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What happens at 19-20 weeks of gestation. Mommy food

19th week of pregnancy is an interesting and memorable time. Your baby actively declares his existence, and while his movements and light shocks bring only delight and affection. It is actively growing and developing, along with this you change, both externally and internally. It's time to find out what the 19th week of pregnancy has prepared for you, what happens to your baby.

Baby development at 19 weeks

  • At the beginning of 19 weeks, your baby weighs about 200 grams, and his height is about 15 cm;
  • The proportions of its little body are close to the standard, only it itself is very thin and covered with fluff. Do not worry, the hairs will gradually disappear and the baby will be born with delicate pink skin;
  • In the meantime, the entire body of the baby is covered with protective lubricant;
  • At this time, fatty deposits are just beginning to accumulate, which will warm the baby.

Physical and mental development

  1. the baby at the 19th week of his intrauterine development already knows how to move his fingers;
  2. he blinks and wrinkles his nose if he doesn't like something;
  3. sucks a finger when hungry;
  4. and bangs on your tummy while communicating with you. He does this deliberately, since the baby's brain is already transmitting impulses to the nerve endings. By the way, the baby can already turn its head around and turn over in the tummy (about how the baby develops throughout pregnancy, read the article Child development in the womb >>>).

Organs of touch

  • The fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy perfectly hears and perceives sounds, while the noise and screams frighten him, and your lullabies relax and cause a semblance of a smile on the face;
  • The baby, despite the closed eyelids, distinguishes between darkness and light;
  • He also has taste preferences. Anything you eat will affect the taste of amniotic fluid, and your baby will respond to your spicy snack by reducing swallowing movements and wrinkling his nose.

Internal organs

At 19 weeks gestation, the development of the fetus and its internal organs progresses. The lungs are already formed and the bronchi, the digestive system are developing, the intestines are gradually filled with original feces, the baby is peeing thanks to the work of the kidneys.

By the end of the 19th week, the baby's weight will increase by 50 grams, but now he is not growing so actively, but is gaining shape due to subcutaneous fat.

Mom's well-being

Week 19 is the middle of the second trimester (you can find a detailed description of this period in article 2 trimester of pregnancy >>>) and the overall well-being of the mother is noted as positive.

  1. The belly at the 19th week of pregnancy is not yet large and does not hinder movement, but the gait betrays your interesting position from afar. Your walk becomes more measured and can be compared to duck. The reason for this is the expansion of the pelvic bones and a shift in the center of gravity, and the increase in weight also affects;

Important! Please note that 6 kg of your starting weight before pregnancy is considered normal.

  1. Toxicosis, as a rule, does not bother at this stage, and the cause of nausea can be low blood pressure caused by weakening of peripheral vessels, the hormone progesterone that reigns at this stage of pregnancy. Your psychological state is still unstable, so if you are crying, having received peaches instead of watermelon, know that hormones are to blame.

Uterus size

At 19 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus is up to 20 cm in length, and the size of your uterus is 1 cm below the level of the navel. And if the weight of the baby is about 200 grams, then the weight of the organ is 320-350.

You can feel for yourself how high the uterus has risen, for this it is enough to lie on your back, relax and put your palms just below the navel. With such a high position of the uterus, your navel may begin to protrude outward, there is nothing wrong with that, everything will go away by itself after childbirth.

Pain at week 19

The uterus at the 19th week of pregnancy has greatly increased in size and you may feel back pain, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In addition, you may be bothered by cramps, numbness of the limbs, swelling, headaches or dizziness.

