Repairs Design Furniture

Partition in the room with your hands from the priest. Build interior partitions with your own hands. All interior partitions in the house should

The partition in the room is done with their own hands. You can implement temporary and constant partitions in the apartment. Permanent mainly made from drywall, and temporary can be made in the form of a shirm of wood or metal. Zoning the interior of the house with the help of portable partitions is the most common. In the article we will analyze both those and others, as well as give some advice on creating a partition in the room with their own hands.

Some people demolish extra, and others, on the contrary, lacking partitions to separate space, because not every family can afford to buy an apartment, where every tenant would have their own room. In this case, you need to try so that at the disposal of each person there was at least part of the room, or a certain angle.

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One of the best solutions for the separation of space are partitions. To equip such "border" is not as difficult, as it seems, however, many people do not imagine how to make a partition in the room with your own hands.

Designs that partially separate one part of the room from another, are now very popular with designers. And very often partitions become the main items in the interior.

Types of partitions in the interior

You can install the partition in any house, but most often this additional element appears in one-room apartments and in those where a big family lives.

With the help of a new wall, a sleeping place is separated, or a children's corner, or a workplace, or a space designed for cooking.

Partitions are a few species, and you need to choose depending on what a person needs to burn part of the room.

You can select two main types of partitions: stationary and portable. In a different way, they can be called permanent or temporary.

The first will suit where the room needs to be divided into two parts, for example, when you want to equip the cabinet in the living room, or the bedroom.

The second type of design is needed in order to separate space for a while. For example, if you need to close the children's bed, where the child is sleeping, or the angle in which things are daded.

Mobile booms can be put in any apartment, but with stationary partitions much more difficult.

Features of stationary partitions

Before you to build a new wall in the apartment, that is, a constant partition, you need to consult with specialists and get permission for this.

Choose material for the design follows depending on how the floor is built in the house. For example, if you want to build a barrier from the brick, then you need to make sure that the reinforced concrete overlap or a concrete tie.

If the floor is wooden and put on lags, then such a partition can not be put. It is also worth considering that the construction of a brick surface is not easy and long.

You will have to create it in parts so that the solution has managed to dry.

It is much more convenient to build a plasterboard overlap. Any man will cope with this work, besides this method less expensive.

But if the owners need a robust wall, then it is still better to assemble it from bricks, since the plasterboard wall will not be able to withstand the weight of heavy things. We will have to abandon the structure of the shelves, from a large mirror or suspended pots with flowers. But since this type of fences is now the most popular, we will look at how constructing partition in the room with your own hands From drywall.

Partition in the room with their own hands from drywall

The most difficult when erecting a plasterboard partition - its design. You need to come up with a form, draw the drawing, calculate how much the racks need, based on the function of the structure and design.

Small master class on creating plasterboard partition

Temporary partition in the room with your own hands

The most common type of portable partitions is shirma. This design is created from several wooden or metal frames, the space in which is filled with cloth or other materials.

The frames are connected in such a way that they can be easily folded. Therefore, the screen can be hidden in any free corner or outside the door. Now in stores there is a huge number of such partitions, but it is much more interesting to make them yourself.

For example, you can order a frame of a frame and to strip their fabric with a picture applied on it, or fill the space with pieces of skin, lace napkins or wooden chopsticks. Such mobile booms are often used mainly for.

Another interesting variant of the temporary partition is the harmonica. Unlike the screen, it is impossible to transfer it from place to place, but you can simply push and fold it. For the construction of such a barrier, you will also need to pave guides on the ceiling and the floor.

The disadvantage can be called the fact that when the space limiter is folded and pulled, then the floor will remain a small protrusion, which you can stumble.

Temporary partitions are excellent, but they are not so functional because they skip and light and sound. In addition, they cannot serve as coasters for things.

Partition in the room with your own hands - design and interesting solutions

It is most convenient to experiment with the design of plasterboard partitions. Often such designs are installed instead of a wall with a door. They are usually painted in white and have an army in the form of arches and various holes that can be put in vases, figurines and other little things.

Usually on such a construction make accent using point lamps. Also, the partitions of this species are decorated with glass inserts, tiles, or mosaic.

The additional wall, erected from the brick, usually do not emit, on the contrary, it is separated, like other walls in the room, and decorate paintings, sconters or mirrors.

From interesting solutions, you can note the partitions in the form of a rack. They can also be easily made independently, for example, from chipboard panels.

Recently, the popularity of the design made from the profile and plexiglass are also popular. More often use matte, but if the partition carries an exclusively decorative function, then you can choose transparent.

