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Yusupova on washing. Palace of Yusupova on washing. Sources and additional information

Finding into St. Petersburg, always being lost from how everyone to have time to look and visited everywhere. So many monuments of architecture, museums and other attractions are collected in this city, that eyes are running out.
Today I want to tell about one of the most beautiful and well-preserved palaces of the Northern Capital - about the Palace of Yusupov on the washing. This palace is only one of the 57 estates of one of the richest families of the Russian state, but it is he who is deserved that is a business card of this family. Looking in advance, I will say right away that you need to visit this palace lastly, since compared to it, many other palace structures are simply blurred.

The first wooden structure on the site of the existing palace belonged to members of the royal family. Starting from 1726, the seed of Semenovsky regiment was owned by the estate, then he bought him P.I. Shuvalov. The palace belonged to General until 1795, and then Ekaterina II bought him and presented it with a decline A.V. Branitskaya.
Here is a fairly interesting moment. According to the official version, Barnitskaya was the Potemkin niece, the lover of Catherine II, and from other sources you can find information that Branitskaya was also the mistress of Potemkin. So there is a version of being that giving the estate by Alexander Branitskaya, Catherine II simply screamed his favorite from her. Where is the truth, and where is the lie now, of course, no one knows for sure. Alexandra owned the palace of 35 years.
In 1830, for a quarter of a million rubles, the palace was purchased by B.N. Yusupov and until 1917 remained in possession of his family. During this period, the palace radically changed his appearance and interior decoration, which we can enjoy currently. In addition to beauty and splendor, this palace "became famous" by the fact that here in 1916 from the hand of Felix Yusupov and other conspirators was killed Grigory Rasputin.
After the estate bought out yusups, a large-scale restructuring began there. Due to the fact that in cash, the prince was not crammed, not only Russian, but also Italian masters worked on the restructuring. All detached buildings were combined into a single ensemble, gardens and greenhouses were planted, the inner decoration of the rooms was changed. It must be said that throughout the ownership of the palace, Yusupov was constantly rebuilt something, finished and reworked according to the latest fashion.
After the revolution, the palace was nationalized, and excursions were held here. However, in 1925, mass export of interior items began from it. In wartime, a hospital was located in the building. Since 1960, the palace is a monument of the history of federal significance.

For inspection, two floors of the palace are represented, the excursion for which will take about 1.5 hours. The palace can be visited either with a guide (500 rubles), either independently with audio guide (700 rubles +1000 rubles deposit for the device), just wander through the halls will not work. Detailed information about tours can be viewed on the official website of the Palace. For the photo shooting will have to additionally pay 150 rubles. Hoping that it would be imperceptible to photograph the phone, since you are closely watching museum workers. So stock in cash, charge the camera batteries and on the road.

If you go on a tour with an audio guide, you will be supplied with a palace scheme. After all, there is so easy to get lost!

Passing through the front staircase to the second floor, it is impossible not to notice the jewelry stucco, which the colons and the ceiling are decorated.

In the hall of the front staircase there is a magnificent chandelier.

From the stairs, we get to the tapestry living room, from the name of which is clear than the room is decorated. There are also wooden panels decorated with carvings. The noteworthy fact that almost all elements of the interior decoration were made by Russian masters.

Princess frontal bedroom performed in blue color. Of course, it was not designed to sleep, but for receiving guests.

Big Rotonda amazes with his domed ceiling, painted wonderful floral ornaments and angels.

Blue, green and red living rooms are named so because they are made in the appropriate color. All, ranging from furniture heads, and ending with the walls of the walls, corresponds to the name.

In the green living room struck a chic fireplace covered with malachite.

Huge chandelier of the dance hall, a marble fireplace with angels, gorgeous ceilings of corridors leading to other rooms ... just lack words to describe all this luxury.

Numerous works of art - sculptures and paintings are exposed in the tasks of the palace.

And from the type of home theater is capturing the spirit. In the royal times, this theater was the heart of cultural life and collected on his production all the felt, even members of the royal families came to enjoy the theater action. It should be noted that the theater is still valid and accommodates 176 people. The schedule of performances can be found on the website of the Palace.

The story is preserved that Prince N.B. Yusupov traveling around Europe "fell in love" in the staircase located in one Italian villa. Since the owner of the Villa said that the staircase is sold only with the building, then the transaction was committed at the same moment. The stairs were crossed into St. Petersburg, and the villa herself remained to stand without need. So the staircase appeared in the palace, which leads to the panter of the home theater.

A small picture gallery - once these walls decorated masterpieces of the best artists.

In the Yusupovsky Palace of Amazing Beauty Parquets collected from a dozen tree species.

The ceiling in the Venetian corridor, which leads to the oak living room. Composition "Triumph Hercules".

On the first floor there are also many rooms, refined decorated.

