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What is the dream of red mountains. Why do you dream of mountains: steep, beautiful, icy. The meaning of the "Mountain" dream. Small Velesov interpreter

Despite the real danger, the mountains attract romantics, bewitching with the grandeur of the landscape. Poems are written about this type of natural landscape, songs are sung and films are made. At the same time, it is a symbol of difficulties that, according to the popular proverb, smart people get around. Dream Interpretations in the interpretation of what mountains dream of, adhere to different points of view, and pay attention to various details of what they see.

Dream interpretation: to see mountains in a dream

In the opinion Gustav Miller mountains mean a difficult path to the implementation of the plan. The dreamed peaks call for decisiveness and fearlessness, which will help to achieve the goal.

Dream interpretation of Wangi interprets mountains as a burden on the soul and obstacles. Going up the slope - thanks to patience, difficulties will be overcome. The fall symbolizes remorse.

By Ukrainian source when family people dream of mountains covered with greenery, adultery will happen in reality. Moreover, both the dreamer himself and the "second half" can change.

Why dream of climbing a mountain

Generally climb up the mountain - the personification of the striving for the goal. Depending on what the process was in the dream, the course of the realization of desires in reality is interpreted.

Get up walking up the mountain and not feeling tired is a good sign. The intended business will be successful, although it will require effort. Stubbornly walking up a mountain in a dream means waking up to demonstrate strength of character. This is a hint not to back down in the face of difficulties.

Climb up the mountain, and feeling tired means that the wrong goal has been set in reality or the wrong way to achieve it has been chosen. Another interpretation of this plot is excessive fatigue. Climbing a mountain with great difficulty is the personification of monotonous depressing work. You need to arrange for yourself at least a short rest, or perhaps it's time to think about changing your profession.

If you succeed climb up the mountain is a happy omen. An unusual solution to a tormenting problem will be found, or outside help will suddenly come.

To climb to the top while riding a horse means to occupy a strong position in society.

Why do women dream of mountains

The mountains girl symbolize personal growth if they dreamed in the distance. Up close, they symbolize dreams of a worthy man nearby. However, according to Sigmund Freud, mountain peaks are the personification of lesbian inclinations.

Dreaming mountains the bride are interpreted positively when the dreamer is at the top or admires the landscape. Fall, extreme fatigue or a feeling of fear call to think once again about the correctness of the decision made about marriage with the chosen man.

The mountains married the woman is personified by fatigue with daily worries. The dream suggests that despite the workload of affairs, one should not forget about the importance of emotional communication with her husband and household members.

When mountains dream pregnant, the plot has no predictive value. This reflects the fears and experiences of a woman associated with the upcoming changes.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of mountains

Snow covered mountains are a symbol that has many meanings. In a favorable interpretation, it is the personification of purity of intentions. Mountains in the snow also suggest that you should not hesitate to move towards your intended goal. Luck will be on the side of the dreamer. On the other hand, the snowy mountain symbolizes anxiety and self-doubt. The dream suggests that you should not retreat in front of difficulties.

Ice-bound slopes mean a deterioration in relations with others. For lovers, a dream warns that the person whose sympathy you dream of will never reciprocate.

Subdued peak in a dream - an excellent sign. It will turn out to be the winner of all situations. A high mountain symbolizes achievement. Admiring her means making ambitious plans. The volcano at the summit warns of the need to exercise the utmost caution.

The mountains in the green urge to believe in their own strength. It is worth plucking up the courage and moving forward.

Black mountains warn of danger. The majestic palace at the top symbolizes popularity and financial independence.

Steep uphill climb suggests that there are many obstacles to overcome. To achieve the goal, certain efforts will be required.

Dreamed descent from the mountain means the end of the next period. In a negative context, sleep warns of instability in life.

Beautiful mountains are a good sign. Sublime thoughts will lead to inspiration.

When dreaming mountains and sea, plot decoding depends on the details. The calm water surface means that even complex ideas can be turned into reality. A stormy or muddy sea warns that unworthy paths have been chosen to achieve success. Victory can be tarnished by a damaged reputation.

Mountains and rocks personify life's difficulties. The "bald" slopes that the girl saw warn that the feelings of the boyfriend are insincere, and in the future the relationship will bring bitter disappointment.

What happened in the dream

The difficult situation will be safely resolved in the very near future. However, regret during the descent indicates a fear of losing position in society. Head over heels roll from the mountain - the personification of the instability of life. There may be financial difficulties, difficulties in a career up to dismissal.

With pleasure ride from the mountain on skis or snowboard - to easily overcome your own fears. In reality, it is desirable to do the business of your dreams.

Warning plot - fall from the mountain in a dream. As a result of a series of failures, financial problems may arise, and it is advisable to make savings so as not to experience hardships in the future. Rolling down the mountain while getting injured is a serious sign. In reality, it is necessary to urgently undergo a medical examination.

Fateful changes in life means a plot in which it happened stand on the top of the mountain. Circumstances will be in favor of the sleeper.

Climb over the mountains, and feeling joy is an auspicious symbol. The financial situation will improve.

There are situations when it makes no sense to look for a dream interpretation in the sources. If you dream of mountains soon after visiting such a landscape in reality, what you see does not really matter, and is considered a reflection of the emotions experienced.

Mountain according to Loff's dream book

According to D. Loff, mountains can symbolize greatness, danger or sacred land. You may dream about mountains simply because you like them. The mountains can instill in you a sense of rebirth and love for nature.

You may dream that you need to cross the mountain - either of your own free will, or by coincidence. Before interpreting a dream, remember who you left when going on a hike, why did you decide to leave and what do you expect to meet in the mountains? If in a dream the top of the mountain was perceived by you as something the best of all that life has to offer, then you are in search. Or maybe you feel the impossibility of achieving success in some area of ​​real life? Or, on the contrary, have you already reached the top in some way?

Muslim dream book

Climb a mountain in a dream

Seeing a mountain means a great king with a stone heart. If someone sees that he is walking on the top of the mountain, then this mountain is an omen of the career of a person who has seen such a dream, and in accordance with the height of the mountain seen in a dream, he will reach a more or less high position.