Even a constant partition can be low, this species is often used in a cafe when the fence is slightly above the sofa back. At home, such structures can be made from treated wooden rods, boards or bars.

Sleeping place can be enhanced with an interesting design of the fabric. To do this, it is necessary to attach the rods to the ceiling and the floor to which the tissue canvases can be pulled and push them to the side.

You can also make a fence resembling blinds. You can pull ribbons, ropes or thick threads.

All these ideas can be useful to people who have not yet decided toaku is the partition to make in the room.Designers advise not to get involved in the construction of additional restrictions on the space in small apartments, and do not install the designs to the ceiling in Studio apartments, because this is contrary to the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch housing.

Also, if the owners constantly love to make a permutation in the house, then they better choose mobile partitions. Whatever the extra wall, the main thing is that it harmoniously fit into and did not look like a foreign object in space.

There are many designs of interroom partitions, they can be used regardless of the materials from which the house was built. It is important to make partitions technologically correctly and ensure their compliance with the requirements that are necessary for certain premises.

Among the vertical structures inside the house there are bearing walls and partitions. Overlapping and roof designs are based on, they themselves must rely on the foundation, and on the second floor - to the lower wall. The position of the bearing walls on the house plan is rigidly fixed.

Interior partitions are not supporting structures. They are only divided into separate rooms internal space at home, limited by capital walls. Therefore, they can be made from heavy massive materials (for example, bricks) and from the lungs (for example, drywall, wood). Soundproofing, environmental friendliness, aesthetics, possibility of redeveloping space depends on the material and quality of partitions.

Requirements for interroom partitions

All interior partitions in the house should:

  • be durable and resistant to not create hazards for tenants;
  • to withstand the necessary service life, in some cases equal to the service life of the house itself;
  • do not have cracks on the surface and in places of adjoining to other designs (so as not to become a pier for insects, rodents and moisture drive).

In addition, there are special requirements:

  • for partitions of bathrooms and adorption, resistance to moisture and steam is important. It is desirable to perform from waterproof materials, but the main thing is to not allow moisture from entering the design. This problem solves cladding from waterproof material;
  • for partitions of the second floors and the attic in houses with overlaps on wooden beams, low weight is important because they are withstanding a smaller load than reinforced concrete;
  • if it is necessary to light the room in the depths of the house, it is better to use a translucent partition - from glass blocks or structures with glass inserts;
  • for laying engineering communications (electrical wiring, chimneys, water pipes, etc.) a stationary partition of increased thickness is suitable;
  • the partition separating the zones with different temperature regime should be massive and guarantee high heat insulation.

In most cases, the systems should provide sound insulation of the premises. Massive structures are well coped with this task, and in the light partitions, a sound insulation material between the trimps is used for this purpose.

Sound impact protection

The air noise isolation index for interior partitions between rooms, a room and a kitchen, a room and a bathroom according to regulatory requirements should be at least 43 dB. The higher this indicator, the better the design prevents the spread of household noise - from spoken speech, radio, television. However, it does not take into account the isolation of low-frequency sounds of home theater or working engineering equipment (ventilation, pumping). With equal indexes of air noise insulation, the massive partition is significantly better holding back low-frequency sounds than light frame. It is also important to consider that the holes in the partition (for example, the slit in the doorway) significantly reduce the soundproofing level. In the questions of acoustics, there are many nuances, and if for any reason it is important to sound perfectly soundly insulated, it is worth contacting the acoustics engineer.

Traditional types of interior partitions allow you to provide a comfortable sound insulation. Constructions made of massive and at the same time porous materials - ceramics, aerated concrete, gypsum concrete, and sewer - well absorb and reflect the sounds of any frequencies. Such partitions with a thickness of about 10 cm provide an acoustic insulation index of 35-40 dB, a thickness of 15 cm - up to 50 dB. In order to improve the sound insulation of systems from these materials, if necessary, arrange the air layer between the two masonry rows or is additionally lined with plasterboard wall.

Also effective laminated structures in which external hard layers reflecting sound (for example, drywall sheets are also combined with soft layers absorbing it. In frame partitions, mats or plates from basalt fibers are used as soft layers, which are stacked between facing. At the same time, the soundproofing level of framework systems is higher, the greater the mass and rigidity of the layers of cladding, wider the gap between them and the better isolating properties of the soft material. Therefore, the absorption of noise will significantly improve the use of a double layer of cladding and special sound, and non-insulating materials.

