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A conspiracy to be rich. Effective conspiracies for wealth and profit. The difference between white magic and black

Choosing conspiracies for wealth and money, a person is tuned in to a quick positive effect. The needy hopes for a solution to material problems, and the wealthy one dreams of increasing his fortune. Consider powerful spells to attract wealth.

Choosing money spells, rituals or prayers

Ways to quickly attract money include conspiracies, spells, ceremonies, rituals. Often these types are combined in order to enhance the effect, to bring the result closer. They all belong to white magic because they do not harm others.

Prayer a sincere appeal to the Lord or the saints, and a conspiracy manifestation of paganism. Prayer texts in spells do not apply to church ones. Such are composed of words that have acquired the meaning of the prayed ones. And reading them before or after the ceremony is nothing more than a way to give weight to the rituals.

The clergy say: the use of their sin, which should be told in confession.

Introducing the top 10 rituals for attracting money.

Holy water, send down to the servant (s) of God (s) (name) grace and all prosperity, without daring, without ustatya. Amen.

  • Conspiracy on a rich husband... Go to the nearest church, pray at mass, give alms to the poor. The next day, in the early morning, read the text while standing at the head of your bed. Be sure to be barefoot, let your hair down.

I, the servant of God (name), will get up, blessing, I will go, cross myself, wash and dry myself, go into a clear field, two brothers, two God's saints, Anthony and Theodosius, will meet me. I will come closer to them, worship them lower, bow, pray: Reverend and God-bearing our fathers Anthony and Theodosius, to you we, sinners and humility, as if we earnestly resort to warm intercessors and quick helpers and well-known representatives, humbly asking for your help and intercession we are immersed in the abyss of evils and misfortunes, even for every day and hour we and from evil people come across, and from the spirits of evil in the heavens, always and everywhere and in all sorts of images of the destruction of the soul and bodies of our seekers find on us. Correct our corrupted will, but he doesn’t want to, he resists the will of God, but with those, let him be satisfied, and in these he dwells serenely and without sorrow, even the essence of God is pleasing and pleasing, but to man it is salvific and useful. Sober up the memory, so that it constantly presents to the mind this, in the image of the All-merciful anger of God and his benevolence, irritate it, even more than any person, except for any reasoning about this temporary life, await. Oh, holy saints of God Anthony and Theodosius! Deliver me from sin and eternal torment, and give me a good husband, a rich husband, a prolific family, a house filled with grace. I pray to you, you pray for me, and my good is with me. The key to these words is in the sky, and the castle is in the sea, on a whale-fish; whoever gets a whale fish, let him be like a tree that is scorched by lightning. Amen.

For the effectiveness of conspiracies for wealth and money, you need to believe in their result.

You can quickly get rich by entering into a marriage of convenience, having received an inheritance, finding a suitcase with money. That is, fortune should pay attention to a person.

To attract good luck, you need to lure it:

  • Believe that you deserve to be considered rich. Every morning, standing in front of the mirror, do auto-training: “I am lucky; money loves me; my wallet is always filled with large bills; the more money I spend, the faster my income grows ”.
  • Visualize desires. Make or draw a plan for the major purchases you will make after receiving the money. Do not be afraid to wish for a lot, the energetic power of thoughts can open an inflow of capital that seems inaccessible.
  • Do not complain about lack of money, about a small salary, about a lack of funds to buy basic necessities. Negatively, you close the access of material energy from the outside.
  • Thank the Almighty for the blessings that he has endowed you with.

When you feel an inner readiness for the moment of receiving wealth, start reading the magic words, observing the rules and instructions necessary for the sacrament.

  • A strong wealth conspiracy cannot be done for fun.
  • When performing the ceremony, be alone. Don't get distracted, focus on the result.
  • Do not tell about your plans (even after what has been achieved), do not let anyone know the details of what you have done.
  • Do not change the words of conspiracies for wealth. Better memorize.
  • After casting spells, protect yourself from the effects of dark forces in one of the following ways:
    • Cut off a strand of hair, burn it to ash with a candle fire.
    • In the snowy season: collect your urine in a vessel after the ceremony, throw it into a snowdrift behind the house.
    • Blood will provide double protection: before the plot, go to the tree closest to the threshold, grab the trunk, then prick the ring finger of your left hand with a steel pin until it bleeds. Squeeze seven drops under a tree.
  • After completing the action, read the "Our Father" three times.
  • Do not plot on the week (Sunday), on fasting, on the twelve celebrations, on Easter, your name day, the days of remembrance of the saints.
  • Read the conspiracy for wealth and good luck on the new moon, for the growing phase (unless otherwise provided by the chosen ritual).
  • Something interfered during the ceremony (lost the text, the candles went out, someone entered) - stop the sacrament. Don't renew it for a week.

