Repairs Design Furniture

Septic from Eurocubes with high groundwater. Septic from Eurocubes with their own hands with a high level of groundwater scheme with video. What you need to consider when installing

Rest in the country is pleasant only if there are all the benefits of civilization. For a modern person, the presence of water supply and sewage is one of the criteria of coziness. And if there are no problems in apartment buildings with this, then in the private sector, residents have to look for a way out of the current situation. Sometimes, wanting to save, people equip the usual drain pit. In this case, in addition to the low cost of building other positive moments there is no. It is much better to build a septicchka from Eurocubes with your own hands, which will serve you for one year. Especially this is one of the most simple ways to arrange sewage in a country house.

What are the advantages of the septica in front of other designs?

  • preventing the spread of unpleasant odor;
  • lack of soil infection with human livelihoods;
  • inappropriateness in the services of the asserenimizers, the septic cleaning is quite rare and can be performed independently;
  • septicch will serve much longer than a cesspool.

Choose the right capacity of the tank

The size of the septic is selected depending on the amount of effluent. Their volume is determined depending on the period of operation and the number of residents in the house. For temporary use in the summer period, the design of a small volume is suitable, and the year-round use of Septic implies daily discharge of wastewater.

Their volume is determined by the number of people living in the house. It is assumed that the daily consumption of water per person is 200 liters. Focusing on this value, determine the daily consumption of water on all residents. The size of the camera septic should be three times more than this indicator. It is advisable to choose a septic tank a little more, taking into account the unexpected increase in stock.

Where is the septic tank on the site?

The sewer facilities are located away from the place of water intake. The minimum distance is 50 meters. Installing a septicch must be removed at least 6 meters from the foundation of the building, but also to build it too far from the structure should not be too.

Since the sewage must have a sufficient bias, each extra meter leads to a decrease in the installation level of the septic. In addition, in the long pipeline, the high probability of blockage occurs. To eliminate them will have to build inspection wells. Also, it should not be septic closer than 3 meters to the neighboring area.

Pit preparation and grounds for installation

To build a septicch from Eurocubes, the first thing you need to prepare a pit for tanks and a trench for sewer pipes. The size of the pit for the septicch is taken at the rate of the volume of the installed cameras plus 15 centimeters on each side. The depth of the pocket depends on the size of the Eurocubes and the slope of the sewer highway, which should be at least 2 centimeters per meter of the pipeline.

The bottom of the pit meters is fifteen poured by concrete. During this process you need to make a loop for "anchoring" cubes so that they are not squeezed out with groundwater. From the house rushes trench to the installation site of the septica. The trench should have a bias toward the septica.

Preparation of Eurocubes for further installation

Before starting the work, the capacity must be prepared. At this stage, it is sealed in the lower part of the tank, and in the eurocables themselves, holes are made for the input and outlet nozzles and ventilation.

Drain at the bottom of the Eurocuba must be sealed in order to avoid leakage

To prepare 2 Eurocubes to use, four tees and sections of pipes (d \u003d 10-15 cm) will need as sewage. To insert a tee makes a cut around the neck in the form of the letter P and flexion the edge.

In order to insert a tee in the container you need to make a cut. Its size should be sufficient for the passage of the tee

In the first Cuba you need to make a hole for a pipe coming from home. Cropped a piece of pipe required length is entered into the resulting hole and connects with a tee.

The sewer pipe from the house is supplied to this hole. When connecting pipes, do not forget to check the presence of rubber

The tee is introduced into the container and connects to the incoming nozzle

For ventilation over the tee, the hole is cut and a piece of the pipe (D \u003d 5 cm) is inserted. On the other hand, the capacitance is made outlet, which should be located below the input. In another Eurocube, the same hole is made, but taking into account the fact that the cube will be located 20 cm below the first. This is necessary for the full use of the volume of the second container. Tees, on top of which ventilation outputs, should be connected to the pipe connecting both tanks.

On both sides of the pipe connecting capacity, you must connect the tees and install ventilation outputs

Also made a hole for the drainage tube emerging at the aeration field. After all pipes are installed, the connection site should be treated with sealant.

All connections need to be carefully treated with sealant

The seam around the neck is bonded by rivets and is also treated with a sealant. The waterproofing layer is applied on top.

Waterproofing layer welded around the neck

So that the containers do not shift relative to each other you need to securely bore with each other. For this, the framework of Eurocubes is welded. For more durable fasteners, fittings are used.