Dream interpretation of Y. Longo

High mountain in a dream

Climbing a steep mountain in a dream - expect serious difficulties. If you climbed the mountain with difficulty, constantly stumbling and stopping every minute to catch your breath, then the solution to this problem will not come immediately and for a while you will find yourself in a dead end. If the rise was easy for you, it means that you will soon be able to cope with difficulties very quickly, although you may need the help of loved ones for this. Seeing many mountains - a dream symbolizes your hectic life, and the most unpleasant thing is that you do not feel confident, constantly doubt and wait for a trick. Isn't it better to calm down and live without constant fear in your soul? Seeing someone walking in the mountains - you have to make a difficult decision regarding your personal life. You may be feeling resentful, neglected. But even if it turns out that you are right and receive little attention, you should not make a hasty decision, otherwise you will regret it later, but the job will already be done. Steep mountains, on which there is almost no vegetation, they say that in real life those who surround you seek to resolve any issues without your participation, although it seems to you that your opinion is very important to them. In fact, it is much easier for them to agree among themselves without asking how you look at this or that event. Try to fix this situation and be more active in situations where you need to solve something. Maybe your friends don't listen to your opinion because they don't expect valuable advice from you? But if you show prudence and wisdom at least a couple of times, your loved ones will understand that you are a good advisor and they neglected your opinion in vain. Falling from a mountain in a dream - in reality you will commit an dishonest act in relation to a person whom you do not know very well, but he himself treats you as best as possible.

Esoteric dream book

Dream to climb the mountain

Seeing you think of a new venture that will be successful. Climbing your path leads to success. Descend unsuccessful efforts. Sliding down can "break off your wings", a call for caution.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Why is the mountain dreaming

A high mountain in a dream, which you personally own, promises you to gain the support of a tall person. If you dreamed that you set out to dig this mountain, then in reality you seem to be going to offend your patron with something. In the event that you dream that you have decided to settle or are already living on a mountain, know that you have a tall and powerful patron who will help you climb the steps of the career ladder. Climbing the mountain, painful and long, portends grief, failure. An easy climb is a sign that you will very quickly achieve fame and success. Often this is an indication of the possibility of a quick approach to the top of the city administration or even the entire country. Falling from the mountain - to the loss of the position that you are currently occupying. If you dreamed that you are on the top of a mountain, but the mountain itself is black, beware: your life is in serious danger! If the mountain is illuminated with incredible power, magical radiance - you are destined for good luck in all your endeavors. Seeing yourself at the bottom of a deep mountain gorge - to imprisonment or to an early death.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Mountain dream

You penetrate into the interior of the mountain. - There will be good luck in all matters. You are gaining ground for yourself. - Foreshadows monetary losses, humiliation. You fall from the ground to the mountain. - You will lose your job. Climbing the mountain, you feel fear. - There will be a promotion in his service career. Destruction and loss when climbing the mountains. - Foreshadows evil and misfortune. Going on an excursion to the high mountains. - In spring and summer portends happiness. You walk along a slope covered with earth. - Thoughts about illness will go away. You live in high mountains. - portends a happy event. Walk in the mountains. - Foreshadows material profit, prosperity, good luck in the service. Holding an object in your hands, you climb the mountains. - The wife will bring a noble son. You are engaged in agriculture among the mountains. - Sufficiency in clothing and food, basic necessities. The dried-up tree turns green again. - Well-being and happiness for children and grandchildren. A hole in the ground appears in the covered part of the palace. - Foreshadows grief, loss of a mother.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Mountain dream book

A mountain in a dream is a symbol of hard work. Seeing snow-capped mountains in a dream is a sign that formidable obstacles await you on the way to success. Climbing a mountain in a dream is a symbol of difficulties on the path to success, feeling fear at the same time means moving up the career ladder, promotion; running down the mountain is getting rid of danger, falling from it is good luck in all matters. To live in a dream high in the mountains - to a happy event, a walk in the mountains - to material profit, prosperity. To reach the top of the mountain in a dream means that in reality you need to take care of your health. A bald mountain seen in a dream without any vegetation at all is a bad dream, foreshadowing suffering and obstacles in business. For a young girl, such a dream can be a warning that it is better for her not to communicate with a person who is trying to win her favor. His insincerity and malicious intent can only bring her trouble in the future.

Small Velesov dream book

Dream interpretation to climb the mountain

Great weight, hard work, grief, troubles, troubles, obstacles; bald - anxiety; wooded - betrayal; falling from a mountain is a great grief, loss, failure, you will get out of grief; and if he fell and did not fall - nothing, everything will be all right; to go up the mountain - to good, recovery // great grief, empty work, bad path; going down - good luck // for worse, bad luck; walking in the mountains is a great need to experience; you are standing on a mountain - a great honor, glory; climbing slides - chores, which will turn out to be useful; climbing a mountain is a hard but good thing, sadness; to climb but not to climb - you will be in trouble; to climb the top of the mountain - for good, your plan will come true; along the path of failure there will be - an unhappy marriage (for women); stone road uphill - obstacles.

Russian folk dream book

Dream interpretation mountain

A lofty goal, a dream; a big, serious obstacle.

Dream interpretation of the writer Aesop

Why dream of climbing a mountain

This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains harbored secret powers and served as a haven for their masters. Many believed that treasures were stored inside the mountains that were inaccessible to people, and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them. For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places that were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits. Slavic oral creativity interprets mountains as eternal, not subject to human forces. The mountain is a big and serious obstacle on the way. There is a well-known expression: “The clever will not go up the hill, the clever will bypass the mountain” and one more thing: “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain”, which means: do not wait in vain for the impossible, do as you can. If in a dream you are climbing a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. To reach the top of the mountain is to achieve what you want, to make your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you cannot climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans, it may be worthwhile to wait a while and try again to achieve your goal. To see a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts your success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person. If a river flows along the slopes of the mountain, it means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, the work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of feverish pursuits of empty affairs will soon end. Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain chain blocks your way, it means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way. If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers. If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, it means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times that will not keep you waiting. Seeing in a dream how a person moves the mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plan, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help. To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you itself - this dream means that external circumstances will develop favorably and you will receive what has long been due to you. Seeing in a dream a friend who came at night looking to ask for help: you need to dig up a mountain, and you immediately go to help him - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those to whom help and for whom sacrifice yourself. Seeing in a dream that the mountain starts to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the neighborhood - you foresee the futility of what you are doing now and what your best strength is spent on. Seeing in a dream a nag that barely drags up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see a gap in front; you have to work harder to complete what requires your close attention.

