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Leafing through the pages of history. Orenburg bibliographic encyclopedia Maria Koretskaya

October 29, 2013 marks the 95th anniversary of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union. This organization can be treated in different ways. But it cannot be denied that the Komsomol became a significant milestone in the biography of millions of our compatriots. “This is our biography,” say those who wore the Komsomol badge on their chests, who, by the right of being the first to go ahead, went to build roads and cities, to develop virgin lands and the North Pole.

Starting countdown
The official date of birth of the Komsomol is October 29, 1918. From October 29 to November 4, 1918, the First All-Russian Congress of Workers 'and Peasants' Youth was held in Moscow. The Russian Communist Youth Union was created on it. And then Komsomol organizations began to be created throughout the country. They were entrusted with social, political and ideological work with young people, their involvement in the revolutionary movement, and later - active participation in the construction of the young Soviet state.
Already in June 1919, the II provincial party conference was held in the Orenburg province, at which a decision was made to create the Communist Youth Union.
* * *
The history of the Novotroitsk Komsomol organization begins its account as early as the 20s of the XX century, when the battles of the civil war died down on the Orenburg land. And the names of the first Komsomol members were included in the chronicle of our city.

Let's flip through the pages of the history of the Novotroitsk Komsomol organization.
Maria Koretskaya did not manage to become a Komsomol member: she died heroically in August 1918, two months before the creation of the Russian Komsomol. But if she had stayed alive, she would have been among the first members of the Komsomol. In memory of this brave girl, on July 10, 1966, the city's Komsomol members, using the funds earned from the Komsomol subbotniks, erected a ten-meter-high monument with a torch on the top according to the project of G.V. Nastich. The inscription clearly stands out on the silver-colored background: “ Scout Maria Koretskaya».
Such a short life
In the harsh August of the eighteenth year, from Aktyubinsk, where the red troops retreated from Orenburg, a reconnaissance officer Maria Koretskaya came to Orsk besieged by the Dutovites. She informed the defenders of the city about the impending offensive and, having received information about the situation in Orsk, went to distant Orenburg. It was risky to walk along the highway, and Maria made her way by country roads, although even there she was trapped by Cossack outposts, which she successfully passed. But the unexpected happened: one Orenburg Cossack recognized her.
- Knit her, - he shouted, - this is Manka Koretskova, the most Orenburg commissar.
Maria was driven to Khabarny, where the White Guard headquarters was located. For many days the White Cossacks scoffed at the scout, demanding to tell about the Reds who were in Orsk. Gritting her teeth painfully, Maria was silent.
... And here she is standing at the slope of the mountain in a torn white blouse with her hands tightly tied behind her back in front of a line of Dutovites. Calmly looks into the eyes of the executioners, not a shadow of fear on her face. At twenty-two, you don't want to think about death, even if it is nearby, a few steps away. The bearded man commanded something, and I looked into her eyes with the cold and merciless muzzles of rifles. Then, proudly raising her head, she shouted to the Cossacks:
- You can't shoot everyone! Ours will take it anyway!
She wanted to say something else to these deceived Dutov people, but the volley cut off her words ...
Forever in the Komsomol
After the end of the civil war, peasants-settlers from land-poor areas, mainly in the western part of the country, flocked to our region. It was they who founded the farm here, naming it after the village of Troitsk, where they came from, Novo-Troitskoye. There were also young people among them. The first Komsomol members were part of the Komsomol cell of the village of Khabarny. As representatives of the new government, they carried out a new policy of the country on the spot. The year 1929 became in the history of our region a significant milestone in the revolutionary upheaval in the countryside - the collectivization of agriculture. Komsomol members were active assistants of the communists in the struggle for a new life. It was difficult for them then. The kulaks did their best to preserve the old order in the countryside. Fiercely resisting Soviet power, they went to extreme measures: intimidated peasants, set fire to public buildings, beat and even killed young activists.
The Komsomol members were not afraid of kulak bullets: they boldly entered the battle for a better future. In the village of Khabarny, such were Alexander Falkov and Afanasy Lyamzin. Growing up in families of poor people, they were the first to join the Komsomol in November 1928, and became the leaders of the youth of their native village.
Together with the communists, the guys discovered the bread hidden by their kulaks, took care of every kilogram of grain handed over to the state, and advocated the deprivation of the kulaks of the suffrage. The Komsomol members tried to persuade all the youth of the village to their side.
84 years ago, on June 23, kulaks brutally dealt with the first Komsomol members. The religious population celebrated Trinity. Atheistically minded young people celebrated the church holiday in their own way. The harmonica played merrily. Ditties, in which witty guys ridiculed the kulaks, were spread far away. The fun was in full swing when a drunken company of kulak sons appeared from the direction of the village.
The metallic sheen of the knives did not escape Alexander Falkov. He calmly met Andrei Yakovlev's dim eyes.
Another persecution of the poor man's son began. The fists tried to provoke Falkov into a scandal. Alexander did not let the enemies descend.
“All of you Komsomol members must be beaten,” someone shouted. Yakovlev stabbed Falkov with a knife. Alexander's heart stopped.
Afanasy Lyamzin was quiet, modest, but he could not leave a friend in trouble. He made his way resolutely through the circle of numb fellow villagers. A terrible blow to the stomach stopped Lyamzin as well. A little alive, they brought him home under the arms. Athanasius was bleeding. It was impossible to save him. By evening, the Komsomol member died.
Falkov and Lyamzin were buried in a mass grave. The killers were detained and severely punished.
In 1957, Komsomol members erected a memorial at the grave of Falkov and Lyamzin. After 12 years, it was reconstructed. Students of school №4 take care of the monument.
Less than a year had a Komsomol experience with Alexander Falkov and Afanasy Lyamzin during their lifetime. In 1975, by the decision of the Novotroitsk city committee of the Komsomol, they were forever enlisted in the lists of the city Komsomol organization.

