Repair Design Furniture

Treatment methods for orthopedic problems. What is this instep support and how necessary is it in shoes? Types of orthopedic insoles by purpose

Instep support (Bykov's supinated insoles). This is a spring-type instep support for the treatment of both longitudinal and transverse flat feet. All other non-spring instep supports are ineffective. These supinated insoles should be placed in your usual shoes and worn at all times with periodic supervision by specialists.

Doctor of Medical Sciences A. Lavrukov

Indications for the use of the supinated insole:

    A period of rapid growth in adolescents.

    Advanced age.


    Chronic overwork.

    Doing hard physical work.

    Sports loads.


    After suffering injuries of the lower extremities

    After prolonged illness.

    Heel spurs.

    For the treatment of the initial forms of flat feet.

    After surgery on the lower limbs and foot.

    Varicose veins.

    The instep support is available both in the form of an insole and a half insole.

Supinated insole

    reduces pain when walking;

    favors the stability of the legs;

    prevents rapid fatigue;

    improves blood supply to the feet;

    massages the foot;

    improves overall well-being;

    contributes to a better microclimate in shoes.

Just a stop. Or not just?

… Only the human heart does more physical work than the foot. An average modern person takes ten thousand steps a day. With each step, a person's foot experiences large mechanical loads and overloads, adapting to the terrain of the road, and when running and jumping, they are many times higher.

In addition, it has been proven that there are many biologically active points on the foot, acting on which a very diverse organs can be treated; Nerves not yet identified by anatomists even allegedly connect the feet with all internal organs. Points that are susceptible to the action of a magnetic field were also found here. As with palmistry, there is still a lot of unclear when deciphering the mechanism of action, as well as in explaining the possibility of walking barefoot on burning coals. I will allow myself to refer to the opinion of individual researchers that the foot sometimes acted as a symbol of the soul. In a number of museums, you can see sculptures, the legs of which at different levels - shin, foot, shoes - are equipped with wings.

This should be regarded as an indication of the possibility of not just an ascent, but a spiritual ascent. The foot is also the embodiment of discontinuity, some kind of division between the body and the earth. Therefore, foot worship is often tantamount to land worship. The limitation of the feet from below - shoes - we leave at the entrance to the sanctuary. There was even a sect of "barefoot" monks and nuns, like other adherents of asceticism who did not wear shoes. The process of ablution acquired in the old days both direct and symbolic meaning.

Usually the feet of the guests were washed by slaves, but before the Last Supper Christ did such a thing, expressing this infinite humility. The "heel", the heel, was perceived as the "end" of the person. Typically, for most, this part of the foot is directed posteriorly. It is here that the soul "leaves" in fear. It is with this part of the foot that they crush, crushing evil, the snake, it is here that they sting us, like all kinds of gods and heroes.

In Ossetian folklore, the heels are turned forward at the devils, similarly in the legends of some Siberian peoples. That is why they are "anti-pods" ("podos" in Greek means leg). Anchutki in Slavic mythology do not have heels at all, they have hooves, which clearly indicates that they belong to "evil spirits". Toes, as everyone knows, are shorter than on the hands. Functionally, there is less demand for them. Let's leave on Aristotle's conscience the statement that those with crooked toes are shameless. More precisely, in men, the shape of the fingers is elongated, and in women, it is shortened and flattened. Usually the first and second toes are almost the same length, the second is often even longer.

Although in a newborn, the big toe has significant mobility (it resembles the function of that at this time on the hand). Then, in humans, the grasping ability of the toes is lost, but in monkeys, it is not. We lose our grip, and our feet are adapted from now until the end of our days mainly for support.

The smallest on the leg is the fifth toe. Some scientists, due to the fact that he is not very much involved in the support, predict his almost complete disappearance in the distant future. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay wrote that he saw many Papuans holding large objects with their feet. It turns out that after long training, some people can pinch their toes, operate a paddle, play musical instruments, draw, write, sew (Japanese), weave (Bengalis).

But, despite this, the feet have always endured all kinds of human tricks. The artificial deformation was not only impressive, but also manifested in a number of cases a symbolic necessity. One of the researchers of the way of life of the indigenous population of Australia wrote about the rite of kadaitja (kurdaicha). This word was called at the beginning of our century a shoe made of kangaroo fur and emu feathers. Such a shoe was worn by the practitioner of magic, but his little finger was previously rubbed with hot stones, and then turned out. This was done in order for the mentioned finger to become an "eye" that "sees" everything that meets so low in its path.

