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Bolognese sauce recipe at home with minced meat. Bolognese sauce and its preparation at home. Bolognese recipe with minced meat

Spaghetti Bolognese is one of the most famous Italian dishes, popularized for its bright combination of flavors, satiety and ease of preparation. Pasta with meat bolognese sauce can decorate any table - both festive and everyday.

List of recipes in the article:

Spaghetti with bolognese sauce

Photo by Shutterstock

Despite the variety of methods for preparing this meat sauce, there are two main approaches, which differ in the presence of cream or milk in the composition. These ingredients make the taste more delicate, softer. Creamy sauce tends to have fewer spices and seasonings, so it is more suitable for dietary meals as well as children's nutrition.

Classic Italian bolognese recipe

A finished serving of spaghetti with bolognese sauce without cream will contain about 490 Kcal.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 g beef
  • 250 g pork
  • 80 g pancetta or bacon
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 80 g celery
  • 200 ml meat broth
  • 800 g tomato paste, fresh or canned tomatoes
  • 150 ml red wine

Onions, garlic, celery should be cut into small slices, carrots should be grated or chopped into cubes. During cooking, the vegetables will have to be completely boiled, so the method of chopping is not fundamental, you can even chop them in a food processor.

Next, you need to heat butter and vegetable oil in a pan, put onion and garlic, sauté until light transparency. Then add celery and carrots, stir and fry over low heat for 5 minutes. It is better to use fresh extra virgin olive oil for the sauce so that the taste is rich and bright. The butter in the composition adds some sweetness and tenderness to the sauce.

The pan should be high enough, with a double bottom and thick walls.

When the ingredients begin to brown, add finely chopped pancetta or other quality bacon, stir and wait for the fat to melt.

For the classic bolognese sauce, it is better to use a mixture of ground beef and pork - the former gives aroma and bright taste, while the latter adds a delicate consistency and sweetness. If children will eat spaghetti bolognese, it is better to use a softer and leaner minced veal. The meat should be cleaned of films and tendons, rinsed and minced twice.

The finished minced meat should be put in a pan to the fried mixture and simmered, breaking the minced meat lumps with a spatula. Stir until the meat turns light brown, then pour in 100 ml of red semi-sweet wine. When the liquid evaporates, it will be the turn of the broth - you can use meat, vegetable or, in extreme cases, ordinary water.

For bolognese sauce, you can use fresh or canned tomatoes or tomato paste

If the decision is made in favor of tomatoes, they should be peeled and finely chopped. Tomatoes are perfectly peeled from the skin if they are dipped in boiling water for a minute.

Chopped tomatoes or tomato paste must be added to the sauce and simmer covered for an hour, stirring constantly. The sauce is ready when the meat is very soft and the vegetables are completely boiled.

Spaghetti bolognese sauce with cream

The cream sauce has a more delicate and richer taste, it is perfect even for children, its calorie content is 475 kcal per 100 g.

The following products are required:

  • 750 g minced veal
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 50 g dry red wine
  • 800 g tomato paste or tomatoes
  • 150 ml cream, 32-33% fat
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg, herbs to taste

Heat the olive oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or skillet. Put finely chopped onions, carrots, celery in it and sauté until soft, stirring with a spatula.

Then add minced calf meat twice passed through a meat grinder to the vegetables. Fry until it loses its pink hue, breaking the lumps with a spoon or spatula. Without stopping stirring, in a thin stream, pour red wine in several passes and, adding fire, bring to a boil. By the way, you can use balsamic vinegar instead of wine.

Peel the tomatoes, chop finely. The juice should not be poured, on the contrary, you can add a little natural tomato juice. When the wine has evaporated, add the tomatoes and juice to the sauce. Salt and pepper immediately, season the mixture with nutmeg.

Bring the mixture to a boil and leave on low heat for an hour, not forgetting to stir. It takes a long time to stew the sauce, at least two hours; in some Italian restaurants, the bolognese sauce is cooked for 3-4 hours. When the meat becomes very soft, pour in the cream and mix, heat for 5-10 minutes. You can sprinkle grated cheese on the hot sauce before serving.

Bolognese sauce is perfectly stored in the freezer, without losing its delicate taste and aroma for several months

Among all Italian meat sauces, Bolognese remains traditionally one of the most delicious. At the same time, it is quite accessible in preparation, although it takes a long time. But you can get a universal sauce at home that goes well with pasta, spaghetti and even casseroles. We offer you a recipe for bolognese pasta and also tell you in detail how to make bolognese sauce at home.

What do you associate the term "Bologna" with? It is quite possible that you will immediately recall the capron raincoat fabric, which has been so popular since the 60s of the twentieth century. Well, for those who are fond of cooking or are simply very fond of Italy and its cuisine, this term is likely to evoke persistent associations with the city of Bologna. But it was here that this versatile synthetic fabric was made for the first time.

Are you curious to know a little about the city of Bologna? Then we offer you basic information that will not be superfluous. Bologna is the center of the province of the same name. This city is located in the north of Italy. It is curious that among all Italian cities, it is in Bologna that for many decades the highest indicators of the standard of living of its inhabitants have been preserved. This fact is explained quite simply. Bologna has long been a powerful industrial center in Italy. This city is very favorably located at the intersection of the most important trade routes. In addition, it is Bologna that is called the Italian culinary capital. Bologna rightfully deserves this proud title. It is considered the birthplace of pasta, salsiccia, tortellini and, of course, the glorious bolognese sauce. The city of Bologna is surprisingly connected with the Ukrainian Kharkov. The fact is that in 1966 these two cities became twin cities.