Photo from the archive.
Monument to Maria Koretskaya. Monument to A. Lyamzin and A. Falkov in the village of Khabarny.

This will be the last part, the final one. Here I will tell you about how we collected information from local residents and the administration in the village of Khabarnoe, well, of course we examined the area nearby, even found a gravestone of the former chieftain near the church in the old cemetery. We ran a little through the mountains, the view from the mountains is simply amazing, it's beautiful))
There will even be a little romantic story :)

Village history:
The settlement emerged at the end of the 18th century as the Khabarny redoubt. Here, to the south, closer to the Urals, the redoubt was moved from the Razboyki River of the Orenburg military border line. The postal road from Orenburg to Orsk passed here, hence the name - "khabar", which means "news" (Turkic origin).

Redoubt Razboiny was part of the Krasnogorsk distance of the Verkhne-Yaitskaya line. The Orsk distance also belonged to the same line. Krasnogorsk distance consisted of the following fortifications: Nizhinsky and Vyazovsky redoubts, Ozernaya fortress, Nikolsky redoubt, Ilyinsky fortress, Podgorny redoubt, Guberlinskaya fortress and Razboyny redoubt.

In the redoubts and outposts, there were military teams mainly in the summer, and in the winter there were very small garrisons.

In 1773-1774, during the first period of the Pugachev uprising, this area remained in the hands of government troops almost up to the Ilyinskaya fortress. Major General Stanislavsky, who was on his way from the Orsk fortress to help the garrison of the Ilinskaya fortress, in his report to the Orenburg governor Reinsdorp of December 4, 1773, said: “In one Rogue Redoubt there are three huts, in which a major general, headquarters officers, chief officers and privates were accommodated alternately and were heated by laid out lights. "

The map of the Orenburg province (published by A. Ilyin, 1910) shows the Khabarnynskiy farm (aside from the Urals) and Khabarny (almost on the banks of the Urals). In 1805-1806, Cossacks from the Chebarkul village (now the Chelyabinsk region) were forcibly resettled to the Khabarny detachment, as well as to the Guberlin fortress. An interesting legend recorded in Khabarny in 1890 from a 78-year-old resident Fyodor Mikhailovich Lyamzin: “... the Chebarkul Cossacks were sent to settle and, reluctantly resettling, they staged resistance in Chebarkul, even the women armed with grabs and pokers and settled in the reeds on the island ... Two companies of infantry and a gun were required. One company drove them out of the reeds, while the other carried out executions with rods. They were punished because the harvest spoke of the fertility of the soil and took away an extra trump card in favor of returning to their old native places. "

From the Khabarny Redoubt, only the name "Mayachnaya Gora" has survived. The name of the Plakunka river speaks of the former military border significance of the village. There was a guard observation post on "Mayachnaya Gora". Plakunka is a small stream flowing into the Urals. In those days, Kazakh cattle-breeders were transported in detachments to the right bank of the Urals and stole with them the cattle from the inhabitants of Khabarny, and sometimes people. And so, supposedly here, on Plakunka, Russian women, taken by the Kazakhs to the steppe, said goodbye to their homes, shedding bitter tears.