After the Eurocups firmly fastened with each other, they are ready to install

Installing Eurocubes in the pit

Prepared Eurocubes are mounted in a pit and attached to the prepared loop of the cable. Where soils have properties to worry, it is necessary to protect the containers. To do this, you can pave the professionalist or an antiseptic board-processed board or pour the distance between the soil and the walls of the cubes concrete. In this case, the framework of containers will serve as an additional reinforcement. Before the fill of concrete containers, it is necessary to fill with water, and the process itself is gradually and very neat.

Note! The walls of the Eurocuba are very thin therefore the process of fill with concrete requires extreme caution.

Using foam, the walls of capacities and the top are insulated. The whole design is covered with wooden rolled or concreted.

The walls and the top of the Eurocubes are insulated by foam. This will help avoid freezing septica in frost

In any case, such a homemade septicity from Eurocubes clears the drains not completely. Therefore, it is best to equip the drainage field for complete cleaning. Only in this case the sewage system will be completed.

Resting in a country house, away from a noisy and dusty city, well, when all relevant conditions are created there. In the modern world it is impossible to do without the arrangement of plumbing and sewage systems.

Some residential inhabitants and private buildings, due to the lack of nearby centralized engineering and technical communication networks, find the exit in the construction of the sewage needs of conventional drain pits. It will no longer be too expensive, but there are many problems in the process of further operation.

Many of these problems can be avoided if you build using the Eurocup. This is easy, and the life of this sewer construction is quite long.

Why is Eurocube?

Eurocube is called a polyethylene container with a wall thickness of about two millimeters. The cube is equipped with a cubic neck (diameter of 15 centimeters), a plastic lid with a valve for ventilation. Below make a crane for a drain.

From above, the Eurocube is a metal doom. The standard is considered the volume of the cube in 1 thousand liters, a length of 1.2, width - 1 and a height of 1,4th. Total weight - 50 kilograms.

What is the benefit of using this type of septica:

  • It requires a minimum of costs for its installation, as Eurocube is already a ready-made tank.
  • The spread of unpleasant odors is excluded.
  • The soil is not infected from the decomposition of human life waste.
  • There is no need to often use the services of the assessing agent, since the cleaning of such a septic is made not very often, besides, it is easy to do it yourself.
  • The service life is much more than a cesspool.
  • The time for servicing such a sewer device is practically no necessary, it cannot break from it.

Principle of operation Septica from Eurocubov

Such a septicch is a single geometric system, which is usually several tanks, although for a small structure with a small number of living and seasonal use, is sufficient one.

Through the drain sewer tube, emerging from the house, dirty water with waste enters the first container. There it is subjected to gross cleansing, stratification of uncleanness, separating them on fractions having a different proportion.

In the capacitance, some part of the waste is lowered to the bottom in the form of a precipitate, the clarified water is formed in the middle, and gas formations are applied.

Cleaning wastewater occurs due to special microorganisms that organic waste is used for nutrition.

To make them enough, a special bacterial mixture is used, which is added to the septic tank.

Through the overflow pipe, the liquid moves to another container, continuing to go down and wander.

Purified from impurities by 60 percent Lighted waste further flow into the drainage, where the soil is fed.

Gaze allocated from fermentation in the containers: methane, hydrogen sulfide and others are removed using the ventilation pipe. Pumping heavy fractions occurs with a special pipe for cleaning.

When the Septic device should be guided by construction, as well as sanitary standards and rules to competently take into account nearby buildings and features of the adjacent territories.

The following points to be taken into account during installation are listed below.

  • Septic must be installed on the depth below the level of soil freezing. If it is impossible, it is necessary to inspire it.
  • The soil around the septic should have a high permeability. Sand and gravel soil fit well. If clay inclusions prevail, it is necessary to build a cesspool and install the pump.
  • If the soil is bad filtering, aeration well is constructed.
  • Septicchka should be placed so that there is an entrance to pumping technology.

Prior to all work, it is necessary to calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the proposed effluents to choose the corresponding number of tanks.

In the bottom, regulating the construction of sewage structures, it is indicated that one person consumes from 150 to 200 liters during the day. This figure is multiplied by the number of family members, then by 3. It is for the three-day period that the cycle of water purification in septic is calculated.

