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Why dream of rain. Dream Interpretation: rain, why dream of rain - a complete interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of sleep by the type of rain

If you dreamed of rain, the Enigma dream book recommends taking the opportunity and hitting a big jackpot. A happy life, financial profit, passionate relationships, a speedy recovery - this is what any element dreams of. However, seeing yourself wet in a dream is not always good.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: popular interpretations

Wet weather, on the one hand, is associated with the occurrence of diseases, difficulties, obstacles in business, on the other hand, it is a harbinger of a good harvest, a fertile year and good changes in the dreamer's life.

In order to determine as reliably as possible what rain is dreaming of, both ancient and modern interpreters are advised to pay attention to the details seen in a dream, to recall their emotions and actions.

So, a few drops that have fallen from a small cloud bring a lot of good news, portend a calm, measured life. But, the elements that have played out will certainly lead to a violation of plans, a loss of strength, energy, and control over the situation.

See the rain by Miller

Interpretations by Gustav Miller depend on the place where the main action took place. The psychologist claims that all additions to the dream script play an important role. To figure out why you dream of getting wet in the rain, remember exactly where you ended up at night:

  • on the street - to the emergence of difficulties;
  • in the forest - to changes in personal life;
  • indoors - to correct errors;
  • in transport - to the opportunity to change your mind about yourself.

To hide from the weather in an apartment means to get a hint in time, help from wise people and not to do stupid things. Unless you happen to see yourself in a room with a leaking ceiling. Otherwise, Miller's dream book warns of the risk of "tarnishing" your reputation.

Ancient interpretations of lightning

Seeing a flash of lightning in a dream is the same as receiving a sign from above about an improvement in the state of affairs. A dream means a short but very powerful leap forward. It will be possible to successfully complete old projects, earn cash rewards and boldly take on the implementation of new ideas.

In the texts of Nostradamus, ball lightning above the head is considered a good sign. A fireball flying straight into your hands indicates stable income, a profitable investment of money, a good combination of circumstances.

Riding a train on a day of bad weather and watching lightning from the window - to the help of an influential person. There is a chance to become famous, to reach the heights in the creative business, to win the court. Any struggle will end with your victory if the fiery guest visited you in a dream.

Thickening of clouds according to Freud

The psychotherapist insists on scandalous news, in the center of which the dreamer will be, if he dreamed of wind, hail, heavy rain. To see that a storm has broken out - to an outbreak of jealousy on the part of a partner.

According to Freud's dream book, cloudy weather means a passionate relationship. Moreover, summer and spring precipitation symbolize the beginning of a stormy romance, the birth of feelings. Warm May rain is considered a harbinger of sincere love.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about autumn and winter slush. If a cold or even freezing rain drizzles in a dream, an epiphany awaits you, after which you will want to break off relations forever.

unusual rain

In Tsvetkov's dream book, you can find many unusual interpretations of rain. It turns out that our imagination sometimes throws up scenarios in which, instead of drops of water, other natural elements fall on our heads. The therapist found explanations for some types of rain:

  • stellar - to a meeting with a lover;
  • stone - to problems at work;
  • acidic - to the development of the disease;
  • fish - for pregnancy.

Looking at ice, stones falling from the sky, hiding from them in a dream - to temporary difficulties. The Muslim dream book recommends temporarily not signing important agreements, contracts.

What does a hurricane mean in a dream

Seeing bad weather, a hurricane - to a sharp change in events in reality. Moreover, the situations will be both negative and positive at the same time. On the one hand, you will receive a number of prohibitions from higher authorities, older relatives, you will not be able to reveal all your capabilities, on the other hand, there will be time to think about global projects.

With bated breath, listening to the howling of the wind in a dream, getting into the epicenter of the elements, surviving the flood and remaining safe and sound is the same as throwing off unpleasant duties, changing jobs, trying yourself in a new business.

Telling what dreams of running through muddy puddles mean, Velesov's dream book warns against traps. You may be drawn into dubious activities, as a result of which your reputation will suffer greatly.

Vanga: why dream of thunder

According to Vanga's dream book, hearing thunder in a dream is good news, a change of profession. In a new place, you will find a prestigious position and a high salary. To hide from bad weather under a roof means to be afraid of change.

If you do not risk moving to a new job, then a thunderstorm will be a hint of fate for you. The strong-willed decision made in the coming days will turn into profit, will be a good start to a happy future.

Vanga's dream book, explaining why the peals of thunder are dreaming, resounding somewhere in the distance, reminds you that because of cowardice, self-doubt, you can miss a rare chance. A thunderstorm that erupted directly overhead suggests that it is impossible to delay.

