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Comparative table of African regions. Subregions of Africa. Population of West Africa

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The purpose of the lesson:

  1. Exploration of the subregions of Africa, familiarity with the regional division of the African continent. Revealing the features of the North African region.
  2. Development of skills for working with a map, generalizing skills, working with a computer.
  3. With the help of ICTs, develop an interest in the subject of geography.

Materials and equipment: textbook, atlases, computer, screen, projector, presentation, laptops, Internet access via Wi-fi.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Today's lesson is unusual, today the lesson will be held in the form of a master class. We will check all our knowledge in a short time.

II. Updating.

Let's remember what regions of the world we studied?

  • In the 10th grade of the countries of Foreign Europe
  • Overseas asia
  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Began to study Africa

Let's review the studied topics by looking at the screen / test tasks are shown on the screen /.

Choose the correct answer.

A1. The country has the largest population:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Japan
  3. Brazil

A2. Country with the highest natural population growth:

  1. Italy
  2. Brazil
  3. China
  4. Nigeria

A3. In which country the policy is aimed at population growth:

  1. Algeria
  2. India
  3. France
  4. Kenya

A4. Smelting of steel using mainly imported raw materials and fuel is carried out in:

  1. Japan and Italy
  2. China and Russia
  3. Germany and Brazil
  4. Ukraine and the USA

A5. In the energy balance of which state generates the most electricity at nuclear power plants?

  1. Italy
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. Russia

A6. Intensive dairy farming is typical for the country:

  1. Algeria
  2. India
  3. Mexico
  4. Finland

A7. The main cargo transported by World Sea Transport is:

  1. Machinery and equipment
  2. Oil
  3. Ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores
  4. Corn

A8. Among the countries listed, select 3 countries in which the automotive industry is an internationally specialized industry:

A) Italy
B) Colombia
V) Sweden
D) Sudan
D) France
E) Nigeria

A9. Write the correspondence between the seaport and the country of its location:

A10. Why is Brazil one of the world's leading aluminum producers? Give at least 2 examples.

III. Learning a new topic.

Division of the class into 4 groups. Each group is given specific tasks and 4 laptops. Tasks are performed independently according to the textbook (pp. 54-59, 113-118, 129-135, 252-253), atlas. You can use materials from the Internet.

Division of Africa into subregions:

North Africa

West Africa

Central Africa

East africa



West Sahara




Republic of the Congo


Burkina Faso

Equatorial Guinea


Cote d, Yvoire


Sao Tome and Principe

Give characteristics according to the plan:

  • Group 1: the main features of North Africa, the countries that make up the territory
  • Group 2: to characterize the peoples of North Africa
  • Group 3: describe the natural resources and economic development of the region
  • Group 4: describe the economic activities of North Africa

Performance plans are emailed to each group:

Outline of characterization of the main features of Africa

  1. Mainland area
  2. Number of countries in Africa
  3. Countries with access to seas and oceans
  4. Landlocked countries
  5. Countries - monarchies
  6. The number of countries with a republican form of government
  7. The number of countries with a unitary administrative-territorial structure
  8. What and for what purpose an organization was created in 1963 to strengthen the unity and cooperation of the states of the African continent, to preserve their integrity and independence.

Character plantiki peoples of North Africa

  1. Total population of Africa. The population of the region.
  2. How many times did the population increase in the 20th century? What place is Africa in the world in terms of population?
  3. List countries with a population of over 25 million
  4. Give a brief description of the age and sex composition of the population
  5. In which countries are women superior to men?
  6. Average population density in Africa? Average population density in North Africa? Especially in which districts the population density is the highest?

Natural resource characterization plan and economic development of the region

  1. Economic and geographical location.
  2. Natural conditions and resources (developed and prospective). Countries producing oil and natural gas
  3. Energy production cycles, stages of their development.
  4. Development prospects.
  5. Environmental problems associated with the industry and ways to solve them.

Farm characteristics plan

  1. Crop industries in agriculture, main crops
  2. Livestock, main industries
  3. Industry development
  4. Oil, gas industry. OPEC countries
  5. Ecological problems of the region

IV.Physical education


1. Drawing up a diagram on the topic of resource availability in the regions of the world.

(Suggested to one team member according to the following data).

Game "Who is faster"

1 student from each team is invited to the board. A geographic term, an object is called. You have to find and show on the map the fastest.

