Repairs Design Furniture

LG washing machine generator. Called metal collectors: homemade from the engine from a washing machine. Assembly of composite parts

Homemade engine from a washing machine (video camp, photo, schemes)

1. How to connect the engine from the old washing machine through a capacitor or without it

Not all "washing" engines will work with a condenser.

There are 2 main types of engines:
- with condenser start (constantly included by the condenser)
- With a launch relay.
As a rule, "capacitor" engines have three winding outputs, the power of 100 -120 W and turnover is 2700 - 2850 (centrifuges engines of washing machines).

And the engines with the "start relay" have 4 outputs, the power of 180 W and turns of 1370 - 1450 (the actuator drive of the washing machine)

Connecting a "condenser" motor through the start button can lead to power loss.
And the use of a constantly turned on the condenser in the engine designed for a start relay - can lead to winding brave!

2. Homemade emery from the engine washing machine

Today we will talk about the alteration of an asynchronous electric motor from the washing machine to the generator. In general, I have not been interested in this question for a long time, but there was no special desire for removing the electric motor, because at that time I did not see the scope of the generator. Since the beginning of the year, it was working on a new model of the ski lift. Your lift is good, but to ride music is much more fun, so I quickly ripe the idea to make such a generator to use it in winter to charge it to charge the battery.

I had three electric motors from the washing machine, and two of them are absolutely good. Here is one of these asynchronous electric motors, I decided to remake into the generator.

I'll say a little forward, I will say that the idea is not mine and not new. I will only describe the process of alteration of an asynchronous electric motor to the generator.

As a basis, an electric motor was taken by a 180 watt produced by the PRC of the early 90s of the last century.

Magnets ordered NPK "NPK" Magnets and Systems ", before I have already bought magnets when building a wind power plant. Neodymium magnets, magnet size 20x10x5. The cost of 32 pieces of magnets with delivery of 1240 rubles.

The remake of the rotor was to remove the core layer (deepening). In the resulting deepening, neodymium magnets will be installed. At the beginning, 2 mm core was filmed on the lathe - the protrusion above the side cheeks. Then, a recess of 5 mm for neodymium magnets was made. The result of the rework of the rotor can be seen in the photo.

Measuring the circumference of the received rotor, the required calculations were performed, after which the strip was made of the tin. With the use of a template, the rotor was divided into equal parts. Between risks, neodymium magnets will be passed.

On one pole used 8 magnets. In total, the rotor turned out 4 poles. With the help of a compass and marker, all magnets were marked for convenience. Magnets were glued to the rotor "superclaim". I will say, it's painstaking. Magnets are very strong, they had to hold them tight when gluing. There were moments when magnets were broken, pinched fingers, and the glue was shifted into the eyes. Therefore, glued magnets need to use protective glasses.

The cavity between magnets decided to fill with epoxy resin. For this, the magnet rotor has been wrapped in several layers of paper. Paper is fixed with scotch. Overters for additional sealing of plasticine are smeared. In the shell carved a hole. Around the hole made of plasticine made of neck. Epoxy resin flooded into the hole of the shell.

After frozen epoxy resin, the shell was removed. The rotor is clamped into the cartridge of the drilling machine for subsequent processing. Grinding was carried out by sandpaper medium grain paper.

4 wires left the electric motor. Found a working winding, and the wires from the starting winding cut off. I installed new bearings, since the old rotated tightly. Bolts tightening the case are also installed new ones.

The rectifier is assembled on diodine d242, the "Solar" controller is used as a charging controller, bought a few years ago on eBay.

The generator tests can be viewed on the video.

For charging the battery, 3-5 generator speed is enough. At maximum turnover of drills from the generator, it turned out 273 volts. Alas, the sticking is decent, so there is no sense to put such a generator on the windmill. Is that the windmill will be with a large screw or gearbox.

The generator will stand on the ski lift. Tests in field conditions already this winter.


