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What is artificial testosterone made of? Artificial hormone testosterone cypionate. Overview of drugs to stimulate the production of your own testosterone

From year to year, any organism physiologically wears out. Biological processes slow down, internal organs lose their functionality, hormone synthesis decreases, and the body begins to fail. This is especially reflected in the male body, in which a deficiency of the male hormone can lead to androgen deficiency.

Therefore, doctors recommend treatment in the form of hormone replacement therapy. As a rule, intramuscular injections of testosterone cypionate are one of the types of effective drugs for men. Preparations containing testosterone are sold in any pharmacy - in the public domain and without a prescription.

Testosterone preparations on the pharmacological market are presented as:

  • testosterone injections;
  • Testosterone tablets - oral route of administration;
  • Testosterone patch and testosterone gel - transdermal method of application;
  • Suspension of testosterone;
  • subcutaneous implants.

Artificial testosterone has not only a positive effect on the body of men, but also side effects from taking it. The most popular type of testosterone is the hormone in ampoules, namely testosterone cypionate. Hormone injections are divided into short, medium and long-acting injections according to their duration and effectiveness.

A short-acting testosterone, such as propionate, should be taken every 3 days. The hormonal course in this case will take a long period of time and will affect the unpleasant pain at the injection site.

Testosterone cypionate, as well as enanthate, sustanol and testosterone depot, are medium-acting drugs. They need to be pricked only once every 2-3 weeks. This is quite convenient, besides, the effectiveness of such drugs is greater than that of analogues.

Taking a long-acting hormone, such as nebido undeconate, has a fairly long interval - about 14 weeks. Throughout this time, the hormonal background in men is maintained in the normal range. This drug has virtually no side effects. The hormone, as a rule, is excreted from the blood without sharp fluctuations in the general hormonal background in the blood. This leads to the fact that men retain sexual function, libido and mood during this time. A significant disadvantage of undeconate is the price of the drug.

Popular hormone ether

Testosterone cypionate is the most affordable and popular activator of anabolic processes in the body of men today. Male hormone injections are presented in the form of an oil solution. A solo cycle of testosterone cypionate is combined with other anabolic drugs for weight gain.

The action of testosterone cypionate in the body is aimed at regulating physical and emotional processes. Thanks to this hormone, a voice and primary sexual characteristics are formed in men, muscle growth is activated, and sexual function is regulated. Solo course of the drug is indicated for use in sports pharmacology. The hormone activates the synthesis of nitrogen in the body, and this, in turn, is a natural process of growth and development of muscle protein.

The negative side of testosterone cypionate is that the esters of the drug are aromatized into estrogens. This negatively affects the body of men, since an excess of the female hormone leads to the formation of the mammary glands according to the female type, stagnation of fluid in the body, as well as excessive weight gain. Long-term use of testosterone cypionate leads to testicular atrophy in men and a decrease in libido.

Side effects can be prevented if the course of the drug is combined with excipients, namely Nolvadex and Clomid. It is also worth noting that after taking testosterone cypionate, there may be such negative consequences as increased secretion of sebum, dermatological diseases, and baldness. Side effects can be eliminated with the help of the drug propecia.

The course of testosterone cypionate is quite long. Injections of the drug should be done every week in the amount of 200-250 mg. To avoid side effects, you should not raise this dose to 800 mg.
To block the synthesis of the male hormone into estrogen, tamoxifen is additionally injected at a dosage of 10 mg per day or more, depending on how you feel. If the testosterone cycle lasts more than 4-5 weeks, then gonadotropin is additionally used.

The testosterone stimulator has a relatively low cost, which makes it affordable for all categories of the population.

Testosterone for oral administration

Testosterone tablets are intended for oral administration. Synthetic hormone is easily absorbed by the body. The course of the hormone in tablets helps to increase energy, the formation of sexual arousal in men, increases the density of bone and muscle mass, and also improves the physiological state of the body as a whole.

It is much easier and more convenient to use the male hormone in tablets. But, if testosterone injections are rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, then the half-life of the tablet preparation is much longer.

