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Recipe: Echpochmak - from unleavened dough. Echpochmak (triangle). Recipes. Tatar cuisine How many triangles are baked in the oven

Echpochmak is a Tatar national dish. Translated from Tatar, echpochmak is a triangle. Very often, these pastries with meat filling are made from yeast dough, but in our family, triangles have always been made from unleavened dough. I still ate triangles with such a dough only at my mother-in-law's. Their family also makes this dish with unleavened dough.
If echpochmaks made from yeast dough can still be called pies, then from unleavened dough you won't be able to call echpochmak a pie. With such a dough, these pastries are much tastier and easier on the stomach. In the book "Tatar cuisine" (still Soviet times), it is indicated that the Tatars often used such dough for all their pastries as a variant of a quick dough).
I can safely say that not every good Kazan restaurant with national cuisine makes these pastries as tasty as in our big family)).
1. Unleavened dough.
Unleavened dough is essentially a kind of shortcrust pastry, unsweetened. First you need to melt the butter and cool a little.

Then add vegetable oil, a spoonful of mayonnaise, eggs, water and salt. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Now add flour, better gradually. The dough should lag behind the sides of the saucepan and not stick to your hands. And also, it must keep its shape. You need to feel that the dough will not part when sculpting.

We put the dough in a bag and in the refrigerator. Cold dough will be easier to work with).
At this time, we are busy with the filling.
2. Filling.
We cut the beef into small pieces, preferably no more than 1 cm, I have pieces from 0.5 cm to 1 cm.I have horse meat instead of beef today. It tastes very similar.

Also, or even a little less, if possible, cut the pork belly. In this baking, you cannot use only lean meat (otherwise there will be a dry filling), therefore, several types of meat are most often used. In the villages, it is often made with a goose. And add the pork to the beef. It turns out this is such a chopped meat mixture.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes too.

As a result, potatoes should be slightly less than meat. Although this is a matter of taste, it can be taken in equal parts with meat.
Onion is next. The bow should not be small. It also gives juiciness. I used 4 medium sized onions. I chop the onion in a blender to a gruel consistency, that is, very finely. I have two reasons for this - 1 - I do not like it when boiled onions come across), and 2 - this is how the onion gives off its juice to the maximum and dissolves during baking. We send onions to meat and potatoes.

Mix everything, add salt and spices to taste and mix again. The filling is ready. Let's start sculpting.
3. Modeling triangles (echpochmaks).
We take the dough out of the refrigerator and proceed. I do not divide the dough into portions in advance, but pinch off each time a piece of the desired size. I roll out a circle about the size of a small tea saucer, a little more thick than dumplings.

Put the filling in the middle of the dough, and a small piece of butter on top.

Now you need to blind two edges of the dough, so that one corner is formed.

Blind the rest of the edges in the same way. Pinch the dough as best you can, I fix it with a pigtail. Since any shortbread dough tends to sit down at least a little when baking. We don't want the triangle to creep apart in the oven.) In the middle, according to all the rules, you need to leave a small hole in order to pour a little meat broth with a spoon inside the echpochmaks at the end of cooking.

Close the top with a dough lid, which can then be easily removed for pouring. But I very rarely add broth). I already have them often juicy. But of course with broth, it will be even juicier. In fact, I'm still a little lazy)) And rarely does anyone do it, it seems to me that many who cook do not even know that it is necessary).

Here is the first echpochmak. We shift it to a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil. And we begin to do all the same until the minced meat ends. If you see that the minced meat gives juice, stir it before loading the filling on the next round of dough. From this number of products, I got 13 pieces. And there is still a little dough (about a quarter), from which you can make cookies or freeze. And then use this dough as lids for pots of roasts. Such a lid will be instead of bread). Put the baking sheet with triangles in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

The triangles should be browned by the end of the specified time. We take out to a common dish. Triangles or echpochmaks are ready.

The smudges on the triangles are sap escaped. So you can adjust the temperature and lower it slightly if necessary. Traditionally, echpochmaks are eaten washed down with meat broth from a bowl. But we do this very rarely). It is with such a dough that these pastries turn out to be amazingly tasty. The dough is thin, crumbly and tastes much better with the filling.

If you ever try echpochmaki and there is minced meat inside, know that these are incorrect and fake triangles. This is hack! And the most offensive thing is that the Tatar hostesses themselves (lazy) do so often, distorting their national traditions in the kitchen. At the same time, people have a completely distorted impression of Tatar dishes. Caucasians and Uzbeks, it seems to me, are more reverent and attentive to the traditions in their cuisine. After all, the taste changes very much when replacing minced meat with minced meat. This is a completely different song that costs neither time, nor money, nor effort.