From the point of view of modern culture, this is barbarism. And I really would not want our descendants to consider us barbarians.

Orthopedic insoles are an important part of the conservative treatment of foot diseases. Their function is the correct distribution of body weight on the foot and its physiologically correct setting. The products are used for prophylactic purposes, as well as for the treatment of diseases in which the physiological cushioning capacity of the foot is lost.

How to choose the right orthopedic insoles for an adult for the treatment of diseases or prevention? What should you pay attention to when choosing them? What types of insoles are there? How should they be worn? Which products are better - ready-made or customized? How to choose orthopedic insoles for a child? Below we will answer all the questions.

Types of orthopedic insoles by purpose

There are several types of orthopedic insoles, depending on the purpose of wearing.

Preventive models

If there is no disease, and the legs are tired, it is recommended to choose preventive orthopedic remedies. They are designed to relieve stress while walking and standing for long periods. They are soft in structure and should provide comfort. They are made from leather or foam. This type of product is intended for people who temporarily or permanently experience stress on their legs:

  • it is recommended to choose such orthopedic aids during pregnancy;
  • during work associated with excessive overload (hairdressers, salespeople);
  • athletes;
  • with varicose veins;
  • you can choose orthopedic means for flat feet of the initial stage;
  • lovers of high heels can also choose these orthopedic models.

Comfort models

  • wide foot;
  • deformation of the fingers;
  • flat feet III – IV degree.

Healing models

Their very name speaks for itself. It is recommended to choose these orthopedic means for those who already have changes in the bones of the foot, impaired blood supply to the lower extremities. When using them, painful sensations may occur. This is due to the fact that orthopedic treatment insoles try to return the physiological position to the deformed foot. The tension of the ligaments and muscles is accompanied by pain.

It is recommended to choose therapeutic orthopedic aids for the following diseases:

  • plantar fasciitis (heel spur);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • flat feet;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • clubfoot, varus deformity, or flat-valgus foot in children.

How to choose medical orthopedic insoles for an adult or a child? - as with the choice of any remedy - only a doctor should do this, in this case an orthopedist. Medical products as a result of constant wear relieve inflammation, eliminate fatigue and pain in the legs. They also prevent diseases of the feet, large joints and spine.

Types of medical orthopedic insoles

According to their functional purpose, medical products are divided into several types:

  • corrective;
  • unloading;
  • arch-supporting;
  • arch-forming.

The therapeutic effect of each orthopedic product follows from the name. The purpose of the corrective model is to correct the position of the foot relative to the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in their design there are additional details - instep supports, pilots and high sides. Therapeutic models are designed to relieve pain, increase leg endurance, and correct the biomechanics of the foot.

Arch support orthotics should be selected to reduce the load on the foot. They relieve pain and increase leg endurance under stress.

Arch-forming models need to be selected for smooth transformation of the arch of the foot. They are used in children's orthopedic products with existing flat feet.

Unloading insoles should be chosen if you want to redistribute the load from problem areas evenly throughout the foot. This is achieved with special grooves and protuberances. They help to avoid contact of the painful area of ​​the sole with the product. Materials of various density and composition relieve the load of the arch of the foot when walking and standing for a long time.

How to choose orthopedic insoles by marking

When buying insoles, you can see letters and numbers on them. Each label is intended to be worn for a specific medical condition. Some products are used when changing the position of the foot - supination, that is, turning the foot inward, or pronation - turning outward.

Types of orthopedic insoles by design

The therapeutic effect of orthopedic insoles depends a lot on the material used by the manufacturers.

The following orthopedic models are available:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • combined;
  • half insoles are produced for lovers of high-heeled shoes;
  • frame;
  • children's models.

People with flat feet often use insoles. The patient can choose the appropriate model after consulting an orthopedic surgeon. With longitudinal flat feet, insoles are chosen in which the inserts run along the foot. For transverse flat feet, insoles with a pelot are used. Patients with combined flat feet need insoles with a pad and instep support.

How to choose and wear orthopedic insoles

For winter and summer footwear, products of various designs are produced. Warm models can be selected with fur. Manufacturers produce products for sandals or sandals that are thin, barely visible to the eye. They are attached to the shoe with an adhesive base.

Who needs orthopedic insoles?

