Repair Design Furniture

How to choose a sports knee support: advice and feedback. Sports knee brace Sports knee brace

And, although part of the assortment is not "purely sporty", it is worth paying attention to. Today we decided to briefly talk about what means of prevention and rehabilitation we offer for the knee joint.

The obvious about the knee joint

The knee joint is one of the most stressed in the life of both an ordinary person and an athlete, since they have a significant amount of movement, which in itself leads to wear and tear. During training, the intensity of movements increases many times, and the ligamentous apparatus does not always cope and can limit hypermobility.

This leads to injury and damage to the knee joint and - depending on the degree - long or short rehabilitation.

Two directions of use of calipers

In this regard, it is customary to distinguish, as it were, two models of using knee pads: prevention and rehabilitation, including in the postoperative period.

If with prevention everything turns out to be relatively simple and understandable, then, in the direction of rehabilitation, everything is not so obvious. Here are just a few cases when doctors find the use of calipers appropriate.

  • Postoperative recovery
  • After injuries
  • Feeling "unstable" walking
  • Knee valgus
  • Reducing pain in arthrosis, arthritis, synovitis
  • Intra-articular fractures
and a number of other violations.

Moreover, for almost every case, the choice takes place according to a very individual scenario.

Let's give an example

For example, with arthrosis of the knee joint, it is advised to take into account such factors as the localization of pain, the degree of joint damage, pain.

Given this, you will have to choose from about 5-6 possible options for knee pads, both open and closed.

Closed type

Usually elastic, since its task is to softly fix it on all sides in order to facilitate walking. Most often recommended for people with uncertain localization of pain.

Soft open knee brace

Open with adjustment

Use is advisable after minor surgical interventions, since after the edema subsides, such a bandage will easily be adjusted (pulled) along the leg. Also indicated in the initial stages of arthrosis with mild pain.


Designed for long-term wear after serious injuries and surgeries. By and large, it is an analogue of gypsum, which allows you to move without losing muscle tone. Also indicated for severe pain at any stage of the disease.

Also, in some types of tires, heat transfer fluids for heating can be integrated.

You should also distinguish between several fixing methods:

  • Mild - the initial stages of the disease, the rehabilitation period after surgery
  • Severe - acute pain syndrome
  • Tight - the last stages of arthrosis with deformity

The wide applicability of such devices is usually presented in a very generalized way on the network, they say, everything works. It is not always so. There are a number of poorly proven and ambiguous experiments on individual cases, when the advisability of using bandages is questioned.

As it was before

In the text, a comparison has already been made that a rigid knee pad is an analogue of plaster. This is almost the case. Before calipers and bandages came to the market, plaster casts and splints were used as fixators.

Their main disadvantage was that they practically made it impossible to move independently, which, with prolonged rehabilitation, led to muscle atrophy. The current "generation" of rehabilitation materials still leaves a lot of freedom for a person.

McDavid and LP

The most popular and well-known manufacturers in this niche are brands and. The latter is more in the West, the former is in Russia.

The LP assortment, like the McDavid assortment, includes a wide selection of topical support braces: lower leg, wrist, knee. McDavid is more expensive.

Let's show a little closer how the two most similar models of bandages look like: and.

Both models are among the most popular for knee joint pathologies.

They are reinforced with side plates that allow you to restrict movement by giving them a certain algorithm.

Both models are made of neoprene, which increases the lifespan of such a device.

They are characterized by an average degree of protection with partial limitation of mobility, they can be used for degenerative lesions of the knee joints to reduce pain or after complete immobilization of the patient. These are, perhaps, the most "medical" in our catalog.


Starting from the simplest, supporting ones, we can say that the knee supports are universal, or, in other words: they will suit everyone. The simplest ones can be called " compression"Bandages. Their main general purpose is to prevent injury, they strengthen the physiological position and stabilize the knee. They are the most" sports "calipers, they are very popular with those who are involved in jogging.

Functional knee pads are designed to preserve and maintain the function of the damaged joint. They are not universal in terms of use, since they partially restrict movement and are used in medicine as a means of rehabilitation after joint injuries, arthritis, arthrosis and to reduce pain.

Stabilizer calipers help when rigid fixation is needed. It is an alternative to plaster and splints. Often used when transporting a patient.

Complex, or combined- a separate class of transformer devices designed for patients undergoing long-term rehabilitation. In the process, they can perform several functions, replacing a number of devices.

Take care of yourself,
Happy sports season!

