Repairs Design Furniture

Interior of small apartments in blue green tones. Dark green color in the interior. Green curtains in the interior

It is called the color of nature, revival, youth, growth, coolness, cleanliness, security ... and all this about him - about green. Green is one of the three main colors consisting of blue and yellow. The greater the yellow - the warmer green colorThe more blue is, respectively, colder. In nature, there is a huge number of different shades of green: forest foliage, dried greens, sea wave, emerald, malachite, vegetables and fruits, marsh tina ... Since green color is constantly surrounding us, it is considered the most familiar for the human eye, and therefore - the most relaxing and soothing. This explains so frequent use of green when finishing the walls in public rooms - kindergartens, schools, hospitals, offices, etc. It is worth remembering the colors of the traffic light: it is green that is a safety sign.

Green: influence

If the human life lacks harmony, green in the interiorwhere he lives and works will help achieve agreement with him and the outside world. In the green room it is easier to cope with the negative - malice, impassable, irritability, stiffness. In the green place it is easier to overcome the attack of claustrophobia, because this color is a symbol of nature, that is, open space and fresh air. Therefore, it is green, along with blue, recommended for finishing.

Warm pastel shade of green can relax and even act like a light sleeping pill. Cold, juicy green, on the contrary, mobilizes, provokes activity. Remember: in the hospital wards it is more common possible to see the light green walls - the person's eye is not strained, the feeling of rest arises. But the cloth covered, for example, card tables - saturated, dark green, as not only peace is needed here, but also concentration. Thus, changing shades, you can adjust the effect of color.

Green interior: In what rooms is appropriate?

In general, it is believed that green color is good for any premises - both residential and workers. However, it is important to choose the right shade.

If green in the living room use too much, the situation will act relaxing. Even if it is cold, juicy shades, it will still have a feeling of lethargy, passivity - in any case, physical. Therefore, for the living rooms in which guests receive and arrange parties, the green color is not very suitable - it is better to introduce accents, but not to use as the main one. But for small living rooms that are used primarily for recreation, the choice in favor of green will be correct.

Green baby room

Pastel green - a good choice For the room of a hyperactive baby or a teenager. IN green room It will calm down and tune in intellectual leisure. That is why green color is recommended for finishing and designing a child's room, which has difficulty studies. This color should be selected for those rooms in which classes in kindergarten are held.

Melancholic, passive little man in the green room will become even more relaxed. If you want to activate the child, make it more mobile, emotional and talkative, choose a different color - pay attention to warm but quite bright and cheerful and yellow.

In any case, excessively a large number of Green in the nursery is not very desirable, since any child will be boring in it. Select something one: either separate green Walls or use green in decor, textile, furniture.

Once green relaxes, acting as a light soothing and sleeping pills, it means that it is optimal for the bedroom. However, not all tones are suitable: choose pastel shades, that is, the lungs, very light, even translucent - green tea, light pistachio, soft olive, protective, mint, etc. Better if it is frosted surfaces. Juicy herbal, emerald or jade color should be inserted into the bedroom with only small accents. Saturated blue-green, close to the color of the sea wave, can be used in the bedroom more actively, but not excessively, otherwise the situation will rather tone than relaxing.

In the bedroom, the windows of which go to the south side, it is stuffy, hot and too light. Use for finishing large surfaces of a cold green and blue shade will create a feeling of coolness. Dark cold shade "will absorb" excessively large amount of sunny color. In this way, bedroom in green tones The cold part of the spectrum is a solution for the South. Northerners should give preference to those shades of green, in which yellow (lime, yellow-green) prevails.

Green in the interior of the home office

As already mentioned, darker, juicy, saturated shades of green tune into mental activity, help prompt decisions. For the office there are good green in the cellular pattern - such design will be cheerful, stimulate logical thinking. The combination of green, gold and noble woods will bring the features of luxury, respectability into the office. Better, if it is a complex natural color - for example, malachite, moss, etc.

