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Cotton: species and peculiarities. How to grow cotton sending to kip cotton on warehouses of finished products

And other products. But not everyone represents what the cotton looks like, of which the cotton is, how grown it, where the cotton grows, how they are cleaned, how to use cotton and what makes cotton. Let's try to answer all these questions.

Today, cotton is the most important vegetable fiber used in the textile industry around the world (50-60% of the total volume).

Cotton - fibers covering cotton seeds. Cotton fibers consist of cellulose by 95%, as well as 5% of fats and minerals. More than 50 cotton varieties are known, but only 4 of them are cultivated:

  • Gossypium Hirsutum - the annual herbaceous cotton, the northernmost, gives a short and coarse fiber;
  • Gossypium Arboreum - Indochinese tree-shaped cotton, highest to 4-6 m;
  • Gossypium Barbadense - Elite Long Blowed Cotton With Islands, Barbados or Peruvian;
  • Gossypium Herbaceum is an ordinary cotton, the most common.
Cotton is not picky, but requires a long time with warm temperatures without frosts. That is why it is successfully grown in tropical and subtropical belts of the northern and southern hemispheres.

The main suppliers of cotton for many years have been the USA, China, India, Pakistan, Brazil, although it is grown in 80 countries.

How else do cotton grow?

Before the plant gives soft fiber several stages:
  1. The formation of the kidney, from which the flower will grow over time.
  2. Flower and his pollination. After pollination, the yellow flower turns into a purple-pink, which falls out after a few days, leaving the fruit in its place (seed box). The flower self-polls that does not bind the process of cotton production to the presence of insect pollinkers.
  3. The growth of the seed box and the formation of cotton fibers. Fibers begin to grow only after pollination. The box grow up, burst released cotton fibers.

Cotton grows in a specialty and indefinite stage of maturation. This means that at the same time on one plant is a kidney and flower, and a polished flower, and a seed box. Because cotton harvest requires constant control:
  • the number of seed boxes is tracked;
  • after opening boxes by 80%, cotton is processed to accelerate maturation;
  • the collection begins after opening boxes by 95%.
In the process of growth, cotton is treated with a defoliant, which accelerates leaves falling, which facilitates the collection of cotton.

Initially, cotton was collected and processed by hand, which made items from it quite expensive, as one person can gather a day to 80 kg of cotton, and separate it from seed 6-8 kg. With industrialization and mechanization, cotton processes turned into the main natural fiber, allowing to produce inexpensive, but high-quality products.

It is worth noting that in some countries (Africa, Uzbekistan), cotton is still collecting hands. But in modern production, the cotton raw is collected by special cotton breeding machines. There are several types of them, but everyone has one principle of operation:

  • cotton bushes are captured by special spindles;
  • in special compartments, cotton raw and stem is separated, the stem calmly leaves out;
  • opened boxes are captured and sent to the cotton bunker, and closed and semi-walled in the bunker for a pacific mustache.
Further, the cotton raw enters cleaning, where the fibers are separated from seeds, dry leaves and branches.

Types of cotton

Purified cotton is classified, as a rule, along the length of the fibers, stretching and the degree of pollution.

According to the degree of stretching and pollution, cotton fibers are divided into 7 groups, where 0 is selected cotton. The length of the fiber on:

  • short-fuel (up to 27 mm);
  • middle Flock (30-35 mm);
  • long fuel (35-50 mm).

What is good cotton?

Everyone knows that textile products made of 100% cotton (for example, cotton towels, bed linen, bathrobes) create special comfort. How to explain it? What is so good cotton?

Cotton has the following properties:

  • good hygroscopicity and breathability;
  • good gap strength;
  • racks to high temperatures (up to 150 s);
  • racks to organic solvents (alcohol, acetic acid, formic acid);
  • softness;
  • good stainability;
  • relative cheapness.

What are made of cotton?

