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Orthopedic insoles for children from clubfoot. Anti-varus shoes. Great availability and low prices


The feet of most people who have to stand and walk a lot every day are subjected to severe stress and deformation. Buying low-quality shoes is also harmful to health - the legs begin to hurt, fatigue and heaviness appear. Therefore, knowledge on how to choose an orthopedic insole will be useful to any person who is worried about their health. These devices are especially useful for people who suffer from flat feet or heel spurs. Even orthopedic insoles are recommended for athletes - physical activity negatively affects the feet.

Why you need orthopedic insoles

The functional role of orthopedic insoles is to protect a person's feet from excessive loads. People on average take from three to six thousand steps per day, which cannot but negatively affect the health of the legs. The main risk groups are children, pregnant women, athletes, as well as those who have to stand for a long time every day: doctors, security guards or sellers. Properly selected instep supports will help prevent:

    foot fatigue;

  • load on the spine;
  • callus formation;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin.

Types of insoles from flat feet

On the shelves of pharmacies and orthopedic salons, you can find two types of insoles: medical or sports. Each of these insoles have their own distinctive characteristics: sports insoles are more likely to prevent and prevent leg diseases, and therapeutic insoles are used directly to restore the physiological position of the feet.


These orthopedic insoles are used by most athletes in the world. With their use, the support and spring functions of the legs are significantly improved, the risk of injuries is reduced, and endurance increases. Sports orthopedic insoles, due to their design, have the properties to provide for the stabilization of the ankle joint and all parts of the foot due to the uniform distribution of the load received during exercise.


There are a number of diseases in which doctors advise wearing medical insoles. The sole of the foot of each person has its own individual anatomical features, so experts do not recommend purchasing standard arch supports in the store. Depending on the disease and the structure of the leg, doctors select personal corrective liners for each patient.

How to choose orthopedic insoles

It is necessary to select instep supports depending on the problems associated with foot diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor, and then either purchase standard liners at a pharmacy, or order them according to the individual characteristics of your feet in an orthopedic salon. The last of the options is the best - the effectiveness of treatment with personal selection is much higher.

For treatment

Along with the usual flat feet, hallux valgus or heel spurs can develop, and clubfoot is often observed in children. If these unpleasant diseases are not treated, in the future there is a possibility of problems with the spine / joints. With certain knowledge, you can independently purchase the necessary arch support for wearing with a particular foot disease, without resorting to costly individual manufacturing.

With flat feet

This disease is one of the most common in the world, it affects 60-70 percent of the world's population. It occurs due to the weakening of the muscles of the feet with frequent walking. Depending on the type of flat feet, special arch supports are selected:

    Transverse. Instep supports with such flat feet should have a heel corrector and a roller toe separator. The insert serves to correct the transverse arch of the sole of the foot.

  1. Longitudinal. Orthopedic insoles for flat feet of this type should have special wedges that change the angle of the foot in the shoe. The main feature is the set height of the arch support to correct the longitudinal arch of the muscles of the feet.

With hallux valgus

The main distinguishing feature of this disease is the formation of a painful growth at the base of the big toe. With flat-valgus deformity, the foot takes on an x-shaped shape due to the gradual turning of the toes and heel outward. It is not easy to treat such an ailment, but when using special shoe insoles in combination with massages and gymnastics, the process is noticeably accelerated. Arch supports are installed in two places (at the heel and at the toes), which helps to simultaneously correct the direction of correction.

For heel spur

Heel spur healing is a very difficult and lengthy task. An important role in this process is played by unloading the foot, achieved with the help of special arch supports (heel pads). Insoles with a heel spur help the feet to be in the correct position, being a kind of corset. Modern heel pads are made primarily of silicone and are attached to the shoe with the included anti-slip adhesive. Benefits of using insoles and heel pads:

    reduce the load on the sole of the foot;

  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent fatigue;
  • prevent diseases of the joints and spine;
  • fix the arches of the foot in the correct position.

For adults

Depending on the pathology, insoles for adults differ, which can be clearly seen from the table below:

Type of insoles

Characteristic features and purpose
VP-1 and VP-2 Special insoles for flat feet with heel arch supports for the correction and treatment of the longitudinal arch of the foot
VP-3 Used to treat foot torsion, they are distinguished by a special pronator under the anterior part of the foot
VP-6 Universal corrective inserts, designed specifically for the correction of two arches of the foot, has several supinator tabs
VP-7 Insoles designed to relieve clubfoot and shortening of the foot caused by wearing heels, equipped with a pronator around the edge of the foot
VP-10 Arch supports with special recesses for flat feet correction, getting rid of corns and calluses

For children

Special arch supports for flat feet or clubfoot for children must be used even before the onset of the disease itself. Since the child's foot is formed before the age of five, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Basic requirements for children's arch supports: lightness, strength. They should not be felt when the child moves, fit any shoes for the proper development of the child's musculoskeletal system. You can buy children's insoles, which include an insert with aluminum foil - it protects the fragile legs of babies from the cold in winter.

