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Philosophical Dictionary. Open Library - an open library of educational information What does the term interaction mean

English interaction, lat. inter - between and actio activity) is defined as interaction, mutual influence of people or groups on each other. In zap. In social psychology, based on the concept of the American psychologist J. Mead, I. is understood as direct interpersonal communication (“exchange of symbols”). In quality The most important feature of I. is the ability of the subject of O. to “accept the role of another” and adequately imagine how his partner in O.I. perceives him, the mutual influence of people or groups on each other as a kind of social dialogue. Main position of the theory of symbolic interactionism J. Mead says: the formation of the I occurs in the context of O. situations, to-rye are essentially a system of mutually oriented actions deployed in time and interpersonal space. The very idea of ​​a person about himself is formed in accordance with how other people perceive him in the process of interaction. Interactionism emphasizes the role of establishing control over actions and manifestations as a mechanism for the formation of personality. Main the role here is played by the orientation towards the "significant other" his behavior and how he perceives the partner's manifestations. The subject area of ​​the term interaction includes: social interaction, as a process of mutual influence of people on each other; symbolic I. (symbolic interaction) as a socio-psychol. approach to the study of the life of a person or another social group; facilitating I. as an effect resulting from the summation of the impact of 2 identical stimuli consistently presented in O.. There are also verbal and non-verbal I. Non-verbal I. (English interactive - interaction and Latin verbalis - oral) - is considered as interaction, non-verbal contact. Mechanisms of non-verbal I. of different levels are distinguished: coordination, extensions, transfer of models of non-verbal behavior of a partner. V. A. Labunskaya defines non-verbal interaction as the result of the interaction between the structures of expressive non-verbal behavior, kinesico-takesic, prosodic, olfactory and spatio-temporal components of O. - proxemics. In the process of non-verbal I., patterns of non-verbal interaction are formed, which makes it possible to distinguish between types of interaction. Patterns of non-verbal I. differ in the severity of signs: unambiguity - ambiguity; abstractness - concreteness; arbitrariness - involuntary; awareness - unconsciousness; dynamism - stability; purposefulness - non-purposefulness; certainty - uncertainty; discreteness - continuity. The thesaurus of patterns of non-verbal interaction of the subject reflects the socio-cultural, status-role affiliation, individual-personal characteristics. Functions of non-verbal I.: adaptation, identification, stratification, regulation, presentation of relationships to oneself and a partner. Cultural, ethnic, social, age, gender and professional affiliations determine the content and specifics of gender, age and status-role non-verbal interaction. The formed patterns of non-verbal behavior are stable formations in the structure of a person's general activity and are indicators of gender, age and status-role relations (V. A. Labunskaya). Non-verbal interactions are destructive and constructive, monologue and dialogic, personality-oriented and socially oriented. This distinction is based on the characteristics of interaction, both psychological and formally dynamic. When assessing the semantic load of individual patterns of non-verbal I., the entire set of severity of proxemic characteristics of O. is taken into account: distance and features of movements, the degree of dynamism of changing patterns, synchronism of gestures, facial masks and postures demonstrated by partners, as well as closeness and openness, tension - peace, aspiration to the conquest of space or the collapse of the active zone of interaction. Socio-psychol. the meaning of non-verbal I. is manifested in the relationship of dominance-subordination, the degree of involvement and affiliation of the partners represented in the situation of O.. Lit .: Andreeva G. M. Psychology of social cognition. M., 2000; Social Psychology. Dictionary / Ed. M. Yu. Kondratiev // Psychological Lexicon. Encyclopedic Dictionary in 6 volumes / Ed. L. A. Karpenko; under total ed. A. V. Petrovsky. M., 2006; Social psychology of personality in questions and answers: Proc. allowance / Ed. V. A. Labunskaya. M., 1999. T. N. Shcherbakova

processes and the way in which social factors interact with each other, especially in face-to-face encounters.

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Communication is at the core of social organization. This is a special process that helps to solve everyday, business and scientific problems, a certain mutual influence of individuals, which is called interaction. This concept is common to a number of disciplines (psychology, philosophy, sociology, etc.). In this article, we will understand the nuances of interaction and consider its types.