Cotton seeds are used for:
  • planting a new cotton;
  • oil production;
  • production feed for livestock.
Pooh (Lint) and puffs (Dolisten) use:
  • as a basis for the production of synthetic thread;
  • paper (cotton 95% consists of cellulose);
  • plastics;
  • explosives.
Cotton fibers are used for production:
  • elite, thin tissues - only long-fiber cotton is used for them;
  • cheaper fabrics, such as coarse, sitheria, etc. - apply medium-fiber cotton;
  • knitwear - in the manufacture can also be used short-fuel cotton (this sometimes explains its smaller durability), for the strength to add synthetic components;
  • medical cotton;
  • wattin;
  • cotton filler for pillows, blankets and mattresses - modern methods of gentle processing of cotton fibers allow you to obtain a material that perfectly holds the form, does not fit and environmentally.

Cotton is one of the best organic materials at all times of human history used in different industries. The main consumer of the fiber is the textile industry, which is impossible to imagine without cotton. Fabrics from this material are characterized by excellent characteristics.

Cotton over time remains in demand, like many centuries ago.


Cotton is a fiber of vegetable origin, enveloping plant-cotton plant seeds. It is one of the most important and common cultures around the world. It occupies a leading position as a basis for the production of tissues. There are dozens of species of this plant.

According to external characteristics, cotton grows as a shrub. The similarity is caused by the presence of branches and leaves. A visual example is the next photo of cotton.

In fact, cotton, depending on the species, is a wood or grassy plant. It takes peace only in hot countries, it needs a warm and wet climate. Its height ranges from the meter to one and a half meters. It also differs in varietal characteristics, can be polluted independently. The fruit is a cotton box, in which seeds and fibers ripen.


In order to learn how cotton grows, it is useful to read a small historical help.

The cultivation of cotton culture has a centuries-old history. This is confirmed by the excavation of ancient settlements. The country that began to master the cotton is considered to be India. It was there that the ancient samples of the material and tools were found for its processing. Next, cotton fiber was distributed in Greece and Arab countries. Also, the cultivation of cotton in a few millennia BC is spoken by excavations in China, Persia, Mexico, Peru.

From countries growing culture, cotton products are distributed to Asia and America. Self-cultivation of cotton by these countries began significantly later.

Before the creation of cultivation in Europe, a lot of legends went about how cotton grows. To this day, several names of names in different cultures are preserved, as well as images on people's ideas.

Cotton cultivation

The period of maturation of the cotton fiber varies depending on the variety: from 100 to 200 days.

For growing cotton fiber, a well-prepared porous soil is necessary. The presence of nutrients in it is of great importance for the full growth of the plant. Therefore, the land is enriched with various fertilizers before sowing.

Warm climatic conditions also play a huge role. Seeds can germinate at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees. For development and further flowering, the temperature should reach 30 degrees. Cotton is needed open access of sunlight. In the shadow, the plant may die.

Cotton consumes a lot of water. Providing plants moisture should occur abundantly and constantly. At the same time, cotton can be transferred drought thanks to a well-developed root system. But under such conditions, the amount of harvest is reduced.

The ripening of cotton on the plant occurs unevenly, therefore the harvest fee passes in several stages. Often, the leaves can be removed before harvesting from it, which can interfere with the cleaning process.

After ripening the box with a fiber, it is revealed. A cotton harvest begins, which passes mechanically or manually. Powdered fiber boxes together with seeds tear off the plants. The raw material is cleaned from seeds, dust and debris, and is transported for its intended purpose.


Cotton fiber has a number of positive properties:

  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • heats, keeps heat;
  • it has high air permeability;
  • does not need complex care;
  • has a low cost;
  • it is comfortable when sewing various clothes.

Cotton also has several negative properties:

  • without adding fright, stretching and thinned;
  • quickly loses color with large sunlight access;
  • loses properties with a long contact with water.


Cotton fiber is used in various spheres of human life.

First of all, cotton is used in the tissue industry. It produces various tissue characteristics and color. For example, satin, flannel, sitheria and many others. Cotton fiber is used in the manufacture of threads, yarn, wool, paper and even explosives.

