Repair Design Furniture

Foam concrete production technology at home. Foam concrete mix production. Fixed monthly expenses

Among all the variety of enterprises producing building materials, the production of foam blocks occupies one of the leading positions both in terms of sales and in terms of profit. The production of foam concrete blocks requires relatively low costs and with a high demand for products is a quick payback project, all investments in the manufacture of foam concrete blocks can really be returned literally within 2-4 months. Provided, of course, stable distribution channels.

However, even with all the simplicity of organizing this business, it is necessary to have a well-designed business plan for the production of foam blocks, which will allow you to avoid mistakes in the implementation of the project, and will become a step-by-step guide for a novice entrepreneur, following which you can achieve your intended goal.


This project is a business plan for the production of foam blocks, instructions on how to organize a mini-plant for the production of foam blocks with a payback period of 2 to 6 months.

Objectives of the project:

  1. creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. satisfaction of the consumer market for the provision of products manufactured by the foam block plant.

Project financing source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: SP

Total cost of project implementation: 150 - 500 thousand rubles

Payback period: 2 - 6 months

Interest rate included in the calculations: 25 %

The total amount of interest payments will be: 6250 - 18750 rubles

The investor's income will be: 6250 - 18750 rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

The main stages of the project

The beginning of the project implementation - immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receiving the loan funds.

The main stages for the implementation of this project, the conditions and terms of their implementation are presented in Table 1:

Project stagesConditions for their implementationDeadlines
Finding investors and concluding an agreementavailability of a business plan1-30 days
Getting borrowed fundspackage of necessary documents1-30 days
Business registrationpackage of necessary documents1-30 days
Finding a location 1-30 days
Purchase of the necessary equipmentgetting a loan1-30 days
Equipment installation 1-30 days
Search and training of personnel 1-30 days
Marketing policy 1-360 days

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

The production of foam blocks is primarily intended for the private construction of lightweight buildings with a small area (maximum 3 floors). As a building material, foam concrete is an excellent alternative to brick and wood. It has high thermal insulation properties, perfectly tolerates changes in air temperature, and creates a pleasant microclimate in the building by absorbing excess moisture and giving it back if necessary.

At favorable conditions operation, consisting in a moderate impact on foam concrete, has an almost unlimited operational life and every year it only becomes stronger.

The composition of the foam concrete gives the foam blocks unique thermal characteristics, which exceed the properties of ordinary bricks by 3-4 times. The building, erected from foam concrete blocks, has a "thermos effect", which consists in retaining heat in winter and coolness in summer.

At the same time, the walls "breathe" almost in the same way as wooden ones, which gives the foam concrete high environmental parameters. This allows the use of foam blocks even in the construction of baths and saunas. Sheathing the entire structure from the inside with wood, they get a warm, environmentally friendly, and, most importantly, durable room.

Technical parameters of foam concrete

It should be noted that foam blocks differ in density, which determines the quality of the product - the higher the density, the better the product. Density is indicated by the letter D and marking from 400 to 1100. Different brands of foam blocks are used in construction for different purposes (erection of load-bearing, external walls, or partitions).

Foam concrete production High Quality it is impossible without knowledge of the characteristics that the finished product should have. Comparative parameters of the foam block and ordinary clay brick are considered in Table No. 2:

The main property of foam concrete, as can be seen from the table, is heat retention. It is easier to say that 1 foam block, laid on the side of 30 cm, retains as much heat as an 85-cm expanded clay wall, or a 1.5-meter (!) Brick wall!

In addition to the above parameters, there is an exclusively material benefit. The size of a standard foam block, which determines the forms for foam concrete, used everywhere: 20 * 30 * 60 cm. The weight of one foam block of the D500 brand is 18 kg. In good weather, a team of only three bricklayers will assemble a building from foam blocks with an area of ​​120 square meters. meters in a maximum of 3 weeks. Moreover, the cost of such construction will cost 2-2.5 times cheaper than the same brick building.

The construction advantages of foam blocks are as follows:

  • the structure of foam concrete allows air to pass through, avoiding the formation of condensation;
  • products have excellent sound insulation properties;
  • the flat surface of the products allows them to be coated with any finishing materials(wood, siding, iron, plastic, etc.);
  • foam concrete - refractory material;
  • foam blocks are amenable to sawing with the most common hacksaw, if necessary;
  • Driving nails into foam blocks is no more difficult than into wood.

