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Nationalist riots in biryulevo. Pogroms in Biryulyovo. The post is being updated What happened in Biryulyovo today

"People's gathering" began in Biryulyovo after 25-year-old Yegor Shcherbakov was killed in Vostryakovsky passage on the night of October 10. He accompanied the girl home and came into conflict with a certain man of non-Slavic appearance, who began to molest her. As a result, the man inflicted a mortal knife wound on Shcherbakov, and then disappeared.

As part of the investigation of the case, the police detained more than 90 illegal migrants, but the killer has not yet been found. On the evening of October 12, a spontaneous rally of local residents took place near the building of the regional police department, who demanded to punish the murderer, tighten migration legislation, and also close the local vegetable warehouse, near which migrants often gather. Today, the leadership of the Investigative Committee has promised to take the case of Shcherbakov's murder under personal control. For information about the whereabouts and identity of the killer, a reward is promised - one million rubles.

Today at about 5 pm, a crowd of about 600 people in an organized manner approached the shopping center where migrants usually gather. Then the young people began to beat the windows of the shopping center and throw smoke bombs at it. With shouts of "Russia for the Russians," the crowd rushed into the center, continuing the pogrom. Several newcomers were beaten. One of the organizers of the "people's gathering" is Alexander Belov-Potkin: he came to Biryulyovo, but does not take part in the pogroms.

The police detained several dozen people who may have been involved in the pogrom of the shopping center. The detainees were placed in a paddy wagon and, accompanied by riot police officers, were taken to the police department for further investigation. A spokesman for the press service of the Moscow Interior Ministry's headquarters said that this paddy wagon was accompanied by a crowd; some citizens were throwing bottles and trash cans at the riot police. According to him, there were no casualties.

The number of injured police officers has reached six people. Four of them received medical assistance on the spot. The fifth - the commander of the OMON battalion - was seriously injured, but after providing medical assistance he returned to duty. Sixth the policeman was hit in the kidney area, now the question of his hospitalization is being decided.

Now in the park opposite the shopping center "Turquoise" there are about 50 people. The riot police left, leaving only the Second Operational Regiment in place.

At the Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya station, 14 young people were removed from the train, who had gas cans with them, Interfax reports, citing the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. According to the police, the young people were preparing to commit illegal acts.

The crowd heads to the vegetable store. The riot police blocked the road to her.

Human rights defenders from the Human Rights Council and the Public Chamber left for Biryulyovo. A member of the Public Chamber Dmitry Galochkin, in an interview with RIA Novosti, said that human rights activists are taking the situation under special control.

The crowd runs towards the vegetable warehouse. A fight breaks out. The faces of many people in the crowd are covered with masks and headscarves.

Police officers are taken in the ring. Residents accuse them of not taking action against migrants.

A criminal case was opened against the detainees in Biryulyovo. Seven people were detained. One police officer reportedly injured

There was no one at the base. The pogrom began.

It is reported that there are more than two thousand people gathered now. The crowd is led by a man with a large tricolor.

There are reports that groups of fans are also gathering at the Yaroslavsky and Kazansky railway stations.

Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev introduced the Vulcan plan in Moscow. This plan involves the arrival of personnel to the places of service to prevent possible illegal actions.

Participants of the people's gathering beat up a man, a native of Central Asia.

According to the Department of Internal Affairs, about 300-350 people are taking part in the action.

The press service of the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that additional police forces were sent to the southern administrative district of the city. Eyewitnesses talk about twenty cars with law enforcement officers.

Sergei Sobyanin ordered a thorough investigation into the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov. He said that those responsible for the riots in the area should be held accountable by law. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the mayor's press secretary Gulnara Penkova. “The mayor gave all the necessary instructions to law enforcement agencies to conduct a thorough investigation and arrest of the person who committed the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov,” she said.

The mayor's spokeswoman also stressed that those involved in the riots in Biryulyovo should be held accountable in accordance with the law.

The police detained the correspondent of "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" Aleksey Gorbachev near the vegetable base.

The police urge the audience not to succumb to provocations and go home.

Special riot police vehicles - TIGER - arrived at the scene.

According to eyewitnesses, smoke is present in one of the paddy wagons.

It all started a few days ago. On October 10, in Biryulyovo, a Caucasian stabbed a young guy in the heart, Yegor Shcherbakov, who stood up for his girlfriend. Local residents began to gather that evening, the police began to look for the culprit, but did not find him. 90 illegal immigrants were detained. Yesterday, 40 people came out to the public gathering, they demanded to find the killer. Before that, another attack took place in the area. One guy was wounded with a knife, another was shot. The main requirements are the resignation of the head of the district and the cleaning of places of trade from Caucasians.

Quite expectedly, the popular gathering in the Moscow district of Biryulevo grew from a pogrom.

Today events unfolded like this:

16:11 Onishchenko: "The vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo should be closed forever."

14:59 Turquoise will open tomorrow

14:18 In connection with the events in Biryulyovo, the Russian Orthodox Church calls for a war against the shadow economy created by migrants and corrupt officials.

14:05 The Duma in connection with the events in Biryulyovo invites the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Migration Service and the Mayor of Moscow on October 22 - Deputy Speaker Melnikov / Interfax

14:01 The Uchaskovs began to check their life by apartment

14:00 We continue broadcasting. Here's what happened overnight.
A massive raid took place at the Vegetable Base. About 1200 people were detained

And ... the base was closed

Found weapon when checking transport

Small groups of residents and journalists gather near Turquoise

12:39 In the morning, everything was cleared at the railway station

And today more than a thousand people have come to the gathering.

