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What thickness of the bar build a house. Construction of a wooden house: what timing to choose. Ready-made kits for assembly

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Determine the moisture content of wood, choosing a bar for building a house

Wooden buildings were made in fashion due to the fact that made from natural materials and even good health. From the bar build houses, cottages, baths and arbors. Each builder who had experience with the tree knows how important it is to use a poly-humidity bar. Thanks to such rocks of the tree, like pine or fir, cheap houses have become affordable from the profiled venue of natural humidity. The profiled timber allows you to build houses with smooth walls. It has a groove or a profile that simplifies construction work and makes the structure stronger. The amount of moisture in the bar will affect many indicators, consider the main of them.

  • Harmful bacteria and mold are breed in too wet wood, rotting processes begin.
  • The structure of the wood of high humidity over time is a succulent, therefore, its structural elements can be deformed.
  • Fast drying of wood in the heat and the sun leads to cracks, which can further increase in size.

It cannot be said that for the construction of the house you need a completely dry wood, because it will still absorb moisture from the environment. The optimal and most inexpensive option can be considered a variety of natural humidity about 25 percent. In order to achieve suitable humidity indicators, winter timber is folded in a special way until May. So, it is subjected to natural drying, but the edges are necessary to lubricate the oil to the process to be gradual. Complementing the material, we want to note, you can order a log house on the site, see what specialists offer and how many solutions cost.

Types of wood depending on the moisture content:

  • wet and freshly stewed wood can contain up to 80% moisture;
  • wood natural humidity - 18-25%;
  • dry - 10-12%.

Wood fired in winter has a humidity of about 20-30 percent, and around 70-80 harvested in summer. To make wood dry, a special chamber drying is used. According to the requirements of the GOST to trade, wood, humidity of no more than 20-22 percent. In the process of operation, cheap houses from the bar may gradually gain a goodness of up to 30 percent when they are raining, or lose it in the summer in drought. In particular wet areas, they advise additional means of protecting wood from moisture and mold.

Moisture meter

In order to measure the moisture content of wood uses moisture meter. It defines the amount of moisture on the mass of dry wood. The moisture meter will not only help with the purchase of wood necessary humidity, it will also come in handy in the construction process of wood. It can be contact or contactless. The contact moisture meter has needles that stick into wood for analysis. The device should be able to set the tree breed and other parameters for analysis.

What bar is better to build a house

The choice depends on the number of finances, professionalism of builders and the number of disposable time. If the house is built from a cluster of natural humidity, then experts advise wait until a year until the timing breaks. In addition, there is a laminated beam or profiled, which can also have different moisture indicators.

The house from the profiled bar is not required to be caught, it absorbs moisture less, but the deadlines of the wood is the same as for the usual timber. Many erect country houses from the glued bar, such wood is much stronger than glued several layers. The glued bar is more expensive than usual, most often it at the same time profiled. It is best to buy wood that cuts in the northern regions and is harvested in winter.

Diverse bar

Building a house from a bar causes a lot of questions from readers. Most often asked how to choose a material for construction. Brous varieties are more every year as it is better to use and how to distinguish high-quality material. How to choose a timber for building a house, tell those readers who do not want to throw money into the wind and wishes to buy high-quality material. What a timber to choose is profiled, glued, simple, cross-section and variety of timber in one article.

For the construction of the house, the timber is chosen from three main species: simple, profiled or glued. In terms of its heating saving and soundproofing qualities, he surpasses brick. The only thing that is inferior is fire resistance. But using special formulations for processing, it is possible to reduce the indicator at times. It is environmentally friendly and in price wins the brick and a rounded log. And with the onset of a complex economic situation in the country, the material generally occupied the first positions when choosing buyers. Each species has its pros and cons for construction.

Simple edged material

Bar rectangular shape of various sections. A chamber drying and natural humidity is produced. According to the price category of the natural humidity bar - the cheapest. Choosing a natural humidity for the construction of your home, it is necessary to understand that there will be additional costs for external and internal decoration, such as siding or clapboard. The fact is that when drying, the material cracks and loses a aesthetically attractive appearance. Part of the heat-saving qualities during cracking will be lost, so you will have to warm the walls with minvata or any other material. Choosing a chamber drying bar, you can count on the minimum shrinkage house. But the walls will not be attractive anyway, since there is a ribbon insulation between the links. We recommend choosing a simple chamber drying for the construction of a small country house, you can save on the material, and the structure will be eco-friendly, and you can collect it with your own hands. For frame construction, residential construction is more profitable to purchase a simple edged look, as the walls still have to close. If natural humidity is chosen for the construction of the house, then it is necessary to prepare for additional estimates.