Henry II living room is named because the room is made in the style of Renaissance, fashionable during the reign of King Heinrich II. All wooden elements of the room starting from the panels and ending with furniture, made of pear array. Upholstery fabric of upholstered furniture is a woolen handmade fabric of the middle of the XIX century. In general, it is noteworthy that the true decoration of the rooms has been preserved to this day and the fact that the Palace was not looted in Soviet times.

Next is the prince's library, where rare vintage books can be considered behind the glasses of heavy wooden cabinets. Imagination and draws: Here you took the old book in French (it doesn't matter what I don't know him))), I sat down for a beautiful table on a soft chair and enjoy reading under a slight crackling of firewood in the fireplace. For a long time, we could not be lined here, go on, because there is still a lot of interesting things to see. Princess Yusupov

Princess Yusupov

Well, of course, in the basement of the building there is a basement dining room room, where Rasputin was killed. Now this is a separate excursion that goes only once a day, so if you want to get on it, then you need to buy tickets on it in the morning on the day of visiting. The room is complemented by wax figures of the participants of this crime. The exposition is thought out so well that if there were still couples from tea in the cups, it was possible to feel an accomplice.

Inspecting the possessions of the Yusupov family, you understand that in addition to a huge amount of money, this family has also stunning taste. The abundance of luxury, gold, rare art exhibits very skillfully connected into a single ensemble.
Today in this palace, in addition to visiting the current theater, you can also rent a room yourself and spend coffee breaks, banquets, weddings or birthdays.
On this we will put the point. I would like to wish you beautifully unhurried guides, which will tell in more detail the history of each room and in the general history of the Yusupov family. Rest is informative!

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The thousand-year history of the notable prince's kind of yusupov is originated from the Nogai ruler of Yusuf (Yusup), the leader of the Nogai Horde. In 1563, his son Il-Murza appeared to Moscow and began to serve the Russian king John IV. Since then, Russia has become home to the descendants of the Nogai Khan. All the next generations rightly served the Russian throne, occupied high posts and won many honors. On the wealth of the kind of yusupov walked legends.

By the end of the XIX century. In the possession of the family there were more than 50 estates in 17 provinces of the Russian Empire. One of the most famous possessions of the kind is the Palace in St. Petersburg.

The origins of the appearance of the palace on the sink

At the beginning of the XVIII century. Earth on the banks of the sink river in St. Petersburg were given to the possession of the niece of Emperor Peter I Praskovye Ioannovna. It was there that the estate was built, with which the history of the Yusupov Palace begins. Praskovya Ioannovna owned the estate until 1726. In 1726, she moved to Moscow and before leaving it gives his mansion of the Life Guard Semenovsky regiment. The stay of the Guards Regiment in the estate continued until 1742.

In the middle of 1740 The guardsmen are discharged by a new settlement, and the estate is part of the possessions of Count Peter Shuvalov. For him, the Baroque Palace was built on the site of the former manor, in which the graph accepted important guests. In 1754, the celebration of the birth of a new emperor of Russia was held at the Shuvalov Palace - Pavel Petrovich.

The son of Petra Shuvalova, the young Count Andrei Petrovich sells the mansion and in 1770 invites French architect Zh.B. Vilen-Demotus for the construction of a new palace, higher by the river. The result of his work was the construction of a luxurious mansion in the form of an elongated letter "P".

The central part of the palace had three floors, while the sides were two-story. The river was equipped with an entry arch, which led to the courtyard, where there was a front entrance to the palace.

Count Andrei Shuvalov himself lived in the palace in the period from 1781 to 1789. When the graph died, his heirs sold the mansion in the treasury. But it will not be empty.

In 1795, in a special location of Catherine II, he gives the estate of his Freilin, the nephew of Count G.A. Potemkin - Countess Alexandra Branitskaya.

In 1830, the nephew of Alexandra Branitskaya, no one else, as Boris Nikolayevich Yusupov buys her estate for 250,000 rubles. Boris Nikolayevich (1794-1849) - a valid Stat adviser, gofmaster of the courtyard, the St. Petersburg leader of the nobility, had a reputation as a person's straight, sincere and practical. His wife was the princess Zinaida Ivanovna, nee Naryshkin (1809-1893), which was considered one of the first beauties of the highest metropolitan light.

It is since then that a small mansion on the sink turns into a magnificent Yusupovsky Palace, a sample of the St. Petersburg aristocratic interior.

Palace in the possession of yusupov

Immediately began the capital reconstruction of the mansion, which lasted from 1830 to 1838. He led the restructuring of the famous architect of the Academy of Arts A.A. Mikhailov. First of all, the mansion increased in size - a new three-storey building appeared on the east side. Side risals heightly stood with the central part of the mansion.