  1. Preventive models made of leather, elastic foam or cork will relieve the pain in the legs of lovers of high heels.
  2. For people weighing more than 100 kg, who often have deformation of the feet, rigid insoles made of plastic, metal or graphite are recommended.
  3. Soft models made of material with a porous structure will help get rid of calluses and corns.
  4. If the ankle is unstable or the foot is often tucked, semi-rigid models made of flexible plastic are suitable.
  5. For children, thermoplastic models are ideal, which take the shape of a foot under the influence of heat.
  6. With a heel spur, rigid orthopedic types of products are selected.
  7. For diabetics, two-layer products that prevent the formation of corns are suitable.
  8. With flat feet, models are selected for the transverse or longitudinal arch of the foot.
  9. For pain in the legs, choose soft felt or wool insoles.
  10. People in professions associated with prolonged standing (hairdressers, salespeople) should choose rigid frame insoles.
  11. For sports shoes, a product without a frame is selected.

People can choose preventive insoles for themselves. They can be immediately worn permanently or during exercise. Silicone insoles should not be used for more than 16 hours a day. They are not used for wounds on the foot.

Important! Before inserting orthopedic insoles from shoes, you must remove the factory pads.

The mode of wearing the insoles is determined by the orthopedist. Newly acquired healing insoles are not recommended to be worn all the time right away, because they can chafe. At first they are worn for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time. When the foot has adapted, it can be applied for several hours a day.

What to look for when choosing insoles

When planning to go shopping, you need to take with you the shoes in which the insole will be used. In addition to the profile selection, you need to pay attention to the following details of the product.

It is preferable to choose models from polymer materials, leather or cork.

How to choose for a heel spur

Plantar fasciitis insoles are used in normal shoes. If there is a heel, then it should not be more than 4–5 cm high.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for a heel spur? When buying, you need to focus on the following criteria.

  1. The rigid frame of the orthopedic insoles forms an instep support inside to support the longitudinal arch. It is designed to relieve stress on the plantar fascia and distribute it evenly over the entire foot.
  2. The insole should have a heel cushion. Its function is to relieve heel shock.
  3. With combined flat feet, the insole should also have a metatarsal pad - a pad under the metatarsal bones. It is needed to support the transverse arch.

On the recommendation of a doctor, the model may have special wedges under the heel if there is supination or pronation of the foot. Rigid orthopedic insoles correctly distribute the load on the foot. Thanks to this, the kinetics of the foot is improved, pain is reduced. When trying on, you need to pay attention to the fact that the toes of the shoe move freely, and the insole protrudes 1 cm beyond the phalanges.

How to choose with longitudinal flat feet

How to choose orthopedic insoles for longitudinal flat feet? Experts believe that the best material for making this type of product is high-temperature plastic. It compensates well for the sagging of the arch of the foot, keeps the heel in the correct position.

The main requirement in the construction of the insole with longitudinal flat feet is the presence of an instep support. It evenly distributes the load on the changed surface of the foot, reduces pain when walking, and improves the biomechanics of the lower limb. This model reduces leg pain when walking or standing for a long time. It also delays the formation of a heel spur and the progression of the disease.

How to choose for transverse flat feet

With transverse deformity, the front part of the foot in the area of ​​the toes suffers. The main symptom of transverse flat feet is pain and fatigue in the foot towards the end of the day, cramps in the calf muscles. In advanced cases, pains appear in the knee, hip joints and back. Due to the incorrect distribution of the load, a transversely spread foot is formed. In addition, the thumb moves to the side, and an exophyte forms in the area of ​​the joint, which patients call a "bone".

How to choose orthopedic insoles for transverse flat feet? A product with this pathology must necessarily have a metatarsal pad - a pelot. It supports the transverse arch, reduces stress, relieves pain in the front of the sole. With constant wearing, the kinetics of the foot is corrected, pain in the back and joints is eliminated.

How to choose for mixed flat feet

In this type of flat feet, both arches of the foot are flattened. Treatment is aimed at the correct distribution of the load throughout the foot, the correction of kinetics, and pain relief.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for combined flat feet? By design, these products must be rigid. There is an instep support to support the longitudinal arch. The load of the transverse arch helps to reduce the metatarsal pad - the pelot. The presence of a heel shock absorber relieves the shock load on the back of the foot. Thus, the insole with three points of support corrects the kinetics of the lower limb and spine, reduces pain when walking.

Individual orthopedic insoles

This type of product is made by prosthetic factories or workshops. How to choose custom orthopedic insoles?

The following data are used in the manufacture:

  • orthopedic prescription;
  • plaster cast of the foot;
  • sole prints;
  • computer modelling.

The manufacturing technology and material affect the efficiency of the model:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • fleece;
  • wool.

According to the technology of some manufacturers, insoles are made in 20 minutes in the following sequence.