The result of conspiracies for wealth will not be noticeable immediately, although they will begin to work to fulfill the desire immediately.

The attitude to wealth in our society is far from unambiguous: some envy those who "know how to live", others cringe before them, others quietly hate, and still others despise. However, despite this, many of us are unhappy with our financial situation and would like to improve it qualitatively and in the shortest possible time. It cannot be denied that hard work, talent, and ambition are, after all, important steps to success. However, there is something else - luck, luck and the ability to "attract money energy" are often even more important. The numerous magical conspiracies and rituals given in this article will help you achieve wealth and well-being.

Recipes for conspiracies and rituals to raise money

There are many different ways to attract wealth and good luck. Here we will provide the simplest, most effective and proven ones.

To have more money. The most powerful conspiracy. Prepare a bunch of metal coins before Easter. The ceremony is performed on Maundy Thursday, having turned off the phone in advance and isolating the animals so that no one interferes. These conditions are required, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. In addition to the little things, a bowl of water will be needed, preferably a key one. If there is none, tap water will do, the main thing is that no one drinks it before the procedure. Dip a trifle into this bowl and pronounce the conspiracy 33 times, clasping the little fingers together: if you have patience, it will pay off with interest. A spell to read in trifle and water: “You water, water! Everyone loves to drink you! All you are consecrated on Epiphany, I ask you, water, forgiveness: pure water - mother, excuse me, water - mother, help me! As there are a lot of you in a river - a lake, in a stream - an ocean, in every human glass, so I would have had a lot of money - on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday. , and on Sunday. As much water, so much silver and gold for me (name). In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!" Wash the table, windows and doors with charmed water, and then the apartment, starting from the threshold to the rooms.

A conspiracy for a growing month. As soon as you see a young month with horns in the sky, you should read, looking at it, the following conspiracy 40 times: “The month is a young man - your horns are golden, you walk in the sky, count the stars, grow and arrive day after day! So my money would grow and come, and it would always be in my house and in my pocket. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Aminem I swear, aminem close. The Spirit is holy forever, and I am infinitely rich! May it be so! In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit "

Ritual for a new broom. Buy a new broom in the market (you can't bargain), put it in a secluded corner, and write on its handle, if it doesn't work, then on a piece of paper that is tied around the handle of the broom with a red ribbon, the following words: "I sweep out want and poverty" with one sides of the broom stick, and on the other - "I sweep in money and luck." The labels must be clearly visible. Let the broom stand for a while, and you can start using it. While sweeping, imagine yourself "sweeping" money into the house. You will see financial changes very quickly after this ceremony.

A thousand, half a thousand. On Maundy Thursday before sunrise, count three times all the cash in your home. After each recount, say: “One thousand, half a thousand, six hundred, my lord will take everything and everyone around. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and from century to century. Amen!"

Conspiracy on a young apple tree. The time of the event is the waxing moon. On any day of the month, except for the 13th, it is better from 12 to 15 on any Friday to read on a young apple tree, the apples of which the person conducting the ceremony should not eat, the following: “God bless this tree for money, go for silver, copper and gold. Money is hidden in the earth, silver is hidden, fired up, tempted, cleared from the land by a seven-measure, You, the Lord, who kept us and kept us from this generation and in the age. Amen!"

Love spell money for dough. Prepare all the ingredients for the dough so that it rises well. Knead the dough. When it starts to increase in size, crumple it with your hands three times and repeat: “How dough you are - the dough grows, rises, down and up, expands in width, so that money would start in my house, grow and, forever and ever, never run out ... My word is quick and controversial. Key. Lock. Language. May it be so!"

Magic magic of birds. Wealth can be found with the help of birds. If you see a large flock of birds in the sky, be sure to say: "Chur, all my money - every penny." On the day of such a ceremony, no one should be lent or borrowed money. You can't even go to the store and pay with money.

If on Tuesday during daylight you see a large flock of birds in the sky, then immediately open your wallet, take out a change from there and say three times: "How many birds fly in the sky, so much money comes to me." Then put the money back in your wallet and leave it alone throughout the day. After this ritual, money will come to you in the most unexpected way. Do not perform the rite on the 13th and 14th of any month. And express gratitude to the forces of nature - feed the birds more often.

