Repairs Design Furniture

Nodes of a wooden rafting system. Principles for fastening the assemblies of the rafter system. Stropil farms for different types of roofs

Is it possible to allocate some main part in the roof? It is unlikely that it will turn out, since here each element performs its function. For example, rafters are a part of the roof having a skate that can be called a frame. It is on them that the roofing material will be laid, other elements will be mounted. It is from how the solid system is collected and installed will depend on the final form of the roof. But if the work on the creation of the roof is performed independently, how to fix rafters? In fact, this is a rather complicated stage of work, and even the strength and reliability, and even the geometric correctness of the roof will depend.

The rafting system is a roof frame with rods, assembled from directly the rafter feet themselves, as well as Maurolalat and the skate bar. Mauerlat is a reference timber, which is located around the perimeter of the upper part of the walls of the house, and the skiing wheel is installed directly at the top of the roof in the place where the connection of two opposing rafting legs at an angle occurs.

The design of the rafter system is an important task, during which you have to correctly calculate the wind and snow loads, which will be on the roof, and also take into account other parameters. The first indicators will depend on the climatic region the object will be located. Further, based on the data obtained, the thickness of the home walls (carriers) is calculated, as well as the quality and type of material for the roof itself, the angle of inclination of its skates is calculated and other points.

Attention! The shortcomings and errors made in design may adversely affect the quality of the roof. In some cases, they can lead to a rapid collapse or destruction of the roof.

The construction of the rafter system may include rafters themselves, screeds that will be located between them, runs, additional supports are the so-called subcording legs - and other elements. The collected rafting system is usually based on the same Mauerlat or on the beams of overlapping. Mauerlat helps evenly distribute the load throughout the perimeter of the walls. This is the main difference in this method of fastening. If you fix the rafter system on the beams of overlaps, that is, without the installation of Mauerlat, the main load will be on the attachment points, and not distributed evenly on all walls.

On a note! The last case is not an option if the walls are made of bricks, which will begin to collapse over time in places that test the maximum load. But for a wooden log cabin, this method is quite suitable.

Table. The dependence of the cross section of the rafter feet from their length and step.

Step, cm / length, cm300 350 400 450 500 550 600
60 4x154x17.55x155x155x17.55x205x20
90 5x155x17.55x207.5x17.57.5x17.57.5x207.5x20
110 7.5x12.57.5x157.5x17.57.5x17.57.5x207.5x2010x20
140 7.5x157.5x17.57.5x207.5x207.5x2010x2010x20
175 10x157.5x207.5x2010x2010x2010x2510x25
215 10x1510x17.510x2010x2010x2510x25-

At the beginning of the planning of the attic roof, the rafters system is selected, which performs the role of the reference structure. The required type of rafter system is determined based on the roof type.

Depending on the selected system, it can be wooden bars used as a roofing frame, which restrain the composite building materials of the entire design, or specific elements that create supports called rapid legs. Before starting work, wooden components are impregnated with special compositions that protect the roof from ignition and rotting. The durability of the roof depends on the quality of the implementation of this procedure.

Varieties of rafter systems and the device of their nodes

The rafter system is divided into two main types: Current and. Since the compound nodes in each of the systems have different characteristics, a certain type of rafters is selected, based on the properties of the preferred roof, including its architectural features.

The main factors when choosing the desired type of system:

  • the overall functionality of the roof;
  • pressure power of roofing materials for construction;
  • the prevalence and frequency of atmospheric precipitation in the territory where the house is located.

The hanging type has no supports located in the intervals. For this reason, a reinforced space occurs, transmitted to the walls of the structure horizontally. To reduce this indicator, the support node is introduced a protracted element of wood or metal designed to combine the rafter feet. Thus, the knots of hanging rafters acquire the shape of the triangle. The protracted element is placed at the bottom of the legs, it performs the function of the crossbar (most often used in the bartal structures of the roof) and runs on bending and compression. From the height of the protracted element depends the connection strength with the base of the supports.

The urban type of rafter is often placed in buildings, where there is a central support column or carrier wall. The rafters rests on the limbs in the sides of the construction, and the central part falls on the column or another support inside the house. Such a design unit is designed for flexible functioning. Curvas supports create a smaller load on the components of the construction, so their installation is not so time-consuming, as in the case of hanging rafyles. In addition, it does not require large material expenses.