The resulting digit is divided into a thousand, as a result, you can find out the optimal number of required containers.

First digging the pit, corresponding to the sizes of Eurocubes, making the stock of about 20 centimeters along the entire perimeter, where thermal insulation material will be laid. This can also set anything durable to counter the power of squeezing.

Depth is made based on the height of the tank and the main inclination. The installation of each subsequent Eurocube is performed below the previous on 25 to 30 centimeters. The height of the concrete pillow under each container is also taken into account.

It is desirable to attach the container with belts to a concrete basis, in order to avoid squeezing with soil water in the spring months.

Drainage system

Soil waterproof water can be arranged differently.

  1. The first way. The construction of filtration wells. It is done simply and inexpensive. The bottom of the devoted well is performed as a filtration sand or gravel pillow. This method is not suitable for such soil like sand, soup, loam. Such an installation must be coordinated with the SES, it is difficult to achieve great performance from it.
  2. The second way. The construction of fields exercising underground and terrestrial filtering. This is a kind of irrigation system that transmits wastewater recycled septic, before leaving it in the soil. For the system, perforated ceramic or plastic pipes are used, which are stacked on the filtrate. At the ends of the channels, ventilation risers with a height of about half a meter are displayed.
  3. Third way. The construction of filtration trenches, that is, meter-like boilers up to thirty meters long, which are laid pipes. Drain waters at the expense of Samotek fall into the Livnevy.

Assembly installation septic

Septic assembly makes focusing on a pre-developed scheme. It is necessary to thoroughly seal each compound.

On the first Eurocube below the upper border for twenty centimeters, a round entrance is done, which is stuck with a nozzle connecting the container with external sewers. Round output is made from the opposite end below the entrance to ten centimeters, for transfusions of the effluent in the next Eurocub.

The second Eurocuba has an entrance from the first, not forgetting about the drop in the levels of containers. From the other end, the cube makes a round output where the second overflow pipe is inserted to remove purified drain on filtration fields.

The upper surfaces of the tanks are equipped with holes for ventilation and cleaning. You can perform both functions through one channel. The ventilation pipe makes a two-meter. The bottom of its edge is located above the level of the overflow pipe.

The Eurocups are associated with steel elements on a twenty-salted meter distance. For insulation used minvatu, foam.

Septic from Eurocubes do it yourself very simple and inexpensive. For this operation, various plastic containers are used to store and move the fluid of chemicals. For its manufacture, high-quality polymer material is used, which is known for its strength. So as the installation for the cesspool has a greater rigidity, the tank is placed in a galvanized steel frame. It is worth noting that many people think that the only option is a cesspool.

It is at least one of the first tanks for the sewerage, but will not be able to clean the drains - because the pit can only be stored, and these are the costs of the assessing agents, the danger to the ecology and the unpleasant odor. Therefore, we recommend installing septics. Today, our article will reveal the question of how to make a septicch of Eurocubes with their own hands. Well, if after that, still questions remain, you can explore the video and various photos on the Internet.

It is worth noting that this material is not directly related to the mechanisms for cleaning cessation. First of all, it is a fully sealed capacity of up to 1 thousand liters, which is used to transport technical and chemical fluids.

A special durability of the design gives a galvanized metal grid in which it is placed. Reservoirs after their primary use, you can buy at a budget price. So this is also a financially available option. Such sewage will work for a very long time, if you perform the correct installation. Look at the appearance of this Septica, you can on different photos.

It is important before purchasing and installing a septic tank for a cesspool, it is necessary to perform certain calculations.

Benefits of septicity from this material

In relation to other materials for Septic, these advantages of its operation can be distinguished:

  • Has a low cost;
  • Material is durable with excellent sealing;
  • Does not require finishing and overlapping, which eliminates the additional front of the work;
  • High level of cleaning of cesspools dachas or any housing;
  • Such a mechanism can operate in any type of soil;
  • With insulation, it is possible to exploit it all year round;
  • No odors.

