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Good luck and success which is better. Don't confuse Luck with Success. What is luck? How We Receive Gifts of Fate

How to determine luck, success or luck by a horoscope?

What is "luck"?

Luck is a positively perceived event that arose as a result of a random, unpredictable, or neglected set of circumstances in a person's life.

People say: "The man is lucky."

For example, a man walked through the market and found a wallet with a lot of currency in it. The man, without hesitation, called the owner of the purse and reported the find. The owner of the purse turned out to be a large shareholder who offered the man help in creating a large business. As a result, the man became a major entrepreneur. That is, a certain chain of events (found-given-received) plus the right choice contributed to good luck in a person's life.

What is "success"?

Success is the achievement of the set goals in a conceived business, a positive result of something, public recognition of something or someone.

People say: "Water does not flow under a lying stone."

For example, a person was born into a very poor family with drinking parents. He was not distinguished by special talents and abilities, but thanks to his work, patience and dedication, he was able to build himself a big house, create a harmonious family, make a career and become a successful person. That is, a person was able to develop some qualities in himself and become successful.

What is "luck"?

Luck is an unsettling event leading to a result that is the best expected in a given situation.

People say: "Fools are lucky."

For example, a person is going on a journey that has been waiting for three years. He had already bought a plane ticket, but missed his flight due to the fact that the car in which he was traveling to the airport broke down on the way. The man got upset and returned home. However, on the evening news, he learned that the plane on which he was supposed to fly on the trip had crashed.

So, we got the definition of concepts: luck, success, luck.

We now understand the difference between these three concepts.

Luck is an unexpectedly good event that can lead to another chain of positive events.

Success is achieved through effort and purpose.

Luck is an alarming event that introduces a person into a stressful situation, but then everything turns out the way it would be best for the person himself. “The lesser is chosen of two evils,” however, this choice does not depend on the will of the person himself.

What are the indicators of the horoscope that give luck?

The horoscope that I offer for your consideration is the horoscope of a person who was destined to be lucky.

Roman Abramovich (Asc in the degree of the silent catfish); 10.24.1966; 22:13:56; +4; Saratov, Saratov region, Russia; 51N34; 46E02; M; ;

Roman Abramovich's horoscope

A short history of the life of Roman Abramovich is as follows: his mother died when he was exactly one year old, and his father (a Jew) died when the boy was about 2.5 years old. Roman was adopted by his paternal uncle.

When the time came for Roman Abramovich to receive a passport, his uncle (a Jew) told him that he could take for himself even the Russian surname of his mother, even the Jewish surname of his father. At the same time, his uncle warned him that it would be difficult to live in the USSR with a Jewish surname. And then the time came for Roman to choose, which he made in favor of the Jewish surname.

Further, the life story of Roman Abramovich continued with the fact that he (during the perestroika period) got a job as a personal driver for the Jew Berezovsky, who gave him the "keys" to the egregor of money and power. Today Roman Abramovich is one of the most famous billionaires in the world.

What indicators of his horoscope contributed to such luck?

The first factor of luck is one of the "aspects of Cinderella".

The key planet of the "aspects of Cinderella" is Chiron - the planet that gives a person the keys. At the same time, Chiron should stand in trine (120 degrees) or quickcons (150 degrees) to Neptune, Jupiter or Venus. In the horoscope under consideration, there is a trine between Chiron and Neptune.

If a person has an “aspect of Cinderella” in his horoscope, then he will surely face a situation of sadness, forced severe childhood suffering, in which he was like an “ugly duckling”. However, belief in a miracle, belief in love and happiness, will contribute to good luck in his life. Sometimes, a whole generation of people is born with the "aspect of Cinderella", which is brought up on fairy tales and believes in a bright future, in a miracle. This aspect allows them to drag out their miserable existence, but feel happy. This is what the "Cinderella aspect" is. Having such an aspect in his horoscope, a person, even having acquired wealth, happiness and good luck, will still have a meek disposition, will still remain merciful to the weak and disadvantaged. On the other hand, he, just like Cinderella from a fairy tale, will be hardworking, however, very often his work has the character of some ephemeral infinity and uselessness. Let us recall the tale of how Cinderella endlessly sorted out cereals, swept the floors, and washed the dishes. That is, some kind of endless rough hellish work is being performed. It’s like in hell, where sinners are constantly rubbing black oil pigs, and the devils are constantly throwing them over and over again.

