;
  • Kaunter;
  • Lennox;
  • Paradox;
  • moskovskaya Late 15;
  • Moscow late 9;
  • Wintering;
  • Amager 611;
  • Kruho
  • Kharkov winter high-yielding, with highly cute forks.

Kolobok F1 is the most demanded hybrid. In the country, more than 30 tons of its seeds are realized annually, which is almost half of the volume of all production. The advantages include excellent taste and high yield 86-100 tons / ha. It gives a tight plug weighing 4.2 kg, suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country, is stored until May next year.

Amaager 611 - unsurpassed according to the characteristics included in the State Register in 1943. The first domestic grade derived for industrial production. Its advantages include good fierce, cracking resistance, transportability. Strong forks have a mass of 2.6-3.6 kg.

The vegetable was specially removed for winter storage. The taste for cleaning is satisfactory, but it is significantly improved with long-term storage.

Disadvantages: low yield 35-60 t. / Ha, susceptibility to diseases in development and during storage.

Hybrids from late to a very late ripening period of only two: Kronos and Expept. They have a tummy weighing up to 3 kg, good taste and stable yields on average up to 60 tons / ha.

Late varieties and hybrids are quite a lot, but often they are limited to certain climatic conditions and are adapted for growing in a particular region. Exception is Valentine hybrid.