Brief structure of the organization of production of foam blocks

Having a clear business plan, the production of foam blocks is much easier to organize. In order to make it more clear what will be discussed further, we present a diagram of the organization of the entire business:

  • search for sales channels (wholesale construction bases, construction stores, organization of your own construction materials store);
  • Search suitable premises, in which you can place a plant for the production of foam blocks, the main parameters for which will be - the presence of a water supply system, an electric line required power, an entrance for garbage collection, etc .;
  • search for suppliers of raw materials necessary for the production of foam blocks (cement, sand, foaming agent);
  • search for workers for production, sales and customer service manager, accountant;
  • advertising campaign, company promotion.

Search for sales channels

This stage is a top priority in organizing the entire business. If there are no preliminary agreements with buyers, then it makes no sense at all to engage in the implementation of this business idea.

First of all, it is recommended to call, and it is better to pay a personal visit to the administration of all building stores and wholesale depots within a radius of 100 km. If the project budget allows the purchase of transport for transportation finished products, then delivery will significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome of the negotiations.

It is imperative to create your own Internet resource, where the manufactured products will be presented and contact information is indicated.

It is also worth carefully considering the possibility of retailing foam blocks through your own store located directly during production.

Room for the production of foam blocks

The area of ​​the premises should not only accommodate the equipment for the production of foam concrete, but also allow organizing a small warehouse that can accommodate the monthly production of products. Directly to accommodate a production line with a capacity of up to 15 cubic meters. meters per day will need from 70 to 150 sq. meters. Accordingly, a larger or smaller volume of products will require an increase / decrease in the area.

Search for suppliers of raw materials

The ideal option for purchasing raw materials would be to locate suppliers' bases close to production. Of course, this is very often impossible, so you should consider the points of supply closest in location, and purchase raw materials at once in large volumes in order to reduce the number of shipments per month and reduce the price for deliveries (suppliers often make good discounts for large quantities of purchases).

Production calculation

It is more expedient to organize the production of foam concrete around the clock, in 3 shifts, working 8 hours each. For example, one installation for the production of foam concrete "Kit-5 for foam concrete" from the Kirov plant allows to produce about 15 cubic meters per day. meters of foam blocks in the presence of the required number of forms for foam blocks.

With two days off a week, the number of working days per month will be 22 days, therefore, the planned volume of foam blocks production for 1 month is 330 cubic meters. meters. The technology for the production of foam blocks is such that when using almost any equipment, the cost of raw materials remains almost unchanged. For the production of 1 cube of D800 foam blocks, which is most suitable for the construction of residential buildings, it is necessary to correctly calculate the composition of foam concrete:

  • 400 kg of cement;
  • 350 kg of sand;
  • 1-1.2 kg of foaming agent;
  • 230-240 liters of water;
  • 1 volumetric container of hardener.

At current prices for raw materials (end of 2016), the cost of 1 cubic meter of foam blocks will be from 950 to 1100 rubles. When sold at retail, the same volume will cost the buyer 2-2.3 thousand rubles, wholesale buyers - 250-400 rubles per cubic meter cheaper.

Foam concrete production technology

There are 4 types of technology for the production of foam concrete blocks:

  1. using a foam generator;
  2. overpressure method;
  3. by the method of turbulent resonance cavitation dispersion;
  4. a combined method using a steam generator and a dispersant.

It is advisable to consider the 3rd option, as having the greatest return on production and allowing you to get high quality products. Equipment for the production of foam blocks by this method is not much more expensive than other installations. Schematically, the stages of production of foam blocks are as follows:

  • preparation of components for mixing the mixture;
  • the process of mixing the mixture, which, when using a good foaming agent, lasts 6-8 minutes;
  • pouring the mixture into prepared forms;
  • hardening of products;
  • extracting them from the forms and sending them to the warehouse.

It should be noted that the installation for foam concrete has little effect on the quality of the products, it mainly depends on the quality of the raw materials used and the absence of errors in the manufacturing process.

Despite the fact that the organization of this business does not have any particular difficulties, equipment for foam concrete is available to anyone, the technology for the production of foam concrete is simple, and foam concrete blocks are in demand in the construction market, there is no big competition in this area.

