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Why do precious stones dream? Why do precious stones dream? The meaning of semiprecious and precious stones in a dream

Interpreting what stones are dreaming about, you should pay attention to their color, breed and related circumstances. Some minerals warn of dangers or traits that should be changed. At the same time, this symbol carries a hint on how to cope with the upcoming difficulties.

Jewelery and jewelry

What gems dream about depends on the emotions they cause. To admire is to be capable of passion and strong feelings. Do not resist the beauty of stones and steal them - pipe dreams will lead to deep disappointment. To experience sadness from the loss of a jewel is to grieve in reality. Enjoy the abundance of stones - extraordinary luck will soon fall out.

Since a certain stone corresponds to each sign of the zodiac, you should pay attention to what kind of stone the stone was that caused certain feelings in the dreamer. Perhaps in reality the same emotions will be presented to you by a person whose zodiac sign and mineral are connected.

Jewelry with precious stones promises a long journey, adventure and bright events. Symbols bearing any signs are the following jewelry:

  1. A bracelet with stones will bring great surprise in reality from the deed of a loved one. It can be either a provoked scandal or a pleasant surprise.
  2. Earrings with emeralds, agate or turquoise foreshadow joyful events associated with career growth. Sometimes such a dream is a warning: you need to respect other people's secrets and not spread gossip.
  3. Seeing a diamond ring in a dream means a change in your personal life. Married people will have a serious quarrel, which can lead to divorce, unmarried - the beginning of a new relationship or an engagement. If the ring was worn on the finger, then the dreamer will soon be awarded special honors. In addition, joyful important events can occur, for example, a wedding or the birth of a child.
  4. A pendant with a stone reflects the relationship of the spouses to each other. If the decoration was on the dreamer's neck, then he considers his partner a burden. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband.
  5. A dreamed necklace with stones is a symbol of well-being. A series of good news and events is coming. If a woman is put on a necklace in a dream, it means that she is too dependent on her husband.

In or near a body of water

Seeing stones at the bottom of a lake or river in a dream is a good sign. This promises a girl a walk with a nice young man. For a married woman - a romantic evening alone with her husband. If a man saw a dream, then soon he will meet a pretty person.

Large stones, washed by sea waves, portend the emergence of a powerful patron soon. Gray inconspicuous pebbles on the shore will bring uninteresting acquaintances and boring conversations in reality.

Large rocks away from water warn of hard work that will not be rewarded immediately. Beware of envious people and ill-wishers. Boulders of an unusual color are harbingers of unprecedented success, which, for some reason, will not be accompanied by joyful feelings.

If you dreamed that the boat crashed on stones, then something will happen that will frighten the dreamer very much. The smaller the boat was and the larger the boulder, the more serious and terrible the event will happen.

Psychoanalysts believe that the stone that attracted attention in a dream is a symbol of parents. What emotions the sleeping person experienced when interacting with him reflects his true feelings for his mother. If this symbol appears in a dream often, then it is worth working on developing your empathy.

According to Freud

In psychoanalysis, the stone symbolizes indifference and apathy. Often this symbol is found in a dream for people suffering from depressive conditions.

If a woman dreamed of stones scattered on the road, then this indicates her disinterest in close relationships and sexual intercourse.

A man who has such a dream considers himself uncompetitive in love affairs. In this case, in reality, the situation may be the opposite.

The subconscious mind of a person who sees how a stone is thrown at him warns the dreamer against rivalry, which can develop into a big scandal.

If you dreamed of precious stones mixed with cobblestones and pebbles, then a person carefully hides his sensuality. This is a sign that it is time to confess your secret desires, at least to yourself. Realizing the need for sensory experiences will bring satisfaction and refresh existing close relationships.

Boulders covered with cracks, dirt or moss represent difficulties in intimate life due to illness, an unfavorable psychological state or misunderstanding on the part of a partner. In this case, it is worth checking your health and talking with your spouse about things that are troubling.

People who see this symbol in a dream need to take more care of satisfying their desires. It is worth relaxing more often and not being afraid to show your sensuality, otherwise intimate life can turn into a routine, and even hateful duty. You should listen to the wishes of your partner, as well as be careful when choosing him.