4. Connecting and adjusting the revolutions of the collector engine from the washing machine

Production of the regulator:

Regulator Setup:

Regulator Test:

Controller on the Bulgarian:


5. Potion Circle of washing machine

6. lathe of washing machine machine

How to make an anterior woman with a lathe on a tree from the motor from a washing machine. and revolt controls with power maintenance.

7. Drovokol with an engine from a washing machine

The smallest single-phase, screw column with an engine from a washing machine with a capacity of 600 W. With a roller stabilizer
Worker turnover: 1000-8000 rpm.

8. Homemade concrete mixer

Simple homemade concrete mixer, consists of: Barrel 200 l, engine from washing machine, Disk from Zhiguli classic, gearbox made from Zaporozhts generator, Skifted Large from the washing machine Fairy, small self-pulp pulley, Clean drum made from the same disk.

Prepared and collected together: Maximan

The household useful to have a power source that autonomously ensures the operation of the instruments in the event of electricity interruptions on the network. The generator from the engine of the washing machine for charging the battery, made with their own hands, will solve such a task.

How to make it out of the engine outdated washing, tell me step by step. Note immediately: for this you need, in addition to the necessary materials and tools, technical knowledge and skills, patience and time. But saving funds for the purchase of an industrial electric generator and the convenience received will meet the costs of forces.

How to remake the engine to the generator

The main complexity lies in the rework of the rotor from the asynchronous motor direct drive. Consider this on the example of the washing machine "Vyatka" with a capacity of 180 watts.

You will need:

  • passatia;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • locksmith scissors;
  • cold welding;
  • lathe;
  • rectifier;
  • neodymium magnets - 32 pieces, dimensions 5, 10 and 20 mm (buy through an online store);
  • tin;
  • glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • scotch;
  • epoxy resin;
  • protective glasses.

From the removal and disassembled electric motor of the washing machine, remove the rotor. On the lathe cutting the core to a depth of 2 mm and output the grooves of 5 mm depth of magnets according to their size.

For a homemade template, respectively, the length of the circle cut the strip of tinnitus the value of the whole part. Using a template, make the rotor marking for uniform magnetic placement. One pole (and all of them will be 4) will go 8 pieces. Carefully and carefully with the help of superclone or cold welding to secure in place.

Wrap everything with several layers of paper, consolidating it with a scotch. Swelling an epoxy pouring hole. After frozen the shell, remove. On the machine with sandpaper papers polish the surface.

Set the item to the stator of the motor.

The feature of the generator is that it rotates with a greater speed than the engine. To solve this problem with a tachometer, determine the number of revolutions of your collector engine. Add 10 percent to the resulting result. To achieve the calculated indicator, select the condensers of the corresponding capacity. They must be single-phase. Consider that the device with a short-circuited rotor gives a higher voltage. To obtain a 220 volt at the output, apply a downstream transformer.


Generated by the generator made from the collector engine, the current is fed to the battery. It is connected to the charge controller and module. Due to the use of a constant voltage inverter from the network, it converts it to a variable for the nutrition of household appliances. To find out if your product requires the necessary 220 volts and 50 hertz, it is necessary to test.

You need:

  1. battery;
  2. rectifier;
  3. controller;
  4. tester.

Opporting the ampervoltmeter of the motor winding conclusions, find two operating after rework. Old cut.

Found contacts through rectifier Connect with controller. And the last - with battery terminals.

Connect the drill to the rotor of the adapter and turn it on 1000 revolutions. At the input of the battery, measure the voltage tester. If everything is done and collected correctly, it will be the desired - 220 volts.

Important! Trace the stuffing winding. If it is large, the generator power will be low.


So, create a personally managed by the generator. Saving at the same time, according to the most modest estimates, will be more than 4,000 rubles. After all, in the trading network it costs from 6,000, and you will spend only for the purchase of magnets (1,200-1,400 rubles). The scope of using an aggregate that gives up to 2 kilowatt power depends on your imagination and desire. You can light the country house by connecting the motorcycle or chainsaws to the motor.