To achieve the same sound insulation effect, sometimes you have to choose between the thick monolithic and narrow multilayer partitions. The latter is able to save the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Framing of frameworks for rigid structures, as well as connectivity with floor and ceiling, it is necessary to isolate with elastic gaskets
As a middle layer, material is used with a thickness of 100 mm (fiberglass, mineral wool, cellulosic insulation), for plating - GLC or GWL (12 mm)
Caring for safety, electrical cables are paved in, and air conditioner freon tubes heat insulation

The massive includes partitions from ceramic materials, seven, aerated concrete, silicate brick.

Application area

Such structures are used in homes from the corresponding materials with reinforced concrete floors. The aerated concrete partitions are undesirable to use indoors with high humidity.

Materials and designs

Brick partitions are performed from construction ceramic or silicate brand bricks at least M25. A sufficient thickness of the single-layer system is 12 cm (pollipich), if the partition is small - 6.5 cm (from the brick, put on the edge). To improve the sound insulation of the structure, it is possible to make three-layer - between two walls with a thickness of 6.5 cm placed mineral wool (5 cm) or leave the air layer.

If in the brick partition (or part of it), the ventilation channels arrange or hide the pipelines, its thickness reaches 38 cm. Such systems are already too heavy to install on overlapping. On the first floor they are based on the foundation, on the second - on the wall of the lower floor. Traditional brick partition finish - 1-2 cm plaster.

In the house of ceramoblocks, you can partially or completely make partitions from the same material, namely from one layer of blocks with a thickness of 10-12 cm. For structures from aerated concrete, blocks of 8-12 cm thick in one layer are used. Partitions from these materials are easier bricks, it is beneficial to apply them if you need to reduce the load on the overlap, in addition, it is easier to separate them.


The installation of massive partitions begin after mounting the supporting structures of the building. The base is leveled with cement-sandy solution. To ensure accuracy when laying, the corners use wooden (from shields) or a metal pattern, the vertical of the masonry is checked with a plumb. To connect partitions with walls, when laying the latter in places, the partitions are left for the partitions (shoes) of a depth of 5-6 cm. Bricks are breed when mounting the system. If the grooves are not left, the partition and the wall are connected by metal rods. In the interval between the riding partition and the ceiling clogged with wooden wedges, the slit is filled with a gypsum solution.

In this case, the feature of the design of structures made of cerarmoblocks and aerated concrete is that large and accurate block sizes allow the bricklayer to work without templates. Wooden rails are fixed on the floor and on the wall in the walls of the septal wall and on the wall in the walls, along which blocks are laid out.

Control zones

  • When the device of partitions from aerated concrete, a waterproofing material (two layers of rubberoid) is placed in their base.
  • If the septum length is 12 cm thick from the brick exceeds 5 m or height of more than 3 m, then the masonry is reinforced with a mesh or wire rods, laying them into the solution every 4-5 rows, and linking the ends of the reinforcement with vertical and horizontal support structures. Brick partitions with a thickness of 6.5 cm reinforced at any length and thickness.
  • Blocks made of aerated concrete and ceramoblocks need to be cut to ensure the dressing of the seams (two vertical seams should not be each other).

Based on plaster and various fillers, prefabricated large-sized plates intended for partitions.

Application area

Designs made of gypsum concrete plates are used in houses with reinforced concrete and wooden floors. For premises with high humidity, moisture-resistant plates treated with a hydrophobizer are used.

Material and construction

Gypsum plates may have dimensions of 30-50 x 80-125 cm and a thickness of 6, 8, 10 cm. Typically, the plates usually made grooves and protrusions that provide fast and solid assembly. The material is easy to cut and stroke for laying in it engineering communications. Gypsum concrete partitions are three times lighter than brick, have a smooth and smooth surface. The thickness of the structure from one layer of plates is 6-10 cm. If it is necessary to improve the soundproofing of the room or pave the pipelines in the partition, it is done double.


The system is installed on a cement-sandy layer overlap, under the lower blocks put waterproofing from the rubberoid. The template is made of two racks with a mobile rail. Plates are installed on each other, as a rule, the long side horizontally, with the dressing of the seams. Use a gypsum solution. The horizontal seams lay the reinforcement and fix it in the walls that limit the partition. The gap between the ceiling and the partition is sealed with a gypsum solution. Plastering the plates do not need to be enough.

Control zones

  • Gypsum solution should be prepared immediately before use, since it hardens quickly.
  • Metal rods that are laid between rows of plates must be treated with a bitumen varnish.