"Aspect of Cinderella" will give a person a sense of a certain sinfulness. That is, a person is internally ready for a state of miracle, enlightenment, but, at the same time, he is not confident in himself and hopes for a miracle or someone (more influential) who will become his patron or provide him with support.

The second factor of luck is the ability to make the right choice for planet # 3.

Planet number 3 is the planet of septener, which is the third planet from the beginning of the zodiac's turn. This is the planet of choice. The fate of a person depends on the choice on this planet at the right time and at the right hour. For Roman Abramovich, it was necessary to make the right choice for Venus, which stands at 3/3 of Libra, the sector of the public court.

He had to make a choice:

Choose a father’s non-prestigious Jewish surname, while becoming an outcast in society, but remaining with his small family well-being;

Choose a mother's surname, which would give him peace of mind in society, but would make him a traitor in relation to the relatives of his Jewish father, who fed and raised him.

That is, the second factor of success in a person's life should be precisely the situation of choice that has arisen once: to have personal benefit or to act according to his conscience, in a human way.

So, only a person who has some positive moral qualities has a chance for good luck, and not just someone who takes something that “lies badly” (for example, in the case of a wallet).

Thus, we can conclude that luck is not given to the first comer. Luck is a factor that tests a person for lice. It should be added that the test for "lice" in a person's life can take place many times. For this case, the Russian people have another saying: "Luck has turned away from a person."

These are two very important factors of the horoscope that contribute to good luck.

What are the indicators of the horoscope that contribute to success?

The horoscope that I offer for your consideration is the horoscope of a person who has managed to develop and use the qualities of his horoscope to the fullest.

Bill Gates; 10/28/1955; 22:00:30; -eight; Seattle, Washington, USA; 47 ° 36 "23" N; 122 ° 19 "51" W; M; ;

Bill Gates horoscope

When Bill was 11 years old, he really wanted to win a competition (lunch at an expensive city restaurant) organized by a local pastor. To win, it was necessary to memorize the Sermon on the Mount, which includes three chapters of the Gospel of Matthew. Bill did the job flawlessly.

Bill was painfully shy and uncommunicative, he was not interested in the games of his peers. An experienced psychologist who checked the boy saw a strong character behind his defenselessness and told his mother that she could not change her son. The only way out is to adapt to him.

Bill Gates is an eccentric genius from the Devil (his Sun in conjunction with Lucifer), using his mind in a sophisticated way. For example, sometimes Bill arranges a dinner for a hundred people in his villa. Anyone can take part in it who agrees to pay ... $ 1 million for an entrance ticket. All funds raised go to the Duke University Development Fund. That is, it is very important for Bill Gates to be remembered with a kind word ...

In Bill Gates's horoscope, we no longer see any "aspects of Cinderella", and in his life stories it is impossible to read anything heartbreaking, accidental or miraculous. Before us: a man with a strong character, with his own system of values, who worked hard, developing the positive qualities of his horoscope.

So, a successful person should always be purposeful (good Saturn) and have a strong will (Mars). That is, both Mars and Saturn in the horoscopes of successful people must be very strong planets.

The main condition for a successful person is to have a goal and will (good Saturn and strong Mars).

In any case, success is a quality when a person is able, realizing his strengths and weaknesses of the horoscope, to develop those qualities that will lead him to success.

However, in order to develop these qualities, again you need to have the potential of Mars and Saturn.

It should be noted also the fact that the concept of "successful" implies in itself the aspect of comparison. That is, a person can be successful only in comparison with someone else. This means that the factor of success always implies the infusion of a person into some kind of large collective egregor. So, in the horoscope of a successful person egregorial planets - the planets of the higher octave: Neptune, Uranus or Pluto - should also be expressed.