The corporate generator is worth a lot of money. One small installation will cost at least 60-80 thousand rubles, and this is not counting the value of the installation. However, this is not a reason to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bobtaining energy from alternative sources. The windmill can be made independently using spare parts, such as a washing machine. Such an aggregate will cost only several thousand rubles.

Selection of spare parts

In our case, we are talking about creating a windmill with a capacity of 2.5 kW. I will reduce the task of availability in the garage or in the country of scrap metal. But the main part of the design is the generator. In the generator, you can convert the electric motor of the washer. However, the engine must be subjected to rework, it must be equipped with a magnetic rotor. The rotor can be purchased ready, or do it yourself. Experts recommend not to create additional difficulties and buy a finished rotor. There are a number of reasons for that:

  1. To make the rotor do it yourself, you need to buy special neodymium magnets. The cost of a set of magnets is approximately equal to the value of the new rotor of the production of PRC.
  2. The rotor assembly is extremely painstaking and time-consuming work. It will take to make a special form, and very securely glue each magnet.
  3. If the magnets are not at a given angle, they will slide. In this case, the generator will not work. The calculation of the faithful angle is quite complicated, as well as the fixing of magnets.

Note! The main cost of expenses is a magnetic rotor. Together with the delivery service, it will cost 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

The purchase rotor for 2.5 kW without special alterations will suit the electric motor from the modern model of the washer. Such an engine can be adapted not only to create a wind generator, but also for grain crusher, for example.

So, besides the electric motor, you will need a mast, the oblong shaft, gearbox, impeller and gears. Depending on the spare parts set, the technical intent may differ, but in the described case, the mast is manufactured as follows:

  1. We take several sections of old steel pipes by 32 millimeters and connect them with each other. As a result, we obtain a one-step hollow design of a long 10 meters.
  2. Color mast into white.
  3. As soon as the mast is dry, it can be raised to a pillar. We attach on the pillar protruding metal mounts from angle with a hole. The mast must be securely recorded and at the same time be able to rotate freely.

If there is no appropriate post nearby, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of creating support for mast, so the design of pipes is not resistant. Then we collect a gearbox for a windmill with a vertical axis of rotation (drawing below).

The diagram and device of the gear generator gearbox

Explanation of the drawing:

  • the main gear (worn on the mast) take from the water pump drive;
  • we weld the shut-off reinforcement (axis) in a circle of gears - 4 pieces;
  • on the axis we will press bearings with gears (b);
  • with the gears indicated above, the small gear (s) from the same pump is in contact;
  • gears (b) are in interaction with the teeth of the gearbox.

A characteristic feature of the reduced gearbox design is its housing spinning around the mast without any obstacles together with the propeller. Due to this, the speed of propeller turns slightly decreases, which affects the efficiency coefficient of the wind generator. Despite this, the design acquires greater stability, and its operating time increases. Due to the gearbox, controlling the rotation of the propeller, the windmill is able to withstand even hurricane gusts of the wind.

Assembly of composite parts

The gearbox is made from the electric motor from the industrial pump. The impeller should be not perpendicular to the level of land (like most industrial wind generators), but horizontally. In this case, the design is obtained more reliable.

Make an impeller can be made of 5-layer plywood. However, with the size of the blades, more than 1.5-2 meters and wind gusts exceeding 10-15 meters per second, the propeller will certainly break.

A more preferred material for the manufacture of blades is fiberglass. The material is characterized by both durability and flexibility. You can also make a propeller from a duralumin corner. In order for the design to be rigid enough, it will take to cut six rectangular strips and glue them with each other. After that, the strips are connected to the impeller (the length of one wing is 1.6 meters).

Also need a small gear and shaft. Fix the shaft on the attachments so that it is firmly held in its place, but it could rotate. The last part is the flange that connects the twinkling shaft and the generator. The tree is made from the boiled rods.