Professional and recreational sports activities are often associated with the risk of injury. Improper load distribution and training can damage muscles, ligaments and joints. One of the main complaints is knee injury. Running and jumping, squatting and cycling without proper preparation can lead to pain and inflammation, damage to the meniscus, ligaments, and fracture of the bones that make up the knee joint.

The use of bandages has proven to be good for preventing sports injuries. Modern products are made of hygroscopic, pleasant to the touch elastic fabric, which eliminates the appearance of diaper rash or irritation. A high-quality bandage fixes the knee comfortably and does not create inconvenience even with prolonged use.

The use of bandages is widespread in the professional environment: sports training exposes the articular and ligamentous apparatus to danger due to the high intensity and duration. Using the brace while exercising with weights, jogging or playing volleyball will protect the joints even if the load is not properly distributed.

The use of a knee brace allows you to:

  • Reduce the likelihood of joint damage: thanks to soft fixation, flexibility and mobility are preserved, and the compression effect supports the joints and ligaments during effort. Sports bandages and knee pads have a local warming effect, improve blood circulation.
  • Exercise even if the knee joint is dysfunctional: the support helps to reduce pain and cushion the load during training during the rehabilitation period. The use of a bandage also helps to relieve puffiness and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

The danger of injury is not a reason to give up physical activity, you just need to buy knee braces for sports, and also always follow the following rules:

  • Before playing sports, always carry out a joint warm-up in order to warm up the ligaments and joints well.
  • Increase the load gradually, even if the initial physical data allows you to work out the workout more intensely. Pain and real manifestations of knee injury may appear some time after injury.
  • Observe the technique of the exercise, as improper performance can lead to dislocation or fracture.
  • Alternate strength loads with relaxing stretching exercises, yoga, swimming.
  • Use a bandage of the required degree of compression in accordance with the recommendations.

The knee joint performs an important function, during movement it is subject to heavy loads. Because of this, he is susceptible to various injuries and diseases. To reduce the risk of his injury, as well as to treat his pathologies, knee braces have been developed. There are several types of orthopedic products and it is important to know which one to choose in order to benefit from wearing it. Otherwise, you can just spend sometimes a lot of money in vain, because the cost of the bandage can be over 20 thousand.

The knee has a complex structure that allows a person to move. It has the maximum load, and it is injured more often than others. To reduce the risk of injury and reduce the clinical manifestations of an already developed pathology, to slow down its progression, doctors recommend knee braces - orthopedic devices that tightly fit the knee and fix it in an anatomical position.

Types of orthopedic products: 1 - elastic knee pad, 2 - functional support, 3 - postoperative orthosis for a gradual increase in the range of motion.


Wearing a knee brace is advised for the therapeutic and prophylactic purpose of various injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. They are especially necessary for people leading an active lifestyle due to the high probability of injury.

Doctors prescribe a knee brace:

  • For reduce the risk of injury and pathologies with excessive stress on healthy knees:
    • people involved in sports;
    • representatives of those professions who have a heavy load on their feet (loaders, salesmen, everyone who has to walk a lot);
    • obese persons;
    • citizens with congenital weakness of the musculoskeletal system, to reduce the likelihood of damage to cartilage tissue and the development of arthrosis.
  • With the aim of fixing a sore knee... With the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the bandage prevents their further progression, reduces the number of relapses, weakens the severity of clinical manifestations of pathology (pain, swelling).
  • For limitation of mobility legs use a hard bandage: orthosis and splint. They are prescribed if it is forbidden to move the limb (during recovery from fractures, surgical treatment). Modern fixation devices can replace plaster casts.
  • To ease the load on the sore leg. A knee brace is advised to be worn by patients when driving, when any movement provokes an increase in pain, delays recovery.

The doctor may prescribe a knee brace for the following pathologies:

  1. trauma to the musculoskeletal system (dislocations, bruises, sprains);
  2. postoperative period;
  3. drives and gonarthrosis;
  4. inflammation and degeneration of the tendons;
  5. swelling, soreness of the knee;
  6. damage to the meniscus;
  7. osteochondropathy of the tibial tuberosity.

How can a bandage help?

The bandage allows you to rigidly fix the articular-ligamentous apparatus, which cannot be done with a simple elastic bandage.

When the brace is right, it can help reduce stress on the knee and slow the onset of arthritis.

Sometimes a soft elastic bandage is sealed with a woolen insert, which has a heat-retaining property and improves blood circulation.

Regular wearing of the brace helps to eliminate pain, slow down the progression of joint destruction, and helps to restore its activity as quickly as possible.