  1. In which country is the highest point in Africa located? / Tanzania/
  2. The most abundant river in Africa - ...... / Congo/
  3. What separates Africa from Europe? / strait of Gibraltar/
  4. Where is the hottest and driest region in Africa? / in the Sahara Desert, North Africa/
  5. Which river is Victoria Falls on? / Zambezi, Zambia/
  6. Identify a country by its short description: This small country is the largest in terms of population on the continent. Its capital is not the largest city in the country. The main wealth of the country is oil. The country is part of OPEC. / Nigeria/
  7. It is a small African country, the name of which coincides with the name of its capital. It possesses a variety of mineral resources, including iron lead-zinc ores, phosphorites. It also produces oil, but the country is not an OPEC member. ITS varied recreational resources, unique ancient monuments and the warm sea contributed to the transformation of tourism into the leading branch of its economy. / Tunisia/
  8. In which region are the countries of Algeria, Libya, Egypt located? / North Africa/
  9. A large territory of this country is located in mountainous areas, the country is the birthplace of many varieties of wheat, rye, and coffee. / Ethiopia/
  10. Which city has geographic coordinates: 30 ° S, 32 ° E / Cairo/

VI. Generalization.

Despite the abundance of natural resources, labor resources, in terms of economic development, Africa is a backward continent. Therefore, one of the problems of modern mankind is the elimination of the economic backwardness of the continent.


  1. On a contour map, mark the borders and countries of the regions of Africa.
  2. Make a description of one of the North African countries according to the plan.
  3. Make a test of 5 questions for African countries.

The material gives an idea of ​​the sub-regions of Africa. Characterizes them in relation to economic activity and the level of economic development. It forms a general picture of the standard of living of the population in various territories of the African continent.

Subregions of Africa

The economic zoning of the black continent has not been fully formed. It is customary to divide Africa into two large natural, cultural and historical subregions:

  • North Africa;
  • Tropical Africa.

As part of Tropical Africa, in turn, there are:

  • Western;
  • Central;
  • Eastern;
  • South (excluding South Africa).

In MGRT South Africa it is positioned mainly in the mining industry and certain segments of the manufacturing industry.

Subregions of Africa table

Rice. 1. Subregions of North Africa.

North Africa includes a territory whose area is close to 10 million square meters. km., and the total population is 194 million people.

The states located on this territory are characterized by the greatest orientation in the field of division of labor on an international scale. The population of the region is concentrated in the coastal zone, as well as its economic activities.
Tropical Africa includes an area located south of the Sahara. Within the territory, the sub-region is subdivided into Western, Central, Eastern and Southern parts. The bulk of the population of the countries located in these territories is classified as a Negroid race.

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Rice. 2. Zoning of Tropical Africa.

The ethnic composition includes over two hundred peoples. For the most part, these are multinational states.

The main area of ​​activity of the population is agriculture. Tropical Africa is positioned as an extremely backward sub-region in economic terms. Of the nearly 50 countries, 32 are among the world's least developed countries. The average GNP per capita in the states of East, West and Central Africa is 5-7 lower than that in the countries of North and South Africa.

South Africa occupies a separate position. Its geographical location is such that the country does not belong to Tropical Africa.

Rice. 3. South Africa on the economic map.

On the territory of South Africa, the Witwatersrand, the largest industrial area on the black continent, was created with its center in the business metropolis of Johannesburg. The city serves as the "economic capital" of the state.

What have we learned?

We found out where the largest industrial area in Africa is located. We found out which of the continent's megalopolises took over the function of the economic capital. We found out which of the sub-regions is recognized as the most backward from an economic point of view. Established the number of states that belong to the least developed countries in the world. Complemented the existing knowledge on the subject of geography (grade 11).

Test by topic

Assessment of the report

Average rating: 4.2. Total ratings received: 121.

Historically, it has been determined that Africa is divided into two natural sub-regions: Tropical Africa and North Africa. But Tropical Africa also includes Central, West, East and South Africa.

North Africa: characteristics and features

This region is adjacent to Southwest Asia and Southern Europe and covers an area of ​​about 10 million km2. North Africa has access to sea routes from Europe to Asia, and part of this region forms the sparsely populated areas of the Sahara desert.

In the past, this region formed the ancient Egyptian civilization, and now North Africa is called Arab. This is due to the fact that most of the population speak Arabic and the main religion of the region is Islam.

The cities of North Africa are divided into two parts: the old part of the city is located on a hill and surrounded by defensive walls, and the new part of the city is modern and stylish buildings.

North Africa is the center of the manufacturing industry, especially its coastal strip. Therefore, almost the entire population of this part of Africa lives here. Also North Africa is an area of ​​subtropical agriculture.

Tropical Africa: Characteristics of a Backward Region

This region is called "black Africa", as the bulk of the population belongs to the Negroid race. The ethnic composition of Tropical Afirik is diverse, the population of South and Central Africa speaks closely related languages, but still they differ from each other. The most common language is Swahili.

The population of Tropical Africa is 650 million people, and the area is 20 million km2. This region is recognized as the most backward of the developing world, as it contains 29 countries that are considered the least developed in the world. ...

This is due to the fact that the main industry is agriculture, which does not contribute to the development of such a large region in terms of area and population. It is noteworthy that the soil is cultivated without a plow, and women and children are engaged in agricultural activities.

Livestock raising is not very developed, but there are regions in which they are engaged in hunting and fishing, mainly equatorial forests. Most of the population of Tropical Africa lives in the countryside, as people work either on plantations or on peasant farms.

The life of the population is associated with subsistence farming, which is the basis of their life. In addition to Christianity and Islam in Tropical Africa, traditional beliefs are developed - faith in the spirits of nature, fetishism and the cult of ancestors. This region of Africa is called the least industrialized and least urbanized.