Green in the interior of the hallway

Green is a color not only nature, but also money, so it is often chosen for receiving financial companies. According to psychologists, the green entrance hall in the house will create a similar attitude: the walls have the walls in this house, it means that they live here successful people. In the hallway apartments, as a rule, no windows. Therefore, bright walls, a lot of light, mirrors are preferable. Pick the paint or wallpaper of light gently green. We are successful for the walls of the hallway strips - green and white, green-beige, etc.

Green bathroom

A variety of shades of green are very often choosing for bathrooms, because the green is associated with nature, and one of the main natural elements is water, reigning and in the bathroom. However, designers do not like to take this color for the bathroom, because he is in itself - "wet", so in the green building a bathroom there may be a feeling of dampness, sputum, coldness. Do not forget that green causes association not only with the purity of nature, but also with rotting, mold.

It is worth using a combination of green with other colors - beige, cream, white, blue. For the bathroom in choose not clean green, and the color approached the color of the sea wave; decorate the placement by marine accessories, apply a wavy pattern on the tile, hang on the wall a round mirror, resembling the porthole - in this case, the correct, positive associations that send us to the seabed or to dear resort, I. green bathroom Transformed.

Green kitchen

In the kitchen room, green is used less frequently than in others, since this color is rarely called appetizing and tasty. In full green kitchen (Green floors, walls, furniture facades) It will be uncomfortable, appetite may decrease.

Take green for something one - for example, for finishing walls and accessories or only for facades. Combine green in the kitchen interior with sandy (reference to Mediterranean and ecosil), orange (citrus Fresh), beige, brown ( natural style) and yellow (color of fruit - such a combination will increase your appetite). With red, it is also possible, but very carefully, as with purple.

Green Interior: Selecting Shade

You need to choose a shade depending on the functional purpose and style of the room.

Eastern Interior in Green Tones : Here the green is also used very actively. Pay attention to shades natural stones - Malachite, jade, emeralds, as well as olive and khaki (protective). In the eastern interior, combine green with various shades of yellow, including gold.

Tropical interior in green tones : If the interior must send us to hot tropics, it is worth arming a salad or pistachio color, combining them with sandy. In such an interior, it is not without the use of wicker furniture, a huge number of living plants, palm trees in the tubs, "tropical" decor items.

Sea style: Self-green and sea wave color - here are colors for walls, textiles and marine decor items.

Art Deco style : In such interiors, dark, saturated shades are often present. precious stones (jade, emeralds, malachite). Horregious, chic, monumentality - this can be achieved by combining "expensive" green shades with the color of metals - white and yellow.

Ecosil. It is difficult to imagine a natural interior without green. However, saturated dark green tones are still better introducing accents: live plants, sofa pillows, decor items. For walls and floors, light herbal tones will be suitable, as well as shades of green tea, September grass, marsh tina, etc.

What to combine green in the interior?

Cool green-blue shades are well combined with yellow, lemon, orange, light peach, gentle pink. In addition, a combination with a snow-white and color of light wood can be interesting.

Blue-green shades "Friends" with white, sandy, yellow, blue, blue.

Cold green pastel colors are a good combination with pearl and silver shades of gray.

Juicy green colors, both dark and blonde, combine with white (classic combination), yellow, brown.

Green Interior: Use

  • On the green surfaces of the eyes resting. If your eyes are tired, look at green - and you will feel better. Put computer desk To the green wall or hang over the table poster with the image, for example, green forest. Either make the original, covering it with a nice cloth for you green. Hang the board above the desktop and take the eyes from the monitor from time to time and look at it for a couple of minutes.
  • It is believed that green in the interior contributes to the strengthening of immunity. Choose green for a painful child. Stop green linen bed of a sick man. On the winter Put in the bedroom a floor lamp with a green lampshade.
  • If indoors are constantly hot and stuffy, give preference to finishing the walls with a cold blue-green shade - in green interior You will feel ease and coolness.
  • In the children's room, parents are often hanging on the walls of the alphabet, numbers and other training pictures. It is proved that children better perceive and remember graphic information on a green background. Make a green one of the walls in the nursery or part of the wall (highlighting it, for example, a frame of polyurethane moldings). Green walls or a plot of one wall will be a kind of "blackboard", which will increase the effectiveness of the "educational process".

