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Are there women with three breasts? Polymastia in women and men - is surgery necessary? The structure of the female breast


Rudiments are organs that have ceased to develop due to the fact that the body began to evolve and change. The presence of rudiments is characteristic for each individual of a certain species. Similar organs can be found in both humans and animals. They attract the attention of a large number of scientists. Scientific research has been going on for more than one year, and each time more and more new facts become known.

Rudimentary organs can begin to exist in the embryo of a person. But as originally laid down by nature, they should not develop to the end. They can last a lifetime, but they will never be used for their intended purpose. Having such organs, our ancestors did not give them much importance. It is for this reason that rudiments, with proper development, became unnecessary and, over time, completely lost their functional abilities.


Striking examples of rudimentary organs in humans include the presence of caudal vertebrae, covering the trunk with hair, muscles of the ears, the process of the cecum or appendix, additional mammary glands, and others.

There are cases when rudiments could fully form and develop. So, for example, a person can be born completely covered with wool or with three mammary glands. Such cases allow scientists from all over the world to study more widely the history of human phylogenesis. Charles Darwin was also prompted by the idea that man nevertheless began his descent from an animal.

In modern terminology, rudiments can still be found under the name atavisms. They should also be understood as the presence of certain organs, which at one time were present in our ancestors, but for some reason, changes in genes ceased to develop in modern humans. The presence of atavisms makes it possible to prove the fact that the existence and origin of people is very closely connected with nature.


Today, the most unusual and unique rudiment that can be found among female representatives is polymastia.

Polymastia implies the presence of multiple mammary glands in a woman. That is, a woman may not be born with a pair of breasts, but with three or more at once. Additional nipples can be located on absolutely any part of the body. They can usually be found on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and back. They can look like regular nipples, or they can act as additional breasts.

Today, society is more relaxed about the appearance of the third breast than in past centuries. Indeed, in ancient times, a woman who had a third nipple was considered a witch and she was threatened with death.

Mysterious Omen

For a long time there has been a legend about a woman named Meenaksha. From birth she had 3 nipples and later 3 breasts. As the prediction said, the third breast should have disappeared when the girl meets her man. After a few years, it came true. At one of the tournaments, Meenaksha meets Shiva. Real feelings arise between them. Once the couple decides to get married, the third breast mysteriously disappears.

According to statistics, women are born today with 3 mammary glands. It is impossible to count their number. After all, it can be quite difficult to notice such a person. The chest is usually not visible from under the clothes. It looks more like a nipple that won't grow, but can sometimes release a small amount of fluid. It is not possible to use an extra breast to feed a baby. Therefore, its appearance is considered not entirely normal.


The breast is a form of skin that is located in an even order on the human body. They are also found in animals. Each species is characterized by the presence of a certain number of nipples and their location on the body.

The difference between a person and an animal is that only a pair of mammary glands develops in him. But sometimes there are cases when a baby is born with 3 nipples. The operation in this case is not an urgent event. Usually, the extra nipple resolves on its own after a few years. But very rarely it can fully develop. Of course, this is considered a pathology, but it does not pose serious dangers to the human body.


Polymastia is considered a rare case, but still examples of its existence can be found in everyday life. An additional nipple can develop not only in women, but also in men. However, it will not necessarily be located in the chest area. It can also form on the abdomen, back and thighs. In medicine, such cases are very well studied.

You can determine the presence of 3 mammary glands immediately after the baby is born. It is possible not to notice the nipple only when it is in a hard-to-reach place (for example, under the armpit). Most often, they are recommended to be removed when the child turns 18 years old.

Whether or not to remove the third breast is up to each person to decide for himself. Usually, if this does not bring any discomfort, then the extra nipple can be left in place. If this interferes with a normal life and work, then an operation is performed to remove it.


For the first time, the world heard about a woman with three breasts in 1998 in America. At the same time, it became known that in the state of Oklahoma, a woman was admitted to the hospital, on whose body as many as ten mammary glands were very well developed. Such cases are not common, but they arouse great interest from others.