Only eight countries have millionaire cities: Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Luanda in Angola, Dakar in Senegal and Nairobi in Kenya. This region is characterized by environmental degradation, desertification, depletion of flora and fauna and deforestation.

In one of the desert regions of Tropical Africa, the "Sahel tragedy" took place - due to the lack of rainfall for ten years, the Sahel became a zone of scorched earth. Since 1974, droughts began to recur, subsequently millions of people died, and the number of livestock decreased.

Africa, distinguished by the richness and diversity of natural resources, is considered the least economically developed continent due to deep political, social and economic problems. On a total area of ​​30.3 million square kilometers of Africa, there are 62 countries and territories, 54 of which are independent states. Of all the countries and territories of Africa, 10 are insular, 15 are inland, 37, located on the mainland, have access to the sea. African countries are subdivided into 5 sub-regions.

The countries of North, West, Central, East and South Africa differ in terms of their geographical location, natural resources, number and average size of states.

The countries of North Africa, due to their access to the Mediterranean and Red Seas, the Atlantic Ocean, have been closely connected with Europe and Western Asia since ancient times. The subtropical and tropical climate of the countries of the subregion contributed to the specialization of agriculture in the cultivation of cotton, olives, grapes, citrus fruits. Industry is primarily associated with the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials (oil, natural gas, phosphorites, iron ore). In addition, light and food industries are well developed, processing agricultural raw materials. In the transport system, the role of sea transport is important. Especially, the Suez Canal plays an important role in the development of maritime transport off the coast of North Africa. International tourism has also developed significantly.

The bulk of the population is Arabs. In the course of the centuries-old history, developed areas of irrigated agriculture and nomadic livestock breeding, centers of handicrafts have developed in the countries of the subregion. Egypt and Algeria are considered the leading countries of the subregion in terms of socio-economic development.

The countries of West Africa are located between the Sahara Desert and the Gulf of Guinea, in the conditions of tropical deserts, savannas and humid equatorial forests. This subregion is one of the most populous in Africa. The ethnic composition of the population is very complex. During the era of colonialism, it was in West Africa that the slave trade was most active.

The modern appearance of the countries of the subregion is determined, first of all, by the specialization in the agriculture developed here since ancient times. Plantation economy in West African countries is mainly aimed at the cultivation of industrial crops. Agriculture is developing mainly in line with the monoculture of such export products as peanuts, cocoa, coffee, tropical fruits, natural rubber. The leading industry is mining. Mainly, iron and uranium ores, bauxite, tin, oil, diamonds and gold are mined. The state of Nigeria is an economically relatively developed country in West Africa.

The countries of Central Africa are located mainly in natural zones of humid equatorial forests and savannas. The subregion is distinguished by its rich reserves and variety of mineral resources on a scale not only of the mainland, but also of the whole world. In addition, the countries of the subregion are rich in water, biological (especially forest) resources, the potential of which is not fully utilized. Central African countries export rough diamonds, copper, cobalt, manganese, tin, and oil. The export value of forest resources is also great. The main industry is mining, but manufacturing industries are gradually developing. The ethnic composition of the population is dominated by the peoples of the Bantu family. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the largest country in the subregion in terms of territory, population and economic potential.

For the countries of East Africa, subequatorial and tropical climates are mainly inherent. Since ancient times, East Africa has had close trade ties with India and the Arab countries thanks to its access to the Indian Ocean. It differs from other sub-regions of the mainland in less richness in mineral resources. In this regard, great attention is paid to the use of other natural resources. Specializing in tropical agriculture, the countries of the subregion mainly export coffee, tea, coconut products, and spices. Some countries in the subregion also export minerals (mainly copper). Manufacturing industries are developing. Numerous nature reserves and national parks have become resources for the development of international tourism. The population of East Africa is a complex mixture of numerous peoples and tribes. Kenya stands out with relatively high indicators of socio-economic development among the countries of the subregion.

The countries of South Africa, at a considerable distance from Europe, Asia, America, have a favorable economic and geographical position. Important international sea routes pass along their coast. Situated in the tropical and subtropical belts of the Southern Hemisphere, the countries of South Africa have rich natural resources, especially mineral resources. South Africa is considered the most developed country not only in the subregion of South Africa, but throughout the entire continent. It is one of the largest suppliers of various types of mineral raw materials to the world market. At the same time, the manufacturing industry also occupies a prominent place in its economy. The rest of the subregion is dominated by agriculture. The ethnic composition of the population is variegated. A feature of the South African population is the relatively high proportion of Europeans.

African countries have rich natural and socio-economic resources. However, the low level of socio-economic development of many countries, the peculiarities of the ethnic and religious composition of the population, the low standard of living and education, the discrepancy between the state and ethnic boundaries inherited from the times of colonialism, are the sources of acute geopolitical problems on the continent. The irrational use of natural resources, in turn, has led to the emergence of acute environmental problems, especially desertification.