The pharmacological market presents the male hormone in tablets in the following range: methyltestosterone, androlala, testoral, andriol, androxon, virigen. Despite the convenience of using the drug in the form of tablets, they are still rarely recommended for use. This is due to the low effect of testosterone. The course of the drug in a high dosage does not entail a significant change in the physiological state of the body. For example, the increase in muscle mass in this case will be only 7%, while testosterone injections form muscles by 40%.

For men with androgen deficiency solo, a course of testosterone tablets is not recommended for use. The only possible form of treatment is a combination of oral hormone and the steroid nandrolone.

Water solution

Testosterone injections are indicated for use in the form of an aqueous solution of the hormone. Testosterone suspension has a number of side effects. Basically, testosterone suspension is used in sports pharmacology in men involved in heavy sports. The advantage of suspensions is that their complete disintegration and utilization from the body occur within a day. While other synthetic analogues of the hormone do not have such an effect.

Testosterone suspension is one of the very first artificially derived anabolic steroids. Since the molecular structure of the drug is presented without ether in the composition, the testosterone suspension in 100 mg is presented exclusively in the form of a pure substance without impurities. Hormone analogs cannot demonstrate the same performance, since the same enanthate from 100% of the substance gives the body only 73%, everything else disappears with the ether.

Instructions for use of the drug testosterone suspension:

  • The minimum half-life of the active substance;
  • Accelerated anabolic effect on the body, manifested in the first 24 hours from the moment of injection;
  • High androgenic activity of the drug.

Testosterone suspension has a number of side effects that are not hidden by any instructions for use. The drug is prone to cause dermatological diseases, gynecomastia, increased sebum secretion. Also, an aqueous solution of testosterone has a negative effect on the liver. To avoid adverse reactions of the body, it is necessary to inject each dose of the drug in a new place. To reduce pain, the hormone in suspension is combined with vitamin B12.

Analogues of the artificial male hormone are also presented in the form of a gel and a patch containing a small amount of the hormone. They are prescribed to patients diagnosed with hypogonadism (low testosterone levels). An increase in the level of the hormone occurs while the gel penetrates the epithelium.
Testosterone patches are recommended for the elderly to prevent androgen deficiency.

A significant disadvantage of transdermal testosterone preparations is their short-term effect - only 24 hours. Then you need to glue a new patch or apply the gel to the skin. Gel Androgel and plaster Androderm have a high cost, which makes them inaccessible to the general population. Taking hormonal drugs should be carried out only after a doctor's prescription. Self-medication can lead to adverse effects.

The hormone testosterone is of great importance in the lives of men and women. This hormone is involved in the formation of bones in the body, in the synthesis of proteins (anabolic action), is responsible for androgenesis (sexual desire, secondary sexual characteristics). In addition, the amount of male hormone is an important factor in the sexual behavior of a person, the control of his sexual functions.

The lack of a hormone in the human body can be filled with testosterone tablets.

Classification of testosterone tablets

According to their origin, the types of testosterone are divided into synthetic and natural.

natural testosterone

Natural testosterone is produced from plant products: beans, yams, soy. Under laboratory conditions, hormones are created that are close in composition to the natural testosterone produced by the male reproductive system. This type of testosterone is produced in small, micron doses and is not fully absorbed by the body.
Micronized testosterone has a long duration of action, keeping hormone levels high throughout the day. There is an increase in sexual desire, energy, general well-being, tone improves, bone density increases. However, taking micronized testosterone can lead to side effects such as increased blood pressure, fluid retention, and increased blood cholesterol levels.

Synthetic Testosterone

Synthetic testosterone differs from the natural hormone in its chemical composition. It is quickly absorbed by the body through the blood and has a pronounced effect.

Tableted testosterone preparations are more convenient and comfortable to take than injections, but they are less effective and more expensive.

When a person takes synthetic testosterone pills, blood levels of the hormone can fluctuate significantly. A sharp increase in hormonal levels after taking can lead to feelings of anxiety, aggression, some irritability, muscle spasms, and headaches. Over time, as hormone levels drop, a feeling of weakness may occur.