Translated from English, the term "interaction" literally means "interaction". It was introduced by the Chicago scientist, the founder of social interactionism, George Herbert Mead in 1960. According to the author's concept, the behavior of a certain society is considered not as a manifestation of individual individuals, but as a complex group activity. Therefore, adherents of the new psychological trend were interested in the ways in which people interact in a group. These included:

  • exchange of opinions and experience;
  • creation of a unified strategy;
  • achieving mutual understanding;
  • conflict, competition ("inefficient interaction");
  • consideration of the situation through the eyes of the opposite side (interlocutor).

In sociology

The idea of ​​J. G. Mead was picked up by the Russian sociologist Pitirim Sorokin. He identified anchor points for social interaction:

  1. A minimum of two people are required for interaction.
  2. In order to feel the interlocutor (partner), in the course of communication, attention should be paid to everything (gestures, facial expressions, actions).
  3. Thoughts, feelings and opinions should be in resonance with all participants in the interaction.

In psychology

In psychology, interaction is a concept that focuses on the interaction of people through verbal and non-verbal means. The analysis is subject to how interpersonal relationships are built, what features of the subject and lines of behavior lead to agreement or contradictions in communication.

Unlike many others, the concept of interaction came to psychology from sociology, and not vice versa. And consideration of it, as in a related discipline, should begin with the micro-level - the family. It is she who is the basic model of human interaction, where the formation of the child's personality takes place. This process occurs through the prism of behavioral reactions in response to activities, the exchange of gestures, facial expressions and words of the growing individual, through the perception of him by other family members. Then a person moves to other social levels (friends, work team, society as a whole), carrying with him already worked out models of relationships, correcting them and adjusting them to new circumstances.

Structure of communication

Psychologists distinguish three components in human communication: communication, perception and interaction. Of course, in a real conversation, online, this division is not felt at all, because all components are intertwined and implemented simultaneously. However, in the theory of psychology, each component has its own problems, tasks and semantic distinction.

  1. Thus, communication is understood as the information exchange that individuals perform. It is caused, as a rule, by cognitive (cognitive) needs. The communicative element is fundamental, the core. Therefore, often "communication" and "communication" are synonymous.
  2. Perception is the perception by the participants of communication of each other. This phenomenon is quite deep, because, in addition to the emotional factor, it includes cognition, primary (superficial) analysis of words, gestures, actions of a partner during a conversation, and the formation of responses.
  3. The third party is interaction. In psychology, this concept determines the implementation of the joint actions of the participants in communication, i.e. mutual influence on each other. If we consider human communication in an interactive way, then such interaction can be divided into three processes:
  • interaction that occurs in a common activity, united by common goals and objectives (labor, play, cognitive);
  • the influence of one individual on another: suggestion, persuasion;
  • mutual influence of the parties.

Often, "sides" mean not so much an individual as entire social communities. Thus, interaction is a set of reactions of group members to each other. This is the ability to try on the role of another for yourself.

Types of interactions

There is a very strict classification of interaction. Its essence lies in a clear distinction between the interaction of people according to the principle of effectiveness and impact. So joint social activity can be effective and ineffective. The first assumes the high importance of a partner (friend, colleague, interlocutor, etc.) as a person. There is a productive exchange of information and experience, mutually beneficial cooperation. In the case of the type of interaction ineffective, each individual is fixated solely on his desires and needs without trying to feel and understand the other. As a result, such interaction leads to conflict or competition.

To implement social interaction, certain signals are needed that will establish interpersonal contact. These include verbal and non-verbal means. From this position, there are:

  1. Verbal (speech) interaction. The strength of speech impact can be determined by the timbre of the voice, the expressiveness of speech, the expression of one's opinion or attitude to the situation.
  2. non-verbal interaction. It is due to proxemics (a system of communication using signals, gestures) and includes the following mechanisms:
  • partner's posture (she can talk about his closeness-openness for communication, relaxation-tension);
  • adjustment and synchronization of the interlocutor in gestures and facial expressions;
  • position in space (use of a minimum zone or, on the contrary, the seizure of territory by laying out things, objects, documents in a common field of activity).