This is mainly due to the seasonality of demand for foam concrete blocks (in the spring-summer period), and the need for a large area for storing finished products, in case an entrepreneur decides to prepare products for winter period for summer sale.

Marketing plan

Until recently, the versatility of using foam blocks in construction was fiercely contested. Generally, the opponents of foam concrete were manufacturers of other types of building materials. But at present, buildings made of foam blocks in Russia are so widespread that the products themselves need minimal advertising.

Despite all the popularity of foam blocks in the construction market, their advantages over traditionally used materials have not yet been widely covered. It is precisely on conveying the advantages of foam concrete to the consciousness of the consumer that the main emphasis should be placed in the marketing policy of the enterprise, tying the slogan "quality-price" to its brand.

The complex of necessary measures to form a positive opinion of the consumer about the product contains the following stages:

  • placement of advertisements in periodicals and on tTV;
  • creation of representative offices of the enterprise in the nearest cities;
  • placement of advertisements in specialized publications for builders;
  • introduction of a discount system;
  • creation of an Internet resource.

Production plan

Equipment for the production of foam blocks includes:

  • machine for the production of foam blocks - a production line;
  • automatic water dosing system;
  • belt conveyor;
  • peristaltic hose pump;
  • platform vibrator for the formation of blocks in molds; construction wheelbarrows, stretchers, shovels for transporting and pouring raw materials into the mixing bunker;
  • forms for foam concrete blocks.

Making this building material differs in simplicity, so that the release of foam concrete with your own hands at home is a real event. You just have to purchase the necessary raw materials and equipment. Note that certain units are manufactured independently. What will it take to establish own production foam blocks?

Brief information about foam concrete

it concrete material having a cellular structure. Such properties are achieved due to the closed air bubbles in the material. For this reason, the blocks do not differ in the required density and thermal conductivity.

They are often used in the construction of multi-storey buildings or in the construction of partitions. The material is easy to process both by hand and mechanically... The use of foam concrete makes it possible to:

  • reduce the cost of the material;
  • obtain the required thermophysical indicators;
  • do not create large loading effects on the supporting structures;
  • carry out installation work quickly.

However, the production of foam concrete has characteristic disadvantages. The material is not strong enough, absorbs moisture, and gives significant shrinkage.

Production technology

Despite the acceptable cost of foam blocks from the manufacturer, making them with your own hands is considered interesting and profitable. True, for this it will be necessary to equip a mini-plant for the production of foam blocks.

Many consumers mistakenly believe that to make foam blocks with their own hands, it is enough to add a foaming agent to the concrete mass. This is not true.

The production process is carried out, as a rule, in two ways:

  1. Classic - a cement mass is prepared according to the recipe. Foam is fed into it with the help of a steam generator device, the weight is thoroughly mixed and poured into molding cassettes.
  2. Autoclave - the necessary components are mixed in a special mixer when creating the right pressure... The mixture is squeezed out through a nozzle into molds. Typically, this technology for the manufacture of foam blocks is used for a full-scale production process.

For the preparation of foam concrete, Portland cement is used, the brand of which starts from M 400. Sifted and washed sand and a foaming agent are also used. The technology for the production of foam concrete implies the use of additives that accelerate the setting, improve the structure of the material. Fine-graded sand is used, because the settled large particles will reduce the quality of the finished product.

In order for the income from the production of foam concrete blocks to be considered tangible, this issue is approached responsibly.

Another technology is known - mixing the components in dry form and subsequent mineralization. The process is complex, mainly used in the factory.

Materials (edit)

The main components for foam concrete and the quantity are presented in the table:

In accordance with the indicated brands, foam concrete has the following characteristics:

  • the ability to conduct heat - 0.14; 0.21; 0.29 W / mK;
  • strength - 16; 27; 50 kg / sq.m.

The production of foam concrete blocks involves the use of clean water.

Professional production equipment

Having decided to start making foam blocks at home, you should pay attention to mini-factories or stationary conveyor equipment.

The first option includes a concrete mixer with an adapter element, a compressor and steam generator unit, a batcher and a working base (platform). During the operation of such a plant, the finished mass of the solution is laid out in molds by hand, seized, taken out and sent to the autoclave. Once completely dry, the block material is ready for use. Such a line for the production of foam blocks is supplied to construction site one-piece set. It is mounted without any special problems, it does not need commissioning work.