And here is another legend. The village's old-timer Pyotr Ivanovich Gugnin (born in 1890) believed that the name “Plakunka” arose simply from the name of the Cossack Plaksin, who fished in these places.

The postal road from Orenburg to Orsk passed through the settlements of Nezhinsky, Kamenno-Ozernaya, Vyazovsky, det. Krasnogorskiy, Giryalskiy, st. Verkhne-Ozernaya, neg. Nikolsky, Art. Ilyinskaya, neg. Podgorny, neg. Guberlinsky, neg. Khabarny, Orsk. This was the only road that ran along the Ural River in its floodplain.

But part of the road leading from Orsk to Orenburg, the so-called "Tsar's Road", passed along the Guberle River, among the steep rocky mountains, north of Khabarny, along a gorge known as the "Tsarskoye Gorge". Here, a wall was laid with a stone in the most dangerous places, steep slopes.

Khabarnoye was located within the territory of the Orenburg Cossack army and belonged to the village as the Khabarny detachment.

On September 9-10, the defenders of Orsk launched a raid on the headquarters in Khabarny from the side of the Silnov farm and from the left bank of the Urals. The result of this raid was the seizure of some staff documents and ammunition. The command, officers and privates of the 14th Cossack regiment fled from an unexpected raid without resistance, retreating from Khabarny.

Through Khabarny, down and up the Urals, the Cossack regiments passed, then the detachments of the "red".

So, on March 3, 1918, the 15th Ural Cossack Regiment (under the command of Chertykovtsev) passed through Khabarny, where negotiations were held with representatives of the Orsk City Council.

In May 1918, a detachment of "red" Cossacks under the command of N.A. Kashirin, heading to Orenburg.

Here, on August 14, 1918, Maria Petrovna Koretskaya, a scout of the "red" detachments, was shot. By order of the command from Aktyubinsk, she made her way in July to the besieged Orsk, and then went to Orenburg. On the way, in the Khabarny area, the White Cossacks identified her, took her to the headquarters, interrogations and tortures of the twenty-two-year-old intelligence officer lasted for several days. She was shot on the outskirts of the village.

Well, of course photos:

It feels like a real village ... the boys are playing war, the roosters are running around))

We stopped by to visit Maria Timofeevna Lyamzina, she is the grand-niece of the Cossack P.I. Goognin. The last one left from the indigenous inhabitants of the village.
We learned a lot of interesting things from her, but did not tell much, people of the Soviet era were brought up so that they are still afraid to talk about those times.
Long life to her ..

They even wrote about her in the book

then we decided to stop by the local church, right next to it is the old cemetery.

At the cemetery they found the tombstone of the ataman Alexander Pavlovich Deryshev, born on November 15, 1826, died on September 6, 1861.

And this is already on the wall in the administration building.

Reading a book about the village :)

And this is a local resident :)

I went for a walk in the mountains :)

I ran to the top pretty quickly

Anton decided to go on exploration to her, at the same time he will meet :))

Waiting for Anton))

he decided to go around from the rear, but she noticed him)

So we met))

In general, it was found out that she walks in the mountains to lose weight), often walks like that, lives here for a long time and she is about 15 years old))

Nature always spoils different factories

And these mountains are already on the side of Kazakhstan abroad

Some bright colors

Our search squad

The road to the forest, most likely to the border

Our Russian flag was seen on the side of Kazakhstan, probably our border guards were joking :)

And this is a monument to the red scout Maria Koretskaya, who was shot by whites at the age of 22.


We sort the finds, as usual, the most.

Beautiful buttons used to be

Medallion for works on the first population census, Sarmatian arrowhead and pectoral cross.