There are also options for arranging the roofs that combine both types of rafters. In this case, each type alternates, that is, zones without bearing walls are equipped with hanging rafters, and areas with the necessary supports - ulissions.

Competent arrangement of the rafter system

The main factor in the high strength of the roof in the future building is the competent arrangement of all nodes and reference points.

In the case of urban rafters for the attic roof, no less than 3 reference points are assumed. This value may change if the magnitude of the span exceeds the standard norms. For example, if the magnitude of the span is not more than 10 m, only one additional support will be required.

The hitch of hanging support is assembled based on the size of the span.On small spans, the protracted element is most often replaced by the rigle. At large sizes of the span, the protracted elements are saved, and the supports go bending.

Thus, the hits of the hanging type can have the following differences in the size of the span:

Figure 1. Mauserat device diagram.

  1. 9 m. Supports must be kept with a wooden bar installed perpendicular to the attic floor. In the base area, it is strengthened with brackets, and the protracted elements are attached to special clamps.
  2. 13 m. Fasteners are carried out with the help of a pump, which the top rests on the base, and the lower part in the perpendicular bar. The interval between supports should not be more than 5.5 m.
  3. 17 m. The basis must be increased by special devices. For the tops, a shpregel structure is used: the protracted elements are attached to two wooden bars, and the riglel is mounted between them.

Methods of fastening nodes

Regardless of whether the existing rafter system is required or its erection from scratch, it is necessary to comply with a specific set of rules when fastening its nodes.

First of all, the simplest fastener of the crossbar and the base of the support should be avoided, as this can have a devastating effect on the entire roofing system.

Figure 2. Fastening the rafting leg to Mauerlat.

In other words, from the load created by building materials or atmospheric precipitates, the ends of the supports are scorpped, and the soling system is damaged. This leads to its full collapse. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to increase the reliability of these nodes. This is achieved with the following types of fixtures:

  • teeth in spike;
  • teeth focus;
  • focus on the end of the crossbar.

Depending on the slope, you can use one or two teeth. To increase the reliability of the connection, you can create an additional fastener with a metal corner.

Fastening nodes of roofing crate

The main assemblies of the attachment of the rafter system are:

  • beam;
  • mauerlat;
  • sking.

Boy knot fastening

Figure 3. Scheme of the skate connection of the rafter system.

In the rafter foot, the teeth are created in the spike, and the socket is cut in the crossbar, which corresponds to the cut-off tooths. In this case, the nest must occupy no more than 30% of the entire thickness of the crossbar.

If there is lightweight materials when building a roof, and its bias is less than 35 °, the bases of the supports are placed so that their area of \u200b\u200bthe stop is significantly more beam. This can be achieved by applying the insert with two teeth of 2 spikes, focusing (using or without spike), as well as two spikes in the lock.

System nodes are attached to either methms with metal corners, or wood bars, lining and spikes.

Mauerlat attachment knot

There are 2 technologies of Mauerlat fasteners supports: hard and sliding (Fig. 1).

In the first case, a strong connection is established between the rafters and Mauerlat without the possibility of slipping, deflection and popping. This is achieved by placing special corners with a support bar. The formed node must be made by reliable wire with hardware. Nails are clogged under a certain inclination in the side so that in Mauerlate they are in crossed state. The last nail is nailed vertically. This method is the most popular.

In the second case, the mount is carried out using a special mechanism that allows a specific element (in this case, the rafter moves in the desired direction (Fig. 2).

To create such a compound, you will need to perform inserts on the supports, and then lay them on Maurylalat. As in the previous case, both parts of the node are fixed using two crossed nails and one vertical from above. Mauerlata boards are fixed with metal brackets. After that, the support base is released over the wall and fastens with the help of plates and sled. Thus, the emphasis goes to Mauerlat, but all components of the rafter system can move in permissible limits.

This method is most often used in the construction of a roofing system of wooden buildings (logs, log houses), which is characterized by sedimentation. It is worth remembering that when hardly fastened is the likelihood of damage to the walls of the structure.

Skown fastening assembly

Such a node can be created by two methods: jack and braziness (Fig. 3).

The first method implies pruning the tops of the supports under the same tilt as the roof angle. They are drunk in opposite supports, which also need to be cut. The mount is created using two nails (150 mm), clogged from above at a certain angle, so that they are properly located inside each rafter. To increase the reliability of the seams between the supports are sealed with wooden plates or metal plates.