23:52 It looks like it's over. I stop broadcasting again.

All information about events online:

23:37 All convenience stores are closed in Biryulevo

23:26 Windows are knocked out of cars

23:16 The alleged killer of Yegor Shcherbakov traded in shawarma

23:13 The number of detainees during the action in the south of Moscow reaches 380 people - GUMVD

23:08 Overturned cars in Biryulevo

23:03 OMON continues to detain

Three riot policemen were injured in clashes in Biryulyovo

22:55 Bombils raised prices for the metro as usual.

22:54 A case has already been opened against participants in the speeches under Article 213 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism)

22:38 LifeNews worked best of all from the TV sets today. The rain with a paid subscription in general fucked everything up. M24 is great too.

22:31 Video about how they go to smash the railway station at about 19:40


22:27 GUMVD is preparing to declare a suspect in the murder in Biryulyovo on the wanted list.


22:25 The circle of persons possibly involved in the resonant murder in Biryulyovo has been established

22:22 Yakunin canceled the weekend for the police

22:20 Another 100 people were detained, a total of about 300 detained in Biryulyovo

22:07 Defeat at the railway station

22:07 Flip the cars

22:01 Harsh detentions take place

22:00 Timur Olevsky police broke the iPad and injured his arm, journalist Pavel Nikulin was beaten again

21:50 Bottles flew to the riot police, something starts again

21:00 It's all over. I will stop online, if there is something interesting, I will add it. Thanks to all.

20:38 The crowd smashed the watermelon collapse and the tents at the Biryulevo-Commodity station

20:36 Interfax: five people from the Caucasus were beaten at a Lukoil gas station.

20:30 In total, 250 people were detained during the riots

20:15 Cool photo from RIA

20:00 Internal troops

19:57 Nezavisimaya Gazeta correspondent Alexei Gorbachev was detained at the vegetable base

19:50 RP: A column of internal troops is marching along Podolsk Cadets Street in the direction of the vegetable warehouse

19:46 Playpen now

19:44 Police force people out of the vegetable warehouse

19:36 Timur Olevsky: detentions near a vegetable warehouse. Shouts of "Russians are beaten!" Are heard, riot police use truncheons

19:36 Sobyanin: "All those involved in the riots in Biryulyovo should be brought to justice."

19:35 Additional police forces sent to the Southern District of Moscow

19:34 All exits to the vegetable warehouse are closed

19:33 Participants of the gathering beat an Asian

19:27 In Moscow, the "Volcano" plan was introduced, all police officers were raised on alarm, to the last

19:20 Traffic in Biryulyovo is almost completely paralyzed

19:19 The City Hall woke up. Sobyanin instructed to conduct a thorough investigation of the murder in Biryulyovo - PRESS SECRETARY OF THE MAYOR (Interfax)

19:15 "They walked past the Caucasians next to the white jeep without saying a word. Apparently they could shoot. The action turned into an ordinary hooligan."

19:12 It is reported that fans are going to Biryulyovo

19:03 People reached the base and opened the gate!

19:00 Overlap the Manezhka

18:55 A criminal case was opened against the detainees in Biryulyovo, 7 people were detained

18:53 A lot of people

18:45 Residents of Biryulyovo have not been able to achieve the liquidation of this vegetable warehouse for many years

18:28 Closed the roads on the way to the vegetable warehouse, still people are walking in the yards

18:26 Moscow-24 reports about 3000, some people go to the vegetable warehouse, there is already riot police

18:24 A fight broke out, the crowd goes to the house of the deceased, ambulances are arriving in the area

18:20 Destroyed the tent at Turquoise

18:18 So far the only wounded person I've seen

18:15 Torn urns

18:14 Some cars were hit

18:13 People do not disperse, everyone is on the road, the police traditionally asks to disperse.

17:58 Residents shout "Let go".

17:56 Avtozak left, now nothing is happening, residents are actively communicating with the police

17:50 There were messages that they are returning to Turquoise

17:49 People are walking along the roads, the traffic has stopped

17:48 People stopped the paddy wagon and it began to back up

Flip the cars

Garbage barricades. The requirement is to release the detainees. Stones and sticks are flying. Yakunin goes to Biryulyovo

17:45 They are trying with all their might to stop the paddy wagon with the detainees.

17:44 The riot policeman has blood, their helmets are torn off

17:37 Bottles and iron urns flew to the riot police

17:35 People are trying to recapture the detainees from the riot police

17:33 They write that the crowd beats the riot police

17:31 Clashes began with the police. OMON uses batons

17:26 Video


17:24 It was a bit of a vintile start. People surround riot police buses

17:23 Close the fruit and vegetable base! - the crowd demands.

17:22 Crowd demands permission for firearms

17:19 Omon at the shopping center

17:17 Photo of the storming of the shopping center:

17:15 OMON asks to vacate the square in front of Turquoise. In response - obscene language. “You don’t need to decide on emotions,” OMON convinces

17:12 Police surrounded the shopping center

17:05 Personnel have been evacuated from the store, but those who have come want to continue the lynching. We started talking about going to the vegetable warehouse

Gangs of brutal pogromists smashed Biryulyovo over the weekend.
It began, as usual with everyday life. On the night of October 9-10, the young man and his girlfriend were returning home in the Biryulevo metropolitan area. Near the entrance to their house, an unknown person approached the young people and, in the course of the ensuing conflict, several times stabbed the man with a knife.