Cotton seeds are also used in industry. Some of them are preparing for further landing. From the rest of the seeds, oil is squeezed, which is used in food. Low quality oil is used in technical needs. The raw materials remaining after the oil squeeze is rich in protein, so animal feed is made of it.

Of the tens of cotton varieties for the manufacturing industry, several species are used.

Information about how cotton grows, its use in industry is interesting and important. This plant plays a big role in the history of mankind over the centuries.

Cotton has always been considered a privileged choice among fabrics due to comfortability, ability to breathe, pleasant feeling when contacting ...

Fluffy fiber growing in a seed box of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium. Fiber is hidden in yarn or thread, to then produce a soft and breathable fabric, the most sought-after clothes, bed linen, in modern times. Cotton grows in warm regions (subtropics and tropics; China, Australia, United States, Pakistan). Grow cotton, a total of approximately 2.5 percent of the entire processed land.

Often occurs the term associated with cotton,Extra Long Staple (ELS). Established industrial standard for extraordinary long-fiber cotton, top quality cotton, for minimal fiber length 1.38 inches or 3.51 centimeters . The minimum ELS is much longer than traditional cotton variants known as highland cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum), the fiber length of which is an average of 2.6- 2.7 centimeters.

Long fuel cotton - Cotton Pima (Gossypium Barbadense), tropical resident, very sensitive to cold temperatures. The name was given a variety of cotton in honor of the Indians of Pima, who worked at the Experimental Factories of the US Department of Agriculture, in Arizona in the 1900s. The origin of cotton refers to the oldest times of cultivation of the plant in Peru, already in 1000 BC, the Peruvian cotton seed boxes did not differ from modern cultural varieties of the plant. The first clear example of the cultivation attempt was found on the Peruvian coast, in Ancona (not far from Lima), discovered cotton seed boxes belong to 4,21 to our era.

Pima cotton is less than five percent of the entire American cotton production. It is grown in California, on very small squares in New Mexico, Arizona, in the west of Texas. In 1954, the Non-Profit Organization "Supima" was founded in America, which includes producers of Pim's cotton manufacturers. Supima Cotton, brand, guaranteeing products from the best, long-fiber cotton. Ninety percent of cotton Supima is exported from the USA, for the manufacture of fabrics, clothing, bed linen, towels abroad. Then the products are re-exported to the United States for sale. The best importers of cotton are China, Pakistan, India, Japan and Indonesia. Supima licenses more than 300 selected high-quality cotton plants, fabric manufacturers, clothes and retailers.

Pima cotton produces a wide variety of goods. Towels, bed linen, clothing, especially shirts for women and men. Very popular sweaters woven with cotton, light, warm and durable. Men love socks made of pima cotton, in addition to softness and strength, they do not roll up for a long time. No wonder the goods made with Pim's cotton are quite expensive.

Up to relatively recently, when the consumer saw in the Marine Island Cotton label (Sea Island Cotton), he knew that his choice was very checked, even not quite understanding what the words "Sea Island Cotton" mean. But despite the fact that any manufacturer can call their cotton products "Sea Island Cotton", in modern days there are no things that are made from genuine "marine island cotton".

Up to the 20th century, cotton was considered the most desirable cotton, for the production of which the main product was the fibers of sea island cotton (a type of Gossypium Barbadense). Cultivation of cotton began in British North American colonies on the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia, about 1786, cotton planters from Barbados. Barbados was the first British colony of West Indies, from where the cotton was exported.

It was a very expensive cotton, thanks to a silky structure and very long fibers, as the main product (from 3.5 to 6 centimeters ) and labor-intensive production. Often cotton was mixed with silk. Cotton grown, including on Georgia's highlands, although the quality was worse, but later replaced by another Indian species of Nagorno-cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum), Mexican cotton, which won up in commercial production. Today, Mexican cotton is 95 percent of all cotton production in America.

The production of beautiful and very high-quality sea island cotton, unfortunately, completely stopped, after in 1920 the plant was infected with weevils. Although sporadic attempts were made to restore industry during the 1940s, but none of the original seeds could save. In addition, climate change made its contribution to the destruction of the characteristics that were inherent in the sea island cotton.