The second method is the most popular. From the first method, its docking method is distinguished. At the same time, supports are connected by non-ends, but by side parts, after which they are fixed on the bolts.

December 12, 2017
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

Any roof is daily subjected to various loads, as the wind acts on it, precipitation, and it also holds roofing. In order for all these loads, the roof could cope for many decades, it must be properly constructed. Therefore, all those who wish to do construction on their own, I recommend to understand which parts and nodes of the rafter system exist, and what function they perform.

Elements of carcass

All parts of the rafter systems can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Basic. These parts form a roof frame, referred to as the rafting system. Without them, no roof is required;
  • Additional. This group includes elements that in some types of roofs may be present, while others do without them. The task of additional elements is to increase rigidity and carcass strength.

Main nodes

So, the following elements include the main nodes and details of the rafter system:

  • Mauerlat.. This can be said, the basis of all roofing systems, as rafting legs are based on Mauerlat. The design of it is extremely simple, in fact, it is an ordinary bar (log in log houses), laid around the perimeter of the walls. Its task is to evenly distribute the load from the roof on the wall walls.

It must be said that the dupping roof Mauarelast can be placed not around the perimeter, but only on the side walls, since the front walls are located, representing the continuation of the wall;

  • Stropile legs (hereinafter CH), or just rafters.These parts are the bearing element forming the skate and its angle of inclination. They perceive the wind and snow load, as well as the weight of the roofing material, and are transmitted to walls through Mauerlat and other elements.

Rafters are side (basic) diagonal (installed at the junction of hollow roofs) and shortened (rely on Mauerlat diagonal rafters);

  • Stropil farms.They are formed by pair (response) rafting legs. It must be said that the rafting farms are present in all pitched roofs except for one-sided, as they do not have response rafters;
  • Skown knot.Is the top of the rafter farm, i.e. formed by the joint of two CH. The ski knot, like the farm themselves, is missing only in single-sided roofs.

That's all the main nodes of wooden roofing structures that form them.


Additional details include:

  • Run. This is a horizontal beam that binds all the CH within one slope;
  • Skown run. It is the same horizontal beam as the usual run, but which passes in the skate node, i.e. Connects at the same time two legs of each farm.

It must be said that the ski run can be installed in several ways - above the shock of the rafter, in the center of the joint, i.e. Legs are based on a run, or under rafters;

  • Tightening (Rigel, Fight).It is a beam that connects two retaliatory legs without letting them get torn. It can be said that the tightening removes the spacer load from the bearing walls;

  • Supports. Can sign rafters, all types of runs or tightening. Supports transmit the load on the inner walls of the building, columns or overlap;
  • Trucks (subcording legs).There are inclined supports that the same feature is imposed as the vertical racks. The only one, they reflect only legs, i.e. are one of the elements of wooden farms. Substropical legs transmit the load on the bearing elements of the building, or onto the overlap;
  • Fakes. These elements form a ride of the skate in the event that the CH does not go beyond the walls. In essence, they extend CH, i.e. are their continuation.

That's all the elements from which the frames of the pitched roofs are.

A few words about the types of systems

So, we dealt with the nodes, now let's look at the main types of rafting structures. There are several of them:

  • Single-car. As I said, these designs do not have farms. The angle of the skate is formed due to the different height of the walls, which are stacked, or due to the run, which is stacked on the racks installed on one of the walls;

  • Divaenasone. Cover rafters are called rafters that are supported by racks or pins, transmitting the load on the internal bearing elements of the building. The framework of such structures is formed only by farms, i.e. They do not have diagonal feet.

  • Double hanging. Hanging rafters from the wissions are distinguished by the fact that they transmit all the load from the roof only on the outer walls;

  • Walm. Unlike bounce, on the ends, instead of vertical frontones have inclined hips, i.e. Endhotes. As I said, the hips form diagonal and short legs;

  • Broken.They are a double design, each CH which is divided into two parts and is located at different angles. Skate, i.e. The upper legs form a gentle slope, and the bottom - cool. This design allows you to increase the attic space, as a result of which it can be used as an additional floor.

Typical broken (attic) systems have racks that are based on the upper and lower CH. Response racks are associated with tightening (attic beams of overlapping).