It's no secret that colors affect human consciousness. Some shades cause associations with danger, while others - bring a feeling of peace. And although in the modern world we do not need to analyze environment For the sake of survival, in the personal space, I still want to feel as comfortable as possible. Green in the interior is an excellent option for such purposes.

Influence on the psyche and features

Experts of the Pantone's authoritative Color Institute called Greenery chief of 2017 or "Fresh Greens" - a saturated green-yellow, symbolizing new beginnings, as well as a man's desire in the conditions of the man-made world to be closer to nature. This is just one of the reasons why it is worth incorporating green in the interior palette, but not home. Together with the aesthetics and honorary icon for following the latest trends, you will get a lot of advantages by stopping your choice on such a natural shade.

Green - Will color, freshness and happiness. It sounds too romantic, but it really is. Psychologists advise using this shade if you are a purposeful personality, which is needed additional source Energy. The fact is that it contributes to the rise of mental activity, and also increases the concentration. In susceptibles of people, there is an improvement in positive results when solving problems by 10%, while the number of errors decreases by 20%.

In addition, green has a soothing effect, harmonizes the operation of the propeller, normalizes the pressure and can even have a healing effect on vision.

Of course, this is not a panacea. It should not be expected that the use of green in the room will drastically change its life and improve health. But a small positive effect takes place to be. Is it worth mentioning that people who like this color will appear a permanent source of good mood?

Even I. V. Guete noted that for rooms in which you are constantly, it is better to choose a green color. But not all modern scientists can agree with it, at least if we are talking About the bedroom. It is believed that an excess of shade will prevent relaxation, provoking the brain. It is worth relying on your own feeling and needs. For example, for some people the bedroom is simultaneously the cabinet. However, to neutralize the impact on the psyche, it is enough just to turn off the light.

For the rest of the premises there is no doubt - green will be an excellent option in the kitchen or in the corridor. It is only necessary to determine the tint: as in other colors, it has many varieties, each of which causes certain sensations. Positively perceived by a man light green and salad, but the darker or swamp species can be alarming, sometimes Handra, instead of getting rid of them.

The effect also depends on the lighting in the room. This is a simple principle: what brighter tintMoreover, muffled light, and vice versa - coniferous, swamp options can be done warmer using lamps. Do not be afraid to experiment by choosing a solution that is suitable specifically for your space.

What colors to combine?

So, weighing everything in and against, you decide to issue the interior of the room in green. Excellent, now you need to decide, with what tint it is combined. After all, all space can not be one-color, just some of them dominates. Consider the most popular "couples".

Green with black

The poetic black will not spoil anything, it is the perfect base for any option. Although at first glance it may seem that these colors are contrary to each other. Green, like a symbol of life, sometimes competes with a dark "partner", but only if it is wrong to approach the design.

Black is perfectly combined with coniferous, deeper tones, although such an interior may seem to someone gloomy. To combine it with salad, it is recommended to enter white elements - it harmonizes the composition.

Green with white

Neutral white is well combined with a light palette, neutralizing excessive brightness or saturation.

Perfect option - White walls and green furniturewhich a similar background will only emphasize. Such a combination is suitable for the bedroom, since the first color has a calming effect, a bit of restraining the toning effect of the second.

Green with yellow

Perhaps the most cheerful combination that mentally tolerate the visitors to the room on a juicy glade, generously illuminated by the sun. In this interior it will be warm even in winter, but in the summer it can be a little uncomfortable. Make the windows to do not go to the south, otherwise the oversight of the light will not be avoided.

In this range, both separate composite elements can be performed, and one item - they are perfectly combined, moving into each other smoothly. Of course, we are talking about a salad or linime shade. Dark green does not look with yellow.

Green with brown

Like the previous version, this combination came to us from nature itself, so it seems the most harmonious for perception. Under brown, the color itself is implied by itself, as well as the use of wood, which is even better.

The interiors with creamy walls, light wood floors, wooden furniture with a beautiful texture, as well as with light green details in the form of decor, textiles, or other design items, are cozy and calmly.

Green with blue

Although green and badly combined with the same bright accentsbut with blue he can find mutual language. At the same time, we are talking both about dark and light combinations, but better, if some other, more neutral shade, balances their "Union".