What does it mean to dance in the rain

Why dream of getting wet under a quiet mushroom rain and enjoying life, the Slavic dream book paints in detail. Running barefoot through puddles, dancing, kissing - to success with the opposite sex.

For a girl and a woman, warm raindrops in a dream are a hint that a child will be conceived soon, even if she does not aspire to this at all. Men and guys can be sure of a successful attempt to conquer their beloved.

Spinning in a dance with a loved one, feeling his hot kiss on the lips - to stability, harmony in relationships. After such a dream, a couple in love will not be afraid of any adversity - even those who will purposefully strive for this will not be able to separate them.

If you dreamed of bloody rain

Bloody rain is a warning of retribution from the offended person. In addition, there is a risk of getting into a car accident, becoming a victim of a fraudster, robber, rapist.

Wetting a raincoat or washing yourself with blood in a dream is the same as incurring a well-deserved punishment for committed misconduct. If you offended someone, offended by your distrust - hurry to correct the situation in order to avoid retribution.

However, old dream books advise not to be upset if you happen to see streams of blood, red wine, juice. The interpreters insist on the fact that the dreamer has long realized his mistakes, sins, deeply repented, embarked on the path of correction.

See golden hail

If you are covered with multi-colored hail, expect changes that will pleasantly surprise you. Even negative situations in the past will turn into good if the rain caught your attention in a dream with an amazing color scheme.

The gypsy dream book claims that the shade of precipitation in a dream is of great importance when deciphering. So, for example, blue rain will awaken forgotten tender feelings, green will give a surge of strength and energy. Some other colors are also worth paying attention to:

  • gold - to recovery;
  • white - to personal growth;
  • red - to repentance;
  • silver - to profit, replenishment;
  • black - to the conspiracy of competitors.

Why dream of a rainbow

If the rain bypassed in a dream and did not create discomfort for you, any check at the workplace will not be able to reveal a single flaw. Farmers who dream of abundance will finally reap a high harvest, receive a decent reward for hard work.

Seeing a rainbow immediately after the rain is a miraculous healing, the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Moreover, fate will be favorable to all family members - some of the relatives will find a well-paid job, find a long-awaited housing.

A downpour that has no consequences is a good sign. Providence itself suggests that debts will soon be paid off, all suspicions will be removed from people who were undeservedly accused, unfairly punished.

Interpretations of the Islamic dream book

Sitting in the middle of the street during the rain, freezing - to the beginning of a cold. If there was a pitch night and there was no sun - be prepared for oppressed states, depression.

An Islamic dream book warns against a rise in temperature if it rained, after which it was impossible to dry hair, clothes, shoes. Even worse, if it was not possible to warm up in any way, shivering constantly arose.

To fall into a dirty puddle in a dream, to get dirty in the rain - to become a victim of dishonest people. Excessive gullibility, shortsightedness will soon play a cruel joke with the dreamer.

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author


    I dreamed that I went at night to meet my late husband, who was supposed to pick me up in a car. And when it was far from home, it began to rain very heavily. There was nowhere to hide, everything was wet and cold, and her husband still did not come. I called him and started arguing with him that he did not arrive on time, and he said that he would be soon because he was arranging a romantic dinner for us. I was very offended by him and then woke up. I will be very grateful for the answer.

    Hello. I had a dream that I was standing on the street and it was pouring rain around me. And so in stripes that from one cloud a little stronger, from one a little slower, but somewhere it does not pour. But it was raining around me, but not a drop fell on me (as if I was surrounded around) and I stood there wondering how it was. Then the sun came out a little and the rain stopped quickly. And somewhere very far on the horizon one could see thunderclouds, almost a dirty orange color and how quickly they change, and that it was raining very hard there. But these clouds were already gone (gone from me). There were light gray clouds above me with flashes of blue sky as it rained next to me. Why is this a dream?

    • You may have unexpected expenses. You will be extremely dissatisfied with the purchase - it will turn out to be base. Be upset that you succumbed to impulse in vain and threw money away 🙁.

      • The moment you've been dreaming of will come! Everyone will leave you alone and let you be alone with your thoughts. You will spend this time fruitfully - relax and replenish your energy supply 🧘.️

        31-Mar-2019 Natalia:

        I dreamed that I was walking along the carriageway, but there were no cars, tables were laid on the street, for celebrations and festivities, many children and people also walked along the carriageway, which for some reason was ankle-deep in water. I decide to go alone (separate from the crowd), in a different direction and get caught in the rain (spring) and decide to put on a long sheepskin coat to protect myself from getting wet and move on.