During the production process, the blocks are of average quality. TO big minus such equipment includes a large consumption of the foaming composition. To obtain a product with optimal performance, you must carefully follow the recipe. Incorrect selection of components will lead to a decrease in the quality of the final product.

A stationary conveyor line differs from small factories in a large capacity indicator. It can operate around the clock, reaching a productivity rate of up to five to twelve cubic meters of material per hour.

As a rule, such lines have the following units:

  • mixer, additionally equipped with a pumping unit and a pneumatic valve;
  • a foam generator with a compressor;
  • water dispenser equipped with automation for comfortable control;
  • a dispenser that distributes astringent components;
  • conveyor belts for sand and cement;
  • remote control for general control;
  • vibrating sieve.

Manufacturers of foam blocks in Russia prefer just such lines.

To produce foam concrete blocks with your own hands, you must have a minimum set of units. Note that using simple concrete mixers will be ineffective, since with their help it will not be possible to make foam concrete raw materials of the required quality.

You will need:

  • foaming agent;
  • compressor unit;
  • mixer;
  • pumping unit for foam concrete;
  • forms.

If you are thinking of making blocks all year round, you will have to additionally purchase a steamer. Having all the necessary mechanisms, you can assemble the installation yourself, but you will not get significant savings from this. And some of the nodes may not fit well, which will also play a role in the final quality.

Knowing how to make a foam block at home, it is better to buy the necessary equipment in the kit for this. It will cost from one hundred to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles, but in one shift you can produce from ten to twenty-five cubic meters of material.

When choosing an installation for the production of foam concrete, it is recommended to pay attention to the power indicators and parameters electric drive... The distance of delivery of the finished concrete mass is also taken into account.

During breaks in the process, the equipment should be flushed, so this simple, but important operation should also be paid attention to.

Having learned how to make foam blocks with your own hands, the necessary equipment can be borrowed, which is especially beneficial in private construction.

Execution of works

The type of equipment you choose and the observance of the technological process will determine the quality of the material, cost price, production volumes, etc.

The production process is as follows:

Mix making

The following technologies are popular today:


To know how to make foam concrete at home, you need to understand the difference between injection molding and cutting molding methods.

The first method is based on pouring concrete mass into molds. The cost of molding cassettes is not too high, the process is not complicated. But geometric dimensions finished products may differ. If there is a need to produce blocks of different sizes, you will have to buy different cassettes, which will increase production costs. In the process of removing the blocks, partial damage to the edges can occur, and the strength of the products leaves much to be desired.

The cutting process consists of two main steps. First, the concrete solution is poured into large forms, after hardening, stripping is performed. Now it is possible to cut a large piece into the required dimensions, for which special installations with various cutting strings, bands and saws are used. The finished blocks are the same in size, do not have chipped areas. Minus one - cutting is a complex process that requires a lot of experience and attention.


Based on the molding options, they differ and technological processes drying finished material.

In the case of injection molding, drying takes place in two ways:

  • the products are kept in molds for at least ten hours so that they can gain strength. After that, stripping is performed;
  • the blocks are heat treated in steaming chambers, which gives them strength after a few hours.

Start-up capital

We have already figured out how to make foam blocks ourselves. It remains to understand how much money will have to be invested in initial stage own business.

If you plan to open a production process for your own needs, you should not purchase powerful equipment. An ordinary concrete mixer will be enough, which will cost three thousand rubles. Buy a compressor and steam generator set that cost no more than twenty thousand.

When planning to open a small business for the production of blocks, buy a full range of equipment and block forms. In principle, you can consider options that have already been in use. Ready installations even more convenient to use. They will not take up much space, it is enough to allocate space up to five square meters... For your own business, an excellent solution would be the installation of PBU 300, the cost of which will be one hundred and thirty thousand rubles.

With the material, everything is already clear, wholesale purchase will lower prices. By the way, it is possible to use foam waste for the manufacture of foam blocks. So you will save on raw materials, and improve the heat-conducting qualities of the material.

The production of foam concrete blocks consists of several main stages, such as: mixing the foam concrete mixture, molding, drying, stripping, sawing, heat treatment, packaging, warehousing, and so on. Depending on the choice of technology for the manufacture of foam blocks and the available equipment, manufacturers use various combinations and options of the listed stages. Let's start in order.