Installation of the wind generator

First of all, you need to choose a place under the windmill. Support is recommended to put in the open space, optimally - on the top of the hill. Support height - the more, the better. In this example, we are talking about an electric post 10 meters high.


  1. We put the mast on the support, fix it in the attachments. When installing, it is recommended to use mounting claws.
  2. A pre-assembled gear with an impeller mounted on the mast. Check the performance of the gearbox.
  3. Tree plug to the main gear (number 5 in the figure). The gear is located at the bottom of the gearbox.
  4. Fix the shaft in the fasteners.
  5. We attach the rotating shaft to the generator, which has already attached to the metal support from the corners. The support is installed vertically - directly opposite the shaft.
  6. To protect the generator from atmospheric precipitation, you can ease something like a canopy. The service life of the aggregate will increase significantly.

Of course, it is not enough for creating a windmill. We also need certain skills and time. But the result is worth it, since the output will be a consistently working, free device for the production of electrical energy.

Power supply problems are not only to remote regions that have never had connections. The worniness and overload of the power grid causes failures, voltage jumps or frequent shutdowns even in suburban country or cottage settlements. Everyone solves the problem in its own way, one of the options is to use. Such a way to solve the issue may be excessively costly, since prices for settings are high, trends towards a decrease in value are not observed.

The output from the position becomes. The result is able to surpass factory models in terms of performance or maintainability, the main condition will be the presence of experience and skills of ownership of a plumbing tool and some knowledge of electrical engineering.

The wind generator is a complex of equipment consisting of several nodes that perform their tasks. The main and most responsible are the generator, a device that produces electric current. As well as successfully the design of the generator will be chosen, the entire installation as a whole will be so effective.

Advantages of a homemade wind generator

The main advantage determining the choice of most users is the difference in the value of the factory set and homemade windmill. For equivalent in power and performance of kits, it can be 10- and even a 20-fold value. If relative inexpensive Chinese wind generator will cost 75,000 rubles, it will require about 3,500, or a little more. The difference is so significant that it is not necessary to think about the choice for a long time.

Moreover, homemade devices possess a number of significant advantages, invisible at first glance, but significantly facilitating operation and increase installation service life:

  • high maintainability. For a person, with their own hands made a complex device, no problems with repair, setting or any constructive changes can be
  • the ability to change the operating parameters. The created device does not satisfy the needs of users? The reasons for this are quite understandable to the manufacturer, which can always change the installation characteristics by adding the necessary elements or parts
  • the service life of homemade installations is almost unlimited. Any node that has developed its resource is replaced by more than recent or powerful as needed. Installation that is constant upgraded and updated, in any case, will serve as much as its owner will need.

It is often the arguments about high time spent and unpredictable results. Time leaves, it is undoubtedly. The result is completely impossible to completely predict, since it is necessary to take completely unknown values \u200b\u200binto the calculation, and the behavior of air flows to predict so far no one is able. But most of these questions are also open for the purchased wind generator, and if its power is chosen with errors, then the money will be spent in vain, which does not happen to homemade sets.

Windmill from the engine from a washing machine

One of the most responsible wind-generator nodes is a generator, a device that turns the rotational movement of the shaft into electricity. The main time and labor costs are accounted for the share of this device. To speed up and obtain a better result, most masters resort to small tricks - use ready generator from the car or electric motor.

Available devices are subjected to some upgrades designed to increase productivity and adapt the device to low rotational speeds. The necessary constructive changes are made much easier than collecting the generator completely "from zero" from the remedies.

From a variety of different options, the engine is often used from a washing machine. Such devices often come across homemade masters who are accustomed to maintaining good knots from the failed technology. The engine is able to issue about 2.5 kW of electricity, it is only necessary to expose it to some modernization, namely, to install strong neodymium magnets on the rotor. This procedure has repeatedly increases the performance, adapts the generator to low rotational speeds.

For those who are not for the power of such operations, one can offer another option - the purchase of a ready-made Chinese magnetic rotor by 2.5 kW. It is ideal for the engine's stator from a washing machine, eliminates the user from the time consuming procedure for installing magnets. Finally, the purchase of a finished rotor guarantees the lack of errors that are inexperienced by almost all newcomers.