Find out what it is, how to treat it and what degrees the disease has.

Video: types of orthopedic insoles, their description and purpose, how to choose orthopedic insoles

Each special arch support designed for the treatment of flat feet and other leg diseases has its own characteristics. Before choosing orthopedic medical insoles, you need to understand their types and purpose. Proper arch supports must fully comply with the physiological characteristics of the musculoskeletal system of each person. You can learn about these and other rules for choosing orthopedic insoles by watching an informative video.

Anyone who is faced with such a problem is interested in the question of which doctor to turn to for help, how to correct clubfoot and save their legs.


Such a defect does not occur unexpectedly. Sometimes clubfoot is a congenital condition of the limbs, in some cases the root causes of its formation are quite predictable. However, it is not necessary that the presence of provoking factors will affect the formation of a clubfoot.

A congenital disease is formed due to the wrong lifestyle of a pregnant woman, the abuse of bad habits.

  • failures in the transmission of nerve impulses in the muscle frame;
  • the presence of hormonal diseases;
  • wearing tight, narrow shoes from an early age;
  • trauma to muscles, ligaments;
  • disharmonious body proportions, overweight;
  • diseases of the spinal column;
  • defects of the hip joints;
  • genetic predisposition.

Strong loads on the legs in childhood, if parents forcibly put the child when his body is not yet ready for this, is also one of the reasons. Clubfoot in an adult almost always has roots from a person’s childhood, but regardless of what it appeared, the treatment is always the same.

Signs of the disease

If a serious foot defect is just beginning to develop, the first symptoms are very easy to miss. The more the legs are bent, the more discomfort a person experiences. When there is a risk of this problem in the anamnesis, you should pay attention to all suspicious changes in the body.

  • gait "Winnie the Pooh" (while walking, a person rolls over from one side to the other);
  • the arch on the inside of the foot, the outer one, on the contrary, is strongly lowered;
  • curvature in the middle;
  • you can observe the bending of the fingers towards the inside.

After some time, deformation of the muscles of the leg and knee joints begins to occur. The gait changes, blood circulation is disturbed, as a result of which pain and various complications appear. Also, with a long absence of complex treatment, subluxations of the joints are observed.

Possible Complications

If you do not start paying attention in time to the fact that your legs hurt, not attaching importance to the first signs of the disease, chronic problems begin to form that damage not only the limbs, but also the internal organs. Therapy in this case is significantly more difficult, some diseases cannot be completely cured at all.

  • varicose veins, thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • prolapse of the internal organs located in the abdomen;
  • ulcerative formations in the lower part of the legs;
  • arthrosis of the joints of the foot;
  • circulatory disorders of the lower extremities.

To prevent the occurrence of serious complications, the disease should be diagnosed in a timely manner.

Identifying clubfoot on your own is very simple. To do this, just look at the insole of the shoe that a person most often wears. If its outer side is heavily trampled, and there is no depression in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumbs, it is safe to say that there is a risk of developing clubfoot. In such cases, orthopedic treatment should be carried out immediately.



Treatment of clubfoot combines a set of preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the development of complications, as well as correcting existing defects.

It must be remembered that in order to successfully combat the disease, it is necessary to influence it only in a complex manner. Therapy includes the use of a certain group of medicines, the wearing of specialized orthopedic shoes, preventive physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics. In severe cases, treatment with surgical intervention is indicated. After elimination of all unpleasant symptoms, lifelong prevention and regular monitoring by the attending physician is necessary.


One of the methods to get rid of clubfoot is the use of drugs that improve nerve impulse conduction. Such medicines are taken exclusively according to indications, if it was the nervous pathology that became the root cause of the problem. Tablets prescribed by a doctor often contain strychnine, distigmine bromide, or proserine.

The course of admission, as a rule, is at least 14 days. Such medicines have many contraindications and complications, so their intake should be fully justified.


Another method that helps treat clubfoot is to conduct special gymnastics. It allows you to relax the muscles that are in good shape or strengthen the frame, if this is what is required from the procedure. The main rule is regularity. If you perform exercises with varying success, you will not be able to get any effect from them. Such gymnastics is indicated not only for the treatment of defects, but also for the prevention of their occurrence, if there is a genetic predisposition for that.

  1. You need to stand up straight, put your hands on your belt. Then you should put the feet on their inside.
  2. After the manipulation, spread the toes of the feet in different directions, while the heels are together.
  3. Then you should perform the rear extension of the feet.

For this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs in front of you. Pull a tight elastic band over your feet. After that, it is necessary to try to spread the socks, overcoming the tension. Hold the tension for at least 10 seconds at a time.