  • Back pain. Most often, pain occurs with the growth of the abdomen and is triggered by a shift in the center of gravity. At this stage, you cannot wear high-heeled shoes, it's time to change tight clothes for spacious ones, and to reduce pain in the back, you need a support bandage for pregnant women (for more details, read the article Back pain during pregnancy >>>);
  • At this stage, pain in the hip joints may occur, this gradually expands your pelvis, as your body prepares for the upcoming birth;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. The explanation for what pulls the stomach at 19 weeks of gestation may be muscle tension caused by the growth of the uterus. If the pain is not acute and is not accompanied by bloody discharge, then there is no cause for concern. Another thing is when your lower abdomen has become like a stone, you feel cramping pains, there is bleeding. Your uterus is toned and you need to see a doctor immediately;
  • Pain in the navel. If your stomach hurts at the 19th week of pregnancy in the navel area, do not rush to panic. Yes, this feeling is unpleasant, but passing. It's just that the uterus has reached the level of the navel, it can even protrude, but gradually the skin will go in breadth and the discomfort will weaken;
  • Swelling and cramps. Swelling and heaviness in the legs can be caused by being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. You need to change your position every half hour, do not forget to go to the toilet regularly;
  • Headache. At the 19th week of pregnancy, you may have headaches. The reasons are different: a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness caused by a decrease in hemoglobin levels, migraines.

In addition to the pains listed, you may notice unreasonable hot flashes, increased heart rate, or increased sweating. For this period, such sensations are normal.

Bleeding. Allocations

At week 19, an increase in the amount of discharge is considered the norm, while their consistency should be watery, the color should be transparent, and the smell should be neutral. All other discharge at the 19th week of pregnancy is pathology.

  1. Whitish curd discharge, with a sour smell, which is also accompanied by itching, is a sign of thrush (article on the topic: Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Yellow or green impurities in the discharge will indicate to you about the inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  3. Slight brown impurities can be a sign of erosion, which is slightly bleeding;
  4. Bloody discharge with accompanying pain in the lower abdomen is a signal of the threat of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy;
  5. Abundant watery discharge may rather signal the leakage of water surrounding the fetus.

Feeling at week 19

The most important sensations in the 19th week of pregnancy are the jolts of your baby. Its size is small and there is plenty of room in the tummy to swim and tumble. You may notice how your tummy sticks out in a certain place where the baby is leaning.

By the way, you will notice the strongest tremors in the evening or at night. And this does not mean at all that your belly is a night owl, the baby is not more active than during the day, it is just that you lay down, calmed down, listening to every push. To answer, for a period of 19 weeks, how the child should move is difficult, because the character of the baby is individual, the main thing is that the tremors are regular.

Another unpleasant nuance is shortness of breath. Take your time, give yourself a rest, if the attacks of suffocation persist, take frequent shallow breaths in and out like a dog.

You probably noticed that the halos around the nipples darkened, and a transverse path appeared on the abdomen. The fault is melanin, which is actively secreted in your body. It is responsible for the color of your baby's hair, eyes, skin, while at the same time provoking changes in the form of darkening or freckles on your skin. Such pigmentation, as a rule, goes away after pregnancy by itself.

Narrow questions of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period when you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the development of your baby. Be careful and take action at the first sign of illness.


At 19 weeks of gestation, a temperature of 37 degrees is not at all a signal of a disease. In your position, this is the norm, you may even feel hot flashes, but they quickly pass on their own. Another thing is a mark of 37.5 and above with headaches or joint pains, a runny nose or a cough. Most likely, you have caught a cold or a viral infection.

A high temperature, 38 degrees and above, can provoke placental abruption. At the 19th week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother is transmitted to the fetus. So, if your temperature rises, it can cause discomfort and overheating of your baby.

Cold at 19th week of pregnancy

Any illness during pregnancy is highly undesirable, and can negatively affect not only your well-being, but also affect the development of the baby.

  • Of course, at the 19th week of pregnancy, the child is well protected by the placenta, and his own immunity is already included in the work, but there are certain risks. For example, an active virus can enter and interfere with the development of the fetal nervous system. The virus is especially dangerous for girls, since at week 19 their genitals are actively developing;
  • A strong spasmodic cough can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which at this time threatens a miscarriage (read the important article: Dry cough during pregnancy >>>). A runny nose will also bring discomfort, as it makes it difficult for the already heavy breathing;
  • The danger of diseases is also that the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy is extremely narrow. At a temperature, you can only take ibuprofen and its analogues, for cough only plant-based syrups, and you can fight a cold only with saline solutions.


Sex at the 19th week of pregnancy, in the absence of pain and discharge, is allowed. Please note that most poses in your position are contraindicated. Find a comfortable position to avoid pressure on your stomach and enjoy being close to your loved one.