  1. Examination of the foot with a plantoscope.
  2. Selection of the workpiece by size from the appropriate material.
  3. Heating the workpiece, after which the person puts his foot on it. After 30 seconds, the material hardens.
  4. Modeling a product that fully matches the sole of a person.
  5. Testing the product with the necessary correction.

Individual orthopedic insoles, made taking into account the anatomical features of the foot, are considered the most effective. Therefore, orthopedists recommend choosing them so that the products are useful.

Choice of orthopedic insoles for children

In childhood, with improperly selected shoes or a genetic predisposition, changes in bone structure may develop:

  • flat feet is the most common pathology;
  • clubfoot;
  • rachiocampsis.

In childhood, when the transverse arch of the foot is still undeveloped, prophylactic insoles with a thickened instep support should be chosen.

Important! For children, insoles are selected according to the existing deformation of the foot or the tendency to it. And only an orthopedic surgeon can determine how to choose children's orthopedic insoles.

With a deformed foot, the product is ordered in an orthopedic salon. They are made from plaster casts or by computer modeling. Children with flat feet are registered by orthopedists. Such children are assigned constant wearing of insoles until the age of 23, until the foot is formed. This takes into account the condition of the spine. When these children become adults, they will not have developed diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

As a result, let's highlight the main points of the above. Orthopedic insoles are the basis of the conservative treatment of foot diseases, and also serve them. Various off-the-shelf models are available. They differ in design and material of manufacture, depending on the purpose of their use. Ready-made insoles are purchased after consulting a doctor. Orthopedists recommend choosing more effective individual insoles that take into account the anatomical features of the foot.

They say that looking into the eyes of a person, you can see the reflection of his soul. Orthopedists are confident that by looking at the legs and gait, many conclusions can be drawn about the health of the whole body. All the main work on movement falls on the joints of the foot, which is why it is they who suffer in the first place. To save yourself from existing problems with your feet or to prevent their possible occurrence, you should use orthopedic insoles with instep supports. What are they and what are they for? This article will help answer these questions.

What are orthopedic insoles

Insoles with an instep support are special inlays for shoes that have a relief that ensures the natural position of the foot during the entire wear. It may seem that this detail is not so significant, but correctly fitted insoles are one of the main points in the treatment of most problems related to the feet. These types of products do not allow the foot to occupy the wrong position, and also guarantee the correct distribution of the load. A healthy foot is able to independently cushion the body while walking, but some diseases deprive it of this important property for health. If you wear earbuds all the time, this problem is solved and no longer poses any danger to the joints, does not overload the ankle, does not distort the gait and may even disappear over time. That is, if people use shoes with orthopedic insoles, they not only do not feel discomfort, but also receive a healing effect.

The first description of orthopedic insoles, dating back to the early twentieth century, can be found in the medical literature. They were called "instep support" and were appointed only in very difficult cases. This treatment was not cheap, because the earbuds could be made to order. Shoe makers or specialists in the prosthetics department could take on such work. Today, in the production of an instep support, soft fabrics are used that provide comfort when worn.

In order to get sensations as close to natural as possible while walking, each customer can choose the desired instep support height, the size of the rolling sections, the strap, heel groove and wedges. These products can often be made of materials with a porous structure - they will quickly help you feel light when moving and improve the condition of the foot.

The instep supports are a special type of orthopedic products that are used in the treatment and prevention of flat feet. Orthopedic instep supports are divided into 2 types: some are used to correct the longitudinal arches, while others correct the transverse arch of the feet.

The key difference between the instep supports is the layout of the arch. The transverse insoles have a metatarsal pad in the area of ​​the longitudinal arch. So that the compacted longitudinal arches do not put excessive stress on the foot, the instep support has 2 wedges located under the heels and at the base of the toes. Physiologically correct insole design improves blood circulation in the lower extremities and facilitates movement. There are insoles for people with combined flat feet. They effectively relieve stress from the heel and longitudinal arch, as well as from the transverse arch.

The main tasks of orthopedic products

The health of the musculoskeletal system as a whole depends on how correctly the foot will be formed. Therefore, many parents, without waiting for problems with the very first pair of shoes, pay attention to the fact that it meets orthopedic standards. Almost any shoe for an adult or child can help the foot to return to its natural position. Prophylaxis with orthopedic insoles will reliably protect against pain while walking, flat feet and foot deformities.