Egyptian cotton ... He is as well known as a larger Sphinx or Pyramid Giza.

Pima cotton has some similarity with many varieties of Egyptian cotton, but it is a bit shorter than Egyptian cotton, although leads to a thread that can weaken in the fabric. In other words, Egyptian cotton, a variety of cotton Pima (Gossypium Barbadense) has fibers much longer, 3.81- 5.08 centimeters . The finished product is gorgeous bedding, amazing towels, absorbing water from the body instantly. Clothes made from Egyptian cotton pampers luxury, high comfort. Guidelines are the principles of the consumer worldwide, and according to them it is believed that Egyptian cotton is the best in the world. From long fibers, an excellent thread or yarn is hiding, which is less than a diameter than the fibers of any other cotton, the square centimeter in the production of fabric leaves more yarn, which indicates that the finished fabric is light and durable.

Introduced in Egypt from North America during the nineteenth century, Egyptian cotton gradually developed and today is the most favorite material for clothing manufacturers around the world.

Egyptian cotton is rightly considered as a cotton king, and in the future Egypt, no doubt, will retain his crown, thanks to the excellent natural capabilities for cotton cultivation.

Cotton is a soft, fluffy fiber, which grows in a seed box - the fruit of cotton.
Cotton is a plant of a family of Malvic, up to 2 m high. It is common in tropical and subtropical areas around the world, including America, Asia and Africa.

Cotton fiber is most often expensive in yarn or thread, which is used for the production of soft, air-permeable fabric, which is currently the most widely used in the textile industry in the manufacture of beds, such as pillows and, mattress covers and others.

After flowering (yellow, cream or white flowers), cotton forms the fetus - a box with 3-5 sockets, each of which contains 5-11 seeds. Each seed develops several thousand white (less often - cream, beige, greenish and other colors) hairs - fibers up to 5 cm long. Each fiber is a separate cell. These fibers covering cotton seed are called cotton.

Chemical composition of cotton:

  • cellulose 91.00%
  • water 7.85%
  • protoplasm, Pectin 0.55%
  • waxes, fat substances 0.40%
  • mineral salts 0.20%

In Russian XIX century. Cotton was called to call cotton paper. To date, words are preserved cotton industry, cotton fabric. In the works of Russian classical literature, you can meet, for example, mention that one or another character was in a paper cap - this does not mean that it was a cap, folded from paper, it means that the cap was from cotton tissue.

Cleaning cotton cotton harvesting machines

When the fruit of cotton ripens, the box is revealed, and fiber along with seeds collect collectors or cotton harvesting machines. Cleaning cotton is usually produced in two receptions as the boxes are disclosed. Part of boxes that did not open up to late autumn remains on the bushes. In Central Asia, such boxes are called cracker. They are cleaned during the third selection.

Cotton rental on cotton reception

Collected together with seeds fiber is referred to as raw cotton. Cotton raw It contains by weight about 30-40% of the fiber and 60-70% of the seeds (some proportion can also be on impurities, dirt).

Cotton raw is stored in the farm or is cooled (so accepted, for example, in Central Asia) on cloak acceptable - A specially equipped company, where cotton is weighed and stored on dry lined venues in the form of huge cubes covered by tarpaulter or film. Cotton receptions usually serve several cotton farms. Here cotton raw is waiting for its turn to send to cotor-cleaning plant.

When passing raw, it usually takes place for the cotton reception point: it goes from the ownership of the organization to own an organization, this item operating. In the Soviet Time, the surrender of raw materials to the cotton reception point meant cotton for the farm to the state. Therefore, it was the weight of the prisoned raw cotton was considered the most important reporting indicator (while in international practice, consideration of cotton production is carried out on cotton fiber).

Cleaning cotton on a cotton potential and production of cotton fuel.