To perform the following exercise, you need to draw an imaginary straight line. Then you need to walk on it and spread your feet in the form of a Christmas tree. You can walk like this at every opportunity.

There are many more exercises that will help get rid of the problem. If there is no time to study at home, you can attend special courses offered by paid clinics.


Massage should be carried out by a medical professional who has a certain qualification, allowing him to engage in this activity. Depending on the desired result, there are two types of massage - tonic and relaxing. The first is indicated in the absence of muscle tone, the second - on the contrary, to remove it.

The duration of the course is selected by the orthopedic doctor. He evaluates the effectiveness of the measures taken, as well as their further expediency.

Wearing special shoes

One of the most important ways to correct clubfoot is to wear special shoes with orthopedic insoles, which are made to individual measurements. It is not forbidden to purchase a finished product. Specialty stores offer a ton of shoe options: flats, sneakers, and even boots.

These shoes keep the foot in the correct position, preventing it from moving at other angles. Regular wearing will help to achieve the greatest result, then it will be possible not only to prevent, but also to cure the disease.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to correct a leg defect with the help of physiotherapy, but they may well contribute to a speedy recovery. Such an effect restores metabolic processes in tissue cells, enhances blood circulation, and strengthens the immune system. There is a general improvement of the body, which inevitably affects the gait. Treatment is carried out using sound, light or magnetic waves.

Phonophoresis also has a beneficial effect. During the procedure, special drugs are injected under the skin, which penetrate there under the action of ultrasound.

Surgical intervention

If other methods of influence have not had the desired effect, the cardinal method of correction is the implementation of surgical intervention. Also, the operation is indicated for severe congenital foot defects, when conservative treatment is not advisable.

Such an impact on the problem is a very serious step, but at the same time the most effective one. The decision on the need for surgery is made by the orthopedic surgeon who observes the patient.


Preventive measures against clubfoot should be carried out from early childhood. If there is a predisposition to the disease or the first signs begin to appear, the maximum amount of free time should be given to prevention.

  • perform massage;
  • to do exercises;
  • walk barefoot on sand, sea pebbles or gravel, grass;
  • put on the baby specialized shoes with a pronounced arch support and reinforced heel support until he has a step;
  • periodically go to preventive consultations with an orthopedist, treat all diseases in a timely manner.

A useful acquisition will be a rug, which consists of elements in the form of spikes or balls. It is recommended to walk on it for children and adults, daily devoting at least a few minutes to their health.

Since clubfoot is a very serious disease and provokes many complications, it is much easier to prevent its occurrence than to eliminate all the consequences later.

Why does clubfoot occur and how to fix it?

Many people who are faced with such a problem as clubfoot are trying to find answers to the questions: why does clubfoot occur, how to fix it. Let's look at the pathology and methods for its elimination.

Causes of the problem

Clubfoot in a person can be:

If the problem is acquired, then its first signs can be noticed when the child begins to walk. If, when the first signs of clubfoot appear, you begin to treat this pathology, then in most cases you can get rid of the problem, and the foot at the same time takes on a normal shape. Very often, the cause of congenital clubfoot is called the impact on a pregnant woman of harmful toxins, the presence of bad habits in the expectant mother, or the frequent use of medications.

Acquired clubfoot occurs as a result of excess weight in the baby. When there is an active development of the bone and joint-ligamentous systems in a small child, then under the influence of too much weight, the pressure of which falls on the legs, the muscles begin to stretch over time. There is a fairly noticeable displacement of the axis of the ankle joint, because it is in this place in the leg that a person has the largest number of ligaments and important muscles.

At the same time, the pathology begins to develop very quickly due to the incorrect position of the femur. With a constant load on the bones and excess weight, after a while, a significant displacement to the lateral plane can be observed.

If we consider the problem of an adult, then very soon it will be possible to notice that a sick person has the figure of "Winnie the Pooh." If you do not start treating clubfoot, then soon the thoracic region begins to bend, the bend in the lumbar region completely disappears, the back becomes round, the buttocks jump up quite strongly. In order to be able to move, a person begins to roll over from foot to foot, because otherwise he can no longer walk.

Signs of a clubfoot

In order for an orthopedic traumatologist to make a diagnosis of clubfoot, the presence of such signs as:

  1. The front part of the foot of an adult or a child is raised up.
  2. On the outer edge, the sole of the foot is lowered down, and on the inner edge it is slightly raised.
  3. In the ankle joint, movements are either completely absent or they are minimal.
  4. In the middle part, the sole of the foot is strongly bent.
  5. There are restrictions in the course of the foot up.
  6. The toes are slightly or strongly bent inwards.
  7. During the movement, a sick person rolls over from foot to foot.