Bullets from the Berdan rifle, large and heavy, it is scary to think what kind of injuries a person had when hit.

When they found it was bent inward, straightened as best they could))

Nikolay 2

On the way back, we stopped at Giryal, gave some of the finds to the museum to Alexander Khopreninov, he was very happy to see us, gave him the finds, grunting little stacks :) and talked like life in the village used to be, oh, there were times ...
The village still has a monument to soldiers who did not return from the war.

And lastly, our search squad


KONOVALOV Alexey Dmitrievich (1919, village Timoshkino, Matveevsky district, Orenburg region - 19 XII 1943, village Pesok, Nevelsky district, Pskov region) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
He began military service in November 1941. In 1942 he graduated from the Smolensk Military Infantry School. He entered the active army in November 1943. The commander of a cadet company of a separate training battalion of the 51st Infantry Division (2nd Baltic Front), Guards Lieutenant Konovalov, on the night of 19 XII 1943 at the head of the company penetrated into the rear of the enemy and destroyed the garrison of vil. Linovki (Pskov region). Having occupied a perimeter defense, 60 fighters repelled 7 counterattacks in 15 hours. Killed in battle. The title of Hero was awarded posthumously on 4 VI 1944.

KONOVALOV Grigory Ivanovich (1 X 1908, the village of Bogolyubovka, Novosergievsky district of the Orenburg region - 1 IV 1987, Saratov).
He lived in Orenburg until the 30s, and then, especially in the 60-70s, he visited here annually. Major works: "Universities" (1947), "Steppe Lighthouse" (1949), "Origins" (1959-1967), "Berkutinaya Gora" (1963), "Bylinka in the Field" (1970) and others. Collected works in five volumes were published in Saratov in 1977-1980.

KONOVNITSYN Petr Petrovich (1802 - 1830) - Second Lieutenant of the Guards General Staff.
Member of the Northern Society. Convicted in the ninth category. Heading for a distant garrison as a private, he proceeded through the Urals in early August 1826. In December, he repeated this route when moving to the Caucasus.

KONONYKIN Yuri Viktorovich (3 VIII 1939, Novosibirsk) - television director.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture. He worked as an actor at the Orsk Drama Theater. Since 1968 - director, and since 1984 - chief director of the Orenburg television studio. Author of a series of historical video films: "The Return of Mikhail Khanzhin", "Pyotr Rychkov", "Iron Mask of the House of the Romanovs", films "Orenburg Downy Shawl", "Buzuluk Bor", etc.

KONSTANTINOV Viktor Veniaminovich (1909, Yaroslavl - 3 X 1969, Moscow) - an officer, and then a police general.
As a teenager, he began working as a laborer at a match factory, a mechanic at a factory, studied at an evening school, graduated from the Odessa Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Institute, and was an engineer-reclamator. In 1931, after being drafted into the army, he linked his life with the border troops, in which he served for twelve years (from platoon commander to deputy chief of staff of the NKVD troops for the protection of the rear of the Volkhov front). From 1942 to 1949 he worked in the apparatus of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and from 1949 to 1966 he headed the internal affairs bodies of the Orenburg region. He was awarded military awards and the title "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

KONYAKHIN Alexander Romanovich (24 VIII 1921, Zykovo farm, Orenburg region) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
He was drafted into the army in 1940. In 1942 he graduated from the Kazan Tank School. He came to the front in September 1943. The platoon leader of the 53rd Tank Brigade (Voronezh Front), Guards Lieutenant Konyakhin, in the battle for the villages of Grigorovka and Ivankovo ​​(Cherkasy region) on 12 X 1943, destroyed an assault gun and two anti-tank guns, many enemy soldiers. The title of Hero was awarded to him on 3 VI 1944.Since 1946 - captain in reserve.

KOPYLOV Pavel Ivanovich (2 VII 1921, the village of Borisovka, Ponomarevsky district, Orenburg region) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
He served in the army since 1940. He took part in the Patriotic War from June 1941. In 1943 he graduated from the military-political school, and in 1944 he was trained in a training tank regiment for officers. The platoon commander of the 136th Tank Regiment (2nd Ukrainian Front), Lieutenant Kopylov, in a battle on the outskirts of the city of Debrecen (Hungary) on 17 X 1944 personally destroyed two enemy tanks and a significant number of enemy soldiers, thereby frustrating his attempt to break into the battle formations of the advancing parts. The title of Hero was awarded on 24 III 1945. Since 1946 Kopylov is a lieutenant colonel in reserve.