American girl Jasmine Tridevil decided to experience for herself what it is like to have 3 breasts. At that time she was 21 years old, and she made a decision that she wants a third breast. Operation was successfully completed. After which the girl became known to the whole world. We can say that this is the main way of earning Jasmine.

Maria Alaimo tried to repeat the success of the young Jasmine. After plastic surgery to add additional breasts, she was unhappy with the result and the quality of the work performed. After going through great difficulties, the girl managed to receive compensation for the damaged bust in the amount of $ 3.5 million. Today Maria regrets her deed very much.

The phenomenon of polymastia is quite rare and unusual. Each person who had to deal with it makes an independent decision about how to live with it further. In any case, such cases allow scientists to more thoroughly study the history of the origin of humans and their distant ancestors. Perhaps in the future it will become a source for new discoveries and achievements!

In our clinic, surgeries are performed to remove the excess breast. for more information, contact the administrator. There are contraindications, specialist advice is required.

The trendsetters of the world fashion dumbfounded their fans. On the catwalk, slender beautiful divas in designer novelties marched ceremoniously, and three breasts peeped out from under the revealing tops.

Three-breasted beauties provided the world with the opportunity to contemplate not only a chic wardrobe, but also global "changes" in the field of female beauty. The 21st century dictates its own views on many things, bisexuality, freedom of morals, unisex clothes are in fashion, but the young ladies with three mammary glands undoubtedly "conquered" the audience.

Sex fact

The most risky method of intercourse was invented in Hong Kong. During sex in a boat, a prostitute lowers her head into the river.

Seductress Mary i

The figure of an appetizing woman implies a narrow waist, sloping hips and firm, full breasts. Men experience great weakness with this "detail" of the female body. As soon as the breasts are not called, enthusiastic representatives of the stronger sex!

These are peaches, buns, donuts, melons and watermelons. Not a single guy will refuse to hold full rounded female charms in his hands. And, what would be their reaction, if a young lady with three breasts appeared in front of a man's inquisitive gaze.

For the first time such a diva appeared in the frame of the popular film of the 90s "Total Recall". The inhabitant of the invisible future appeared before the hero of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the most frank form. Trying to recall facts from a forgotten past, a strong and courageous character freezes in surprise in front of a special female, who defiantly appeared before him.

Quote of the Day

We have too much sex in our skulls and too little elsewhere.

Norman Douglas

Quote of the Day

Pornography is bad not because it promotes something bad, but because, on the contrary, it profanes the holy.

Alexander Kruglov

Quote of the Day

Indulging the sexual instinct is akin to indulging an excessive appetite.

Alfred Adler

The red-haired girl with a bold movement of her hand opened a black jacket in front of Arnie's character, revealing her luxurious three breasts. Hitherto never seen such beauty, the man blinked in a daze, not knowing what to do with such happiness. And the male audience of TV viewers enjoyed checking out the moment of cinematic art with pleasure.

The actress who played the three-breasted woman, of course, did not have such interesting natural data. Three breasts were created by the talented hands of the film crew for a dizzying effect.

Lishia Nuff, who played the three-breasted Mary, recalled that for a minute's triumph she had to wake up at half past four and surrender to the power of "sculptors" who applied "three breasts" for about eight hours. However, this moment was a success for fans of the picture.

Initially, the directors of the picture wanted to make the beauty's breast out of four gentle mounds, but such a number of titties could “turn” a juicy lady into a humanoid cow with an immense udder. Three breasts seemed sexier and more attractive for the stronger sex. On that and decided.

The girl jumped out in front of Arnie's eyes with a naked "triune" breast and gained special popularity. Despite the role of a relaxed girl, the actress who plays Mary was very uncomfortable trying to captivate the character of Schwarzenegger with female charms. Despite the fact that they were overhead.

Such a small role became very successful for the young woman. Lishia was invited to take pictures, and the image of the "many-breasted" lady interested some of the fair sex and the trendsetters of the fashion world of the 21st century.

Lucky Caitlin 2

Later in 2012, a remake of the film "Total Recall" was released. The storyline and cast are completely different from the film from the nineties, but one detail has remained unchanged. A beautiful girl and her three breasts. The character from the film of the nineties sunk into the soul of the directors of the new picture to such an extent that several episodic scenes were assigned for the girl.