In order to be able to cure clubfoot, the orthopedist must obtain the results of a CT scan, as well as take several x-rays. Some specialists may additionally perform ultrasound of the lower extremities in a sick child or adult patient. Together, these methods help not only to study the problem, but also to prescribe treatment in the future that will help get rid of clubfoot. In addition, studies of this type allow you to accurately determine which part of the anatomical structure has deviations from the norm and has become the cause of the pathology.

In connection with such dangerous complications, getting rid of clubfoot in an adult patient should be as soon as possible. In order to detect the presence of this problem, it is enough to look at the insole of shoes that you wear quite often. If there is a sufficiently strong impression in the outer part of the insole and, at the same time, there is no depression in the area of ​​​​the first toe, then we can talk about the presence of clubfoot.

Complications as a result of the development of clubfoot

If this pathology is observed in an adult, then quite serious diseases associated with other organs and even human organ systems can occur. The most common complications include the following:

  1. Breathing problems.
  2. Venous outflow from the lower extremities will be much more difficult.
  3. Arthrosis of the foot begins to develop.
  4. There are ulcerative defects in the leg area.
  5. There is a displacement and prolapse of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and rectum in a sick person.

How to fix clubfoot

The treatment of this serious pathology in an adult differs from the treatment of children under two years of age. In order to make the foot normal, you need to follow the following principles of therapy:

  1. Special medications are used to improve nerve conduction in the muscles.
  2. Every day you need to perform special gymnastic exercises that will strengthen the ligaments.
  3. In order for the foot to acquire a normal shape, it is necessary to use special tight splints or even plaster casts.
  4. To effectively correct changes in the arch, orthopedic shoes are worn.
  5. Experts recommend mandatory use of physiotherapy techniques that will help remove inflammation in the lower extremities and improve blood circulation.
  6. If all these methods were not effective, then it is worth resorting to surgical intervention.

It is worth noting that classical methods of treatment very rarely help to solve the problem with clubfoot. As a rule, they all help to get rid of secondary signs, but the reason that caused the pathology does not go away. A very important role in the treatment of clubfoot is played by the attitude of a sick person to this problem. If it is important for the patient to recover and he carefully follows all the recommendations of a specialist, then the effect will be much higher. If we talk about surgical intervention, then very often they use the operation according to the Ponseti method. This type of surgery is very effective, while the cost of the procedure is incredibly low.

How to fix clubfoot in a child

Only the orthopedist who examined the patient can make a decision on how to correct a clubfoot in a child. As a rule, gypsum is used to eliminate clubfoot in children. It can be used to treat even infants.

In order to carry out the procedure, the specialist carefully kneads the foot of a sick child, then fixes it in a normal position and puts on a special boot, which is made of plaster. In this case, the plaster must be applied from the foot to the place that is just above the child's knee. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure several times in order for its effectiveness to be maximum.

After that, you can proceed to the second stage of treatment. When the baby begins to walk at least a little, then special shoes are put on their feet, which are called orthoses. They can be nocturnal or articulated (used only during the day when the child begins to move). It is necessary to regularly carry out special massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises. Together, these procedures will help to quickly get rid of the problem.

In addition, parents should purchase special orthopedic shoes, namely insoles with an arch support. Such shoes have a high cost and are purchased only to order, but this is the only way to avoid more serious problems with the baby's lower limbs. When the child is seven years old, you can start buying him regular shoes designed for children.

This method of treatment will be effective only if the child has a mild form of pathology. Otherwise, you can not do without surgical intervention. Then the specialists, as a rule, decide to perform an operation according to the Zatsepin methods, which is performed on the ligaments, as well as on the tendons of the sick child. Such a procedure is incredibly complicated and children, as numerous practice shows, do not tolerate such an operation well. Therefore, until the child is fully restored, he is issued a disability.

Parents who are faced with a similar problem should remember that clubfoot does not disappear on its own. It must be treated and constantly engaged in prevention. To do this, do gymnastics and exercises for your baby, stretch his spine, sign up for some kind of sports club or even dancing.

The orthopedist will explain in more detail how to correct clubfoot after a thorough examination of the patient.

Why is it bad to be "Clumsy Bear"?

Clubfoot in adults is a violation of the shape of the ankle joint, which manifests itself in the wrong position of the foot.

Why does clubfoot appear in adults?

There are two main causes of clubfoot. Firstly, clubfoot occurs as a result of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system. For example, the cause of congenital clubfoot may be the effect of toxic substances on the body of a pregnant woman, such as cigarettes, alcoholic beverages or drugs.

Secondly, the cause of clubfoot in adults is also an acquired pathology that has arisen, for example, as a complication after arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis of the spine, or as a result of an injury accompanied by fractures of large bones. And also the cause of acquired clubfoot in adults can be overweight. This reason becomes the main one in 80% of cases when clubfoot is diagnosed.