Forms of interaction

Interaction is always the interaction of people in a group. Their relationship can be built for various reasons and principles. In social psychology, attempts have been repeatedly made to create a more detailed structure for describing human relationships, to single out forms of interaction. The most popular scheme belongs to the American psychologist Robert Biles. He grouped the actions of group members with joint activities into 12 categories and distributed them along three axes:

  • friendliness and hostility towards other members of the group;
  • dominance and submission;
  • involvement in joint work and unwillingness to take responsibility for themselves.

However, this scheme has been criticized. The argument was the focus only on the formal criteria of interaction. And this excludes taking into account the content of group activity, i.e. what individuals do.

Among others, a classification into four areas was presented. In it, two axes related to the emotional sphere of a person (positive and negative emotions). And two were related to the formulation of problems and ways to solve them.

Interaction and manipulation

Human communication is mutual influence. But it does not happen on an equal footing. In any social group there are dominant subjects. Therefore, interaction with elements of manipulation falls into a special group of psychological analysis.

Hidden control occurs against the will of man. This includes suggestion (suggestion), trance induction. The partner may be involved in the game of guilt or fear. The use of flattery in speech also refers to manipulative techniques.


Summarizing the article, it is important to briefly pay attention to the key points:

  • Interaction is a component of communication. And, therefore, it, along with perception and communication, performs educational, regulatory and evaluating functions. However, road signs, media, social networks can act as a communicator. And interaction involves the direct interaction of people. It helps in organizing joint activities to achieve the set goals. In the process of such communication, a person changes, grows, is enriched with new meanings.
  • Interaction is a multilateral phenomenon that can lead either to cooperation (partnership) or to conflict. Everything will depend on the means and signals used, the behavioral reactions of individuals, their emotional level.
  • A literal translation, or a synonym for interaction, is interaction that involves joint (group activity). However, in the study of this direction, it is necessary to take into account the types of relationships between people. They, in turn, dictate certain patterns or forms of interaction. In psychology, this gave impetus to the creation of several schemes. However, due to the wide variability of interpersonal relationships and the individual characteristics of subjects, there is still no universal one.
  • Today, sociological and psychological developments are successfully used to build a successful business, conduct team building and various trainings for personal growth.

(from English interaction , lat. inter + activus active) - a term used in social psychology and cultural studies; denotes the interaction, mutual influence of people or the impact of groups on each other as a continuous dialogue.

In the social psychology of J. Mead I. - direct interpersonal communication ("exchange of symbols"), the most important feature of which is the ability of a person to "accept the role of another", imagine (feel) how he is perceived by a communication partner (or group).

  • - The term "S. And." associated with a certain sociological and socio-psychol. approach to the study of human life ...

    Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - 1. social - social interaction of individuals; 2. speech - speech interaction of individuals at the level of speech. "" is a term of symbolic-interactionist theory in sociology...

    Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

  • General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

  • - interactions of organisms in the biocenosis ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - Social interaction, equated to communicative behavior, interpreted in the spirit of the neobehaviorist theory of social behavior ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - inter"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - 1) interaction, mutual influence of people or the impact of groups on each other; 2) psycho...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 communication ...

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People throughout their lives are in the process of communication and interaction with each other, as they live in society. The first experience is with a child in the parents' house, where he learns to evaluate himself, to receive an assessment of his own behavior from others, acquires the skills to read emotions and feelings. This is the basis for the formation of effective or ineffective interaction in the social environment. The mechanism itself has a scientific justification and is called "interaction".

What is interaction

Understanding the concepts is necessary to immerse yourself in the question. "Interaction" is a combination of two Latin words - inter (between) and action (activity). From the point of view of psychology, interaction means the process of interaction between individual subjects or entire groups of people, which proceeds in the form of a continuous dialogue and is accompanied by a psychological or social impact of one person on another.

For a complete study of the issue of communication, when talking about interaction in psychology, an additional term “social connection” is introduced. It means the dependence of subjects, manifested through social action, focused on other people and proceeding with the expectation of a response from a partner. There are three important components of social interaction:

  • the subject of the created connection. It can be one person or an infinite number;
  • object of communication or subject of interaction;
  • the mechanism necessary to regulate relations.