Design requirements Septic

The most economical view of sewage treatment facilities in the house or dacha is homemade from cubes. But before proceeding with construction, you need to get acquainted with the basic requirements for its design. So:

  • The amount of septic should be designed for a three-day amount of water consumption by residents of the house. For example, if 4 people live in the cottages, they use about 2 cube of water in 3 days. In this case, you can collect a two-chamber sump (1 thousand liters) or three-chamber (600 liters).
  • All pipe nodes must be equipped with tees and hatch, so that they are not clogged;
  • The position of the incoming pipe must be set above outgoing;
  • All sections and ventilation must be tightly connected;
  • The house sewage is equipped with ventilation rudder or an air valve is installed;
  • For the device from Eurocubes, it is necessary to have insulation;
  • As soon as install the sump - pour all the containers with water;
  • To avoid the deformation of the case, you need to make a concrete case;
  • For the final result, the presence of soil cooking. The best soil for this is peat.

Preparing for the assembly

Make a septicch of eurocubes with your own hands without pumping easily - be sure to construct input and outlet nozzles for it and only after that immerses the tank in the pit. Because of the ease, the design must be strengthened with concrete to protect from the pressure of the Earth.

This device is just the first step towards creating a full-fledged sewage system. After all, if we take into account the features of this mechanism, it will be necessary to pave trenches for aeration fields. Their length should be 20 m, and the depth is digging on the basis of the soil.

But to start construction work, it is necessary to clearly define the goals and the result that we are important.

Tip! It is best that there were two tanks when cleaning a cesspool, it will reduce the number of compounds, but will not affect the efficiency of production.

We carry out the calculations of the device

Prior to the start of installation, we must make calculations that determine the size of the equipment and the recovery pit, which are necessary for this situation.

Attention! We figure out the calculation of the amount of septicism as follows: the daily consumption of water in the country or in the house we multiply on three (this is consumption by tenants for three days).

For example, we define the size of the containers for 4 residents of the private house. The daily rate of consumption of one - 200 l, that is, in one day they use 800 l, and for three - 2400 liters. The last amount is the necessary amount of money. Thus, a pit is needed, which will be able to place the number of cesspools.

We set the Eurocups, the containers, which are 600 and 1000 liters. Based on this, a three-chamber septic for 3000 liters will be rational than to build from four tanks.

Important! The stock of 600 liters will be very practical for the case if guests arrive at you.

We carry out earthworks

We are ready for the septicity, based on such requirements:

  • Drive on the bottom should have a pillow of sand - 30 cm and bold concrete;
  • Based on the wall calculations, it is better to make 50 cm for 50 cm than the required estimates;
  • Its width should be such that the distance to the containers were 25 cm on each side. This is necessary to create a concrete cover.

Tip! When building a pit, it is necessary to take into account the location of the chambers so that the water moves the gravity.

Create cameras septica

The cesspool is easier to be built from ready-made cameras, but then the pipe hole should be made and connect everything into a single mechanism. For each reservoir, we will need two tee 110 mm and several pipe segments that will be useful for the ventilation system.

Some rules and sequences of actions:

  • In the neck of the tank, the tee will not climb, so it is necessary to make the appropriate hole for it;
  • Measuring 20 cm design from the construction cover, we make a round hole for the supply pipe;
  • On the opposite wall we create an output for the withdrawing pipe;
  • And at the top of the design, we carry a ventilation pipe

In order to build our mechanism, first we put the first chamber to which we bring pipes. Further, at a distance of 20 cm installed the second compartment. The subsequent action is the connection of two tanks overflow. The third part is also raised if its installation is planned. Do not forget about the sealing of all connections!

We perform backstage

Attention! The ratio of ingredients for the mixture: 5 kg of sand and 1 kg of cement. It is necessary to scatter throughout the perimeter of the bottom, a uniform layer of 30 cm and is well tumped.

Since the main goal of this process is the integrity of the tanks, then all the backfill is performed manually. Also, so that the deformation does not happen, the cameras should be filled with water. The upper part of the septica is additionally insulated. Such materials can help in this action: foam, thermal insulators, etc.

Nuances that are when installed independently

So, there are such moments to pay attention to:

  • In winter, it is necessary to avoid filling in stocks of the septicity of the house, since the installation of plastic can burst due to pressure. A further built-in drain tank can be saved from this problem, which must be installed below the level of the fruit of the soil or to insulate it.
  • All existing tanks must be connected to the ventilation pipe;
  • The cesspool will function better if the drains are divided into two types: fecal and clean.

Attention! To get more information you can watch various videos or reject the written reviews of the data owners of septicists.