KOPYLOV Yuri Nikolaevich (27 VIII 1949, Orenburg) - a scientist in the field of pathophysiology of adaptation processes.
Graduated from the Orenburg Medical Institute (1972). Doctor of Medical Sciences (1992), Professor (1993), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1995). Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology of the Medical Academy, head of the interdepartmental computer laboratory. Author of 74 initial works.

KORENYUK Alexey Evseevich (1924, Orsk) - Hero of Socialist Labor, hydrometallurgist of the Yuzhuralnickel plant.
Member of the Patriotic War, holder of military orders and medals. From the time of demobilization, he worked in the same workshop, became the author of many innovations that changed the nature of the work of filter workers and apparatchiks. He was awarded the title of Hero in 1971.

KORETSKAYA Maria Petrovna (1896, Orenburg - 1918, Orsk) - an active participant in the civil war in the Orenburg region.
The daughter of a stove-maker, an orphan from childhood, she especially distinguished herself as a scout of the Turkestan army. Many times she brought valuable information about the enemy to the command. Captured by enemies, she did not betray military secrets and died heroically. Orenburgskaya street is named after Koretskaya; M. Trutnev's poem "Heart-torch" is dedicated to it.

KORZHINSKY Sergey Ivanovich (1861 - 1900) - natural scientist.
Author of major works on the flora of the Volga-Ural region; they were the result of his numerous expeditions, incl. in the Orenburg province (1894). At the end of his life, an academician.

KORNILOVICH Alexander Osipovich (c. 1795 - 1834) - Staff Captain of the Guards General Staff.
Member of the Southern Society. Convicted of the fourth category. In his notes, he reflected on the development of the Ural industry and trade. He followed through the Urals twice: in February 1827 - being sent to hard labor in the Nerchinsk mines, and in January-February 1828, when he was sent for additional interrogation to St. Petersburg.

KOROLEV-ANTOSHECHKIN Grigory Efimovich - ethnographer, historian.
Member of the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. He took an active part in the analysis and description of documentary materials of the governor's archive. He was especially engaged in the history of printing and typography, to which he devoted a number of articles. Collected materials in order to write "a complete history of Orenburg from its foundation to the present day."

KOROLENKO Vladimir Galaktionovich (15 (27) VII 1853, Zhitomir - 25 XII 1921, Poltava) - Russian prose writer and publicist.
For a long time, Korolenko was preparing to create a story about the Pugachev uprising, increasingly rejecting official historiography with its tendentious, distorted coverage of the Peasant War. Recognizing the merits of A.S. Pushkin, who was the first to recreate the historically correct and artistically full-blooded image of Pugachev, he intended to oppose his genius predecessor with his own vision of events and persons. He studied archival materials with interest, traveled to places of events, including the Orenburg region, listened to and wrote down folk legends. The historical narration "The Runaway Tsar" remained unfulfilled, but the materials collected for it formed the basis of the cycle of essays "At the Cossacks".

KOROSTELEVS - party and state leaders, brothers.
Of the peasants. Workers. Members of the Communist Party since 1905. Alexander Alekseevich(1887-1938) - in 1917 before. Orenburg Council and Committee of the RSDLP (b), member of the All-Russian Revolutionary Committee. In April 1918 - March 1920 before. Orenburg Provincial Executive Committee and member of the Provincial Committee of the RCP (b); simultaneously from July 1918 beginning. political department of the Aktobe group of forces, in 1919 - of the Turkestan army, in April-June 1919 commissar of the Orenburg defense headquarters. Delegate to the 8th Congress of the RCP (b). In 1920-1921 Commissioner of the Turkestan Railway, member of the Kirghiz Bureau of the RCP (b), People's Commissar of Railways of the Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1921, in government, trade union and economic work. In 1922-1925 and 1927-1930 he was a member of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b). Member of the Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Georgy Alekseevich(1885-1932) - in 1917 a member of the Samara Council, the Orenburg Committee of the RSDLP (b), after the capture of the city by the Dutovites (November 1917) in the party underground. Since January 1918, a member of the Orenburg Military Revolutionary Committee and the provincial executive committee. Member of the Orenburg defense in 1919. In 1919-1920 before. Orenburg provincial SNKh, since 1921 secretary of the provincial executive committee, commissar of the Turkestan railway. Delegate of the 10th Congress of the RCP (b). Since 1921 in party work. Candidate member of the Central Committee (since 1924), member of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) (since 1925). Member of the Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