For example, salad and blue items look perfectly on a white background. Try not to use very rich varieties, especially in the bedroom.

Interiors in green tones

No matter how strange it sounds, but green in different rooms It will look different, mainly due to their purpose, materials used or sizes. Let us dwell on each details.

Green color in living room interior

The living room is a place of recreation, work, communication and entertainment. Here is a person, with a standard planning of the apartment, spends most of his life, studying important (and not very) everyday deeds. Therefore, toning, but at the same time, the peaceful green in all its variations will perfectly fit into such a room.

These can be separate items or front wall, on which teleexer, mint, gas or swamp shades are located - it will not hurt to your peace.

It should only be borne in mind that in a small living room it is better to give preference to light shades, combining them with white.

Green in the kitchen interior

Some experts claim that green color improves appetite, and therefore its use in the kitchen interior will be very relevant.

For premises in the style of Provence, you can choose a mint shade, painting them carved furniture. BUT modern kitchen It will look harmonious if you purchase bright green furniture with a glossy surface for it, balancing more restrained walls. However, the wooden kit on a coniferous background will also look good.

Green Bedroom Interior

Try to avoid saturated shades - they have already mentioned, may interfere with complete relaxation. Introducing green in the bedroom interior, it is better to repel from the natural palette, creating a natural, lightweight atmosphere.

If you want to take green for finishes, choose pastel gamut or colder varieties - for example, mint and turquoise. You can also "paint" only one wall, balanced by it with white partitions.

Green wallpaper looks good with a pattern, especially in classic style. It is recommended to buy at the same time. wooden furniture - Such a design will take you closer to nature.

Green in the bathroom interior

Using tile tile as finishing material It offers many options for designing space in green. If the room is allowed, you can choose a mosaic from different shades. In a small bathroom, such a solution will look too much. But, in any case, your experiments balance the white plumbing.

However, in our realities, bathrooms are rarely spacious, so when using green it is better to limit ourselves to several objects, for example, cabinets.

It is appropriate in the bathroom with natural topics, which can be continued with the help of plants.

Green shades in the interior of the living room are not so often, but the color of nature itself soothes, pacifies and pleases the eye. The interior in green will never look trite, it is always fresh and new. In this article, consider how to make a living room in green colors, and make your guest room for guests and called to yourself.

Effect of interior with green shades on people

The color of nature itself will be truly magical effects:

  • Cock and remove emotional tension. Such qualities have shades of green with the addition of blue and blue. They bring serenity into the atmosphere;
  • Salad, malachite, olive - all these colors are able to influence appetite. For those people who deal with overweight and are accustomed to eat in front of the TV screen, green interior details will help reduce appetite, reduce the need for food;
  • This shade of the interior is able to improve the microclimate in the family. Any of its colors will help smooth conflicts, relieve tensions, positively influence the well-being of each of the households;
  • People worked for a long time at the computer, the green element in the interior will help to relax visual receptors, will calm down;
  • The living room in blue-green shades will create a smooth emotional background. Therefore, it will suit people unbalanced, with frequent mood drops;
  • Green common tone of the room with red accents will suit those of us who are afraid of the future and lost faith in themselves. These shades are motivated to overcome obstacles, configure the result;
  • Any combinations with yellow will help smooth sharp corners of character, the desire to like others.

Shades of green

The design of the living room in the green colors looks very impressive, and at the same time brings comfort and revival. The shades of this color are so much that anyone can choose the most suitable.

It is because of the latitude of the tonality of green that difficulties arise in working with it. There are problems in choosing a shade and combined colors. But all these obstacles will easily block the positive influence of this color and its magnificent appearance.

  • Pistachio, mint, apple tones will help relax and configure to rest, but at the same time give fresh and novelty. Their tenderness and light will help create a calm and cozy atmosphere in the living room, a feeling of pacification;

  • Olive tones will give the interior of elegance and warmth. These shades are good to use for small premises, they are able to increase the space, push the walls;

  • The owners of large living rooms preferring the classic orientation in the interior often use such tones as the emerald, dark turquoise, coniferous. They will help to give your living room in the dark green tones of luxury and greatness. The saturation and depth of these colors contribute to some rigor;

  • The peculiarity of this color is that with the hot midday sun, it brings a feeling of coolness, and in the winter cold heats, reminding about summer days. That is, green tones can be both cold and warm! About this amazing property of color know experienced designers, actively applying it in the design of solar or shaded apartments.