The first public gathering in the Biryulyovo Zapadnoye area took place on Sunday night. Then several hundred young people came to Vostryakovsky proezd, 7, to honor the memory of Yegor Shcherbakov, who was killed here. According to the organizers of the gathering, the young man was returning home with his girlfriend on the night of October 10. On the way, a certain citizen, presumably a native of the North Caucasus, spoke rudely against them. During the ensuing fight, Shcherbakov was stabbed in the heart and died before the ambulance arrived, and the killer fled. Having visited the scene of the crime, several dozen nationalist-minded young people moved to the district police station and demanded to immediately find the perpetrator. By this time, additional police forces had already been pulled into the sleeping area.

At the same time, despite the strengthening in the area, on Saturday evening there was another murder. On Saturday, at about 19:30, shots were fired at 7, building 3, Kharkovsky proezd. The police who arrived at the scene found a VAZ 21099 in the courtyard with a bullet through the windshield. The victims were hospitalized from the scene - one with a knife wound, the other with a gunshot wound to the head. It is also known that a Rand Rover off-road vehicle disappeared from the scene.

Already in the morning, the Investigative Committee announced that the case of Shcherbakov's murder would be taken under special control and transferred to the central office for investigation.

Hmm ... in Moscow, people of non-Slavic nationality are often killed - Caucasians, immigrants from Central Asia - they are killed on the basis of national hatred. The question arises: when will the TFR take control of these murders?

Interestingly, why on earth should the TFR on its hind legs jump in front of the Natsiks? If the killer were Russian (by the way, maybe he is Russian - his identity has not yet been established), then there would be no noise, everyone would not give a damn about Shcherbakov's death. They would investigate as usual. And so - the authorities once again ingratiatingly demonstrated their readiness to fulfill any whim of the Nazis.

However, on Sunday at 16:00, several hundred local residents and supporters of nationalist organizations again came to Vostryakovsky Proezd and demanded not only to find the killer, but also to completely clear the area of ​​illegal migrants.

Chronicle of the pogrom:

The second public gathering at the site of the murder of 25-year-old Yegor Shcherbakov began on Sunday at 16:00. Several hundred people demanded the resignation of the head of the Biryulyovo Zapadnoye district council, Viktor Legavin, and the dismissal of the leadership of the 137th police station. According to reports from the scene, the number of protesters continues to grow.
Meanwhile, the metropolitan police announced a reward of one million rubles for information on the whereabouts of a Caucasian who stabbed a 25-year-old Muscovite.

As a result, a pogrom began at the Turyuza shopping center, it was set on fire. The entrance to the shopping center was closed, riot police arrived.
“Quite expectedly, the popular gathering in the Moscow region of Biryulyovo has grown from a pogrom. There was hell and war here. About 20 people entered the shopping center, crashing everything on the way. Escaped through the back doors. The rest are in front of the entrance. A fire started in the store. Security guards and bloggers extinguish "- says Ilya Varlamov on his Twitter.

17:45 Police detained several hooliganism suspects in a shopping center in Biryulyovo and placed them in a paddy wagon. At the same time, the crowd fired stones and bottles at the riot police and police vehicles.
17:46 The protesters fought with the riot police, stones and garbage cans were used.
OMON officers persuade the participants of the people's gathering to disperse in the Biryulyovo Zapadnoye area, which has grown into pogroms and riots.

The riot police arrived to reinforce the police after an aggressively-minded part of the protesters with nationalist slogans attacked a random Caucasian-looking man and staged a pogrom in the "Turquoise" trading house, in which he tried to hide. About 20 people knocked out the doors of the shopping center, attacked the guards and smashed several shop windows. After that, a fire started in the shopping center.
OMON officers blocked the entrances to Biryuza, and arrests began. Protesters surrounded the paddy wagon and chanting "Let go!"

17:46 Protesters fought with riot police, went into action stones and trash cans.
17:48 It became known about at least one injured riot police officer from which the helmet was pulled.
17:52 The police reported one injured employee.
17:52 Several heated protesters are trying to overturn a cargo "Gazelle", which is standing near a police bus.

17:54 The Interior Ministry says that they are forced to start a violent crackdown on the protest that has grown into riots.
17:56 The clearing of the territory began, the riot police lined up in a chain and moved towards the protesters.
17:59 One of the protesters climbed a tree and waving the Russian flag.
17:58 There are reports of looting in the destroyed shopping center "Turquoise".
18:00 The crowd surrounded the police colonel and loudly demands the release of the detainees. They ask: "Where have you been before?"
18:04 A police representative barely managed to get out of the crowd of protesters. People are outraged.
18:06 Several people have already been injured during the riots. Their heads are smashed by bottles and stones.
18:07 The number of people at the Turquoise trading house is growing.
18:09 The cargo "Gazelle" was turned over after all.

18:11 One paddy wagon with detainees barely left the area of ​​unrest.
18:15 The parents of the detainees came to the square near the shopping center "Turquoise", the crowd continues to demand the police to release the young people.
18:15 The girl of the murdered Yegor Shcherbakov Ksenia says that she is against the riots and does not want to incite ethnic hatred.
18:16 At the shopping center "Turquoise" there are at least a thousand people. The crowd hopes to beat off the detainees from the second paddy wagon, which did not have time to leave.
18:17 OMON is trying to force the protesters out of the road.