Foam concrete mix production

Modern production of aerated concrete mixture can be divided into two main types: pressure technology and production of foam concrete using a foam generator. Each of the technologies has its own pros and cons. The first is simpler and more economical. The second is more costly, but it allows you to get higher quality foam concrete. You can read more about the pros and cons of these two technologies in the section on foam concrete production.

Forming foam blocks

At the moment, there are two main technologies for producing ready-made foam concrete blocks: casting and cutting.

Injection technology The injection molding method for the production of foam blocks is very similar to the classical production of reinforced concrete products, in which the finished concrete mixture is cast into a metal tooling mold, dried until the required strength is set and then removed from the molds already in the form of a finished product.

In the production of foam blocks using injection technology, cassette molds are used, which are a metal pallet with removable sides and bulkheads, dividing the mold into several separate sections. A similar cassette ice maker is in your refrigerator. Almost the same is used in the production of foam concrete blocks, only made of metal, collapsible and larger in size. The most commonly used cassette molds with a height of 600 mm.

The main disadvantages of injection molding technology are:

  • Unsatisfactory geometry of finished foam blocks. That is, the dimensions of the foam concrete blocks in height, length and width "dance". This happens due to the displacement of the metal bulkheads when pouring the foam concrete mixture into the cassette. As a rule, bulkheads are made of thin metal and with uneven filling they can move, deform, etc.
  • The presence of the so-called "hump". The hump is formed in top layer filled cassette. For example, think about ice cubes from the refrigerator, the top of which has an uneven surface. Likewise, unevenness is formed on the surface of the hardened foam concrete. Many probably remember the upper part of floor slabs and similar reinforced concrete products, in which all sides are even, except for one - the upper one, which is not "squeezed" by the formwork. A hump on foam blocks made using injection technology can almost always be found at one of the ends.
  • The need to use specialized bulkheads for cassettes, sharpened for a specific size of foam blocks. In order to produce three to four sizes of foam concrete blocks, manufacturers must have several types of bulkheads with different sizes cells.
  • When the cassettes are stripped, the corners and surfaces of the finished blocks are partially damaged. This happens due to the adhesion of foam concrete to the walls of the cassette, since by the time of stripping the foam concrete does not have time to gain sufficient strength. Time is money. It is necessary to quickly remove the barely risen blocks in order to fill in the next batch.

    In part, the damage to the finished blocks during stripping occurs due to poor-quality lubrication of the block-form before pouring. The technology relies on the use of special lubricants that cost a certain amount of money. In the conditions of total economy on everything, to lubricate molds, manufacturers often use mining and other oily rubbish, which can be safely called a fly in the ointment in our barrel of foam concrete honey, because even heavy concrete has low resistance to the destructive action of machine oils.

Of the advantages of the injection molding technology for the production of foam concrete blocks, only an economic benefit for the manufacturer can be distinguished: the absence of the need to purchase expensive cutting equipment and the simplicity of the process. However, this advantage does not matter to the end user.

Cutting technology A similar method for the production of foam blocks consists of two stages: casting an array of foam concrete into large form and its stripping with further cutting into blocks of a given size. This happens on special cutting machines. V different types cutting devices use different types of cutting elements. These can be special strings, band and chain saws.

This technology for the production of foam concrete blocks has a number of advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • Excellent geometry of the surfaces of the obtained foam blocks, which meets the requirements of GOST 21520-89. Thanks to this, the blocks can be mounted on glue with minimum thickness seam.
  • There are no chips and irregularities on the edges and corners of the foam blocks. This nuance is especially important to reduce costs and labor costs for further wall decoration.
  • Due to the absence of grease residues on the surfaces of the blocks (and even more oil treatment) of which the cassette molds are lubricated, ready wall blocks have good adhesion and attractive appearance. And if external data are not so important, then good adhesion of the foam block is one of the most important criteria for successful plastering or filling the wall when carrying out external and interior decoration at home.
  • Possibility of making foam blocks arbitrary sizes... Reconfiguring the pitch of the saw strings allows you to cut ready-made blocks according to the customer's size.
  • By trimming the foam concrete from all sides, the problem with the notorious "hump" at the end of the block is also solved. It just gets cut off.

