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Business idea: how to make money on the production of pillows. How to make a business on sofa pillows

This business is perfect for creative people and women, since here you can show your most brave and creative ideas. Next, I will tell you about the features and nuances of this business ideas.

IN last year Increased goods categories " Hand Made" In particular, decorative and funny pillows.

Why decorative pillows?

  • First, they add to the interior of comfort and comfort.
  • Secondly, always associated with the house (for example, if the pillows are sewn for the hotel, the cabin or restaurant).
  • Thirdly, incredibly simple in creating.
  • Fourth, they create absolutely for any interior and add their unique notch.
  • Fifth, easily and quickly "adapt" under the interior and sometimes it is enough to simply change the pillowcase.

Business features

This is not limited by anything, and you can create pillows as classic for home and decorative for shops, studios, restaurants, cars, etc. The main thing is to declare yourself the maximum number of people.

Social networks perfectly coped with this, and you will only have to create a group, invite people and regularly create reposities with their products. For example, you can create a group in contact and start inviting her friends first, then familiar your friends, and if the group is interesting, the subscribers will catch you up for you.

At first, absolutely not necessarily remove the room under the warehouse or office, let it remain in the future. First you need to get the first orders and show our customers that you carry out absolutely any whims and take into account all the wishes.

Ideas for business

Furniture pillows. Cooperating with shops soft furnitureYou can sew special custom pillows. Miniature square, round, rectangular and elongated pillows with ruffles, tassels, frills, colors for sure will like the new owners of a stylish and cozy headset.

Quality. She sewing a pillow made of natural fabric and natural filler (for example, from husk or herbs) you can easily find customers, making a bet on health and naturalness. In particular, if the pillows are sewn for children, for example, with soothing herbs (lavender, mint, etc.).

For the holidays. Personal Pillows for Birthday, Festive Souvenirs on new Year or with funny exclusive design for spring holidays (March 8, February 23, may holidays etc.) use incredible demand. After all, in contrast to classic souvenirs, decorative pillows carry practical benefits - it is convenient to lie on them, climb, sit or sleep, in the end.

Hotels, restaurants and holiday homes. Here the choice is just huge, you can offer pillows to the main interior or offer to develop a unique design according to the company's logo.

Inscriptions. Pillows with wise and interesting phrases, such as "all for the better!", "Purchase to me", "with love", etc. In addition to comfort, they are encouraged and give a good mood. By adding a name, you make your gift special and unique, and the person who was donated to the pillow will always remember you, as the most attentive and sensitive friend.

Pillows letters. Pillows in the form of letters are usually given to children, birthdays or companies and at the same time stage decor and soft support.

As you can see, the business on the pillows has no restrictions, and you can embody and offer the most unusual and brave fantasies!

Everyone knows about the benefits of products that are made of medicinal herbs. That is why the demand for phytotovars is increasing every year.

Consumers willingly buy herbal teas, therapeutic ointments, etc.

On the practical application Knowledge in the field of phytotherapy can earn good money.

Entrepreneur will need to purchase consumables and fillers for future products (fees of healing herbs). It is advisable to use flax, cotton, silk and other natural fabrics for sewing. Produced products must be environmentally friendly, so using artificial materials In such a business is unacceptable.

Some part of the funds will need to be inserted decorative elements To decorate pillows (various applications, beads, etc.).

In addition, the businessman will need modern sewing machine With an extended set of functions. On the initial stage You can purchase equipment formerly in use.

This will minimize starting costs. Fees medicinal herbal You can buy in local pharmacy points or collect yourself in rural areas.

How to organize a business on the manufacture of herbal pillows

Before entering the manufacture of herbal pillows, it is necessary to expand knowledge in the field of phytotherapy.

For this you can use Internet resources, and specialized literature.

An entrepreneur needs to be familiar with the works of recognized phytotherapists, as well as carefully examine contraindications to the use of certain herbs.

To each fixed pillow will need to be applied detailed instructions On the features of its use.

In addition, clients should be prevented about the presence of contraindications and the need for counseling with a specialist.

Many therapeutic herbs cannot be used pregnant women, as well as people suffering from asthma and allergies.

For the manufacture of aromatic sachets, as a rule, they use sage, mint, chamber, hops, hunter.

Small pillows with these herbs can be put next to them during sleep.

They not only help get rid of insomnia and snoring, but also strengthen the immunity, and also increase resilience to colds.

Very often aromatic sachets put in cabinets with clothes or bed linen . Small herbal pads help get rid of unpleasant odors in room.

Sometimes aromatic sachets and babes with herbs buy businessmen. They take them with themselves to important negotiations. It is proved that the aroma of many herbs helps to improve the performance of the brain.

Earnings on the manufacture of herbal pillows

How much can I make money on the manufacture and sale of herbal pillows:

The average market price of one small product is about 100-150 rubles. The cost of its manufacture is several times less.