The three-breasted diva was played by the young actress Caitlin Leeb. Unlike Lishia Nuff, the girl fell in love with the unusual image of a woman. She gladly demonstrated the "three hills". In one of the scenes, Caitlin appears in a seductive three-cup bra, in another episode - with naked female charms. The actress was indescribable delight from the role entrusted to her.

The appearance of the three-breasted beauty significantly increased the rating of the film and raised the popularity of the actress. Caitlyn Lieb appeared as a three-breasted diva at the annual Comic-Con exhibition. The girl smiled dazzlingly, dressed in a revealing outfit, consisting of a skirt with slits and a strip, symbolizing a topic. Three breasts flaunted behind a narrow stripe, which attracted huge public attention.

The actress was attacked with all sorts of questions about the plastic surgery done. The multifaceted breasts looked so natural and seductive that it never occurred to anyone to suspect it of artificiality. In fact, the unusual female "things" were made from a special prosthesis, painted in flesh color. Caitlin looked happy and confident.

In 2013, in a popular magazine, all the famous "tits" of the character Lib were awarded the title of "Best Breast of the Year".

Fertile goddesses 3

Since ancient times, the goddesses depicted as "multi-breasted" have been treated with deep respect. Breast abundance was considered a sign of "fertility" and childbirth. The famous statue of the mythological goddess Artemis of Ephesus is the image of a woman with many mammary glands. The hard-working lady aroused awe and delight among the people of ancient times. She blessed the people for the birth of healthy offspring and good health.

In the Indian temple Meenakshi sits a statue of the goddess of the same name with three mammary glands. The woman is depicted as a big-eyed and busty beauty. A romantic story is connected with Meenakshi, which the people of India retell to each other with trepidation. Once upon a time there lived a childless king who was greatly saddened by the absence of offspring. Day and night he begged the gods for the birth of a child, and once the higher powers turned mercy on a royal person.

They said that he would have a beautiful daughter, but her birth would not be ordinary. The child will emerge from the flames of fire and soon it did. Happy parents took the screaming baby in their arms and suddenly noticed another feature of the heiress to the throne. The girl had three breasts.

The gods assured worried parents that the girl's third breast would disappear when she meets true love. And so it happened. The adult Meenakshi met a man to whom she was inflamed with love, and the third breast disappeared without a trace. The god Shiva was the beauty's betrothed.

The goddess with three breasts is revered as the deity of love, fertility and the fulfillment of dreams.

A man's dream? 4

The image of a multi-breasted woman caused a huge stir among the general public. Advertisers have borrowed the interesting structure of the female body to promote their products in captivating videos. Ladies with "three" peaches are busily flaunting in the frame, offering a certain product.

It is known that men do not like the biggest breasts, but their beloved! But the image of a three-breasted young lady does not at all disgust the opposite sex. On the contrary, the fashion for "three breasts" is gradually gaining momentum. Recently, girls with countless breasts have conquered the audience at a high fashion show. White-faced and dark-skinned beauties proudly displayed outfits and feminine charms and looked unusual and attractive.

Triple bust 5

In 2014, photos and videos with the participation of a young American woman, Jasmine Trideville, broke into the network. A pretty brunette posed in front of the camera with three luxurious "jasmine" and assured the audience that she had made a decision on her own to change the number of breasts. Through plastic surgery, the American managed to achieve the desired result. The girl indicated several reasons that pushed her to take this step:

  • The young lady decided to become famous thanks to the number of mammary glands.
  • A huge number of boyfriends have recently worried about a pretty brunette too much. Having performed the operation, the girl hoped that three breasts would push most of the suitors away from her.
  • To become the brightest and most unusual TV presenter on a music channel, which will agree to invite a young lady to the program.

Jasmine spent at least $ 50,000 on an unusual operation. She went a thorny path to get closer to the image of Mary from the movie "Total Recall". The young lady was looking for a surgeon for a long time and tediously, who would agree to carry out a complex operation. In the end, her search was crowned with success.