Several cotton receptions are usually associated with one cotton cleaner factory. (at the factory can be their cotton acceptor). The plant carries out gradual processing of the harvest, and, as production capacity is exempt, all the new and new raw cotton comes here from the reception items located in the zone of the plant's influence. At the plant on special machines (Gina, linters, etc.), the fibers of the seeds are separated, as well as the separation of fibers in length (the process that could be compared with the separation of hydrocarbons on fractions on refineries). The longest hairs are longer than 20-25 mm are called fiber. This is cotton fiberThe same product that usually provides data in world statistics. Cotton fiber is mainly on textile enterprises.

For medium fiber cotton varietiesfiber length is considered from 25 mm, for tonal fiber (most valuable)- from 37 mm. From the fine-fiber long fibers later and produce cotton bed linens of the highest quality, characterized by increased strength, ease, smoothness, which is not "dust" and not "fastened." In the online store "Jofrua" presented from and brands Saylid, TAC (Touch), Karven (Karven); The average price category from high-quality satin, as well as elite cotton underwear from Satina Turkish (Pierre Cardin - from Pierre Cardhen, Home Sweet Home, Tac Delux, Tivolyo Delux) and Chinese manufacturers (Famille Delux, Kingsilk Delux).

More short hairs are worn, depending on the length, name lint, cyclone-down, puff et al. They are sent to cotton concrete production, as well as for the production of explosives (powder, etc.). Since the production of finished products (cotton fiber) from raw materials (raw cotton) is relatively low (less than half), creating cleaning plants are almost always located in cotton areas(that is, focused on raw materials), cotton raw is never driven over long distances. In contrast, for example, from wool, which may be in crude (unwarted) to carry on very considerable distances - to the consumption areas. In international statistics, therefore, it is customary to keep records of the production of wool on the so-called wool is unwashed (that is, as it were for raw wool), while cotton accounting lead in cotton fiber.

Cotor-cleaning plant - the top of the Pyramid of the local cotton complex: It converges the production relations of the territory serviced by him, here cotton turns from agricultural raw materials into a product taken into account by international statistics and climbing on cotton exchanges. Here, as in the neck of the hourglass, there is a connection for the supply of raw cotton, and then the cotton fiber "splits" in different directions.

The zones of the influence of cotton-cleaning factories are usually resistant: cotton from the same cotton receptions, and those in turn, from the same surrounding economies from year to year. On the contrary, on sales of products, cotton-cleaning plants do not have sustainable links: textile enterprises (or mediators) in different years are purchased at different plants cotton of various quality, depending on their needs. Suppliers of raw materials at the cotton-cleaning plant are usually much less than consumers (and the first, repeat, fixed, the second are unstable in composition).

Sending Kip Cotton on Warehouses of Finished Products

Cotton fiber is pressed into beautiful snow-white piles And goes to the warehouse of finished products.

Parts of the instrument are classified and evaluated in length, tonin (subtleties, thickness of thickness), strength and uniformity (the same) fibers. In Soviet times, cotton-cleaning factories carried out direct supply of fiber cotton for tens and hundreds of various textile enterprises in the country, depending on the needs of textiles in one or another variety of raw materials. The supply system was regulated by relevant ministries and departments. Currently, the promotion of Central Asian cotton on the textile enterprises of Russia is carried out through a chain of trading and mediation firms that are not related to production.

Turning cotton in yarn -\u003e in fabric -\u003e in the finished product (bed linen and others. Textiles)

Coming from cotton or warehouses for textile enterprises of cotton fiber bags goes into spinning production - the transformation of individual fibers into a single continuous thread (yarn). Then in the weaving production of the yarn turns into a cloth. Finally, the garment industry produces a finished product - clothing, home textiles (curtains, etc.).

Use cotton seeds

Return to K. cotton worship. More than half the weight of the raw cotton arriving at cleaning, as we remember, make up seeds. From them, actually, and clean cotton. And what do with cleaning? They contain up to 30% oil. These slightly pubeined lush lumps (completely, to the brilliance, the seed cannot be cleaned) are sent from the cleaning plant to the oil extraction or oil welbright plant. There from seeds get Cotton oil, and based on it is produced soap, glycerin, margarine, lubricants.

