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Why dream that a girlfriend is pregnant. Why does a woman or a man dream of a pregnant girlfriend? Pregnant girlfriend videos

Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles.

Generally speaking, pregnancy is a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of getting pregnant, such a dream may indicate your being in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of introspection.

One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the clan.

Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most violent to ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, partner DEATH, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., and increased fertility, where conception and bearing of the fetus occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and defects of the child belong to the category of negative PERFORMANCE WILL, and it is also the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a situation.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes pregnancy suppresses a woman at a certain stage. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly handle the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Often in dreams, a person can see completely ordinary, and sometimes incredible things. Each object, action or event seen can carry certain information that dream books allow you to find out. So that you can take advantage of the proposed interpretations, it is worth trying to remember important details as much as possible.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy?

Often such a dream can indicate that in real life, a friend is often exposed to someone else's influence. This can be both the recommendations of parents and public opinion. Such a dream can also be a symbol of your joint ideas, both small ones, for example, going to a restaurant, and global ones, a joint business. One of the dream books offers a different interpretation, and night dreams about a pregnant girlfriend should be associated with health problems. Basically, the dream in which a pregnant girlfriend appeared should not be associated with the birth of a child in real life.

To see such a plot in a dream means that in reality a friend will face problems in her personal life. During this period, she can get into an awkward situation, which will provoke the appearance of numerous troubles. A dream about a friend's pregnancy can also be considered a warning that minor troubles await the girl ahead. In such a situation, the dreamer is like a messenger who must convey important information. If a girl is pregnant in real life, the dream portends an easy birth. For people who were born in the winter-spring period, a dream where a friend was pregnant portends conflicts and various kinds of troubles. If you were born in the spring or summer, then such a night vision can be interpreted, as a harbinger of an improvement in the financial situation and problems in family life.

For a man to see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream means that in the future one should expect success in business and profit, and this will be quite unexpected for him. The dream book recommends that you carefully distribute your expenses and not throw money down the drain. Even for the stronger sex, such a dream can be taken as a warning that deception awaits you, so you should be as careful as possible. For a married man, such a night vision portends a spouse's illness.

If a girl had a dream that her friend was pregnant, this is an omen of happy changes in life. In the near future, you can expect the fulfillment of desires, success in love and work.

Interpretation of dreams and their correct interpretation: why dream that a friend is pregnant?

Many people who had interesting visions immediately turn to the help of dream books to find out their meaning. And rightly so, because sometimes you can learn something interesting in this way. Well, you should consider why you dream that your friend is pregnant, since the interpretation is really entertaining.

Good news

In most cases, such visions are a good sign. Many are puzzled: what does it mean if a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming, when in reality she is not expecting a child at all? In fact, good things are just coming. Perhaps there will be good news. By the way, sometimes this dream is, as they say, “for the future”. If the girl is not pregnant, then when this happens, the birth will go well.

Also, this dream means family well-being. A girl may worry about the fact that she does not work out with her personal life, however, these worries are meaningless and empty, since everything will be fine. Strong love awaits her, which will give her offspring.

It is worth noting a couple more interesting facts regarding the question of why one dreams that a friend is pregnant. If she is very thin, then this portends her wealth, which will come in the near future. A large belly visible means minor problems with nephews or existing children. It is worth taking this into account. Why dream that a friend is pregnant? If the sleeping woman had a fight with her in a dream, then the conflicts that will happen in reality. And not necessarily with the same friend. Perhaps it will be a discord with the home residents. If a very young girl sees this dream, then you should prepare for gossip in your address. Not a very pleasant situation, so it is advisable to try to nip it in the bud, if such an option is possible.

Prophetic dream

Considering the question of why the dream is that a friend is pregnant, one should talk about those visions that often coincide with reality. If the girl is really expecting a baby, then you can rejoice - the birth will be successful. Maybe in a dream she suddenly began to give birth? Also okay. This vision means only that the sleeping person is very worried about his close friend. And so it's worth visiting her and showing a little more attention than usual.

It happens that a difficult birth is dreamed of. There is no need to tell your friend about this vision - this can greatly scare her or at least puzzle her. In fact, this dream means an early resolution of some long-standing serious problem. But if a friend suddenly dies right in the process of childbirth, then her baby is likely to have any complications, and maybe even chronic diseases. Dreamed of an easy childbirth? This means that the girl will most likely have a girl. Or maybe twins.