Cooking time: PT01H50M 1 h. 50 min.

Estimated Serving Cost: 35 RUB

Tatar cuisine has many delicious dishes that are popular all over the world today. This is pilaf, and chak-chak and, of course, a triangle with meat - ochpochmak, the secret of which is in the correct dough!

Yeast dough recipe

This version of yeast dough is suitable not only for Tatar triangles, but also for any other baked goods in which the presence of yeast is required.

  1. The first step is to dissolve the yeast in the milk. But you can't use cold milk, so you need to get it out of the refrigerator so that it warms up to room temperature;
  2. Pour yeast into milk and leave it to swell (10-15 minutes). Then add sugar and salt to them;
  3. Mix half of all flour with baking powder and pour into milk;
  4. Mix the whole mass well and add kefir and eggs;
  5. Pour another half of the remaining flour and knead the dough. Flour should be added as needed, but the main thing is not to overdo it - the dough should not be tight. It can take from 800 grams to 1 kilo of flour;
  6. To make it easier to knead and knead the dough, you should dip your hands in vegetable oil or water;
  7. Before starting work with the dough, let it stand for a while (0-30 minutes). If it was prepared for future use, then you need to pack it in a bag and send it to the refrigerator;
  8. It can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

Unleavened dough for triangles

Unleavened dough is much easier on the stomach and digests faster than yeast dough. Despite the fact that it is less high-calorie, ochpochmaki with it turns out to be just as tasty as with any other.


  • flour - 600-700 gr;
  • fat sour cream - 25 gr;
  • refined oil - ¼ glass;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • butter - 100 gr;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calories: 225 calories.

  1. Heat the butter a little in a container so that it starts to melt;
  2. Then add sunflower oil, sour cream, water, salt to it and beat in eggs;
  3. Before adding flour, you need to make sure that there are no lumps of ion in the liquid mixture;
  4. Slowly add flour, but be careful so that the dough does not turn out too tight;
  5. To make it easier to knead, you can grease your hands with oil;
  6. It is ready when it has taken the shape of a ball, is uniform and holds its shape;
  7. Place it in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes before use. When cooled, it is much more pliable and more convenient to work with.

Dough for ochpochmaks on kefir without yeast

If yeast is not at hand, but you really want tasty and lush ochpochmaks, you can use kefir. The dough rises perfectly on it and has a pleasant taste without impurities.

  • kefir - 2 glasses;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • wheat flour - 8 glasses;
  • oil - 250 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 100 gr.

Time required: 30 minutes.

Calories: 220 calories.

  1. Melt butter in a deep container (saucepan, saucepan or deep frying pan);
  2. Pour vegetable oil into it, and after a minute kefir;
  3. Stir the mass so that there are no bubbles or lumps;
  4. Drive eggs into the mixture and stir well again;
  5. The whole mixture should have a golden hue;
  6. Pour flour on a large wooden board or other dry surface so that it looks like a high mound;
  7. At the very top, make a hole and slowly pour in the kefir mass;
  8. Mix flour and liquid well with a spoon;
  9. Knead the dough until it takes on the shape of a ball and becomes soft but elastic.

Yeast-free puff pastry for the Tatar dish

Puff pastry is usually bought ready-made, since housewives consider its preparation an extremely laborious process and not always successful. They are partly right, it is much more difficult to prepare it than usual, but it is not a hopeless process. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe!


  • oil - 200 gr;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • egg;
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. l. (not necessary);
  • acetic acid - 10 ml;
  • salt.

Cooking time: 4 hours.

Calories: 335 calories.

  1. Mix water with vodka, add salt, vinegar to them and break an egg;
  2. Mix everything well and start adding flour;
  3. The flour can be sieved in advance, then it will be easier to knead;
  4. As soon as all the flour is added to the dough and it becomes homogeneous, remove it in a plastic wrap or bag and keep it in the refrigerator for an hour;
  5. Take out the already chilled one and roll it out in the shape of a rectangle, not too thin (2 cm);
  6. Cut the butter into 4 even pieces. Each piece is designed to grease the dough. Take the first part and carefully coat the dough in the middle with it;
  7. Fold it into three parts so that first the middle is covered with one edge, and then the other;
  8. Chill it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes;
  9. Roll out again and grease, then also roll up and send to the refrigerator. Do this 3 more times;
  10. As soon as the butter runs out, roll out the dough thinly, fold in half, roll it out again. Repeat 4 times;
  11. Place the finished product in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, and then you can use it to prepare ochpochmaks.