Symptoms characteristic of clubfoot in adults

  • clubfoot when walking is characterized by the fact that the feet are turned inward;
  • with clubfoot, the movement of the sole up and in the ankle is limited;
  • inward curvature of the fingers;
  • during movement, an adult with a clubfoot leans on the outer part of the leg;
  • leg muscles atrophy;
  • with clubfoot, the function of the knee joints is impaired.

Figure "Winnie the Pooh"

People with signs of clubfoot are characterized by certain features in appearance, namely, the figure is characterized by the smoothness of the lumbar curve, the buttocks are pulled inward, the spine is curved, and the back takes the form of a question mark. When walking, swaying occurs, as the body rolls from one leg to the other.

All these changes in the figure will not only not help to hide the problems that have arisen with the legs, but can also lead to negative consequences. This may be a curvature of the spine, a violation of blood flow in the pelvic area and legs; possible prolapse of the liver, stomach, kidneys and other vital organs; a decrease in lung volume, and there may also be problems of a different nature associated with veins.

How can clubfoot be diagnosed in adults?

The first and surest way to determine clubfoot in adults is to contact an orthopedist, who, in turn, will prescribe an x-ray and ultrasound examination of the foot, as well as computed tomography of the foot.

The second way to determine clubfoot can be used at home. To do this, you need to take the shoes that you have been wearing for, say, the last two months. If there are no abrasions in the area of ​​the thumb, but there is increased abrasions along the outer edge of the insole, we can safely assume that an adult has a clubfoot.

What methods can be used to treat clubfoot?

Unfortunately, clubfoot in adults cannot be completely cured, however, it is possible to improve the position of the foot and maintain it in the future.

  1. it is possible to treat clubfoot in adults with the use of drugs aimed at enhancing nerve patency;
  2. daily gymnastics to strengthen the ligaments;
  3. the use of special tires, plaster casts in order to give the foot a healthy position;
  4. also another remedy that perfectly allows you to treat clubfoot in adults is the use of orthopedic shoes;
  5. an excellent tool that helps to treat any foot disorder, such as valgus or clubfoot, is foot massage, which has a beneficial effect on improving blood circulation in the legs;
  6. surgery (for example, Ponseti surgery).

What are the methods of prevention of clubfoot in adults?

In order to prevent clubfoot in adults, it is necessary to periodically do a massage that strengthens the muscles of the legs, wear orthopedic shoes, where special attention should be paid to the quality of the arch support, exclude high heels and walk as often as possible on uneven surfaces such as sand, pebbles, grass.

The feet of most people who have to stand and walk a lot every day are subjected to severe stress and deformation. Buying low-quality shoes is also harmful to health - the legs begin to hurt, fatigue and heaviness appear. Therefore, knowledge on how to choose an orthopedic insole will be useful to any person who is worried about their health. These devices are especially useful for people who suffer from flat feet or heel spurs. Even orthopedic insoles are recommended for athletes - physical activity negatively affects the feet.

Why you need orthopedic insoles

The functional role of orthopedic insoles is to protect a person's feet from excessive loads. People on average take from three to six thousand steps per day, which cannot but negatively affect the health of the legs. The main risk groups are children, pregnant women, athletes, as well as those who have to stand for a long time every day: doctors, security guards or sellers. Properly selected instep supports will help prevent:

  • foot fatigue;
  • load on the spine;
  • callus formation;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin.

Types of insoles from flat feet

On the shelves of pharmacies and orthopedic salons, you can find two types of insoles: medical or sports. Each of these insoles have their own distinctive characteristics: sports insoles are more likely to prevent and prevent leg diseases, and therapeutic insoles are used directly to restore the physiological position of the feet.


These orthopedic insoles are used by most athletes in the world. With their use, the support and spring functions of the legs are significantly improved, the risk of injuries is reduced, and endurance increases. Sports orthopedic insoles, due to their design, have the properties to provide for the stabilization of the ankle joint and all parts of the foot due to the uniform distribution of the load received during exercise.


There are a number of diseases in which doctors advise wearing medical insoles. The sole of the foot of each person has its own individual anatomical features, so experts do not recommend purchasing standard arch supports in the store. Depending on the disease and the structure of the leg, doctors select personal corrective liners for each patient.

How to choose orthopedic insoles

It is necessary to select instep supports depending on the problems associated with foot diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor, and then either purchase standard liners at a pharmacy, or order them according to the individual characteristics of your feet in an orthopedic salon. The last of the options is the best - the effectiveness of treatment with personal selection is much higher.

For treatment

Along with the usual flat feet, hallux valgus or heel spurs can develop, and clubfoot is often observed in children. If these unpleasant diseases are not treated, in the future there is a possibility of problems with the spine / joints. With certain knowledge, you can independently purchase the necessary arch support for wearing with a particular foot disease, without resorting to costly individual manufacturing.