Male dream book

It happens that such visions come at night and guys, men. This also puzzles them, and therefore many are looking for an answer to the question of why they dream that your girlfriend is pregnant. Sometimes in such dreams, guys may dream of their future mistress. Naturally, in this way one can interpret what he saw only if a stranger came to them at night. But if he dreamed of someone with whom he already has a relationship, then this is a hint from Fate: then everything will only get more serious. The young man himself may not yet know this, but in the future it will become clear.

But the dream in which the man had to take delivery is not very positively interpreted. This means that he is trying to take on too many responsibilities. You don't need to do this - there will be no benefit. And of course it's worth remembering this. But if the birth was successful, then this is a good sign. Sleep means that he will soon achieve great success - at work, in his career, in his personal life.

Dream Interpretation Pregnant girl, what is the dream of a pregnant girl in a dream to see

Dream interpretation pregnant woman dreams more often to make a profit. For a person who has a lot of debts or loans, to see a pregnant girl in a dream is to soon distribute debts and improve his financial situation.

For a man, it is not uncommon to see a pregnant girl in a dream - in reality, he will soon become a father.

For a pregnant girl to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to a quick and easy, painless childbirth.

Wanderer's dream book

Why is a pregnant girl dreaming? For a rich person, such a dream does not bode well. Seeing a pregnant girl in a dream for a rich man is not good. This dream portends that in the near future he may experience financial difficulties. Don't make big, big decisions.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why Pregnant Girl Dreams in a Dream:

For a married lady, such a dream can become news of the imminent birth of a baby.

In another interpretation, she will be unhappy in marriage, and the children will be born unattractive.

A virgin dreams of a pregnant girl, much to disappointment, shame and male deception.

Russian dream book

Seeing a pregnant girl in a dream means gossip, gossip and deception.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Why does a pregnant girl dream - for a man - for a change in the family.

For a woman to see a pregnant girl in a dream - to prosperity, an increase in the economy.

Seeing a pregnant woman for an old woman is a great danger to health and life.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Pregnant Girl Dreams:

A pregnant girl dreams of a man - he wants a child from his beloved.

A woman dreams of a pregnant girl if she is experiencing psychological difficulties associated with pregnancy or the inability to become pregnant.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream interpretation: A pregnant girl to see in a dream

Why dreaming Why dreaming about a pregnant girl - care, troubles, bold plans.

Modern dream book If a pregnant girl dreams:

Solves the dream book: If a man dreams that a pregnant girl is in the same bed with him, this will soon change in family life.

For a girl, swearing with a pregnant woman in a dream is trouble with her parents, quarrels and misunderstanding of the mother.

For an elderly woman, a pregnant girl dreams of recovery, an increase in her financial situation, a favorable outcome of her plans, a happy marriage of a granddaughter or grandson.

Jung's dream book

Why is a pregnant girl dreaming? Seeing an unmarried girl pregnant is soon to experience a serious difficulty that will not be easy to solve without loss.

An unmarried girl dreamed of a pregnant woman - which means that soon she will meet her soul mate.

Seeing in a dream a pregnant girl who is kicked out of the house - soon to take care of someone.

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy, why dreaming Pregnancy in a dream to see


Why dream of Pregnancy in a dream:

Pregnancy and a child - if a non-pregnant woman dreams, this just portends these events for her. It can be called prophetic.

Why dream of pregnancy and a child - to wealth, financial prosperity, this dream shows a green light to your affairs.

Pregnancy and a child - for a man, such a dream also means the realization of his plans and ideas, a happy sign.

Why dream of a child's movement - if in the near future you receive an offer to attend some dubious event - do not take part in it, this will only ruin your reputation.

The stirring of the baby in the stomach in a dream is for a woman an unambiguous reminder that it is time to become a mother and no longer postpone conceiving a child.

Moving a child can also mean illness if you were sad and sad in a dream.

Girlfriend's pregnancy - a dream indicates that yours is very susceptible to someone else's influence. Public opinion and the opinion of her parents are very pressing on her.