Alcohol at week 19

Alcohol is a food that is best avoided during pregnancy, especially at 19 weeks. At this time, the baby's nervous system and brain are actively developing, and ethanol, which easily penetrates through the placenta into the baby's blood, can disrupt important processes. In addition, alcohol reduces the amount of nutrients in the blood, and at 19 weeks the risk of developing anemia is already high.

Examination of mom and baby

For 19 weeks, your doctor may order a complete blood count and urine test. The first should show the level of hemoglobin, and the second - if there are any inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Additionally, you may be prescribed a blood sugar test. Also read the article

Usually the 19th week of pregnancy comes with a few surprises. The baby begins to actively push, and the belly becomes more and more. With the help of an ultrasound study, you can already find out the sex of the child. However, some mothers at the 19th week of pregnancy begin to consider photos of the belly of girls who are expecting boys or girls.

Happiness Baby during this period Here's a tummy
phases of change
how much is the doctor

In a similar way, our great-grandmothers tried to determine the gender of the baby. A photo of the belly of girls who are expecting girls at the 19th week of their pregnancy is as follows.

  1. The shape is round.
  2. Seen from behind as the waistline is "erased".

Sensations and changes in the body

19th week of pregnancy is the time when, probably, every girl wants to know what is happening to her. There are several changes.

  1. The abdomen increases in size. If you look at the photo of the belly of girls who are 19 weeks old, you will see how big it is.
  2. The uterus begins to press on the navel, so it can protrude. Unpleasant sensations are not excluded, but you should not worry, after childbirth, the navel will return to its place. Due to the size of the belly, you will no longer be able to sleep on it. You will have to get used to sleeping on your side, but for the sake of the baby's health, you will have to endure. Please note that spending the night on your back is also undesirable. The uterus can transmit the vena cava, preventing oxygen and blood from reaching the fetus.
  3. The weight increases, the hips begin to widen, and the gait changes. At the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight becomes more, the stomach pulls down, therefore, posture is disturbed.
  4. Muscles become stronger, which often causes discomfort with sudden movements. You will have to learn to walk smoothly, without sharp turns. If you watch a video of girls who are 19 weeks old, you can notice that they walk very carefully, holding their tummy with their hands.

By this time, you will need to do ultrasound examinations and take routine tests. Don't skip diagnostics. An ultrasound scan at week 19 will allow you to find out how things are with the baby's health.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

The 19th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, 127-133 days have passed since conception. The baby is similar in size to a pineapple. More than five months behind. At this time, the fetus begins to actively develop. In the brain, many neurons take their places, and communication is established between them. This makes the baby's actions more conscious. Movement becomes coordinated, not just messy as at first.

Development and size of the fetus at 19 weeks of gestation

Other organs are not lagging behind in development. The respiratory system is formed, the lungs and bronchi are improved, and this process will continue until the very birth. At the 19th week of pregnancy, a bronchial tree is formed. The sebaceous glands function intensively, which produce a white-gray substance that covers the body of the fetus and accumulates in the folds of the skin. This is a primordial lubricant that will remain until birth, it has a bactericidal property, its purpose is to protect the baby from the action of amniotic fluid and harmful microorganisms. The skin begins to become covered with lanugo - a light fluff. It even covers the baby's face and persists until delivery. The child's head is already firmly in place, and he can twist it around. The neck gets stronger every day and can already turn perfectly. The size of the crumbs grows and reaches 22-24 centimeters from the coccyx to the crown of the 19th week of pregnancy. The weight of the baby (fetus) at the 19th week of pregnancy is 215-270 grams.

Uterus at 19th week of pregnancy

Along with the growth of the fetus, the size of the uterus also increases. At 19 weeks gestation, she weighs 300 grams and every week she rises higher and higher. The uterus can be felt at the bottom of the navel. As the uterus enlarges, so does the belly of a pregnant woman. Various mild pains in the abdomen and lower back may appear, but they are not dangerous.

19th week of pregnancy. Feel

The 19th week of pregnancy is the period when the woman's body activates preparation for childbirth and feeding the baby. The mammary glands can produce colostrum as early as 19 weeks gestation. The nipples should be wiped with a soft cloth; other actions are not taken anymore.