24 Columns decorated the largest hall of the palace - a banquet, located in a new building. Palace fluels, combined into a single structure, decorated art galleries, and a home theater was equipped, with a capacity of up to 180 people. Yusupovsky Home Theater immediately became the raisin of the Palace and the center of the secular life of St. Petersburg. It was in him for the first time the formulation of the first action of the opera M.I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin". On the stage of the theater, many famous artists of their time appear. On the theatrical productions and ideas suitable for Yusupov, it was possible to see many high-ranking specials, among whom were often representatives of the imperial family.

Over the interiors of the Yusupov Palace worked both Italian architects and Russian masters. This period was marked by the appearance in the palace of the dance hall, green, blue, imperial living room, a large rotunda. Inbound Arch from the sink side was broken, and instead, a luxury front staircase was built, leading directly to the halls of the palace. On the territory of the estate on the project A.A. Mikhailov appeared garden and garden pavilion, floral oranges.

1840 was marked by a new reconstruction. Under the guidance of Architect Bernard Simon, a winter garden and a tapestry living room appeared in the palace. Three Flemish Tapestries and French tapestries were placed in the tapestry and the French tapestry, which were presented by the prince Nikolai Borisovich (Boris Nikolayevich Yusupova's son) Napoleon I.

At the moment, the original Slacher is in the Hermitage, and in the palace in the original carved frames of the XIX century. There are copies performed on canvas. These are three XVII Trelliers. From the series "Kalidon hunting" produced in Flanders. Their names are: "Meeting the Mele Chamber with Plexipp", "Move Atalant", "Death of Mele Chamber". There is also a copy of the French tapestry XVII century. "Sadman children."

Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov continued the reconstruction of the palace, inviting the architect of Hippolyte Monighetti. With the name of this architect, the appearance in the palace of the White and Music Living Room, the Boftoy First Floor and the reconstruction of the Paradinary Staircase.

But this imagination Yusupov was not limited. There is a story, according to which, traveling in Europe, he visited one Italian villa. The luxurious marble staircase in it liked him so much that he wanted to buy it. But it turned out that the staircase can only be purchased along with the villa. So it was done. As a result, the staircase in 1859 was brought to St. Petersburg, and in 1963 the architect Alexander Stepanov installed it at the entrance to the home theater partner.

With the name of the architect Alexander Stepanov, the largest and most significant modernization of the Yusupov Palace is connected. It was he who led the work on electrification, conducting water heating, sewage and water supply to the building of the palace, which were carried out in 1890. At the same time, other rooms were restructuring: Mauritanian and oak living rooms and a home theater.

The next changes in the interior were confined to the wedding of Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov and the Great Princess Irina Aleksandrovna, Nikolai II niece, which took place in 1914. Whole Pleiad Architects: Andrei Beloborodov, Andrei Waitenz, Sergey Chekhonin and Vladimir Konashevich worked on the creation of a large living room, a large hall, dining room and other premises.

Murder Rasputin

The Yusupovsky Palace is famous not only by excellent samples of the aristocratic decoration of the XVIII-XIX centuries, but also one important historical event. On the night of December 16, 1916, Grigory Rasputin was killed in the Yusupov Palace. The mysterious person is a Siberian peasant, he had a reputation as a turn, healer and acquired worldwide fame, being a friend of the family and the spiritual mentor of Emperor Nicholas II.

Apartments Prince Felix Yusupova and his wives, located in the left wing of the palace, formed "Harsoner", or a separate apartment inside a mansion, which became the place of bloody drama. The interior includes a semicircular entrance hall, an octagonal mirror toilet room, a dining room, an office and a bedroom. Now there is a separate exposition that reproduces the history of the murder of Rasputin.

Departing at the invitation of Prince Yusupov to the palace, Rasputin did not suspect about the cooked Western.

The killers were three - monarchist Vladimir Purishkevich, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich and the owner of the house. According to the story of the murderers, Rasputin was first poisoned by a cake with cyanium potassium, then he was shot down, beaten by the weight and drowning in the river. After each killing, the Holy Older resurrected from the dead, than scared his killers, until it was put an end, dropping his body into the Neva. This mystical narration refute the testimony of medical opening, according to which death occurred as a result of three shots. At the same time, there were no traces of poison and signs of drowning. There is another version, according to which the killer Rasputn was the English Scout Osvald Reiger.

Nevertheless, the exposition of the Yusupov Palace, which reproduce the crime scene, follows the classical version of the death of Grigory Rasputin outlined by the killers.

Fate of the Palace after the revolution of 1917

In 1919, F. F. Yusupov, together with family and parents, emigrated to Western Europe. I first lived in England, then in France, published three books about life in Russia and in emigration. In 1919, Mr. Zinoviev and A. Lunacharsky, a decree was signed, according to which the estate of the princes Yusupov was nationalized.