18:19 Firefighters have arrived, perhaps they are going to disperse the action with water.
18:20 Near the shopping center "Turquoise" a trade tent was destroyed. The police asked the participants of the unauthorized rally to disperse, but people continued to remain in the square.
18:22 Human rights defenders from the HRC under the President and members of the Public Chamber left for the scene of the riots in Biryulyovo with the intention to understand the situation.
18:23 There were reports that some of the protesters moved to the vegetable base, which local residents are asking to close.
18:24 According to the latest estimates, about 3 thousand people are participating in the protest action. Eyewitnesses report drunk people.

18:25 A crowd of residents moved to the vegetable base where Yegor Shcherbakov's killer is believed to be working. According to Moskva24, policemen with machine guns are waiting near the base of the protesters.
18:25 A massive brawl begins, a smoke screen appeared.
18:26 Protesters and riot police are running along the road.
18:27 Several cars were injured, parked in the riot area. Trading stalls were destroyed.
18:29 Hundreds or even thousands of people headed for the vegetable base, walk along the roadway, traffic is blocked.

18:26 Meanwhile, the friend of the murdered Yegor Shcherbakov said in an interview with LifeNews that she, like the relatives of the murdered man, is against the riots.
18:35 The girl of the murdered Yegor Shcherbakov, Ksenia, said that she was "against the riots and does not want to incite ethnic hatred." According to the latest information, some of the protesters moved to the vegetable base, which local residents demand to close.
18:35 riot police blocked the way to the vegetable base. People went around - in groups through the yards.
18:37 Correspondent "" Dmitry Zykov writes on Twitter that “several nationalists and riot policemen have their faces broken. The Caucasians are chased and attacked in a crowd. "
18:38 About three thousand people head towards the vegetable base in Biryulyovo. The OMON is blocking the streets, lining up in a chain, but this does not help, as people walk through the courtyards.
18:39 Acting Chief of Police for the Southern Administrative District, Alexander Polovinka, assured that the best forces were thrown into the search for the killer of Yegor Shcherbakov.
18:40 The protesters who ransacked the Biryuza shopping center declare that they intend to destroy the Pokrovskaya vegetable base, to which they are now heading along the blocked roadway.
18:40 Access to the vegetable base is blocked by riot police, people go around. On the way, residents smash cars and break windows.
18:42 On the way to the vegetable warehouse, nationalist youths smash the windows and headlights of trucks parked by the side of the road.
18:46 A car broke into the roadway. The driver follows the crowd going to the vegetable warehouse and constantly presses the horn as a sign of support.
18:47 The first protesters reached the vegetable warehouse. The riot police managed to take her under protection.
18:50 Ambulances and additional transport vehicles are going to the vegetable warehouse.
18:52 A criminal case was opened under the article "Hooliganism". Seven people were detained. Acting Chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern District, Alexander Polovinko, on the Dozhd TV channel: “Actions have begun that grossly violate public order. Some of the citizens tried to organize pogroms, one of the police officers was wounded. The most active participants of this action were detained. They are in the official transport, they are being interviewed, we are clarifying the circumstances of their actions, the issue of initiating a criminal case under the article "hooliganism" is being considered. Seven people were detained ”.
18:54 Protesters continue to arrive at the vegetable warehouse. Hundreds of more people are walking along Melitopol Street.
18:57 Melitopol street is blocked by protesters. The riot police blocked all approaches to the base
18:58 Kommersant correspondent Vyacheslav Kozlov:
a crowd of about 900 people tries to get to the vegetable warehouse, but runs into a cordon
18:59 Among those walking along the road, the news is transmitted that the approaches to the vegetable warehouse are closed. "Let's get through!" - heard in the crowd.
19:01 Young people rocked and overturned a Gazel car on the road.
19:02 The crowd at the gates of the vegetable store chants "Open it!"
19:03 Activists report that the crowd is preparing to storm the vegetable base and began to break down the gates of the neighboring "Shinomontazh".
19:04 The crowd broke down the gates and broke into the territory of the vegetable base.
19:06 The protesters blocked the street of Podolsky Kursantov in Biryulyovo.
The head of the Moscow police, Anatoly Yakunin, said that a reward of 1 million rubles was announced for information about the killers of Yegor Shcherbakov.
19:09 The broken gate was only the first obstacle on the way to the vegetable warehouse. Hundreds of people run towards the main gate. Police and riot police are not visible.
19:10 On the territory of the vegetable base, where, according to local residents, the killer of Yegor Shcherbakov was working, several people from among the participants in the spontaneous action broke through. The police managed to keep most of the crowd.
19:11 Closed Manezhnaya Square.
19:13 Some of the protesters started talking about the time to disperse. At the same time, there were reports of pogroms on the territory of the base.
19:14 About a hundred people remain on the territory of the vegetable warehouse.
19:16 In social networks, information appeared that football fans were going to Biryulyovo from the Paveletsky railway station
19:16 Member of the Presidential Human Rights Council (HRC) Vladimir Shaposhnikov to the RIA Novosti news agency: “Tomorrow I will bring Biryulyovo's question to the Council's agenda. We need to talk about this, we need to stay ahead of the situation, direct all our efforts to prevent such conflicts. "
19:17 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered a thorough investigation into the murder in Biryulyovo.
19:19 OMON is forming a chain, trying to block the roadway in the area of ​​the vegetable warehouse.
19:21 In the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of the capital, a headquarters for countering illegal migration will be created, which will meet on a daily basis. The Prefect of the Southern District Georgy Smoleevsky told Interfax about this.
19:22 Protesters leave the territory of the vegetable warehouse to applause.
19:23 The riot police entered the base to check if anyone was left there.
19:23 Kommersant correspondent Vyacheslav Kozlov from the scene: “We are on Komissarov Street, which goes towards the vegetable base. A fairly wide street (four rows in each direction) was blocked by a crowd of 800-900 people. After the riot police blocked the path, people obviously do not know what to do next, they are trying to catch the immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus passing by, they are running away from them. There were shouts “let's go to Varshavka” and “let's go to the Prazhskaya metro station”, but the crowd still remains in place. On the other hand, I have already heard the phrase "come on, let's go home have a beer." The base has a lot of police patrols, riot police, ambulances. Until I saw anyone seriously hurt. "