There are still half-gantry structures that are essentially the usual hanging systems of a two-tie roof. The only one, their mounting with Mauerlat is usually made by sliding (movable), which makes it possible to increase the deflection of CH, and thereby reduce the spacer on the walls.

Despite the fact that the designs and all of the above systems are different, they consist of the same parts with which we have already become familiar with.

Finally, fasteners

Finally, I propose to consider how the main nodes are connected such as:

  • Raftered / Maurylalat;
  • Skown knot.

The rest of the details do not deserve special attention, since their dosples most often occurs by the pair of pairing sites (to increase the area of \u200b\u200bfitting the parts) and steel plastic lining / corners that are fixed with screws. Sometimes the fasteners are not even used, i.e. Details are attached to each other with screws without any linings.

Connection of rafters and Mauerlat

The foot attachment assembly and mauelalat can be made in several ways:

  • Using groin. In this case, the grooves in which the CH are inserted under Mauerlat. It is then additionally attached to Mauerlat from two sides by a steel corner;

  • Tooth and spike. This method is usually used for fastening CH to tighten. The principle of it is based on the fact that in the end of the soaked pulled by the spike, and in the tightness - the groove. In addition, the leg itself rests on the so-called tooth, i.e. The protrack ledger that assumes the spacer load.

It must be said that recently the fastening of the type of tooth with a spike is rarely applied, since it is much easier to use special fasteners, the same corners and plates;

  • By marking. In this case, sn ished so that a straight angle formed at the junction with Mauerlat, as a result of which the rafter does not only fall on the bar, but also rests on its side surface, thus transmitting the spacer load. I must say that instead of driving, you can fix the bar, as shown in the diagram below.

Connection of rafters and skate run

CH connection and run can be performed as follows:

  • With the help of the groove.Two responses are performed in CH, with the result that, after the joint, the sling is formed under the ski run;
  • Tough pinching. The principle is based on the runway and above it are sets;

  • By drowned. This is the easiest and most common way, the principle of which is based on the shut-down CH for maximum adjacent to the beam. In this case, fixation is carried out by a steel corner.

Here, perhaps, all the main nuances of the assembly of rafter systems.


With you, we figured out which details there are rafting systems, which species they are and how the main elements are composed. If some moments I missed or something not clear to you - write comments, and I will gladly answer your questions.

December 12, 2017

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The rolling line system is a construction used in the construction of roofs of buildings with intermediate carrier walls, support pillars or columns. It relies not only on the walls outside, but also on the inner central support (in some cases - two).

If we talk about the use, then the sputum rafters are the most common for residential private houses, which, as a rule, have internal wall-partition walls.

Composite elements of the sleeve system: two rafting legs, the lower edges of which are based on and fixed on the outer walls (Mauerlat), and the upper - on the horizontal skate run. The run, in turn, is held by vertical racks, overwhelmed into the intermediate wall.

This is the classic scheme of the device of the slotted system, suitable for a double roof. The same rules are traced from a single-table roof, but with other realization. The rafters included in the rapid system are laid with a support for opposing bearing walls (it turns out that only two supports). The inner partition is not needed here. In fact, its function performs a higher wall.

To increase the carrying capacity of the rafter design, the system is introduced into the system. Their presence allows you to increase the length of the overlapping spans.

For single-sided roofs, it is possible to use utility rafters without the introduction of subposters during flights up to 4.5 m. The presence of a row increases this possible length up to 6 m. A similar tendency is traced with double-circuit roofs. A two-sheet design with one intermediate support is used for spans up to 9 m. The installation of the pylon increases the maximum length of the span of up to 10 m. A combination of tacks with a fight (horizontal beam connecting a pair of rafter legs) - up to 14 m.

There are several options for the implementation of urban systems, among which are distinguished by faithful and spacer structures with additional supporting pins, fights, substropyle beams.

Consider the main designs of the spelling rafters.

Furgeless rafters without a subpatch

This type of revolving rafters does not allow space on the outer walls. Leveling of sawing loads occurs, due to the special combination of fasteners. One edge of the rafter is always fixed rigidly, and the second is on the sliding support. This gives the lack of space.

The rigid mount may mean that the node is fixed, but a turn of the beam in the hinge (one degree of freedom) is allowed. There is also a rigid pinching of the rafting beam, in which any displacement is impossible (zero degree of freedom).

More freedom gives a sliding mount, which allows the rafter foot not only to rotate, but also shift horizontally (two degrees of freedom).