The rite - sixteen candles are held at the seventh minute after midnight on May 1, June 21, November 1, December 21. Prepare lavender oil bought on Wednesday, yellow candle, red - six, and white - nine (candles must be bought on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, respectively) and Thursday salt. A table, preferably round, if there is none, a simple coffee table is suitable, the day before the ritual, set it in the middle of the room and cover it with a clean white starch tablecloth. Wipe the candles with lavender oil from bottom to top, rotating counterclockwise in your hands, then place them on porcelain saucers: in the center - yellow, around yellow - red, and around red - white. This makes three circles. Seven minutes after midnight, sprinkle salt around all candles in a layer of 1 cm at a distance of 15 cm from them. Pour salt from the pack without touching it with your hands. The candles are lit in the following sequence: first the yellow one, then the red ones, and the white ones last. Walk around the table 3 times in a clockwise direction, saying the words: "Jupiter will go around the Sun three times, it will rain money on me!" Looking at the fire of a yellow candle, visualize how your well-being increases and grows, imagine that you have a large sum in your hands, mentally count them, feel how they smell. The ritual is performed while standing. It is necessary to wait for the candles to burn out. Leave everything on the table as it is for a day. The salt used in the ritual must not be eaten and thrown away. Collect it and take it to a place where it will not be available to anyone. Together with this salt, the lack of money will leave the house.

Conspiracy - money to money. Do not spend the last remaining bill, but hide it in a dark place. When you receive your salary, take a bill from it, squeeze it in your right hand, and the hidden one in your left and say loudly: "Money to money." After that, roll up both bills in a tube, take it in your left hand and shout out the following: “Grow money! Money shine! Wish me rich! " Hide both bills and don't waste them. They will be the bait for other money.

Wheat ritual on a platter. It is held on Tuesday until 4 pm. You cannot do on the 13th, 23rd and 26th. The house should not have a dog and peacock feathers standing in a vase, which contribute to a lack of money. Outsiders should also not be present during the ritual, and you should not tell anyone that you performed this ritual. Sprinkle some wheat on the bottom of a clean white saucer, on top, apart from, put a few yellow coins with tails down, and sprinkle with wheat on top again and cover with damp cotton wool. Put it in a bright place in the kitchen and say the incantation three times: “Mother wheat, you feed everyone, from the grain you give five, and ten, and twenty. Let my money be born like this wheat. As the grain grows day and night, so let my money grow. Bless Lord! In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!" Cotton wool is moistened with water every third day, reading the plot three times until the wheat germinates. Then put it in the field, and put the money in a piggy bank. They can only be spent after a year.

Conspiracy on paper money. On the new moon, when the moon begins to grow, in an even number, the following is slandered on the bill: “As there is a lot of mud and fish in the water, so there is a lot of wealth for me. Grow a month and grow, and give me (name) a lot of wealth. Amen! Then remove the bill for a week in a dark corner, after which it can be spent. "

And so that good luck and luck accompany you every day, call them with the following words: “My luck is always with me, and my troubles are behind me! Everything will be the way I want! " or "I take my luck and leave my failure for the change."

When uttering all these conspiracies, remember that faith, faith and again faith in what you are doing is important in achieving the desired result, and, of course, a great desire to achieve what we all simply need - wealth and prosperity! I wish you happiness, prosperity, luck and enough money!

Probably, every person at least once in his life wanted to get rich. Today money can solve almost all problems, with the exception of love and health-related problems.

A conspiracy for wealth and good luck can help in the realization of this desire. Many have a negative attitude towards such rituals, but with their help you can realize the most cherished dream. As you know, wealth spreads its wings behind a person's back.

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer are very popular among the people. Natalia Stepanova has created and recorded many different rituals that attract good luck and money. It is extremely difficult to earn sufficient funds in the usual way, especially when it comes to times of crisis. It's much harder to get rich.

Financial means contribute to the realization of a person, untie his hands.

The conspiracies of Vanga and the Siberian healer effectively cope with this task and help families find the wealth they need for life. The money issue is especially acute when there are or appear children in the family. Magic helps to completely change the situation in your favor.

How to raise funds correctly?

Various ceremonies allow attracting money to the family. The rituals of the Siberian healer Natalia and the clairvoyant Vanga are popular among the people. It is recommended to read financial conspiracies on the waning moon on Wednesday. However, there are rituals that should be performed on the full moon and new moon. Money loves a convenient storage place, which is why it is recommended to buy a beautiful expensive wallet for it. It is best if it is made of genuine leather, but other natural materials are great.

In order to get rich and attract money, you need to have a special mental attitude. So, the performer of the ritual should take care of finances, take care of them and never lend. From time to time, it is advisable to donate funds to charity free of charge.