Colors and properties

Particular attention should be paid to what color the dreamed mineral was. Dream books say the following about the colors of stones:

  1. Green indicates that the dreamer lacks wisdom and self-confidence.
  2. Red is an auspicious symbol. Soon, trials are coming, which will be overcome with honor, which will positively affect the dreamer's image. If a red cobblestone has blocked the way, then a meeting with a serious rival cannot be avoided.
  3. The blue stone warns that in the near future it will be impossible to achieve understanding even from the closest people.
  4. Black is a symbol of loss and grief. The smaller the stone, the faster the sorrows will pass.
  5. White pebbles personifies the relationship of the sleeper to himself. Throwing small stones into the water - not respecting yourself, walking on them barefoot or holding them in your hand - self-respect will save you from stupid actions.
  6. Blue stones symbolize the other world and subtle matter. Perhaps the sleeper yearns for someone who has died. Otherwise, the dream calls to reveal your talents.
  7. Yellow and orange promise profit and career advancement.

The hand-painted stones testify to the great creative potential of the person who saw this symbol. Neither the color of the pattern nor the mineral itself is important here. It is worth paying attention to the size of the picture and its theme. The more intricate the pattern, the more talents the dreamer will have to discover in himself, and the larger the stone, the more difficult it will be to do this.

The moonstone is a symbol of impermanence. Whoever saw him in a dream will soon radically change his attitude to what is happening in his life. Also, the mineral warns of infidelity of a loved one and travel difficulties. Sometimes this symbol is seen by people who are waiting for a sudden change of place of residence.

Semi-precious stones are not a good sign. They report deception or incomplete information about the events taking place. After such a dream, you should check all the information, even those that were obtained from reliable sources.

Jewelry present in a dream is not in itself a sign of bad or, on the contrary, positive events, each time it is necessary to recall the details of a prophetic dream in order to interpret it with maximum accuracy.

What if dreaming about precious stones?

For example, if you dreamed of precious stones heaped up by a high mountain, it means that in real life a person is expected to be rich and well-deserved respect. On the other hand, precious stones hidden in the bosom in a dream are considered a bad sign, most likely, trouble awaits the dreamer. In China, they are sure that jewelry serves as a warning about false judgments, a person tries to show his education and understanding of philosophical things, but it is already clear to those around him that the interlocutor is a complete layman in these topics.

Changing precious stones for money or objects during sleep is a good value, the dreamer has loyal friends who are ready to help in difficult times. If a person steals a jewel in a dream, dream books assure that in reality he is also subject to temptations and is able to break the law in order to get what he wants. When the dreamer acquires a gem in a legal way, in old age he will be honored, since he will perform several actions that will glorify his name.

A guarantee of successful business conduct, good luck in almost any spheres of business, finding a huge gem during a dream, but having lost it, a person may in reality face the loss associated with the death of a relative or friend.

You need to pay attention not only to the circumstances of the acquisition or loss of jewelry in a dream, dream books attach great importance to the stone itself. So, to see a diamond means to get a delay in business, unexpected obstacles will interfere with the fulfillment of desires or the implementation of financial projects. Agate, on the contrary, promises little progress, however, it will become possible if the dreamer makes significant efforts in real life. Amethyst warns of the appearance of a chatterbox person in the immediate environment, his empty promises can cause damage, in addition, he can seriously offend someone without attaching importance to it.

A diamond is a dangerous stone, such a dream promises the appearance of enemies who will constantly arrange petty mischief, trying to damage the dreamer's reputation. Turquoise portends a meeting with an old friend, whose connection was lost long ago, and the stone also makes it clear that the time has come for the fulfillment of desires.

What portends?

When the dreamer turns to the jeweler, he will soon be disappointed, he learns about the betrayal of one of his close relatives or friends. If the jewelry seen in a dream turned out to be a fake, it means that in real life a person is surrounded by lies, he is deceived by people in whose infallibility he was completely sure. Receiving jewelry as a gift is a dangerous sign, future events will lead to the fact that the dreamer can easily lose his high position and it will be extremely difficult to recover from this.