Also in the horoscopes of successful people it is necessary there must be a sextile / trine (60/120 degrees) between the very important planet of the horoscope and the Lunar Nodes... That is, a person must “fit in” with the qualities of this planet at the time in which he lives. It is this planet that must be used to achieve success in life.

In Bill Gates' horoscope, we see such a planet - Mercury. And he became successful because of his intelligence and commercial ability.

What are the indicators of the horoscope that contribute to luck?

If luck depends on the moral qualities of the individual and a series of causal events ...

If success depends on dedication, will and the development of the best personality traits ...

That luck depends only on the developments from our previous incarnations.

Luck in itself does not in any way characterize any personality traits. It is either there or it is not. Moreover, luck for different people can occur in various spheres of life: one is lucky for money (he walked and found a ruble), another is lucky for love (everyone falls in love with him), the third is lucky on the roads (he is late, but jumps into the last carriage), etc. .d.

In horoscopes lucky ones are marked with sextiles(aspect 60 degrees). The more sextiles in a person's horoscope, the more luck.

Since the aspect of sextile is fickle, therefore, luck is also a factor of random circumstances. It should be noted that at the moment of luck, the aspect of a square (90 degrees) can be triggered, since the sextile very often realizes itself during periods of squares.

Even the song says: "I'm not lucky in life - lucky in love." This is true. Everyone has their own luck. And it happens when the desired sextile, square, connection or some karmic aspects are formed. But the main indicators of luck should be present directly in the radix.

It is impossible to plan for luck, therefore, to the factor of luck Uranus connects.

For many years I have been researching horoscopes and the life circumstances of people who survived mass catastrophes. The fact that I discovered in the horoscopes of these people simply amazed me: all these people had in their birth charts configuration "bisextile"(60-120-60). When communicating with these people, I learned that these people were ardent supporters of a humane attitude to nature, denied any killing of forest animals and never littered anywhere. These people managed to receive minimal injuries or miraculously avoid them in terrible mass disasters (for example, they were late for their flight, which later crashed and other cases).

That is, people who in their past incarnations did not violate the ecological balance, in this incarnation are protected by nature itself from dangers.

Quite possible that people who in their past incarnations did not violate the law of matter-energy, become lucky in money; people who did not break the oaths of allegiance, who did not commit betrayal in love, are rewarded in this incarnation with the fate of meeting their true "soul mate" or they are simply lucky in love; people who feed hungry animals, show mercy to the poor, in their next incarnations will not live from hand to mouth, in need and poverty.

So, in the horoscope of a lucky person there should be sextiles (better "bisextiles") and a good strong Uranus.


For some time (as an astrologer) I served people who are addicted to playing in the casino... It got to the point that I could calculate the exact time (up to minutes) for them when to place a bet. Responsibly I assure that the concepts of “luck”, “success” and “luck” have nothing to do with gambling.

In the horoscopes of good players, completely different indicators work.

In 1997 Warren Buffett, a well-known investor and billionaire, proposed a thought experiment.

“Imagine that a genie comes to you 24 hours before you were born. He says that you can define the rules of the society in which you live, and you can design whatever you want. You can develop social, economic, government rules. And they will prevail in your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren. But there is one condition. You don't know if you are born rich or poor, male or female, sick or healthy, in the United States or Afghanistan. All you know is that you have one in 5.8 billion chance. "

"In other words- continues Buffettyou will participate in what i call the lottery of life... And this is the most important thing that will ever happen to you in your life. This will determine your life path more than the school you go to, your hard work, etc.».

Buffett has long been a supporter of the role of luck in achieving success. In his 2014 Annual Letter, he wrote: “ Through blind luck, Charlie (his business partner) and I were born in the United States, and we are forever grateful for the overwhelming benefits this twist of fate has brought us. ".

Thus, it is difficult to deny the importance of luck and randomness in life. Indeed, these factors play a critical role. But let's look at the second story.

Project 523 history

In 1969, in the fourteenth year of the Vietnam War, a Chinese researcher named Tu Yuyu was appointed head of a secret research group in Beijing. The project was only known by its codename: Project 523.

China was an ally of Vietnam, and Project 523 was created to develop antimalarial drugs that could be administered to soldiers. This disease was then a huge problem. Almost as many Vietnamese soldiers died from malaria as in combat.