At the time of the ritual, it is necessary to concentrate on the intended goal, that is, receiving a large amount of money.

The performer must pursue only good goals, in no case succumb to an evil inclination. Nobody should know about the ritual.

Magic can enrich

Today, many different strong conspiracies for wealth are known, but the rituals of the healer Natalia and Vanga are more popular. So, Natalia practices an effective ritual for the accumulation of wealth, where it is recommended to read a prayer on a coin. To do this, on a full moon, a coin is laid in a hole under an aspen, then it is required to read a plot on the coin, and then sprinkle the hole with the contents with earth. This ceremony is allowed on any even day on a full moon.

Wealth conspiracy on a coin

“God be with you, my soot. Grow by sprout, live by harvest. No matter how the mouse gnaws you, the worm will not ooze out, so that no one fumbles my money either - In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The Vanga rite is known to attract funds with the help of rye bread. It is recommended to read the conspiracy on an empty stomach in the morning. You need to put a piece of rye bread in front of you and, looking at it, start reading a prayer. At this point, the artist's thoughts should be focused on making a big profit. After reading the spell, the bread is eaten.

Conspiracy "For wealth" on rye bread

“Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves of bread, so feed me and my family, make my life abundant and well-fed, turn my luck to me, turn away misfortune from me. Let the road of satiety and joy open to my house, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the good of all, but it is wise to increase wealth, our Lord for the glory. To my words a key and a lock. Amen."

On the new moon, Natalia's ritual is held, attracting wealth to the house.

So, on the day of the new moon, according to Natalia's notes, the dough is kneaded. In the process of kneading, a conspiracy should be read on it.

Conspiracy "For wealth" on the dough

“As you, dough, grow, rise and increase, so I will grow, in a position to rise, above people in my glory and in money. Amen."

From the resulting dough, bread is baked, which is then eaten by the family. You should not treat guests or strangers to pastries - the spellbread is intended exclusively for a family in need of money.

What is the price to pay for wealth?

When resorting to the help of magic in solving financial issues, you should be aware of the possible options for retribution for such help. Higher powers will help to establish the financial condition of the family, but at some point the performer of the ceremony will have to pay for such a service. So, having received a large amount of money through magic, after a certain time a person can lose twice as much as he received.

In addition, it is not uncommon for performers or their loved ones to develop health problems.

Not always the use of magic can cause consequences. So, the rituals of white magic, performed in accordance with all the rules, can bring wealth to a person free of charge. It is important that a person does not seek to enrich himself solely through conspiracies. Mercantile thoughts will incur the wrath of higher powers. People tend to work, so magic will tend to help those who get money through backbreaking work.

Video: Wealth Conspiracy

Money is a flow of energy, like life. Sorcerers and practicing magicians vouch that the use of conspiracies is the most effective method of getting rid of life's troubles. A simple conspiracy for money can be quite powerful and bring a lot of abundance. Success depends on self-confidence and trust in life, God and love.

In this article

Is it possible to make a conspiracy for money at home?

A conspiracy is a small text, mainly a prayer, accompanied by a certain ritual that creates the necessary energy and helps to tune in to the result. To carry out the ritual, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Create a clear monetary goal.
  2. Determine the materials required for the ritual.
  3. Choose a place, time and moon phase.
  4. Find the appropriate conspiracy.

Remember that magic is only a tool and a set of skills, common sense should prevail. You can devote an entire day to rituals and spells to uncover cash flow, but your chances of success will be greatly reduced if you don't make an important call and send a copy of your resume!

Reading rules

By following all the rules, you will achieve everything you dream of:

  1. Belief in higher powers and in what you are doing.
  2. Visualization is a mental practice in which you present scenes or situations as clearly as you can. Try to use all your senses. Imagine the place you want to visit, what it looks like, what smells, sounds and aromas are present there. You can use this technique to visualize goals in your life, to be successful in money matters.
  3. Make sure the spell you are casting is correct. Don't swap words. You need to read the conspiracy verbatim, as written.
  4. It is forbidden to read a conspiracy for money to pregnant women. This can harm the baby.
  5. If another person conducts the ceremony for money, you need to give something in return. You cannot give alcohol or money.
  6. Before the ritual for money, you must observe a three-day fast.
  7. During the ritual, women must loose their hair and remove all jewelry.
  8. Be sure to keep everything secret.

Thoughts have properties to materialize, therefore, they must be positive. "Do no harm!" - this is the main law of magic, do good, and it will definitely return to you.