The products support the weakest areas of disease and provide an even load distribution so that you can stand upright all day long without discomfort. Medical orthopedic insoles can prevent the further development of the pathology that has arisen, as well as improve the current condition. You can forget about:

  • calluses and corns;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • reduced skin sensitivity;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • tired feet;
  • pain in the joints, spine and knees (if they are caused by diseases of the foot).

Varieties of insoles

Based on the intended purpose, there are two main types of orthopedic products.


If, after a visit to the orthopedist, no pathologies have been identified, but fatigue remains in the legs after a long walk, we recommend purchasing prophylactic insoles. This product will become a real salvation for people who, by the nature of their activity, are prone to overloading the joints of the legs. If you are forced to be in a standing position or constant movement for a long time, there is a significant overload of the arch of the foot, which sooner or later will lead to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is better to take care of your health in advance and make life easier with the help of comfortable soft orthopedic inserts.

Prophylactic insoles are in special demand among pregnant women, because the load on the spine and feet is considerable, which means they need support. Sellers or hairdressers often use these products as well. Athletes, models and people suffering from varicose veins - they all need insoles that would relieve the foot and provide good blood flow. Depending on your budget and personal preference, you can choose from leather or foam.


Orthopedic insoles with an instep support are indicated for diseases that are associated with changes in the skeleton and numbness of the feet due to poor blood circulation. Also, corrective insoles are prescribed for heel spurs, arthritis, osteoarthritis. It is important to remember that in the first days painful sensations in the legs are possible. This is not surprising, because the treatment is associated with the setting of the deformed feet in a physiological position, which does not pass without leaving a trace. Muscle tissues and bones change their position, the load on them changes, which causes pain. Only a doctor can prescribe insoles, after which individual production will be carried out separately for each patient.

For what diseases is the use of insoles indicated?

The use of orthopedic products is indicated in the presence of various diseases. Let's take a look at some of them.

This disease affects approximately 65% ​​of the population. Many people do not notice the problem until it causes serious consequences, including curvature of the spine, diseases of the hip and ankle joints. The longitudinal and transverse arches of the feet are designed to relieve the load and absorb the body during movement, but when the bones are deformed, they no longer cope with their functions, the entire load falls on the spine, which significantly aggravates the course of concomitant diseases. How to choose insoles for flat feet? We hasten to warn you that this task is within the power of only a doctor, with timely access to which you can completely get rid of the pathology.


Ostearthrosis of the joints, as a result of flat feet, is manifested by acute pain and impaired motor ability. This, in turn, often leads to scoliosis and osteochondrosis. With all the pathologies listed, one of the key points in the treatment will be the insoles selected by the doctor, which will restore the natural position of the bones of the feet, provide cushioning, evenly distribute the load, and correct the difference in the length of the lower extremities.

Heel spurs

If a person has foot diseases, deformities, then only special orthopedic instep supports can help him out. They are also necessary for a more comfortable walking. After all, we spend most of our lives on our feet.

What are orthopedic instep supports

Orthopedic instep supports are a shoe insole that fits inside the shoe. They are involved in cushioning impacts on the foot when walking, reducing the load of body weight on the limbs. They are used as a remedy for flat feet and a way to inhibit the development of foot deformities at any age.

What are the insoles needed for?

Prosthetic insoles are essential to improve blood flow. It is noted that in shoes with such a lining under the foot, the legs do not get tired, the load during walking decreases.

Foot pads have other important functions as well:

  • Supports the longitudinal arch of the leg.
  • A necessary factor for longitudinal flat feet.
  • Fix the position of the foot in the correct position.
  • Relieve the joints (hip, ankle, knee) and the spine.
  • Accelerate the healing process after heel and foot injuries.
  • They are used at a time when a person can already walk, but it is not recommended to overload the legs.
  • The insole is placed under the heel, toe, making walking easier for the patient of the trauma surgeon.
  • They make shoes comfortable and comfortable.
  • Used as a preventive measure against flat feet at any age.

Types of orthopedic instep supports

There are several types of orthopedic instep supports. The first classification is based on age-specific criteria for application:


Insoles are built into kindergarten and teenage shoes at the stage of production of shoes and sandals. This is an indicator of quality products. In this case, we are talking about the prevention of flat feet from childhood.


Detachable models. They are selected based on the types of deformity of the foot of an adult, anatomical features.

According to the effect on the foot, they are divided into


The arch of the foot is supported longitudinally.


The arches are laid transversely with the metatarsal band in the central region of the foot skeleton.


Suitable for the treatment of combined type of flat feet.