KOROSTIN Boris Andreevich (3 (16) II 1914, Chelyabinsk - 9 XII 1976, Orenburg) - ethnographer, teacher.
In 1931-1950 he served in the army; participated in the Patriotic War. After demobilization, he conducted pedagogical work with children, was engaged in local history and journalism. Author of over 300 articles, essays and stories on local history topics.

KOROSTINA Lyudmila Yakovlevna (30 VI 1917, st.Dolinskaya Kirovograd region - 6 IV 1988, Kursk) - poetess.
She lived in Orenburg from 1950 to 1979. She worked in newspapers and on the radio. The first book for children ("Birthday") was published by the regional book publishing house in 1951, with a total circulation of 390 thousand copies. Her subsequent books - "The Red Tie", "Artek in the Urals" (co-authored with Ya. Tanin), "Little Friend", "The Path of the Brave", "Dispute". Published in central newspapers and magazines.

KOROTKOV Lev Aleksandrovich (7 II 1923, Gorky region) - police officer.
Member of the Patriotic War, holder of the Order of Alexander Nevsky and other military awards. Honored Worker of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. For thirty years of impeccable service in the Orenburg militia, he went from an ordinary worker to a deputy. early Department of Internal Affairs of the region, colonel. Since the creation of the Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies (1984), he headed it to intensify all educational work.

KOROTYNSKY Georgy Sergeevich (25 II 1911 - 4 VII 1988, Orenburg) - specialist and organizer of railway transport.
He studied at the Leningrad Institute of Transport Engineers, after which he arrived in the Orenburg region and worked as a specialty in the car industry. He consistently headed the Orsk, Aktyubinsk, Orenburg branches of the road, and since 1960 became the first head of the united Orsk-Orenburg branch, which under his leadership achieved great success in railway services for the entire Orenburg region, the growth of loading and unloading, freight and passenger traffic. New lines were built: Krutorozhino - Gai, Novoorsk - Irikla, a transition to diesel traction took place. Honorary Railwayman of the USSR.

KORSUNOV Nikolay Fedorovich (20 XII 1927, settlement Krasnoarmeysk, Priuralsky district of West Kazakhstan region) - writer.
In the early years of World War II, he worked on a collective farm, and from 1944 to 1950 he served on ships of the Baltic Fleet; there he began to publish in the naval newspapers. After demobilization, he graduated from an evening school, worked on the radio, in the regional and republican newspapers. He took part in the uplift of virgin lands, to which he dedicated his first works of fiction (screenplay, story, novel). For them he was accepted into the USSR Joint Venture (1963). In 1961-1993 he lived in Uralsk. He published the novels "Where the knot intertwined" (1965), "Without witnesses" (1987), "Capital measure" (1988), several stories, collections of stories and essays; author of two plays staged on stages. For a quarter of a century (since 1965) he headed the Ural Interregional Writers' Organization. At the end of 1992 he was forced to move to Orenburg, where in 1997 he was elected chairman of the regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia.

KORF Alexey Alekseevich (1712-1786) - an officer in the troops of the Orenburg province.
In 1773 - brigadier, commander of the Upper Yaik distance of fortresses. From November 1773 to March 1774 - one of the leaders of the defense of Orenburg, besieged by the army of E.I. Pugachev.