However, for a young woman to receive jewelry with a precious stone in a dream is undoubtedly a sign of good luck, she will soon get married. Broken jewelry is an unhappy dream, for a long time a man directed all his efforts towards achieving the cherished goal, but having achieved it, he was disappointed. Buying a gold ring with a precious stone portends the birth of an unworthy heir, if a man who is legally married has a dream.

A dream that is easily forgotten after awakening is not prophetic, it is only a manifestation of the subconscious, dreams filled with vivid images can be considered prophetic, leaving behind a special emotional state - anxiety, a presentiment of danger, hope, joy.

The dream interpretation believes that precious stones in a dream personify the best human qualities - real treasures. The interpretation of what valuable minerals and jewelry made from them dream of often equates them with the dreamer's cherished desires and the likelihood of their fulfillment.

Time to collect stones

If in night dreams you are lucky enough to find and collect precious stones, the dream book predicts intense work, overcoming obstacles. Perseverance and self-confidence will be the best helpers.

Finding treasures in a dream is considered a life-affirming omen. The dreamer has every chance of success in the planned enterprise. The find hints at non-standard solutions that can surprise even him.

Interpreting why one dreams of finding precious stones in a dream, the dream book pays due attention to the place of the find. A treasure found in your own house suggests that the object you are looking for is somewhere nearby, and you have known the answer to a pressing question for a long time.

If you had to collect expensive minerals for a long time and stubbornly, which you were just lucky enough to find, what you saw can be considered a signal to start active actions. Right now is the most favorable period for solving the problem that you have put off for a long time.

Most interpretations consider it a good sign when it happens to collect precious stones in a dream. If you dreamed of a similar plot, then luck is on your side.

Quite often the opposite action appears in dreams: the sleeper loses or scatters his treasures. The Islamic dream book explains why this symbol is dreaming. Unfortunately, this is a harbinger of failures and losses in reality, the illness of someone close is possible. The interpretation promises that the black streak will end sooner or later, and the problems will eventually be resolved by themselves.

Beware of counterfeits!

Semi-precious jewelry is not the most auspicious symbol. Often they personify deception and falsity, which are highly likely to face in reality.

The dream, in which semi-precious jewelry appears, encourages you not to rush to take your word for it and carefully double-check any information, as it may turn out to be deliberately distorted or incomplete.

Multicolored minerals

In the dream book, you can find an explanation of why red stones dream. Often, seeing scarlet rubies in a dream happens to a passionate lover. If you dreamed about this vivid image, you can hope for the reciprocity of feelings.

The Chinese dream book calls green gemstones a symbol of love, fertility and stability. Emerald colors represent the majestic union of heaven, earth and man. If you are lucky enough to see green jades and emeralds in a dream, the dreamer will have a long period of harmony and prosperity.

Diamonds have long been identified with eternity, wisdom and purity. If you dreamed about cut gems, the sleeper will have the opportunity to look at the problem from a different angle. Sometimes it happens to greedy people to see diamonds in a dream.

This symbol is very diverse in its meaning. For his correct interpretation, you need to know what he was, as well as what happened to him in your dream. Were these precious and semiprecious rocks, or did you dream of an ordinary cobblestone?

Dreamed of precious and ordinary stones, what is this for?

If you dream of a stone related to precious rocks, then you should pay attention to the plot of the dream.

  • If you received it as a gift, then your business is likely to go uphill. Such a dream can mean future support, success in the business field, good results of your work.
  • For a woman, such a dream is interpreted as a coming joy, a happy meeting, a wedding. This is especially likely if you were presented with a ring or bracelet with diamonds in a dream.

If a stone is dreaming, the dream book gives the following interpretation:

  • a gem presented to someone can mean a waste and excessive generosity;
  • a lost diamond or a representative of another precious breed may warn of some important omission, of parting with a loved one. Also, shame, shock and loss may await you;
  • if you happened to buy gems in a dream, then in reality they will express respect to you;
  • to see a mountain of precious nuggets - to wealth and honor;
  • a large stone, for example a large diamond, dreams of success in your endeavors and work.