        18-Feb-2019 Tatiana:

        Hello. I dreamed that a deceased grandmother was sitting in a chair in our house. She died long ago. I live with my husband. She didn't say anything. She sat silently. It's just that I saw her. And then it started to rain inside the house. The ceiling was plain white and it was raining from it. We ran out into the corridor, and there it started to rain even harder. Drops poured down my clothes and trickled down. There was no point in going outside because when I opened the front door it was also raining. It was day outside. I felt sad and a little sorry that my jacket got wet.

        We recently broke up with my husband, I dream that we are in a large shopping center and suddenly got confused with him, I run, I try to find, I call him, a guy starts to help me, we run out into the street, I run, there are a lot of people, but there is no husband, it starts to rain, I'm all wet, I broke away from the guy, but I never found my husband. What is it for?

        I'm just a teenage girl with relatives in the village. Tomorrow we have an excursion to the Dnieper, we will ride on air trams. Before going to bed, I go to the next room, they warn me that it can be dangerous there at night. As soon as I open the door, a hoop in my hair starts to scroll on my head for no apparent reason, I still go ahead. An invisible dangerous force begins to press me to the floor and, turning around, I see my own figure, which passed a few minutes ago. I remembered my practice of reading the Lord's Prayer, and the strength releases me. The next moment I am with the whole family at the station. Long air carriages float in the air. I decided to take a little walk, but our flight was announced. I run to the station, arms outstretched wide with happiness. Pure thick rain pours from the sky, my long hair flutters behind me. I run for a long time, lightly, joyfully in sandals with outstretched arms.

        Please tell me, I dream of a beating husband, a daughter in a gray woolen jacket, and it is raining, and we are sitting, the sun is shining hot, and the raindrops are cool.

        Please tell me what my dream means. I'm walking down the street in the dark and I see a heavy downpour there and I'm heading there, so quickly, I go into the downpour, and then I run away from it, i.e. from the rain, but it reaches me, I did not feel the cold. Then I see a basin with clean water and stick my hand in there, and it is a walk-through.

        I ran home in the rain, where I used to live with my mother, fell, and along the way I came across mountains of debris, like magnets from a kindergarten with the names and surnames of my daughter's classmates from kindergarten. Although we did not make magnets, there was an album, this year our children are going to the 1st grade. Explain please.

Find out from the online dream book what Rain is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Rain in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of Rain and what does it mean:

Rain - As a rule, dreams in which you see rain are unfavorable, they can be a harbinger of failure, a waste of time, obstacles in business. Rain through the sun often dreams of winning, blind rain - to a pleasant change in business.

A shower in a dream is a harbinger of a big failure, getting very wet in a dream - you need to devote more time to your health, to watch it.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Rain in a dream?

In a dream, falling under pure torrential rain means that energy and interest will add flavor to your pleasure. You will also take ownership of the property.

If rain pours from dark clouds, you realize the futility of your deeds.

To understand in a dream that it is starting to rain, and, hiding from it, to get wet means that you will quickly and successfully implement your plans.

If in a dream you are at home and watching the pouring rain from the window, then good luck and passionate love await you.

The dreamed sound of rain on the roof - to domestic happiness, as well as a little luck.

If the roof leaks in your house during the rain and the water is clear, then you will suddenly get illicit pleasure; dirty or muddy water portends trouble.

If, under the sound of rain, you regret some imperfect act, then you will seek favor at the expense of someone else's sense of justice.

Seeing others in the rain means that you will lose confidence in your friends.

For a girl to see herself in wet and dirty clothes in the rain is a sign that she will behave immodestly with someone and her friends will suspect her of frivolous hobbies.

If in a dream it rains on cattle, then your destiny will be disappointment in the business sphere and the environment.

A thunderstorm always dreams of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dream of rejoicing in the rain

This is life-giving moisture, divine seed and blood, fertilizing the earth. The phenomenon embodies the forces of life, the energy of air, water, fire. It pours from heaven, thanks to which it is connected with the power of divine light, the spirit that descends to earth. He embodies the blessing of higher powers, the promise of a rich harvest, purification, bliss.

Rain is revered as a manifestation of magical and sacred forces. It spills when the gods and the "shepherds" of the clouds - drowned and hanged - allow it. The dreamed rain is a symbol of a happy life. In what area to expect success, and what is worth working on in your destiny, the details of the dream will tell you.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Rains

  • For a woman - the desire to have a child.
  • Hiding from the rain - the dreamer in reality does everything so that pregnancy does not occur.
  • Men dream of rain when they may have problems with the sexual sphere of life.
  • If children hide from the rain in their dreams, then they do not want children to be born in the house.
  • heavy rain, downpour, according to the dream book, the consciousness clears a person’s thoughts from the experiences of the day. If there are a lot of clouds in such a vision, the dreamer is mentally tired. Do not be ashamed to ask for help from loved ones!
  • If the sleeper feels that he is chilled in the downpour - in reality he is overly trusting. The people around you use it.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of rain