One of the permitted types of synthetic testosterone in tablets is Methyltestosterone (Methandren, Testoral). Hormones of this type do not break down and are completely absorbed by the human body. A side effect of methyltestosterone is manifested in violations of the liver. And for this problem, the device has not received wide medical use.

Andriol (Androkson)

Undecanoate - a drug released in the 80s - does not show a pronounced toxic effect on the liver. Undecanoate is also available under the names Androxon, Andriol. Synthetic forms of testosterone in the drug enter the lymph without involving metabolic processes in the liver.

This type of synthetic testosterone is actually a prohormone. The active ingredients of the drug do not lead to water retention in the body, do not cause a significant suppression of the body's production of natural testosterone.

Based on sports practice, such a tablet form of the hormone does not have a significant anabolic effect.

In athletes using Androxon, there was no significant increase in muscle mass. The effects of anabolism, muscle growth was manifested only after the use of excess (240 mg per day) doses. This excess dosage increased the risk of side effects of the hormone.

The drug is used in medicine for disorders of the body associated with a lack of testosterone hormone:

  • violation of spermatogenesis;
  • infertility;
  • eunuchoidism;
  • impotence.

For women, Androxon is indicated for the following diseases:

  • violation of the menopause;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • osteoporosis.

Hormonal preparations can be used only after consulting a doctor. The dosage is selected depending on the patient's condition, his gender and age. Taking testosterone tablets begins, according to the instructions, with a daily dose of 120 to 160 mg. Taking the drug with this dosage is prescribed depending on the patient's condition for a period of up to 3 weeks. Further, maintenance therapy is prescribed - up to 120 mg of the drug per day.

Testosterone tablets are taken orally (by mouth) after a meal.

In men, before prescribing testosterone preparations, an examination of the prostate gland is performed. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of hormones and hematocrit, that is, the content of red blood cells in the blood plasma.

Side effects

When prescribing testosterone preparations as a replacement therapy, side effects of drugs may occur in the form of anisocytosis, erythrocytosis. There may also be increased sexual desire, an increase in the number of erections, a decrease in the volume of ejaculate.

In high doses, prolonged use of the drug can manifest itself in a decrease in sperm production, the appearance of prostate tumors, fluid retention in the body.

In some cases, there is alopecia areata, gynecomastia, dizziness, nausea, progression of sleep apnea.

Contraindications for testosterone replacement therapy

A contraindication to the appointment of testosterone is the presence in patients of prostate cancer, prostatic hyperplasia, erythrocytosis, severe cardiovascular insufficiency, liver failure.

Testosterone is the main hormone in the body of men and directly affects many functions of the body. Its insufficient amount can lead to a number of negative consequences and significantly affect the quality of life. Normally, the level of concentration of this hormone in the blood of a healthy man should be at least 11-33 nmol / l. With a decrease in these indicators, a man after a short period of time begins to feel a variety of signs of his insufficiency, and the lack of adequate adjustment and treatment can lead to the development of certain diseases.

To correct the level of testosterone in the blood, drugs can be prescribed that include a synthetic analogue of this male sex hormone or components that stimulate its production. The modern pharmacological industry produces many such drugs that help men (in some cases they can also be prescribed to women) to raise its level to normal readings.

Drugs to increase testosterone levels have found their application in medicine and sports, but one basic rule should not be forgotten when using them: only a doctor should prescribe them.

In our article, we will acquaint you with the signs and consequences of a decrease in testosterone levels and some pharmacological preparations to correct such disorders.

Signs and effects of low testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels affect a man's health at any age. A deficiency of this hormone can cause violations of the laying of the genital organs in the male fetus even in the prenatal period. In boys, low testosterone levels can cause a delay in sexual development and insufficient expression of secondary sexual characteristics. In such adolescents, there is an insufficient set of muscle mass, underdevelopment of the genital organs and signs of gynecomastia. Along with this, the child experiences difficult experiences, becomes isolated and subsequently may suffer from many complexes.

In adult men, testosterone is actively involved in many metabolic processes and muscle building, affects sexual activity, affects the immune system and brain function. It is the presence of this male sex hormone that forms the qualities of character inherent in the male sex: decisiveness, dominance, initiative, endurance to physical exertion, etc.