Conspiracy from Vanga

It is considered a very powerful conspiracy and will help in solving financial difficulties. To perform the ritual, you will need:

  • plantain seeds;
  • red cloth or linen bag.

Put the seeds in the palm of your hand and whisper a conspiracy from Vanga on them:

Road grass knows all the paths,
so tell the money the way to my house.
That path will never overgrow, never trample,
but it will expand and grow,
money, goodness and prosperity to lead my house.
Money - into the house, money - into the house, money - into the house.

Then put them in a bag or wrap them in a red cloth. Hide so no one can find it.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Ritual rules:

  • choose the day of the week: Wednesday or Saturday;
  • spend on the growing moon;
  • choose a room so that no one can interfere with you.

For a conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova, you will need:

  • coins;
  • white saucer;
  • wheat;
  • handkerchief;
  • water.

Put coins on the bottom of the saucer, sprinkle wheat on top and cover with a handkerchief. After three days add warm water, saying:

Mother wheat
you feed both young and old,
and beggars, and a bar.
You give ten of the grain,
and fifteen and twenty.
Give also to me, God's servant,
to be born with money,
like this wheat.
How it grows day and night
does not allow to die of hunger,
so let my money grow
and they feed me.

Repeat the ritual every third day until the wheat germinates.

Money conspiracies for items

Items store power. Trees, herbs, flowers, can heal and bestow love, success. Silver jewelry - tell about the state of health or become a conductor of energy, both positive and negative. Conducting money conspiracies on objects is not so difficult: a secluded place and faith in yourself and higher powers are enough.

On a silver spoon

Silver is a lunar metal, so the ritual is performed on the day of the full moon. Then the metal will absorb strength and be able to help you.

During the ritual, you need to take a spoon in your palm and raise it so that the moonlight falls on it, and read the conspiracy:

Mount Abraham,
The strength of Adam,
I'm talking to you
I know the forces of the Almighty!
Do not refuse me, (name).
Like a snake sheds its skin,
so I will forever throw off my thinness,
poverty and poverty.
Wind, you pick up and carry my trouble
distant lands
and bring the royal mansions at my feet,
Good horse
mountains of gold and silver.
In all this gold is its
I will lay down a spoon, and I will never find it!
May my word be strong!
Key, lock, tongue, amen!

After the ritual, the spoon should be hidden until the next full moon. The ritual should be repeated until the desired is fulfilled.

On the money tree

The magic of trees has been known since the time of the Celts, when druids performed rituals in the forests, calling on the forces of nature for help. One of these plants is considered to be the Fat (money tree) - it brings financial well-being to the house.

A conspiracy for a money tree must be carried out on the growing moon. To do this, you will need:

  • plant seedling;
  • ceramic pot, black or green;
  • eight coins of the same denomination.

On Wednesday, you should retire to the room and prepare everything for the ritual. Put coins on the bottom of the pot, cover with earth and plant the Fat Woman with the words:

For you to grow
and I bloom in wealth.
This is my will.

Place the pot with the plant in the eastern part of the house, and make sure that it is always clean around it. Watering should be done on Wednesdays, each time reading the plot.

On a red thread

No wonder, on the wrists of many pop stars you can find this simple thing. A conspiracy on a red thread can help in solving financial problems and bring prosperity to its owner.

Before starting the ritual, you should read the prayer "Our Father" and after that, ask a wealthy friend to tie a thread. While he is tying the red thread, the following words should be pronounced:

I attract money
and increase my income
in (number) times.
This must be said for each new node. At the last node, it should be said:
It is done.

Don't forget to thank your friend.

At the door

The front door can become a strong defender of the house from otherworldly forces and protect your wealth if you perform a certain ritual.

For the ritual, you need to buy three nails, while not taking change. At home, drive them into the door or above it, so as to visually create a triangle. One is at the top, two others are at the bottom and utter a conspiracy:

Three nails in my door.
The first will kill all enemies,
the second will lead all inhumans,
the third will take away all unkindness.
All words turn into deeds,
all nails in favor of the turnover.

After such a ritual, a sorcerer or an evil person will not be able to enter and harm the house. Damage and evil eye will be bypassed, peace and prosperity will come in the family.

For 12 coins

"Money to money" - these words are often said after the first client, and for good reason. Money always attracts money. A conspiracy for 12 coins will be able to attract wealth to the family.

  1. For the ritual, you will need 12 coins of the same denomination.
  2. After sunset, take the coins in your hands and start shaking them, then throw them in front of you like dice.
  3. Set aside those coins that fell heads up, and collect those that fell heads.
  4. The actions must be repeated until all the coins fall heads.
  5. After that, collect everything and wrap it in red cloth.