  • Getting wet in the downpour for a woman? She should be wary of new connections, they may be short-lived, and will become a stain on the girl's reputation.
  • I dreamed of a thunderstorm with thunder, rain and lightning - sexual energy is looking for a way out, your relationship has become monotonous, and you want interesting events in your personal life. Surprise your soulmate, arrange a date.
  • Family people dreamed that they got wet - an indication that feelings are cooling.
  • There is no roof in your house, and the rain pours directly on the whole family - the dreamer alone will solve family worries, being without support.
  • Flooding after a rainstorm? A great, “borderless” happiness in love awaits you.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Rain - Indicates the disposition of the Lady of Fortune towards you. If the rain is fine, unpleasant and cold, you cannot count on good luck and luck now. In matters for this period, you can rely only on your own strength, and the requirements for life should be reduced as much as possible. If the rain falls in strong, transparent and pleasant jets, then the sun of your luck is high, and you can ask your fate for anything - everything will come true. In general, in the image of a dream about rain, you need to pay close attention to what feelings the drops touch the skin. The more pleasant it is, the better your affairs and well-being will be in the near future.

Small Velesov dream book

Why dream of rain?

Dreaming of rain - Profit on the farm, seeing someone I haven’t seen for a long time, winning, success, good news // tears, there will be trouble, to the dead, a waste of time; on a clear day - joy; in cloudy - tears; quiet - justification; strong - for good // failure, changes in life; with the wind - anxiety; blind - pleasant changes; get wet - illness, loss.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Rains

  • Rain is the personification of purity, hope and the best intentions. And this is no coincidence, because since ancient times people have associated all the best things with rain: a high harvest, evenings with their friends. People were looking forward to the rain.
  • Popular proverbs and signs about this wonderful natural phenomenon have survived to our times: “The time will come - it will pour out of the bucket”, “The rain will soak it, but the sun will dry it red”, “The fish does not bite - before the rain”, “If you kill the snake and hang on a birch, it will rain”, “If milk foams in the pan, it will rain.”
  • If in a dream you got caught in the rain and didn’t get wet, this is a sign that your hopes for a better future will come true. You may not even have to make much effort to implement them.
  • If in a dream you fell under a heavy downpour, then you are able to end all your old problems and start a new life full of the best plans.
  • Hiding in a dream from the rain in an unfamiliar house is a sign that due to the interference of strangers in your affairs, your hopes for the quick implementation of your goals will not come true.
  • Washing your hair with rainwater in a dream is a prophecy that you will have a great time with your friends. Do not refuse a party, no matter how strange, at first glance, it may not seem to you.
  • Watching in a dream the raindrops that flow from the leaves of trees - such a dream indicates that it is time to go for a walk in the forest. You will not only have a good time, but also collect a considerable harvest of mushrooms.
  • Swimming in the river in a dream in the rain is a harbinger that if you engage in agricultural activities, you will reach great heights. Perhaps such a dream prophesies a solution to a big long-standing problem.
  • If you dreamed that you were walking in the rain, then in real life you prefer to go the easy way to achieve your goals, relying on a miracle or the help of other people, and therefore it is very difficult for you to solve cases that require even the slightest effort, as it is said in dream book about this dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To see the drops of Rain, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep

  • Seeing rain in a dream - to various events in life that will be important to you.
  • If in a dream you got caught in the rain, but did not get wet, then in reality you will avoid a very serious conflict that could affect your career.
  • If in a dream you see a downpour, then you will have many problems that require an immediate solution.
  • If you dream that you got caught in a downpour and got wet, then problems and troubles will negatively affect your life and your relationships with others.
  • If in a dream you were able to hide from the rain, then in reality you will find a patron who will help you in solving problems. But if you dream that during the rain you are walking under an umbrella, then in reality you will be able to exercise caution, which will help you avoid many troubles.
  • When you see in a dream that one of your loved ones got caught in the rain, it means that he will have problems that he cannot solve without outside help.
  • If you dreamed of mushroom rain, then very soon you will experience great happiness in your personal life.
  • If you see rare shiny raindrops in a dream, then this indicates a meeting with an old acquaintance that will make you very happy.
  • If the raindrops are, on the contrary, cloudy and heavy, then this portends a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time, and who is either very unpleasant to you or evokes unpleasant memories.
  • If in a dream you feel wet raindrops, then in reality you should take care of your health, otherwise you can become seriously ill.
  • If you dream that you are caught in the rain, but do not feel its touch, then you can avoid a long and debilitating illness.
  • If you see drops of a dark or rusty color falling around, then this warns you that your ill-wishers will resort to slander.
  • If you fell under such rain and got wet, then this is an indication that slander cannot be avoided and efforts will have to be made to overcome the unpleasant consequences of this.