Compression bandage allows you to stop the inflammatory process, increase the range of motion in the injured knee.

But only when the orthopedic product is selected correctly, it will be useful.


On sale there is a wide selection of orthopedic products that differ in design, materials, indications for use.

Depending on the structure, the knee brace is:

Splints and hinged cuts have the most complex structure, equipped with rigid hinges on the sides to reduce the load on the joint during movement, they can be used for treatment and rehabilitation after injuries and surgery. Read more about that allow you to adjust the amount of traffic.

Fixation degree

Depending on the indications and the degree of fixation, all knee pads are divided into the following types (classification of the German company Orlett):

  1. Compression... Compression or dynamic bandage, usually made of elastic fabrics. It is recommended to wear it after injuries, surgical treatment, for prophylactic purposes in case of excessive dynamic loads, in case of relapse of the disease. It has a warming and analgesic effect, eliminates edema, and normalizes blood supply in the affected area.
  2. Functionality... Such a knee pad can eliminate the hypermobility of the joint, and at the same time allows you to preserve its function. These can be orthopedic devices with hinges and rigid ribs. They relieve knee pain and swelling, and help reduce stress on them. Such knee pads are recommended to be worn after injuries of mild and moderate severity, with exacerbation of drives and gonarthrosis, with pathological joint mobility.
  3. Stability... An orthopedic device that immobilizes the knee is called a splint. There are metal and plastic parts in its construction. It completely immobilizes the damaged joint, can be used instead of plaster after injury or surgical treatment. The splint is hypoallergenic, does not irritate the skin, and makes it possible to monitor the recovery in dynamics, unlike a plaster cast.
  4. Stages... Such devices include a rigid bandage, which provides for regulation of the degree of fixation, which makes it possible to gradually increase the range of motion during the restoration of joint function after surgery and serious injury. A knee pad made of neoprene, equipped with stiffening ribs, hinges, polycentric locks, which allows you to fix the knee in the desired position is called a brace.


In sports, the following types of bandages are distinguished:

Physician classification

Doctors, depending on the degree of fixation, conditionally do all knee pads on:

  • medium, such structures are made of dense elastic materials, they do not provide inserts made of metal or plastic, since the models are not intended to immobilize, they are needed to normalize blood flow and quickly recover from dislocation and stretching;
  • strong - they have stiffening ribs, such models help to relieve pain, warm up and reduce the load on the leg (indications: inflammation and dystrophic-degenerative joint pathologies, hypothermia);
  • maximum - they have a semi-rigid body, there are hinges, stiffeners, various Velcro, belts or laces (indications: severe stretching and the postoperative period after meniscus treatment).

Rules for choosing an orthopedic product

Before buying a knee brace, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will advise which orthopedic device is suitable for each specific case.

Without it, you can only purchase an elastic bandage, which is allowed to be used in order to prevent injuries.

The size

It is worth buying a fixator that is suitable in size, otherwise a large knee pad will not be able to reliably fix the joint, a small one, will squeeze the vessels and aggravate the course of the pathology. It should be borne in mind that each manufacturer has its own range of sizes.

To buy a retainer of the required size, you need to measure the diameter of the lower part of the thigh, on which the length of the knee pad depends, the larger the size, the longer the bandage. Some manufacturers recommend measuring the knee circumference, and 10-15 cm above and below.

  • size S - thigh circumference up to 43 cm;
  • size M - circumference from 43 to 50 cm;
  • size L - from 50 to 56 cm;
  • size XL - from 56 to 62 cm;
  • size 2XL - over 62 cm.

Strong fixation devices are dimensionless, they have special fasteners that can be adjusted.

You need to make a purchase from reliable suppliers who can provide quality certificates for their products.

Purchase features

  • the type and purpose of the retainer (must be determined by the doctor);
  • the material from which the bandage is made must be practical, breathable, hypoallergenic, skin-friendly, not lose its qualities after washing;
  • you should not buy light fixtures, they get dirty quickly, and wear out due to frequent washings;
  • check all fixing elements;
  • manufacturer and cost;
  • the size;
  • before buying a product, it should be tried on, it should not press and press on the skin.

A secondary market is developed among knee pads. If you want to save money, then search on Avito in your city, you will find a lot of offers. Some models people sell up to 90% of the original cost.


Wearing orthopedic products is contraindicated if there is:

  • individual intolerance to the materials from which the device is made;
  • inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities with the formation of a blood clot in them;
  • dermatological diseases in the area of ​​putting on the retainer;
  • accumulation of pus in the joint, in which it cannot be heated.