Hemoglobin levels are often lowered as the amount of blood increases. This leads to weakness and loss of strength, the woman quickly gets tired and even dizziness is possible. Breathing problems appear, it is difficult to inhale and exhale deeply. At these moments it is worth breathing like a dog, as shallow breathing is called.

The second trimester is characterized by increased sweating and urination - this is normal at this stage, no treatment is required. As the abdomen grows, the skin on it stretches, a pregnant woman may notice the appearance of stretch marks.

Important: now it is worth more often to listen to your growing tummy, if there are no movements at the 19th week of pregnancy, then they can occur at any time. While these will be weak and poorly expressed tapping, since the baby is still small and it is very spacious in the stomach. The movements in the following weeks will be more noticeable, so if you do not feel any movement at the 19th week of pregnancy, this is not a cause for concern.

19th week of pregnancy. Painful sensations

Abdominal pain in the 19th week of pregnancy is associated with the tension of the muscles that hold the uterus. Muscles grow and strengthen every day, but sudden movements can cause them to stretch and, as a result, cause pain. By the end of the 19th week of pregnancy, you can feel the pressure of the uterus on the navel inside. It's a bit unpleasant and annoying, but the pain will go away over time. The enlargement of the uterus can affect the lower back and pelvic area, causing pain.

Already now, the body is activating preparation for future childbirth, bones will begin to disperse very slowly, the birth canal through which the baby will pass is expanding. It causes pain in the hips, bones. Long walks or an uncomfortable position while sleeping or having sex can cause tension in your legs or back.

Important: at the 19th week of pregnancy, in a sedentary work, you should rise and walk at least two times per hour. You cannot sit on chairs without backs, throw your legs over your legs and choose shoes with heels, especially high ones.

Photo of the tummy. What does the belly look like at the 19th week of pregnancy

Severe abdominal pain can indicate problems and sometimes an abortion.

It is imperative to see a doctor if the pain is severe, intense and similar to contractions. The abdomen hurts and pulls at the bottom, and with this, there is abundant spotting. By the 19th week of pregnancy, the abdomen is already becoming noticeable, during this period you cannot sleep on your stomach. Sleeping on the stomach leads to compression of the uterus. But you can't sleep on your back either, since the weight of the uterus presses on the vena cava and less oxygen is supplied to the baby, and the blood circulates worse. The best sleeping position is on your side. And for a comfortable stay it can come in handy.

19th week of pregnancy. Analyzes

Throughout pregnancy, every woman is obliged to undergo a series of examinations and pass the necessary tests. At the 19th week of pregnancy, you should monitor the level of hemoglobin and blood sugar, as well as regularly donate urine for the presence of protein. Sometimes a woman may be advised to be tested for hormones, for example, for progesterone, the level of which increases.

If, for some reason, the second trimester has not yet been completed, it should be done. He will show the greatest information in the period up to 20 weeks.

Screening is also called a triple test, it includes:

  1. biochemical blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  2. AFP (alpha-fetoprotein);
  3. free (unconjugated) estriol.

The second screening makes it possible, according to the blood test of the pregnant woman, and on the basis of additional data (height and weight, number of fetuses, age of the mother and others), to classify her as a group of increased or reduced risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. These include Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and neural tube defect.

Ultrasound at the 19th week of pregnancy

The second screening covers, in addition to a biochemical blood test, the passage of an ultrasound analysis. It examines the collar zone and the nasal bone of the fetus. The specialist evaluates:

  • fetal heartbeat;
  • activity;
  • defines pathologies incomparable with life;
  • the size of the uterus and fetus;
  • the state of the amniotic fluid;
  • you can find out the gender of the baby.

By this time, the child has already established a mode of sleep and wakefulness, he, like a newborn, sleeps for 16-18 hours. On an ultrasound scan, you can, if you're lucky, catch the baby during the game process.

Photo of ultrasound at the 19th week of pregnancy

Discharge at the 19th week of pregnancy

At the 19th week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases. They should not change their color and smell, but simply become more abundant. If their character has changed, you should tell your doctor about it. Any shades of yellow, green, brown and if these secretions foam or smell are dangerous. Such changes may indicate infectious diseases that require compulsory and immediate treatment. Often during pregnancy, thrush appears, which must be treated without fail before childbirth.