KORCHAGIN Pavel Nikolaevich (1901, settlement Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod region - 19 XII 1980, Ivanovo) - party and public figure.
From 1928 on the trade union, from 1933 - on the party and Soviet work. In 1943-1948 - before. Altai regional executive committee. From November 27, 1948 to December 19, 1955, he was the first secretary of the Chkalovsk regional committee and the city committee of the CPSU (b). Recalled at the disposal of the Central Committee, he worked before. Ivanovo Regional Executive Committee. Elected as a delegate to the XIX Congress, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

KOS-ANATOLSKY Anatoly Iosifovich (1 XII 1909, Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region - 30 XI 1983, Lviv) - Ukrainian composer.
Professor. People's Artist of Ukraine. The author of operas, ballets, symphonies, songs. State Prize Laureate. Participated in the decade of literature and art of Ukraine in the Russian Federation (27 V - 6 VI 1969), spoke at meetings in Orenburg, Orsk, Novotroitsk, rural areas of the region.

KOSOBUTSKY Vladimir Nikolaevich (1 IV 1936, the village of Dubrava, Gomel region, Belarus - 5 VII 1991) - Hero of Socialist Labor, machine operator.
Survived an enemy occupation; from the age of fifteen he worked on a collective farm, served in the navy, then left to develop virgin lands - first to Kazakhstan, and later to the Pervomaisky district of the Orenburg region. In 1974, a link of two combines threshed 60 thousand centners of grain, for which he was nominated for the title of Hero. In 1978, its link, which consisted of five combines, threshed over 140 thousand centners; in 1979 he organized a harvesting and transport complex detachment of 6 reapers, 6 combines and 6 K-700 tractors. In 1980 Kosobutsky became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

KOSTENKO Anatoly Ilyich (12 VIII 1908, village Balakleya, Poltava region) - Ukrainian writer and literary critic.
Author of books about T. Shevchenko and L. Ukrainka. I have been to the Orenburg region more than once. Participated in the "Shevchenko March" 1980 (Orsk).

KOSTENYUK Alexander Grigorievich (1935, settlement Maysky, Tashlinsky district, Orenburg region) - production organizer, party and Soviet worker.
Graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics and the Academy of Social Sciences. He worked at the Orsk Yuzhuralmashzavod, in the Orsk city committee, and then at the Orenburg regional committee of the CPSU, where in 1976 he was elected secretary. 1980-1991 - Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee. Elected as a delegate to party congresses and conferences, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since 1992 - General Director of the diversified company "Salmysh". Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region.

KOSTETSKY Vladimir Nikolaevich (1905 - 1968) - Ukrainian painter.
People's Artist of Ukraine (1960), Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1967). The largest works - "Interrogation of the enemy", "T. Shevchenko in exile. After the drill", "Return", etc. During the Patriotic War he lived and worked in Orenburg.

KOSTYUK Yuri Grigorievich (1910, village Zagradovka, Kherson region) - Ukrainian playwright and theater critic.
The author of the plays "Taras Shevchenko" (1939) "My thoughts ..." (1951) and others. The first of them was staged on the Orsk stage, staged by the Lugansk theater that worked there.

KOTOV Konstantin Nazarovich (1879 - 1934) - worker, public figure.
Member of the revolution of 1905-1907. In 1917-1918 - a member of the underground committee of the Bolsheviks, organizer of the Red Guard detachment in Orenburg. An active participant in the civil war in the province. In 1924-1930 - Chairman of the Orenburg City Council. The street is named after Kotov.

KOTS Yakov Iosifovich (8 I 1931, Orenburg) - a scientist in the field of cardiology.
Graduated from the Orenburg Medical Institute (1952). After several years of work in the Tashlinsky regional hospital, he returned to his native university, where he went from assistant to head of the department of hospital therapy. In 1964 he defended his candidate's thesis, and in 1972 he defended his doctoral dissertation. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1996). The activities of Ya.I. Kotsa has been linked to heart failure problems. Author of 192 publications, incl. a textbook on internal medicine for medical universities and three monographs. Under his leadership, 4 doctoral and 35 master's theses were prepared and defended. For the collective monograph "Ischemic Heart Disease" he was awarded the G.F. Lang of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.

KRAVETS Karl Ivanovich (1896, Kovno province - 1953, Riga) - a participant in the revolutionary movement, a public and economic figure.
The Riga railroad worker was arrested more than once, was underground, served in the Red Army, was a railway commissar. In 1924 - authorized by the People's Commissariat of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway, from March 1925 to April 1926 - chairman of the Orenburg City Executive Committee. From here he was recalled for special work abroad. In subsequent years, he worked in the Secretariat of the Supreme Soviet, NIIzoloto, the Society of Old Bolsheviks.