Popular manufacturing companies and cost

A large selection of orthopedic products manufactured by various companies is on sale.

The most famous of them are as follows:

  • Mueller Sports Medicine is the world's most popular sports medicine company. Among its assortment, you can choose products for outdoor activities and professional training.
  • Orlett - German models that meet international standards, for the production of which modern high-quality materials are used.
  • Medi is another German company that produces various orthopedic products, including sports products and orthoses.
  • Pharmacel - fixatives made in the USA.

The cost of products is very different and depends on the manufacturer, the type of fixture. The cheapest are elastic (soft) domestic models. They can be purchased starting from 400 rubles. Devices for the treatment of arthrosis with rigid fixation can be purchased starting from 900 rubles. The most expensive articulated devices can cost more than 20 thousand rubles.

Prices for fixation devices of popular companies:

Firm Model
Medi The medi elastic knee support, model 601 is an elastic bandage that can be worn for inflammation of synovial fluid, persecution, gonarthrosis, contusion and ligament injury that does not require surgical treatment.
Price RUB 1300
Genumedi model with a silicone ring, which additionally protects and fixes the patella, reinforcement ribs are inserted from the sides to prevent the knee pad from falling off.

Price RUB 3900

Orlett Knee splint (orthosis) art. KS-601, designed for complete immobilization, has metal tires, Velcro and straps. Postoperative orthosis art. HKS-303 is designed to regulate the range of motion in the post-traumatic and post-rehabilitation period. He can gradually lock the knee under 10, 20, 30⁰, increasing the range of motion to 120⁰.

Price 13 thousand. RUB 500

Mueller sports medicine Mueller caliper reduces joint stress, is made of breathable material, can be worn all day. Price RUB 2800 Elastic support StarFit SU-501, made of neoprene, designed to reduce stress during training, can be used by ordinary people.

But you need to remember more expensive does not mean better, you need to select an orthopedic device taking into account the necessary effect.

An equally important aspect when choosing a bandage is the material from which it is made. It is worth paying attention to the calipers made from natural materials that allow air to pass through. Usually synthetic and natural materials are used in the production of bandages:

  1. Nylon or Polyester. These synthetic fibers are quite strong and abrasion resistant. Materials do not absorb moisture well, but their indisputable plus is that they keep their shape well and do not wrinkle.
  2. Cotton. This material absorbs moisture well and provides breathability, which allows the skin to breathe, and wearing the bandage for a long time will not cause discomfort. But natural fabrics have a drawback: they quickly wrinkle and wear out.
  3. Neoprene. Rubber material with micro-holes for air circulation. It provides flexibility to the caliper and has a warming effect. Most often used as an inner lining.
  4. Nylon. A bandage made of this material is particularly strong and durable, besides, it allows the skin to breathe and absorbs moisture well. The price of such a product will be somewhat overpriced.

It is important to choose a bandage that will exactly match the requirements so that sports activities are comfortable.

Caliper cost

When choosing a knee brace, you should pay attention to the price of the product. Depending on the manufacturer and the material of manufacture, the cost can range from 300 to 7000 rubles. Although this is the case when the quality of the bandage does not depend much on its price. The overpriced may be due to additional features that may not always come in handy and are not suitable for all cases.

On average, the price for the simplest models made of synthetic materials will not exceed 2,000 rubles, for example, McDavid has a large line of orthopedic devices. The cost of knee pads with side splints and braces can reach up to 7,000 rubles.


It is very important to purchase a knee brace only from trusted manufacturers. The modern sports knee support market offers a huge selection of models from a wide variety of brands. The following manufacturers of bandages are most popular:

  • Pharmacels;
  • Push-Braces;
  • ASICS;

The McDavid brand caliper is in great demand in the domestic market. The manufacturer offers a wide range of knee braces at an affordable price. The McDavid line includes high quality natural and synthetic fiber braces. McDavid can choose a support for the prevention of knee injuries or for rehabilitation after severe joint injuries.

When buying an orthopedic product for sports, you should rely on the following tips:

  1. Be sure to first try on the caliper.
  2. A knee pad for fixing the joint should not strongly pinch the leg and bring discomfort.
  3. Don't chase high prices.
  4. Before purchasing, carefully check the functionality of the fasteners and latches.
  5. You should read reviews of knee braces from different manufacturers.

It is worth remembering that you should consult a podiatrist before purchasing. The correct knee brace will ensure comfortable sports activities and will help prevent serious knee injuries. And also the support will become an integral accessory for chronic diseases of the knee joint.