Create field filtering fields - Wastewater doctors

Such special appliances devices such as filtering fields can be constructed only on sandy soils. Plus, the level of groundwater occurrence is very important here - it should not be higher than 3 meters. Let's select the pluses of filtration:

  1. Ease of device;
  2. Low cost for construction;
  3. Contribute to the submerged wetting of the flora;
  4. Pull the water after septic, making it technical.

But after analyzing the reviews, such minuses can be allocated:

  1. The dependence of the layout of the landscape from the location of the cleaning fields;
  2. There is inconvenience when building filtering fields on poorly transmitting soils.

Tip! To build such fields, use ready-made drainage pipes or ordinary plastic pipes that are used in external works. If these are plastic, then you need to take care of the holes.

Many good tips are in the form of a video in a global network where you can familiarize yourself with them. We in our section we describe the main of them:

  • For each meter, the tilt of pipes in 2 cm are constructed, so that the water can be transported by gravity;
  • The central pipes have side branches. In this case, the diameter is acquired up to 10 cm, and the length is up to 20 meters.
  • In whole pipes, all the necessary holes are drilled;
  • Ditches 80 cm depth and 50 cm wide dig for irrigation pipes;
  • At the end of the styling of the pipeline, it should be filled with a mixture;
  • Ends must have ventilation outputs.

Conclusion: This is one of the easiest ways to clean the sewerage. A device from Eurocubes and filtering fields cleans the pit to 95%. After all the processes, you can safely use water for watering the flora or at the cottage, or the area of \u200b\u200bthe yard.

Among the large number of options for the construction of engineering communications for giving and country houses, septic is most appropriate. In the process of its equipment, a device of accumulative containers is required, which uses various containers. Eurocube are suitable products for creating septic.

What it is?

Septic from Eurocubes is a design that components are containers produced from plastic and arranged in a welded frame from steel profiles. Polyethylene is used for the septic tank production. This material has increased resistance to chemicals and does not lose its properties in the event of the interaction of the device with an aggressive medium.

In order to further protect the septic tank from Eurocubes, the container from polyethylene is strengthened with the inner side with special angular shields. Eurocube possess the following advantages:

  • Septicity sealer. A similar element of the septica will not pass liquid.
  • Eurocub withstands significant loads. This is achieved due to the presence of steel design and ergonomic execution in the form of a cube.
  • High resistance septic tank to negative external influences. To do this, in the manufacture of Septic, galvanized high quality steel is used and the technology of welding works is observed.

To create a septic without pumping in the country, the Eurocube is ideal, as they have a suitable device and are specifically developed for storing and moving aggressive media, as well as not being destructed under their effect.

Pros and cons

The device of the sewer system in the country with the use of septic without pumping has pluses and cons. To the advantages of the septicity of this type can be attributed:

  • The device septica from Eurocubov takes at least time.
  • Containers have reasonable prices.
  • Capacities have good waterproofing and long service life.
  • Septic requires minimal additional preparation.
  • Ease of use of septica.

Sepage from Eurocubov also have disadvantages:

  • If the territory is flooded with flood waters, the container will be pushed out of the pit due to its small weight. It is possible to avoid an unpleasant situation by consolidating European-daisy on the basis of concrete. To do this, apply cables or special tie straps.
  • The septic tank has a small thickness, so when exposed to elevated loads may be damaged.

Device and scheme


  • Wastewater comes from plumbing equipment and other sources on pipes into one of the septic tanks, in which the particles will be separated and fall on the bottom.
  • When wastewater, reached the designated level, they will arrive through the connecting pipe to the next chamber. The septic circuit implies the presence of height difference between tanks.
  • From the second device, wastewater fall into the soil along the drainage tube, which, according to the septic circuit, should be located at a height of about 20 cm above the EUROKUB bottom.

To improve the wastewater treatment system, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a drainage well. To find out what kind of functioning scheme has a septack from Eurocubes worth viewing the proposed photos and videos.

It is worth noting that, according to the septicism scheme, both capacity in the septic should be supplied with the ventilation system without mandatory. It is pipes that should perform above the soil level of about two meters.

Arriving septic with your own hands, you should position the ventilation pipe inside the first container at an altitude of about 15 cm on the level of the compound of Eurocubes. It is designed to remove harmful evaporation, and will also allow wastewater by means of special equipment. In the second capacity of the pipe is located at a similar distance.