Important: you cannot self-medicate on your own at the 19th week of pregnancy. You can take any drugs only as directed by a gynecologist or attending physician, since during pregnancy many drugs, traditional medicine are contraindicated. Self-medication can lead to complications while carrying a baby.

19th week of pregnancy. Active lifestyle

19th week of pregnancy is a period when you can still go on a trip or just visit loved ones. An exception is poor health or the threat of termination of pregnancy, this moment requires constant monitoring by a doctor. If the pregnancy is going well, then you need to walk and walk more in the air. At the 19th week of pregnancy, sex with a loved one is encouraged by doctors, if there are no contraindications. The 19th week of pregnancy is the best and most peaceful time for intimacy.

The second trimester can be called a rather calm period, when all the risks that threaten pregnancy decrease, and the condition of the expectant mother improves. Pregnancy of 18-19 weeks is the time during which the expectant mother will have to undergo a second screening and determine the state of development of the fetus in the abdomen.

It is at this time that the signs of pregnancy are especially obvious: the belly grows so much that it can no longer be hidden.

Perhaps the most important event at this time is the feeling of the first movements of the fetus in the abdomen. But if at 18-19 weeks they have not yet appeared, do not sound the alarm. In this case, everything is individual: first of all, the woman who has already given birth determines the movements of the fetus.

When the child moves, it is very important to determine their frequency and nature. On average, the baby is active up to eight times an hour.

If the activity is quite large and occurs more than eight times, this is a sign of a lack of oxygen.
Therefore, the baby begins to move more actively so that the heart beats faster, which means that there is an increased flow of blood with oxygen. It is worth telling your leading gynecologist about the child's activity, who can determine the reasons for this baby's behavior. It is important to remember that hypoxia during pregnancy, in which the baby does not receive enough oxygen, is extremely harmful to his development. Especially when hypoxia occurs, the brain suffers.

Since the size of the uterus becomes many times larger, the belly at the 19th week of pregnancy can no longer be hidden. Now, in its shape and dimensions, the uterus is more like a small melon. Normally, it does not reach the level of the navel by only 2.5 cm.

It is important to note that the rate of weight gain in a woman in the fifth month is about 300 grams. That is, by 19 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may well gain from four to six kilograms. Due to the fact that the size of the uterus becomes larger, it is already difficult to sleep on the stomach.

Fetal development during pregnancy at 18-19 weeks

During the screening, the doctor will take your baby's measurements exactly and compare them with the norm.

The fifth month is the period when the baby is developing rapidly: the limbs are already formed together with the fingers, on the pads of which an imprint appears in the form of a characteristic and unique pattern.

It is very important that at this time, the fetus's body can already produce immunoglobulin and interferon, which will fight infections, but its immune system is still too vulnerable in any case.

During the screening, the doctor will determine how much the baby weighs and how tall it is. At the 19th week of pregnancy, the child weighs 250 grams, and his height is at least 15 cm. He has already formed molars, which are under the milk teeth. True, so far this is all in the form of rudiments. The baby's eyes are still closed, but he already knows how to distinguish light, as well as sounds.

There is still a lot of room for it to move in the uterus, so during the screening, you can see how it rolls over, pushing off its walls.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetal brain also develops rapidly, like other organs: the lung system is formed, the sebaceous glands are actively working. They give off a special lubricant. What is this substance for? Since the crumbs' immunity is still poorly developed, a lubricant with bactericidal properties, accumulating in the skin folds, creates a protective barrier with the external environment. The substance covers the entire body of the fetus and provides protection against the effects of amniotic fluid and pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to lubrication, the body of the fetus is covered with a fluff in the form of small hairs called lanugo.

Mandatory second trimester screening

What is the benefit of conducting blood tests and ultrasound, which are included in the second screening? The doctor checks the organs of the woman and the child, determines all possible risks of developing the latter, looks at the space in which the fetus resides.

More precisely, the doctor during the screening determines the condition of the mother and child according to the following criteria:

  • The thickness of the uterus, its maturity, location;
  • Dimensions of the cervix;
  • Amniotic fluid quantity and consistency;
  • Baby size;
  • Development of his organs and brain.