The resulting bag will become your home talisman and will help to keep your family wealthy.

To wallet

The wallet is home to money, so buying such a house should be taken seriously:

  • you shouldn't buy a cheap wallet;
  • the color should be red, brown or green;
  • make a purchase during the waxing moon;
  • do not bargain;
  • the wallet should be roomy.

In order to help the growth of money, you need to pronounce a conspiracy on the wallet that you just bought:

My purse is a bottomless pit,
will contain immeasurable wealth.
Be my words a key and a lock,
and business - a lesson.

After reading the conspiracy, put a bill in your wallet and never waste it. This will help preserve the family's savings. Never leave your wallet empty, there must be money in it, even if it is a trifle.

To the piggy bank

To attract the financial well-being of the family, you need to spend a conspiracy on a piggy bank. To do this, take a piggy bank and put coins in it, saying:

  1. The first coin is a salary increase.
  2. The second is inheritance.
  3. The third is winning the lottery, etc.
  4. When all the coins have been lowered, add the bay leaf.

Shake the piggy bank with the words:

Poverty, leave my doorstep
Benefit come and let it be a lot.
My money
laurel leaves are reliably protected,
wealth is multiplied.
How the piggy bank is filled with a ringing coin,
so my wallet will be filled with new bills.

Hide the piggy bank from prying eyes. When money will come to the piggy bank, you should throw a coin with words of gratitude.

For bread

"Bread is the head of everything!" From childhood, grandmothers taught me to be careful with bread. It was impossible to drop, and if that happened, you should have asked for forgiveness from the bread. In the old days, people were treated with bread, and the smell of a freshly baked bakery product can attract prosperity to the house.

In order to carry out a conspiracy for bread, you will need holy water and the bread itself. At dawn, you should retire to the room. Put a white tablecloth on the table, put a glass of holy water and half a loaf. Pronounce a conspiracy three times:

so that my house is always full of food
and kind people.
show me the way to wealth
and i promise
That I will direct the money for good purposes.

After the ritual, drink holy water, and divide the bread among all family members. You need to eat your portion right away, and distribute the rest of the bread to your relatives and make sure that they eat it. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual.

For sugar

With the help of sugar, you can attract money into the house, for this you need to read the sugar conspiracy. On a piece of paper, write the amount you want to have. Seal the note in a white envelope, add sugar and a bill. Write “Sweet Life” on the envelope and say the following words:

My life is sweet
my life is smooth
I live in abundance
and all troubles are outside the fence.
White sugar is pure
free life in abundance!

The envelope must be carried with you until the written is completed. When you get the result, you need to burn the note and let the sugar go down the wind.

We bring to your attention a video selection of sugar conspiracies:

On a bay leaf

For the ritual, you need to take a jar with a lid. A conspiracy on a bay leaf should be carried out on the growing moon. At the bottom of the can, put a note with the desired amount, then add 7 coins of the same denomination, saying the following words:

Coins are sparkling
coins are ringing!
I have more and more of them!
Where I don't wait
I get income,
and the money in my account is coming!

After you read the conspiracy, you need to lower the bay leaf into the jar, on which you need to write the names of all family members. Put one coin into the piggy bank every day, and financial well-being will surely come in the house.

After 60 days, bury the note and bay leaves in a deserted place, and buy something with coins.

Rite of passage for financial well-being and good luck

The magic for financial well-being and good luck is carried out with the help of a green candle. Green is a symbol of prosperity, good luck and help in overcoming the financial crisis.

  1. The ritual should be performed on the growing moon, for this you will need a green candle, any bills and coins.
  2. Light a candle, light it, and spread money around it.
  3. Looking at the flame, imagine how clouds of green smoke emanate from the candle and permeate you, the whole environment,.
  4. After the visualizations, the candle can be left to burn out.

The ceremony is simple, but quite powerful.

To receive money quickly

It may turn out that the money may be required in the near future, but there is no way to take it somewhere. No need to run to the bank for a loan and beg friends for a loan. It is enough to use a quick money conspiracy. To perform the ritual, you need:

  1. Go to the market early in the morning and buy 12 liters of village milk.
  2. It is advisable to buy from your grandmother.
  3. Don't take change.

At home, pour milk into small jars, saying:

There is a hill in the field
there is a high mountain right on the hill,
there is a green meadow under the mountain,
a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.
The bull has huge horns
they reached the very sun,
cow has udder
half the earth.
I will go out into the field
climb the hill
I will find that meadow
cut off the horns of that bull
and milk the cow.
The bull will immediately grow horns,
and the cow's udder will fill with milk.
And my profit will grow in my house,
prosperity will increase.