Also, to see a friend of a pregnant woman may mean that you and her are "nurturing" some kind of joint plans, ideas that are destined to come true.

Why dream of a friend's pregnancy - if she is really pregnant, then such a dream portends an easy birth for her. If not, then she may find herself in an unpleasant situation and feel very uncomfortable. Try to warn her or help her.

Positive pregnancy test, two strips on the test - if you wanted to conceive a child, then such a dream only suggests that your prayers were heard. A positive pregnancy test for an unmarried man means that he is too promiscuous and it will not end well for him.

Why dream of a positive pregnancy test for a virgin - someone is trying to ruin your reputation, be careful. Such a dream for an elderly lady portends good events in the life of her children.

Two stripes on the test is a positive sign for those who wanted to conceive a child, you will get it all.

Own pregnancy - for a pregnant woman, such a dream only means that she is unnecessarily worried about the course of her pregnancy and about the unborn child, therefore it is simply a reflection of events in the present.

Why does a man dream of his own pregnancy - according to Freud's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as a complete discord in relations with his wife.


What is the dream of Pregnancy in a dream:

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, it means that in real life this event will soon happen. If a sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prediction of her successful resolution from the burden and a quick recovery of strength. For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.


The symbol of bearing (wearing) another. Usually this image is viewed as negative, denoting the fact that the subject is exposed to alien influences (semanticized by others) or indicates organic diseases. When the sleeper wants to designate the birth of the expected child, then a person is seen with certain physiognomic features.


Dream interpretation: pregnancy in a dream

Pregnancy is cheating (for a virgin); pregnancy - pride, joy (for a woman); pregnancy - making plans (for a man); seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.


Why Pregnancy Dreams:

If a woman dreamed of pregnancy, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming. For a man, a dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner, as the dream book predictor says.

Get pregnant - If a woman dreamed that she became pregnant - in real life this promises her acquaintance with a new fan, the relationship with whom will be much more productive than those that connected her with a previous partner. If a man suddenly had such a dream, then he promises trouble in relationships with women. Your current union may be complicated by undesirable consequences.


Getting pregnant - If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant, this is a good sign. Your new idea is not only not as hopeless as it seems to you, but it is very, very fruitful, and if you put in some effort, you are guaranteed success and profit. One note: if your wife is indeed pregnant, your dream may not have a symbolic meaning. If a woman had such a dream, she will be added to the family. And a young girl, who dreamed that she was pregnant, the dream hints that she sat up "in girls", her awakening maternal instinct suggests that it is time to realize it.


Why dream of seeing pregnancy:

For a man, to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to change, material well-being, giving birth - to difficulties in business, upcoming difficulties. To lie next to a pregnant woman - to pleasant hopes. Being pregnant in a dream - to the implementation of promising plans, profit, wealth. For a woman, to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the household, prosperity in the family, to be pregnant herself - to joy. For a girl to be pregnant in a dream is to deception, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.


What is the dream of Pregnancy in dreams:

For a girl, pregnancy is a deception; for a woman - joy, fulfillment of desire. To be pregnant is treason for a man; illness, danger; seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.


Pregnancy according to the dream book:

For girls, pregnancy is a deception; for a woman - joy and success


According to the dream book, why is pregnancy dreaming:

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream bodes shame and misfortune. If a sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prediction of her successful resolution from the burden and a quick recovery of strength.


Pregnancy in the dream book:

Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways.

The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its certain content. Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, however, there are many situations that require further interpretation.

  • Why is pregnancy dreaming of a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant. Such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial stage of transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the clan. Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.
  • If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS such as: what if, which require reflection and resolution, may arise.
  • Why is a man dreaming of pregnancy - he is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.
  • What if you dream of pregnancy when you are pregnant in real life - this can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most violent to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and bearing of the fetus occur more often and regardless of protection. Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects of the child belong to the category of negative PERFORMANCE WILL, and it is also the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a situation. Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes pregnancy suppresses a woman at a certain stage. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly handle the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual display of these fears, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.


Why Pregnancy Dreams:

Pregnancy - Happiness in love for a girl, illness for a woman of age

Seeing a Pregnant Woman in a dream - Profit

Pregnant to be - Pregnant to be - Now is a good time to bring to life the idea that you have been thinking about for a long time. Do not give up and you will achieve results.