However, cutting technology has its own unpleasant moments. Using different types cutting elements must be strictly observed certain requirements to the timeliness of the cutting. When cutting with strings, it is important to catch the moment when the foam concrete has already risen, but has not yet gained "extra" strength. If this moment is missed, when cutting the massif, the string may shift, leave, which will negatively affect the final evenness of the block.

When cutting foam concrete with band saws, the array, on the contrary, should have a higher strength, since during cutting it turns over (turns over on the cutting table). And if the strength is insufficient, it will simply break when tilted.

These problems are more likely to annoy the producers of foam concrete blocks than their end users. In any case, your the main task- make the right choice.

Drying of foam blocks and strengthening

In the production of blocks from aerated concrete by the injection method, two technologies are possible for the initial drying of products. The first option is natural drying, implying a 10-hour curing of the foam concrete in the form and its further stripping. The second option is heat treatment of foam concrete blocks in a steaming chamber. Unlike natural drying, steaming in the chamber allows foam concrete to gain 65-75% of its design strength in a few hours.

It is worth noting that almost all reinforced concrete products are produced using this technology. The BESTO Group supplies foam blocks produced using thermal and humidity treatment in steaming chambers. The production of foam blocks is located on the territory of the concrete goods plant-16 in Moscow.

Cutting technology for the production of foam concrete blocks implies natural drying of the massif for 4-14 hours with its further cutting. The drying time before cutting depends on the use of one or another type of cutting element (strings, band saws, chains), as well as hardening accelerators added to the foam concrete mixture during mixing.

Foam blocks are quite simple to manufacture, so set them up home production not difficult. To do this, you just need to buy everything necessary materials and equipment. At the same time, some units for the production of foam concrete blocks can be made independently.

General description of the material

Foam concrete is called concrete, which has a cellular structure. These properties are achieved by the presence of closed air bubbles in the thickness of the material. Therefore, foam concrete blocks have low density and thermal conductivity.

They are very often used as thermal insulation materials(grades D200-D500), as well as structural and thermal insulation (grades D600-D800) or structural (D900-D1600).

Foam concrete is especially often used in low-rise construction or when erecting interior partitions... It handles very well and can be trimmed to suit the desired building parameters. Foam concrete blocks manufactured in accordance with standard sizes- usually 200x300x600 mm or 100x300x600 mm.

When using foam blocks in private construction, you can get the following:

  • low material cost;
  • excellent thermophysical characteristics;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • low weight of the blocks, which does not create additional load on other structures;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

The disadvantages of foam concrete include its low strength, the ability to absorb moisture from environment, significant shrinkage.

Features of the production of foam blocks

In order for the profit from the production of foam blocks to be high, this issue should be taken seriously. First of all, you need to choose a method of making the material - classic or autoclave. In the first case, it is necessary to make an ordinary cement mortar, into which air is supplied with the help of a foam generator. After thorough mixing, the mixture enters the prepared molds, where it reaches its design strength.

When using the autoclave method, all the components of the aerated concrete are mixed under significant pressure. The finished solution is fed into the molds through a nozzle.

There is also another technology for the manufacture of this material - mixing dry components with subsequent mineralization. It is quite complex, therefore it is mainly used in mass production.

Necessary equipment

Necessary equipment for the production of foam blocks at home:

  • concrete mixer. You can also use special installation for the manufacture of aerated concrete. It implies a complex unit, which includes a baro mixer, an adapter for a sleeve through which the prepared solution is poured into molds;
  • compressor. This setting required to submit compressed air in other units - a steam generator device, a mixer for supplying a ready-made solution;
  • steam generator. This unit produces a special fine-porous foam, which consists of water, air and a special foaming agent;
  • the form. This equipment for the production of foam concrete can be made independently from plywood, chipboard or ordinary edged board.

Foam generator for foam concrete

How much do you need to invest to start a business?

If you plan to establish the production of foam concrete blocks only for your own needs, you can get by with less powerful equipment. In this case, you can buy an ordinary concrete mixer, the average cost of which is 3000 rubles. It is also necessary to additionally purchase a foam generator with a compressor for 20 thousand rubles. If you plan to establish a business for the production of foam blocks, it is more expedient to buy a ready-made set of equipment and forms. In this case, you can use not only new units, but also used ones (in good condition).