Explanatory dream book

Mountains in a dream

Dreaming Mountain - Climbing a mountain is a difficult success; to run away from the mountain - to get rid of danger; to be on a mountain - to earn respect.

Erotic dream book

See mountains in a dream

Climbing up the hill along the path is a great sign. Your affairs will indeed “go uphill”: a new hobby awaits you, which will completely capture you, plunge you into the sea of ​​love and passion. You will rise in the eyes of your loved one, which will give you great pleasure. If you go down a mountain, or worse, slide down from it, you will face heavy losses. They may be disappointed in you and want to end the relationship.

The mountains are a mysterious symbol, the proof is that they are often found in various legends. As a rule, peaks, as part of a dream, indicate obstacles on the way to achieving a goal. Their conquest is most often a positive sign that bodes well for success. But there are also unpleasant exceptions. To find out what mountains are dreaming about, it is important to pay attention to all the details of a night dream and not forget about information from the life of a sleeping person.

The dreamer can dream of mountains green, icy, snowy. It is necessary to remember what they were in order to obtain an extremely accurate interpretation:

  1. The rocks, which amaze with their beauty, testify that soon love will appear in the life of a person immersed in sleep.
  2. The snow cover speaks of the upcoming difficulties. Success will require toughness.
  3. It is a serious problem to see the mountain in front of you.
  4. Ice is a message from the subconscious about the need to reconsider the worldview and, in particular, some principles.
  5. The chain of mountains is a warning about difficulties in the near future, which is not even worth trying to overcome.
  6. Green hills covered with flowers or forest - a reproduction of the dreamer's readiness to devote a lot of time to working on himself.
  7. If a river figured in the dream, the life of a sleeping person will flow as usual, with everyday worries and without significant changes.
  8. Bare rocks signify anxiety to come.
  9. Two peaks indicate the presence of a strong patron who will help you achieve your goal.
  10. Observing the peaks from afar indicates an adequate assessment of one's capabilities. The dreamer is an insightful person if he enjoyed the view in a dream.
  11. Seeing settlements located on the slopes - to the support of loyal comrades.

It happens that a mountain range is located along the path. If such an obstacle did not interfere with the walk, then, despite the efforts of the enemies, the person will achieve his goal. The appearance of a high rock on the way informs that in the coming days / weeks a situation will occur in which the sleeping person will not be able to use all the resources.

Dreamer gender

Some dream books believe that the dreamer's gender is the key to interpreting dreams. Why do women dream of mountains in general and on days of the week:

  1. Climbing mountains is a deception.
  2. Obstacles everywhere along the path at the foot of the cliff are a sign of a failed marriage.
  3. To conquer the top and be left exhausted - to disappointment in the fulfillment of desire.
  4. Climbing the path up and the abundance of obstacles promise a thorny path to some goal.
  5. Sleep on the night from the first day of the week on Tuesday - to the opportunity to go shopping.
  6. From Tuesday to Wednesday means the impossibility of making a wish come true.
  7. - to the long-awaited well-deserved success. In addition, such a dream is the eve of the appearance of a new friend or girlfriend.
  8. Night from Thursday to Friday - to a fun period filled with interesting events.
  9. - to career growth.
  10. You can tune in to good news if the mountains were seen on Sunday night.

Interpretations for men are different. For example, if a dreamer caught an avalanche in a dream, this is a warning that the current situation will get out of control. Other interpretations:

  1. Falling into a rockfall is an ordeal in the near future.
  2. Climbing a mountain and reaching the top is a positive outcome of affairs and projects.
  3. It happens that the mountain literally also goes towards the sleeping man. This is a good sign that promises that the situation will turn out in favor of the person, and he will certainly be rewarded for his work.
  4. Falling off a cliff means a difficult period. It is recommended to abandon the implementation of undertakings.
  5. Observing a friend who is standing or sitting on the top indicates that in reality these people have almost nothing in common.
  6. If you had to move mountains on your own, it means that life also needs strength to implement plans. You should not wait for outside help, you can only rely on yourself.
  7. To the respect of others - to stand on the highest point of the hill.

If a waterfall appeared in a dream, soon the man will find out the news that will cheer him up. Likewise, a waterfall is a symbol of an unexpected encounter.

Descent from the mountain

Going down with ease - to luck, winning, as well as solving urgent matters in the near future. The modern dream interpreter promises the end of a difficult life stage. In contrast to these values, driving from the top, moreover, with obstacles is a bad sign. Bankruptcy or job loss is possible.

Grishina believes that going downhill leads to sudden negative turns in the business sphere. It is worth showing utmost care, since, most likely, this is a prophetic dream. A fall can mean the mistaken belief of a sleeping person that a certain goal will be given to him easily. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve what you want for a long time. Descent is also a subconscious message that the dreamer underestimates himself and risks acquiring new fear.

Often the sea is located at the foot of the peaks. It is important to remember what it was like. A stormy body of water is an unkind sign that warns against participating in dubious events. Otherwise, you can experience a serious blow to your reputation. A calm sea reflects character traits such as decency and honesty. This person will never sacrifice moral values ​​for any purpose.

It is considered a very good sign to climb the mountain. This indicates a confident approach to the goal. Climbing to the top - to the speedy realization of the cherished dream. According to the Universal Dream Book, this may be career related. The female dream interpreter is of the opinion that climbing a mountain is a sign of an upcoming promotion.