Profiled view

The second quality is considered a profiled bar. It also has a natural humidity and chamber drying. It has two technical sides with a castle compound - spike groove. With the help of the lock, it is easily fit and connected with each other. Houses from it are obtained warmer, as the walls will not be blown out. From the quality and type of castle compound depends on how warm the walls will be. The warmest is the "comb", where there are more than two spikes. A simple castle is less than racks to winds, especially in the corners of the laying at home. Choosing the natural humidity, cracking the walls cannot be avoided and over the years it will still have to use the finishing material. It will not be able to continuously contact the walls, since the locking connection will not allow performing work qualitatively. The profiled chamber drying after the assembly of the walls is easy enough to polish and coat with antiseptic and protective compositions. Do not fulfill another finish. Suitable for the construction of residential buildings of any size, so shrinkage will not be greater than 3-4%. The most important minus is a high price for chamber drying.

Glued view

The glued timber is considered the most suitable for the construction of a residential building. It consists of dried lamellae, which are glued under the press. The strength of the material is higher than the profiled or simple, since the lamellas are connected in the opposite direction of fibers. The more lamellae, the stronger the material. Internal lamellas can be fragmented or solid, the second option is more expensive and better quality. Among the main advantages of glued species, its high thermal insulation characteristics are considered. Thus, the section in 150x150 mm is equal to heat-resistant bruus edged 250x250 mm. Build a house from such a material is simpler, as the weight of each bar is less. How to choose a timber for the construction of a glued view house, you can look at the video:

Among the disadvantages, it is not entirely environmentally friendly material. The fact is that the glue composition for gluing lamellas is used different. The safest cost is expensive and domestic producers are not used. The second and not unavailable drawback is a high price of material.

Unusual bar

One of the recently appeared on the species in the market includes a D-shaped view. Build a house from a D-shaped view just like from profiled. His difference in the round facial side. There is a material with two rounded side - facial and internal. Externally, the house resembles a log, and on thermal characteristics is the same as from glued. Do not finish the walls and the facade. New type of materials - warm bar.

The construction of the house is called Maxhouse. Inside the timber is filled with a layer of cellulose insulation or foamulretten. The heat-saving properties of the material is higher, but environmental friendliness falls at times. The main advantage is low price. The outer and inner side of the warm form can be from expensive wood, such as larch or aspen. And the price is below 3-4 times than a full-fledged view.

Crowded construction lumber

When choosing a building lumber to pay attention to its backstage. Moreover, certain rules for the definition of one variety from the other are not, therefore, in different companies, manufacturers can find a timing of one quality, but of various varieties. For the construction of your home, we recommend using varieties A or Extra, AB and B. The rest of the less high-quality varieties may have irregularities and damage to bugs, blue. It is possible to distinguish one variety from another, knowing some characteristic traits of timber. Read more Readers to familiarize themselves in the table:

It is not necessary to build a house for permanent accommodation to use the BC and S. Bar for a garden house or frame construction, in order to save, you can buy cheaper varieties. But it is preliminarily necessary to see the material immediately in several companies.

Varieties of cross section of Bruus

The thickness of the construction bar is taken from 100 mm, but traditionally for the construction of a residential building use the section 200x200 mm. For the construction of its home, the sections of 150x150 mm are selected. If the house is built by the country in the southern region, you can buy a lesser 100 mm. For the home of permanent residence in the middle lane of Russia, you can choose the material glued or warm section 150x150 mm or 100x150 mm, where the working side will be large. Simple and profiled is selected by the cross section from 150x150 to 200x200 mm.

You can use a rectangular section 150x200 mm, where the big side is working. If you use a simple edged beam of natural humidity and in the future the walls will be insulated, then a cross section of 100x150 mm can be used. It is important to choose the thickness of the timber, because if you build a house from a profiled chamber drying and not to take into account the thermal conductivity, then in winter it will be cold in the house. As a result, the walls will have to warm and disappears the meaning to acquire profiled chamber drying. From the selection of the section will enluer the price for the material. Consider the price for a different section of a bar in the form of a table:

Choose correctly for the construction of your home it is necessary for the material not the cheapest, good quality, with a thickness of 200 mm.