The essence of interaction as a description of the interaction of subjects is that the process of common activity is accompanied by the emergence of a contact that has characteristic features:

  • individual characteristics of a person;
  • social situation;
  • dominant behavioral strategies;
  • the goals of the participants;
  • emerging contradictions.

Interaction in communication as part of social psychology is accompanied by the emergence of features:

  • opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions;
  • achieving understanding in general matters;
  • definition of a single strategy or line of conduct;
  • the emergence of introspection or the ability to put oneself in the place of another;
  • with ineffective communication, interaction is accompanied by conflict or competition.

Interaction as part of sociology

The existence of interaction is impossible without its introduction into sociology, since this term means interaction. From the point of view of science, the essence of the process is in the implementation of contact between people, its analysis, taking into account the features. The process of communication can take place at the micro level (participants - family, team or friends) and at the macro level, when the structures of society are in interaction. Interaction in sociology is the process of exchanging symbols, experience and practical skills.

The well-known sociologist P. Sorokin identified the support links that make it possible to combine interaction, perception and communication under one phenomenon:

  • communication requires a minimum of 2 subjects;
  • during interaction, attention should be paid to words and symbols: gestures, facial expressions, actions. This makes it easier to understand the opponent;
  • building effective interaction is possible only when there is a resonance of thoughts, feelings and opinions.

Interaction and psychology

Before becoming part of sociology, interaction appeared as a separate concept of psychology. The main focus of study in this case is the relationship within a limited social group, primarily the family.

In psychology, interaction is a study of the joint activity of a parent and a child, the result of which is the formation of a personality. It can be formed only through the projection of understanding the perception of oneself by others and the analysis of behavior that is a response to actions.

The concept of interaction was developed by D. Mead, who introduced the concept of "symbolic interactionism" as a phenomenon emerging from the flow of behaviorism. According to his theory, when communicating, tracking and correct interpretation of symbols is of the greatest importance.

The process of interaction between subjects of one social group is described by the formula of interaction. This is a visual display of the intended position of each participant in communication in relation to another. An interaction unit is a transaction that expresses the interaction of partners in terms of setting a position for each participant.

Types of interaction

Sociology distinguishes several gradations of interaction according to the degree of effectiveness and features of manifestation. In the first case, there are two varieties:

  • effective, which assumes the significance of interaction for each individual subject;
  • ineffective, in which each participant gets hung up on himself and his opinion and does not attempt to share the thoughts and feelings of the opponent. In this case, the possibility of beneficial cooperation is excluded.

Additionally, there is a division of interaction into types according to the features of the interaction of subjects into verbal or speech and non-verbal or non-verbal.

The verbal type consists of the following communication mechanisms:

  • features of speech (tone of voice, expressive coloring, shades of timbre);
  • transfer of words of experience, knowledge, information;
  • response to information received.

Non-verbal interaction is subject to proxemics or a sign system of communication. It includes the following main points:

  • posture, on the basis of which one can understand the psychological state of the opponent or determine his mood for dialogue;
  • spatial position. The subject may "capture" territory by spreading things on the table or occupying a minimum of free space;
  • attitude of participants towards each other.

Interaction as part of communication

Communication involves obtaining information, its analysis, feedback (answers, opinions, judgments). Any interaction has important functions: education, regulation, evaluation and helps people as part of society to build joint activities to achieve the ultimate goal.

Interaction is a special case of communication, which involves not only the acceptance of information, but also the mutual influence of two subjects not only on themselves, but also on the surrounding reality.

In addition to interaction, part of communication is communication and manipulation. Distinctive features of communicative influence:

  1. The communicator is not only a person, but also a system of signs (newspapers, books, road signs and signs).
  2. The main goal is to convey information. It does not imply a human response.

Manipulative techniques have become widespread in the modern world. By influencing a person, the consumer market is trying to increase sales, the business is trying to attract new customers. Unlike interaction, manipulation is characterized by:

  1. The use of hidden mechanisms of influence.
  2. The creation of a dependent position of the subject.
  3. The use of deceit, flattery or fawning in speech.

Interaction is an integral part of communication and interaction of people in society. Social psychology, which studies the course of interactionism, helps to solve problems that arise in society in the context of the coexistence of people within a single, micro- or macrogroup.