At the realization of one aromatic sachet, you can earn about 80 rubles of net profit.

To increase business profitability, it makes sense to use different sales channels.

Herbal pillows can be delivered to shops that implement home products, furniture boutiques.

A businessman can also sell them on Internet fairs and an exhibition of manual labor.

Profit from this domestic business Can reach 30 thousand rubles per month.

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Good business opening idea for women is a business idea in which they can use the talent of their skill. This is the production of decorative pillows. Currently, decorative pillows are an integral part of the interior, and for an exclusive decorative pillow, made by their own hands (maybe even by the sketch of the customer), people are ready to give a rather big money. (Read also -)

Your business: Pillow production

Decorative pillows are very comfortable, with their help can be comfortably located on the sofa or armchair, as well as they decorate the interior. The value of such pillows is also in the fact that, changing the pillowcase on them, you can upgrade the room design itself, give it an updated look. It is very convenient.

As for the issue of selling your pillows and attract new customers, that is, there are a lot of options how to do this: Create a group in social networks (See also :) and send invitations (both your friends and people you do not know), creating a site and even a small online store.

To start the production of pillows, you need to purchase a sewing machine, threads, pillow filler and fabric.

You can create pillows in your sketches, and you can find the approximate model and on the Internet. And to decorate the pillows, it is necessary to show a fantasy and such decorations can be tapes, embroidery, fabric, beads, beads, lace, and so on, especially their many in specialized stores for needlework, the choice is simply great.

For pillowcase pattern, it is necessary to make the length of the length and width of the pillow, and then add a centimeter to each side for the seam and the markup.

Filler for pillows usually serves a foam rubber on which you can put a bit of a slightly synthetic dryer for softness. Forms of pillows can be very diverse - rectangular, square, round, in the form of a heart, as far as fantasy enough.

You can also offer our customers to make pillows by their sketch. They will undoubtedly be nice to have a pillow of his design at home. This will help you earn more, will attract more customers. Business for the production of pillows is well suited for young mothers as well.

Before switching to the main role, you need to remember - in which market opportuncture we live. Nowadays, the concept of consumer society is dominated and, as I have already written in one of the publications, to preserve the demand for goods and services to manufacturers every time you have to add something unusual, "original inactive" to your product, in order to cause at least minimal interest among the consumer . And everything is about the fact that people simply "found" everyday consumer benefits and as drug addicts need to increase the dose every time.

It is on this "instinct" it should be betted when opening a business associated with decorative pillows. The market of ordinary pillows has long been busy, but the "original-reflective" market of pillows with elements of decor and design is always open to new ideas and suggestions. In the same way, for example, facing stoves ceramic tiles In fact, it is not something very original, because the tile is she and in Africa tile, another thing different design. Wins in this market the one who can offer optimal combination Style, decor and originality.

In general, it is decided, develop business on decorative Pillows . Why exactly pillows? It is not so important, friends, because with such a marketing tool, as "originality", you can sell anything, ranging from the pillows and ending with the rolls of toilet paper. But it is worth noting that the pillows are the goods of a wide target group, always in demand and causes in people not only a sense of need to purchase, but also the creation of comfort. And comfort today is right hand consumption.

First you need to accurately decide - we produce pillows or pillowcases. Here the answer is obvious - pillows, as they are hundreds of times easier to sell. This is a finished product and good demand for it. In principle, it is possible to sell and pillowcases, but only as an addition to your pillows, allowing you to change the appearance of an already existing decorative pillow.

As for sewing technology, then there is nothing particularly difficult, since the patterns for pillows and pillows are essentially presented are quite primitive. The only one should note that the patterns of pillowcases are made per 1 cm more width and the length of the pillow itself. Well, and also to create a decor you can use anything, for example, with flowers, ribbons, lace, embroidery, etc. You can also apply a pattern with printing, but such pillows, unfortunately, are not particularly popular. As a rule, pillows are filled with syntheps or paralymp, so that you can set any shape and size, ranging from stars and ending with the hearts.

As for marketing, namely promotion of this business, to begin with, it is worth creating an online party on the subject of decor, homemade utya etc. how option will suit Public in contact. After you manage to achieve subscribers and large number Participants can begin to piano selling a group in contact and use repost tools to popularize their products.

At first, it makes no sense to remove the office, invested in the expansion of production, etc. First you need to put people on your product, get the first orders, give people the opportunity to do individual orders According to their ideas, as well as offer the goods with thematic stores. That is, in theory, everything is very simple and business on decorative pillows, like many others unusual ideas Business is based on the main request for society consumption - the request for originality. The only thing that I certainly did not illuminate is a specific sewing technology. I confess, I practically do not know how to sew, and I assured me that the manufacture of the pillow is not very complex.