With flat feet

This disease is one of the most common in the world, it affects a percentage of the world's population. It occurs due to the weakening of the muscles of the feet with frequent walking. Depending on the type of flat feet, special arch supports are selected:

  1. Transverse. Instep supports with such flat feet should have a heel corrector and a roller toe separator. The insert serves to correct the transverse arch of the sole of the foot.
  2. Longitudinal. Orthopedic insoles for flat feet of this type should have special wedges that change the angle of the foot in the shoe. The main feature is the set height of the arch support to correct the longitudinal arch of the muscles of the feet.

With hallux valgus

The main distinguishing feature of this disease is the formation of a painful growth at the base of the big toe. With flat-valgus deformity, the foot takes on an x-shaped shape due to the gradual turning of the toes and heel outward. It is not easy to treat such an ailment, but when using special shoe insoles in combination with massages and gymnastics, the process is noticeably accelerated. Arch supports are installed in two places (at the heel and at the toes), which helps to simultaneously correct the direction of correction.

For heel spur

Heel spur healing is a very difficult and lengthy task. An important role in this process is played by unloading the foot, achieved with the help of special arch supports (heel pads). Insoles with a heel spur help the feet to be in the correct position, being a kind of corset. Modern heel pads are made primarily of silicone and are attached to the shoe with the included anti-slip adhesive. Benefits of using insoles and heel pads:

  • reduce the load on the sole of the foot;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent fatigue;
  • prevent diseases of the joints and spine;
  • fix the arches of the foot in the correct position.

For adults

Depending on the pathology, insoles for adults differ, which can be clearly seen from the table below:

Clubfoot in adults

Treatment in our clinic:
  • Fast and effective elimination of pain syndrome;
  • Safe non-surgical methods and a minimum of drugs;
  • Our goal: complete restoration and improvement of impaired functions;
  • Visible improvements after 1-2 sessions

Ankle joint deformity with incorrect foot placement in an adult can be both a consequence of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system, and an acquired pathology that develops against the background of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis of the spine and after injuries with fractures of large bones. In any case, clubfoot in adults is a serious disorder that is quite difficult to treat and almost impossible to completely correct.

Causes and consequences of clubfoot in adults

True clubfoot in an adult is a consequence of the lack of attention from parents and orthopedists in the process of growth and development of the child. The deformation of the bones of the foot in this case is persistent. You can fix it with the help of long-term exercises with special physical exercises. The main reason is intrauterine developmental disorders of the bone and ligamentous apparatus. This happens against the background of intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman (smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages and certain medicines can play a negative role).

Acquired clubfoot in adults most often develops against the background of a set of overweight. These cases account for more than 80% of all established diagnoses. With the development of obesity, a slight shift in the center of gravity occurs, as a result of which the physiological position of the pelvic bones changes. An incorrect angle of fixation of the femur in the hip joint begins to form. At the same time, an increased physical load begins to appear on the knees, which is redistributed compensatory to the ankle joints. Gradually, their deviation to the lateral sides is formed. When walking in such a person, the main load falls on the outer edge of the foot.

This negatively affects the depreciation properties. The reverse pathological process starts, in which the secondary deformation of the knee and hip joints begins. An incorrect posture is formed with a displacement of the lumbar vertebrae. A patient who has been suffering from clubfoot for a long time develops a characteristic “Winnie the Pooh figure”: the lumbar curve is smoothed, the buttocks are pulled inward, the thoracic spine curves, the back becomes round and massive, since it bears the main load during any movements. When walking, you can see the swaying of the body with the transfer of weight from one foot to another.

All this is fraught with negative consequences:

  • venous blood flow is disturbed in the cavity of the small pelvis and lower extremities;
  • there are numerous omissions of internal organs (dislocation of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, poppies, rectum, kidneys);
  • the vital volume of the lungs is reduced;
  • there is a sign of arthrosis of large joints (hip, knee, ankle);
  • there are thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, trophic ulcers of the lower leg.

Therefore, when this pathology is detected in an adult, it is necessary to correct the situation as early as possible. Moreover, for diagnosis, it is enough to look inside the shoes that you wear for at least 2 months. You will notice the absence of pronounced abrasions in the area where the base of the thumb rests. But at the same time, the largest recesses in depth will be present along the outer edge of the insole. Even the minimal degree of clubfoot in this "test" will give itself away at the first examination.

If you still have doubts, then contact an orthopedist who, in addition to a visual examination, will conduct a series of diagnostic measures. The most important are x-rays, which will show the degree of deformation of the bone cartilage tissue.

How to fix clubfoot in adults?

Despite the rather gloomy forecasts of traditional medicine, clubfoot in adults can be corrected with regular exercise, massage, manual exposure and the use of orthopedic shoes.