Photos of three-breasted Jasmine represent a sexy girl with three seductive mounds. The young woman did not diminish her own attractiveness at all, and the crowd of fans and subscribers of her channel only grew every year. Jasmine posed for the camera every week, in every possible way exposing the threefold "dignity".

The girl's fans were bombarded with numerous questions about her feelings and internal emotions. Jasmine smiled happily into the lens and reassured her that she felt great. It is not known what heights the glory of Miss Trideville would have reached, if the news of the girl's fraud had not leaked to the press.

It turns out that the name of the brave and desperate American woman was completely different. Not what she is not Jasmine, and not what not three-breasted. In fact, the 21-year-old had an ordinary pair of mammary glands on her body. The third breast was nothing more than a high-quality prosthesis, with the help of which the girl led a wide audience by the nose. In the direction of the former Jasmine, criticism poured down, and the disgraced girl sadly took off the third "tit".

Unsuccessful plastic 6

Absolutely different emotions were experienced by another heroine with a history of "many breasts". New Yorker Maria Alaimo had the most extraordinary physique. Instead of a lush breasts, the woman's bra hid two small "apples", and she so wanted the mouth-watering "melons" to stick out from under the top of her underwear.

One day, a woman read an advertisement for a miracle surgeon. The medical specialist promised to give his clients a "luxurious seductive bust".

Without thinking twice, the girl went to try her luck in the specified clinic. The doctor turned out to be a pleasant and sweet man who, with a smile, reassured the new patient and assured that no negative consequences were foreseen.

At the appointed time, Maria, inspired by dreams of a full-breasted body, lay down on the operating table. When the woman regained consciousness from the anesthesia and looked under the T-shirt, her shock knew no bounds: in addition to sloppy seams, three rounded breasts awaited her.

Such a sight caused an indignant cry and monstrous emotions in the soul of the poor fellow. She was ready to kill the doctor, but a miracle - the surgeon disappeared without a trace. A long search for a doctor was soon crowned with success. The police detained the “inventor” and put him behind bars. The man did not admit why he turned the client into an unusual image of Mary from the movie "Total Recall", despite the large compensation paid.

Genetic mutation 7

From a scientific point of view, polymastia is not a rare occurrence, it implies the presence of three or more mammary glands on the body of the fair sex. This phenomenon is rare and amazing. Such a phenomenon occurs at the birth of a fetus, when a rudimentary organ appears in its body along genetic lines. He is the cause of the mutation of the human body.

The appearance of the third breast is characterized by the formation of a third nipple, which may be located near the breast, or another part of the woman's abdomen. Usually the nipple does not grow to the level of a full breast, but it is capable of swelling and secreting fluid. In rare cases, an "extra mammary gland" forms under the nipple.

In the modern world, such phenomena are treated calmly, and in the old days, women with three or more nipples were considered a witch, a source of dark power. She could be persecuted and executed. The unfortunate poor things with such a defect had to hide such an intimate fact all their lives in order to save their lives from shame and death.

Fortunately, modern medicine works wonders: it removes excess breasts and sews on "one more beauty." Whoever wishes. Beauty is a terrible force! As the modern world shows: a woman can be attractive with any number of breasts.

In contact with


Owners of the third breast size rarely complain about the size of their mammary glands, since it is such a bust that is considered the most ideal in all respects. The bust of the third size is noticeably distinguished by its splendor, which favorably emphasizes the dignity of the female figure.

As statistics show, almost 80% of men on the planet give their preference to female breasts of such volumes, considering it quite lush and at the same time not sagging from the weight of the mammary glands. The same opinion is shared by experts who are professionally versed in issues related to the mammary glands of women.

Various reasons can induce a woman to accurately determine her breast size, but most often this question arises when buying lingerie through online stores. Such shopping does not involve fitting, therefore, errors in predetermining the size of the bust can cause many inconveniences. Therefore, by means of simple and quick measurements, a woman calculates her breast parameters, namely:

  • the circumference of the body under the mammary glands is measured;
  • with a measuring tape, the girth of the body is specified in the area of ​​the highest point of the chest.