The faded design is characterized by the fact that it is always present in it, and the sliding mount. Due to this, under the influence of the load, the rafters bend, without transmitting space on the walls.

Solid Foot Fastening Options

The bottom of the rafyrene is fixed tightly, the top is free (sliding support)

The lower edge of the rafter is fixed hard to Mauerlat (one degree of freedom), by writing tooth. In another case, it is applied with a fixation of the reference bar.

At the upper end of the rafter make horizontal cutting with a bevel. If the word is impossible, the edge of the rafter leg is laid from the bottom of the trimming of the beam and fastened on both sides by mounting plates. Fastening the upper edge of the rafyrene to the run is performed by the type of sliding support. At the same time, the opposite rafylics are stacked alternately, without bonding among themselves. Therefore, the bartal roof, made according to this scheme, can be perceived as two single-sided roofs adjacent to each other.

The complexity of the scheme is that any error in the sale of the skate assembly turns the faucet design to the spacer. Therefore, this option is rarely used for double-circuit roofs, more often - for single one.

The bottom of the rafting legs is fixed free, the top is rigid

The most common scheme for private houses.

The lower edge of the rafyroids is fixed to the Mauerlat on the slider (metal bracket), so that it can move and bend under load. So that Stropilin could not "leave" in the lateral direction, on both sides it is fixed with metal corners or bars.

The top of the rafter feet is fixed on a hinge with a rotation tolerance (one degree of freedom). In this case, the skate assemblies of the sling of this type are performed as follows: the edges of the stringlin are closed between themselves and are connected by a bolt or nails. Or they are allowed pre-cut at the angle of the ends, and then bind them with metal or wooden linings.

The bottom of the rafter fastened freely, the top - tightly pinch

This scheme differs from the previous one that the connection of the rafter in the skate node is performed with a rigid pinch. The rafted ends will be relying in each other, and then bind them between themselves and the skate run by two lifts. It turns out a knot with pinching.

The bottom of the rafting legs are combined with Mauerlat freely, on the slider.

This option of fasteners is distinguished by an increased bearing capacity that allows it to apply it in regions with high levels of snow precipitation.

Methods for increasing the stability of faithful systems

All three discussed rafter systems show themselves as stable with uneven loads only in the case of rigid fixation of the skate run. That is, when its ends are removed on the fronttones or support additional savory rafters.

If the ski run relies only on the rack, the roof may lose stability. In the second and third versions considered by the second and third options, the top is rigidly fixed) with an increase in the load on one of the rods, the roof will be shifted towards the increased load. The first option will retain the form, but only with perfect vertical racks (under the run).

In order to, despite the non-rigid fixation of the run and uneven loads, the system of rafted the utility remained stable, it is complemented by a horizontal battle. The fight is a beam, usually with the same cross section as the rafted.

It fastens with rafters with nails or bolts. Crossing battles and racks is fixed with nailting. The fake work can be described as an emergency. In the case of uneven large load on the rods, the fight is included in the work and protects the system from skew.

You can strengthen the system with a rigidly fixed top and free bottom (second and third options) using a small transformation of the lower node. Stropile legs are removed over the edge of the walls. At the same time, the mount itself remains sliding, by type of slider.

Another option to increase stability is a rigid attachment of the racks, which hold the horizontal skate run. To do this, they are driving them into a litter and fixed to overlaps, for example, using overlays from boards or bars.

Speed \u200b\u200brafters without pins

In this case, the rafters are based on the bearing walls and transmit to them. Therefore, such systems cannot be used for houses, the walls are built from aerated concrete. Aerated concrete blocks do not completely oppose bending and destroyed when spacer loads. And other materials, such as brick or concrete panels, easily withstand such loads and are not deformed.

The spacer system rafters requires the presence of a rigidly fixed Mauerlat. Moreover, to withstand the space, the strength of the walls should be high. Or on the top of the walls there should be an indisputable reinforced concrete belt.

For spacer rafters, they use the same to be addressed above for infection systems, fastening options. But with one nuance: all available sliding mounts (sliders) are replaced with the progress with the possibility of rotation. To do this, to the bottom of the rafter nourish the support barrel or make a tooth in the Maurylalat. The hinge fastening in the skate node is performed by imposing rafters on each other and covering them with nailting or bolt.