How to cook trugolniki with meat and potatoes

Delicious ochpochmaks are popular far beyond the borders of Tatarstan. Cooking is quick and easy, and the taste is so delicious that all the triangles can be eaten in one go!


  • yeast dough (based on the amount of filling);
  • lamb - 0.7 kg;
  • potatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • one egg;
  • meat broth - 200 ml;
  • spices.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Calories: 320 calories per 100 grams.

    1. Finely chop the lamb (any meat or minced meat) into pieces in the same way as peeled potatoes with onions. Mix all products and add spices;
    2. Put the ready-made dough on a dry surface and roll it into a layer (thickness not more than 1 cm);
    3. Cut circles out of the dough using a saucer;
    4. Put the filling on each circle and connect the edges so that you get a triangle (first two upper parts, and then attach the lower to them);
    5. A small hole should remain in the center of the triangle;
    6. Preheat the oven to 200 ° С;
    7. Spread the foil or special paper on a baking sheet and walk a little over it with a brush greased in oil;
    8. Put the ochpochmaki on a baking sheet and let them stand for a while;
    9. Send the baking sheet to the oven for 7 minutes, then lower the temperature to 170 C and bake for another 25 minutes;
    10. Pour a teaspoon of the broth cooked in advance into the hole of each pie;
    11. Stir the yolk in a cup and grease all the pies with it;
    12. Leave the pies in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Cooking Tatar cuisine is quite simple, and in order for the ochpochmaks to work out for sure, it is important to remember:

  1. For the dough to have a golden hue and a pleasant taste, it is necessary to mix ghee and ordinary butter;
  2. For sour-based yeast-free dough, kefir, sour milk or yogurt are suitable;
  3. For more elasticity of the dough, you can add a little vinegar to it.

Using these simple tips, you can surprise your family with delicious Tatar ochpochmaks!

Triangle is a national Tatar dish, very tasty, ruddy, not difficult to prepare. This is a small portioned closed pie with a filling inside. Previously, minced meat with fatty pieces and onions were used as the filling, later they began to add potatoes. Meat can be used in different ways: traditional beef, lamb, duck, goose, and the dough can be made unleavened or yeast. Today we will cook beef triangles.


For filling:

  • Beef 500 gr.
  • Potatoes 1 kg.
  • Onions 3 pcs.
  • Salt 1 tsp with a slide
  • Ground pepper 1/3 tsp

For the test:

  • Water 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons
  • A pinch of salt


Pour warm water into a bowl, add salt, vegetable oil. Pour in the sifted flour and knead the dough until it sticks to your hands. Cover with a towel. We leave to "rest" so that the flour proteins swell, then the dough will become more elastic.

Let's start preparing the filling. Rinse defrosted or steamed meat, dry, separate from the bones, cut into cubes. Peel the onion, rinse, chop finely. Wash potatoes, peel, also cut into cubes. Put all these ingredients in one bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper. You can add black cumin seeds, dill, or other spices as desired. Mix all components thoroughly. The filling is ready.

From the dough we form a "sausage", divide into small even pieces and roll out round layers the size of saucers.

Put the filling in the middle of the layers.

We connect the ends on three sides of the layer, sculpt a cake in the shape of a triangle. We fasten the seams of the pie with carefully beautiful patterns so that they do not leave during baking. Leave a hole in the center. Put the triangles in a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and send them to the oven.

We bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Then we take it out of the oven, pour meat broth or boiling water diluted with a small piece of butter into the holes left in advance, grease the pies with vegetable oil. Cover with foil, put in the oven for another 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven and after 5-7 minutes just take out the pies.

Step 1: prepare the margarine.

Put a piece of margarine in a clean bowl and put it in the microwave literally for 30-60 seconds. Important: to melt the component, you need to set the medium power and after 20-30 seconds take out the container and mix the contents with a tablespoon. Set aside the prepared margarine so that it comes to a warm state.

Step 2: prepare the flour.

Pour flour into a sieve and sift directly over a medium bowl. So our dough will turn out to be more airy and tender, because the component is saturated with oxygen in the process. In addition, we will rid the flour of excess lumps, which is also important.

Step 3: prepare dry yeast.

Pour dry yeast into a deep bowl and fill it with warm water. Using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until we get a homogeneous liquid mass.

Step 4: prepare the milk.