Simple pebbles can make sense too.

  • If they were in the water, then they can mean a quick romantic meeting.
  • A pebble on the shore that you walked barefoot on can mean something new in your life.
  • They saw that a pebble is floating in the sea - in reality your hopes will not be justified.
  • A large boulder that you find on the road can promise obstacles in business.
  • Seeing an inscription on it is interpreted as a choice that you must make in the near future. You can't walk on two roads, get ready to leave less important activities in favor of more important things.
  • If you have removed the cobblestones on the road, then you will cope with difficulties, but not without difficulty.
  • If you take a pebble and then throw it, the difficulties will be overcome. However, this is not a guarantee of a triumphant success in the enterprise.
  • Keeping it in your mouth is a disease, seeing it in your hands is a difficult character.

What is it for collecting stones?

  • If you collected gems, then soon you will have to do something well
  • work hard. But the small pebbles seen underfoot, according to some dream books, can mean profit.

Why dream that stones are falling from the sky?

  • Stones falling from the sky can mean empty fear and anxiety. Such a plot can speak of the impressions of the past day. For example, you might watch a movie with special effects or read science fiction before bed.

I throw stones at me in a dream - what is it for?

  • If in a dream cobblestones were flying at you, it means that someone harbored a grudge against you and wants to harm you in return.
  • If you fought back, throwing stones in response, then thanks to your vigilance and concentration, you will be able to control the situation. Therefore, do not be discouraged, unforeseen difficulties will not arise if measures are taken in time.

Why do precious stones dream?

Diamonds, emeralds and sapphires will make any night dreams pleasant. In addition, the seen jewelry and gold jewelry may be some kind of messages from the world of subtle matters. Of course, gems can be a symbol of an improved financial situation, a life of luxury and contentment.

  • But the dream book interprets precious stones not only in their direct meaning. Sleep can also mean empty aspirations, false hopes, self-deception.
  • If you dream of collecting precious stones in a dream, it may mean that soon you will need to gather courage and start painstaking work, which will certainly be fruitful. The main thing is to show perseverance and use your business skills.

Why dream about earrings with stones?

If jewelry with rubies, topaz and diamonds belonged to you in dreams, then you should consider how you became their owner.

  • If you were presented with such jewelry, then soon you will find protection or make a successful union.
  • Earrings with gems are often interpreted as flirting, receiving a gift, meeting guests at home.
  • But if you wore earrings in a dream or broke them, then someone spreads rumors about you. Be prepared for separation from someone from your inner circle if you lost these jewelry in a dream.
  • Earrings with stones are dreamed of and good news.

Dreaming of a ring with a stone?

Expect a great favor of fortune soon.

  • If it is on your finger - your wishes will come true, to find it - to the marriage.
  • Miller's dream book, for example, interprets such a symbol for a woman as an early meeting with her betrothed.
  • However, if in a dream you lost a ring, then you will lose someone's protection.

Find out from the online dream book what the Precious Stone is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreter authors.

Precious stone in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

To see a precious stone in a dream:

Stone (precious) - Receive - false judgment about things; to lose - you will become a victim of treachery; have a lot - you will have protection; to see - you will be condemned.

Big family dream book / Olga Smurova

Dreaming of a precious stone, what does it mean

If you dreamed about precious stones, this is a sign of honor and sadness at the same time. Some of the precious stones foreshadow tears and sorrow, others - disease.

If you dreamed about rubies and diamonds, this may portend blindness.

If you saw in a dream a gem that fell out of the ring, this means that you will lose your loved one, and your affairs, which seemed reliable, will decline.

Losing precious stones in a dream is a sign of great sadness and separation from your loved one.

If you lost a precious stone in a dream and found it, this is a sign of fragile and short-lived happiness.

Finding a gem in a dream - portends you success in business.

If you dreamed of a lot of stones, this portends you a test of temptations.

Having precious stones in a dream means that you will have a strong position in society.

See also: why do diamonds dream, why do you dream about diamonds, why do you dream about ruby.