Specific design is a common average between the urban faded and hanging systems. The ski run in them is still used, but it no longer plays a significant role. After all, the rafters are drunk by the lower edges into the walls, and the upper edges are each other. When drawdring the walls or deflection of the skate run under its own weight, the run stops working at all. In essence, such rafters become hanging.

To increase the stability of the system, the fight is turned on, which works on compression. It is partially, although to a small extent, removes the stretch on the walls. In order for the fight to remove the standby completely, it must connect the lower edges of the rafter feet. But then it will not be a fight, but tightening.

Also reduces the retrieval installation of a rigidly fixed skate run.

Rafters with sinks

Such systems can be arranged both by spacers and infection schemes. Their difference from the already considered options consists in the presence of a third supporting part under the rafter foot - a pan (subcupile foot).

The pump changes the system. Stropilina from a single-break beam turns into a two-spoilet intense. This allows you to increase the overlap span, up to 14 m. And also - reduce the cross section of the rafted.

The pan is connected to the rafter so as to prevent its displacement. This is done as follows: the subproof is harvested under the rafter and fixed with wooden linings on the sides and below.

Cover system with substropyle beams

This design of the rifle sling is suitable for buildings with two longitudinal carriding walls or intermediate transverse walls. The racks in this case are not under the skate, but under rafyles. The skunk run is absent.

Stropyl feet in the scheme are based on two substropyl beams (through runs), which, in turn, are laid along the roofs and rest on the vertical racks. Racks are fixed to the bearing intermediate walls through the ice.

Through runs can not be included in the circuit. Then the racks will have to be lifted directly under each line and fix with a tightening nailing battle.

From above, the rafter feet are connected between themselves and bind overlaid from metal or wood on both sides.

The absence of the skate run automatically means that the rafting system forms the standby. To neutralize it in the affected version of the system, the tightening is fixed below through runs. With loads, it will stretch and eliminate the unwanted space. To preserve stability in the system, the fight is used, fixed in the bottom of the storage foot. Also from folding the design will be removed by special boards that secure the crosswise between the racks.

In the spacer system, the battle is set to the above-cuts. Then the fight under load will be shred and, in fact, will turn into a rigl.

Installation of racks under rare legs or end-to-end runs (and the lack of central racks!) It makes it possible to use spacious rafters of this type for a device of spacious attic room. Other schemes are suitable only for attic rooms and attic with partitions.

Key points of installation of revolving rafters

Having in the hands of the calculated scheme of the device, you can start the installation of the solo system. The installation is performed in several stages, the main ones are:

1. At the top of the outer walls, Mauerlat is placed - a board or bar. To prevent the posting of Mauerlat, there is a waterproofing material between it and the wall - runner, only, etc.

2. At the top of the intermediate wall laid a liter, which is necessary for attaching vertical racks.

3. On the license, the racks are fixed with a step of 3-6m.

4. From above, on the racks, the skated run is installed.

5. Exhibit rafters in increments of 0.6-1.2 m. From the bottom of the slinging foot is attached to Mauerlat in accordance with the selected mounting scheme (on the hinge or on the slider). From above, rafter legs are either laid out separately on the ski run, or connect the upper edges between themselves, painting onto the horse.

6. If the scheme provides, the rafting legs are connected by horizontal fights.

7. Again, at the request of the scheme, the pitchpiece, support elements.

Performing work on the installation of the rafter cannot be allowed to be allowed. It should be remembered that the rafting system is a roof frame that must withstand all possible loads. Incorrectly calculated or mounted system can easily lead to distortion and even destruction of the whole roof.

The rafted is the most essential part of the roofing skeleton. The legs of the rafter transmit to the rear to Maurylalat and carrying walls of the house. What is the quality of the entire rafting system and the roof in general depend on? Experts remind that the reliability of any roofing structure will depend, first of all, from the quality of fastening rafters to Mauerlat. What principles and the features of this process should know every beginner builder and how to attach rafters to Mauerlata with their own hands, you will learn right now.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat: Some "Matchy"

To begin with, we suggest to consider the illustration on which two types of rafter systems are shown:

The place of attachment of the rafter foot with the basis is called a support node. There are many such nodes in the system, but we will touch in detail the lower fasteners of the frame with rafters. Maurylalat and rafting legs are almost always made of wood, less often - from metal. The tree is more profitable and more convenient, since this material is easy by weight, easy to install and durable with proper installation and operation.