Pregnancy - Worries.


Being pregnant - making bold plans; to see - to meet trouble.

Esoteric dream book

Why dream of Pregnancy according to the dream book:

Pregnancy has its own - to losses. To see someone else's pregnancy is to lend.


If you dream of Pregnancy, what is it for:

Being pregnant - making bold plans - seeing a pregnant woman - meeting trouble - for a young woman - happiness in love - for an elderly woman - death, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.


Why is pregnancy dreaming:

In a dream, seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance; being pregnant - making bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is a joy, for an old woman, death is behind her.


If you dream of pregnancy:

Seeing yourself pregnant is a health disorder. Seeing a pregnant woman is a prosperity. Seeing your daughter pregnant is a quarrel


If you dream of pregnancy:

Seeing yourself in a pregnant dream means prosperity. Seeing another woman pregnant is an unhappy married life.


If you dream of Pregnancy in a dream:

Sometimes a dream about pregnancy is a dream of a long-awaited pregnancy, this is how this dream is interpreted from a dream book.



To come for you.

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Seeing pregnancy in a dream - your own pregnancy predicts happiness in love, darkened by quarrels with your lover or spouse; for old women, dream books say that such a dream can be a threat to health; and death to the sick.
If a pregnant girl or woman already dreams of such a dream, dream books promise that the birth will be successful and the child will be born healthy. However, for the rest of women, such a dream does not bode well.
This promises an unmarried woman an unsuccessful marriage and disagreements with her husband, and a virgin - shame and misfortune.
If a girl or woman dreams of someone else's pregnancy, or a friend's pregnancy, a daughter's pregnancy, just to see pregnant women in a dream, or you received a message about someone's pregnancy, then the interpretation of sleep in dream books is simple and kind - it means the woman is happy, or very soon she will be happy ...
If a man dreams that he sees in a dream his wife is pregnant or sees in a dream the pregnancy of a friend, mistress, then this suggests that he loves her very much and would like to have children from her in the future. To see a pregnant man in a dream or for a man to be pregnant - this dream suggests that you will make plans for the future.

Similar dreams:

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming?

Many girls are wondering what their pregnant girlfriend dreamed about. The answer to this question is multifaceted and depends on the circumstances accompanying such a dream. If a pregnant woman dreamed of this, then it promises a wonderful childbirth and a healthy baby. But if the girl is not married and does not plan children yet, then such a dream may mean shame or trouble for her. Also, a friend in "position" can promise pleasant acquaintances and fateful meetings. And often a pregnant girlfriend dreams of positive changes. Well, if in general, then any dream book says that seeing a pregnant girlfriend in a dream is, in any case, vivid emotions.

According to Miller

If we proceed from Miller's dream book, then seeing a pregnant girlfriend in a dream means that tremendous success in business awaits you. In this case, you absolutely do not have to make any effort to this. It will be enough to be at the right time and in the right place.

If you are pregnant, and you dreamed about a pregnant girlfriend, then such a dream promises a successful birth and a quick recovery of health, as well as the joy of motherhood in the future. But to virgins, a pregnant girlfriend in a dream portends shame and various troubles.

According to Vanga

Wangi's dream book says that seeing a pregnant girlfriend in a dream for a young girl is an extremely unpleasant sign, signifying the betrayal and deceit of a loved one. But for a married woman, such a dream portends the birth of healthy twins or twins.

According to Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova expresses her interpretation of dreams about a pregnant friend. And such dreams mean in any case, trouble or failure.

According to Freud

Freud's dream book also says: a pregnant girlfriend can dream of a real pregnancy. In addition to the realization of this event, sleep can also be interpreted as a successful solution to pressing problems and worries. In addition, a dream in which a pregnant friend unexpectedly came to visit you means that everything in her life is more than wonderful, and she is completely satisfied with life. If in a dream a pregnant friend introduces you to her chosen one, then you can expect a new acquaintance in your favor. In other words, meeting a new man can be life-changing and open up new horizons for you.

Often, dreams in which a pregnant girlfriend is observed are interpreted as a sign that she values ​​other people's opinions too much, is influenced by the outside. Be aware that your friend is either under pressure from family members, or she trusts too much everything that the newspapers or the media report.