Considering any business idea, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the reality of its incarnation and not only from the position of your financial ability to find money for starting capital, but also the position of payback in a given region.

If you look at the general practice, it can be stated that any business plan should be based on a variety of specific source data, that is, the region, and the population, and purchasing power and so on. Any virtual business plan is a kind of middle temperature in the hospital and cannot fully justify the prospects or on the contrary, the loss of a specific business idea. That is, virtual business plans are just a certain starting point, based on which it is necessary to make their own calculations, catching just the logic of such a process.

Today we consider a business plan.

Let's start with a small calculation of the potential of the market in the selected region.

Calculations of the volumes of services for dry cleaning of feather pillows
Pessimistic option Optimal option Optimistic option
Population of microdistrict (man)
Used pillows (pieces) *
Potential customers (5-7-10%)
Market volume **
Competitors in the market
Perented pillows per year (pcs)
Potential work per day
* At the rate of 1.4 pillows for 1 person
** At the rate of 3.5 people in the family and 1.4 for each family member

As a basis, a separate microdistrict (or a small town) with a nominal number of population in 30 thousand people is taken as the basis of the volume of market volumes of dry cleaning of pillows. Based personal experience and all available information, on average for each resident there is 1.4 pillows, the coefficient is taken with all the pillows that are in a separate family (do not be confused with coefficients K1 and K2 to read about them). Of course, it is quite conditionally enough, but a more or less real picture gives, the second relatively controversial indicator is the number of family members, 3,5 was used in the calculation, that is, one hypothetical family consists of such an average value. These coefficients allow you to theoretically calculate the number of all pillows and already based on this figure, draw conclusions about forecast work volumes. Of the three options calculated in the business plan on dry cleaning, you can draw conclusions:

To create a successful mini business on the restoration of feather pillows, you must have at least 10-15 thousand people. And not so fundamentally, whether you will share the market with other competitors or simply open in a small town. With the worst situation of the business plan, the average daily reference point should be 7 pillows.

Calculation of the cost of a unit of products with dry cleaning of pillows
Moscow Yekaterinburg Barnaul
Price per unit * (rub)
Cost of Tika (tissue for inline) (rub)
Sewing services 1 unit, incl. Dop materials (rub)
Wages of the employee (rub)
Total direct expenses
Profit without me permanent expenses
* Based Pillow 70 * 70

The main article of direct expenses, with the organization of a mini business idea on dry cleaning of feather pillows, is the cost of buying ready-made perenkovs or tailoring own forces, then we are talking About buying "Tika". Tick \u200b\u200bis the type of fabric used for pillows, it is possible for more details. As we can see from the above example, it is clearly seen that the cost of the main component with a dry tweeted pillow will be the same for any region. The main article of direct costs crossed depending on the location region is wage. Actually wage options are a fixed (salary) or percentage of revenue (roughly speaking, piecework). Practice shows that optimal option Still there are a piecework and it is established, taking into account the regions, for the calculations of this business plan of restoration of pillows as the basis of the rate of 10% of the revenue.

If you do not dare for a long time, then enough simple calculations It is shown that the profitability of the business on the pillows is 63% excluding indirect costs, the overall level of profitability Consider below.

Not direct costs of maintaining the point of restoration of pillows per month
Moscow Yekaterinburg Barnaul
Rent (10 square meters)
Content premises
Total direct expenses

Indirect costs in this small business idea will rent a room, as can be seen from the price table very much different in the regions, plus all sorts of little things on the similarity of needles for sewing machine or packages for garbage, plus of course electricity, heating (if necessary) and the cost of cleaning the room, guard and so on.

Population Point Restoration Pillow (with an optimal version)
Moscow Yekaterinburg Barnaul
Pillow cost (rub.)
Gross revenue (rub.)
Cost Costs (rub.)
Payback of the point of restoration of pillows (with a pessimistic version)
Moscow Yekaterinburg Barnaul
The number of passioned pillows per day
Pillow cost (rub.)
Gross revenue (rub.)
Cost Costs (rub.)
Direct costs
Net profit (excluding taxes)

And finally, they came to the most important thing, to the calculation of the payback time of the business on the pillows. In this business plan, the restoration of pillows was considered two options, optimal and pessimistic (which suggests 3 competitors in the area and a small involvement of consumer services for dry cleaning of pillows). With common expenditures on creating a point of cleaning of feather pillows in 80,000 rubles.

With the optimal development of events, payback will be 1.5 months for Yekaterinburg, 2 months for Barnaul and only 1 month for Moscow. truth

With a pessimistic version, in Moscow, the payback period will be 2.5 months, Ekaterinburg 3 months and in Barnaul as much as 5.

P.S. In general, the profitability of this small business ranges from 45 to 35%

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