Islamic dream book

The sound of rain which means for the dreamer

Rain - if someone sees in a dream that from the rain the house was filled with water to the very ceiling - all sorrows and worries will leave this dwelling. If someone sees in a dream that it is raining sandy or dusty, then earthly blessings and livelihoods will be in abundance. If a sick person sees rain in a dream or hears thunder, he will receive healing, and if the debtor sees this, he will pay his debt; if a prisoner sees such a dream, he will receive freedom.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why did the rain dream

The weather in a dream is usually not of interest for analysis, except in those cases when, for some reason, it falls into the field of view of the sleeper. Rain is one such "notable" exception. The reason lies in the direct relationship of WATER with fertility, which is recognized by many CULTURES. In dreams where there is an equal sign between rain and fertility, rain is endowed with special qualities. He can simply stop the drought or go indoors, and only on certain people. Is the rain a source of your anxiety or a pleasant addition to the dream scenario?

Persian dream book of Khubaishi Tiflisi

Rain Interpretation

  • If someone sees rain in a dream, a war may happen in the area where he lives. War should be understood not only as a direct invasion of a military army from another country; it is likely that the dream will also warn you of street riots, unauthorized performances that will be dispersed with the use of force, festive festivities complicated by conflicts with the use of force.
  • When you dream that your house was filled with water from the rain to the very ceiling, the dream is favorable, because all sorrows and worries will leave this dwelling very soon.
  • If a sick person sees rain in a dream or hears thunder, he has reason to rejoice, since such a dream, as a rule, announces that he will certainly find healing.
  • In the same case, when such a dream was dreamed of by a person burdened with debts, let him also rejoice, because very soon he will be able to pay all his debts.
  • If a prisoner sees such a dream, he will soon be released.

Big family dream book / Olga Smurova

What does the dream about calling Rain mean?

  • Most often, rain is in a dream to sadness.
  • If you dreamed of golden rain, this portends adultery.
  • A heavy downpour is dreaming - predicts you will receive news from a loved one.
  • A small warm rain portends profit and success.
  • A strong thunderstorm, a storm, with a terrible wind is also a harbinger of good luck in business, especially for those who are engaged in honest work.
  • If a thunderclap rumbles over your house, it means that fate protects you from troubles and dangers.
  • I dreamed of heavy rain and lightning - predicts a happy, but short-lived love.

Simone Kananita dream book

What does rain mean in a dream according to the saint:

Rain - small, quiet - excuse - plentiful - great luck - through the sun - a pleasant change - getting wet in the rain - a disease.

Esoteric dream book

Rain in a dream:

See - comfort, safety. Get caught in the rain - cleanse yourself, wash yourself, perhaps with tears of relief.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Rain to see in a dream:

Small, quiet - an excuse; plentiful - great luck; through the sun - a pleasant change; to be soaked is a disease.

Lunar dream book

Rain in a dream what does it mean:

Rain is a win; with the wind - misfortune.

Rain is a waste of time.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why dream of rain?

The dream symbolizes good news. Rain is bad; tears; waste of time; small, quiet - an excuse; big, downpour - a significant setback; blind - with the sun in the sky - a pleasant change. A heavy downpour is a change in life. Getting wet in the rain is a disease; loss. It is raining: on a clear day - joy, in the darkness - tears.

Modern dream book


Rain - stagnation in business.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why did the Rains dream according to spiritual sources

Promises a big profit.

Idiomatic dream book

Rain why dream

Rain - "After a rain on Thursday" (never); "bad rainy weather" - stagnant time.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the drops of Rain were dreamed

This is an element, a hindrance, an undesirable effect that prompts a person to close, hide. Therefore, the image of rain is often an indicator of the presence of a depressive formation or an overly pronounced introversion (withdrawal into oneself), a feeling of inferiority, up to the formation of complexes.

Universal dream book

Rain means:

Rain - Mushroom with a rainbow, good luck; get wet or downpour, to trouble.

Old Russian dream book

Rains dreamed

Why dream of rain - Quiet without a storm, wind and thunderstorm promises benefits and profits to the farmer; insanity, loss and loss to the merchant, artist and craftsman; heavy rain with hail, whirlwind, thunder and storm portends grief, boredom, displeasure, loss to the rich, and perfect success in business to the poor.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about rain

If you dream of a warm summer rain, your family will have an idyll and harmony that you can only dream of. If the rain is lingering or cold, this is a sign of tension. You will come across a wall of misunderstanding on the part of a loved one. Perhaps you just need to wait out this "rain" under some cozy roof.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book Rain interpret?