Until the mid-1920s. The palace existed as the Museum of the "noble life." Since 1919, it housed a picture gallery. In 1924, an exhibition dedicated to the murder of Grigory Rasputin was opened. Then it was decided to use the building for other purposes, and the collections began to disband. The exhibits of the halls were exported rather randomly, as a result of which part of them got into other museums, and the fate of other valuable exhibits was not already found out. A large number of exhibits is in the Collection of State Hermitage.

After some time, the building of the mansion was given under the Palace of Culture of Enlightenment Workers (Teacher's House). During the Great Patriotic War, as in many monuments of architecture at the time, the hospital is located in the mansion. The palace suffered a lot from the shelling and blows of the bombs. In 1946, the restoration of damaged halls began.

In 1960, the Palace of Prince Yusupov received the status of a monument of history and culture of federal significance.

Yusupov and Palace Currently

Daughter F.F. and I.A. Yusupova Irina Felix (1915-1983) in 1938 in Rome married Count N.D. Sheremetyeva, in 1942 the daughter of Ksenia was born from this marriage. In 1965, Ksenia Nikolaevna Yusupova-Sheremetyev married Ilas Sphiri, Grek by nationality. Ksenia and Iliaas Sphiri Daughter Tatiana and two granddaughters - Marilla, born in 2004, and Jasmine-Ksenia, born in 2006.

"In this form, we went to the city. In Nevsky, Religious prostitutes, we immediately noticed. To get rid of the cavaliers, we responded in French:" We are busy "- and it is important to go further. They lagging behind when we entered a chic restaurant" Bear"."

Interiors of the Yusupov Palace on washing in St. Petersburg
and fragments of memoirs of the last of the princes of Yusupovy.

Red living room. 1830s Architect A.A. Mikhailov. Artists P. Scotti, B. Medici. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov Count Sumarok-Elston Jr (1887-1967):

"I was born on March 24, 1887 in our Petersburg house on the sink. On the eve, they assured me, Mother's Mother Night danced on the ball in the winter, which means they said, the child will be fun and prone to dancing. And in fact I am a merry, but the dancer is bad .

When baptism, I got the name Felix. Brupping me grandfather Prince Nikolai Yusupov and Prababka, Countess de Sovo. On the christening in the home church, Pop almost drowned me in the font, where dipped three times on the Orthodox custom. They say, I wondered.

I was born so sickly that the doctors gave me a term of life - a day, and so ugly that the five-year brother my Nikolai shouted, seeing me: "Throw it out the window!".

I was born a fourth boy. Two died in infancy. Wearing me, Mother awaited daughter, and baby dowry stitched pink. Mother Mother was disappointed and to comfort, up to five years old dressed me with a girl. I was not upgraded, even, on the contrary, was proud. "Look," I shouted passersby on the street, "which I am beautiful!". Matushkin Caprice subsequently imposed a comfacing for my character. "


Doma Church of the Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg. Arranged and decorated according to the project of architect V.A. Kenel in 1878-1880. Yusupovsky Palace on washing.

"In childhood, I got overdoing with all kindergartens and a long time was weak and chahl. Items I was very fortunate, I didn't know what to get fat. With hope I read the advertisement" Eastern Pill ". Taika began to swallow them, but without any sense. Taught me The doctor, noticing the box for me on my bedside table, asked what was the matter. When I confessed, he walked and told me to throw them out.<…>


Family photography Yusupov

I was with character. And now without shame I will not remember how I tormented the educators. The first was nanny-German. At first she raised my brother, then crossed me. Unhappy love for the secretary of the Father brought her crazy. I think my bad temper tried the case. Father and mother, as far as I remember, put it in the hospital for the insane, where she was, until he recovered. I was entrusted to the old Matushkaya governess Mademoiselle Versilovoy, a woman wonderful good, devoted, who became partly a member of the family.<…>



I learned badly. The governess thought to plunge me, taking fellow. But I still zailed, lazy and bad example infected his comrades. "


Francois Flameng / François Flameng (1856-1923). Princess Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova with sons in Arkhangelsk, 1894 / Princess Zinaida Yusupova with Two Sons At Arkhangelskoe. Oil ON PANEL. 75 x 59 cm. Signed L.R.: François Flameng (...) 1894. Via

"Our winter and summer moving remained unchanged: in winter Petersburg - Moscow - Tsarskoye village; in the summer Arkhangelskoe, in the fall on the hunting season, the estate in Rakitty. At the end of October, we left in Crimea.

During the border, we rarely traveled, but we often took us with my brother's parents on our own plants and estates. They were numerous and scattered throughout Russia, and others are so far away that we never managed to get to them. One of the estates, in the Caucasus, from the Caspian Sea, stretched on two hundred miles. Oil there was so much that she seemed to rushed under his feet, and our peasants lubricated her wheels from the cart.