With testosterone deficiency in an adult male, the following are observed:

  • decreased libido;
  • erectile dysfunction (up to impotence and infertility);
  • replacement of muscle tissue with adipose tissue;
  • gynecomastia;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • depression.

Timely detection of such signs and the appointment of treatment will allow you to avoid the occurrence of more serious diseases and significantly improve the quality of life. To confirm the decrease in the level of this hormone, a man should contact an endocrinologist or andrologist and take a blood test to determine the level of testosterone.

Overview of drugs for hormone replacement therapy with testosterone in men


This drug is available as an oily solution for injection, which is used for intramuscular injection. Nebido has a prolonged action and can be used once every 3 months. The drug is used to treat secondary hypogonadism.


This drug is available in the form of a gel for external use. Androgel is applied once a day to clean and dry skin of the abdomen or the inner surface of the forearms. The maximum dose is 10 g. After the gel has been absorbed (after 5 minutes), the patient can put on clothes. Androgel is used for hormone replacement therapy for low blood testosterone levels and can be used for a long time.

Sustanon 250

This injection is administered intramuscularly and contains four types of testosterone. Sustanon 250 is well tolerated by patients of various age groups and can be used to treat congenital or acquired primary and secondary hypogonadism. The drug is administered once every 7-10 days.


This drug is available in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration. Andriol is well tolerated by patients, does not suppress the synthesis of its own testosterone, has minimal side effects and can be used to treat patients of various age categories. This hormone replacement therapy drug can be used to treat some forms of infertility, eunuchoidism, endocrine impotence, menopausal changes, masculinization in transsexuals and post-castration syndrome.

Overview of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Drugs for Men and Women

Testosterone Propionate

This drug for injection is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. Testosterone propionate stimulates the development of sexual organs, secondary sexual characteristics, libido and sperm production. The drug has an anabolic effect and promotes muscle building and enhances fixation in the bones. This androgenic agent has an antiestrogenic effect and can be used for premenstrual painful breast engorgement and to inhibit the growth of breast tumors and foci.


This long-acting drug is available as a solution for intramuscular injection and can be administered once a month. Omnadren consists of four types of testosterone. In men, the drug improves libido and potency, participates in the formation of genital organs, spermatogenesis and the formation of secondary and tertiary sexual characteristics. Omnadren can be prescribed for postcastration syndrome, eunuchoidism, impotence, oligospermia, pituitary dwarfism, Addison's disease, adiposogenital syndrome and infertility. In women, the drug has an antiestrogenic effect and can be used to inhibit the growth of tumors in tumors of the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands and endometriosis. Omnadren can be used for severe premenstrual tension syndrome, during and with hermaphroditism.

Overview of drugs to stimulate the production of your own testosterone

Preparations to stimulate the production of one's own testosterone are used to increase libido and build muscle mass in athletes. They consist of natural ingredients and stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone, which signals the testicles to stimulate the production of testosterone. Also, these drugs help to improve vascular tone and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The most popular testosterone boosters include:

  • Parity;
  • Vitrix;
  • Arimatest;
  • Animal test;
  • Cyclo-Bolan;
  • Tribulus;
  • Evo Test.

Despite the fact that the above drugs are not hormonal, you should consult a doctor before using them, because they may also have a number of contraindications.

The success of therapy with drugs for hormone replacement therapy with testosterone and agents for stimulating the production of one's own testosterone largely depends on the correctness of their appointment and use. Patients who take them are advised to have regular blood tests to monitor their hormone levels and see a doctor to assess the condition of the heart, kidneys and liver. Self-medication with drugs to increase testosterone levels can lead to negative consequences and pose a significant health hazard. Remember this!

Testosterone is the most important male hormone, thanks to which an immature youth turns into a mature man. This is a component that is responsible for the erectile and reproductive functions of the body, is responsible for libido. Due to age or other changes, testosterone levels can drop significantly. Wanting to remain sexually mature and sexually active, many men zealously monitor the level of the hormone. Testosterone tablets will help to eliminate the imbalance, but subject to its correct use.