Why dream of rain - A waste of time; quiet - justification; strong - a big failure; get wet - stagnation, illness; through the sun, blind rain - a pleasant change; wet his head - passion, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Rain in a dream?

What does it mean to dream about Rain in a dream

Rain - Refreshing. Relief from an emotional or intellectually boring period. Archetypes of the magic circle. Torrential rain, downpour. Urine and therefore semen. Rain with fog. Introversion and depression.

Egyptian dream book

Downpour in a dream

Why dream of rain - If a person sees himself in a dream seeing the sky with rain, it’s bad, it means that quarrels will begin against him.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Rains from your dream

Rain - Disappointment, a stagnant period of life; malaise. Pleasant, calm with the sun (mushroom) change for the better; calmness, contentment.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why dream of rain?

Loss of time; quiet - justification; strong - a big failure; get wet - a disease, to be loved; blind rain through the sun is a pleasant change; with thunder - a nuisance, a danger of getting involved in a major squabble.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of rain, what does it mean?

Rain - The positive aspect of rain: something that fertilizes the earth, washes away the filth of hardship. Negative is a hindrance, anxiety, forcing a person to hide, withdraw into himself. Get wet in the warm, summer rain - happiness in love, emotional release. Inclement weather is a difficulty in business. Flood (to be overwhelmed by a stream of rain) - to experience delight, to be overcome by emotions.

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

The meaning of sleep about precipitation

Why dream of rain - This dream portends great difficulties, especially if the rain is heavy. A little rain is the herald of a calm and happy life.

Raincoat - Wearing a raincoat is a huge scandal.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Fine rain - To tears.

Torrential rain - To hysteria.

The rain is warm - To joy.

Cold rain - To sadness.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Heavy rain - To a large harvest of mushrooms.

Warm rain - To the awakening of your vitality.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Rain - Warm rain dreams of hoping for the best, for a good harvest; heavy rain with a thunderstorm - to threats.

Falling into the rain in a dream - to an increase in wages or monetary incentives. However, the same plot can have a completely different and even exactly the opposite interpretation. Dream Interpretations will answer any questions.

Why dream of rain - according to Miller's dream book

A dream where you were caught in a heavy summer rain portends an emotional upsurge, cheerfulness and a surge of energy. Warm rain pouring from black clouds - promises a sleeping person unpleasant news.

If you have a dream in which you are trying to hide from the rain, it means that in reality you will be able to evade many threats and alarming situations. The sound of rain and thunderstorms heard in a dream is a sign of an imminent illness in which the first symptom of malaise will be fever.

If the going rain flows into your house through holes in the roof - in reality they are waiting for you, grief is not significant. A dream in which you got caught in the rain and at the same time got very wet and chilled means that you are a rather simple-minded and naive person, you should reconsider your easy attitude towards people around you. A dream in which you get wet in the warm rain promises you spiritual and career growth.

Why dream of rain - according to Vanga's dream book

Falling under warm rain is an omen of repentance and religious cleansing from acquired sins. This dream also means that you have paranormal and extrasensory abilities, the presence of which you either do not know or do not strive to develop them to the fullest.

However, after some time, your gift can save many lives. A bright rainbow seen after rain promises big changes in fate.

Rain - Freud's dream book

If a girl dreamed that she was wet by heavy rain, then in reality she dreams of becoming a mother. A similar dream for a male suggests that he is prone to self-satisfaction of the flesh. If in a dream a girl tries to hide from the rain, it means that she is not ready for the responsibility that may appear during an unwanted pregnancy.

A man who sees such a dream should pay attention to the problems associated with his potency. If a kid dreams that he is hiding his mother from the rain, it means that in real life he does not want another replenishment in the house.

What does it mean if it rained - Small dream book

Falling into the rain in a dream is a sign of joy and fun. Low and heavy clouds seen in a dream promise to receive disturbing news. If in a dream you manage to hide from heavy rain, it means that in life you will be able to evade serious troubles.

Looking through the window at the pouring rain is a harbinger of good luck, fate is merciful to you. The sound of rain heard in a dream predicts an imminent malaise. If in a dream you heard raindrops drumming on the roof - expect good news, fortune is on your side.

The dream in which you noticed that the roof is leaking in your house means that you need to avoid controversial entertainment. Turbid streams of rain - promise grief. To see that strangers got wet in the rain means that in life you are not trusting your friends.

Getting wet in the downpour means that you are too open person. You need to be less trusting of the people around you. For the female half of the population, this dream portends excessive carelessness and condemnation from others.

If you dreamed of a warm rain in a dream, then soon a white streak will appear in your destiny. You will find long-awaited happiness and family harmony.

Why dream of rain - Muslim dream book

To see in a dream how a downpour flooded the whole house means that sorrows and worries will leave your home alone. If a sickly person in his dream watches the rain fall or hears thunder rumbles, then he will soon be cured of his ailments.