Ready-made foam concrete plants are very easy to use. They occupy a small area - about 2.5-5 sq. m depending on power and standard configuration... Also, this complex includes a loading grate bulk materials, vacuum gauge, rotary pump, water meter, hoses, control cabinet. For home business there will be an ideal model PBU-300, the average price of which is 130 thousand rubles.

It has the following characteristics:

  • working volume is 300 l;
  • productivity - 0.9 cubic meters m / hour;
  • power - 2.2 kW;
  • weight - 0.38 t;
  • dimensions - 1.7x1.5x0.85 m.

What to do with forms?

Forms for foam blocks can be made independently, but it is very difficult. It is very important to monitor the accuracy of all parameters so that the resulting material has ideal dimensions. Therefore, for a home business, it is best to find used forms. Their cost will depend on the capacity and material from which they are made. On the market for building materials and equipment, you can find approximately the following prices:

  • steel molds (36 pieces), where the cell size is 600x300x200 mm - 32 thousand rubles;
  • steel molds (22 pieces), where the cell size is 600x300x200 mm - 10 thousand rubles;
  • forms made of plywood (22 pieces), where the cell size is 588x300x188 mm - 6 thousand rubles;
  • one plastic mold with dimensions 390x190x288 mm - 250 rubles.

The cost of manufactured foam concrete blocks

For example, to build a house you need 20 cubic meters. m of foam concrete blocks. For their production, you need to buy a concrete mixer, a foam generator and plywood molds. In general, about 29 thousand rubles should be spent on the purchase of all equipment.

The cost price of 1 cubic meter m of blocks is determined by all the necessary costs for their manufacture:

  • materials - cement, sand, foaming agent. To obtain 1 cubic meter. m of finished products, you need to spend 720 rubles;
  • electricity - 11.25 rubles;
  • equipment costs - 29000/20 = 1450 rubles.

It turns out that the production costs of 1 cu. m of foam blocks are 2,181 rubles. The final cost of the material can be reduced by purchasing all materials in bulk at a wholesale price and leasing the equipment after the end of the construction.

Professional equipment

When selecting equipment for the production of foam blocks, you should pay attention to mobile mini-factories or stationary conveyor lines.

The first type of device includes a concrete mixer with an adapter, a compressor, a steam generator, a working platform and a batcher. When using such a mini-plant, the ready-made solution is manually distributed into the molds, and after setting, it is removed from them and sent to the autoclave. After final drying, the blocks are completely ready for use. This equipment is delivered to the facility as a complete complex. It is easy to install and does not require commissioning.

As a result of the production of blocks using mobile mini-factories, material of average quality is obtained. Also, the disadvantages of this equipment include a significant consumption of foaming agents. To obtain a product with optimal characteristics, you need to carefully approach the recipe for the blocks. With the wrong selection of the necessary components, the material will turn out to be of poor quality.

Stationary conveyor lines differ from the previous equipment in high power. It is able to work around the clock, providing a productivity of 5-12 cubic meters. m / hour.

Typically, these conveyor lines are equipped with the following units:

  • mixing complex, which is additionally equipped with a pneumatic valve and a pump;
  • foam generator with compressor;
  • water dispenser, which is equipped with automatic system management;
  • dispenser for binding materials;
  • conveyors for sand and cement;
  • Remote Control;
  • vibrating sieve.

Considering all the features of the production process for the manufacture of foam concrete blocks, both on a small and a large scale, it is clear that this is a very profitable business. This material is popular in the market, so there will always be a demand for it among buyers.

Foam concrete is in demand in construction as an inexpensive but high-quality material. It is lightweight, retains heat well, and has good soundproofing qualities. Foam blocks are fireproof, have very low water absorption and shrinkage coefficients, and tolerate any atmospheric changes well. The production technology is fairly simple and environmentally friendly, so making and selling blocks can be a profitable home business.