We had a private car where we got comfortable with great comfort than even in our own homes, not always ready to accept us. We entered the wagon through a tambour-hallway, which summer turned into a veranda and installed by bird cells. Bird's singing dried down the monotonous crossing of the wheels. In the cabin-dining room walls were covered with aca panels, the seats are covered with green leather, the windows are covered with yellow silk curtains. At the dining room - the bedroom of the parents, for her - our brother, both funny, sitsevy, with light trim, then - bathroom. For our apartments, a few coupe for friends. At the end of the car, the room for servants, always numerous with us, the last kitchen. Another car arranged in the same way was on the Russian-German border in case of our passage trips, but we never used them.

In each of our journey we accompanied us the mass of people, without which the father could not do. Mother did not like many tricks, but with fatal friends was always friendly. But we hated them, because they took the Mother from us. Honestly, hatred was mutual.


Yusupov Palace on washing

Petersburg is located at the mouth of the Neva, for which he received the name of Northern Venice. He was one of the most beautiful European capitals. It is impossible to transfer, as good novels with embankments of pink granite and the brilliant palaces along ... Everywhere in the perfect strict buildings, the genius of Peter and Catherine of the Great are obvious.

Empress Alexander Fedorovna ordered the decorator-German lattice garden fence in front of the Winter Palace. Winter was built at the beginning of the XVIII century by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. This Palace is the creation of an architect Rastrelli. The lattice fence was defiled by the building, and yet the masterpiece remains a masterpiece.


Nikolaev Hall. 1830s Architect A.A. Mikhailov.1895. Architect A.A. Stepanov. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg - the city is not original Russian. The taste of the Empress and the Grand Princess, a family of foreigners, as a rule, for two centuries, and the presence of a diplomatic corps. Some families who kept the traditions of old Russia remained a bit. Russian aristocrats have become cosmopolitans. They worshiped by the Foreigners and that and the matter went abroad. A good tone was sent washing underwear to Paris and London. Almost all Matushkina acquaintances were deliberately spoken only in French, but the Russian querkali. We were angry with my brother, and we answered the old snobs only in Russian. And the old women said that we are not nursing and respect. But we did not learn ear. We preferred people, preferred, preferred, preferred, careless and fun.

As for officials - these were, like all the officials, just greedy and shameless. Stolen the authorities and thought about the profit. Patriotism in them was not a penny. And the so-called intelligentsia herself did not know what she wanted. Her batch and anarchy for the benefit of Fatherland did not go. Intelligents-agitators set up the people against nobility. In addition to knowing and itself caused envy and hatred. When, with Kerensky, she took power, it turned out to be nothing capable.


Living room Heinrich II. 1858-1860. Architect I.A. Monighetti. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

Patriotism was not in the theater. In the metropolitan imperial scenes, until the mid-XVIII century, Russian plays were not put at all. Almost all the actors were foreigners. The first Russian theater was founded only at Elizabet Petrovna in 1756 by the oldest adviser to her - Prince Boris Yusupova. A new impetus - already with Catherine who has committed to Prapraders, all the imperial theaters. Can say, Prince Nikolai is the founder of the Russian scene, established against all historical shocks. In Russia, it collapsed everything besides her.

The first to opened Europe Russian art Sergey Dyagilev, and thanks to him our opera and ballet was famous all over the world. Unforgettable their first performances in Paris Shatle in 1909. Dyagilev managed to collect the best artists: Chaliapin was here - unforgettable Godunov, artists Bakst and Benois, Dancer Nizhinsky, Ballerina Pavlov and Karsavin, and many, many! Russian artists instantly became famous in the world, as in Russia, other students appeared, the school of the Russian imperial ballet is still preserved to this day. True, our actors, in general, the Russian dramatic theater is known to the West. Only in Russia our classic and folklore could be understood. Ostrovsky's plays, Chekhov, Gorky Russians always loved. My brother and I did not miss a single good performance and with other wonderful actors were familiar personally.


Dance hall. 1830s Architect A.A. Mikhailov. Artists P. Scotti, B. Medici. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, we lived on washing. Our house was especially remarkable with its proportions. A wonderful inner semicircular courtyard with a colonnade moved to the garden.

This mansion was presented by Empress Catherine Prababek my princess Tatiana. Works of art filled it in a variety. The house was similar to the museum. Go and look to infinity. Unfortunately, grandfather started restructuring and much, alas, spoiled. Two-three halls, living rooms and galleries with paintings retained the spirit of the XVIII century.