From this milk you need to cook 12 dishes and treat acquaintances, friends, colleagues within three days. All those whom you treat will bring you the required amount within three months.

On a comb

The comb has been used for beauty and love for a long time. But this is not all that she is capable of. You can spend a conspiracy on a comb to increase cash.

To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a beautiful comb, preferably with flat or thin teeth. At home, read a conspiracy on her:

The scallop has frequent sharp teeth,
let him lead me to people,
which have large scars.
You stroke the comb
every hair of mine
so as to lead
many new clients
to my doorstep.
People come and go to me
do not leave me.
They happily give me the scars for my product.
I'm lucky
and change to the buyer.
Everything for the client,
and I have money in my wallet.
All thanks to the hair and the comb!

You do not need to carry a comb with you, you do not need to use it for its intended purpose, only if nothing happens, you need to comb her hair and once again pronounce the conspiracy.

Moon phases and holidays conspiracies

The moon is a strong conductor of energy. Carrying out rituals for the phases of the moon, you should follow some rules:

  1. When reading conspiracies, you need to put more respect and reverence in words.
  2. Trust is one of the main factors, without which it is impossible to build relationships, both personal and magical.
  3. Always, after working with lunar magic, thank the moon for her help!

On the new moon

For the ritual, take three candles: green, white and brown. Choose a place where no one can disturb you. Place the candles on the table so that they form a triangle, light them and read the following words:

My soul burns like fire.
The power of money and power
let them be subordinate to me!

After these words, watch the candles burn for a few minutes. Then combine them into one large candle. Sit a little more and watch the flame. After it goes out, collect the leftovers and carry with you at all times.

Conspiracies from lack of money

There are people who, making various attempts, still suffer from financial difficulties. They work a lot, but there was no money and no money. They change jobs, move, change their profession, but nothing helps. The reason may be bad luck sent, damage or the evil eye. To get rid of this evil fate, you need to perform a ritual.

On a full moon, when it gets dark outside, take a church candle and a five-ruble coin. Hold a lit candle over the coin and read the plot:

The fire is eternal
my spirit is marked.
Gold and silver.
And all good!

  1. Repeat these words until the candle falls on the coin.
  2. Then, we put a candle on a coin, continuing to read the plot, and wait until it burns out.
  3. Wrap a coin with a stump in a white cloth.
  4. Leave on the windowsill until morning.
  5. Check if the wax has darkened, if it happened this way, it means that there is damage to your family.

To get rid of it, you need to wrap the fabric with its contents with a red thread, crosswise, and leave it at the crossroads. When you return home, do not turn around, otherwise damage will return to you.

What is the reason for the lack of money

There is a reason for everything in our world, even for lack of money. And this is not a bad job and a small salary, the reason is "buried" very deeply, somewhere at the level of the subconscious or the spiritual body.

  1. Born to be a beggar. In childhood, a certain program is laid, if the parents did not have a goal to achieve something or the family is not prosperous, the child will absorb this information. And as a result, as an adult, he will not be able to achieve anything more.
  2. Karmic poverty. It so happens that in a prosperous family, everything is even not bad, but there is some kind of invisible block that interferes with the cash flow. The reason for this is the sins of our ancestors. Someone has done a bad thing in the past, such as cheating the poor or taking advantage of someone else's grief. As a result, poverty will come in seven generations.
  3. Magic effect. A prosperous family, a good income and a job, and at one point everything collapses. They are fired from work, the family is collapsing, the reason for this may be damage or the evil eye.

In this video, Svetlana Raevskaya will tell you what is the reason for the lack of money and how to get rid of it:

No matter how many reasons, they can be solved, the main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. The burden is not given, which you could not bear.

Correct outlook on life

When you make statements such as “I cannot allow this” or “I will never be in my life ...”, you surround yourself with an energy that attracts poverty and financial problems to your life. It's important to think of yourself as happy, blessed, and even wealthy if you truly want to become that way.

This is basically a "Counterfeit" concept. It's not that you lie to others about how much money you get. You just have to be optimistic. Stay focused on what you want, not what you don't want or can't. Right thoughts and a positive outlook on life are the rule of success.

How to determine if you have damage

There are many ways to determine the presence of damage, here are some of them:

  • with the help of a magical ritual of diagnosis;
  • with the help of Runes;
  • tarot cards;
  • wax castings.

If you have established the presence of damage, it must be urgently removed. There are many rituals for this. But it is better to turn to professionals. These rituals are very complex and can be harmful to your health.