Septic from Eurocubes operates by mechanical separation of large fractions that are in sewage waters. This procedure is carried out due to the design of the sewage with two levels, which allows you to create the effect of overflow. In order to understand better, as it happens, it is worth watching the best photos and videos on this topic. Also installing a septicch of Eurocubes with your own hands, you can read the reviews of those who did it earlier and familiar with his device.

Under the influence of bacteria in the septic, the anaerobic decomposition of waste occurs. Initially, add special bioactivators to the container, in order to achieve the best conditions for splitting the aggressive medium.

Thanks to a similar device of septic without pumping and using this method of purification, the amount of insoluble waste will not exceed one percent of the total sewage volume. For this reason, it is possible to take care of the cottage for the septicity at the cottage, it is possible not to worry about what when you get into the ground they will cause significant harm to the environment.

In order for the wastewater, they did not fall back into the sewer sewer, it follows at the end of the pipe to install a special device with their own hands - check valve.

Preparatory activities

Learning how to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands, it is worth not to miss such an important point as preparations for this procedure. Preliminary activities include the following:

  • Choosing a place for digging a pit and subsequent installation of septic.
  • Performing the calculation of the volume of septic tanks sufficient to dispose of all wastewater in the country.
  • Acquisition and preparation of the best tools and materials for the plant septica.

How to properly perform these procedures with your own hands, you can learn from the photos and video presented. No less useful reviews of those who installed septic tank in the country without pumping.

The first stage of preparatory work is to plan the place to build the septicity of sewage in the country site or the country. To achieve a better result, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The distance between the residential buildings and the septic is from Eurocubes without pumping should exceed five meters, and to roads and parking lots - at least two meters.
  • Capacities should be located in this way so that you can provide pumping without obstacles. However, most of the owners of cottages prefer to install a septic tank from Eurocubes with their own hands without pumping.
  • Sewer pipes should not have bends. If they are still there, in these places additional wells should be equipped.
  • Septic tubes also should not have a slope at least two centimeters per meter length.

These conditions in some cases make it difficult to arrange the sewage and septicity from Eurocubes in the country. However, adhering to them can be obtained by the best results in the pumping of wastewater and prevent the appearance of unpleasant consequences. The photos submitted by experts will help to understand the septica device.

It is also worth noting that for high-length pipes it will be necessary to independently arrange a deeper pit, in which the EUROCUB SEPTIC will be installed. However, with a large length of sewage pipes, the appearance of blockages is not excluded. For this reason, the device of an audit well is recommended.

The second stage of the preparatory work during the device of the septicism in the country is no less important. In the process of calculating the appropriate amount of septicity of eurocubs without pumping, the amount of wastewater should be taken into account, which will be formed as a result of the work of sanitary devices in the house. This parameter will depend on the number of people living or coming to the cottage, the number of plumbing, as well as the intensity of the sewage operation.

The minimum volume of the Eurocup may have in the event that the country site is visited seasonally or in the house there is a small number of people. For the cottage to equip the septic tank of the considered type is the best option. It is also worth noting that the installation of large septic tanks is a rather time-consuming process, which can be understood by reviewing the photo.

For the arrangement of Septica from Eurocubets, you must prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Eurocuba;
  • Wood boards with sizes 10 x 2, 5 cm;
  • Polyfoam as a heater septic;
  • Pipes to provide stock supply and ventilation;
  • Sealant;
  • Drainage pipes, crushed stone and gravel to perform swelling in the pit;
  • Pipes, cuffs and tees.

The amount of these elements depends on the septica device from eurocubs, as well as the selected installation technology. To perform work with your own hands, you also need to prepare special equipment or shovels for the work of earthworks. Also to create a better concrete solution you need to take a mixer. To create holes in the buildings of Eurocubets, the septica and trimming of pipes are prepared by the ESM.

The main stages of the installation

To find out how to properly install septic tanks from Eurocubes in the country, you should view the proposed photos and videos. It is also worth familiar with the reviews of those who have already done. It is worth remembering that in the process of building a septica from Eurocubes without pumping should stick to technology and sequence.

The first stage of the work on the equipment of the septica is to perform earthworks in the country or the preservation site. There should be trenches in which the sewage pipes will be placed, as well as the pit for the installation of Eurocubes. Its size should be equal to the volume of containers with additional 15 cm for each of the parties. The depth of the pit depends on their height. It is covered with gravel and concrete mixture, installing the hinges for fixing the cameras. The phased performance can be seen in the photo.