19:24 OMON blocks sections of the roadway, separating groups of protesters from each other. Several dozen people remain on the road. They start to disperse.
19:24 # Biryulyovo hit the global Twitter trends.
19:25 Pinpoint arrests of the most active participants of the action continue.
19:26 The leadership of the metropolitan police announced the start of the "Volcano" plan, according to which the entire personnel of the Moscow Interior Ministry was alerted.
19:27 Additional police units sent to the Southern District of Moscow
19:27 Some of those detained during the riots near the Biryuza shopping center released.
19:28 OMON calls for the freeing of the roadway. The protesters were pushed to the sidelines.
19:30 Cars drove along the cleared road, drivers honking in support of the protesters.
19:33 Several riot policemen had to run after one of the protesters.
19:34 By order of Kolokoltsev, the "Volcano" plan was introduced in the city: all personnel were alerted
19:36 Some those detained after the riots near the Biryuza shopping center were released... This was announced by the acting. Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, Alexander Polovinka.
19:39 The Interior Ministry said that in the capital, in connection with the events in Western Biryulev, the "Volcano" plan was introduced, and the entire police personnel were alerted. So ordered the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev.
19:44 NTV became aware of the details of the events preceding the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov. As it turned out, the offender blew anger at the 25-year-old Muscovite and his girlfriend over the runaway girl. Exclusive shots - here.
19:44 Because of the riots, buses on 10 routes in Western Biryulyovo run intermittently
19:47 The police force people out of the vegetable base. Those who are inclined to resist law enforcement are detained. The OMON, lining up in a chain, drives the crowd towards Podolskiy Kursanty Street. In the Department of Internal Affairs in the Southern District, seven detainees are reported. In total, about a thousand people are in the area of ​​the base, according to the Ridus correspondent.
19:48 The news agencies again reported about the next arrests at the vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo. At the same time, as noted, the bulk of the people have already fled and scattered in the depths of the region.
19:50 In one of the nationalist communities on the VKontakte social network, the administrators confirmed the information that fans and nationalists from the Moscow region were gathering in Biryulyovo. However, according to Gazeta.Ru, the organized fan groups have not confirmed their involvement in the events.
19:53 The road and passage to the main gate of the vegetable warehouse were blocked by barricades of police buses. OMON officers lined up in a human chain.
19:55 The situation, as reported by the police, is under the control of law enforcement officers. Acting communicates with the participants of the action. Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District Alexander Polovinka.
19:56 He asks the audience to calm down, not commit illegal actions and trust the police officers.
19:58 Head of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya to Interfax: “The big danger is that extremist groups are trying to drag ordinary citizens into committing crimes, which can have very serious consequences. What is happening today in Biryulyovo is the result of the accumulated irritation in the situation with migrants ”.
19:59 People still remain near the base where, according to local residents, the killer of Yegor Shcherbakov may be hiding.
20:00 Nezavisimaya Gazeta correspondent Aleksey Gorbachev was detained.
20:04 Kommersant correspondent Vyacheslav Kozlov:
the crowd smashed the watermelon collapse and the tents at the Biryulevo-Commodity station
20:05 In the meantime, in the area of ​​Medynskaya and Kharkovskaya streets in Western Biryulyov, traffic is blocked.
20:09 The movement of buses No. 256, No. 296, No. 297, No. 635, No. 671, No. 796, No. 708, No. 828 is delayed. Traffic blocked near Medynska and Kharkivska streets
20:11 At the intersection of Kharkovskaya and Podolskiy Kursantov streets, because of the cordon, it has already been an hour and a half - a huge traffic jam; it has about 70 regular buses.
20:17 During the riots in the southern administrative district of Moscow, about 200 people were detained. This figure was given in the press service of the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
20:19 Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev is currently holding an emergency meeting in connection with the events in Western Biryulyov.
20:22 The crowd smashed the watermelon collapse and the tents at the Biryulevo-Tovarnaya station.
20:24 Local residents and people from the Caucasus clash reportedly in the troubled neighborhood. Five people were hospitalized, another one received assistance on the spot, the law enforcement officials said.
20:27 Members of the HRC and the Public Chamber saw many drunken young people, including minors, among the participants in the clashes in Biryulyov.
20:30 It is also reported that the police are pushing people away from the vegetable base, which the protesters demanded to close. The actions of the law enforcement officers who detain the most aggressive were assessed in the OP as professional and calm.
20:35 Kolokoltsev holds an emergency meeting on the situation in Biryulyovo in the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
20:37 In the crowd, not only drunks were noticed, but also, as a member of the Public Chamber Dmitry Galochkin said, sports "fans": they shout prepared chants.
20:38 “You can talk about provocateurs who have nothing to do with local residents,” Galochkin said.
20:42 Meanwhile, police officers have strengthened security measures and in the center of the capital, in particular, Manezhnaya Square is closed. And on the streets adjacent to it, police vans are on duty.
20:43 Along Manezhnaya Square, there are metal fences around which police officers are on duty.
20:47 According to Interfax, security measures at Manezhka have been strengthened in connection with earlier appeals on social networks to go to the square after the events in Biryulyov.
20:49 Let's go back to the events in West Biryulyov itself. Detentions continue there, in addition, the security forces pushed the rioters out of the territory of the vegetable base.
20:50 The hashtag # Biryulevo went to the top of Twitter.
20:55 The main streets in Biryulyov are still blocked by the police. Meanwhile, the protesters split into groups and move around the area.
20:59 The guards of order lined up in a chain in Stupinsky proezd, where the vegetable warehouse is located, and pushed the aggressively-minded drunken youth towards the Podolsk cadets street.