Tu Yuyu started its work. She read stories about old folk remedies. I was looking for ancient texts that are already thousands of years old. Traveled to remote parts of the country in search of plants that may contain medicine.

After several months of work, her team created a list of nearly 2,000 possible remedies. Slowly and methodically That narrowed down the list of potential drugs to 380 and tested them one by one in laboratory mice.

“This was the most difficult stage of the project” She recalled. "Very time consuming job, especially when you face one setback after another.".

Hundreds of tests have been run. Most ended in nothing. But one trial - an extract from the sweet wormwood plant known as qingao - seemed promising. That was thrilled by the opportunity, but despite her best efforts, the lab only occasionally produced potent antimalarial drugs. It didn't always work.

Her team had already been working for two years, but she decided that she needed to start from the very beginning. That revised every test and re-read every book looking for a clue she had missed. Then, as if by magic, the woman stumbled upon one sentence in the Emergency Recipe Guide, an ancient Chinese text written over 1,500 years ago.

It turned out that the whole secret was in the correct cooking temperature. If it was too high during the extraction process, the active ingredient was destroyed. That Redesigned the experiment using lower boiling solvents and finally got an antimalarial drug that worked 100% of the time.

It was a huge breakthrough, but the real work was just beginning.

The power of hard work

With the proven drug in hand, it's time for human trials. Unfortunately, there were no centers in China that were testing new drugs at that time. And because of the secrecy of the project, there could be no question of going to a facility outside the country.

Researchers are at an impasse.

Exactly then That volunteered to be the first person to test the drug on. In one of the most daring steps in the history of medicine, she and two other participants Project 523 contracted malaria and received the first doses of their new drug.

It worked.

However, despite the fact that she discovered a breakthrough drug and was ready to put her life on the line, That it was forbidden to share their discoveries with the outside world. The Chinese government had strict rules that blocked the publication of any scientific information.

She ignored it. That continued research, eventually studying the chemical structure of the drug - a compound officially known as artemisinin, and continued to develop a second antimalarial drug.

Only in 1978, almost ten years after the start of work and three years after the end of the Vietnam War, work That was finally published outside of China. She had to wait until 2000 before the World Health Organization recommended a medicine as protection against malaria.

Treatment for today artemisinin has been prescribed more than 1 billion times for malaria patients. It is believed that he saved millions of lives. Tu Yuyu is the first female Chinese citizen to receive a Nobel Prize and the first ethnic Chinese to receive the Lasker Prize for her contributions to medical science.

Luck or hard work?

It cannot be said that Tu Yuyu fabulously lucky. My favorite fact about her is that she had no graduate school, no research experience abroad, and no membership in any of the Chinese national academies - a feat that earned her the nickname "Professor of the Three Nos."

But damn it, she was hardworking. Persistent. Conscientious. For decades, she did not give up, and as a result, she helped save millions of lives. Her story is a prime example of how important hard work is to your success.

Just a minute ago, it seemed reasonable that the lottery of life determined much of your success in life, but the idea that hard work matters is just as reasonable. When you work hard, you usually get better results than with less effort. While we can't deny the importance of luck, hard work does matter.

So what determines success? Hard work or luck? Effort or coincidence? I think we all understand that both factors play a role, but I would like to give you a better answer than "when how."

Here are two ways to look at the problem.

Absolute versus relative success

One way to answer this question is to say: “Luck matters more in an absolute sense, while hard work matters more in a relative sense.

An absolute point of view takes into account your level of success compared to everyone else. What makes someone the best in the world in a particular field? At this level, success is almost always due to luck. Even if you make a good initial choice - for example, Bill Gates who chose to start a computer company - you cannot consider all the factors that will determine world-class results.

As a rule, more significant success is determined by a combination of extreme and unlikely circumstances. It is often a combination of the right genes, the right connections, the right timing, and a thousand other accidents that no one can predict.

Generally, wider success is determined by a combination of extreme and unlikely circumstances.