According to the material for manufacturing, they are distinguished

Gel or silicone

Fastened securely to the right place. There are several types of instep supports designed to support the entire foot or only part (heel, toe).


It securely fixes the foot in place, compensates for its sagging.

Genuine leather or fleece

Used for the manufacture of individual products to order.

The choice of an orthopedic instep support depends on the characteristics of the person's foot, the purposes of use. When buying medical insoles, ask your doctor for advice, make an order based on a picture or a foot print. For the prevention of flat feet, inexpensive gel insoles, matched to the size of the shoe, are suitable.

Indications for the use of orthopedic instep supports

You can determine the need to wear instep supports yourself if your legs get tired, hurt, or by contacting a specialist. Orthopedic insoles are recommended in the following situations:

  • Women who constantly wear shoes with thin high heels above 7 cm.
    The insole will prevent the appearance of corns, calluses. Reduces stress on the toe.
  • For the treatment and prevention of flat feet at any age.
  • With deformities of the foot from diseases. The risk group includes diabetics, overweight people, arthrosis.
  • Heel spur. It can develop as an independent disease or occur after an injury.
  • Arthritis. With this disease, it is simply necessary to wear an insole-instep support.
  • Pregnancy. For the prevention of varicose veins, puffiness, relieving fatigue syndrome of the legs.
  • Congenital pathologies of the feet, other deformities. This is tissue damage, non-standard length of the fingers, stump, clubfoot.

Contraindications for wearing insoles

To date, there are no special contraindications to the use of therapeutic, prophylactic instep supports. The only exceptions are people with increased skin sensitivity to the material from which the insole is made. If you have an allergy, it is enough to replace the product with another one, and the problem will be solved.

How to choose orthopedic instep supports

The size of the instep supports corresponds to the shoe line. You can measure each foot with a centimeter before buying, and do the same with the insole in the store. Then the error will be ruled out.
Pay attention to the rise of the instep support. In treatment models, it is high, in prophylactic ones, it is smooth.
Appreciate the comfort of walking right away. Change the insole if you feel uncomfortable. An improperly selected instep support provokes diseases of the feet, and does not correct them.
Do not confuse left and right instep support.
Remember that the high edge should be on the inside of the boot and the round part under the heel.

Do not wear the insole with shoes without heels, for example, gym shoes, felt boots.
The instep support will quickly become unusable, break.

To achieve the maximum effect from wearing a special insole, order the manufacture of an instep support based on an impression of the foot.
Keep track of the appearance, serviceability of the frame.

Caring for the product at home

The service life of an orthopedic insole depends on adherence to care recommendations, accuracy and anatomical features of a person. To prevent the insole from losing its appearance, clean it from dirt, dust with soapy water and a soft cloth. If the surface is frayed and the frame remains intact even after many years of use, you can continue to wear the instep support.

Orthopedic instep supports are definitely necessary for serious pathologies of the legs, fingers, and feet. In this case, trust the advice and recommendations of the doctor. With these walking aids, you can heal or prevent flat feet.

The health of the joints and spine depends on whether the foot performs its functions correctly. Therefore, flat feet are often complicated by knee pain or curvature of posture. To prevent the negative health effects of a flat foot, orthopedists recommend that patients wear instep supports. These are special insoles or liners in shoes that provide support for the arch of the foot. Wearing instep supports prevents the progression of the disease and contributes to the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Why are instep supports for flat feet?

A healthy foot is springy when walking, as it has two arches: longitudinal - along the inner edge and transverse - under the toes. This structure provides body balance and shock absorption during movement. This protects the joints of the legs and the spine from overload. Flat feet is a flattening of the arch of the foot, because of which it cannot perform its functions of shock absorption. Therefore, when running or even walking, vibrations and shaking are transmitted to the joints and the spine.

Flat feet can be congenital or acquired during life due to trauma or weakening of the ligaments in the foot. In childhood, this disease can be quickly cured, but adults have to use long-term complex therapy in order to improve the shock-absorbing functions of the foot. They are assigned massage, exercise therapy. But most often the instep supports are used for the foot with flat feet. They support the arches of the foot, make it easier to walk and soothe soreness.

These special insoles fit into the shoes. In most cases of flat feet, patients are forced to wear them constantly. But it is very important that the instep supports, like any other orthopedic products, are chosen by a doctor. Indeed, with any type of flat feet, especially with transverse, foot deformity is individual.

What functions do instep supports

Such orthopedic products support the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot, depending on the type of flat feet. The most severe type of the disease is longitudinal-transverse, in which complex designs of insoles are used. Thanks to this, the foot takes on its normal shape when walking.