Materials for foam concrete

The production of foam blocks at home requires certain costs. For production 1 cubic meter(or 720 liters of foam) you need:

  • Cement. On average, it takes about three hundred kg. Aerated concrete (this is another name for blocks) can have different densities, therefore, for the manufacture of foam concrete for different purposes and densities, cement of various brands is needed. Which ones are determined by the State Standards and Technical Conditions. Below you will see a table showing the required cement parameters.
  • Refined sand, river: about 200 kg.
  • Water: 100 liters + 50 liters for foam.
  • Foaming agent (synthetic or natural): - about two liters, depending on the density of the blocks. The most popular and affordable foaming agents are PB 2000 or Lux (USHK), SDO-M (Technology LLC), FOAMIN C (Italy), Forward (Roskosmetika LLC).
  • Hardener.
  • Mold lubricant.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks

In order to make blocks with your own hands, you will have to purchase equipment. You will need:

  • A steam generator capable of producing at least 200 liters per minute.
  • Compressor installation.
  • Bunker-mixer. For novice entrepreneurs, a 2.2 kW unit with a working volume of about 280 liters is enough.
  • Form for standard blocks 200x300x600mm.
  • Auxiliary devices: pressure gauges, pumps.

Equipment in the form ready-made kit can be purchased at specialty stores. You can also make equipment to order. The second method is much more expensive and financially justified only when home production is at full capacity.

When organizing production, a room should be equipped for drying finished blocks. It is also important to consider the total power consumption in order to ensure the smooth operation of the equipment.

DIY foam concrete block manufacturing technology

One unit can produce blocks of different density. Depending on the proportions in which the components are taken, you can get cellular concrete density from 200 to 1500 kilograms per square meter.

The manufacturing process is very simple. Three independent processes can be distinguished in it:

  1. Preparation sand-cement mixture... The proportions depend on the estimated density of the finished material, which is determined by GOSTs and technical conditions... To obtain an average density, equal amounts of cement and sand are usually taken.
  2. Preparation of a foaming solution. For blocks of medium density, 4-5 grams of concentrated foaming agent is sufficient.
  3. Pouring the resulting mixture into standard molds.

Preparation of a mixture of sand and cement

To prepare the mixture, they take Portland cement M-400, 500 and fine quartz sand without clay impurities. You can take tap water: it is most often free of acidic or alkaline impurities. Approximate proportions for obtaining foam concrete corresponding to GOST 21520-89 and 25485-89 are shown in the table:

Foaming agent preparation

If a ready-made foaming agent is used in production, then it is enough to mix it with water to get a ready-made working composition. Some do the foaming agent themselves. Its price is lower, but labor costs are higher.

How to make a foaming agent yourself? Grind and mix 150 g of caustic soda, a kilogram of rosin and 60 grams of wood glue. The composition is heated and mixed until smooth. Considering that it takes a lot of time and effort to manufacture such a foaming agent, it is economically expedient, many entrepreneurs believe, to buy a ready-made foaming agent.

Form preparation

Typically, the forms are included in a ready-made set of equipment designed to create foam blocks. However, you can make your own from plywood or sheet metal. In this case, it is important to accurately observe the geometric shape of the shapes: otherwise, the finished blocks will not meet the requirements. For lubrication, you can use emulsions, solutions or suspensions.

Solutions can be prepared from spindle oil or grease, autol or petrolatum diluted in kerosene or oil (diesel oil).

Suspensions include ready-made cement-oil, lime, chalk, graphite, etc. lubricants.

Emulsions can be of two types

The first ones can be made:

  • From 10-15% hygrol 3 brands, 1% laundry soap and 85-89% water.
  • 10% acidic synthetic emulsol, 0.6% soda and 89% water.

The second are made:

  • From emulsol (20%).
  • Diesel fuel (5% -10%).
  • Saturated lime solution (70% -75%).

Block production

A mixture of sand and concrete is placed in a mixing hopper, mixed well, water and a prepared foaming agent are slowly added, and after the formation of a stable foam, a hardener. The most readily available hardener is calcium chloride. Usually its amount is 1% -2% of the amount of cement. After 2-3 minutes of mixing, the composition is ready. It is poured (transported) into pre-treated with grease and dried for 48-60 hours at a temperature of 50 ° -60 °.

Training video for the production of foam blocks

In this video you can watch the production process of foam blocks using a ready-made set of equipment:

To prevent cracking of the surface, the molds with the mixture are covered with plastic wrap... The mixture can be poured into large containers, and then cut the semi-dried composition. Finished blocks are stacked on pallets and sent to the construction site.