The second screening is scheduled within 18-22 weeks. But this applies to ultrasound. A repeated blood test during pregnancy is done earlier - at 16-18 weeks.

There is a certain size norm, which the doctor is guided by during ultrasound screening.

Particular attention is paid to such indicators as BPR, that is, biparietal size, and LZR, that is, frontal-occipital size, so it is important to know how many millimeters are the norm. At week 18, BPD should normally be from 37 to 47 mm, and LZR from 49-59 mm. If the pregnancy is 19 weeks, the size of the BPD should be 41-49 mm, and the size of the BPD should be 53-63 mm.

If the size of the bipolar disorder and LHR is more than the norm, but at the same time other indicators are increased, then, perhaps, this is a sign of the development of a large fetus.

If only BPD and LHR are increased, the doctor determines hydrocephalus during the screening.
The main reason for its development is intrauterine infection.

If the size of the BPD and LZR during pregnancy of 18-19 weeks is less than the norm, and the other organs of the baby are also small, then this is a sign of developmental delay. If only BPD and LHR deviate from the norm during screening, the doctor determines microcephaly.

Another indicator, the size of which is important, is the length of the bones of the femur and lower leg. At 18 weeks, the norm is 23-31mm for the femur, 20-28mm for the lower leg. At 19 weeks, the norm is 26-34 mm and 23-31 mm, respectively.

Also, after the ultrasound of the second screening during pregnancy, the doctor determines various chromosomal abnormalities, although a blood test will tell you more about this.

As for the collar space, it is determined precisely during the first screening, since in the second part of pregnancy it should come to naught.
In this case, the norm of the collar space for a period of 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy should be up to three millimeters. If the collar space is larger, this often indicates the development of Down syndrome in the child.
When examining organs during an ultrasound scan during the second screening, the doctor also determines the number of beats made by the fetal heart.
Normally, at week 18, 110-150, at week 19 - no more than 140 and at least 160 beats per minute.

Second screening blood test

Much attention is also paid to the analysis of blood, which is no less informative than an ultrasound scan during screening.

The doctor looks at the amount of various substances in the blood of the expectant mother. It is very important to check the hemoglobin level, as a lack of it leads to fetal hypoxia and anemia after birth.
Also, during the second blood screening, chromosomal abnormalities are determined by the level of hCG, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. Discrepancies with normal indicators indicate the development of trisomies, to which Down's syndrome belongs.

Dangers and risks

If back pain is felt during this period of pregnancy, doctors consider this to be quite normal.
The reason is that the center of gravity is now shifting to the abdomen and, in particular, the uterus, so the load on the spine becomes greater. However, low back pain can also be caused by an exacerbation of kidney disease or problems with them. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor about all pains.

Mild abdominal pain is also normal and can be associated with stretching of the abdominal tendons and the growth of the uterus. However, if bleeding or uncharacteristic discharge occurs with this condition, you need to go to the hospital immediately.

It has already been said that hydrocephalus or microcephalus are signs of intrauterine infection.
But other diseases of a woman also determine the future life of a child. Therefore, you should check the state of the body for the penetration of various infections and protect it. It should be noted that if the infection reaches the fetus through the placental space, then this is fraught with the development of various deformities.

Even minor illnesses during pregnancy can worsen. Cardiovascular diseases, kidney pathology can lead to late toxicosis, which is otherwise called gestosis. It develops precisely in the second trimester and is expressed by an increase in pressure, severe edema. Gestosis is extremely dangerous for a woman's life, as it sometimes leads to death. For a baby, it is dangerous because it causes oxygen starvation. It can also cause the death of a baby in the womb. During the second screening, the doctor can identify the infection.

How do viruses pass from mother to fetus? There are several ways of their invasion.

  • The virus enters the fetus through the blood;
  • The virus enters the placenta and through it enters the child's blood;
  • The pathogen enters the chorion and causes inflammation in the amniotic fluid or fetal part of the placenta;
  • Infection from the vagina travels through the fallopian tubes into the abdominal space, and then to the fetus through the fetal bladder.