There is a stereotype that all tissues of the human body actively develop at the age of flight, and then, as it were, stop in the mouth and there is no longer any possibility to correct any defects without the help of a surgical scalpel. Trust me, this is far from true. In the practice of any chiropractor, there are a huge number of real examples when posture, clubfoot and flat feet were corrected at an already mature age without surgical operations. Bone tissue is capable of regeneration throughout a person's life. Otherwise, all persons over 25 years old simply would not have any chance that their fracture would heal.

Cartilage, tendon and muscle tissue undergo changes constantly. These are structures that, with a sufficient level of physical activity against the background of normal intake of nutrients, are able to develop until old age.

Therefore, we offer you a comprehensive correction of clubfoot in adults using all available manual interventions. Depending on the form of your pathology and the degree of neglect of the process, you will be offered various methods with acupuncture and osteopathy, therapeutic strengthening massage and physical culture. Yes, healing will be slow. But you will notice a positive result after the first sessions. It will manifest itself in the form of an improvement in your well-being, an increase in vital energy, an increase in efficiency, and a great mood. And this is far from accidental. Since it is on the sole of the foot that there are numerous biologically active points that are responsible for the functioning of the whole organism.

The foot is a unique part of our musculoskeletal system, the function of which is to support the entire body and its movement. Under the weight of this burden carried throughout life, as well as under the influence of diseases, congenital anomalies, the anatomy of the foot begins to change, and its functionality decreases: pain, gait disturbances, deformities, and difficulties with the selection of shoes occur. If the foot of an adult is crippled more often from acquired diseases, injuries and stress, then children's feet suffer mainly due to congenital pathologies.

Foot insoles in orthopedic medicine

In order to unload the feet, smooth out the consequences of defects and diseases, and reduce the suffering when walking, orthopedic medicine has developed a whole series of products that can be used in many situations. These are orthopedic insoles familiar to all of us - correctors for the position of the foot in shoes. The insole has an anatomical bend of the foot, and the correction is carried out in one (or two or three) of the following ways:

  • with the help of an instep support - thickening along the inner edge;
  • pronator - thickening along the outer edge;
  • transverse layout;
  • recesses in the heel region;
  • metatarsal pillow.

The corrector for the fingers can be in the form of a finger separator, thumb abductor, tightening elastic cuff with a hole for the finger.

Types of orthopedic insoles

It is necessary to choose a corrector from a huge number of products that differ in their material and rigidity.

Orthoses for the foot, depending on the base material, are:

Silicone and gel

Their role is therapeutic (at early stages), depreciation and prophylactic:

  • heavy loads;
  • diabetic foot;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • arthrosis;
  • heel spur;
  • shoe size reduction.

They are made in the form of insoles, semi-insoles, heel pads, heel pads and liners.


For the treatment of various types and degrees of flat feet, including combined and third degree.

  • The fight against static foot deformity and its prevention in pregnant women.
  • Elimination of pain and fatigue after exercise.
  • Prevention of corns and corns.
  • Walking in heels up to 10 cm.

Other materials:

  • wool and felt (suitable for wearing in winter);
  • coal (used for excessive sweating);
  • bamboo (good natural, anti-toxic, wear-resistant material);
  • eva (memorizes the shape of the foot), etc.

By design, the insoles are soft and hard, frameless and frame:

  • Soft insoles are used to create comfort, warmth, smooth out pain in diabetes, prevent diseases and treat pathologies of the first or second degree.
  • Rigid more perform therapeutic, corrective and unloading functions. They can be used in the third or fourth stage of the disease.
  • Depending on the load, they select frameless (for small and medium short loads) and frame insoles (for heavy physical labor, athletic sports, tourism, etc.).

When are orthopedic insoles for adults and children prescribed?

We are accustomed to the fact that orthopedic insoles are usually prescribed for flat feet, but this is not the only, although it is the most common misfortune that can happen to the feet.

flat feet

Walking is carried out thanks to the abductor and adductor muscles, flexors and extensors of the foot, some of which are arch supports (rotate the foot outward), and some are pronators (rotate inward). With flat feet, the foot is fixed in the allotted position and the longitudinal or transverse arch is flattened. The longitudinal and transverse flat feet themselves cause other deformities, such as:

  • valgus foot - the foot collapses on the inner arch, and the back side turns outward;
  • varus foot - the foot collapses on the outer arch, turning the heel inward;
  • "untwisted foot" - pronation of the heel and supination of the anterior section;
  • deformity and deviation of the thumb;
  • hammer fingers.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for flat feet, read.


Valgus and varus deformity are popularly called clubfoot. There is another type of clubfoot - equinovarus, when the foot is turned inward and down at the same time. Clubfoot is a congenital pathology, in half of the cases bilateral, observed more often in boys. In an adult, clubfoot can develop due to muscle paralysis, leg and foot injuries.