The role of this hormone in the body of every man is incredibly great. No organ or system can function normally with its deficiency. The most important for every man is his sexual activity, for which testosterone is responsible. The functionality of the following systems depends on the level of this hormone:

  • full development of the genital organs (prostate, penis, testicles);
  • timely sexual development and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics (growth of hair in the pubic part, the appearance of bristles on the face);
  • protein synthesis, which is necessary for building muscle mass;
  • prevents the formation of excess fat;
  • affects the timbre of the voice, thanks to him men have low voices;
  • responsible for sexual desire;
  • improves blood circulation in the body, providing erectile function and timely ejaculation.

Important! “If the level of testosterone drops, it is not difficult to determine even without examinations. Sexual desire decreases, there is a lack of erection, the man begins to go bald, fat deposits appear on the sides and abdomen. Therefore, monitoring the level of the hormone is important for any man to remain full and sexually mature for many years.

Decreased hormone levels and consequences

Every man can control the level of testosterone. The norm is considered to be indicators of 11-33 nmol / l. Deviation from these norms can only be determined in the laboratory. But there are generally accepted indicators that indicate a decrease in an important hormonal background. This:

  • pathological fatigue, even after waking up;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • decreased libido;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • baldness;
  • obesity;
  • breast enlargement.

This condition is extremely depressing for most men who want to remain active throughout their lives. They begin to look for radical measures to change this situation. Testosterone tablets can help to overcome the unfavorable period.

Important! Testosterone is a hormonal drug, the independent use of which can lead to undesirable consequences.

In order not to harm your male body, taking such drugs should be started after an examination or consultation with a doctor. Self-medication, especially with hormonal drugs, has never had a positive effect. Experiments in this case are absolutely not needed. There are herbal ingredients that will help increase the level of this hormone. But tablets should be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

The modern pharmacological industry presents a fairly large range of such drugs on the pharmacy market. These are testosterone tablets, capsules, injectables. All of them are divided into drugs of natural or synthetic content. The synthetic hormone is synthesized in the laboratory and is identical to the human one. But drugs of this level do not have a long-term effect on the body and have a number of side effects. Among the most common negative effects, doctors note a high level of cholesterol in the blood, swelling, increased pressure. Synthetic testosterone is characterized by rapid absorption by the body. Due to this, its level quickly rises, and a beneficial effect is observed. But the effect does not last more than a day. For men, it is not the regular intake of pills that is important, but the increase in testosterone in more gentle ways. This can be drug therapy in combination with traditional medicine, which is known for the mass of plant components that are natural aphrodisiacs that can bring testosterone levels back to normal.

Testosterone and sports

Testosterone is the most important hormone for athletes who want to build muscle. Most often these are men, and women too, who are engaged in bodybuilding or powerlifting. It is this hormone that is responsible for protein synthesis, which is the main component in building muscle mass. Due to the availability of the drug, many athletes start taking it thoughtlessly, which can harm the body.

What is offered on the pharmacy shelves is synthesized testosterone. It is quickly absorbed by the body and no less quickly excreted. This leads to hormonal fluctuations, due to which a man can suddenly become irritable. Unsuccessful sexual intercourse will only exacerbate this irritability. But to realize that this is the fault of a hormonal drug, most men do not want to. Moreover, excessive use of the synthesized hormone adversely affects liver function.

Types of testosterone tablets

It has already been mentioned that testosterone, presented in pharmacies, is synthetic and natural. In the production of natural, plant components such as:

  • legumes.

But this method is rarely used, since such drugs are poorly absorbed by the body and have a short duration of action, no more than a day. During this time, a man feels an improvement in well-being, a surge of vitality and sexual strength, an increase in libido. But if you do not consolidate the effect with the next portion of the tablets, then in a day there will be no trace of such an effect. The use in large doses leads to negative consequences. These are nosebleeds, increased pressure, swelling. Given these negative aspects, doctors do not recommend this type of testosterone for regular use. It is effective for short duration. Synthesized testosterone is the most popular and has the best performance.

Synthetic hormone

Preparations of this type are quickly absorbed by the body, so self-administration is undesirable.