Basic rules How to choose a bar for building a house

Of the foregoing, you can conclude how to choose a bar for building a house. List the basic rules:

  1. For the construction of the house choose a timber with a thickness of 200 mm.
  2. To build a country house, you can take a simple natural humidity, for a residential building glued or profiled chamber drying.
  3. Choosing a chamber drying, you can not be afraid of a large shrinkage and cracking of the walls, taking natural humidity, it is necessary to plan the cost of finishing the facade and the inner part.
  4. The form of the material should be correct, curvature and irregularity of the color are not allowed. Buy a variety A and AV, V.
  5. D-shaped profile can be chosen instead of a rounded log.
  6. The warm bar is less cost, but in appearance there are few differences from glued.

Choosing the material, it is necessary to purchase it only from proven manufacturers. You should not take suspiciously cheap material, especially if we are talking about glued form. Only the construction of the house will be made from a high-quality and proper bar.

The bar for the construction of the house is used for private low-rise buildings. In the project of a wooden house, you can embody the most courageous design ideas: from a small one-story cottage to a large two-story cottage with all sorts of balconies, attic and cozy terraces on the veranda.

The bar at a relatively low price has excellent performance and is excellent for the construction of residential buildings and baths.

How to choose a ram for such a house? To do this, find out which bars are and how they are used in some cases.

Which bar is better for the construction of a wooden house

There are 4 main types of Bruusyev:

  • unprofilated with rectangular or square cross section;
  • profiled one-piece;
  • glued;
  • bar LVL.

The first type is the most economical building material. It is most often used to build utility ironsistent rooms, as it is nottechnical due to the lack of strict size. Such wood is not treated with anything, so it is susceptible to rotting, insect damage and light fire. In addition, uneven dimensions contribute to the bad fit of the bars to each other, which creates the so-called cold bridges. Thus, the non-poured bar cannot be used to build walls in residential buildings.

The profiled bar of the solid design has accurate dimensions and appropriate processing. This material provides a dense pairing of wood, which facilitates installation and eliminates the additional processing of the walls. The profiled timber is reliably fixed thanks to the Schip-Paz system. Shrinkage at home from such a material does not exceed 5%.

The glued bar consists of separate lamellas (dried bars) glued together with the direction of fibers. This material is the highest quality and reliable. It is highly manufacturable, as practically does not give a shrinkage. The house of glued timber does not require additional processing of walls, finishing works can be performed immediately after the construction of the walls.

Such a house is characterized by good thermal insulation and is not subject to deformation due to high humidity. The glued bar can be replaced by profiled, but this will suffer from the quality of the construction.

Bar LVL is also a glued bar, but veneer is used as components. This material is dense outside, but soft inside. This is the most expensive and high-quality wood. Bar LVL has high strength, elasticity, moisture resistance. This material is practically not exposed to fire and rotting, and its range consists of materials of different lengths.

The brusade material is made of different sections: from 120x120 mm to 200h200 mm. But the most appropriate for the construction of the house is the bar with dimensions of 150x150 mm in the longitudinal section.

Bruus House: Construction Technology

Before the construction of the house, it is necessary to develop its project and think over all the details. Such formations are most favorable for the construction of a church: pine, spruce, larch.

So, the technology of construction of the brusade log house includes such steps:

  1. Laying the foundation.
  2. Floor device.
  3. Erecting outdoor walls and partitions.
  4. Roof construction.
  5. Installing windows and doors.

Under the standard residential log houses usually make a ribbon foundation. To do this, around the perimeter of the future house, a trench of 0.7 m is digging. At its bottom, the sand pillow is falling asleep, and on top of crushed stone. The whole backfill is carefully tamped. After that, the trench is poured with a concrete mixture.

Floor arrangement is an important stage in the construction of a wooden house. This is due to the fact that wood is very quickly absorbed by moisture, because of which constant dampness may be present in the dwelling, and the rotation of the building material may begin. Therefore, the floor in the house of Bruusyev consists of two layers: rough and purple.

After filling the foundation, no less than two weeks must pass, and only then begin to lay the lower crown from the bars and equip the draft floor.

Before laying the lower row of BRUSEV, it is necessary to put a waterproofing layer on the foundation. To do this, lay the double layer of bitumen and runnerdoor, alternating them among themselves. The insulation width must exceed the width of the foundation by 30 cm.

The very first board is rigidly mounted to the foundation, and the casting is fixed to it through which all the water of atmospheric precipitation will flow.

The first crown of the house from BRUSEV should be treated with antiseptic impregnation to avoid rotting the material. Frequency of whole structure depends on the bookmark of the first crown. Therefore, at this stage it is important to monitor the accuracy of the size using a laser level.