If a prisoner sees this dream, it means that in the near future he will be released. Such a dream for a borrower promises repayment with his debts.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov - rain in a dream

A dream about silent rain means that in reality you will justify yourself to someone. Heavy rain - to imminent failures. Looking through the sun at the rain means pleasant changes. Get wet in a dream and shudder - to various diseases.

Why dream of rain according to the Mayan dream book

If in a dream you saw a light rain, then your weekdays will be dull - monotonous and monotonous work awaits you.

What else can rain dream about:

  • meteorite - to huge surprises that can completely change your whole life;
  • rain (rain) - to unexpected changes in fate;
  • hail with rain means you will need time to wait out a critical period in your life. Delay with the implementation of your plans;
  • listen to the sound of rain - to a painful state;
  • golden rain - a harbinger of marital infidelity;
  • silver - means tears;
  • drizzling rain - in reality, you should be wary of colds that may appear as a result of hypothermia;
  • light rain - promises little trouble.

When figuring out why rain is dreaming, one should take into account not only the details of the dream seen, but also one's mood in it. This often helps to determine whether the plot under discussion is a positive or negative harbinger. Rain is mentioned by almost every popular commentator.

In Miller's dream book, rain most often turns out to be a positive harbinger. Especially if it is observed in good weather. So, a summer downpour, according to the interpreter, promises a person a surge of strength and energy, an emotional upsurge. And only warm drops from dark clouds indicate that the sleeper will have to face heavy sad news.

Freud is sure that dreams in which a person gets wet to the skin have different meanings for a man and a girl. The representative of the stronger sex who saw them is certainly absolutely confident in himself. If such night dreams are visited by a female person, then she subconsciously strives to become a mother.

Vanga considers rain a symbol of repentance, a desire to cleanse oneself of sins and receive forgiveness for one's mistakes. Some previously committed acts torment a person and do not allow him to breathe in peace.

Get caught in the rain

If the sleeper had to get caught in the rain in a dream, then this is a sign that portends him a cooling in relations with loved ones. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to draw the right conclusions after seeing the plot and begin to pay more attention to the family and the soulmate. A man got caught in the rain, but only his hair got wet? This is a clear sign that in the near future strong emotions will overwhelm him in reality. A new object of desire will appear.

To fall under a very heavy downpour in a dream and experience discomfort at the same time is an indication of disharmony in the dreamer's soul. A man or woman has a split between the actual and the desired. It is this psychological barrier that prevents you from being absolutely happy and establishing relationships with others.

Dreamed of drizzling rain, downpour

Drizzling rain in a dream promises unpleasant events. They will not be able to significantly affect a person’s life, but they will upset and upset him. If the dreamer observes such a phenomenon from the window of his apartment, then a long difficult streak awaits him. During this period, a person will constantly be overcome by sadness and blues.

A small mushroom rain with a warm sun is a good sign. Finally, the dreamer will leave the worries. They will be replaced by peace of mind and joyful mood.

Very heavy rain warns a person about a possible accident that can happen to him or someone close to him. In the next few days, you need to be careful in all areas of life. Only such behavior will help to avoid trouble.

It happens that in his dream a man or woman tries to hide from a heavy downpour, afraid to get wet. This plot should be taken as evidence that in reality a person behaves very correctly and prudently. He knows how to avoid unnecessary problems and troubles. And, besides, he perfectly finds a common language with "useful" people, competently smooths out sharp corners. Those around him have a lot to learn from him.

Get wet under water

Many interpreters explain that getting wet in the rain in a dream means being very defenseless and vulnerable in reality. The main danger for the dreamer lies in new acquaintances who turn out to be able to quickly and imperceptibly impose their friendship. You should be wary of charming and sweet-talking strangers.

Did the fair sex get wet under the rain? This is a favorable sign for her. A girl in real life is waiting for drastic changes. They will touch on a variety of areas - and love relationships, and self-realization, and financial situation. There is a possibility that the young lady will meet a rich patron who will help her achieve her goals.

If in a dream you had to get wet in the rain, you need to try to remember which drops fell on the body. If they were fetid, dirty, then such a sign promises a person communication with stupid people, gossips and ill-wishers. You should try your best to minimize it.

Walk, walk in the rain

The sleeper had to walk in the rain, which ended quite suddenly? This is a very happy sign. He promises recovery - to the sick, release - to the prisoner, meeting the second half - to the lonely, etc.

If a person gets real pleasure from a walk in the summer rain in a dream, he certainly never misses the opportunity to have fun in reality. Soon there will be such a chance. The main thing is to try to be careful with alcohol.