Now let's look at relative success, which takes into account your level of success versus those of your own kind. How about the millions of people who received the same level of education, grew up in similar areas, or were born with similar levels of genetic talent? All these people do not achieve the same results. The more localized the comparison becomes, the more hard work determines success. When you compare yourself to someone with a similar level of luck at birth, the difference is determined by your habits and choices.

Absolute success is luck. Relative success - choices and habits.

There is an important point that naturally follows from this definition: as the results become more significant, the role of luck increases. That is, as you become more successful in an absolute sense, we can attribute more of your success to luck.

As he wrote Nassim Taleb v "Fooled by chance", “Moderate success can be attributed to skill and work. Significant success - variance ".

Both stories are true

Sometimes people have trouble accepting both of these ideas at the same time. There is a tendency to discuss results both globally and locally.

The absolute view is more global. What explains the difference between a wealthy person born in America and someone born into extreme poverty living on less than $ 1 a day? When you discuss success from now on, people say things like, “How can you not see an advantage? Don't you understand how much the first person got through luck?

The relative view is more local. What explains the difference in performance between you and everyone who went to the same school or grew up in the same area or worked for the same company? When looking at success from a local perspective, people say things like: “Are you kidding me? Do you know how much I worked? Do you understand the choices and sacrifices I have made while others have not? Explaining my success as luck devalues ​​my hard work. If my success is due to luck or environment, then why haven't my neighbors or classmates or colleagues achieved the same? ”

Both stories are true. It depends on which side you are looking at life.

Success slope

Another way to study the balance between luck and hard work is to assess how success affects life over time.

Imagine being able to compare success on a graph. Success is measured along the axis Y... Time is measured along the axis X... And when you were born, the ticket you pulled from the Buffett lottery is determined on the axis Y... Those who are lucky start higher. Those who are born in more difficult circumstances are below.

Here's the key: you can control the slope of your success, not your starting position.

In Atomic Habits, I wrote: “It doesn't matter how successful you are now. What matters is that your habits determine your path to success. You have to care much more about your current trajectory than about your current results. "

You can control the balance of your success, not your starting position.

With a positive inclination and enough time and effort, you can even recover what was lost through bad luck. I think this is a good quote to summarize: "The more time has passed since the start of the race, the less important is the place from which everyone started."

Of course, this is not always the case. A serious illness can destroy your health. A failed retirement fund can rob you of your retirement savings. Likewise, sometimes luck provides a lasting advantage (or disadvantage). In fact, one study found that if success is measured by wealth, then the most successful people are almost certainly those with moderate talent and remarkable luck.

In any case, one does not exist without the other. Both luck and hard work often play a more important role over time.

This is true not only for overcoming failure, but also for capitalizing on good luck. Bill Gates perhaps incredibly lucky to run Microsoft at the right time in history, but without a decade of hard work, the opportunity would have been wasted. Time destroys every advantage. At some point, luck takes hard work if you strive for sustainable success.

How to attract good luck to your side

By default, you cannot control your luck. However, it is helpful to understand the role it plays and how it works so that you can prepare yourself for when the moment to act comes.

In his fantastic talk, You and Your Research, mathematician and software engineer Richard Hamming summarized everything it takes to do a great job by saying: “Indeed, the element of luck is both important and not. The prepared mind sooner or later finds something important and does it. So yes, it's luck. The special thing you do is luck, but if it doesn't come to you, then you are doing something wrong. ".

You can increase the likelihood of good luck by taking action. Anyone who covers more area with their work is faced with a lot of useless, but also more likely to stumble upon something successful. Gary Player, a renowned golfer and winner of nine major championships, said: "The harder I train, the luckier I get." .

After all, we cannot control our luck, but we can control our efforts and preparation. Luck smiles at us from time to time. And when that happens, you should be ready for hard work in order to get the most out of it.

Language is the most subtle barometer showing the state of mind of a society. This is especially noticeable when using words, when choosing synonymous words, phrases.

Here's a small example.
Until recently, people wished each other SUCCESS. Now you hardly hear this word - they began to wish GOOD LUCK.
And it happened as if by magic: once - and everyone began to wish GOOD LUCK.