Tip! It must be remembered that the overdose of green in the room is able to spoil the impression. In this color, it is important to consider everything to the smallest detail, to find the accompanying hue correctly and then, interacting, these colors will be able to produce a deafening effect.

On the the following photos Different living rooms in green tones can be noticed how muted shades of nature move the walls and fill modern housing Live strength.

White-green living room: color combination and style

Features of the combination of shades

The actual combination of these colors will create the impression of the spring wind in your room. Choosing them, you need to remember that the neutral white color will find harmony with gentle and diluted with green flowers. Saturated greens and radical white will create too bright contrast and will not be able to give the place of light and air.

If you choose white walls, then marsh, pistachio and mint shades of furniture and curtains will give a feeling of comfort and peace. In the photo, the combination of gently green and white in the interior is convinced of this.


Nelisses in such color gamma Accessories will be. Several bright accentuating spots will give your interior dynamics and energy. It can be bright pictures on the wall, unusual shape Vases, sofa pillows.

Style opportunities

When creating a white - green living room, the value has selected style solution. When sympathy for eternal classics, choose white walls and green upholstered furniture. Golden or silver drawing will be perfectly looking at its upholstery. Heavy curtains in tone on high windows completed the picture.

White - the green interior style of our time will look very different. Modernity will require painting of walls in apple color, white soft furniture, bright stickers on the walls, fluffy carpets in the tone. Here will look at organically bold combinations of shades of green, various surface textures, their contrast will emphasize the selected stylistic direction.

Attention!To get extraordinary interior solutionIt is necessary to understand what color in your living room will be dominant, white or green.

Shades of wood and green

Never green color will show itself more harmonious than in symbiosis with natural natural shades! Under no circumstances will your interior be so close to nature. Such a combination is self-sufficient, it does not ask for the addition of a third color, as it is perfect in itself.

Such a combination is very close to Eco. it new stylepreferring natural tones in the finishing of the premises. It is able to harmoniously reveal in combination of wood and herbal shades. For example, a win-win version will become a brown spectrum cabinet furniture and pistachio sofa with pillows in tone.

Attention! Light wood tones will give smooth space, and deep and bright will like fans of clear boundaries and a saturated interior.

Being in this room, you can relax after the voltage of the working day, feel safe.

Green with pastel shades in the living room

In combination with pastel shades, a muffled intense greens will look very gently and cute. Dairy, marble and beige colors It is beneficial to shade green, which is better to choose with a nonsense pattern. This will add the interior of warmth and comfort.

Harmony of these colors will help create country style, such as Provence or Country. Tenderness of pastel shades in combination with apple or olive will take you to the original province of France. And the elements of the interior in the chocolate green shades in the cowboy style will create a feeling of the wild west in the living room.

Green and black in the interior

Using black in the interior helps add rigor and pedantry. This color should be used very dosed as accent. The choice of this color obliges to appear in the interior of the third primary shade. It is most profitable in this case to use white and its derivatives. On the photo You can see how harmonious can be a living room design with black furniture.

The focus of black in the living room in the green colors. How it is impossible to emphasize such modern stylistic directions such as High-tech, loft and minimalism. These colors will help to emphasize the relevance and novelty of these styles, feel the rhythm of our era.

Blue color in combination with green was once considered a manifestation of a bad taste, and today these tones can often be seen nearby. Their harmonious consonance depends on the saturation of each. The pale the blue shade, the more intense should look herbal, and, on the contrary, a gentle greens rushing peacefully with bright and juicy blue.

The style of living room design in green and blue tones can be different: an unexpected combination of these shades will help create and classic interior And the most modern one.

If you wish to create an original and memorable living room, it is impossible to find a stronger and true shade than olive, pistachio, swamp. Competently using them, you can get a living room of your dreams!

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We comes a large number of questions related to harmonious combination Colors in the interior (). In connection with increased interest, we will consider this topic more. And we start with interiors. Let us dwell on the harmonious color palettes of which will be shades of green.