Lunar dream book

Precious stone in a dream which means:

Honor, sometimes sadness.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the precious stone from your dream

Seduction, temptation, passions and vices; protection; spiritual values ​​and achievements; cheating in love for a woman. In the mouth - spiritual revelation, ecstasy. The gleam of stones is deception, grief. But shining with golden, pure light is great happiness, spiritual joy and reward.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why is the Precious Stone dreaming:

Precious stone - in the mouth - In this form, the dream emphasizes the “preciousness” and esoteric effectiveness of the prayer words of the Orthodox prayer and informs about the radical spiritual transformation of the doer.

Dream Dictionary / Stern Robinson & Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Unraveling why the Precious Stone is dreaming?

A gem in a dream is a sign of wealth and stability. It is also a symbol of concentration and order. Finding or receiving a precious stone as a gift promises a solution to many problems in reality. Buying such a stone in a dream speaks of the ability to show calmness and clarity of mind when making an important decision. To see or wear jewelry from precious stones in a dream means that you will have to drag out a miserable existence for a long time and work for a pittance.

Seeing gemstone jewelry on others means you should be thinking about your future. If in a dream you Throw away precious stones symbolizes peace and tranquility in your home, health and well-being in the family.

New family dream book by Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why the Precious Stone was dreaming?

If you dreamed about a sparkling gem, then it means that you will be tormented by remorse for the mistakes of the past, and the future does not promise you good luck. Buy - in reality, show prudence and preserve your reputation.

For a man to give a girl a precious stone in a dream - a new goal will appear in his life, which will become the meaning of life. To receive a precious stone as a gift in a dream is a good luck in reality.

For a woman, giving a precious stone dreams of committing an illegal act. To wear in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful surprise, a romantic hobby. Losing a precious stone in a dream foreshadows betrayal in reality. Selling a gem is a dream of happiness in love. To get precious stones in a dream - predicts good health and numerous offspring.

Their appearance in a dream predicts pleasant events for you, but some people dream of them for tears, worries and grief.

The exact meaning of the dream depends on where they were, what color the stones were, and whether you liked the decoration with them.

If you want to understand what a gem means in a dream, remember where you saw it and how beautiful it was. This is how the dream book interprets their appearance most often.

White and transparent stones

Rimless, in natural conditions, they indicate the answer to a difficult question, joy and happiness in life. Finding a transparent gem is always an auspicious sign.

This dream foreshadows a valuable gift for you, the solution to a difficult case, the end of troubles and problems in life, clarification of a difficult situation. The exact interpretation of the dream depends on what kind of jewel you were holding in your hands.

The most valuable transparent mineral is a diamond or diamond. Seeing it in a dream and using it for your activities, just admiring a pleasant find is a happy sign. You can not only find answers to your questions, but also solve most of your problems.

For scientists, such a dream may portend an unexpected discovery that will bring the solution to many secrets, ordinary people dream of a diamond for a gift and happiness, for solving difficulties.

Getting jewelry and finding a diamond among them is a happy dream. Your efforts will not only be crowned with success, but will also bring a lot of joy and happiness. For those who are tormented by doubts, such a dream portends the answer to an exciting question and the right decision.

Finding ancient treasures in the ground is a surprise. But most often, such a dream portends disappointment and tears. Finding a diamond jewelry is a lucky sign. This dream portends you honor and wealth, the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

An unusual diamond dreams of a talent, which, as a result, will bring you a lot of money. In general, a diamond in a dream indicates a brilliant ability that will make you richer and happier in the future.

Seeing an unusual blue or blue diamond in your jewelry is a rare success, provided it is real.

A gold necklace dreams of success, a silver one prophesies experiences and tears for you. Collecting minerals in a dream and scattering them - to chagrin and loss of money. Sometimes he predicts betrayal.