Old explanatory dictionaries - Ushakov, Ozhegova - interpret these words as synonyms.
Ozhegov's dictionary:
"Success is luck in achieving something."

The vocabulary is developing. At the modern level of the state of the language, these words have perceptibly different shades of meaning.
Here is the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by S.A. Kuznetsov:
“Success is a positive RESULT, a successful COMPLETION of something.
Luck is a happy, favorable COURSE OF CIRCUMSTANCES that contributed to the desired, desired outcome of the case; LUCK".
Efremova's explanatory dictionary:
“Luck - a) such an outcome of the case, which is necessary, desirable; success.
Success - a) success in any business, successful ACHIEVEMENT of the PURPOSE.

It is significant that the Dictionary of V.I.Dal confirms this difference in the shades of meaning of words:
“Success… - luck, successful STAY, ACHIEVEMENT of the desired.
Luck ... - success, haste in something, HAPPINESS, talent, a desired OCCASION, the outcome of the case. "

The difference in the meanings of these synonymous words is obvious: success is the result of work and effort; luck provides luck.

So why now they have ceased to wish SUCCESS and usually wish GOOD LUCK? ..


Thanks for the detailed analysis, indeed, the language is an amazing treasure. Or amazing. From the very word, success is when he managed to do what he deliberately walked towards, it turned out, hurray! And luck - it was possible, after all, yes, it is more random in nature, it could not have been expected, it covered, like, from around the corner.
But, you know, I did not notice that they stopped wanting success. They are wonderful side by side with luck.)

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- three coveted travel companions for each person. These categories determine the characteristics of the relationship between man and Space, and, in one way or another, are associated with a certain degree.

Contrary to popular belief that success, luck and luck unpredictable and capricious - they are quite natural, and accordingly, they can be attracted into your life. With a certain development of the human energy system, these features appear almost inevitably.

Let's consider each concept separately.


Success is usually understood as the achievement of a set goal, public recognition, a positive result.

Consider what success is from an energetic point of view.

To begin with, let's analyze the word itself “ success". Words are not just a collection of sounds; often, the word itself contains information about the concept that it stands for. I offer my version of the formation of the word "success". Consists of two parts - the prefix "y" and the root "hurry". The prefix "y" means - near, near, near. The root "haste" is associated with the concepts - haste, haste. Together it turns out - about haste or next to haste, which quite accurately conveys the essence of success.

At the heart of any success is, on the one hand, activity, activity, focus and systematicness of the efforts being made - this is the level. On the other hand, a sense of the situation, understanding of needs, the ability to take advantage of opportunities, creativity - qualities. There can be a high intensity of work, a busy schedule of life, but there will be no rush, fuss. Haste takes time and resources, and, thus, transfers consciousness to a level - a level, of the struggle for survival. Achieving success from this level is a very dim prospect.

To achieve success, a balance between one's own efforts and the opportunities provided by the current situation is important.

Remember the images of successful people. They are characterized by: purposefulness, discipline, self-discipline (sometimes to the ritual of some actions), self-control, planning and, at the same time, life on the flow, on the wave. This is the result of the joint action of the developed Manipura chakra and the developed Vishuddhi chakra. Moreover, both are relatively balanced.

The stories of successful people show that they use not only logic and calculation - they know how to notice and understand the signs that Space sends them.

To the above, we can add that among businessmen associated with production and trade, manipura is more often dominant, and among creative people, vishudha is more often dominant.


Luck- this is such a relationship with Space, where the developed and balanced Vishuddha chakra clearly dominates.

The very word " luck”Says that the person is being driven. In this case, we are talking about energy, energy flow, energy wave. The ability to ride a wave of energy is the level of consciousness of the vishuddhi chakra.

A person at this level feels the waves of energy and can use them. His actions are often intuitive and not always predictable, even for himself.

From the outside, the actions of such a person may seem illogical or, in general, irrational, nevertheless, as a rule, they end well or successfully, which can constantly surprise "normal" people. They simply cannot understand how it turns out, and it is impossible to understand anything here - this level of relationship with the World defies logic. You cannot come to luck by a logical way or train it - you can only reach this level by means of a certain spiritual work.