Climbing a steep rock means that the dreamer has set himself a difficult task. The modern dream book advises to prepare for serious difficulties. The trip to the top tells about the improvement of the financial situation. The speed of movement is directly proportional to the speed with which the dreamer succeeds. Running up the mountain is a symbol of trying to be on the mountain of the career ladder. Triumph is possible, but you have to go through difficulties.

It is no less important in interpretations, if you happened to climb a mountain in a dream, to remember what the dreamer saw on the conquered peak. Home - for a joyful event in the coming days / weeks. The luxurious castle is a symbol of success and wealth. Abandoned advises to refrain from big plans for a while, otherwise there is a high risk of failure. The temple stands for calmness, harmony and serenity.

Family dream book

If the chain of mountains stretched along the path - the goal set will be achieved despite the efforts of enemies. Sometimes there is a dream about a friend who comes in the evening asking for help. Then the friends go to dig the mountain. Such a plot can be explained as follows: the dreamer does not spare himself for the sake of others, but at the same time he becomes more and more disappointed in those for whom he does something. The settlements on the slopes warn that a difficult moment will soon come. But many good friends and comrades will come to the aid of the sleeping person.

Watching a horse climbing a mountain will require you to strain to complete a task that requires close attention. At the same time, this means that hard work is too tiring for a person immersed in sleep. If you dreamed about a strange development of events, when the mountain began to move, and after that a lot of mice appeared, this is to the feeling of the uselessness of what a person is doing now, since this business takes away his best strength.

The interpreter Longo

This dream book is a mountain in the amount of several considers it a sign of anxious life... The dreamer is characterized by constant doubts, lack of self-confidence and expectation of a catch. We recommend that you fix these problems. If it was easy to climb to the top, soon the sleeping person will cope with the problems. True, this will not be possible without the support of loved ones. Heavy lifting (frequent stops and if the dreamer stumbled) informs that on the eve of solving the problem, he will end up in a dead end.

Falling from a hill is a harbinger of committing an dishonest act. A person will suffer who treats the dreamer very well, but at the same time the sleeping person himself knows little about him. A peak with steep slopes and a lack of vegetation (or if there is little of it) means that in reality those around them neglect the dreamer's opinion, although it does not seem to the latter. It is worth correcting this state of affairs by being proactive in situations that require solutions.

Watching someone climb mountains - to making a difficult decision that will concern the sphere of personal life. The problem is that the person who has dreamed feels deprived of attention and offended. But even confidence in your own righteousness is not a reason to make hasty conclusions and actions, otherwise you will have to regret it.

Small Velesov interpreter

It is a great honor and glory to stand on a rock. Walking in the mountains reproduces a great need. Climbing hills - to worries, the result of which will be benefit. It is considered a good sign to watch how the dreamer walks up the mountain. He promises recovery for sick people. At the same time, it can be interpreted as empty work, bad path or great grief. To be on top is to fulfill the plan. The fall symbolizes great grief, failure and loss. Descent is explained as luck or failure. The wooded mountain speaks of betrayal, and the bald one speaks of anxiety.

Other meanings

The opinions of different dream books are sometimes similar, sometimes they are identical. But more often than not, each of them offers unique interpretations of the rocks:

  1. Children's dream book. The mountain is a warning that now is the right time to take stock. You need to think that good has been done for yourself and others over the past year. It's time to reflect, plan for the future and decide what attracts you the most in life.
  2. The message of the tarot cards. Falling from a mountain is a sign of arrogant and arrogant behavior. Punishment for your actions will not keep you waiting.
  3. Erotic dream interpreter. Climbing to the top promises an improvement in love affairs. Soon a new partner will appear in life, the feelings for which will completely capture the dreamer. It is possible that the mountain is a symbol of the upcoming elevation of a sleeping person in the eyes of a beloved. It will be a pleasure. Going down, running, and even more so falling off a cliff is an alarming warning about possible love losses. As a rule, after such dreams, the dreamer's partner is disappointed in him and insists on breaking up.
  4. The gypsy dream book is convinced that the mountain informs about the high aspirations of the person who dreamed. Hard work is the key to future success.
  5. Chinese dream interpreter. Seeing a mountain of land and manure - to the accumulation of great wealth. Falling up a mountain - to the loss of a position. Climbing the mountains with some object in hand - to the birth of a noble son. A walk among the peaks is the eve of prosperity, profit and career growth. Living in the mountains is a happy event soon. Losses and destruction during the ascent speak of misfortune and evil. If one had to walk up a hill covered with earth, all thoughts of illness would disappear. Engaging in agriculture in such places - to prosperity in food, clothing and other basic necessities.

An excursion to the high mountains is a sign of happiness in the spring and summer. The Chinese dream book is also convinced that if a fire burns in the wild mountains, the dreamer will become famous and receive a promotion.

Mountains are an ambiguous symbol. They can simultaneously promise huge success and equally significant failures. It all depends on the details of the plot, the gender of the dreamer and the dream interpreter, to which the sleeping person preferred to turn. But despite the abundance of variety, there is one universal piece of advice. You should never despair over predictions, because they may warn against something, but they are never a verdict.

To see is to receive protection; walking along them and going up - difficulties and obstacles; forested - infidelity; with ruins - a win; fire-breathing - a great danger; ascend the mountains - to avoid an ambush; with snowy peaks - lofty intentions; naked - anxiety; to be surrounded by mountains - to use your abilities; to ascend and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise falls. See also Mountain

Mountains according to the Family Dream Book

Mountains - A mountain means an obstacle. A business that you may have been planning for a long time and carefully will remain an unattainable summit for you. It is better to abandon the deliberately senseless attempts to conquer it and do something else. If the peak that you dream is covered with a snow cap, then you need to gather your strength and at all costs achieve your goal. If there is no snow at the top, then it is better not to suffer and give up fruitless attempts. If you climb a mountain in a dream, this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded a hundredfold. If you see yourself on top of a mountain, it means that fate will soon make a sharp turn (it is not known, for the better or for the worse) and your life will radically change.