  1. Lags are laid with a cross-sectional size of 150x100 mm. Lags are laid by a narrow end down. The beams are fixed with the first crown of the house by laying in the groove. Lags should be located apart from each other in a step of 70 cm. If the beams are longer than 3 m, then they need to additionally put supports - bars with a cross section of 200x150 mm.
  2. The lateral part of the lag nourish the bars with a cross-sectional size of 50x50 mm.
  3. Floor base is mounted on cranial bars. Floor boards are placed close to each other without mounting to lags.
  4. Stay sequentially layers of waterproofing, insulation and vaporizolation.
  5. In the direction of beams laid special rails to create ventilation space.
  6. Perform the flooring of the rough floor from the boards with a thickness of 40 mm. Suitable wood can serve as this material.

The finishing floor is laid after the construction of walls and roofs. To do this, use high-quality processed boards with precision sizes.

Features of the connection of the bars and the construction of the roof

The construction of a church from BRUSEV lies in the phased lays down of the crowns. For the construction of the walls of a residential building, it is better to use profiled and glued timber with sizes of 140x140 mm and 90x140 mm.

For a reliable attachment, the ends of the bars are made of spike and groove. Fixed in this way, the bars will reliably keep the design of the house.

After each crown, the jute insulation is stacked. It provides good thermal insulation, does not allow the occurrence of cold bridges, and also prevents the appearance of mold. A panel or flax serves as a insulation.

Between the groans are fixed with anticipation. These fasteners allow you to maintain the design of the house without twisting and drying the bars. Nails 6x200 are speaking as data of hardware. Nails are clogged with a step of 1 m to a depth of 25 - 30 cm.

The roof for the house of BRUSEV can be a variety of shape: consist of several slopes, with an attic and an outdoor terrace. For such options, do not do without specialists. But if the house is based on independently, then most often choose the variant of the classic duplex roof.

The bartal roof is performed according to this technology:

  1. Perform a screed of the bars of the upper crown. For Maurolalat, the timber is chosen with a cross section of 150x150 mm and fix it to the wint of the wall with the help of brackets and copilyons. Ceiling lags are placed in increments of 90 cm.
  2. Next, the rafters are made, which are based on Mauerlat. The charter system is a frame that will determine the shape of the roof. These bars are taken with the dimensions of the section 50x150 mm. In the place of the attachment make a triangular slice for a solid clutch of elements. For compliance with the desired angle make a special pattern. The rafters are placed in increments of 1 m and attach to beams with the help of corners and screws.
  3. Lay out the fronts of the roofs of bars or siding.
  4. The rapid system is covered with a layer of vapor barrier, and then perform a crate of bars and boards. The shadow step depends on the type of roofing material. If there is a tile, then the gaps on the crate should not be. If there is a professional flooring or slate, then the size of the gap in the crate can be up to 30 cm.
  5. Mount the roofing material.
  6. If attic is planned, then the roof from the inside must be insulated. For this, the mineral wool is suitable, which is placed between the rafters.
  7. Internal lining of the attic can be made of drywall or lining.

It should be noted that for 2 years a wooden house can give a natural shrinkage, so it is not worth separating it with facing materials during this period.

Wooden house is beautiful, environmentally friendly and warm.

The tree is one of the best materials for the construction of houses, baths, saunas. However, in order for the lumber to fully reveal its advantages, it is necessary to carefully examine its characteristics and make the right choice. The role of the source raw materials is an ordinary round log. What happens a bar? This sawn timber most often has a rectangular shape (less often - arbitrary) with a thickness of 50-400 mm. In modern construction, it exists in several species.

All types of timmeter markets in the building materials market

  • Whole (unprofilated) timber

Outwardly, it is a log, flawed from 4 sides, width of more than 50 mm. This material is most popular in construction, has a multifunctional value. Wall structures, a rapid roof system, partitions between the floors of the house are erected from the ordinary bar. It can well replace wooden bar. Considering what a beam happens, it should be selected that the low cost of logs is explained by the simplicity of their processing. This means that the material requires additional protection.

The material section can be from 150 to 220 mm, the humidity is natural. The material diameter is selected depending on the type of object of the object: in the construction of houses for permanent residence, a lumber is used with a diameter of 200-220 mm, for a sauna, a bath or cottage - 150-220 mm.

Easy styling and low cost of an unprofilated timber makes it one of the most popular in the construction industry.