Types of support nodes in hardness

Support nodes - places in which rafters is attached to the roof elements:

In the case of iron connections, nodes are fixed, rigid (welding or bolts). Tree - material is softer and dynamic, which can swell, dispel and deform. In this regard, experts recommend to perform support nodes with amendment for possible changes in wood shape. Such nodes may have different modifications:

  • Node zero mobility - Hard mounting with corners on both sides, in which the mounting of the rafter to Mauerlat remains fixed.
  • The first degree of mobility - The beam can rotate in a circle.
  • Compound of the second degree of mobility - Circular rotation with displacement, it is planned to establish special slides or sleds.
  • Mobile connection of the third degree - The possibility of horizontal, vertical and circular motion.

For any node, whether it is mobile, or not, should be applied at least two types of fixation. For example, the cutting strips are additionally fixed from the inside using the support bar, and the dynamic connections are reinforced with bolts and special steel corners.

On the types of fasteners of Stropilin to the base

Let's talk about modern fasteners. For the strength and durability of the support nodes, a variety of metal fasteners are used: beam holders, equilateral, fastening, anchor, reinforced corners, plates, supports, profiles, connectors, anchor, etc. All these parts are made of high-quality metal. For dynamic nodes (1.2 and 3 types), sliders, corners and perforated plates are used. Stationary connectors, anchor and corners are used for rigid mounting.

Such fasteners for the rafter system are used most often:

For self-installation, more than others, suitable perforated mounts, as they have a lot of holes for self-tapping and bolts.

Hard or moving connections: what to choose

So, we noted that the support nodes connecting Mauerlat with boards can be of varying degrees of mobility: from "0" to "3". The zero degree is hard attachments that exclude any changes in the location of the beams.

Hard connections: when they are needed

Mauerlat is installed when it is necessary to transfer the spacer from the rafted the bearing walls. This is done mainly in brick houses, panels and blocks. The deformation and drying of the roof in this case are trying to exclude in order to prevent changes to the load on the supporting walls. Here, there is a need for a fixed connection of the rafter system with Mauerlat.

Still units fixed with

Many experts recommend to do the appropriately forged in the place of attachment rafters to the beams of overlapping for greater strength and motionlessness of the connecting nodes. These marbles must be tightly shied with Mauerlat. Additionally, such nodes are strengthened by bolts, anchors and metal plates:

Or long screws:

And one more important point: the size of the cluster should not exceed 1/3 of its cross section. Otherwise, the rafter system can lose its carrier abilities:

Hard knots without cutting rafters

The method of attachment using a stroke bar is used in the revolving rafaling systems. The rafaline is cut through the template and mounted (to make the roof of the desired slope) at the place of fit to Mauerlat. From the inside, such rafters are amplified by the supporting bars and are strengthened with corners from two sides to the framework of the base:

Another option is not butt knot - the rigid fastening of the rafter, enhanced with bars-overlays on both sides. Two boards long at least meter bore each rafter foot. One end of such supports is cut at an angle, which corresponds to the inclustion of the roof of the roof (including stringlin). Boards are attached to a cut to Mauerlat with long bolts and reinforced steel corners. The bars are attached to the places in advance, first one by one. Then close to the lining on one side are mounted by the rafters themselves, which are immediately strengthened by the same lining on the other hand. There is an option to install two bars of lining at once, and after, rafted, but this method is used less often, as it requires more accurate calculations.

When do you need to make moving connections?

So we approached the dynamic support nodes - connections that can change their position. What is it for? Remember the physical properties of materials - many of them give a dewin or swelling. First of all, it concerns buildings from pure tree - timber, cutting, etc. Natural wood necessarily gives shrinkage, thanks to which your roof can not only be deformed, but also to collapse thoroughly. To avoid such fatal consequences, the masters are recommended to perform sling fastening of rafting legs with Mauerlat (or the top crown of the cut).

Mandatory condition when installing sliding nodes - the support of the rafter frame on the durable skate bar. Since the reference bottom nodes are dynamic, then the maximum stiffness should be achieved on the rod of the roof. The upper edges of the rafter are peeled for a dense compound between themselves and the skate bar, are connected and amplified by the bribers, metal ribbons, plates and corners. It is better to connect with a crown of a log that has already been fixed in a skate.

What is a sliding fastening?