Important! Synthesized testosterone is sold in every pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The instruction contained in each package is intended for medical professionals only. Self-administration can lead to negative consequences.

This type of hormonal drugs is quickly absorbed by the body and leads to an increase in hormonal levels, which does not always favorably affect overall well-being. Appear inexplicable aggression, anxiety, anxiety, trembling in the hands, headache. These may be the consequences of an overdose. What dose is needed in each case, only the doctor decides.
Among the main hormones of this type, we can distinguish:

  • Adriol;
  • Methyltestosterone;
  • Tribestan;
  • Ziman;
  • Impaza;
  • Zincite.

These are the drugs that are guaranteed to raise testosterone levels. But to determine their dosage, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

High testosterone in women

Despite the fact that the hormone is considered male, it is also present in the body of women. And if men are concerned about its lack and are trying by all means to increase the level, then for women the excess can be displayed on the outside. There are signs that are more characteristic of men: facial hair growth, a rough voice. The menstrual cycle may be disturbed, bleeding occurs, and there is a risk of loss of reproduction. The woman becomes rude, excitable, aggressive. Only during pregnancy, increased testosterone is considered the norm. Therefore, such drugs are prescribed to women with extreme caution. An elevated background can cause the development of ovarian cancer.

Foods That Can Boost Testosterone Levels

Realizing the risk of taking synthesized drugs, many people are trying to normalize hormonal levels through proper nutrition and the use of traditional medicine. This is understandable. After all, the main reason for the decrease in the testosterone hormone is the wrong daily routine, lack of healthy food in the diet, alcohol abuse, and so on. Sometimes, if a man changes his habits dramatically and introduces certain foods into the diet, the level of this hormone rises. This can be achieved by entering the following products in the menu:

  • lean meats and poultry that are rich in protein and zinc;
  • nuts, vegetable oils that stimulate lipid metabolism;
  • citrus fruits, vegetables and fruits high in vitamin C;
  • parsley, dill, basil;
  • cereals, mainly buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • honey and bee products;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • liver;
  • seafood.

It is worth reminding men about the properties of ginger. Many healers call this root natural Viagra. There is no particular need to chew it in its pure form. In grated form, the root is added to soups and cereals, teas and drinks are prepared with it, consumed with honey. There are no special recommendations for its dosage. But the fact that the root, as well as parsley and dill, should be present in a man’s daily menu is for sure. In addition to the fact that a man should give up alcohol during a period of increased hormonal levels, it is necessary to reduce coffee consumption. This invigorating drink can be consumed, but only natural and in smaller quantities.

Testosterone is a male hormone. If it is not enough, it must be replenished. For example, testosterone tablets can be used. If there is not enough testosterone in the body, then many male functions will be weakened or suspended. There are alternative ways to replenish testosterone (injections, for example). But before taking these pills or injecting, you should understand what testosterone is and how it affects the body.

male sex hormone

As already mentioned, testosterone is a male sex hormone. But one should not think that women do not have such a hormone. It's just that its amount in a woman's body is much less. Testosterone is involved in the formation and strengthening of bone tissue, protein synthesis and has an anabolic effect. That is why the body of a man, as a rule, is characterized by a more powerful skeleton, developed muscles and muscle mass and less perception of pain. These properties of testosterone formed the basis of many hormonal drugs, which are prescribed for women in case of corresponding diseases.

For some diseases, testosterone tablets or testosterone-based hormonal preparations can be prescribed not only for men, but also for women. This is due to the fact that some diseases arise precisely because of the weakness of the skeleton or a violation of the process of protein synthesis, where testosterone is indispensable.

Testosterone is produced from cholesterol by cells of the adrenal cortex, in small amounts by the ovaries in women, and by cells of the testes in men. And if women need this hormone in minimal amounts (in the absence of corresponding diseases), then for men it is a vital hormone. In addition to the synthesis of proteins and the formation of bone tissue, it stimulates the functioning of the reproductive system.