Home theater. 1860s Architect I.A. Monighetti. 1899. Architect A.A. Stepanov. Artist E.K. Lipgart. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

These galleries led to the home thewriter in the style of Louis XV. After the performance, dineded right in the lobby, if, of course, there was no room when there was sometimes two thousand guests. Then dinner was served in the galleries, and the table was covered in the lobby for the imperial family. Every such admission shocked foreigners. They did not believe that in the family house you can feed so many people, and all the hot dishes, and the Sevra porcelain, and table silver are enough.<…>


Side dining room. 1916. Architect A.Ya. Beloborov. Museum exposition "Murder Grigory Rasputin". Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

The basement in the house on the washing was a real labyrinth. These thick-walled with the deaf doors of the room were not afraid of any fire nor the flood. Wine cellars were there and the wines of the best brands, and storerooms with dining silver boxes and precious sets for porous evenings, and storage of sculptures and cloths that did not find a place in the art galleries and halls. This "basement" art could make a museum. I was shocked when I saw them in boxes, in dust and oblivion.

There were father's father's apartments in Bel eaten, sink windows. The rooms were ugly, but stuck with all sorts of rain. Pictures, miniatures, porcelain, bronze, tobacker and so on. At that time, I did not mean in the obhodars, but I adored, apparently hereditary, precious stones. And in one of the slides, there were statuettes that I loved most of all: Venus from solid sapphire, Ruby Buddha and bronze ebony with a basket of diamonds.


Moorish Living Room 1858-1860. Architect I.A.Moniggetti. 1890th. Architect A.A. Stepanov. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

Next to the fathers was placed the "Moorish" hall, published in the garden. Mosaic in it was an accurate copy of the mosaic walls of one of the hall of the Alhambra. In the middle of Bil Fountain, marble columns were stood around. Along the walls of the sofas, covered with Persian ton. I liked the hall in Eastern Spirit and Neo. I often walked here to dream. When the father was not, I arranged live paintings here. I convened all servants-Muslims and himself dressed in Sultan. Intruting Matushkina decorated, sat on the sofa and imagined that I am a satrap, and around - slaves ... Once I came up with the scene of punishment I quoted the slave. The slave appointed Ali, our Lacey Arab. I told him the mouth of NIC and ask for mercy. Only I swung the dagger, the door opened and the father entered. Without assessing me as a director, he cleared. "All out of here!" He shouted. And slaves with satrap fled. Since then, the entrance to the Mauritan hall was prohibited.


Opposite the father's father's latter in Avtilada, there was a musical living room where the collection of violins was kept, but not engaged in the music.


Small dance hall. 1914-1916. Architect A.Ya. Beloborov. Artist N.A. Tyrs, sculptor B.I. Yakovlev. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

Matushkina chambers with windows in the garden were placed on the second floor. Immediately, the front halls, living rooms, bathrooms, galleries with paintings and at the very end - theater. Grandma, mother's mother, my brother and I lived on the third floor.


The house church of the Yusupov Palace was arranged and decorated on the project of architect V. A. Kenel in 1878-1880. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

There was a home chapel.


Small living room (Silver BooR) Princess Irina - Felix Spouses. 1914-1916. Architect A.Ya. Beloborov. Artists V.M. Konashevich, S.V. Chekhonin. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

The main comfort was in Mother's rooms. They radiated the warmth of her hearts, the light of its beauty and grace. In the bedroom, covered with blue patterned silk, stood the furniture of the pink tree with marquetry. In wide slides, brooches and necklaces were blossomed. When the techniques happened, the doors were a lap, anyone could enjoy the wondrous mother-in-law. This bedroom was with a strange thing: sometimes he was heard from there a female voice and all overwhelmed by name. Maids resorted, deciding that the owner calls them, and they were afraid to death, seeing that the bedroom was empty. My brother and I also heard more than once of these strange calls.


Princess Cabinet (Small White Living Room). 1860s Architect I.A. Monighetti. Artist O. Ruyi 1890s. Architect A.A. Stepanov. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

Portrait of the princess Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova in the house on the car wash. Serov Valentin Alexandrovich. 1900-1902 Canvas, oil. 181.5 x 133 cm. State Russian Museum. St. Petersburg. Via.

Small living room furniture once belonged to Maria Antoinette. On the walls hung paintings by Bush, Fragonar, Watto, Robert Juber and Gosza. Crystal chandelier arrived from Boudar Marquise de Pompadour. The invaluable baubles stood on the tables and in the hills: tobackerque with enamel and gold, amethyst, topazy, jade in a gold frame with a diaperial inlay ashtray. In vases everywhere flowers. Mother usually sat in this living room. When there was no one, in the evenings, my brother and I had a dinner with her. The round table was covered with three appliances and set the crystal chandelibra. The flame was gone in the fireplace, and the lights of the candles flashed in rings on thin matushki fingers. I can not remember without a wave of these happy evenings in a small cozy living room, where everything is fine - both the hostess, and the situation. Yes, these were the moments of true happiness. We would know what misfortune would come after him!<…>


Tapestry living room. 1840s. Architect B. Simon. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