The moving connection is performed using the establishment of sliding fasteners, called "Salazks" or "Cleans". Such a node provides for a certain freedom of rafter feet, which allows preventing the deformation of the roofing system after the natural shrinkage of wooden buildings:

Here are what kinds of sliding supports are:

Does Li poked on rafters if a house from a bar: an alternative expert opinion

I suggest stuffing, but not rafters, but the upper crown. Firstly, in this case, the risk of curvature of the rafter is reduced, and secondly, the "cold bridge" decreases, in the third, the tangent pressure on the Maurylalat (the top bar of the church) and fourth is simplified - the insulation of the roof is simplified. The lack of such a method - when writing the upper crown of the beam, the height of the skate decreases, so if the ceiling height is planned to raise, should be provided for 1 crown more. But! Such schemes are suitable only for houses made of wood, since Mauerlat must be integer in brick and concrete buildings to keep carrier quality.

How to secure rafters to beams?

In simple homes, mostly framework, Maurylalat can be abolished. In this case, the rafters are attached to the beams of overlapping. The most reliable version of the assembly of such a system is the preparation of rafting farms. Each farm consists of two rafting legs, connecting rigleel and lower tightening. For the strength of the farm amplify by central beams and pins:

Overlapping beams are stacked in this direction so that the rafter farms crossed them perpendicular to different planes. The tightening performs the main bearing functions, is attached to the beams of overlapping by anchors, through bolts, heels and amplified by plates and metal corners.

You can fasten the rafter legs directly to the beam, which will additionally perform the tightening features. To create high-quality support nodes in such a system, two ways are recommended:

  1. The connection of the rafted with a beam double tooth - the washed from the beam and the sink of the rafter foot (two butt discharge on each).
  2. Bolt mount and clamp. A through fastening can be provided, but if the boards have a large cross section, there are no lives and parts are connected by long bolts.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat: phased description

For example, we describe the process of hard fastening of the compounds of the rafted to Mauerlat on a simple double roof.

I. Preparation of Mauerlat and rafters for work

At this stage, it is necessary to cut the rafting legs of the predetermined length and make marking their steps based on. The optimal length of the stroke feet step is 60-200 cm. You should also define the angle of inclination of the rafter.

Master class on the installation of Mauerlat:

II. The creation of washed

We perform on each rafter foot for a dense compound with the base. To enhance the strength, it is possible to provide additional bubbling on the frame or rafyroid and install a stubborn timber under each rafter foot.

III. Setting rafters on Mauerlat

It is necessary to put the rafyroids in order not to damage the remaining elements of the building (windows, walls, etc.). We bring the board with a cut on the beams and lay them on the ski bar. First, we set the extreme rafting legs, between which you need to stretch the thread to align all the other rafalines.

IV. Fastening of each rafted to Mauerlat

Now that all farms are installed in their place, you need to firmly fix the support nodes. We use for this some of the proposed mounts:

  • Nails + Steel corners along the left and right side of the junctions between the board and the base.
  • Through bolts or studs + Support timber under shropiline.
  • Anchor or bolts + corners or steel plates, etc.

Two overhead boards on both sides of the plumbing legs installed on the pre-placed places of Mauerlat will help strengthen the mount. You can also use a wire mount as a compound strength amplifier. To do this, you need to prepare a steel wire twist of 2-3 wires. Its lengths should be enough to accuse the rafter foot at the place of the joint with Mauerlat and fixing the ends of the twist on the metal crutch. As a crutch, you can take a long steel bolt, which is mounted in the wall by 30-40 cm below the Maurolat, strictly under the support node.

We will also consider one of the grandfathers - fastening with brackets:

And in conclusion we offer watch a video:

What is the secret of the quality of the rafter system: the three main rules of the Master

  • High-quality sawn timber - half of the way to successful construction. Mauerlat and rafters should not have cracks, wormochin and bitch.
  • Accuracy of measurements, marked and uniformity of the position of the attachments is no less important. If all the rafter legs of the same length and section, then it is better to prepare a pattern to perform cuts and scubons.
  • Drinking on Mauerlat - loss of bearing base functions by 50% and higher. The percentage of reduction of strength depends on the depth of the back.

When the rafting system is ready, it comes a queue of installation of crates, insulation and flooring roofing material. But this is another interesting topic that we will definitely tell in the next article. In the meantime, we wish you good-quality materials, easy work and good helpers!