The main argument for the purchase of a finished rotor is the almost the same price of the finished node and a set of neodymium magnets.

It turns out that the time for shipment is almost the same, the costs are the same, but as a result we obtain either a finished rotor, or a set of magnets that requires installation. Deciding that it is more convenient to have users.

Is the wind generator from the washing machine?

The performance of such a windmill is about 2.5 kW of electricity. This quantity is enough to provide some household appliances, lighting. There is not enough power to heating, but so our hopes did not apply.

So, installing a generator from the engine from a washing machine, you can provide electricity the needs of the country house, connect the TV, laptop, charge the batteries, illuminate the plot, etc. This is quite good, considering the full autonomy of the installation. For areas that do not have connections to centralized networks, this option can be a good solution to the problem.

The benefit of using the engine from the washing machine is that the device is usually completely free, more precisely, it is the balance of the home appliance resource.

The cost of creating a set falls only to the purchase of related instruments, batteries, etc. The alteration of the engine design to the generator is relatively inexpensive, and in some cases, without the use of a complex equipment complex, connecting the instruments of use directly to the generator. This option is not suitable for all users, but it is suitable for lighting or water.

How to make a generator for windmill from washing?

Consider the option when for any reason it was decided to upgrade the existing rotor, to not get ready. For the manufacture of the generator, it is necessary first of all to disassemble the engine and remove the rotor from it. Its diameter does not allow you to install magnets, so it is necessary to install the part into the lathe cartridge and reduce the diameter on the thickness of the magnets.

By producing this operation, it is necessary to observe accuracy and accuracy. Errors will result in an embossing (or inability) of rotation, or to a decrease in performance due to too much clearance.

Magnets are set in a specific order. The pole alternate, so it is necessary to use an even number of magnets for uniformity. They are pasted on superlocks, the location should be as uniform as possible to achieve the optimal density of the magnetic field. The glued magnets are poured with epoxy resin to protect against moisture, corrosion and mechanical effects. After frozen resin, the generator is collected and installed on the windmill.

Features of the assembly do it yourself

In addition to the generator, other elements will be required for installation:

  • impeller
  • node of rotation around the vertical axis for setting up to the wind

These nodes are manufactured from undergraduate materials available to the wizard. For the manufacture of some of them, some technical base will be required (for example, the rotation node around the vertical axis is best to order from Tokary). The impeller and hub usually collect on their own using an orange exterior sewer pipe at 16. Templates for the manufacture of blades are available on the network, so it is not necessary to stop separately on this issue.

The height of the mast should provide maximum efficiency of using the wind stream. For installation it is recommended to choose a place on the elevation - a hill, a hillock or a suitable constructure. It is first necessary to specify whether there are no restrictions on the height of the mast in the region to avoid penalties.

Your favorite washing machine has already lived his life, and you decided to send it to the garbage? Do not rush, because you can create different homemade engine from a washing machine.

In contact with

Spare parts

The automatic washing machine has a rather complicated design. Even in the event of a breakdown, there are spare parts necessary for the manufacture of some homemade. Let's see what can be made from the spare parts of the old washing machine.

The main spare part, of course, is the engine (motor). If it is working, it can be used for the manufacture of the generator, sharpeners, lawn mowers and other devices. Carefully disconnect the wires, remove the Motor from the washing machine housing and save it.

Luke cover can turn into an unusual window or in a beautiful bowl for feeding pets. Also from durable glass you can make a case for meters.

For the design of various homemakes, legs, springs and other small details will be created. The housing itself can become a wardrobe or a unique table.

Consider more what can be done with the motor.

Motor prices for washing machine

motor for washing machine

Types of motors


The oldest type of engines consisting of fixed stator and rotating rotor. The first serves as the basis and magnetic pipeline for the design, and the second creates drummer's driving force. The entire motor is driven by a variable magnetic field of components.