People who in reality make grand plans with her, or implement common ideas, can see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream. Very often, such dreams are seen by creative people who realize their ideas in a team of talented like-minded friends. But whatever the scale of these projects (they can relate to both a Sunday themed party with friends, and the presidential campaign of the country), they will be implemented with success. And most importantly, the authors themselves will remain the result.

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming?

However, the question: what is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming of cannot be answered unequivocally. There are situations when such a dream can warn of the first symptoms of certain diseases that are somewhat similar to the ailments experienced by pregnant women: nausea, dizziness ... If you had such a dream, you need to take a closer look at your own health.

It is extremely rare that a dream about a pregnant girlfriend actually foreshadows the appearance of a newborn. According to the dream book, a different image gives a hint that a close friend will soon become a happy mother.
Usually a person is dreaming, according to whose individual signs, the dreamer can learn about the unborn child.

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming, according to Miller's dream book? This is a sign that in fact, in her friend's personal life, alas, not everything is going well. Such a dream can promise awkward situations, with a series of troubles. But if a friend is actually in a position, then such a dream is an excellent omen for her, promising an easy birth.

Detailed interpretations of dreams about a pregnant girlfriend

Try to remember what the pregnant friend did and said in the dream. This will facilitate the interpretation of the plot, which can suggest: what important steps your friend is taking now, and how they can soon change her fate.

If a person who dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend was born in late winter or early spring, then such a dream can threaten him with annoying misunderstandings and conflicts.

But for dreamers born in the midst of spring and summer, the dream book promises profit, but at the same time warns that family relations will be somewhat strained.

The interpretation of the dream about a pregnant girlfriend according to Hasse does not exclude the possibility of serious problems she actually has. There is an opportunity to delicately hint to a close friend that the roots of her troubles are somewhat deeper than it seems at first glance.

A pregnant girlfriend dreamed of a man? In this case, this dream characterizes him as a person who is not indifferent, capable of deep empathy. However, this dream can also warn him about the likelihood of deception, betrayal. In order not to become a victim of treacherous intrigues and intrigues, he must stay away from suspicious subjects of any gender.

When a pregnant friend dreams of a married man, this is a signal about the likelihood of his wife's illness. For a business person, the same image can threaten with business failures provoked by dishonest partners.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 04/03/2020

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Dreams can be called a kind of language with the help of which the subconscious mind tries to convey certain information. For example, why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy. However, a person is not given straightforward information, but encrypted in the form of images. And many need to be interpreted depending on additional factors - place, sensations, moods, etc.

Decoding why a friend's pregnancy is dreaming

Decoding dreams can vary dramatically. This is due to the individuality of the message, the psychotype of the sleeper, his life situation. The general interpretation of why a friend's pregnancy is dreaming is the threshold of a newcomer. However, the event may not be pleasant. It will depend on how close the friend is.

For an accurate interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to analyze the energy of the dream - tense, happy, etc. A dream may indicate a friend's exposure to someone else's influence - social, parental control. A vision is sometimes a harbinger of joint events or business plans.

However, disturbed sleep often indicates health problems. In any case, the vision is not associated with the birth of a baby in reality. Perhaps a friend is in for trouble in her personal life. She may find herself in an awkward position and this will provoke problems. The interpretation of the vision is often interpreted as a series of minor troubles awaiting.

Interpretation of visions, why the best friend's pregnancy is dreaming

The best friend may be pregnant in a dream if the sleeping person wants to meet her. This can mean a pleasant pastime, a conversation. Other interpretations of why the best friend's pregnancy is dreaming:

  1. These dreams are often warning dreams. Perhaps the friend wants to change her life or part of it. To do this, she needs the dreamer's connections or acquaintances.
  2. A pregnant friend who walks in the winter without gloves and a headdress testifies to unpleasant chores, and they are associated with her next whim.
  3. If a boyfriend saw a dream about a pregnant girlfriend, this promises new pleasant memories and a variety of leisure activities - a trip, an unusual dinner, etc.
  4. When the dreamer is a man, to see a familiar woman in a "position" means success in business and good profit. However, happiness will fall unexpectedly, and you can't throw money down the drain.
  5. According to another interpretation, such a dream can become a warning about deception, and the married one promises the illness of his wife.
  6. Crying girlfriend - you need to take care of your own health. The appearance of a long-term illness is possible. This is also evidenced by a dream, when in a dream there was a meeting with an upset pregnant woman.