Mountains - Conquer mountain peaks - achieve success. Getting hurt in the mountains and seeing your own blood means reaching a dead end solving production problems. Finding a gem in the mountains means getting an unexpected business proposal. To break down while climbing - to fail in business. Go to the mountain river - take a fresh look at the task at hand.

Mountains according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Mountains - Seeing - getting protection - walking and climbing up - difficulties and obstacles - treeless - infidelity - with ruins - winning - fire-breathing - great danger - climbing mountains - avoiding an ambush - with snowy peaks - lofty intentions - naked - anxiety - to be surrounded by mountains - to use your abilities - to ascend and not have the strength to go further - Your enterprise - high - hard work, sadness - reach the top - be happy

Mountains according to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book

naked - anxiety;

wooded - infidelity;

climbing - success if you climb;

to see - difficulties;

going down is a failure;

climbing a mountain for a sick person - recovery

(I climbed for a long time - a very serious illness).

Mountains according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

What do the Mountains mean in a dream - you will be able to conquer all the peaks. Do not be afraid - take risks, act, create. Everything will work out. This is your day. Imagine yourself standing on top of a mountain with stunning views.

Mountains according to the Modern Dream Book

Mountains high - Hard work, depression

Mountains according to the Big Dream Book

Mountains - Naked - anxiety; wooded - infidelity; climbing is a success if you find yourself at the top; to see mountains is a difficulty; going down is a failure.

Mountains according to the British dream book

Mountain - Mountains usually mean ambition and obstacles on the way to them, and if there are no mountains near your home and you are not mountaineering, then the meaning of mountains in dreams is usually pretty straightforward. The higher the mountain, the greater the ambition; the ease or difficulty of lifting reflects your attitude towards how easy it will be to satisfy them. If you are standing on the top of a mountain, looking at the view that unfolds in front of you, this means that in your sensations you have achieved what you want or are close to it. If you do not feel joy and celebration at the same time, you should take a closer look at your desires and dreams. Perhaps, in fact, they are not yours - maybe they are the wishes of your parents or partner, which you realize, and therefore your victories feel empty. Why is there a dream: you were carried up the mountain? This means that you expect other people to clear the way for you, perhaps even doing all the necessary work for you. If you are carrying someone, you feel like you are doing this in one form or another in real life. See also Rise

Mountains according to A. Mindelle's dream book

You dreamed about the Mountain - you climbed to the top of the mountain in a dream and survey the surroundings - a good dream; he testifies that your spirit is high and your thoughts are pure; your role in society will be significant; you will take part in solving global problems. It is as if you are walking, walking uphill and not going to the top in any way - you have an aspiration to achieve a high position in society, but life constantly puts before you some obstacles that you have to bypass or overcome - to waste time and energy; wait for obstacles in the near future

Mountains according to the great dream book of Phoebe

You dreamed of the Mountains - any peaks will be subject to you, you will reach your goal. Imagine high, beautiful mountains. You feel the purity of the mountain air and enjoy the magnificent scenery. A moment - and you are already at the highest peak. There is only the sky above you, and a beautiful world spreads below from horizon to horizon. You are overwhelmed with the feelings of a winner. You have reached the highest peak, which means that any goal is within your reach.

Mountains according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What does Horus mean in a dream. 1. A dreamed mountain usually symbolizes an obstacle that must be overcome. As we strive to conquer a mountain peak, we try to challenge our inadequacies and free ourselves from fear. Reaching the top of the mountain is to reach your goal. Falling off the mountain is an indication of carelessness, negligence. 2. We all have to face difficulties in life. And sometimes it is very important how we meet these difficulties. The mountain symbol has many interpretations, but it always means in the same way that thanks to a dream, you can work out the best plan of action in real life. 3. A mountain is an image that you can work with over and over again.

Mountains according to the Russian dream book

What do the Mountains mean in a dream - grief; exorbitant pride that puts obstacles on the path of life; to reach the top - to overcome obstacles and reach a new level "can mean a promotion.

Mountains according to the Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Mountain - portends great work and grief. Falling from a mountain is a great grief or loss. Climbing a mountain is a mountain, but if you manage to get to the top, you can expect honors. Walking the mountains is a sign of need and anxiety.

Mountains according to the Magic Dream Book

You dreamed of Mountains - overgrown - disbelief in your own strength. It is easy to climb a mountain - always towards the rise in life, success, high aspirations, to slide down or down the mountain - to miss your opportunities due to laziness. Climbing the mountain is difficult - in real life, all achievements are made with effort. Climbing a mountain using equipment is to avoid an ambush. Falling from a mountain is a feeling of guilt. Standing on the top of a high mountain is an unprecedented success, pride in your position.

Ruined mountains - the end of the usual way of life. Seeing mountains in a picture or drawing yourself - take under the protection of a loved one. Mountains overgrown with forest - to infidelity, collapsed mountains - disappointment because of loss. Snow-capped mountains are lofty intentions. Standing surrounded by high mountains is difficult to use your capabilities.

Mountains according to a housewife's dream book

The mountain is greatness; danger; Holy Land; high aspirations.

Mountains according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book

Mountains (hills) - Difficulties and obstacles perceived as a social challenge. Body parts. The top of a mountain or hill. The peak of individual claims is in the pursuit of power and success. The pinnacle of experience and knowledge. Target. Climb the mountain. The first half of life, when difficulties must be overcome by reaching the top. The stage of individuation or the experience of initiation. Go down the mountain. Second half of life. Mountain ledge and hill. Breast. A valley between two mountains or hills. Protection, safety, comfort. Breast. Sacred mountain. Integration of personality, Super I, so ambiguously the dream that you dream is deciphered.

Mountains according to the Old Russian dream book

naked anxiety; wooded - infidelity; climbing - success, if you get in; seeing - difficulties; going down is a failure.

Mountains according to a dream book for women

A mountain means an obstacle. A business that you may have been planning for a long time and carefully will remain an unattainable summit for you. It is better to abandon the deliberately senseless attempts to conquer it and do something else.