KRAVETS Konstantin Petrovich (28 IX 1928, v. Stepanovka, Saraktash district, Orenburg region) - Hero of Socialist Labor.
From 1941 he worked as a tractor driver, then became a general mechanic, achieved the highest output in all types of equipment. He was a delegate to the 24th Congress of the CPSU and the 3rd All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers. He was awarded the title of Hero in 1968.

KRAVTSOV Alexander Lazarevich (26 XII 1913, Samara - 20 IX 1987, Orenburg) - a highly qualified therapist, health care organizer.
Graduated from the Samara Medical College (1932) and the Kuibyshev Medical Institute (1938). From 1939 - in Orenburg: chief physician of a therapeutic hospital until 1941 and from 1943 to 1945; in the early years of the Patriotic War - at the head of evacuation hospitals. From 1948 to 1974 he was deputy. chief physician of the regional clinical hospital for the medical part. Honored doctor of the RSFSR (1957), holder of the Order of Lenin (1966).

KRAVCHENKO Nikolai Mikhailovich (1926, village Alekseevka, Tashlinsky district, Orenburg region) - Hero of Socialist Labor, chairman of the collective farm.
Member of the Patriotic War. He worked in party bodies, since 1962 he was the chairman of the largest collective farm in his native region named after V. Karl Marx. The collective farm headed by him came to one of the first places in the region. Received the title of Hero in 1971. Since 1974 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

KRAVCHUK Pyotr Ilyich (6 VII 1911, the village of Stoyanov in the Lviv region) - writer-publicist, literary critic, leader of the Ukrainian emigration in Canada.
In 1976 he spent several days in Orenburg. His impressions of visiting the city and the region were reflected in the book "On Three Continents", published by a Canadian publishing house.

KRASILNIKOV Ivan (second decade of the 18th century - after 1773) - a region researcher, geodesist and geographer.
The compiler of the first cartographic atlas of the Orenburg region, which consisted of one general and ten private land maps. The main one among them bore the name: "General Map of the Orenburg province and adjacent places ...". The atlas included an explanatory note representing the first part of P.I. Rychkova "Topography of the Orenburg province". The note was published in 1762, the atlas, due to the fact that it was a military-geographical, was published only in 1880. It also contained a map made after the disappearance of the Dzungar state in 1758.

KRASNITSKY Nikolay (patronymic and year of death not established, was born in 1801) - retired second lieutenant.
Member of the Society of United Slavs. After the uprising of the Decembrists, he was kept under arrest, and in 1830 he was sent to serve in the Separate Orenburg Corps.

KRASNOV Petr Nikolaevich (12 I 1950, the village of Ratchino, Sharlyk district, Orenburg region) - writer.
After high school in his native village he graduated from the Orenburg Agricultural Institute, served as an agronomist. In 1978, the publishing house "Molodaya Gvardiya" published a book of his stories "Sashkino Pole", which was awarded the first prize of the All-Union competition for the best first book by a young author. Then his books "Anxiety Day", "Because of the Soul", "Tall Larks", "On the Edge", "Mayflies of the Night" were published. He was awarded the All-Russian Prizes. Ivan Bunin and "The Captain's Daughter". Member of the Writers' Union since 1979. Elected Secretary of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation.

KRASNOKUTSKY Semyon Grigorievich (1787 - 1840) - Chief Prosecutor of the Senate.
Member of the Southern Society. Convicted of the second category. In August 1826 he proceeded through the Urals to settle in Siberia. The last years of his life (from 1838) he was in Tobolsk.

KRASNOSCHEKOV Mikhail Minovich (1888 - 1966) - an active participant in the civil war in the Orenburg region.
After returning from the First World War, in August 1917 he joined the Bolshevik Party and became the organizer of the Red Guard detachments in the Orsk district. He took part in the battles with the Dutovites and the three-month defense of Orsk. In 1919 he was deputy. commander, and from 8 to 27 May the commander of the Aktobe front of the Red Army. Later he fought on the Polish front, commanded special forces in the Jatysu region, was in leading economic work. A lane in Orenburg is named after Krasnoshchekov.