Influence of measles rubella

If in the first months of pregnancy a woman has had rubella, this may well cause congenital cataracts, deafness, microcephaly and heart defects in the fetus. Therefore, in many countries, if the expectant mother had rubella in the first months, it is advised to terminate the pregnancy.

Impact of cytomegalovirus infection

This infection can lead not only to birth defects, but also to fetal death during pregnancy. Infection in the first trimester is especially dangerous, because fetal immunity is not yet developed. Cytomegalovirus infection causes microcephaly, hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia, and other conditions.

Influenza and ARVI

These viruses enter the baby through the placenta. Early pregnancy often leads to miscarriages and congenital malformations such as cleft lip. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a cold, an urgent need to consult a doctor.


That is why women during pregnancy are not advised to live in the same space with cats.
For most adults, Toxoplasma is not scary, but this does not apply to pregnant women. Toxoplasmas penetrate the fetus, populating the cells of the nervous system. The consequences are deplorable: intrauterine death of a child or his death during the first month of life, damage to the central nervous system, sensory organs, up to blindness, anencephaly.

But the influence on the child is exerted not only by viruses and protozoa, but also by non-infectious diseases of the mother.

For example, diseases of the heart and blood vessels during the time strongly affect pregnancy. Children are often born prematurely and have changes in the side of the central nervous system, namely: children begin to hold their heads late, sit and walk, talk.

You need to take care of your condition during the entire period of pregnancy at least 24 hours a day, that is, constantly. Often women are faced with a frozen pregnancy, which at first is not accompanied by any signs. And even vice versa: all signs accompanying pregnancy disappear. It is important to know that only a doctor can determine a frozen pregnancy.

Maternity leave

Of course, a pregnancy of 18-19 weeks is too early to prepare for maternity leave, but you need to think about it already at this time. It is worth noting that most women still do not know their rights during and after pregnancy.

What is a decree? These are two vacations in one, which are more than 1.5 years. The first leave is taken when the pregnancy is already 30 weeks old. Such a decree is given for a period of 140 days, the second - for a period of at least 1.5 years, when the child has already been born. During maternity leave, everyone is given cash benefits. Exceptions apply to unemployed people who are not at the labor exchange.

The legislation states that maternity leave must be provided to all officially employed women and those individuals who are recognized as unemployed. Maternity leave is also given to those who are studying at universities.

The minimum period of maternity leave is 140 days: half of the days are before childbirth, the rest after. After a difficult birth, according to the law, a woman can rest for 156 days. And 194 days of maternity leave are given to women who have given birth to more than one child at the same time.

It is necessary to issue a certificate for maternity leave, which can be done starting from the 30th week of pregnancy. When a woman carries twins, the processing time is reduced by two weeks.

During the entire maternity leave, a cash allowance is paid. It is calculated based on the amount of the average earnings of the previous two years. The amount of the allowance must not be less than 7,500 rubles.

If a woman officially works in multiple jobs, then each job must provide maternity leave.

First of all, a pregnant woman needs to take a sick leave and provide it at work.

After the birth of the baby, you need to take care leave. By the way, other family members also have the right to receive it.

The first thing that is required for maternity leave is a statement addressed to the director, in which the woman must declare a claim for benefits. This vacation document is written for up to three years after childbirth.

What you need to provide to get maternity leave:

  • Certificate of registration;
  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • Certificate confirming income for the last working year;
  • Bank details. It is on him that the woman will be credited with the cash allowance;
  • Sick leave from the consultation.

Documents after childbirth for maternity leave:

  • Baby's birth certificate;
  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • Bank account number.

At the moment, the definition of maternity leave guarantees the receipt of the following payments:

  • Maternity allowance. It is important to note that its minimum amount is at least 7,500 rubles;
  • The allowance is additional if the woman is registered before 12 weeks. Its amount is fixed - 613 rubles;
  • At the birth of a child, a lump sum of 16 350 rubles is paid;
  • Care allowance until the child turns 1.5 years old, which is paid monthly. In the amount of 40% of the salary for the previous two years. The minimum allowance is 3,065 rubles for the first child, 6,131 rubles for the second or third child.

Thus, the decree provides not only a certain period of rest for recovery, but also monetary benefits. As for maternity capital, it can also be obtained during the decree. Its size at the moment is about 453 thousand rubles.