With clubfoot, the selection of a corrective orthosis is carried out, depending on the direction of foot deformity:

  • with varus flat feet (O-shaped legs), insoles with a pronator are needed - a thickening along the outer edge;
  • with valgus flat feet (X-shaped legs), insoles with a thickening along the inner edge (arch support) are used.

Heel spur

Another disease that disfigures the foot is a heel spur (plantar fasciitis). It can lead to:

  • ligament/tendon injuries and other injuries;
  • increased loads;
  • walking in high heels;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • chronic inflammation of the Achilles tendon, etc.

With a heel spur, the best corrector is a heel pad made of soft material with a heel recess.

There are two types of heels:

Shock absorbers with a rigid insert in the center. Their medicinal functions:

  • treatment of plantar fasciitis and prevention of heel damage;
  • reduced pressure on the heel;
  • massage while walking;
  • softening of thorns-growths.

Shock absorbers with soft center insert and hard sides:

  • reduce pain and increase comfort;
  • fix the foot well;
  • suitable for wearing shoes with high heels.

diabetic foot

The feet of a diabetic patient undergo terrible changes, often leading to amputation. Ulcers, phlegmons appear on them, nerves and blood vessels are damaged, sensitivity is lost, gangrene may occur. Walking causes great suffering.

Which orthopedic insoles are best for diabetic feet? You can choose insoles from the German manufacturer Pedag - Sensitiv brand made of elastic material nora coated with wear-resistant material.

  • They evenly distribute the load on the entire surface of the foot.
  • Reduce the force of compression at certain points, which reduces pain and irritation in ulcers.
  • They are hygienic: they can be washed, disinfected, cleaned.
  • Correctors can also be used for flat feet.

Not always selected insoles fully correspond to the anatomy of the patient's foot. And in diabetes with its symptoms of neuropathy and purulent necrosis, it is especially important that the corrector does not irritate the painful areas.

The best solution for diabetes is individual orthopedic insoles.

  • The orthopedist takes measurements from the patient's foot.
  • A corrector is modeled using a computer program.
  • After the insoles are made, they are fitted and tested.

Orders for individual production are accepted by many orthopedic stores.

Morton's neuroma

Intermetatarsal neuroma (metatarsal syndrome) is a thickened common toe nerve of the foot. The disease manifests itself in soreness between the third and fourth fingers.

With such a pathology, orthopedic insoles with a metatarsal pillow in the anterior part are used, or a surgical operation is performed (with ongoing pain and poor effectiveness of the orthosis).

For treatment are used:

  • semi-insoles supporting the transverse arch, with a drop-shaped gel shock absorber in the central part of the orthosis;
  • unloading liner made of latex;
  • inserts-correctors.

Heavy weight and exercise

Under the influence of a large weight, arthrosis of the joints, Achilles bursitis, plantar fasciitis can develop, cracks on the heels, calluses and corns appear. The same problems threaten during pregnancy. The use of shock-absorbing insoles will significantly reduce the load on the feet and prevent the onset of the disease and the appearance of cosmetic defects.

A good option for pregnant women are Orto Comfort insoles made of cork material and a moisture-absorbing, wear-resistant top coating:

  • they soften the load;
  • allow you to take long walks, do feasible work;
  • protect against fatigue;
  • are the prevention of osteochondrosis and arthrosis;
  • prevent the formation of calluses on the heels and soles.

Insoles for athletes

Active sports require a scrupulous selection of shoes or orthopedic correctors for athletes, taking into account even the anatomical features of the foot that are insignificant for an ordinary person: hypopronation, hyperpronation, etc. A sports doctor, having carefully examined the foot, selects the right insole or shoes. This is important both for obtaining good sports results and for the prevention of injuries and the development of foot diseases.

Athletes who are at risk of injuries to the ligaments, menisci, ankle should use a frame orthosis for the foot with an arch support:

  • it dampens the blow to the calcaneus;
  • reduces the load on the ankle, knee and hip joint;
  • increases the spring-spring function of the foot.

Trufit is the leading manufacturer of sports orthopedic orthoses.


In the acute period, severe pain and swelling make it impossible to walk in any shoes.

Tophi (salt deposits) with gout most often grow on the thumbs, lead to the need to buy wide, spacious shoes and use arch supports.

The size of tophi, soreness often require individual manufacturing of insoles.


This pathology is the result of brachyphalangia (fewer phalanges or their underdevelopment) or brachymetatarsia (shortening of the metatarsus), manifested in a shorter one or more fingers.

Accessory bones of the foot

This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but one of the options for the development of the foot. Accessory bones often form on the scaphoid. They are usually symmetrical and rounded. Because of the protrusion of the bones, pain, wounds and abrasions, subcutaneous synovitis occur.