Pour milk into a Turk and put on a small fire. Literally after 1-2 minutes turn off the burner, and take the container with the help of kitchen potholders and pour the contents into a large bowl. Attention: milk should be warm (according to temperature somewhere 37-39 degrees) so that you can make a good dough.

Step 5: prepare the dough.

Pour sugar, salt into a bowl with warm milk, and also pour melted margarine, sour cream and break an egg. Using a hand whisk or mixer, beat all ingredients at medium speed until smooth. Then pour the dissolved yeast here and mix everything thoroughly again.

Next, in small portions, we begin to add the sifted flour. At the same time, we continue to beat everything with the improvised inventory, and so on until the mixture begins to thicken. Then we knead the dough with clean hands, adding vegetable oil to the bowl.

The mass should be soft, elastic and not stick to your fingers. At the end, we give the dough the shape of a ball, cover the container with a cloth towel and put it in a warm place. for 40-60 minutes... During this period of time, the mass should increase in size approximately 2-3 times.

Step 6: prepare the pork.

Rinse the pork thoroughly under running warm water to remove bone fragments, and put it on a cutting board. Attention: try to choose meat with pieces of fat, then the triangles will turn out to be much juicier and tastier. Using a knife, we clean the component from films and veins. Next, cut the pork into small cubes about 1 centimeter and transfer to a clean deep bowl. Immediately add bay leaves here, mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon and leave it aside for a while.

Step 7: prepare the potatoes.

Using a vegetable cutter, we peel the potatoes and then thoroughly rinse them under running warm water to remove the remnants of earth and other dirt. Then put the tubers on a cutting board and finely chop into cubes, about the same thickness as pork. Pour the chopped components into a common bowl and mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Step 8: prepare the onions.

Using a knife, peel the onion from the husk and then thoroughly rinse it under running warm water. Now we put the component on a cutting board and chop finely into cubes. Pour the chopped onions into a bowl with pork and potatoes and mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Step 9: prepare the filling.

Take bay leaves from a bowl with chopped onions, pork and potatoes. Immediately after that, pour salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste and mix everything thoroughly again using a tablespoon. Everything, the filling is ready!

Step 10: prepare the triangles with meat and potatoes.

When the dough has stood and increased in size, we take it out of the bowl and put it on the kitchen table, crushed with a little flour. Using a knife, we cut the dense mass into 12 equal parts... We form a ball from each piece with clean hands, and then roll them out with a rolling pin to a state of flat cakes with a thickness of about 0.3-0.4 centimeters.

Using a tablespoon, spread the filling on the center of each layer of dough.

With clean hands, pinch the edges of the cakes so that we get triangles, and then move them onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
Now break the egg into a small bowl and pour out the milk. Using a hand whisk, beat everything thoroughly, and so on until we get a homogeneous mixture.

Using a pastry brush, grease each triangle with an egg-milk mass. Thanks to her, we will get beautiful ruddy pastries. Everything is ready, so you can turn on the oven.
When it warms up to temperature 200 degrees, put the baking sheet on the middle level and bake the triangles until they turn golden brown. It takes me about 50-60 minutes... At the end, turn off the oven, and take out the container with the help of kitchen potholders and set it aside. While the pies are still hot, be sure to grease their surface with a piece of butter impaled on a fork.

Step 11: Serve the triangles with meat and potatoes.

When the triangles with meat and potatoes have cooled slightly, move them onto a special flat plate and serve them to the dining table along with tea, coffee or broth. In general, such pies are also called echpochmak. This is a Tatar dish that doesn't have to be triangular. After all, they say the truth, the main thing is not the form, but the content.
Bon appetit, everyone!

For a more expressive flavor, you can add garlic pepper to the filling. So the pies are also very tasty;

If desired, a hole can be cut in the center of the triangles and poured into the filling 1 teaspoon meat broth. But so that it does not evaporate during the cooking process, be sure to cover the hole with a piece of dough. This is how the pies turn out to be insanely juicy and tasty;

If you like the filling to smell fresh, then you can add finely chopped parsley or cilantro to it;

Instead of pork, you can use lamb or beef. In any of the options, see that the meat is with pieces of fat.

Tatar and Bashkir cuisine is distinguished by a wide variety of meat dishes and pastries. Triangular pies echpochmaki with a hole in the middle, made from yeast or unleavened dough with lamb, onions, potatoes and spices, are somewhat reminiscent of samsa. However, this is not surprising, because Tajik and Uzbek culinary traditions have influenced the Tatar cuisine. The word "echpochmak" is translated as "triangle", hence it is clear why the products received such a name. In Tatarstan, echpochmaki pies, ruddy, juicy and fragrant, are sold right on the street, but you can cook them yourself to please loved ones with delicious pastries, which are usually served with broth or soup. So, let's talk about how to cook at home.