Cotton Leaders Countries in 2009

Yours faithfully,
Online store bed linen Jofru

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From 10 am, students of the Volgograd State Agrarian University work in the field. Loose clothing, gloves, fabric bag on the chest are so future agriculture, not flaming the backs, collect the first harvest of cotton, grown in a risky agriculture in Volgograd.

Crop harvest help to collect agricultural students. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

To the touch, the flower of Volgograd cotton is very soft, like a fighter of a kitten. If you disassemble it, you can find cotton seeds inside the white fiber. They, like, actually, fiber itself, are also used in production.

"Last year, we collected an experimental harvest for 50 acres and sent it to research in the laboratory," says mASTRANT OF THE Volgograd Agrarian University Alexander Cherkasov- Analyzes have shown that it is a fiber of a very high grade 4. In addition, in addition to the fiber, more than 100 species of other products can also be made of cotton, including, for example, to make oil from its seeds. "

Climatic conditions in the Volgograd region have always put risks to agriculture. And here cotton! A plant that during the growing season is necessary a lot of light and heat. Therefore, before breeders stood the task first to remove the raking variety, resistant to temperature drops.

"Volgograd region today is the most extreme point of cultivation of cotton in northern latitudes," says Obekk Kimsanbaev, Professor of the Volgograd State Agrarian University. "Therefore, we can say that in the future, if you develop this variety, it can be grown in the larger regions of the country, such as the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol, Astrakhan and Kalmykia. In the meantime, the first production tests that we spend in the Volgograd region should be called unique for the creation of ultra-space varieties for northern latitudes. After all, the analogues of this variety both in the Russian Federation and abroad does not exist. "

The project was possible thanks to the Treaty between the Volgograd State University and the Tashkent Agrarian University. In 2006, more adaptive forms for northern latitudes were selected at the experimental sites of the Tashkent Agrarian University. In the future, these varieties passed adaptation and testing in the conditions of the Russian Federation, and last year, during the experiment, the best forms and donors were selected. It was they who were based on the basis of the variety, which was called PGSH-1.

Volgograd cotton, according to scientists, very high quality. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

Manual experiment

Based on a successful experiment, this year, Volgograd Agrarian has already evoked 12.7 hectares of cotton. At the same time, the landing was made manually. Notes if everything goes successfully and on, in the future, we will switch to mechanized processing. For now, it is necessary to sow and collect cotton without the use of technology. Not only students help, but also teachers.

Professor Viktor Salomatin collecting cotton together with students. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

"We take carefully, we collect in your hand. If not dissolved - they tried, something is taken - then we take. We do not collect non-scratch boxes, they just remain, - explains cotton cleaning technology professor of the Department "Private Zootechnia" Volgaau Viktor Salomatin. - We first remove this culture in the Volgograd region. This is the achievement of our University and the region. This is a success! We now have to properly collect all this and evaluate the obtained yield. Based on this experience, the question of purchasing special equipment for agricultural cultivation of cotton and an increase in crops area will be resolved. As for us, if necessary, we will work next year, "adds a professor," after all, we can understand and realize the work of the worker's worker. "

Perspectives are!

During the day, students managed to collect a whole cotton truck. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

The first batch of Volgograd Cotton has already arrived at the Kamyshinsky Cotton Combine. There, the quality of the fiber was rated at the premium level. This means that from this cotton you can make a fabric of very good quality.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Volgograd State Agrarian University Obek Kimsanbaev. Photo: AIF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

"Next year we are planning to work on the yield and productivity of culture," said Obek Kimsenbaev. - The area of \u200b\u200bcrops will increase to 100-150 hectares, and all the obtained products will be delivered to the Kamyshinsky cotton crumpled. After all, the need of the Kamyshinsky Combine today - 2 thousand tons of products per month. And its processing is the main priority of its activities. "

The new cotton variety among other projects of the Volgograd region will be represented by the regional delegation and at the International Investment Forum, which from October 1 to October 4 goes to Sochi.

The research of Volgograd Agrianov has already been interested in the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. "The technology is finally finalized, the idea is not bad in terms of our own position," Medvedev said. Thus, the research of Volgograd scientists will continue.