Read also:

List of exercises for prostatitis.

natural and synthetic

Testosterone tablets can be divided into two large types: natural and synthetic. Natural testosterone is made from legumes. It differs from synthetic in that it is not very well absorbed by the body in tablet form. The fact is that testosterone is a hormone that partially breaks down when it enters the acidic environment of the stomach. To prevent this from happening, special protective additives are required. When injected, the degree of digestibility is much higher. But even here it should be noted that testosterone, which is produced by the body of each person, has individual characteristics. Therefore, even the injection method of administration does not guarantee complete digestibility in the body. Synthetic testosterone tablets in this regard are more effective than natural ones. It contains special substances that protect it in the acidic environment of the stomach before being absorbed into the blood.

Comparing the effects of synthetic and natural testosterone, you should know that natural, due to its low digestibility, does not create a stressful state for the body. It is absorbed scantily, and therefore gradually accustoms the body to increasing its dose in the blood. Synthetic can create a hormonal shock if used carelessly. Its dosage should be significantly less with a gradual increase to normal. Therefore, from the financial side, it may be more efficient to take synthetic, but in this case you need to be more careful with dosages.


Take pills containing testosterone, should be strictly prescribed by the doctor and in the dosages that he indicated. If you replace one tablet with another, it is not enough to recalculate the hormone content in proportion, it is important to know what kind of testosterone it is - synthetic or natural. If you replace synthetic tablets with tablets with the same natural content and take them in the same mode, it is likely that the course of treatment will be extended by an insufficient amount of absorbed hormone. There is a chance to delay the treatment of the disease and "heal" the body (create a period of adaptation to the drug for the disease, then at these doses the treatment will no longer be effective). And if, on the contrary, you replace natural testosterone with tablets with the same concentration of synthetic, then it may well be that the body will fail as a result of excess testosterone.

Excess testosterone leads to excessive irritability, mental excitability, even aggressiveness. On a chemical and biological level, this will result in the release of additional "calming" hormones into the blood, which can interfere with effective treatment, one of the elements of which was the introduction of testosterone.

Injections are much cheaper than the tablet form, because in this case, less dosage of testosterone is required due to better absorption. But the method of administering testosterone through injections requires a qualified nurse who can make this kind of injection, sterile syringes and sufficient control of the situation on the part of doctors (the absorption of the drug is high, and there may be unforeseen situations related to the individual condition at the time of injection). If a person is away from the doctor (for example, in the country), then the tablet form looks much more preferable and safer.


Do not think that the introduction of testosterone into the body will make a person more courageous. Hormones should not be overestimated. If a man thinks he doesn't look or act masculine enough, it's not a testosterone problem. This is a psychological moment that must be addressed by psychological measures (going in for sports, developing a life line of behavior, etc.). Solving psychological problems by chemical methods is the last thing. It should be understood that the concept of "male hormones" is conditional, it characterizes not a psychotype, but only a physiological affiliation. And that is not absolutely, but only to a greater extent. Women also produce this hormone. But the main thing is that this hormone is not the only thing that distinguishes a man from a woman. There are many differences, not only in physiological terms, but also in the chemical composition of the blood, for example.


Unreasonable self-administration of testosterone can lead to very bad consequences, for example, with the liver. The doctor, prescribing hormonal drugs, is guided not only by the task of defeating the disease, but also by the principle of "do no harm." You don't have to play with hormones. In our body, everything is very precisely verified, folded and adjusted. Each change entails a chain of changes throughout the body. Everything is interconnected. If you want to be more courageous, work on it. Something needs to be changed in the way of life, and not in the chemical composition of the blood.

The introduction of any drug leads to changes in the work of all (or many) organs. Qualitative changes happen slowly. Establishing work and treatment takes time and a competent approach.

In relation to bodybuilding, testosterone is one of the most important elements that help in building the body. It is often used, but only in injectable form. The low digestibility of tablet forms makes it impossible to use them for this sport. You can, of course, take handfuls of pills, but in this case there is a chance of worsening liver function. It should be understood that what did not enter the bloodstream in the form of testosterone will enter the body in a different form. But first it will be filtered by the liver. At the moment, such hormonal preparations have been developed that are absorbed into the blood before entering the liver. They are called prohormones. These drugs are good because they do not create swelling of the liver, are well absorbed and do not suppress the natural production of testosterone in the body.