Learning to cook echpochmaki

Dough. Traditionally, pies are made from puff, yeast and unleavened dough, but shortbread and kefir dough is also suitable for cooking. In principle, with any dough, echpochmaki will turn out to be unusually tasty and healthy.

Yeast dough for pies should be rich, so it is kneaded with eggs, butter and milk, and sour cream or butter is added to the unleavened dough for softness and crumbling.

Filling. The triangular shape of the pies is not their main feature. The zest of the echpochmaks is the meat filling, which is placed in the pies raw - this is what distinguishes the dish from other meat baked goods. It is thanks to the hole in the dough that the pies bake well and remain juicy, because broth is poured into it during the cooking process. Agree that Tatar cooks are very practical and inventive!

For the filling, lamb is chopped into hazelnut-sized cubes, potatoes are chopped into raisin-sized pieces, and onions are finely chopped. You can use any meat - beef, goose, duck and chicken, adding black pepper to the filling for piquancy and any seasonings to taste. By the way, frozen meat is cut easier and faster.

Formation of patties. A tourniquet is rolled out of the dough, cut into pieces, from which balls are formed. Each ball is rolled out in the form of a circle the size of a tea saucer, 1 tbsp is placed in its middle. l. fillings, and the edges of the circle in three places are connected at the top, like a pyramid. You should pinch the seams with a "string" as carefully as possible, otherwise the pies will start to fall apart during the baking process. In this case, you should leave a small hole for the broth. If the mince is made from beef or veal, a piece of butter or lard is placed on top of the filling on top of the filling to make the echpochmak juicier.

Bakery. The pies are allowed to rest a little, greased with butter mixed with egg yolk, and sent to the oven, heated to 180-200 ° C. Naturally, the baking sheet should also be oiled. And now the most interesting thing begins - after 30 minutes, when the echpochmaks acquire a golden-ruddy color, you need to get them out and pour 1-2 tsp into the hole of the "pyramids". saturated meat broth, cooked with spices and salt. The broth can be replaced with boiling water in which butter is dissolved. Next, the pies are baked until tender, depending on the type of dough and filling. Some cooks add broth to echpochmaki several times if the meat is dry. They periodically pull out the sheet and look inside the pie - if the broth is not visible, then it's time to top up.

How to cook echpochmak in Tatar: a classic recipe

Real Tatar echpochmaks are made from yeast dough. To prepare it, dissolve 5 g of dry yeast in ½ liter of warm milk, add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 70 g of butter, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 850 g flour. Knead the dough and leave to rise, covered with a napkin or towel.

Prepare the filling with 700g chopped lamb, 7 finely chopped medium raw potatoes, 4 chopped onions, salt and pepper.

Put the filling on the circles rolled out of the dough, connect the edges of the cakes in three places, trying to make a triangle, leave a hole and put the echpochmaki on a greased baking sheet. After 20 minutes of proofing, place the pies in the oven and bake for 7 minutes at 200 ° C, then reduce the temperature to 170 ° C and cook for another 25 minutes. Now pour 1-2 tsp into the holes. broth, brush the pies with yolk and leave in the oven for 20 minutes.

How to cook echpochmaki from unleavened dough

Echpochmaks cooked on unleavened dough are suitable for those who are on a diet or for whom yeast baking is contraindicated.

Pour 4 cups of flour with a slide, make a depression in it, pour in 1 egg, a little water, add a little salt and knead the dough like on dumplings. Cover it with cling film and leave for 40 minutes to make it more plastic.

While the dough is resting, fill with ½ kg of any meat and ½ kg of raw potatoes - all ingredients are chopped into cubes and 1-2 onions are finely chopped.

Roll out the dough into circles about 15 cm in diameter, place the filling in the middle and form a triangle. Grease the echpochmaki with yolk and place in the oven, when they are browned, pour a little broth into each pie, if you made holes for this, and then continue baking them. In general, it takes about an hour to bake the pies in the oven.

How to make puff pastry echpochmak

It is good to serve echpochmaks with katyk, a Turkic fermented milk drink reminiscent of curdled milk made from buffalo, goat or sheep milk, or any fermented milk drink of your choice. By the way, these pies are a great substitute for bread and are eaten instantly, especially if you have a large family, so prepare them for future use! Well, from the Eat Doma brand store they will add flavor to your dishes!