Therefore, instep supports with flat feet perform the following functions:

  • reduce stress on the knee, hip joints and spine;
  • protect the brain from shaking;
  • improve blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • prevent leg fatigue;
  • improve posture, give stability to the body;
  • relieve leg pain;
  • reduce fatigue;
  • have a massage effect on the soles;
  • prevent the progression of the disease.

The use of instep supports for children's shoes

The child's foot is formed by the age of 4-6. Therefore, before this age, it is not recommended to buy insoles with an instep support for babies. If a child is diagnosed with flat feet, and the doctor recommends wearing shoe inserts for its correction, you need to choose them correctly. The most important thing is not to buy a baby instep support for growth, since the elevation will be out of place, which will only harm, deforming the foot even more.

When choosing shoes that will be used with such a product, you need to pay attention to the fact that it has a hard back and a fastener or lacing for a tight fixation of the foot. Often, children's shoes are already made with an instep support built into the insole. When buying such shoes, a healthy child needs to look so that he is not very stiff and tall (no more than 5 mm), as this can cause weakening of the ligaments and the development of flat feet.

Types of such orthopedic products

Varieties of insoles-instep supports take into account the characteristics of the disease. Therefore, three types are most often used.

  • The instep supports with transverse flat feet are half insoles. They provide forefoot support. Such products have a depression under the heel and a toe delimiter. Most often, this form of flat feet occurs in women who walk a lot in heels. Special instep supports in the form of a screed with a wide elastic band will also help prevent flattening of the foot.
  • To correct longitudinal flat feet, different insoles with an elevation in the midfoot are used. It can also be separate instep supports in the form of a pad glued into shoes.
  • The most complex designs of orthopedic insoles are used for mixed flat feet. They have an elevation both in the middle arch of the foot and in the toes. Also, usually such instep insoles have grooves under the heel, a side along the outer edge and other devices, depending on the features of the structure of the foot. Such products are very effective in correcting longitudinal-transverse flat feet.

In addition to the design, the instep supports also differ in the material from which they are made, in the size and degree of support for the foot. For the prevention of flat feet, insoles with a soft slight elevation are used. Therapeutic instep supports are more rigid, and the rise is significant.

What materials are the instep support made of?

Most often, such insoles are a metal plate curved in the shape of the foot and covered with leather or leatherette. But instep supports of a different design are also common. The most popular are several materials for their manufacture. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Leather insteps are comfortable because this material is natural, non-slip, easy to clean. But it absorbs odors well, and with insufficient care it can become a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Leatherette is a cheaper and more practical material. But it is short-lived: when worn, the seams break quickly, the edges are bent.
  • Foam materials are very comfortable because they are soft and flexible, so they easily conform to the shape of the foot. But in the hot season, feet in shoes with such insoles sweat a lot.
  • Silicone inserts are used for open shoes. They are glued to the sole of the shoe and are completely invisible when worn.
  • The instep supports are also made of plastic, cork. Inserts with a gel filling are very comfortable, easily conforming to the shape of the foot.

How to choose the right instep support

The main rule for the selection of any orthopedic products is to do it under the guidance of a doctor. An incorrectly chosen instep support will cause pain, discomfort when walking, and can also provoke an increase in foot deformity and weakening of the ligaments. You can buy a finished orthopedic product in the form of insoles with special elevations with the same deformation of both legs. It is best that it is made of hypoallergenic materials and consists of several layers.

In many cases, individual instep support is required. For this, a plaster cast of the foot is first made. Then the specialist makes the insole, forming indentations and elevations, depending on the degree and type of pathology. The finished product must be measured. If the patient is comfortable in shoes with such an instep support, and when walking imperceptibly special inconveniences, then he has been chosen correctly. But it is worth remembering that you need to get used to the therapeutic instep supports.

Rules for wearing such insoles

It is very important to know how to properly insert the instep support into the shoes, how to wear it. Often, with flat feet, constant wearing of such products is recommended. It is even recommended to put them in house slippers. Many instep supports are glued to the sole of the shoe, and with frequent re-gluing, they deteriorate. Therefore, patients with flat feet need to have several insoles for each pair. It is desirable that they just stick to the sole so that they do not slide out when walking.

The instep support, which is an insole, must be inserted into the shoe. In this case, the elevation should be under the inner arch of the foot, and the rounded part should be under the heel. It is very important that the instep support is suitable in size. You also need to be careful not to confuse the right and left insole.