21:00 “Now on Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya I observe the dispersal of youth groups and selective knitting. In general, everything calms down, "the Ridus correspondent reports.
21:03 Most of the police buses and operational vehicles lined up in a column. All of them drive off from the street of Podolsk cadets in the direction of the railway station Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya.
21:05 Some of the protesters went there, according to preliminary information. The protesters themselves declare that they intend to move from West Biryulyov to East.
21:05 At present, the situation in Biryulyovo is under control, Dmitry Galochkin, a member of the Public Chamber's Security Committee, who is at the scene, told Ridus. The police, in his opinion, acted efficiently and professionally. Among the protesters and detainees, there are many "drunk people and football fans," said a representative of the OP.
Galochkin explained that the riots began after the citizens agreed with representatives of the executive branch to start a peace negotiation process. Tomorrow in the prefecture, a meeting of representatives of the authorities with civil activists will take place. On it, residents will point to pressing problems, the main of which is the local vegetable warehouse - Muscovites consider it a breeding ground for crime, said a representative of the Public Chamber.
21:06 Buses start to run along the street of Podolsk cadets.
21:09 Meanwhile, watermelons are flying at the Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya station. A crowd of hooligans smashed the watermelon collapse and overturned the seller's car.
21:15 The law enforcement agencies reported that a circle of persons has been established who may be involved in the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov. “In relation to one of the suspects, measures are being taken to arrest,” the police said.
21:17 The police have stepped up security measures on all central streets of Moscow.
21:19 The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the capital noted that additional police squads had moved not only to Manezhka and other central squares. Law enforcement officers are also on duty near train stations and exits from metro stations.
21:21 In connection with the events in Biryulyov, a headquarters for countering illegal migration is being created in the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, which will meet on a daily basis.
21:23 The head of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky, calls on the killer of Yegor Shcherbakov to be found and brought to justice as soon as possible.
21:24 "In general, in my opinion, the crime has neither citizenship, nor nationality, nor even gender," the head of the Federal Migration Service emphasized.
21:28 Detentions began near the Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya railway station. At the platform itself, riot police have been reinforced.
21:29 It is reported that in the square in front of the platform, the rioters overturned and smashed several cars.
21:32 The police blocked the paths connecting the districts of Biryulevo West and Biryulevo East, and began checking documents of young people in the courtyards of residential buildings.
21:36 The head of the presidential Human Rights Council Mikhail Fedotov condemned the riots in Biryulyov. At the same time, he said that local authorities should have responded more quickly to the indignation of residents.
21:39 “After all, it was announced that a national gathering will take place. I had to come and tell what the investigation had done in the days after the murder. I am sure local residents would have helped the investigation, ”Fedotov said.
21:49 Residents of Biryulyov West are planning to gather at the Turquoise shopping center. This was told by one of the participants in the protest action.
21:52 People expect that someone from the authorities will come out to them, and they will state their claims
21:54 In Biryulyov, at the gathering place of people, the howl of police sirens is periodically heard. The protesters are encouraged to go home.
21:58 Police officers took the protesters in the ring. Those who do not obey the demand of the guards to disperse are detained.
22:00 There were clashes between riot police officers and those who gathered near the Turquoise shopping center, bottles and stones were thrown at the security forces... The attackers are also detained.
22:03 In the meantime, the police establish the personal data of the alleged killer Yegor Shcherbakov in order to officially put him on the wanted list. This was announced at an operational meeting by Anatoly Yakunin, head of the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
22:13 According to the chief of the Moscow police, the most active participants in the riots in Biryulyov, who “warmed up the crowd”, were detained.
22:16 “Extremist-minded persons decided to take advantage of the situation,” Anatoly Yakunin said. He also confirmed the information that there are many young and very drunk people, as well as women, in the crowd.
22:19 In Western Biryulyovo, where clashes with the police continue, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy arrived. He communicates with his subordinates and inspects the scene.
22:26 Three riot policemen injured in another clash with protesters... The injured security officials received medical assistance on the spot.
22:27 Now, as reported, the police have managed to disperse the crowd, arrests are being carried out in the courtyards.
22:30 Detainees during the riots in the south of Moscow - already 300, according to the city police.
22:33 Helicopters continue to control the situation in Biryulyov from the air.
22:38 Traffic on Medynska and Kharkivska streets in Western Biryulyov, closed due to riots, has been restored, according to the capital's transport department.
22:40 The movement of buses, following routes No. 256, 296, 297, 635, 671, 796, 708 and 828, is included in the normal schedule, added in the department.
22:42 Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev demands to bring to justice all the instigators and participants in the riots in Biryulyov.
22:48 According to preliminary data, after the riots in Biryulyovo, 11 people turned to doctors for help. Three doctors were hospitalized.
22:48 The buses with the detainees left the square near the Biryuza shopping center - the offenders were taken to the police station.
23:03 The alleged killer of Yegor Shcherbakov was selling shawarma. This information was reported by a source in the city's law enforcement agencies.
23:09 Riots broke out in Vostryakovsky passage in Biryulyov. A group of aggressive thugs hit cars. Reinforced police squads are being assembled to the site of the pogroms.
23:13 Another 80 people were detained in the south of Moscow, police said. Thus, the total number of detainees has already reached 380.
23:18 According to the latest data, in the clashes in Western Biryulyov five riot policemen were injured... In addition, they asked for medical help 11 civilians.
23:29 At the Turquoise shopping center, the police are pushing people out of the square and detaining those who do not want to go home.
23:40 The number of riot policemen who were injured during the riots in Biryulyov increased to six. One of the security officials was hit in the kidney area, and the question of his hospitalization is now being decided.
23:46 The situation in Biryulyov is completely taken under the control of the police, the Interior Ministry said, confirming the information about the six injured law enforcement officers.
23:57 Press Secretary of the FMS of Russia Zalina Kornilova said that the vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo Zapadny, to which local residents have complaints, is checked monthly.
00:01 Last check was two weeks ago. Then more than 20 migrants who violated Russian law were expelled from the Russian Federation, added to the FMS.