If the peak that you dream is covered with a snow cap, then you need to gather your strength and at all costs achieve your goal. If there is no snow at the top, then it is better not to suffer and give up fruitless attempts.

If you climb a mountain in a dream, this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded a hundredfold.

If you see yourself on top of a mountain, it means that fate will soon make a sharp turn (it is not known, for the better or for the worse) and your life will radically change.

Mountains according to the dream book of Health

Seeing high mountains with snowy peaks - you need to strive for the lofty, spiritual values ​​of life; Rocky Mountains - to stress and anxiety in the psyche; Fire-breathing mountains are a sign of danger; To diseases with high fever, to burns.

Mountains according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

You, rising, go to the blue cloud. I returned to the road to the blue mountain. The cloud with the mountain, apparently, it's time to leave. The hermit filled his dress with tears. Meng Haojan (689-740) Primary elements - wood, metal / stone, water. Elements - wind, dryness, cold, humidity. Emotions - anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, depression. Organs - liver, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, colon. Planets - Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation of the Trigram of the mountain is Gen. We read the trigram from bottom to top: two in-skie (torn) traits at the base - the solidity and secrecy of the reasons that gave rise to the situation, long and gradual formation of the current process; one Yang line at the top is a symbol of the instantaneousness and imbalance of external manifestations. Everything hidden is manifested: long-term rest, is based on a tendency to destruction and disappearance, and sooner or later gives a burst of energy; the longer the rest was stronger the outbreak. The book of changes says that Gen is a trigram of the northeast, where everything that exists is born and comes to an end: the old one ends and a new round of life begins (east is life, north is death). Gen is a stop, a dog, hands, a younger son and daughter, a path and a road, a guard, a ring on a finger, a rat, a tongue, a spiritual mediator between a person and a deity, and the like. Everything related to the crossroads and change of landmarks. The mountain is a symbol of human duality: inner heaviness, weakness, craving for the earth, from which he was created, and outer striving for success, for Heaven through struggle and overcoming. The more clearly the inner weakness of a person is manifested, the more sophisticated attempts at external manifestations of strength become. However, everything that has no inner strength in itself is outwardly depleted and sooner or later disintegrates, contrary to all plans, and often unexpectedly. Truly strong people do not feel the inner need to show their strength without the pressure of external circumstances. For a specific situation, the mountain is also symbolic: the peak of the mountain is the limit of development and the maximum tension of the situation, the highest point from which there is nowhere to go. A person on a mountain is a sign of complete selflessness and immersion in oneself. Retreating into oneself, each reaches his own bottom (or top) - the highest point that gives a unique decision, because there is no way to escape. After all, external struggle is nothing more than a consequence of internal contradictions and fears that provoke external depression and depression or confidence and success. Mountains to see / pass - yang and yin state, their action is favorable together - in harmony and not favorable - separately, in disharmony. To see mountains in a dream without overcoming them - to collide with the image of their own internal problems and self-blocking in the form of mountains: internal anger at oneself provokes an external outbreak leading to depression, they are united by fear; taken together, they generate anxiety and debilitating distrust of others (family or colleagues). Internal self-blocking gives rise to external troubles: when the internal state of the struggle is incessant, then outwardly more and more new phenomena are drawn into the struggle as in a cycle, without solving old problems. A doctor's advice and a revision of life guidelines are needed. To go to the mountains without the desire to overcome them and come back means leaving - abandoning the world, breaking off business with all possible consequences (breaking ties, relationships, etc.) in the end a good way. Climbing mountains with effort is the inability and unwillingness to be further in this situation, the need to climb above it in order to get the opportunity to consider ways of solving it with detachment from oneself. This is basically favorable, but depends on further behavior in reality: a person who perceives the world inadequately will not be able to correctly observe the events below from the top. You should be thoughtful and not make hasty decisions. Overcoming mountains in a dream - overcoming and taming destructive external manifestations and development; a manifestation inherent in the inner basis is a sign of the beginning of the struggle for oneself, a revision of views, a refusal of anger and a demonstration of superiority - this means a difficult but sure recovery. Future success. Seek and strive for mountains with a thirst for overcoming - __internally prepared in advance revision of landmarks; this image can also mean obstacles erected from the outside by an alien will. Sleep is favorable: success, accomplishment, well-being in the house. Climbing the peak of the mountain and contemplating the surroundings with delight is the maximum of luck (perhaps after a difficult start). To die in the mountains - an urgent change in life guidelines, goals, plans and doctor's advice is needed (see the organs of the body indicated at the beginning of the chapter).

The primary elements are fire.

Elements - heat. Emotions - joy, latent depression. Organs - heart. Planets - Mars. To see mountains with fire and, possibly, with smoke in a dream: a dream is interpreted differently than a vision of the passage of mountains. Mountains with fire / smoke are dreamed of with a certain medical diagnosis - emptiness of the heart. The emptiness of the heart is the absence of vital energy in the heart, a state of weakness, fears for one's own life, helplessness. In a dream, a person will try to replenish himself, recreating the image of mountains: the image of power, tranquility and security causes slight relief. Fire and smoke in a dream, in addition to mountains, is a feeling of one's own body: a small external heat will create a vision of being next to fire (fire), smoke and burning smell are body odors that occur when the heart is empty (sweating and so on), during the day such smells are weak, and a person's sense of smell is imperfect. But at night all the senses are sharpened. A dream reflects a person's desire to trust external forces, supposedly capable of taking him out of his existing situation, and his unwillingness to do anything himself. The state of powerlessness, fear and submission can be interpreted as dangerous. Heart pains are possible, reflecting the exhaustion of the whole organism and psyche.

Mountains according to the Tarot dream book

Mountains and rocks in Tarot usually mean obstacles and difficulties. If there are a lot of mountains and they are steep (as in the background of the lasso the Emperor), this may indicate that there is the ability to overcome problems with the help of willpower. In the Jester's map, the mountains also indicate problems, but these mountains are small and in the background - a hint that in order to grow up, it is necessary to "fill the cones", and that the character is at the very beginning of the path. In the Hermit, the character sits on the top of a mountain, thereby indicating that he had to go through a long and difficult, thorny one, overcoming many obstacles. The interpretation depends on how strongly the mountains are expressed - from danger to serious problems. The soft rounded streamlined shapes of the mountains and their small size symbolize a hint of some danger (in the card Knight of Cups). A peculiar symbol - double mountains or hills, especially if a road leads to them - this is a distant goal that can be achieved by completing a map lesson.