Reading rules

To carry out magic rituals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Follow what is written clearly.
  2. Buy candles in the church, light them only with matches.
  3. A good time for a ritual to get rid of financial problems is Maundy Thursday.
  4. Conduct a ritual on the waxing moon, but there are conspiracies where you can perform a ritual on the waning moon.
  5. Rituals require a secluded area.
  6. Do not tell anyone about the rituals performed.

If you follow all the rules, you will definitely succeed!

At the cemetery

The ritual is performed on the full moon. At night, taking a wallet with money, you go to the cemetery. Find a tree and knock on it and say the following words:

As the dead are not destined to rise from the grave,
so the money will not come away from me.
As the cemetery filled with the dead
so my wallet was replenished with coins
and eliminate poverty.

After that, walk away at a brisk pace and do not turn around.

For bread

For the ritual, take the water drawn from the stream and a loaf of bread. Stand over the groceries and read the conspiracy:

I believe in the mercy of the Lord,
I believe in people's luck,
because of the angelic,
into the highest pleasure.
Found my way
now I would like to find money,
so that you never recognize grief.
Locked the lock and the key to poverty.
He threw it into the water.
Amen (three times).

Eat bread and drink water. The ritual can be repeated until what you want is fulfilled.

With old shoes

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. You will need:

  • candle;
  • White paper;
  • old shoes.

Put your shoes on white paper, take a knife in your hand. Read: Our Father, May God Rise, and Psalm 90. Cross your shoes with a knife and read the words of the conspiracy:

Lord, Father,
so devastation overtook me,
that's covered with poverty headlong.
This is how I stand on the doorstep
and I don’t know how to continue to live.
Show me my way.
Guide me to a new life.
Do not judge strictly.
I'm just your slave.

After that, drip wax into each shoe and cut them into small pieces. Collect everything in a black bag and at midnight, take it to the intersection. Returning, you cannot turn around and talk. Take a shower at home. For three days, do not lend money to anyone and do not borrow.

Technique for pumping money channels

If you are one of those people who constantly save on everything, save up for a "rainy day", your destiny is not to live, but to exist! But this does not mean that money should be spent thoughtlessly. There should be a respectful attitude towards money and clear control, there should be no fear that you will lose it and be left with nothing. To open the money channel and increase income, you need to:

  • define and expand your comfort zone;
  • stop spending and start investing.

When buying a product, you look not at quality, but at its price, you send a signal of fear to the Universe that you have nothing and you are not worthy to have more. The world is like a mirror that reflects all emotions and thoughts. Therefore, your sent fear returns to you, and you really become a beggar, unable to provide yourself with a better life. You need to act the other way around, focus not on price, but on quality, because you deserve more.

It is necessary to understand the difference between “spending” and “investing”. You invest in yourself, in your home, family. Even when paying for services, you do not spend, you invest in your comfort! Life is not a waste, it is providing a normal life for yourself.

In this video, you will learn how to open a money channel and what exercises will help you raise money:

Start simple. For example, going to the store:

  1. Find a store that offers quality, not price. Go there and purchase a product you like. Do this at least once a week.
  2. Over time, the shock from high prices will pass and you will finally be able to understand that quality is not a luxury.
  3. Experience shopping with joy, not regret. Remember, you deserve the best!
  4. When you understand this, there will be something to strive for, and you will notice how your life is transforming, wealth appears, which you so lacked.

To pump your cash flow, you do not need to resist life and put blocks. Go with the flow, help your boat move and one day you will land in abundance.


No one knows for sure what forces are involved in rituals and when reading conspiracies, it can be both good and evil. It is very difficult to assess the consequences.

Suppose you performed a ritual to find money, but someone must lose it. It may be a poor family, then the consequences will be really terrible for you. And if a rich person has lost, he may not notice this loss, just like the Universe of your deed.

Carrying out money rituals in the cemetery, in the forests - you must provide a ransom. Prayer for the dead, sacrifice to nature. Not human, it will be enough to bury a coin under a tree and say Thank you.

Everything that happens in the world has meaning and logic. This means that every thought, every emotion and every action is indelible and will return to us like a boomerang. All bad experiences in life are not punishment from God, but serving us as part of our path to enlightenment and self-realization through experience and knowledge. The laws of the Universe require enormous responsibility for our actions. Be careful in your desires, but try to follow your dream. Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed! Secret conspiracies and rituals for a successful trade

I did not know that conspiracies were being carried out with the help of the fat woman. I just have it at home, I will definitely try)

To answer