3 the size of the breast of the girl in the photo looks very beautiful

From the two parameters obtained, the woman will need to calculate the difference and compare the resulting figure with the size table. It is very important to keep your back straight when taking such measurements, not to slouch. Also, a woman should make sure that the centimeter fits snugly to the body, at the protruding point of the chest, the girth is measured while inhaling, so that in the future the underwear does not interfere with breathing freely. The third size of the chest in the dimensional grid is indicated by the difference of 16-17 cm between the two girths of the body.

Visually, the third bust size cannot be called an inconspicuous feature of the female figure. Frankly speaking, this is the ideal breast size. Girls with ones and twos -

Beautiful 3 breast size in the photo

Often such breasts are possessed by women of medium and large build, with a wide bone. But there are still exceptions, sometimes fragile miniature girls are awarded by nature with a third breast size, then size 3 looks almost perfect.

Visually, female mammary glands can be associated with different fruits, speaking of the third size, experts mention two medium-sized grapefruits. If the breasts are more like oranges, it's worth talking about.

Photo of a girl with 3 breast sizes

Three points: all the pros and cons

Speaking of the third breast size, the list of advantages and disadvantages of this breast size is almost the same.

Many women with smaller bust size want to increase it to the third size, considering it ideal. But in fact, there are some "side effects" hidden behind the curvy third size breasts.

Let's start with the positive qualities of size 3 breasts:

  • curvy shapes make it possible to attract the attention of men with a deep neckline;
  • a wide range of underwear is offered for breasts of this size;
  • almost all styles of clothing will fit such a bust;
  • the breast is sensitive enough to caress;
  • the ability to wear a bra without foam inserts;
  • lush breasts distract attention from any flaws in the figure.

Despite the fact that most men consider the third breast size to be ideal and the most attractive, there are many pitfalls hiding behind such a bust.

Disadvantages of a C grade:

  1. At a fairly young age, lush breasts sag down under their own weight of the mammary glands, which provokes flabbiness of the skin.
  2. The third size of the breast retains its tone and elasticity much less time when compared with the two and even.
  3. A lush bust over time leads to back pain, sometimes even provoking the development of a stooped spine.
  4. Tight underwear inhibits blood circulation, which in the future leads to the loss of the original breast forms.
  5. After lactation, such a bust is often poorly restored.
  6. Sports activities and active movement lead to painful sensations in the lush chest.

Increase in the third breast size

When it comes to size 3 breasts, enlargement should not be the primary issue of bust correction. In fact, lush breasts must be supported with the help of the back muscles, so that in the future a woman does not suffer from back pain and stoop.

Muscles will firmly hold the mammary glands, preventing them from sagging and becoming flabby with age. Proper nutrition and drinking regime are responsible for the quality and external data of the bust.

  1. , including push-ups, hand swings, exercises for the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Detailed instructions for home workouts for breast augmentation have been indicated in previous publications. Such exercises improve blood circulation, which helps the mammary glands to feed on oxygen, vitamins and trace elements. Strong muscles keep the chest in shape, preventing age-related changes.
  2. , which should contain protein products, as well as those containing phytoestrogens that mimic female sex hormones. Protein will help strengthen the muscles and give elasticity to the ligaments, phytoestrogen balances the hormonal background of a woman. Orange vegetables and fruits will help the skin to maintain its natural color, youth and health.
  3. Drinking regime. So that the skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands does not lose its elasticity and does not allow the mammary glands to sag under their own weight, it is important to drink more than half a liter of pure water every day.
  4. Contrast shower and massage afterwards. Such procedures will help the breasts maintain their tone and elasticity.

A comprehensive approach to caring for and enlarging the third breast will help you get results in a month.

Features of the ideal breast size

Opinions and stereotypes about the attractiveness of a woman's body and breasts are regularly modified. But the ideal female breast is always distinguished by several characteristics. If the chest does not move during active movements and keeps the same shape, then it is in excellent tone, and there is no difference what size it is.

The perfect bust of a woman is covered with smooth velvety skin without visible stretch marks and other imperfections, it is distinguished by elasticity and is located quite high.

Proper care of the mammary glands, including the use of cosmetics, water treatments and various masks, will help keep the breasts in their original parameters for as long as possible. If you do not work on your body, after some time the attractive third breast size will lose its former beauty.