The city of Bologna is located in the region of Italy, which bears the beautiful name of Emilia-Romagna. It was here that they first began to prepare pasta with the addition of bolognese sauce. And its very first exact recipe was published back in 1891. Since then, little has changed in him. Although those who prefer to deviate from the classic recipe add other ingredients to this sauce: bell peppers, canned tomatoes, etc. But it will no longer be a classic bolognese sauce in its best traditions. By the way, at first it was called nothing but a stew.

If you want to make the right bolognese sauce, the classic recipe is best for this purpose. It is better not to experiment with this dish. It is perfect in the classic version. Be sure to try it, because pasta with bolognese sauce will sparkle with new colors of taste. You will simply be amazed at how good she is with this ingenious sauce.

A little about the sauce

In order to make pasta bolognese, you should stock up on food and patience. We will show you in detail how to make bolognese sauce. But first, a general characteristic. Bolognese is an Italian meat-based sauce. It is most commonly used in pasta, but it can work well for both lasagna and regular pasta. It is the classic bolognese sauce
often used to make pappardelle and tagliatelle are long and wide noodles. If you like pasta bolognese, you can find a simple recipe for making it just below. We will tell you in detail and in an accessible way how to make bolognese pasta at home.

Bolognese sauce is rightfully considered a culinary masterpiece. And this is not surprising, because his homeland has always been the center of culinary development in Italy. It was in Bologna that the famous parmesan cheese and balsamic vinegar were first prepared. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine Italian cuisine without them. It is the people of Bologna who are the author of many culinary delights.

Bolognese pasta: a recipe at home

Do you think that cooking bolognese is easy? This is not true. It is quite difficult to prepare. And it's not just that it takes about three hours to cook it. You need to carefully select all the necessary components, then grind them, and then prepare the sauce. Moreover, it is cooked over very low heat and is constantly stirred so that it does not stick to the pan. It is important to send the ingredients to the pan in the exact sequence shown in the classic recipe. Only then will you get a balanced taste and a glossy texture. If you want to make a delicious bolognese sauce, the classic recipe works best.

For minced meat, it is best to take two types of meat at once. This is beef and pork. Thanks to the presence of beef, the sauce will become hearty and juicy, and the pork will add tenderness to it. In the recipe, we indicate dry white wine, but you can also take red. It will give the sauce a special flavor and flavor. It is very important that basil and parsley are present in the sauce. They give it its characteristic taste and aroma. If desired, they can be supplemented with dry herbs of your choice. But the main thing is not to overdo it.

If you do decide to make bolognese sauce at home, be sure to be patient. Do not rush while preparing it. All components must be carefully heat treated. Then they will unite and harmoniously complement each other's taste. In addition to heat treatment, it is very important to cut everything correctly. Remember that this is a sauce, not a salad. Therefore, all its components must be crushed as much as possible. Thanks to the fine cutting of all products, the sauce will acquire the necessary uniformity. But in no case should you grind food in a blender! The only exception can be tomatoes. But before that, it is imperative to remove the peel from them and remove the seeds.

We have already mentioned that this sauce is stewed for a long time - at least two and a half hours. But the Italians prefer to stew it for up to four hours. And do not forget to stir it regularly. It is also important to maintain a relatively moist texture in the sauce. As soon as you notice that the liquid has boiled away too much, immediately add the pre-cooked broth. Only with such a careful approach to cooking will you get a delicious and aromatic classic Italian product.

By the way, you can then store this sauce in the refrigerator. But no longer than three days. You will notice that over time it will infuse a little and become even tastier. Therefore, cook it with a margin. Then you can delight your family every day with new dishes with this delicious and aromatic sauce. Be sure to try to cook not only pasta with it, but also lasagna. Believe that your loved ones will definitely appreciate your efforts. There is another option for storing the sauce - freezing. But believe me, this is by no means worth doing. After defrosting, you will be very disappointed.

Cooking secrets

Despite the fact that this sauce seems simple and affordable, its preparation has its own subtleties and secrets. To cook it correctly, you need to make an effort and, as they say, get your hand in hand.

If we talk about the classic version of this sauce, then it really takes a long time and is difficult to prepare. In addition, you will need a lot of ingredients to prepare it. But at home it is not at all necessary to adhere to a strict classical recipe. The main thing is that it is tasty. You don't have to please the picky patrons of an Italian restaurant. You just need to prepare a delicious and uncomplicated dish for the whole family.

The classic bolognese sauce consists of the following essential ingredients:

  • beef;
  • carrot;
  • pancetta;
  • tomato paste;
  • celery;
  • Red wine;
  • meat broth;
  • milk.

In fact, this recipe can be simplified a little and you still get the same tasty and aromatic sauce that all your homemade ones will definitely like. By the way, the preparation for the preparation of a classic sauce for the cooks of Italian restaurants takes about half an hour. The sauce itself takes about three hours to cook.

We offer you an exact list of ingredients and their quantities:

  • 350 gr. beef.
  • One onion.
  • One carrot.
  • A couple of stalks of stalked celery.
  • 50 gr. butter.
  • 50 gr. olive oil.
  • 5 sprigs of parsley.
  • About four medium sized tomatoes.
  • A couple of garlic cloves.
  • 100 ml of dry white wine.
  • 100 ml of milk.
  • Pepper, salt, nutmeg - according to your taste.