Semi-precious stones of white and transparent colors can have different meanings in a dream, so they should be interpreted by their names:

Rock crunching dreams of solving something or recovering for the patient. Carrying it with you or finding it in the ground is the answer to important questions, but if it is cracked or muddy, do not expect good luck. Such a dream can portend blindness, worries and tears, grief and poor health;

White opal or other opaque stone predicts fateful events or the birth of a child. Finding it among jewels is a good sign. Such a dream predicts some difficulties in business and experiences for you, but later you will cope with all the difficulties;

Moonstone dream of mystical events or a secret romance. Wearing jewelry with such a stone is an auspicious symbol that heralds interesting and exciting events for you.

Giving such a mineral means that you will entrust your secret to a loved one. Losing any stone of a white or milky shade - to chagrin;

Volcanic white crystal dreams of an unusual event, change and happy accidents. Sometimes a dream promises you happy accidents and pleasant changes in your life.

This mineral is considered one of the most powerful charms that can protect the owner from damage and the evil eye and promote good health and happy love.

Scattering white or transparent stones in a dream - to tears and experiences. A dream predicts grief and significant losses.

But if you can put them together, it's a good symbol. A dream indicates that you will be happy and will be able to return the loss. Fake stones, especially diamonds, dream of disappointment and tears.

Such dreams predict the collapse of hopes for a bright future, deception and poor health, especially if the mineral is cloudy and cracked.

Gemstones of other colors by name

Pomegranates dream of poor health and constant tears. A dream portends danger from injury, heart disease and guilt. A pale or green garnet indicates an unusual incident in your life.

Give it to someone - to joy and success. Find and use for jewelry or magical rituals - to difficulties and obstacles in business.

Ruby predicts success for many people. Girls see this stone for a wealthy life and interesting, prestigious work.

Any jewelry with it predicts happiness, wealth, but some people dream of this valuable mineral to chagrin and tears, blood and heart diseases.

Jasper predicts great fun and communication. Wearing such a stone is a joy and pleasant experience. Sometimes he indicates the choice of work related to holidays and people. Carnelian dreams of heart disease, sometimes predicts unrequited love. If someone's hand holds out to you a piece of jewelry with this stone, you will be unhappy.

The tiger's eye may dream of taking a closer look at the situation. The stone predicts success and unexpected enrichment.

Amethyst dreams of amorous adventures and contemplation. He immerses in dreams and promotes success with the opposite sex. But for older people, this stone can dream of heart disease.

Alexandrite predicts reciprocal love and a happy marriage. Wearing jewelry with a stone means that you will be happy with your life and will be able to change a lot in it.

Emerald in a dream portends success in difficult and long work. For middle-aged people, a dream predicts a solid and prestigious job and a happy marriage.

A beautiful blue sapphire to dream of wisdom and deep thoughts. Seeing him in a dream and wearing jewelry with a stone is a good sign for everyone. Walking in a sapphire necklace is a deep heartfelt affection.

Amber dreams of joy and happiness. He predicts joy for those who dream of wealth, career and happy events in life. Amber jewelry predicts stability, prosperity and constancy in life.

Cubic zirconias dream of ending an unpleasant situation and a difficult period in the dreamer's life. The stone gives small joys and insight, lack of experiences, pleasant impressions in life. To wear jewelry with him is very fortunate.

Topaz, especially blue, portends a clarification of the situation. Watching it in a dream - to sincere and light feelings, inspiration for creative personalities or to unexpectedly receiving a gift. Blue topaz portends joy and pleasant impressions, mysterious events.

Jade in a dream often attracts illness, hospital stays. Seeing them in a dream or trying on yourself is an unfavorable symbol. But if the stone suits your sign, you will be happy or you can get a pleasant and unexpected offer.

Turquoise heralds relaxation and fun. The stone dreams of pleasant impressions and events, rest in a foreign country, wanderings and travels. Wearing it or receiving it as a gift is a great success.

A black diamond or pearl portends mourning or frightening events, but some girls dream of it for a secret romance.

Pearls of lighter colors can portend loneliness and tears, especially if the beads from this stone have crumbled. But white or cream pearls portend a successful marriage for girls or a pleasant gift and good health.

Corals dream of ambition and exacerbation of conflict relations. Wearing white corals - to experiences and inner devastation.

Red corals are a rare success, but they often portend quarrels for lovers. Wearing jewelry with them - to pride or conflict with people.