Asynchronous motors have a weak torque, Therefore, the drum often shake during operation. Other disadvantages - overall dimensions and modest efficiency. At the same time, they are silent, cost cheap, have a simple design.

The asynchronous motor is often found in low-power cheap devices.

There are two- and three-phase asynchronous motors. The first long ago came out of production, and they can only be found. in very old structures.


The most common type of engines. Perfectly work under variables, and under constant voltage. Under the case of C. spread Rotor, Stator, Generatorproviding speed of rotation. At the collector conclusions there are special brushes, with which the rotor contacts the engine.

Note:If you connect the rotor and the stator directly, the motor shaft will rotate clockwise. For the opposite direction, it is necessary to change the circuit of connecting the electric motor of the washing machine - to connect the brushes towards the rotor.

Unlike its overall predecessor, collector engines are pretty compact and have a greater speed of rotation. They are universal: it works with variables, and with a constant current. The main disadvantage of the collector engine is low wear resistance: due to the constant contacting of the brushes with the collector and the brushes, and the collector is rapidly wear out. If the first can be easily replaced with new, then the replacement of the collector will cost much effort.


Most Modern motor type The washing machine consists of a rotor and stator. Unlike other species, the inverter rotor connects to the drum directly. They are distinguished by large wear resistance, lack of extra details, ease of design, silent, small sizes.

However, all this in one motor - the pleasure is not cheap: development, production, and therefore the purchase of an inverter engine requires large financial costs.


To connect the engine to a 220-volt network, you must have a tester at hand: it will help us break the wires on the pair, And also measure resistance in windings.

Before connecting new models, you need to determine using the wire tester that out of the taogenerator And do not need us during work. It is quite easy to find them - it is enough to measure their resistance: it should be about 70 ohms.

With the help of the same device we find a pair of other contacts. Now plug one of brushes to one of the wires, And the second brush and the other wire connect to the winding outputs. After connecting the engine from a washing machine to the network, the device will start rotating. To change the direction of rotation, it is enough to change the brushes in places.

With old models, the situation is a bit otherwise: after determining the paired outputs you need determine the working and exciting winding. The first has a big resistance than the second.

We figured out how to connect the motor from the washing machine machine to the network. Now let's see which machines and devices can be created independently with it.


Homemade from the motor is quite varied: with the help of it you can create T flood, lawn mower, concrete mixer, juicer, Potionic circle and much more. Consider the process of making some of the listed devices.


One of the most common options for using the old engine. Assembling the car does not require special effort. The most difficult part of the work is to fix the grinding stone on the motor. The fact is that the diameters of the shaft and stone differ from each other, so for their connection, you will need a third subject.. A piece of metal pipe is perfect for about 20 cm long. At its end, a thread is cut, the length of which is greater than the thickness of the grinding stone 2 times.

It is necessary to cut the threads in the opposite direction of movement of the electric motor shaft. On the other end we attach the shaft with the help of a soldering iron.

For greater reliability, you can drill at the connection point hole and tighten the bolt there and nut. Alternately, you screw the flange on the threads two pairs of nuts and the washers, and in the end we spin the lock nut.

Fix the engine on the stand. The stand can serve as an old table and a piece of thick board. For fixing, you can use fasteners from the same washing machine from which the engine was seized.

Turning machine

The power of the old engine is enough for slow processing of cylindrical billet . To rid a motor from lateral loads, You can attach to it.

Drum grinding

It is manufactured using a large wooden cylinder with a steel bar in the center. The ends of the rod are connected to the cartridge of the motor and the bearing stand.

Concrete mixer

Old washer, or "barrels", easily turn into compact and practical concrete mixer. For this:

  1. Take out an activator from the machine.
  2. Cut from sheets Steel 4-5 mm thick blanks for the manufacture of blades.
  3. Weld a pair of P-shaped blades, connected at right angles.
  4. Weld them in place Activator.