The second stage of the work is to assemble the septicity with their own hands, for which two Eurocubes will need. Preparations are preliminarily performed: tees are arranged in the thickness of the container, the first is the hole for supplying the sewage pipe, ensure the connection between the septic chambers, the compounds obtained are processed by sealant. For a reliable frame connection, it is possible to use fittings and welding.

After the bottom of the pit dried, and the Eurocups will be interconnected, you can start installing with your own hands. To do this, the capacitance is placed in the kittle and join by the cable to the pre-equipped loop. Capacities should be seen by the boards if the septic tank is condensed on the bunching soil. You can also be powered by a solution of concrete place between the soil and eurocubs.

Septic insulation is one of the important procedures, as experts are talking about. It is worth using expanding polystyrene foam or foam. They are satisfied at the end of the work on top and fall asleep with soil.

The last stage of the plant septica consists of a laying of drainage pipes. The wiring must be performed from the pipe of the second Eurocuba. To achieve a better distribution of wastewater, they should be made by gravel. This independent installation of septicism is completed at the cottage.

Service and care

Septic, which is operated at the cottage a long period, requires appropriate care. It is necessary to ensure that large fractions, waste and chemicals do not fall into the wastewater. If a septic tank has not been installed without pumping, you should additionally provide this procedure and garbage cleaning. With seasonal use of septic, you need to prevent it

In order to prevent damage to the septica from the Eurocuba in the country, follow the following recommendations:

  • Installing your own hands, septic tank from the Eurocuba in the country, should competently choose the location of its location, taking into account the relief features. Thus, the effect of groundwater on the sewage will be reduced.
  • The object should be subject to thorough waterproofing.
  • Cotelers for septica should be seen by boards or concrete to protect against squeezing.
  • It is also recommended to associate the capacity with each other with the use of steel elements, for example, reinforcement.

By installing septic tank from Eurocubes independently, it is worth performing the listed activities, which will minimize all the shortcomings of the sewage of this species.

For the construction of septicism to build volumetric concrete containers is not at all. Local cleaning facility with small performance can be made with your own hands from eurocubes or dumping tanks. In this article, we will talk about the design and stages of installation of such a septic.

Homemade septic tires inherit the principle of work of finished solutions, such as "Topp" or "Tank", but they are very distinguished. It is almost impossible to divide the capacitance on the camera: polyethylene is poorly bonding in handicraft conditions, and a narrow neck makes it difficult to conduct work. Therefore, several nearby containers interconnected.

What tanks can be used

For septic, it is advisable to use the used capacity without damage to the housing with a vertical cylinder form or a parallelepiped. The thickness of the walls of the container should be at least 3.5 mm, and the Eurocuba is not less than 2 mm.

Eurokube due to low capacity (1000-1050 liters) is used in septhes with daily performance up to 1 m 3 per day, in other cases, carsional containers are used. Their volume is not difficult to calculate - the total capacity of the septic is selected equal to the three-time value of daily drainage. And with the amount of discharges over 5 m 3 per day, the total volume of the septic chambers must be 2.5 times higher.

The dimensions of the aerotane and primary settling tank are correlated as 1.5: 1, the second and third chambers are equal in volume. For example, septic tank of 6 m 3 has the following camera capacity:

  1. Primary sump 1500 liters.
  2. Aerotenk - 2250 liters.
  3. Deep cleaning chamber - 2250 liters.

In the sewage treatment facilities over 10 m 3, all chambers have the same volume.

Mounting features at high

Homemade septic tanks from plastic tanks are reasonably mounted at low waste loads - up to 6-8 m 3 per day. Unlike sewage treatment facilities with concrete tanks, they have a number of shortcomings.

During groundwater level (AGB) below 1.5-2 meters, septic tank is mounted according to the standard diagram. But if the groundwater is higher, there is a real threat to the return flow of fluid and flooding. In this case, a buffer container with a higher level is required, into which purified water is supplied by erlifed or drainage pump.

Option of septic device at high groundwater level: 1 - sewage inlet; 2 - first capacity; 3 - second tank; 4 - drainage pump; 5 - ventilation; 6 - buffer capacity; 7 - drainage field

With too high angle (less than 50 cm) there is a possibility of flooding septicism through the caisson or the gaps of the drainage canal. These problems are resolved in the following ways:

  1. Laying the introductory drainage pipe is above an AGR, followed by insulation.
  2. The device is a sealed sewer channel.
  3. Sealing of caisson, use of tanks with elongated necks.
  4. Installation of septica close to the surface of the soil and its insulation.