Sergei Sobyanin on the murder and pogroms in Biryulyovo: Everyone must answer.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered a thorough investigation into the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov, a resident of the Biryulyovo Zapadnoye district. Press secretary of the mayor Gulnara Penkova told reporters about it.
"The mayor gave all the necessary instructions to law enforcement agencies to conduct a thorough investigation and arrest of the person who committed the murder," she said.
"At the same time, the persons involved in the riots in Biryulyovo must be held accountable in accordance with the law," the mayor's press secretary emphasized.

Oh well. Let's see how "everyone" answers. And will the punishment be the same as for participants in the riots on Bolotnaya ...

18:20 Near the shopping center "Turquoise" a trade tent was destroyed. The police asked the participants of the unauthorized rally to disperse, but people continued to remain in the square.

18:22 Human rights defenders from the HRC under the President and members of the Public Chamber left for the scene of the riots in Biryulyovo with the intention to understand the situation.

18:25 A crowd of residents moved to the vegetable base where Yegor Shcherbakov's killer is believed to be working. According to Moskvy 24, policemen with machine guns are waiting near the base of the protesters.

18:26 Meanwhile, the friend of the murdered Yegor Shcherbakov said in an interview with LifeNews that she, like the relatives of the murdered man, is against the riots.

18:38 About three thousand people head towards the vegetable base in Biryulyovo. The OMON is blocking the streets, lining up in a chain, but this does not help, as people walk through the courtyards.

18:40 The protesters who smashed the Biryuza shopping center declare that they intend to destroy the Pokrovskaya vegetable base, to which they are now heading along the blocked road.

18:50 A criminal case was initiated over the riots in Biryulyovo.

19:01 Young people rocked and overturned a Gazel car on the road.

19:10 On the territory of the vegetable base, where, according to local residents, the killer of Yegor Shcherbakov was working, several people from among the participants in the spontaneous action broke through. The police managed to keep most of the crowd.

19:26 The leadership of the metropolitan police announced the start of the "Volcano" plan, according to which the entire personnel of the Moscow Interior Ministry was alerted.

19:27 Some of those detained during the riots near the Biryuza shopping center were released.

19:47 The police force people out of the vegetable base. Those who are inclined to resist law enforcement are detained. The OMON, lining up in a chain, drives the crowd towards Podolskiy Kursanty Street. In the Department of Internal Affairs in the Southern District, seven detainees are reported. In total, about a thousand people are in the area of ​​the base, according to the Ridus correspondent.

20:11 At the intersection of Kharkovskaya and Podolskiy Kursantov streets, because of the cordon, it has already been an hour and a half - a huge traffic jam; it has about 70 regular buses.

20:22 The crowd smashed the watermelon collapse and the tents at the Biryulevo-Tovarnaya station.

20.30 Groups of local youth are dispersed throughout the area. The unit is watching the overlap of Podolskikh Kursantov street.

20:35 Kolokoltsev holds an emergency meeting on the situation in Biryulyovo in the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

20:50 Hashtag # Biryulyovo went to the top of Twitter.

21:00 “Now on Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya I observe the dispersal of groups of young people and selective detentions. In general, everything subsides, "the Ridus correspondent reports.

21:05 At present, the situation in Biryulyovo is under control, Dmitry Galochkin, a member of the Public Chamber's Security Committee, who is at the scene, told Ridus. The police, in his opinion, acted efficiently and professionally. Among the protesters and detainees, there are many "drunk people and football fans," said a representative of the OP.

Galochkin explained that the riots began after the citizens agreed with representatives of the executive branch to start a peace negotiation process. Tomorrow in the prefecture, a meeting of representatives of the authorities with civil activists will take place. On it, residents will point to pressing problems, the main of which is the local vegetable warehouse - Muscovites consider it a breeding ground for crime, said a representative of the Public Chamber.

21:22 The police have identified the circle of persons who may be involved in the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov, whose death provoked mass actions in the south of Moscow, Interfax reported.

21:26 There are no large groups of citizens left in Biryulyovo. Groups of 30 young people walk around the district. The police from time to time block traffic on the streets. The road to the Tovarnaya station is currently blocked, the Ridus correspondent reports. A little more than a hundred people, including media representatives, are now at the ransacked Turquoise shopping center. According to the correspondent, they "just stand."