Homemade concrete mixer earn after you connect the engine From the washing machine to the power grid. If the machine is used to work with small volumes of building materials, then the power of the old engine is quite enough. For large volumes it is recommended to connect a more powerful motor.


For the manufacture of corrosion-grain mills, the "barrel" housing will be required and the engine from the machine machine:

  1. At the bottom of the housing create a hole, Through which the finished feed will go.
  2. Similar to concrete mixer create blades with knives. You need to choose suitable size for them: a slight distance should remain between them and the edges of the case.
  3. Install the blades: One at the bottom of the housing, and the other - at a distance of 0.5 meters from its tops. To achieve greater performance, homemakes are recommended to use a separate shaft for each blade so that they rotate in opposite directions.
  4. Remains only cut on a lidThrough which we will fall asleep raw materials.

Lawn mower

Let us turn to more complex and extravagant designs. The first on our list is a lawn mower. Having made a self-made lawn mower, you will save a huge amount of financial resources, because these simple cars are quite expensive. If you do everything right, then the homemade lawn mower from the engine from a washing machine will not give way to the instruments standing on store shelves.

To begin with, we will understand which materials and tools we need:

  • collector motor;
  • compact, but durable wheels. Such can be removed from wheelchairs, toy machines. If so are not at hand, cut the wheels from the plastic profile;
  • for the base, the thick piece of steel or the usual saucepan lid;
  • knives, discs;
  • metal pipe;
  • steel corners;
  • copper wire, fork;
  • switch;
  • fasteners;
  • rozhkov, end, keys;
  • welding machine, Bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • drill, screwdriver, pliers;
  • soldering iron.

Getting to work:

  1. In the center of the foundation cut the hole For shaft of a motor. We install it with the shaft down.
  2. Attach earlier made bushing On the shaft, and on it is secure a disk (knife).
  3. From the corners we collect a frame for a motor.
  4. We weld the handle, fix the switch to it
  5. Connect the engine to power supply.

be careful: Unlike factory appliances, the wires of our self-made lawn mower are not isolated. It is strictly recommended to use such a device during rain or for cutting wet grass.

If you still want your machine to be operated in any weather, it is securely insulating the wires, and for the device collect a little casing from waterproof material. Metal bowl is suitable as a casing.


Tired of unexpected power outages? Want to create Backup power supplywhich will help you at the right moment? So why not create a generator from the engine from the washing machine with your own hands? The assembly process is quite complicated, but the result is worth it.

The basis for the future generator will serve asynchronous motor. Before creating a generator, do some preparatory steps:

  1. We disassemble the motor housing. With the help of a lathe, we make a cut on its core with a depth of 2 mm.
  2. In advance prepared grooves on the core Insert neodymium magnets.
  3. Create a pattern for fastening magnets from a tin strip. Metim on it placing two rows of magnets.

The size of the band should match the accuracy with the sizes of the core: the tin must be tightly on it.

Preparation is completed, proceeding to the assembly itself. We will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • cold welding;
  • glue;
  • rectifier;
  • tester;
  • battery;
  • charge controller.

The sequence of assembly is as follows:

  1. Glue pattern on motor. On the very same pattern glue magnets.
  2. Please note that the distance and the angle between magnets do not change. In the opposite case, the voltage changes, a reduction in power or its complete inoperability.
  3. Free space between magnets Filled with cold welding.
  4. Go to grinding the surface of the engine.
  5. Search for a working winding with a tester. We leave its wires, and everyone else is removed. We skip the wires through the rectifier. Connect their ends to the controller. The controller connects with the battery.

The homemade generator from the engine washing machine is ready to use. Equipment, screwdriver, or other similar tools fit the device. Such a generator, of course, will not be able to provide electricity to your residential area, but it is quite suitable for lighting a pair of rooms or the work of several types of type tV, refrigerator, computer.

Useful video

As you can see, the range of use of the spare parts of the old washing machine is quite large. So what are you waiting for? Ty the second life in served his time washing machine.