When wearing shoes with an instep support, you must follow some rules that will help avoid complications:

  • shoes used with orthopedic insoles must be loose;
  • you can not use instep supports for shoes without a heel and without a back;
  • if the elevation presses heavily, it is advisable to change the product to another;
  • it is important to ensure that the instep support does not slide out, and the under-arch part is constantly in place.

Caring for these orthopedic products

Most of the instep insoles, when worn for a long time, cause sweating of the feet, quickly get dirty. To prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus, they must be regularly washed and ventilated. Leather instep supports are wiped with a damp sponge, it is possible with the use of special antibacterial solutions. You need to dry products not on a battery or in the sun.

Many people suffer from different types of flat feet. Therefore, special instep insoles are in demand. After all, they reduce pain in the joints and spine, when using them, the legs get tired less, and the gait becomes more free.

Orthopedic insoles are used for flat feet and other diseases of the foot. They are a specially modified insert insole designed for the gradual correction of various disorders in the structure of the foot, as well as maintaining its arches.

Nowadays, special insoles are widely used for the treatment of longitudinal and transverse flat feet. It is worth noting that various types of such insoles are used only for various foot pathologies, “preventive” (which are sometimes offered in stores) cannot be, in principle, they are not intended for prophylaxis. Therefore, a person really needs them only if he has flat feet.

To understand whether orthopedic insoles really help with flat feet, you need to understand what they are.

What are flat feet treatment insoles?

All insoles offered for the treatment of flat feet have approximately the same structure. Usually, an instep support is placed in such an insole in the area of ​​the inner arch of the foot, the roll-over zone is raised, a depression is made in the heel area, and a metatarsal pillow is placed in the area of ​​the transverse arch. In this case, the front part of the insole (the so-called "strap") does not take part in the correction, therefore in some cases it is removed (a half insole is obtained).

One of the most important elements in such an insole is “wedges”. They make it possible to change the angle of the foot relative to the surface. So, for example, with a flat-valgus form of flat feet, the heel turns out to be deflected outward relative to the axis of the entire leg. To correct the situation, a "wedge" is placed under the heel, the thickening of which will be directed towards the inner part of the foot, as a result of which the heel will take the correct position when walking. To eliminate the flattening of the longitudinal arch, a conventional orthopedic insole has two wedges at once - one located under the heel, and the second under the forefoot. The efficiency of the insole is influenced by both the location of the wedges and their height.

Disadvantages of the "standard"

With flat feet, a person, in order to "simplify his life" and not be fooled by ordering special shoes, can buy special insoles at the pharmacy. But this solution is not optimal, even if you bought the most expensive and best insoles on offer. The fact is that orthopedic insoles should be made by specialists for a particular patient, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of his foot. Only in this case will they be effective enough.

"Standard" insoles can be used to treat flat feet in early school children. Special cushioned insoles for diabetics may also be helpful. It is worth noting that such insoles are somewhat different from the usual orthopedic ones used for flat feet - they are soft pads made of synthetic fabric and filled with gel. When walking, the gel takes the shape of the foot, providing an even distribution of the load, protecting the foot from abrasions, while the soft bolsters support the arches of the foot. These insoles offer protection from abrasions, calluses and other damage to the foot, but they will not help with flat feet.

How is an orthopedic insole made?

There are many technologies for the manufacture of orthopedic insoles for flat feet, often it is the technology used that determines their price. But almost all proposed technologies consist of 4 stages:

  • diagnostics and formulation;
  • production of the base;
  • fitting and delivery of finished insoles to the patient;
  • correction during operation.

Diagnostics is carried out by an orthopedic surgeon, it is he who will have to draw up a recipe. After that, a plaster cast of the leg is made, according to which the orthopedic insole will be made. In some cases, instead of a cast, a computer image is used, but such "advanced" technologies have no additional advantages. Of key importance is how competently the recipe was selected and how accurately it was implemented in the structure and shape of the insole. Moreover, the insole can be made of different materials, the choice is wide - from leather to polymers.

What conclusion can be drawn from this?

So, taking into account the structural features of the orthopedic insole, we can conclude that it is designed to optimally distribute the load, while eliminating foot defects. Thanks to the correct distribution of the load, a person can walk freely, while fatigue and pain will not appear, and other joints will also be protected from wear.

If we are talking exclusively about treatment, then the orthopedic insole cannot completely correct the pathology that has appeared in an adult. Well, when treating a child, such an insole is more of a "warning" nature, preventing the disease from progressing, making only a small amount of correction.