Luck- another manifestation of the level of consciousness of the vishuddhi chakra, only in that phase of development when the transition to the next level has already been outlined - to the level.

First I will give the interpretation of the word luck the way I understand it. The word "luck" also consists of two parts - "u" and "dacha". "U" has already been considered in this article, and "dacha" is associated with words such as, give, distribution. Accordingly, the word "luck" can be interpreted as the ability to be where they give, or near the place where they give. In general, we are talking about energy in any manifestation - material or subtle.

A good synonym for this word in English is the word pioneer (pioneer - literal translation - near the pie), which means - to be near the pie, or near a tidbit.

Since this is the level of the vishudhi chakra, luck presupposes action, activity, and additional vibrations of the ajna chakra fill these actions with spiritual will and intuitive insights. A person at this level is able to be on time at the right time and in the right place - where there are "tidbits" in any form. This often takes the form of a favorable coincidence or fluke. It seems that fate itself is leading such a person by the hand.

As a consequence, the actions of a person who is lucky are more effective than the actions of a successful person or a lucky person.

P.S.- are a consequence of a certain level of development of a person's consciousness associated with the Vishudha chakra and naturally begin to accompany a person as soon as he has reached this level.

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If you meet the challenges that life presents you with a light, open heart - you are doing everything right, keep up the good work! But if you do not feel in agreement with yourself, you cannot find balance, then perhaps you should slow down and think about where you are actually going - to success or to happiness? Here are a few signs that distinguish happiness from success.

1. Success means meeting deadlines. Happiness means working to achieve your goals.

Meeting deadlines is undoubtedly good, however, if you regularly feel unhappy doing it, then you should figure out what the reason is. Maybe you fit into other people's deadlines, that is, this is not your calling? Does your job really match your interests and talents? If not, you may feel as if you are swimming against the current. Working from deadline to deadline, you spin like a squirrel in a wheel, and spend a lot of energy on it.

Happy people plan actions, not outcomes. - Denis Veitley.

2. Success means moving up to the top of the career ladder. Happiness means following your goals and talents.

You can climb the corporate ladder in an effort to climb to the top, or try to be the fastest runner in your club. But if success for you is just the achievement of a certain point, and not the process of work itself, over time real life begins to lose its colors, there is a feeling that life is passing by.

In fact, the experience that you gain on the way to the top is much more important than reaching the top itself. Open up to this experience, start enjoying what you are doing at the moment, and the right opportunities will find you on their own.

Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, however, the very way up brings joy and development. - Andy Rooney.

3. Success is an increase in your wealth. Happiness is about improving your life.

Money is a useful thing, a sufficient amount of it makes life easier, however, it never guarantees happiness. Some of the most unfortunate people on our planet are also the richest.

There are things more valuable than a fat wallet. By investing in relationships, we gain love and experiences that money cannot buy. By investing time in working on our skills, we make a “profit” in the form of developing our talents. Invest your time in something more than just making money.

Happiness is not about having a lot of money, it is about the joy of achievement, the excitement of the creative process. - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

4. Success is promotion over peers. Happiness is the respect of colleagues.

Striving for promotion is a good goal. However, if you push your way up by any means, without paying any attention to those around you, the desired promotion will not bring satisfaction and peace for a long time.

Being kind and respecting other people costs you nothing, but in return you will receive their respect. It doesn't matter if these people are of higher rank or lower than you; treat everyone as an individual person, worthy of your time.

Since you get more joy by bringing joy to others, you should think as often as possible about what you can give to others. - Eleanor Roosevelt.

5. Success keeps you awake at night, makes you worry. The happy man sleeps peacefully.

When you climb up the stairs, relying only on yourself, you have no one to rely on, and you are in constant anxiety. However, if you work together with other people, go towards the goal together, they will be there to insure you in a dangerous moment. Thus, you will have a feeling of confidence, and you will be able to allow yourself a calm rest and achieve balance in your soul.

When I look back at all the worries I have experienced in the past, I am reminded of the story of an old man who, on his deathbed, said that there were many troubles in his life, most of which never happened. - Winston Churchill.