Dreams in which a pregnant girlfriend appears are seen by people of a creative nature, whose plans are executed together with like-minded people. At the same time, any scale of projects will be successfully implemented.

General interpretations of why a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of pregnancy

When a friend dreamed, who in reality is really pregnant, this often portends imminent chores that will be associated with replenishment in the family. At the same time, the excitement is expected to be pleasant, associated with gifts or household chores. According to another interpretation, why a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of a pregnancy, this may indicate that she needs help, which she is embarrassed to ask for.

If she stubbornly refuses this or denies the "interesting position", it means that she really really needs support, but she is embarrassed to ask about it. A friend for a long time dreams of important changes in her life. A pregnant woman who claims to have no idea who the baby's father is, in reality adapts well to others.

After such a vision, it is advisable for the sleeping person to temporarily stop communicating with her or completely reconsider the friendship. Such a friend will be there only as long as it is profitable for her. If she claims that the baby has several fathers, it means that she is gossiping about the dreamer's personal life. A friend for a long time can also dream about on the eve of an unpleasant conversation with the opposite sex, a desire to assert herself, and prioritization.

If a pregnant girlfriend is in an "interesting position" in real life, then a dream can portend an easy birth. For a person who was born in spring or winter, a vision portends various troubles or conflicts. If d.r. falls in the summer, it speaks of an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation or the emergence of problems in his family.

Interpretations of why a friend's pregnancy is dreaming, a dream book by different authors

Some interpretations of night visions differ depending on the interpreters. Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy, dream book:

  • Menenghetti contains a vague interpretation. According to him, a pregnant girlfriend is a symbol of someone else's influence on the body or thoughts. Otherwise, it means that the sleeper is overly carried away by other people's problems, but does not deal with his own.
  • Tsvetkova says that a pregnant woman dreams in a positive light, regardless of the sex of the dreamer. The same meaning is given to vision in Hasse's dream book.
  • Esoteric interprets the vision of a pregnant woman as an imminent change in financial affairs. Money difficulties are coming. However, if the dreamer lends to the pregnant woman, this indicates that problems have arisen with friends or relatives of the sleeping person.
  • Miller deciphers only a vision in which a pregnant woman is severely emaciated. This promises the dreamer great success, to achieve which much effort will not be required. It is enough to be in the right place at a specific time.

According to Lofft's dream book, night visions are a reflection of various processes that occur in the human body. Pregnant women are often seen by women reacting to changes in the menstrual cycle. According to another version, sleep means fear of sex life or pregnancy, or a woman, on the contrary, does not yet have such an opportunity.

The meanings of visions, why dreaming about the news of a girlfriend's pregnancy

The interpretation of what the news of a friend's pregnancy is dreaming of may indicate general plans or ideas that are planned for implementation. In this case, the dreamer plays an important role in tandem.

If before such a dream there were plans for a joint vacation, then this issue should be reconsidered. Perhaps this is a necessity and the implementation of the plan needs to be carried out faster. At the same time, the rest will be excellent.

When you dreamed about the news of a friend's pregnancy and if there is information that she is in danger, you will soon need to take care of her release from a bad company. When the news comes about the beating of a girl or a woman in a "position", then hard times set in for her and her material well-being will soon deteriorate.

Options for dreaming about pregnancy and childbirth

There are various interpretations of why a friend's pregnancy and childbirth dream. For a correct interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account the sensations in the vision and their completion.

For example, painful and difficult childbirth indicates a woman's illness or menstrual irregularities. The very process of giving birth to a child warns of impending difficulties and troubles in the future. If the baby never appeared, it means that the efforts spent on something by the dreamer will be useless and there will be no sense from them.

When a healthy child was born in a dream, this indicates the rapid elimination of the difficulties that the sleeping person has. Premature birth warns of misconceptions about a particular situation. If this is not corrected, then there will be no hope for a prosperous life in the near future.