Mountains according to the Slavic dream book

Mountain - illness, trouble, difficulty, failure. Capricorn.

Mountains according to Loff's Dream Interpretation

Mountains can symbolize greatness, danger, or sacred land. You may just enjoy being in the mountains, and for this reason, you may see them in your dreams. Mountains can instill in you a sense of love for nature, life and a sense of rebirth.

Sometimes you need to cross the mountain yourself, either of your own choice, or because you ended up there due to a not always clear chain of circumstances. You should remember who you said goodbye to before starting the HIKING, why you decided to leave and what you expect to meet in the mountains of your dreams.

For a long time, the top of the mountain has been mistaken for an idiomatic depiction of the best that life has to offer. Are you in search of something, or do you feel the impossibility of achieving success in some area of ​​real life, or have you already reached the top in something?

Mountains according to the Ukrainian dream book

Mountains - Mountains are dreaming - this is grief, bad, difficulties. Bare mountains - anxiety, forest-covered treason. As in a dream that you are climbing a mountain, this proclaims sadness; how you climb up the mountain and go - this is good: the man got out of grief a little; and if you climb a mountain and do not get out, you will be in poverty: climbing a mountain - the difficulty is in what you have to do, but when you get out, it’s already good; you climb a mountain, then it must be some kind of grief, but like a tree, it grows; going down the mountain is a failure. A stone on the road (path) uphill - obstacles. Heading up a mountain with an abyss - until an unhappy marriage.

Have shared

The mountains are often considered a mystical place. They believe that one who has climbed the mountain peaks approaches God. They can be seen not only in reality, but also in night dreams. Interpreters of dreams will help to unravel such a vision.

Mountain dreams are highly controversial. Each dream book offers its own meaning to such night visions:

  • XXI century - you will work hard;
  • American - spiritual uplift, inspiration;
  • English - for hard work; if you perceive all the hardships that befell you philosophically, you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • the future - you will find yourself in a difficult situation;
  • Vangi - a dream indicates internal experiences and obstacles on the way;
  • eastern - to difficulties and overcoming difficulties;
  • Grishina - you will face unexpected obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Denise Lynn - there will be an opportunity to bring your plans to life;
  • imperial - the vision indicates the duality of the dreamer, outwardly the person seems successful, but inside he has heaviness and emptiness;
  • small Velesov - to hard work, troubles and troubles;
  • Miller - it will not be easy to achieve what you want, but with some effort, you can do it;
  • Muslim - a great ruler with a "stone" heart;
  • the newest - in order to achieve a dream, you will have to make a lot of effort and find a strong patron;
  • Peter Leiman - hopes for a better life;
  • psychoanalytic - you take to heart any obstacle that comes your way, you should be bolder and more assertive, having developed these qualities in yourself, you can easily overcome difficulties and move towards your intended goal;
  • Russian folk - achieving a high goal or participating in an important event;
  • modern - the dreamer makes life difficult for himself;
  • Wanderer - it's time to analyze the past and start making plans;
  • Taflisi - a high-ranking official will support you;
  • Freud - mountains in a dream symbolize a female figure.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you admired the beautiful mountain peaks with delight, an exciting journey awaits you.

Clarification of male and female dreams about mountains

The interpretation of the vision depends on who dreamed it:

  • a dream tells a man that in the near future he will have to work a lot and hard; if everything is done correctly, the dreamer will deserve the desired promotion; in a dream you were standing on a mountain - you will soon be proud of yourself;
  • in a woman's dream, mountain peaks can symbolize her lesbian inclinations; going down - to building relationships with a new partner;
  • girl - meet an interesting guy and have an affair with him, but this connection will hardly be easy;
  • pregnant - you will be able to carry out what has been planned for a long time thanks to a fortunate coincidence;
  • married - you want to establish spiritual contact with your spouse, dreaming that he would match the image of an ideal man, but do not forget that ideal people do not exist, try to perceive and love your life partner as he is.

Climbing mountains in a dream is a sign that the circumstances were not in the best way. To overcome adversity, you need to focus and look at the events with different eyes.

The meaning of a dream depending on the details

The interpretation of nocturnal dreams depends not only on the gender and status of the dreamer. The interpretation is influenced by the types of mountains, the events that took place there, as well as other details.

Interpretation of the dreamer's actions

Climbing a mountain in the kingdom of Morpheus means that in reality difficulties will arise on the way to achieving the goal. According to the American dream book, you are moving in the right direction. Climbing through the mud - to suffering, running to the heights - to achieve incredible success.

The dream in which you descended the mountain, interpreters decipher in different ways:

  • grandmother, lunar, Tsvetkova, Shereminskaya - fortune will turn its back on you;
  • eastern - a difficult period in life is coming to an end;
  • imperial - you will give up your dream and be content with little;
  • Icelandic - they will help you in a difficult situation;
  • from A to Z - to a little luck;
  • psychoanalytic - a new stage in life begins;
  • Russian - thanks to luck, solve difficult problems;
  • medieval - fun and joyful events await you;
  • Fedorovskaya - the period of bad luck has come to an end, but to achieve the set goal, you have to work long and painstakingly;
  • esoteric - efforts are in vain.

If in your nightly dreams you fled from the mountain, in reality you will miraculously avoid danger.

In many cultures, mountains symbolize spiritual elevation, enlightenment. Here the ancient prophets met with angels and saints, at the top Moses learned the 10 commandments of Christianity.

The dream in which you rolled from the top indicates that laziness prevents you from realizing your plans. Once you learn how to deal with it and begin to be active, life will improve. Such information is offered in a magic dream book. According to the small Velesov interpreter, things will begin to collapse just before our eyes. If a woman dreamed of a similar plot, according to Sigmund Freud, she dreams of having sexual contact with a new acquaintance.