I must say that every professional chef has his own characteristics and approaches to the preparation of this sauce. After all, a complete set of products is far from being a guarantee of successful cooking. The main thing is the skill and talent of the cook. These subtle differences in the recipe make the bolognese special and unique in each case. But anyway. If the chef knows the recipe well enough and masters the skill of making sauces, he will get a real masterpiece.

Before proceeding with its direct preparation, we hasten to give you some useful tips:

  1. It is very important to get the right sauce consistency. It should be thick enough. It is important that it thoroughly covers the entire surface of the paste. Professional chefs advise using several different types of meat at once when preparing it. It is best to take pork, beef and pancetta must be present. This is a very special Italian bacon. But since it is quite problematic to find pancetta here, you can limit yourself to our usual bacon.
  2. Well, if you don't want to take several types of meat at once, then choose high-quality beef tenderloin. It is preferable to take a neck. There, the meat is much softer and more fatty. This will give you a sauce with good taste and high fat content.
  3. Are you wondering what milk is used in this sauce? Indeed, at first glance, it seems that it does not go well with tomato paste and meat. But in fact, it is milk that removes the excess sourness in the sauce and gives its taste tenderness. Tomatoes and wine make this sauce sour.
  4. A very important secret - you cannot add wine and milk to the sauce at the same time. Add them at different stages of cooking. Added at the same time, they don't mix well.
  5. One of the biggest difficulties in making bolognese is that it takes a long time to cook. It takes from 2.5 to 3 hours to prepare it. If you think this is too long and you want to shorten the cooking time, then you should not do it. It is thanks to the prolonged heat treatment that the sauce acquires its characteristic glossiness and uniformity. And if you shorten the time, you will end up with minced meat fried in a tomato. In two and a half to three hours, all the ingredients can finally fully combine and penetrate each other. The sauce will become uniform.
  6. For making pasta with bolognese sauce, it is best to use wide noodles. The tagliatelle paste is believed to be the best for this. You can also take an even wider one - pappardelle.
  7. The bolognese is also perfect for preparing classic lasagna.
  8. If you decide to make bolognese sauce at home, prepare yourself for a painstaking and lengthy process. It is worth being patient and not in a hurry to remove it from the fire.
  9. Be sure to prepare thoroughly before making the sauce. The option "I will cook it from what I find in the refrigerator" will not work in this case. You need to buy everything you need. Most of the components are available in any market. It is perfectly acceptable to replace Italian bacon with regular bacon. Celery can be another problem. It is not always available. If you don't find celery greens, replace it with root. But note that the celery root should be finely grated. Two tablespoons will be enough.

Now we proceed to the stages of making the sauce:

  1. Clean and chop the onion very finely.
  2. We clean the carrots and rub them on a fine grater.
  3. Grind fresh beef thoroughly in a meat grinder. In order for the minced meat to be suitable for making the sauce, it must be passed through a meat grinder twice.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, they need to be scalded with boiling water. Be sure to remove the seeds from them so that the sauce is not watery. Tomatoes, peeled in this way, need to be chopped very finely. If you don't have fresh tomatoes on hand, you can take canned pulp. But it is the pulp, not just pickled tomatoes.
  5. We take a deep enough frying pan. We heat butter and olive oil in it. When this oil mixture is hot enough, you can add minced meat to it. Fry the meat for only 3-4 minutes. In this case, the minced meat must be constantly stirred. Thanks to stirring, it will quickly fry on all sides and retain its juiciness.
  6. Add very finely chopped onion to the minced meat. Fry for a couple of minutes.
  7. Then add celery (petiolate) here. It should also be very finely chopped.
  8. Now the mixture can be seasoned with salt and pepper. Be sure to add grated nutmeg. It will give the sauce a unique taste and aroma. One coffee spoon is enough. If you want the bolognese to be a little sweet, then add a little sugar. But this is purely optional.
  9. Add finely grated carrots.
  10. The entire resulting mixture needs to be fried for about three more minutes. Then you need to immediately add parsley and garlic. Without garlic, the bolognese will not be as fragrant. In addition, it is the garlic that gives it piquancy and a little pungency. It is better to grate or squeeze the garlic through a press.
  11. Now it's time to add dry white wine. With it, the bolognese should be stewed for about ten more minutes.
  12. Now you can add the tomatoes. They should be skinless, pitted and very finely chopped.
  13. To better combine the tomatoes with the rest of the ingredients before sending them to the pan, it is better to beat them in a blender until puree.
  14. Mix the sauce thoroughly. Now it needs to be simmered over very low heat. Make the smallest fire your gas stove allows you to make. The sauce should languish, not boil with might and main.
  15. After 15 minutes, add milk and then simmer the sauce under the lid.
  16. The main secret of bolognese is that the longer you simmer it over very low heat, the better. The moisture, of course, will boil away. But that's okay. Just top up with small portions of broth. If not, you can use water, but broth is still better. This sauce should only boil a little during cooking. Make sure it languishes, not seethes. Another important rule is not to let it burn. Stir the sauce constantly to prevent this from happening. If the ingredients stick to the skillet, it means that you didn't stir much, added little moisture, or set the heat too high.
  17. Have you waited until the bolognese is finally almost ready? Then start cooking pasta. Remember to cook the paste to the aldente state. It is not as difficult as you might think. Just look at the boil time on the package and boil the noodles one minute less. The pasta must be cooked in a large amount of boiling water. Add mint, basil, oregano to the water. A couple of pinches of these dry herbs will make the dish very aromatic and appetizing.
  18. When the pasta has reached the aldente state, drain the water, discard the noodles in a colander and let the water drain completely. Please note that not a drop of water should remain. The paste should even dry slightly.
  19. Now we take a large deep bowl. In it, boldly mix half of the sauce with pasta. Knead everything very carefully and put it on plates. On top you need to carefully lay out the sauce that you have left. The pasta should be very well saturated with the sauce.

We have examined in sufficient detail each stage of making bolognese sauce and pasta with it. Now you will not perceive this delicious sauce as tomato sauce for pasta. In fact, it is much closer to a stew. And, indeed, in this wonderful invention of the Italians, the taste of vegetables, meat and spices is very harmoniously combined. Its only difference from stew is that the vegetables are very finely chopped. By the way, in terms of consistency, it should resemble a stew. In no case should this sauce be liquid. If, in the end, you get a lot of liquid, you still need to evaporate it additionally. The sauce should be thick enough. Do not be afraid that it will dry out with the paste. With pasta, it perfectly combines and opens up. It is also very important to ensure that it becomes homogeneous in the end. If in the stew we can make out every piece of vegetable or meat, then the sauce should have a single texture of medium density with a pleasant aroma and taste.

Be sure to cook pasta with bolognese sauce, and you will no longer want to eat pasta, spaghetti or noodles without this wonderful addition.

Spaghetti or pasta?

In Italy, the name of this dish sounds like pasta alla Bolognese. It translates as pasta with bolognese sauce. As we already mentioned in Italy, this sauce is usually served with lasagna or pasta. But in other countries, very often this dish is called spaghetti bolognese. How do you really call it? And what is actually served with this sauce - pasta or spaghetti? Let's try to figure it out.

Some believe that this confusion dates back to the Second World War. Then, numerous American soldiers who ended up in Italy were surprised to discover a delicious and satisfying dish with bolognese sauce. When they returned to America, local chefs immediately tried to reproduce it from the description of enthusiastic soldiers. The request was fulfilled, and quite successfully. Only in America they cook spaghetti much more often. Than pasta. Therefore, they cooked with sauce not a classic pasta, but popular spaghetti. Hence such a serious difference appeared.

By the way, even Italians themselves prepare pasta with bolognese sauce in different ways. If you try this dish in the north and then in the south of Italy, they will most likely be different. But in both cases, the dish will be tasty and appetizing. The impression is that Italians simply do not know how to cook tasteless. Not surprisingly, the popularity of pasta or spaghetti with this wonderful sauce has long gone beyond Italy. She is very much loved in America and Europe. But in Britain they even made accurate calculations of how much pasta its citizens eat in a year. Quite an impressive figure came out - about 670 million medium portions.

The secret to the success of bolognese lies in several points. First, it includes fairly simple components. Secondly, it is prepared quite simply, albeit for a long time. And thirdly, it's just delicious. Be sure to cook it at home!

Bolognese is a traditional Italian sauce made from vegetables and minced meat. The dish turns out to be hearty, aromatic and rich. As a rule, it is served with pasta or spaghetti. This article contains recipes for classic bolognese. Step-by-step recipes will help you please your loved ones with a new delicious dish.

Cooking subtleties you need to know

  1. Bolognese dishes should be non-stick coated (saucepan, frying pan or multicooker bowl).
  2. To obtain the desired consistency of the sauce, the dish must be cooked for at least two hours.
  3. The article presents a classic bolognese recipe. A step-by-step recipe implies strict adherence to the sequence of adding ingredients, otherwise the finished dish will taste different.
  4. During the entire cooking time, it is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not boil away completely, otherwise the meat will not be juicy.
  5. Stir the sauce regularly so that it does not burn.
  6. The dish should simmer a little while cooking.
  7. The finished sauce should have a dense consistency, not liquid and not too thick. In color, it turns out to be a deep red hue.
  8. It must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Bolognese recipe with minced meat

A step-by-step classic recipe is presented below. He will need the following products:

  • beef pulp - 150 grams;
  • 30 g of olive oil and butter;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 75 ml dry red wine;
  • 100 ml of broth (meat);
  • a couple of fresh ripe tomatoes;
  • one small carrot;
  • one onion head;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • some parsley;
  • clove of garlic;
  • spices (ground pepper and nutmeg).

Classic Bolognese Sauce Recipe (Step by Step Recipe):

  1. Minced meat is prepared from meat using a meat grinder.
  2. All vegetables are washed and peeled, the skin is removed from the tomatoes.
  3. Chop the carrots on a grater. Tomatoes are chopped into small cubes, celery and onions are chopped in the same way.
  4. Put two types of oil in a dry frying pan, add the onion and cook it until transparent.
  5. Pour celery and carrots, stand on low heat for no more than five minutes, while constantly stirring so as not to burn.
  6. After this time, minced meat is placed with the vegetables and cooked for about ten minutes.
  7. Salt and spices are added to your liking, as well as chopped garlic.
  8. After a minute, little by little the wine is poured, stewed over low heat for 25 minutes.
  9. Tomatoes, herbs and broth are placed in the mixture.
  10. Cook for an hour and a half.
  11. Pour in milk and cook for another half hour.

Bolognese with tomato paste step by step classic recipe


  • 200 grams of beef pulp;
  • 100 g of pork;
  • ½ cup broth (meat);
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 75 ml cream;
  • 75 ml dry white wine;
  • one medium-sized carrot;
  • one onion;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • 10 grams of dried basil;
  • some ground pepper;
  • 20 g olive oil;
  • 20 g butter.

Another step-by-step recipe for classic bolognese - with tomato paste:

  1. Minced meat is made from two types of meat.
  2. Chop carrots with a grater, garlic through a press, chop celery and onions into thin strips.
  3. Two types of oil are placed in a frying pan, onions and garlic are added. When it turns golden brown, add the rest of the vegetables and cook for five minutes.
  4. Minced meat is fried separately, it should brown.
  5. Wine is carefully poured in and stewed. When the liquid has completely evaporated, add the broth and tomato paste. Use a quality product, the taste of the finished dish depends on it.
  6. After five minutes, add vegetables, spices and salt.
  7. After an hour and a half, cream is poured in.
  8. You can switch off after 30 minutes.

With olives

For 250 g of minced meat you will need:

  • 50 g pitted olives;
  • one onion and the same amount of bell pepper;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 60 ml of milk.

A step-by-step recipe for a classic bolognese (recipe with olives) looks like this:

  1. Pour olive oil into the pan, add finely chopped onions and peppers, fry the vegetables for two minutes.
  2. Place the minced meat and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour in milk, stew for five minutes.
  4. Add the tomatoes, cut into small cubes.
  5. When the sauce has boiled, add the olives, previously cut in half.
  6. Salt and spices are added.
  7. Stew until fully cooked.

With mushrooms and minced chicken

For 200 g of minced chicken meat you will need:

  • 100 grams of fresh mushrooms (champignons);
  • one onion head;
  • two tomatoes and a little tomato paste;
  • 60 ml cream;
  • 25 ml dry wine (white).


  1. Place the diced onion in a frying pan with olive oil. When it turns golden, add mushrooms, chopped into thin plates. Fry over high heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Minced meat is poured over the vegetables and stewed until it brightens.
  3. Pour in cream and simmer over low heat to evaporate all moisture.
  4. Wine is added and kept for 5 minutes.
  5. Tomato pulp is chopped into small cubes, poured into a pan along with tomato paste, salt and herbs are added to taste.
  6. Stew for about an hour, add garlic. You can switch off after 10 minutes.

Vegetarian option


  • 100 grams of broccoli;
  • 10 grams of fresh champignons;
  • two pieces of sweet pepper;
  • four tomatoes;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • one carrot;
  • some basil.

The vegetarian version is slightly different from the classic bolognese recipe. A step-by-step recipe looks like this:

  1. Finely chop the onion and garlic, grate the carrots, cut the pepper into small cubes.
  2. Pre-fry the onion with garlic, when they become transparent, pour in the carrots and cook for five minutes.
  3. Add pepper and let stand for another 3 minutes.
  4. Mushrooms cut into thin plates are placed in a pan, followed by chopped tomatoes.
  5. After 10 minutes, basil, salt, spices and broccoli are sent to the vegetables. You can switch off after fifteen minutes.
  6. Warm sauce is chopped with a blender. After which it can be served.

How to make pasta

For 125 grams of pasta you will need:

  • one carrot;
  • medium-sized onion;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 125 grams of minced meat;
  • 60 grams of tomato paste;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • some flour;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • dried herbs to taste (basil and parsley);
  • 100 ml of water.

Step by step classic recipe for bolognese pasta:

  1. Diced onions and grated carrots are fried in olive oil.
  2. When the vegetables are golden brown, you can add minced meat and salt. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. In a separate container, mix water, herbs, tomato paste and diced tomatoes (peeled beforehand). Stir thoroughly and pour into a frying pan, stew for 30 minutes.
  4. Pour the chopped garlic and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Pasta is boiled in salted water until fully cooked, washed, and waited for excess liquid to drain. To prevent them from sticking, add a little olive oil.
  6. Spread pasta on a dish, pour sauce on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.


Required products:

  • 200 grams of spaghetti;
  • 100 grams of bacon;
  • 300 grams of minced meat;
  • one large onion;
  • carrot;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • 60 g tomato paste;
  • ½ liter of water (for the sauce);
  • 150 ml dry wine (red).

Cooking spaghetti bolognese. The classic (step by step) recipe for this dish is as follows:

  1. All vegetables are finely chopped with a knife, carrots are chopped on a grater, bacon is chopped into small cubes.
  2. Onions and garlic are pre-fried, when the vegetables change color, carrots and celery are added.
  3. After ten minutes add the bacon, cook until all the fat is gone.
  4. Minced meat is placed in a frying pan. When it brightens, pour the wine in a neat trickle and wait until it has completely evaporated.
  5. When there is no liquid left in the minced meat, you can add water, tomato paste, salt, herbs and spices. Cook for a little over an hour.
  6. Boil the spaghetti until tender, put it in a colander, rinse and wait for all the liquid to drain.
  7. Spaghetti is spread on the dish in a circle in the form of a bird's nest, sauce is placed in the middle.
  8. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top if desired.

How to make an unforgettable lasagna with two sauces

Let's consider the cooking process in detail.

The first step is to prepare the lasagne sheets. Flour (300 grams) is sifted and poured onto the table in the form of a slide, a small depression is made in the middle. 50 ml of water, 25 ml of olive oil are poured there, a couple of eggs are driven in and salted. Begin to knead the dough thoroughly, it should turn out to be quite elastic.

Then leave it for half an hour, then divide it into three identical parts and roll it out (thickness not more than 1.5 mm). Each rolled piece is shaped into a rectangle.

The second stage is the bolognese sauce. Chop one onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, grate the carrots. First, onion and garlic are fried in olive oil. When they become transparent, add carrots and stew for ten minutes.

Two hundred grams of minced meat are poured into vegetables and cooked for 15 minutes. After this time, three chopped tomatoes, salt, oregano, dried basil and ground pepper are sent to the pan. After a quarter of an hour, the sauce is ready.

The third stage is the bechamel sauce. Melt 25 grams of butter in a saucepan over low heat. Pour 30 g of flour and fry it a little. Gently pour in ½ liter of milk, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. After the sauce has boiled, make less heat, add a little nutmeg, pepper, salt. They stew for another fifteen minutes.

The fourth step is assembling the lasagna. A little béchamel sauce is poured into a special rectangular shape (the total mass is visually divided into three parts), a sheet of dough is laid on top (it should be covered with sauce). Spread half of the bolognese sauce evenly on the dough, sprinkle everything with plenty of grated hard cheese, pour over the béchamel sauce again and lay a layer of dough. On top is another layer of cheese and béchamel. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

An unforgettable bolognese lasagna is ready!

  1. When cooking minced meat, it must be thoroughly broken with a spatula so that there are no lumps.
  2. The vegetables in the sauce should kind of dissolve, which is why they are finely chopped.
  3. The peels must be removed from the tomatoes. To do this without problems, you need to cut it a little and pour boiling water over them for three minutes, the skin itself will very easily fall behind.
  4. It is best to cook the minced meat yourself. If you purchased a ready-made product, spices will help improve the taste.
  5. If you like thinner sauces, you can add some tomato juice.
  6. You can shorten the cooking time if all ingredients are fried separately, then combine and simmer until cooked.

In this article, we have selected classic step-by-step recipes for bolognese with a photo. This dish turns out to be hearty and delicious. Bon Appetit!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Pasta is a classic Italian dish known all over the world. We traditionally call it macaroni. According to researchers of Italian cuisine, there are at least 300 types of pasta in Italy, and the number of recipes based on them is in the thousands. Want to learn how to cook one of the best pasta recipes - a la bolognese?

What is pasta bolognese

Pasta à la bolognese is one of the famous variants of the Italian dish, beloved by many. In terms of popularity, this recipe can be compared to the French béchamel sauce. Bolognese sauce was invented by chefs from Bologna, this recipe is considered classic and includes a strictly defined set of ingredients: ground beef, tomato paste, broth, parmesan, wine.

Homemade recipe options

In addition to the classic, there are other options for making pasta with sauce. In Italy, bolognese sauce is often prepared not according to the classic recipe, but with tagliatelle pasta and lasagna. Some Italians eat this sauce with mashed potatoes, but outside Italy it is served with rice and even buckwheat porridge. Sauce a la Bolognese is not just a gravy for pasta, but also an excellent option for a second course with a side dish. We offer several original recipes for cooking.

With minced meat and tomato paste

We need:

  • Minced beef - 0.5 kg.
  • Olive oil - 50 grams.
  • Pasta (medium-sized or spaghetti) - 1 pack of 400-450 grams.
  • Tomato paste - 1 can of 450 grams.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Basil is a bunch.
  • Tomatoes - 5 pieces.
  • Parmesan - 100 grams.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Cut into cubes and sauté the onion in olive oil.
  2. Add minced meat to the pan, simmer under a closed lid for about 20-30 minutes until tender.
  3. Season with salt, pepper, fry for another five minutes.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.
  5. Fry the garlic and basil, add tomatoes and natural ketchup to the pan. Fry the mass for 15 minutes, stirring continuously, until a thick consistency is obtained. The excess liquid should evaporate.
  6. Combine the tomato mass with minced meat, simmer the mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Cook pasta (according to the instructions for them).
  8. At the last stage, put the gravy on the pasta, garnish with grated cheese.

With cream

We need:

  • onions, carrots, celery (stem) - 1 each;
  • red wine - 50 g;
  • tomatoes - 0.75 kg;
  • ground beef - 0.75 kg;
  • cream - 150 g;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • parmesan - 100 g;


  1. Heat olive oil in a saucepan.
  2. Cut vegetables into smaller pieces, simmer for 4-6 minutes until softened.
  3. Add minced meat to soft vegetables, mix the ingredients better with a wooden spoon. Add wine to the saucepan, reduce the heat after boiling.
  4. After the wine has boiled away, add the tomatoes cut into cubes, simmer the meat for another hour and a half.
  5. Add the cream to the dish as soon as the meat is very cooked, then the sauce is stewed for another 10 minutes.
  6. After cooking, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

We need:

  • homemade canned tomatoes - 400 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons) - 400 g;
  • vegetable broth - one glass;
  • vegetable oil - 60 g;
  • ketchup - 40 g;
  • spaghetti - packing 450 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley, basil, salt, pepper.


  1. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices and the onion into half rings. Fry the garlic and onion in oil until golden brown.
  2. Cut 300 grams of champignons into large slices, add to the onion fry, mix, fry for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add ketchup, herbs, fry for a few more minutes.
  4. Peel the tomatoes, add them to the vegetable mixture.
  5. Pour in the broth, the remaining 100 grams of finely chopped mushrooms.
  6. The broth should boil, after which it should languish for another half hour.
  7. While the mushrooms are cooking, you need to cook the spaghetti.
  8. After cooking, discard the spaghetti in a colander, they should be dry.
  9. Put the gravy over the pasta, serve the dish after 5 minutes, garnish with a sprig of basil.

How to cook pasta bolognese in a slow cooker

We need:

  • minced beef - 1 kg;
  • one onion;
  • two tomatoes;
  • pasta - 0.25 kg;
  • tomato sauce, olive oil - 2 tablespoons each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.


  1. Cut the onion into half rings, pour the oil into the bottom of the bowl, put the onion. In the "Baking" mode, fry the onions for 30 minutes.
  2. Add garlic passed through a press to the onion, fry with the onion for another 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, add to the bowl along with the tomato sauce.
  4. Stir all ingredients.
  5. Put the minced meat, mix again, fry for 10 minutes.
  6. Boil the spaghetti separately (according to the instructions).
  7. Mix the sauce and spaghetti, heat for 5 minutes (use the "Warm" mode)

Classic Italian bolognese pasta recipe with photo

Pasta à la bolognese is a traditional side dish with many variations. But if you have never cooked it, we advise you to do it for the first time according to the classic recipe, the way the chefs from Bologna intended it. Pasta a la bolognese is a great second course for lunch or dinner. If you do not use a large amount of spices during cooking, children of any age willingly eat it. The calorie content of the dish is moderate.

We need:

  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • tomato sauce - 800 g;
  • red wine - half a bottle;
  • ground beef - 500 g;
  • beef broth - 500 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • celery (stem), onion, carrot - 1 each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley, parmesan - 400 grams each;
  • pasta (butterflies, shells) - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 5 g.

Bolognese Is a delicious and satisfying Italian meat stew from the origin, christened by the French sauce.

The Bologna sauce was first described in 1891, but it was undoubtedly created earlier.

Bolognese is both a dressing for pasta (pasta, noodles, spaghetti), and an integral part of lasagna, casseroles. It is sometimes eaten with potatoes, vegetables, or porridge.

The traditions of different countries have made many "amendments" to the classic recipe for bolognese, creating a number of recipes "a la bolognese".

To make it easier for you to prepare bolognese sauce, we have prepared a number of the most successful and varied recipes.

Possible Recipe Substitutions:

  • You can use minced rabbit or chicken instead of ground beef. Such a replacement will reduce the calorie content of the dish, and you will get bolognese from minced chicken, rabbit meat, etc.
  • Water can be replaced with broth, cream with milk, and wine with grape juice.
  • Tomatoes can be used both canned and fresh, or tomato juice (sauce).


  • The sauce can be frozen in portions. So it will be stored for 3 months.
  • According to the main recipe, you can add fried mushroom pieces to the finished sauce.
  • Do not panic if the milk (cream) curdles as it evaporates - as a result, the sauce will come out smooth.
  • When adding salt - be careful - the sauce will boil off a little during simmering, so it is better to add salt at the end.

Spices and herbs with which bolognese sauce at home is no worse than a restaurant one: rosemary, oregano, nutmeg, lavrushka, basil, pepper, dried garlic, parsley, a mixture of Italian herbs.

Italian bolognese sauce


  • minced pork and beef - 0.5 kg
  • tomato sauce (ready-made) - 1 liter
  • carrots (large) and onions - 1 pc.
  • stalked celery (leg) - 1 piece
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons
  • white wine (dry) - 100 ml
  • water - 0.5 liters
  • salt, spices, herbs - as desired and to taste

You need to cook like this:

  1. In a high thick-walled frying pan (cauldron) in oil, fry and darken finely chopped vegetables (until soft).
  2. Add both types of minced meat, grind and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Add wine in a trickle and simmer the sauce until it is absorbed into the minced meat.
  4. Combine water with tomato sauce and pour into minced meat. Simmer on minimum heat (after boiling) for an hour and a half to two. During this time, the sauce will thicken.
  5. Season with salt, pepper, you can add your favorite spices for meat and keep on fire for the last 4-5 minutes.

This sauce a la bolognese is softer than the previous one due to the milk component in the recipe.


  • minced pork and beef - 300 gr.
  • salted pork (dried with herbs) brisket (pancetta) - 100 gr.
  • tomatoes (in their own juice) - 1 liter jar
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp l.
  • olive oil / vegetable - 1 tablespoon
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • dry wine (any) or broth - 300 ml
  • low-fat cream (10-15%) or milk - 300 ml
  • water (broth) - 1 liter
  • stalked celery (root) - 1 pc.
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.

You need to cook like this:

  1. In a high thick-walled frying pan (cauldron) in a mixture of oils, fry the brisket, then finely chopped vegetables and crushed garlic (until completely soft).
  2. Add minced meat to the mixture, grind it and fry for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Add cream and after boiling and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes (until they are absorbed into the minced meat).
  4. Add wine, bring to a boil again and simmer until it is absorbed into the minced meat.

Attention! Milk (cream) is added to the sauce first, and only then wine. It is not permissible to pour both liquids at the same time!

  1. Grind tomatoes (without skin) with tomato paste and dilute with water. Pour the liquid over the minced meat, add salt, spices, herbs and wait until it boils.
  2. Simmer the sauce on the lowest heat (under a loosely closed lid) for about two hours. It must be stirred every quarter of an hour.

Attention! This recipe is also suitable for making bolognese in a slow cooker. After the vegetables and minced meat are fried, all components are put into the multicooker and stewed in it for 45 minutes in the "Stew" mode.

Bolognese with mushrooms

In order to prepare this bolognese at home, you can use any edible mushroom, both fresh and frozen, canned.

You can cook this sauce with or without cream. Give it a try - both are good!


  • any minced meat (ideally - pork and beef or chicken and pork) - 0.5 kg
  • mushrooms (champignons, boletus, chanterelles) - 250 gr.
  • tomato sauce or mashed tomatoes (in their own juice / fresh) - 0.5 liters
  • dry white wine (semi-dry) - 100 ml.
  • broth - 150 ml.
  • cream (10-15%) or milk - 100 ml (optional)
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.
  • olive oil (vegetable) - 50 ml.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • salt, spices and herbs - as desired and to taste

You need to cook like this:

  1. Put the minced meat in a skillet with vegetables and fry it for about 15 minutes.
  2. Add wine to the fried minced meat and darken the sauce until it evaporates (3-5 minutes).
  3. Add tomato sauce or tomato puree (without skins) to the minced meat, bring to a boil, and, making the heating minimal, simmer for 13-15 minutes.
  4. Chop the mushrooms finely, but not into crumbs, and fry in butter over low heat for 8-12 minutes.
  5. Further: if you do not use cream, then immediately add the mushroom pieces to the meat-tomato mixture, if you use, then pour them over the mushrooms and evaporate the liquid. Only then add the mushrooms to the sauce.
  6. After mixing the meat and mushroom ingredients, pour in the broth and begin to salt the sauce and add seasonings to it. Do it a little at a time, constantly trying.
  7. Simmer the sauce on a minimum heat from an hour to two or two and a half - the final thickness of the sauce depends on this. At the same time, stir the sauce every 10 minutes. It should gurgle slightly, but not boil.

You can eat the finished dish immediately or freeze it.

This is a low-calorie sauce - only 112 kcal per 100 grams! It is suitable for those on a diet. In addition to chicken, you can cook such a bolognese with minced rabbit meat. Then the sauce will become even more dietary.


  • minced chicken (better - from the breasts) - 250-300 gr.
  • mashed tomatoes (or tomato sauce) - 0.5 liters
  • tomato juice (from a bag or tomatoes) - 50 ml
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  • dry red wine - 50 ml
  • vegetable oil (or olive) - 50 ml
  • cream 10% - 50 ml.
  • salt, herbs, spices - as desired and to taste

You need to cook like this:

  1. Fry chopped onions and carrots in oil (in a cauldron, deep frying pan) until soft.
  2. Mix the minced meat with vegetables and fry, constantly grinding it.
  3. Add cream and simmer until the liquid evaporates completely.
  4. Pour wine into the sauce, wait for a boil, remove from the stove and cover tightly. For 15-20 minutes the minced meat will absorb the wine.
  5. Put the pan on the fire again and pour the tomato sauce and juice into it.
  6. Salt and add the desired herbs and seasonings. After boiling, darken the sauce for about an hour.

Vegetarian bolognese sauce

Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you can't treat yourself to Italian sauce! This recipe can also be used during fasting and dieting (it has 92 calories per 100 grams of sauce).


  • mushrooms (any, but mushrooms or mushrooms are better) - 100 gr.
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage or other) - 50 gr.
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • olive oil - 20 ml
  • salt, herbs, spices - at will and taste

You need to cook like this:

  1. Chop the onion, carrot and pepper and fry in oil until soft.
  2. Boil mushrooms lightly (mushrooms can be used raw), cut and add to vegetables. Shredded tomatoes (without skin) and finely chopped cabbage are also sent here.
  3. Wait for the boil, add salt, add herbs and spices, simmer for another 12-15 minutes on the fire. The finished sauce can be made completely homogeneous with a blender.

Attention! In this recipe, you can use courgette or zucchini instead of cabbage.

Bolognese sauce for lasagna

Lasagna is easier to prepare than it sounds. It consists of sheets that are sold labeled "for lasagna", filling (and bolognese sauce), and grated cheese.

We put the leaf in a mold, grease with bolognese, pour with bechamel and sprinkle with cheese. Similarly, lay 3-4 sheets, the last one - pour only with bechamel and sprinkle with cheese. We bake the dish in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

How to cook bechamel can be found in the corresponding article. Here's how to create a bolognese sauce that favorably emphasizes the taste of lasagna, you will learn now.


  • meat - 0.5 kg
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.
  • smoked brisket - 100 gr.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • olive oil - 50 ml
  • dry wine - 50 ml
  • meat broth - 200 ml
  • salt, herbs, spices

You need to cook like this:

  1. Chop carrots and onions, fry in oil.
  2. When the vegetables are tender, add the finely chopped brisket and minced meat.
  3. Mix everything and fry over low heat.
  4. Pour in wine and evaporate it
  5. Pour in mashed tomatoes (without skin) and meat broth. Simmer over low heat for 35-55 minutes, add salt and spices at the end, let it boil and remove from the stove.