To dream of a thunderstorm and bright lightning

If the dreamer walks in the rain with a strong wind, a thunderstorm, flickering lightning - this indicates his ability to adapt to a variety of situations in reality. At the same time, the person was not afraid to get wet and did not try to hide. This means that he is purposeful and will certainly realize his plans without the help of others.

Did you have to watch a thunderstorm with a downpour and bright lightning from the window of your own apartment? This is a hint that in reality a man or woman will become an unwitting witness to a large-scale conflict between other people. In order not to suffer in the process, it is worth taking a neutral position.

The dream was a man, a woman

The interpretation of sleep with rain even depends on the gender of the person who saw it:

  • A heavy downpour with hail, from which the sleeper closes with an umbrella, portends a man in trouble with his superiors. They will arise due to the excessive self-confidence of the representative of the stronger sex and his love to publicly talk about his superiority over other people. For a woman, such a plot is a hint - that she avoids responsibility for her actions.
  • The unexpectedly starting rain portends a profit that has literally fallen on his head, and a woman a meeting with a man whom she has not seen for a long time.
  • For a man, rain with hail becomes a harbinger of events that are out of the control of the sleeper. For a woman, such a dream promises conflicts with her husband due to his cooling to the second half.
  • Autumn rain
  • Produces an annoying sound.
  • Stormy water runs straight over the stones. The waters are splashing, splashes are rushing around. white heron
  • Takes off in fear for a moment. Wang Wei Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, liver, large intestine, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation The previous article talked about the need for autumn rains to cleanse nature before plunging into hibernation. The connection between natural phenomena and their symbolism in dreams is complex: water washes away excessive tension, excessive passions in nature and in the sphere of the human psyche. But water has no eyes: it washes away all the information that it meets on the way, water absorbs information into itself. When a person drinks water or bathes, this is perhaps internally necessary, but outwardly there is always a voluntary action: to drink more or less, to bathe ... Rain is a natural element in all the fullness of its properties uncontrollable by man. Once the rain has begun, it cannot be resisted: the rain will dry up only with the disappearance of the inner cause that gave rise to it. A person wants to see the sky and the sun: a person needs the yang energy of the sun. Therefore, quite favorable for nature and man in business (the correct change of external seasonal rhythms is the basis of life and well-being of a person on earth), rains, in a private, human aspect of the situation, have a depressing effect on the psyche, which is reflected in the symbolism of dreams. Rain in a dream to see / get wet in the rain / try to see objects, the road behind the veil of rain is yin-water washing away external yang information. Seeing rain in a dream, falling under it, getting wet - rain in a dream - is the merging of all fleeting states and signs of droplets of the internal state and the external situation into a single whole. Separately, the states and causes could be ignored and not noticed, but now the internal states are already stronger than the dreamer, and there is nowhere to hide from them. The situation that the rain symbolizes in a dream is internally and externally unfavorable for the dreamer: he was busy with himself for too long and rarely paid attention to what was happening around him. Outwardly, the situation is not so much uncontrollable as it is as if there is no person in it: nothing depends on him and no one pays attention to him. The veil of rain before the eyes is the inability to clearly perceive and respond adequately to the surroundings: everything is not clearly visible and everything in front is blurred before the eyes. And everything that is ahead in a dream, in a dream there is a future: close objects / landscape - a near future; distant outlines - distant future. If the outlines of the future are blurred by the doge to indistinguishability, then the future as the sum of its own purposeful actions does not exist. But the future cannot not exist at all: with personal passivity, the future will be provided by others. Then the dreamer is completely at the mercy of the external situation: anything can happen at any moment, and no one will be found guilty - everything will be washed away by the rain. This cannot be favorable, and the most unpleasant thing is to fall into a dream under heavy rain, such a dream is interpreted as a waste of time and big failures in the absence of any attempts to change one's attitude to the world and behavior. From a medical point of view, tedious rain in a dream means a sluggish spleen, dangerous moisture in the lungs, whose normal element is dryness, and the unpreparedness of the kidneys for winter. Fear, along with rain in a dream and a feeling of cold, fine dampness, cold hands and feet, signal an already existing depletion of the kidneys. Rain with solar gaps / rain ends in a dream - this means a favorable end to the situation and the return of the yang energy of Heaven to the dreamer. Which does not relieve the dreamer of the need to realize the reasons for his past depression, which caused the dreamy image of rain. Rain with darkness and the dreamer wakes up with a feeling of rain, darkness and fear - very unfavorable: with a weak spleen, lungs and affected kidneys, there is no vitality to resist being washed away by rain from life as something unnecessary to nature in the fall. You can become a ballast of nature only through your own fault, having an extremely inadequate attitude towards the world, people and your person. This is where you need to think carefully.