General Bernov, about which I told above, and Matushkina Princess Princess Vera Golitsyn Lyuto hated each other and swear at each meeting. One evening, the general was not very much in a spirit and did not want to take the princess home, although he promised to dinner. "God is with you," said Princess. - Fool on an empty stomach and a full - packed. " Golitsyna had arthritis of the right thumb, and she sucked him, saying that it hurts less. And I refused to kiss her hand. She married she did not come out about that sorry. "It is a pity that I am an old girl," she told Mother. - I do not know how it happens. "


Big Rotunda. 1858-1860. Architect I.A. Monighetti. Artists A. Vigi, A. Travin. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg there was a familiar elderly lady, the widow of the commander, forever in love - certainly in the Guards General, the regiment commander. Little, which is right, is also terrible as death, there is nothing about reciprocity and think. In addition, it was terribly descended and rummed and wore a red wig. When the Father was appointed to the place of the general, he inherited with the regiment and he and the indispensable love of the lady. The old woman went behind him on his heels, stood at the door of the club, where his father was afternoon, and, noticing him in the window, sent him an air kisses. Love letters she signed "your violet". In the summer in his own carriage she went to his maneuvers.

The Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich was always doubly - at once with two sisters, old maidens. Every morning, the old women walked along the embankment at his palace. Dressed were the same, behind the lacquer in the livree carried their fur capes, halosh, umbrellas and two sloping pugs. When the Grand Duke went and returned, old idiots did a deep ventrant.

Other sisters, provincials, both also unmarried, urodins and bogic, decided to conquer Petersburg. It is possible to take the highest society, they bought a brilliant mansion in St. Petersburg. Slissed him with a shrimp luxury, hired a fashionable chef and a million servants, dressed them in bright liveries and immediately sent the invitation to the whole metropolitan nobility. In the invitation card received by the father with his mother, it was written: "Dear prince with princes, the completeness of sitting at home and gnawing a crush. Be to us for dinner on Saturday at eight. " Parents went laughter for. Not wonder what they met all their friends there.


Billiard room (Turkish Cabinet) 1858-1860. Architect I.A.Moniggetti. 1890th. Architect A.A. Stepanov. Yusupovsky Palace on washing in St. Petersburg

Of course, the St. Petersburg light consisted of not one of the jesters. Courage foreigners in one voice said that in Russia there are full of gifted and educated people, that it is pleasant to talk with them and interesting. And I knew so many cranks and clowns because only the Father had fun with them. I wonder Matushkoy meekness and patience: always take this brachia and smile all. But here I, confess, all in my father. I was attracted, and now all sorts of jesters pea, madrods and psychopaths. In my opinion, in their eccentrics - the imagination and imagination, which so lacks people decent.
Every winter in St. Petersburg, we had my aunt of Lazarev. She brought with her children, Misha, Iru and Volodya - my peer. I wrote how we wondered with him desperately. The last prank separated us for a long time.


CIRCA 1900. Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov Count Sumarok-Elston Senior (1856-1928), Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova, Senior Son Nikolay and Junior Son Felix / Portrait of the Family of Count Felix Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston, C.1900. Family Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yusupova (1861-1939), Felix Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston (1856-1928) And Their Sons Nikolai and Felix (1887-1967). Nikolai Would be Killed.

It was two years old twelve-thirteen. Once in the evening, when the Father and Mother did not have, we decided to take a walk, changing into a female dress. In the Matushkina, we found everything you need. We discharged, looked down, caught decorations, wrapped in velvet fur coats, we did not grow in a distant staircase and, waking up Matushkaya hairdresser, demanded wigs, they say, for masquerade.

In this form we went out into the city. In Nevsky, shelter prostitutes, we immediately noticed. To get rid of the cavaliers, we responded in French: "We are busy" - and it is important to go further. They lagging behind when we entered a chic restaurant "Bear". Right in the fur coats we went to the hall, sat down at the table and ordered dinner. It was hot, we hit these velvets. We looked at us with curiosity. The officers sent a note - invited us to have dinner with them in the office. Champagne hit me in the head. I took off my pearl beads and began to throw them out like Arkan, on the heads of the neighbors. Beads, it was clear, burst and rocked on the floor under the laughter of the public. Now we watched the whole hall. We were prudently decided to give Desu, picked up his pearls and headed for the exit, but we caught up with a metrotel with a score. We did not have money. I had to go to explain to the director. He was well done. Mixed our fiction and even gave money for the cabin. When we returned to the sink, all the doors in the house were locked. I shouted in the window to my servant Ivan. He came out and laughed to tears, seeing us in our manot. Neutro has not become laughter. The director of "Medvedeya" sent the Father the residue of pearls collected on the floor in the restaurant, and ... a dinner account!


Felix is \u200b\u200b16 years old. Valentin Serov writes a portrait of Felix Yusupova, 1903

We were locked up for ten days in our rooms, strictly banning to go out. Soon the aunt of Lazareva left, took the children, and I did not see Volodya for several years. "

Prince Felix Yusupov. Memoirs, 1953.

Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov Count Sumarok-Elston Jr. - the only heir to the richest state.

His spouse - Princess Imperial Blood Irina Aleksandrovna in Maiden Romanova (1895-1970), the niece of Emperor Nikolai II, according to Mother - the granddaughter of Alexander III (he was the grandson of Nicholas I), on his father - great-grandfather Nikolai I.


// Easter in the aristocratic house - fragment of Memoirov Felix Yusupova (1887-1967)

St. Petersburg is rich in attractions. Palaces and museums are not only full of real treasures, works of art and historical artifacts, but also stored numerous secrets and riddles. They excite the imagination and create a special mystical, magical atmosphere, the immersion in which leaves unforgettable impressions.

The palace of the old prince's kind of yusupova, located on the sequin embankment, is striking not only the luxury of interiors and the wealth of things collected here, but by what is a sign place in Russian history.

History of Palace

The territory on the shore of the sink, where one of the most famous Palaces of the Yusupov family is now located, at the beginning of the XVIII century belonged to the niece of Peter I Praskovye Ivanovna. Then the estate passes to the Semenov regiment, and later to Count Peter Shuvalov, which built a baroque mansion here.

Changes several owners, the estate in 1830 becomes the property of Nikolai Yusupov, which is derived from the old prince's kind of descendants of the Sultan of the Nogai Horde. This genus was famous for his wealth, and the prince could afford to spend the huge funds for the restructuring of the palace, over the interiors of which the best Italian masters worked.

With the Yusupov Palace, it became not just a luxurious mansion and a kind of standard fashionable in the XIX century of interiors. Art galleries, a home theater, which accommodate up to 180 spectators, and greenhouses with rare plants were located here.

After the revolution, the palace became a museum, although he lost some of his collections, the exhibits of which were transferred to the Hermitage. Currently, you can visit this amazing building and feel the atmosphere of aristocratic salons of the year before last.

Treasures of the genus yusupov

The genus Yusupova has always been distinguished not only by wealth, but also a passion for collecting, the subject of which was rare and often the most expensive paintings, sculptures and works of decorative and applied art.

Contemporaries remember endless embroids of rooms literally dressed as treasures. On the tables, fireplace shelves, secret steps, are invited to the pearl shelves and ivory, slides, mirrors, jade and malachite caskets with jewels. What only the guests described by the guests described by the guests of the Palace of Venus, isted out of solid sapphire, and Ruby Buddha.

No less impression was made by paintings of famous artists: Bush, Watto, Rembrandt and others. No wonder the last owner of the Palace Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov said that his house was similar to the museum.

In 1917, the Yusupov family leaves from St. Petersburg to the Crimea, but, counting back soon, takes into a relatively minor amount of money with him. And the treasures were carefully packed and hidden in several specially equipped caches.

Some of them were found, for example, 70 chest of table silver, a collection of old musical instruments, a collection of manuscripts of famous people. But, of course, this is not all.

In 1918, an emergency commission engaged in search of treasures worked in the palace at Moika, but the most valuable of them did not find it. For example, the fate of the unique pearl "Operation" is still unknown, which was assessed by more than a million dollars.

Secrets of basements of the Yusupov Palace

The palace on washing stores not only magnificent treasures and unique works of art, but also a gloomy secret about the event, perhaps playing an important role in the history of the Russian Empire.

In the basements, the mansion occurred one of the strange and terrible killings of the early XX century. On December 17, 1916, Grigory Rasputin was found here - the person is uncomplicable and mystical. A simple Siberian man, rough and rough, he not only managed to become a favorite and an indispensable adviser to the imperial family, but also actively interfered with the political decisions of the sovereign.

There were many dissatisfied with the elevation of the "God's Elder" and his influence on the emperor there was a lot. And in 1916, several influential people of the empire, among whom the prince Felix Yusupov also prepared the murder of Rasputin.

He was invited to the palace on a sink in order to get acquainted with the wife of the owner Irina. Here, in the deep basement, Gregory first tried to poison, but the cyanide of potassium, who were impregnated by the beloved Rasputin cakes, did not affect him. I could not kill the elder and shot to focus. The imperial favorite in the chest in his chest almost strangled Yusupov, and when it managed to break out, rushed to run.

Grigory was able to knock out even a locked door, and almost disappeared from the courtyard. He did not stop three shots in the back, and only the fourth bullet, who fell into the neck, knocked down an elder. After another shot to the head, Rasputin was still breathing, and the conspirators, loading the body into the car, took him to the Small Neck and dropped into the hole.

Currently, an exposition with wax figures has been created in the basement of the Yusupov Palace, which allows the details of the terrible and in many ways incomprehensible murder.