21:31 The police continue to detain them in the area of ​​the Tovarnaya station, where they smashed a watermelon breakdown and tents. At the broken point of sale there are overturned cars, which, according to preliminary data, belong to its owner. An operational investigation group starts working here, Interfax reports.

21:48 The protesters again tried to block the road near the destroyed shopping center "Turquoise". As a result, a fight with riot police broke out, about three hundred people are involved in it. Bottles are being thrown at the police, one of them hit the "Reedus" correspondent. In response, the police began to detain the most active violators of public order. Among the detainees were also representatives of the media.

On Sunday, in the Biryulyovo Zapadnoye area in southern Moscow, a popular gathering demanding to find the killer of a 25-year-old local resident Yegor Shcherbakov escalated into riots. Several hundred nationalist youths tried to storm the vegetable base where the alleged killer worked and destroyed several stalls. By evening, the protesters were dispersed by riot police.

23:32 The online broadcast of Kommersant is over.

20:51 Kommersant correspondent Grigory Tumanov from the scene: “I walk towards the place where the riots took place, the passage is blocked for cars - everyone is turning from the street of Podolsk cadets, but you can walk on foot. Small groups of young people who have clearly participated in the protests come across. At the same time, on the way, I met a very swarthy man who looked like an Indian, calmly observing the events with a can of beer. "

20:50 Manezhnaya Square, overlapped and guarded by paddy wagons.

20:47 Twitter reports that all car entrances from the Varshavskoye Highway to Biryulyovo are closed.

20:42 The main streets of the district are still blocked by the police, and arrests continue. Some of the police buses have left, the protesters have broken up into groups and move around the courtyards.

20:35 Member of the Public Chamber Olga Kostina: “Kurban-Bairam is approaching and how the law enforcement agencies and the public behave will determine how the situation will develop”.

20:30 In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an emergency meeting was organized on issues related to what is happening. According to a representative of the press service of the central administration, the meeting is attended by the leadership of the Moscow police and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Kolokoltsev.

20:25 In the microdistrict Biryulyovo-Zapadnoye there was a clash of local residents and people from the Caucasus, five were hospitalized, Interfax reports. On the street of Podolsk cadets, local residents attacked people from the Caucasus. As a result, five people were hospitalized, one was treated on the spot, he refused hospitalization.

20:20 In the southern administrative district of Moscow, according to the press service of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 200 people were detained.

20:18 Violations of public order were recorded not only in the southern, but also in the North-Eastern district of Moscow, about 60 people were detained

20:13 Kommersant correspondent Vyacheslav Kozlov from the scene: “The crowd was divided into several groups of 100-120 people. The group that reached the Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya station and smashed a watermelon tray and several kiosks crossed the railway towards the Biryulyovo-Vostochnoye area.

20:09 The movement of buses No. 256, No. 296, No. 297, No. 635, No. 671, No. 796, No. 708, No. 828 is delayed. Traffic blocked near Medynska and Kharkivska streets


20:00 Nezavisimaya Gazeta correspondent Aleksey Gorbachev was detained.

19:58 Irina Yarovaya, head of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, to Interfax: “The big danger is that extremist groups are trying to drag ordinary citizens into committing crimes, which can have very serious consequences. What is happening today in Biryulyovo is the result of the accumulated irritation in the situation with migrants ”.

19:50 In one of the nationalist communities on the VKontakte social network, the administrators confirmed the information that fans and nationalists from the Moscow region were gathering in Biryulyovo. However, according to Gazeta.Ru, the organized fan groups have not confirmed their involvement in the events.

19:44 Due to riots, buses on 10 routes in Western Biryulyovo run intermittently

19:24 # Biryulyovo got into the global Twitter trends.

19:36 According to the ITAR-TASS news agency, some of the detainees have already been released.

19:34 By order of Kolokoltsev, the "Volcano" plan was introduced in the city: all personnel were alerted

19:27 Additional police units sent to the southern district of Moscow

19:23 Kommersant correspondent Vyacheslav Kozlov from the scene: “We are on the street that goes towards the vegetable base. A fairly wide street (four rows in each direction) was blocked by a crowd of 800-900 people. After the riot police blocked the path, people obviously do not know what to do next, they are trying to catch the immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus passing by, they are running away from them. There were shouts “let's go to Varshavka” and “let's go to the Prazhskaya metro station”, but the crowd still remains in place. On the other hand, I have already heard the phrase "come on, let's go home have a beer." The base has a lot of police patrols, riot police, ambulances. Until I saw anyone seriously hurt. "

19:21 In the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of the capital, a headquarters for countering illegal migration will be created, which will meet on a daily basis. The Prefect of the Southern District Georgy Smoleevsky told Interfax about this.

19:17 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to conduct a thorough investigation of the murder in Biryulyovo

19:16 Member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC) Vladimir Shaposhnikov told RIA Novosti: “Tomorrow I will bring Biryulyovo's question to the agenda of the Council. We need to talk about this, we need to stay ahead of the situation, direct all our efforts to prevent such conflicts. "

19:11 Closed Manezhnaya Square.

19:06 The protesters blocked the street of Podolski Kursantov in Biryulyovo. The head of the Moscow police, Anatoly Yakunin, said that a reward of 1 million rubles was announced for information about the killers of Yegor Shcherbakov.

19:04 The crowd broke the gates and broke into the territory of the vegetable base

19:03 Activists report that the crowd is preparing to storm the vegetable base and began to break down the gates of the neighboring "Shinomontazh"

18:58 Kommersant correspondent Vyacheslav Kozlov: