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Delicious lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water. How to cook lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water - instant recipes with gas. Hard sour apple

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water turned out to be so successful that all my relatives asked to "repeat on BIS" lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water with gas, and are eagerly awaiting the publication of the recipe on the Home Restaurant website. It is very simple to prepare crispy salted cucumbers on mineral water, but still there are some nuances and subtleties, which I will talk about further. So, we are preparing lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water - a recipe with a photo step by step at your service on the Home Restaurant website!


  • 1 kg of cucumbers
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 umbrellas of dill
  • slice of hot pepper
  • cherry and currant leaves


  • 1 liter of highly carbonated mineral water
  • 1.5 tbsp salt

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water:

Choose cucumbers for pickling salad varieties with thin skin. Wash the cucumbers and soak them in cold running water for 1-2 hours. Thanks to soaking, the cucumbers "take" the missing water and turn out crispy when finished.

At the bottom of the prepared one-liter jar we put: dill umbrellas, garlic, currant and cherry leaves, a slice of hot pepper. You can cook lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water in any deep dish: a saucepan, container, bowl, but it is most convenient to cook in a jar, because you do not need to use additional oppression. In addition, in the jar you can clearly see the degree of readiness of the cucumbers, and you need to periodically "look" into the pan in order to control the process of pickling the cucumbers.

Dilute salt in mineral water and fill a jar of cucumbers. A little brine remains, but this is a "payment" for the convenience of pickling cucumbers in a jar. If you use a saucepan, for example, 1.5 liters, then the cucumbers and pickle will fit perfectly.

We close the jar of cucumbers with a nylon lid and put in a warm place. You can even in direct sunlight. The fermentation process starts almost immediately and you can see bubbles in the jar.

After 12 hours, instant salted cucumbers on mineral water will be completely ready. We put the jar of cucumbers in the refrigerator so that the cucumbers cool down, because warm salted cucumbers on mineral water are not very tasty.

We take out cucumbers from a can, and serve with or with meat dishes. This completes the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. I really hope that the recipe will suit your taste, and you will certainly cook such lightly salted cucumbers for your loved ones.

I like cold salting with mineral water with gas because such cucumbers are more saturated, elastic and crisp loudly. You can cook them in a matter of minutes. In this case, you do not have to fiddle with boiling water, which is not always safe. The motto of such a snack is - there is never a lot of crunch!

Hot brine kills most of the nutrients. And this is another advantage of choosing carbonated salting. At the same time, vegetables retain their natural composition, aroma and crispness. It is impossible to love them. And it is very difficult to stop eating. In my family, this dish is a full-fledged hero of the feast. Not a single celebration is complete without it. And in the summertime, relatives ask every day to cook lightly salted cucumbers.

They are great to combine with any side dish. In addition, they will perfectly replace any unhealthy snacks. Both tasty and healthy!

This is very easy to do. The recipe is no different from the classic cold water salting. Just replace it with soda and you will feel the difference when tasting it. It is not worth choosing expensive types of water. Any highly carbonated mineral water will do. We will take the minimum amount of ingredients for this recipe, which will shorten the preparation time, but in no case will it adversely affect the taste of the appetizer.

Optionally, you can add to the composition of your favorite herbs and spices. But even without them, you will not go wrong. After all, not in all seasons you can find high-quality greens, roots and leaves.


  1. 1 kilogram of medium-sized cucumbers;
  2. 2 flat tablespoons of coarse sea salt;
  3. 1 liter of mineral water with gas;
  4. coriander seeds - about 1 dessert spoon;
  5. a hat and greens with dill stalks;
  6. 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  7. 5 cloves of garlic.

First of all, you need to prepare the cucumbers. If there are no small or medium-sized ones in service and you have to use large fruits, then cut them into several parts. So they will be salted faster. Cut off the ends of each cucumber, about a couple of centimeters on each side. This is also necessary in order for the cucumber to be satiated more quickly and make friends with the marinade.

Garlic does not need to be peeled. Just remember to stab them until they crack straight unpeeled. The dill needs to be cut into stems and herbs. That is, cut one bundle into 2 parts - lower and upper. Leave the umbrella intact.

Crush the coriander in a mortar. You don't need to turn it into flour. It is only necessary to achieve the split of the seeds. In this form, they will saturate the brine with their aroma as much as possible.

In a jar, put one half of the prepared ingredients for the marinade - garlic and dill on the bottom. Put his hat here.

Arrange fresh cucumbers on top. They do not need to be strongly accepted, because they can burst. And this is not included in our plans.

Scatter the rest of the garlic and dill on top.

Now let's start mixing the brine. Dissolve salt, sugar in soda and add coriander. Stir everything thoroughly until the grains dissolve as much as possible.

If desired, sugar can be omitted. However, it will give a savory sweetness to the cucumbers.

Pour our cucumbers with brine. Cover with a regular lid and leave on the table for a couple of hours.

Then the jars need to be put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, based on the size of your cucumbers.

So, having prepared salting in the evening, in the morning you can already happily taste it in a company with loved ones. When the day starts tasty, it will pass with a bang!

Step-by-step recipe for quick cooking cucumbers on mineral water

Excellent quick salted in just a few minutes. Try it yourself.


  1. A kilogram of medium-sized dense and even cucumbers;
  2. 2 small bunches of dill;
  3. 5 cloves of garlic;
  4. horseradish root and / or leaves;
  5. 1 lavrushka;
  6. basil leaves;
  7. 1 bitter pepper;
  8. 1.5 tablespoons of coarse crystalline salt;
  9. 1 teaspoon of sugar.

You can add other seasonings as desired. In addition, together with cucumbers, you can also grind tomatoes and bell peppers. In this recipe, we will only salt cucumbers, and you are already looking at your own discretion.

It is better to take small cucumbers, as we did in this case. I really do not want to wait long for salting large fruits. The ends, according to tradition, need to be cut off so that the salt soaks the pulp faster.

At the bottom of the mold, in our case, a glass bowl, put the dill sprigs.

If you can't find fresh dill, don't be discouraged! It can be left out or replaced like any other ingredient in this dish. Except for cucumbers and salt, of course.

Cover the dill with horseradish leaves and chopped root. Put prepared cucumbers on top. Spread them out tightly, crushing them a little. If, of course, the dishes allow you to put them more freely, you can do so. The main thing is, if you accept, don't do it too hard. Otherwise, the cucumber may crack.

Once you have laid out the first layer, sprinkle it with garlic slices, dill and horseradish.

On top, repeat another layer of cucumbers. Sprinkle dill and garlic on top again.

Pour salt into a bowl and add 1 liter of carbonated mineral water there.

On top, in a bowl of cucumbers, you can sprinkle basil and cut hot pepper if desired. Grind the lavrushka with your hands and add there. Add sugar to the brine and mix well until the crystals dissolve.

Pour cucumbers with the resulting solution. Cover and put in cold overnight. Already in the morning you can pamper your family with your favorite crisps. Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for lightly salted cucumbers from Julia Vysotskaya

Lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan on mineral sparkling water

Not every kitchen has a jar of the right denomination or a wooden skating rink for pickling cucumbers. But even here there is a way out of the situation, because there are no barriers for lovers of crispy delicacies. For light salting, a pan with an enamel coating is perfect.

Please note that the container must be enameled. If you take a saucepan without covering, or with chips and cracks, then there is a high probability of spoilage of the cucumbers. After all, the metal will quickly oxidize the product.

Choose dishes with the right capacity, depending on how much you plan to pickle cucumbers.

Ingredients for 1 kilogram of cucumbers:

  1. a kilogram of freshly picked cucumbers;
  2. 2 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  3. 1 teaspoon sugar
  4. dill hat;
  5. 2 bunches of dill;
  6. horseradish leaf;
  7. 3 garlic cloves;
  8. 3-4 leaves of currant and cherry bush;
  9. about 1 dessert spoon of coriander seeds;
  10. 1 liter of soda;
  11. for a change, you can pickle carrots, bell peppers or tomatoes with cucumbers.

It is better to pick cucumbers conscientiously. For this business, pickling varieties with elastic pulp and thin skin would be ideal. In general, it will be just fine if you just pick them off the bush before pickling. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Therefore, you can return young juiciness to vegetables by soaking them for 8-12 hours in cold water.

After washing and soaking, the ends of the cucumbers should be cut off. We do this so that the salt will quickly saturate the entire texture of the vegetable.

Let me also remind you that large fruits should be pre-cut into pieces. Otherwise, the middle will not have time to get enough of the marinade.

Divide all stored spices into two parts. The first will become a soft and fragrant pillow, and the second will become a fragrant blanket for our cucumbers. This will give us an even richer taste of our favorite snack.

At the bottom of the pan, put half the dill, chopped garlic, leaves stored (you can tear them a little with your hands). Put smooth glossy cucumbers on top, side by side. Cover with the remaining herbs.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Crush the coriander seeds a little and pour into the water too. Stir and immediately pour the brine into a saucepan. Cover and set aside for 2 hours.

Then put in the cold overnight. The next morning, you can take the first sample. Cucumbers are especially savory and crispy. I make such a recipe very often and such cucumbers do not linger for more than 1 day. No matter how much I cook them.

Well, what a summer without lightly salted cucumbers. Especially ardent amateurs do not stop even in winter. After all, having tasted the little salmon once, it is already impossible to stop loving them.

The topic of lightly salted cucumbers is not yet closed. New original ways of salting, interesting combinations of ingredients and extravaganza of tastes await you ahead. Come to our cozy corner more often and get acquainted with new discoveries in culinary and not only.

Do you like the recipes? Be sure to try them in practice! I assure you you will not go wrong. Share the article on social networks so as not to lose and tell your friends. Until next time!

Lightly salted cucumbers- this is a song (the words from which you sing all summer!). And for young potatoes, and for a picnic - salted cucumbers are good everywhere!

In Odessa, on the famous Privoz (where everything is, like in Greece!), There is a huge range with various pickles. They sell and lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes, pickled apples and watermelons, sauerkraut and stuffed eggplants - just to name a few! So, even if you accidentally find yourself next to this appetizing next - your legs themselves carry you there (under the guidance of the nose, of course!). And here the most important part of the ballet begins: jumping between different types of pickles and tasting. For some reason, fast tomatoes are in the lead and lightly salted cucumbers, the types of which I counted about ten. I was without a camera (what a pity!), Next time I will definitely document how I do the bazaar.

This wonderful recipe for salted cucumbers on mineral water, I heard, just at Privoz. The woman from Odessa, who told me about it, warned that it is very difficult to prepare. I immediately prepared to write it down so as not to forget important details. Of course, the complexity of cooking cucumbers turned out to be an Odessa joke. Everything ingenious is simple, but very tasty! I was convinced of this from personal experience. Lightly salted cucumbers the mineral water turned out to be what you need! Crunchy and aromatic!

  1. Cucumbers(preferably not very large) - 1 kg;
  2. 1 bunch of aromatic dill; (today the dill had to be replaced with a bunch of parsley and dill inflorescences - the old dill is over, the new one has not yet grown, I had to improvise). Maybe the appearance of my salted cucumbers suffered a little, but the taste pleased me, the same as that of those bought at Privoz.
  3. Garlic - 1 head;
  4. 2-3 st. tablespoons of salt without a slide;
  5. 1 liter of mineral (medium carbonated) water. The hostess from Privoz said that the original recipe used expensive imported water, in my opinion, San Pelegrino. But she all the time uses ordinary mineral water (moderately carbonated, and the cucumbers get what you need!

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water (a very "complicated" recipe!).

  • We wash our cucumbers, cut off the tails.
  • We take a beautiful, better glass container in which the cucumbers will be salted. We put half of our dill into it.
  • Cut the garlic into slices there.
  • Pour 1 liter of mineral water into another dish and dissolve salt in it.
  • Fill the cucumbers with this brine and cover with the remaining dill.
  • We close all this beauty with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

In a day we take out and enjoy the spicy taste lightly salted cucumbers in an unusual brine from mineral water.(By the way, I used a medium carbonated version of Morshynska). The photo shows two cucumber bookmarks. One option - ready-made in a round vessel,

he was accidentally forgotten and spent an extra day in the refrigerator. But then, it was like a find. Immediately posted and asked to do more.

Well, I'm not sorry, there are cucumbers, why not make it. Time does not take long, for me, just, the pancake dough “ripened”. Everything was in time.

Here is such an unusual, but very easy recipe. Lightly salted cucumbers on a mineral water, from a lady who wished to remain incognito from the row where they sell pickles at Odessa Privoz. Thanks a lot to her anyway.

Thanks for sharing this article on social media:

I will definitely try. I make lightly salted cucumbers, pour boiling water. Your option is simpler.)

Yes, I also salted with boiling water, not bad, by the way it worked. And with mineral water ... every time you want to try something new.

Probably, this is the most common way - lightly salted cucumbers, drenched in boiling water. But mineral water is still better, if only because in the summer you don't really want to mess with boiling water ...

In the summer, like many, we probably salted cucumbers, but also pour boiling water, you need to try your option, I did not even imagine that you could use mineral water for this. Although, on the advice of my friends, I use okroshka, though the only one from the whole family, the rest use kvass.

Thanks, I'll try, but I do it with mineral water

kebabs, not bad too

On mineral water, what they just don't do, and kebabs, and pancakes, and dough for dumplings and pasties, and everything turns out delicious, this kind of water works wonders

Just a huge THANK YOU for this recipe! This is the second time I do it, the first test batch was dared in 10 minutes, especially the one-year-old granddaughter liked it, she gnawed the whole cucumber without stopping. Simple and without bells and whistles, bravo ... ...

Thank you, Julia! I also like this recipe. Come visit!

Thanks for the recipe. I will definitely use it.

Be sure to try, Love! Now the most cucumber season has begun. I alternate cucumbers in a bag and cucumbers in mineral water. What pleases me is that the recipes have never failed.

Cool cucumbers! Thanks for the recipe.

Mineral water does not soften them? I prefer crunchy cucumbers over soft ones.

No, Andrey! Cucumbers on mineral water are spicy and crispy, I myself do not like soft cucumbers

Thank you, the recipe is really simple and it pleases, my mother recommended she said it was very tasty, the cucumbers turned out to be crispy and fragrant))))) I made myself today))))

The original recipe with San Pelegrino water - culinary blogger Belonica (Nika Belotserkovskaya)))))))

I really respect Nika Belotserkovskaya. But the recipe came from Privoz. Maybe the salespeople read Nick before me

Class, it will be necessary to cook on mineral water, Ukraine is rich in its mineral waters, maybe you should try on Mirgorodskaya, it is a little brackish

There is very little left to enjoy the lightly salted cucumbers. Thanks for the quick and easy pickling recipe!

a very interesting recipe for lightly salted cucumbers. Honestly, I haven't tried it with mineral water. And how it tastes like.

What you need cucumbers

And I have already cooked cucumbers on mineral water, they turned out to be crispy and very, very tasty!

the recipe is quick, our neighbor practices and shares her cooking intricacies.

Cut off the butts of cucumbers on both sides by 0.5 cm.Fold in a bowl or saucepan, shifting with leaves, garlic and pepper.

For lovers of crispy pickles without vinegar, this recipe is perfect. Mineral water allows cucumbers to acquire a mild taste without sourness and ensures the safety of the harvest throughout the winter.

Ingredients for pickling cucumbers with mineral water

For salting you will need:

About 500 grams of small cucumbers;

300-350 ml of mineral water with gas;

3-4 small cloves of garlic;

30 grams of salt;

Fresh Dill Umbrella;

Horseradish, cherry or currant leaves, if desired.

Cooking cucumbers with mineral water for the winter

1. First you will need to prepare jars for pickling. They must be washed well with baking soda and soap and sterilized in the oven for about 10-15 minutes at 130-140 degrees.

2. When the sterilized jars have cooled down, put dill, peeled garlic and green leaves of your choice on the bottom.

3. Wash small cucumbers and cut 1 cm from both ends. Place them tightly in jars.

Important! Cucumbers for this home preparation should be small. You should also try to choose vegetables of the same size. Cucumbers should be smooth, with a firm skin without cracks or scratches.

4. For every 0.5 kg of cucumbers, pour a tablespoon of salt. Next, pour the cucumbers with freshly opened sparkling mineral water.

5. Cover the jars with ironed gauze or a towel and leave on the table overnight.

6. In the morning, the cucumber jars will need to be sealed with polyethylene lids and stored in the cold.

Have you tried lightly salting cucumbers in mineral water yet? Be sure to make a kilogram. Cucumbers are amazingly tasty and crispy. Thanks to the mineral water, the cucumbers will be crisper and the salting time will be shortened. Cucumbers will be ready in 24 hours.

If you want to make lightly salted cucumbers with a unique crunch and light spice, then try this recipe. Its trick is that instead of the usual one uses mineral water with gas. I have tried many different recipes for salted cucumbers. This one is the best for my taste. And one of the fastest. The cooking time takes no more than half an hour. Cucumbers have time to salt in a day. Delicious - impossible to come off. I also like the recipe because it is not necessary to choose some particularly fresh selected cucumbers for pickling. Even those who have died will do - to restore their strength, there is a simple way - cucumbers are soaked in cold clean water for several hours, rinsed thoroughly in cold water - and then you can safely lightly salt them and expect an excellent result. Please note that the water for salting must be highly carbonated. The more bubbles there are, the crisper the result will be.


  • Highly carbonated water - 1 l
  • Table salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Large cucumbers - 1 kg
  • Dill greens - bunch
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pieces
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.


The first step is to properly wash the cucumbers. If they are lethargic. Then they need to be soaked in water for a couple of hours - the colder the water, the stronger the cucumbers will be. And then rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

When the cucumbers are prepared, dissolve the salt in the water for pickling. Add salt first.

Then add sparkling water.

Mix thoroughly.

At the bottom of the container - I use ordinary glass jars - we spread half a bunch of greens, which must be rinsed before salting. You can choose additional spices to your taste, we only have garlic - I peeled it off and cut it into slices - and a bay leaf, part of it and send it to a jar.

We put cucumbers in a jar. If you want more to go in, put larger specimens down and smaller ones on top.

I propose a recipe for quick salting of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. Salting cucumbers with soda makes it possible to preserve not only the aroma of greens - they do not lose their beautiful greens, are enriched with substances that fill the mineral water. And most importantly, they remain deliciously crispy! The method is easier than easy, allows you to very quickly enjoy a summer snack. The only drawback of salting is that the snack is not suitable for storage for the winter.

Why mineral water? Salts of minerals useful for human health, trace elements, a complex of biologically active supplements are dissolved in natural natural water. Carbon dioxide, which the mineral water is saturated with, is endowed with the ability, together with salt, to easily penetrate into the structure of vegetables, enriching, in turn, cucumbers.

Thanks to this, the salting process is as fast as possible, the greens retain their fresh color, become crunchy. And the snack can rightfully be called healthy.

Secrets of delicious salting of cucumbers in mineral water

The recipes are simple, but you should know some of the intricacies of salting:

  • Cucumbers lightly salted in mineral water do not need pre-soaking, which shortens the cooking time.
  • Ideally, the cucumbers should be straight from the garden. It will not work, select strong, dark-skinned.
  • Choose not too large, thin-skinned - this is a sign of the "youth" of the vegetable. Use thick-skinned cucumbers for salads.
  • For the appetizer to be salted quickly and evenly, take cucumbers of equal size.

Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water - a quick recipe

Cucumbers made according to the recipe with gas will turn out to be lightly salted and deliciously crispy, beyond praise. The recipe is quick, you can try it after a day.

Calculate the number of ingredients as follows: a liter of water is taken per kilogram of vegetable. If you take more cucumbers, then adjust the volume of mineral water accordingly.


  • Mineral water, highly carbonated - liter.
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves (I take the head because I like a lot).
  • Salt - 3 large spoons.
  • Dill is a small bunch.
  • Cucumbers - a kilogram.

Step-by-step pickling of cucumbers:

  1. Wash the greens, cut on both sides. Divide the garlic head into cloves and cut into slices. Wash the dill.
  2. Cover the bottom of the pickling dish with half the dill. Salting can be done in a jar, but I adapted a tall container, it suits me.
  3. Spread the cucumbers on top, sprinkling with garlic, and cover them with the remaining dill. You can do it in two layers.
  4. For convenience, pour the mineral water from the bottle into a saucepan, dilute the salt and pour in the cucumbers. There is a very important nuance here: our task is to dissolve the salt, but not to allow gas bubbles to escape in large quantities, otherwise the salting speed will be lost. To do this, I advise you to pour approximately 100 ml. water, add salt there and stir. And then pour all the mineral water into a saucepan and add water and salt.
  5. Be sure to cover the workpiece with a lid so as not to lose gas.
  6. Place the container in the cold and hold for exactly 24 hours. After a given time, get it out, start tasting and get ready to listen to compliments.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers on water with gas

You can create tons of variations based on the previous recipe. Take a look around and determine what is still ripe for you. A creative hostess will always want to break the rules and add something unexpected to the salting. Apples, tomatoes, young zucchini and squash, red currants, gooseberries will make the taste of the brine original. This means that the taste of cucumbers will be transformed. Try it, then share your impressions in the comments.

Video recipe for quick lightly salted cucumbers with carbonated mineral water. May it always be delicious for you!


Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water, prepared according to this step-by-step recipe with a photo, turn out to be very juicy and crispy. It is this delicious cucumber snack that should be used as an addition to meat and mashed potatoes. Having in the refrigerator a portion of such lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water, an appetizing lunch is provided even if it is an ordinary fried potato.
Preparing such a delicious cucumber snack at home is very quick and easy. However, adhering to the step-by-step instructions below with a photo is still highly recommended. You can pickle cucumbers in this way both in small quantities for ordinary everyday days, and in unlimited quantities. In addition, for special holidays, you can make a lightly salted cucumber preparation one day before the holiday itself. This is precisely because we offer a simple recipe for pickling instant cucumbers in a saucepan, for which only one night is allotted.
The main thing is that for cooking crispy lightly salted cucumbers at home, you should choose the best small vegetables. In addition, it is recommended to pickle cucumbers according to this recipe in sea salt. You should not replace this beneficial marine component with regular coarse or iodized salt.
So, let's move on to cooking lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water!


Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water - recipe

In the event that the season for cucumbers has not yet arrived or, on the contrary, has already passed, you will have to purchase vegetables in the store. Pay attention here! For pickling, it is necessary to use cucumbers only with pimples and small sizes, because "giant" cucumber fruits with a smooth surface have practically no taste and aroma.

We will immediately prepare the rest of the necessary ingredients for pickling cucumbers. Peel the garlic and divide it into separate cloves. Thoroughly rinse the selected cucumbers and dill herbs and dry them with a towel.

If you are not a fan of spicy food, then red chili peppers can not be used for pickling cucumbers. However, you can be sure that hot peppers will only improve the taste of lightly salted cucumbers. In addition, the hottest part of the chili pepper, and these are the seeds contained in it, are not used in our case. In any case, you should proceed from your own taste preferences.

Now take one liter of sparkling mineral water and add the required amount of sea salt to it. The salt added to the water should dissolve, but first there should be a gas evolution reaction from the water, which resembles an ordinary fizzy.

In the meantime, let's prepare the cucumbers. All cucumber "butts" and "noses" must be trimmed and discarded.

The washed and dried dill greens must be divided into separate branches, but not very finely. Chili peppers should be cut into thin rings, after which the seeds should be removed from them. As mentioned above, pepper seeds do not need to be used for pickling cucumbers for this recipe. Chop the peeled garlic cloves into small plates.

Next, take a large saucepan or any other suitable container and evenly spread the dill sticks and sprigs on its bottom. Put cucumbers on top of the dill, sprinkling them with chopped garlic slices, as well as dill and chopped chili peppers. Next, fill the complete components with mineral water with dissolved sea salt. If some part of the salt did not dissolve and remained at the bottom, then this part of the salt does not need to be used.

After that, the prepared cucumbers in brine are sent to the refrigerator for the whole night. By the way, you can pickle cucumbers in this way in a regular plastic bag. In this case, before sending it to the refrigerator, the bag with cucumbers and mineral brine will need to be tied with a strong knot.

The next morning, the harvested cucumbers will be thoroughly saturated with brine and will be ready to eat. Such juicy and tasty lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water will delight all pickle lovers.

Lightly salted cucumbers are a song (the words from which you sing all summer!). And for young potatoes, and for a picnic - salted cucumbers are good everywhere! Many people love lightly salted cucumbers. There are many ways to cook lightly salted cucumbers, each housewife makes according to her favorite recipe

This is probably the simplest recipe for lightly salted cucumbers of all the known! And although some masters of vegetable pickling make their own adjustments in the form of trial experiments with the recipe, the result is invariably excellent!
The recipe is also notable for the fact that the standard set of spicy herbs is simplified as much as possible: no horseradish, no cherry, currant and oak leaves.

Everything ingenious is simple, but very tasty! I was convinced of this from personal experience. Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water are what you need! Crunchy and aromatic!

We need:

Cucumbers (preferably not very large) - 1 kg;
1 bunch of aromatic dill.
Garlic - 1 head;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt without a slide;
1 liter of mineral (medium carbonated) water. Any, ordinary mineral water (medium carbonated, and cucumbers turn out to be what you need!

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water(well, a very "complicated" recipe!).

Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water as a brine do not need to be presoaked in cold water. This nuance greatly simplifies the process and shortens the cooking time.

We wash our cucumbers, cut off the tails.

We take a beautiful container in which the cucumbers will be salted. We put half of our dill into it.

Cut the garlic into slices there.

Pour 1 liter of mineral water into another dish and dissolve salt in it.

Fill the cucumbers with this brine and cover with the remaining dill.

We close all this beauty with a lid or a plate and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Isn't it strange that we immediately provide cold for salting our cucumbers? This temperature regime gives our appetizer a chance to retain its crispy properties. It's about carbonated mineral water!

Natural (natural) mineral waters are complexes of mineral salts, biologically active components and microelements dissolved in it.

This whole complex enriches the mineral composition of our cucumbers by means of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide penetrates into plant fibers, drawing salts and microelements into them - both from the marinade and from the mineral water itself.