Interpretation of night dreams in which you sledged down the mountain, according to different dream books:

  • Winters - have fun;
  • Medea - in order not to miss a good opportunity, put more effort into your work;
  • Miss Hasse - to trouble;
  • esoteric - you will take part in the celebration.

Interpreters speak positively about the night vision in which you were skiing from the mountains:

  • the newest - to get rid of the disease;
  • modern - successfully complete what you started;
  • Fedorovskaya - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, but luck will be on your side.

Sometimes you may dream that you were driving uphill in transport. If it was a passenger car, success in business and career advancement awaits you. A truck in the kingdom of Morpheus warns that you may find yourself in a stressful situation. A trip to the mountains by bus in night vision is viewed extremely positively. You will achieve success where you never even hoped.

Most dream interpreters negatively consider a dream in which you fell from a mountain:

  • Italian symbolizes fear of failure or health problems;
  • Longo - do a bad deed;
  • magical - you will feel guilty;
  • small Velesov - you will know great grief;
  • the past - the fear of stumbling and losing everything that you have;
  • Taflisi - you will be demoted, lose the position you now occupy in society;
  • esoteric - you will take part in a losing business.

Only according to the dream book of the XXI century, such a plot portends good luck.

The ancients believed that gods lived on the peaks. Everyone knows the habitat of the Greek pantheon of deities - Olympus, but there are other sacred mountains. For example, in India this is Kailasa, where Shiva lived.

If in a dream you rolled head over heels down a mountain and hurt yourself badly, the losses in life will not pass without leaving a trace for you. You will be so worried that you can get sick.

Did you dream that you were throwing an object from the mountain? You will get rid of something unnecessary, or you will stop communicating with a person who has long tired you with his presence.

In your dream, were you standing on top? Here is what is written about this in popular dream books:

  • Grishina - you will achieve success;
  • Denise Lynn - to the delight of victory;
  • female - you can conquer any peaks;
  • magical - you will feel pride in yourself;
  • small Velesov - you will feel like a winner;
  • The wanderer - achievements in personal development, the sick - recovery.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you saw a friend on the mountain (mom, dad, child, friend), in real life this person will achieve unprecedented heights. If your grandmother or grandfather stood at the top, such a vision promises them good health and many years of life. It was a stranger - to an extraordinary incident that you will witness.

Deciphering night visions depending on the type of mountains

Snowy or icy mountains mean you have to work hard to achieve your goal. According to the small Veles dream book, you will get bogged down in business, according to the magic - set unattainable goals for yourself, according to the imperial - you have many problems that will not be resolved by themselves, you need to move on to decisive actions. For a woman, a dream about snow-capped peaks indicates the desire to become pregnant and to know the joy of motherhood..

Significance of other types of mountains:

  • sandy - dreams will not come true, as soon as you get closer to your goal, everything starts to go wrong;
  • green peaks, on which trees or grass grow, hint at betrayal and betrayal of a loved one; they were in flowers - a joyful event will happen;
  • low - you lack self-confidence, find your strengths and focus on them, and also do not listen to people who say that you will not be able to do something;
  • steep - many difficulties will arise on the way;
  • black - the dreamer's life is in serious danger.

Had a dream about high mountains? You have tons of opportunities, but you don't fully exploit them. According to Freud, this image in a dream symbolizes the male genital organ. If such a symbol appeared in women's dreams, the dreamer does not leave thoughts of intercourse. Seeing high snow-capped peaks in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign that you should think about spiritual values, not material ones.

Did you see one mountain in a dream? You will overcome obstacles. If in the kingdom of Morpheus a mountain range appeared before your gaze, you are overly dramatizing events. Try to react more calmly to failure and find positive aspects in any negative situation.

Interpreting other interesting mountain dreams

In the night dreams of the mountains, you can see many more interesting things:

  • waterfall - learn to restrain emotional impulses, and then fortune will be on your side;
  • rockfall - you have health problems, especially in the genital area;
  • avalanche - you are in danger, do not take part in risky activities, and then you can avoid it;
  • the sea nearby - difficult plans, if the water was calm, everything will turn out in your favor, it boiled and was cloudy - it will be extremely difficult to achieve what you want;
  • the way up - thanks to great patience you will overcome any obstacles, according to the 21st century dream book, you will be promoted;
  • collapse - you will be very worried about the failure in love.

Being in a dream at the depth of a mountain gorge is a bad sign. Such a vision can promise death or imprisonment. But to see the shining peak is a great success. If you dreamed that you died in the mountains, a crisis will come, you will need to take radical measures so that everything will work out as soon as possible.

To climb a mountain in a dream and meet piles of stones on the way that prevent you from going further - to obstacles that will not be easy to overcome. Climbing to the top in a dream and being disappointed at the sight of the landscape that opened up to your gaze is a sign that it's time to think about the future. Do not expect gifts of fate, go for it. Only in this case everything will turn out the way you want it.

Looking at the mountain from below or climbing it in a dream, you can see:

  • church - you are in despair, you desperately need the support of a spiritual mentor, it will not hurt to go to church and talk to the priest, tell him about your problems; according to Denise Lynn, you will find peace and peace of mind;
  • house - get important information, due to which you can control what is happening; according to the dream book of the XXI century, a happy event will happen;
  • lighthouse - now the situation seems hopeless, but soon you will have a chance to fix everything; vision promises sick people healing from ailments and good health;
  • cemetery - you regret the past and repent of what you have done; according to the Italian dream book, you will find yourself in a desperate situation.

If you find a gem in your night vision while walking in the mountains, you will receive an interesting offer of cooperation. But getting hurt at the top is a bad sign. When solving production issues, you will come to a dead end.

Often, dreams of mountains indicate obstacles that have arisen in the dreamer's path, as well as the hard work that he has to do in the near future. Try to perceive difficulties philosophically, because a person has as many trials as he can endure. Always behind the dark stripe comes the light one. Soon things will get better and life will get better.