Advantages of houses raised from a solid (unprofilated) timber

  1. Availability. To date, this is one of the most popular suggestions. Unfielded lumber can be purchased on any construction market. In this case, you do not have to place an order, for a long time to expect delivery. The simplicity of the workpiece explains its widespread prevalence.
  2. Low cost. Given the fact that the natural importance of the material is preserved, the process of its workpiece is simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the cost of a bar.
  3. Convenience I. high speed assembly at home. Specialized technique does not need a specialized technique for laying an unpainted timber. Installation work under the power to carry out carpenters 3-4 discharge. Moreover, the house assembly 6 * 6 m is produced in less than one week.

Disadvantages of houses built from a solid bar

  1. The need for finishing works or planing. The best is a blocking by a block house or trampling. In addition, it will be necessary to cut an excess jute after a natural drying and shrinkage at home.
  2. The inconsistency of the non-public cluster is the requirements of GOST (concerns the smoke of the spike and the size of the across the cross section). As a result of the differences in the placement of the crowns can reach 5 mm, and the seams may be at different heights. The only way to minimize such problems is to acquire a whole high-quality bar. In this case, the cost of solid material is as close as possible to the price of a profiled bar.
  3. Defeat of fungi. In the process of the workpiece, the material is not subjected to special drying, which significantly increases the risk of wood damage to fungus. To date, more than 15% of the non-public (solid) timber have this flaw. In this case, antiseptic processing is required, as a result of which the fungus is destroyed and the prevention of its appearance is again. However, this event significantly increases the cost of products.
  4. Imperfect appearance. In comparison with the profiled analogue, a solid timber has a less attractive appearance. After planing of the walls, the seams and the insulation between the crowns may be noticeable.
  5. Corner connections are made without departures.
  6. Cracking material. As a result of drying and shrinkage of walls, noticeable cracks arise, which spoil the aesthetics of the house. The solution to the problem becomes the external finish of the structure.
  7. Motableness of interventic seams. If there are no spikes and groove when assembling the walls, the house will be worse than maintaining heat.

This type of material has clearly specified parameters. It is presented in the form of landing agent with spikes and grooves, there are also vertical propuls, which significantly simplifies the installation. The production log cuts up with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The use of a profiled bar in the construction of houses allows to obtain the structure without cracks, which means that the risk of moisture is reduced inside the design and rotting of wood.

In addition, the house made of profiled lumber is very warm, which minimizes the use of the insulation. It is worth noting the unsurpassed appearance. Such a timber has smooth and smooth walls, does not need finish. But there is a profiled bar and weaknesses. It should be well succeeded, otherwise there is a risk that the house has "behave". His humidity is about 10%. For drying sawn timber, significant areas are required, and the content of such areas is reflected in the cost of the final product.

Advantages of profiled bar

  1. Unrivaled appearance. The use of this material allows you to build a house with perfectly smooth walls. This eliminates the need for additional external decoration of the structure.
  2. Connections are made with departures (in the bowl). Since the compounds are created in the factory conditions, they are obtained even and high strength, which ensures high reliability design and uniform shrinkage during operation.
  3. There are more dense compounds between the crowns and in the corners, which significantly increases the heat engineering characteristics of the structure and provides minimal purity.
  4. There is no need to trim the jute, do not need to pure the house. Exception can only be end and angular connections.
  1. The need for technological interruption during the construction of the house. It is caused by the fact that the material should dry. After assembling the design, the house should "stand out" 10-12 months, after which you can move to finishing work.

Cracking material. The profiled sawn timber, like other types of timber, is made from a solid wood massif, which inevitably entails the appearance of cracks.

  • Glued bar

Today enjoy the greatest popularity. This material made of pine, larch, ate or cedar is manufactured. The log is cut on the boards, after which they are drying. Next, the lamella are processed by protective compositions and glued together. In one bar can be from 2 to 5 lamellas. The shape of the elements is cut with maximum accuracy. As a result, a high-quality durable material is obtained, whose shrinkage is less than 1%.


  1. The material is not susceptible to cracking.
  2. There is no need for finishing and additional processing.
  3. Minimum shrinkage and risk that the design "will behave."
  4. The optimal humidity of the glued bar will exclude the risk of rotting and lesion by microorganisms.
  5. Due to high strength, this sawn timber can be applied in the implementation of high-complexity projects.


  1. Relatively high cost (2-3 times more expensive than unselected lumber).
  2. The use in the production of glue reduces the degree of its environmental friendliness in comparison with a log or profiled timber.
  3. The presence of adhesive worsens air exchange and moisture circulation.

The glued bar is the best choice for the "fast" construction. On the finished foundation, you can build a house in just 5-6 weeks.