The last item involves the minimum removal of the septicity from the riser, but not closer to three meters from the foundation of the building.

Earthworks and installation of tanks

Installation of the septica begins after laying the sewer channel. For homemade septic, unlike factory los, the height of the insertion tube cutting is optimally 20-25 cm from the vertex. With this in mind, they determine the depth of the pit. The capacity is set in the desired order on the fleece ground, then there are out the contours of the future pit, retreating from the walls of the chambers 25-30 centimeters for filling.

The bottom of the pit is poured with concrete, reinforcing a metal grid with a 4 mm rods and a 60x60 mm cell. Concrete is frozen in 2-3 days, by their expiration, you can set the first and third containers, to embed the introductory and output pipe, respectively. For cutting pipes, it is convenient to use a wooden bar with two screws into it with screws, the distance between the rally of which is 1-2 mm less than the pipe of the pipe. This "Circle" is painted perfectly a round hole at the injection site and insert the pipe. An effort must be applied, but this method makes the adjoining walls are more dense.

In the fields of pipe input, the connection is treated with a thermoclaim: first with a white transparent rod, and then translucent black. On the ends of the pipes, tees are put on with a straight outlet and have them vertically, the lower end is lengthened until the middle of the camera height.

Cockup and caisson

After installing all containers, a mixture of five parts of sand and one part of the cement are prepared, the gaps between the walls of the tanks and the pit is poured. Do it in several stages. First fall asleep and tamper the lower layer in 1/4 heights, filling with septic with water by one third. In the future, it is covered up to half, and then 2/3 of the height.

When installing at a shallow depth, it is reasonable to set off septic with plates of polystyrene septic tank. When the backstage covers the introductory pipe, the PPS slabs cut and laid horizontally, then continue to float septic tank to the level of the upper wall of the containers.

Kesson is a technical chamber designed to accommodate equipment in it. The walls of the caisson are laid out in the Pollipich, so that they perform at 10-15 cm above the ground level, the bottom is poured after the insertion of the passing sleeves into the upper wall of the chamber. When filling the screed, the septic neck is fencing with a ring formwork, for example, from plastic. Cement can be common or individual for each camera. In the latter case, passage sleeves for pipes and hoses are laid in partitions.

Inner filling septica

From electrical equipment in the septic, only a compressor is used, such as Pondtech A-85. Erlifed system is used to pump mass. The erlift of fluid transfer from the primary sump is placed at the level of the inner tube, and in the aerotane it is 10-15 cm from the top of the camera. Dropping the taps are lowered in the middle of the height of the tank. To pump the activated sludge from the aerotank and the deep cleaning chamber, two separate erlifeds with a total reset point of 70-100 cm from the bottom are used to the primary sump. The absorbing nozzles of the erlift have 10-15 cm from the bottom, and the pump itself is placed on a third of the chamber height.

Corrugated spiral hoses are excellent, corrugated spiral hoses 32 mm are excellent, they can easily be laid without sharp turns. The connection with erlifes is sealing with screw clamps or nylon screeds.

1 - inlet tube; 2 - membrane diffuser (aerator); 3 - concrete fill; 4 - erlift pumping in water; 5 - compressor; 6 - cement and sandfall; 7 - caissons; 8 - Erlift Pulp Ila; 9 - output pipe

Erlifs can be made with their own hands. To do this, take the PVC pipe of 32 mm long 15-20 cm long, in the middle of the two holes 15 mm in the middle and screw the fittings under the 2 mm hose hose in them with 1/2 thread. "The connection is sufficiently dense. Two segments of the hose are put on the fittings and connect them to the tee.

From the compressor, the air is supplied to the membrane diffusers located 40 cm from the bottom of the first and 25-30 cm from the bottom of the second chamber. To power the erlifes make tee taps, the air is passed through the channel regulators. Erlifs of pumping rals are additionally supplied with cranes or electroclapanes for automatic control.

Completion of mounting and start

At the highest points of each container, usually in the lids, it is necessary to install exhaust channels for the removal of ventilation gases. After that, the septic tire is filled with water and test it to work in the "clean" mode: adjust the air supply to erlifers and check the rate of pumping. If the operation mode is satisfied - the septic tank can be started.