How to work with tables

Main color (Vertical band) It is on it that we rely on the preparation of the appropriate color palette. Those color is usually color.

First row: suitable shades of the same color(You can use one or all immediately in large quantities).

Second row: suitable shades of other colors(Everyone should not use everything, stop on one or two shades).

Third row: contrast shades (You can use as accents to give the interior of acute).

Basic colors black, white, beige, gray perfectly fit into any interior. Consider that the interiors in gentle and pastel colors are black in large quantities of contraindicated.

Green color As it is rarely used in the interior for its radical brightness.

Details and examples of color palettes in the photo

1. Light mint shade of green, almost gray. A kindly and exquisite, incredibly popular in the 60s he is again in fashion and in the interiors, and on the podiums. It looks good in a pair with white, silver, pink and light brown tint. Ideal to create an interior in retro style. On the photo a typical example of such an interior. For brightness, add yellow-green and contrasting wine shades to the interior in small quantities. Try to avoid black.

In a mold style in the photo: Yogrut, mint ice cream, Sally Hansen varnish, a dress from Zara spring-summer 2012, "Mint" kitchen from the Traditional Home.

2. Food-green with caring in yellow. Optimistic and at the same time a complicated shade. On a sunny day it will seem yellow, on a cloudy day - green. Ideally combined with white color and yellow shades (mimosa, yellow apple, pear). For contrast, you can use purple shades.

Yellow-green focus on the photo: Pots from the Pottery Barn collection, a bag from ARUNNA to buy on, bathroom, organization of folders from the site Marta Stewart, a pillow from the collection.

3. Light-green grayish tint is a practically universal background for any interior, and especially for the interior in the retro style or Scandinavian interior. Ideal in combination with white, gray, beige and light brown. It looks great with a blue-green, dirty-turquoise and herbal tint. Add contrast with the help of burgundy, dark red shades.

On the picture: linens From the Cortona Duvet & Shams collection, Bed linen from the collection, Porcelain, Towel from the collection, wallpaper from the collection.

4. Green-turquoise hue - rather popular in latelyboth light and dark. It is suitable for almost all shades flowing into blue and green. It can be used in high-tech interiors or interiors in the style of 60s. Equally loyally refers to both steel and bronze. Suitable for bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms.

In the photo: Interior Homes & Gardens, Wallpaper from the collection, soap handmade DirtyDeedSsoaps, Handmade Pillow Kindredspirithome, Earrings Antonia and Fabio All on

5. The olive shade is dirty, it is better to use locally for a noble "parting" of the interior. Such a shade perfectly goes to ocher and in green. Suitable for interiors hunting Domikov, as well as for the interiors in the country style, Provence. On this background, the old tree, leather, straw accessories, metal accessories covered with patina or oxidized are perfectly.

Olive accents:, Wallpaper from the collection, PRUNELLA Handmade Soap, Press for Olives, Pillow, Mineral Olive Eyesides.

6. Green shade with nephritic care. The photo looks incredibly noble at the expense of high walls, unevenness of color and absence white color. As a contrast, you can use saturated pink color. Universal shade, which will be treated as if you visited the jungle. We do not advise you to choose it as the main color for the bedroom, but in the living room, bathroom or children's children will confidently fulfill its lively mission.

7. This thick contains a black pigment in the amount sufficient to recognize it universal, and at the same time, retains the entire liveliness of green. Be sure to dilute it with white and blue shades. It is suitable for blue, blue, turquoise, yellow. Black only in accessories.

8. So-called vERDUN GREEN. In cloudy weather "goes" in dark green, on a sunny day - in yellow. An interesting, rich and sophisticated shade, which is loyal to white, black, gray, yellow (with orange) and blue. Pay attention to this interior as a contrasting used red tint ( component Pictures) - It creates an interesting conflict on the wall, from which it is difficult to tear the look. Often it is precisely for this purpose that contrasting colors are introduced, add some "drama", "shake" the interior.

9. Dark olive shade - noble and fairly universal. Divide white, brown and black. Complete herbal and okra. Use pink shades for contrast.