General rules for installation

  • In the new buildings before installing partitions, it is desirable to wait a few months after the construction of the supporting structures of the building so that their shrinkage occurred.
  • Partitions are installed before making the floor screed. Performing a screed or black wooden flooring, between the floor and wall of the partition, make a gasket from a sound insulation material with a thickness of 2 cm.
  • Installation of systems start, marking their position with lines on the floor, walls and ceiling.
  • The designs are rigidly binded with overlapping at the base and adjacent walls (or by other partitions).

Video guide on the installation of partitions and non-bearing walls of hypsobetone plates:

Basically use two types of partitions using wood - solid and frame.

Application area

Wooden partitions can be used in homes from any materials, without strengthening even wooden floors, they are ideal for the second floors of buildings and mansard. Constructions from this material are easy to disassemble, so they are appropriate if redevelopment is possible in the future. In rooms with high humidity, wooden partitions must be protected by waterproof finish.

Materials and designs

Solid wooden partitions are made from vertically standing boards long on the height of the floor and 4-6 cm thick. To improve the soundproofing, the boards are installed in two rows, having a sound insulation material or air layer between them. The lack of construction is high material consumption and, accordingly, the cost, as well as high weight compared to frame partitions. Wood-based frame-based systems are made from racks - bars with a cross-section of 50-60 x 90-100 mm and upper and lower strapping (horizontal bars, which framed the framework) of the same cross section. Sound insulation plates are laid between the frame racks. The trim is performed from the lining, plywood, OSB or GLK. In a partition from two rows of a frame with a separating air layer or with a two-layer trim, the sound insulation index increases significantly. This design has a thickness of 15-18 cm, inside can be installed engineering communications.


At the base of the partition, the strapping bar is placed, which should be firmly relying on the beams of overlapping. The easiest way is to place it directly on the beam, and when the partition is placed in parallel or perpendicular to the beams, as well as the diagonal of the bar is installed on the beam, based on adjacent beams. To create a solid design on the strapping, two horizontal guides are fixed, between which the boards are vertically installed, connecting them at the top of the fixing bar. When mounting a frame partition on the strapping bar, stand racks with a pitch of 40-60 cm (it is desirable that it coincides with the size of the cladding plates), combining them with the upper strapping. The frame elements are fixed with each other with nails or screws, using metal corners. On the one hand, the lining is mounted, and then the space between the bars is filled with sound insulation. The framework of the frame is attached to the walls of metal crutches, to the trim - self-drawing.

Control zones

  • In the joints of the section of the partition with adjacent structures, it is necessary to secure the metal grid. This will prevent the appearance of cracks.
  • In a wooden house, frame structures need to be put in a year after building construction (after its shrinkage). The distance between the top of the partition and the ceiling should be at least 10 cm. It is filled with pacles and closed with triangular bars.

Special system for installing frame partitions from (GKC), in which all necessary elements are provided, allows you to perform work especially quickly.

Application area

Light partitions from GLC can be used in homes from any designs and materials and in any rooms, even with high humidity (for such objects there are special moisture resistant sheets).

Materials and designs

The system includes metal frame profiles - horizontal guides and vertical racks (cross-section 50-100 * 50 mm), as well as a GLC of a casing with a thickness of 1.25 cm and 120 x 200-300 cm in size and soundproofing material. Application structures with single, two- and three-layer trim, as well as on a double metallic frame (with space for engineering communications). The soundproofing level of the partition depends on the number of sheets of the sheath, the thickness of the inner soundproofing layer, the presence of an air layer. Depending on this, the thickness of the partition with a single trim can be from 7.5-12.5 (single) to 17.5-22.5 cm (double), and with double trim and air layer - respectively, more.


Designs are installed during finishing work before laying floor coatings, on a screed or overlap. The horizontal profiles are glued with polyurethane or foorezine sound insulation tape, and they are attached to the floor and the ceiling with the help of dowels and screws (in increasing about 1 m). The rack profiles are installed in increments of 30, 40 or 60 cm. The frame cover on one side is fixed with self-drawing, lazil between the profiles of the sound insulation material. Then mounted the trim on the other side of the partition. The irregularities of the facing and head of the screws close up with a putty.

Control zones

  • To improve sound insulation, the partitions are mounted to the bearing ceiling designs and only the plasterboard is installed.
  • The seams between GLCs should be twisted in two receptions.
  • To protect against cracks, the joints of the bog with each other and adjacent structures should be mashed, having paved the reinforcing tape.

This video guide clearly demonstrates all stages of building interior partitions from low-size plasterboard sheets (small-format size):

To create partitions, glass blocks are produced, which differ in a wide palette of colors, an assortment of surface textures and dimensions.

Application area

Glass partitions use not blocking the access of natural light into rooms located in the depths of the house.

Constructions and materials

Glass blocks are hollow "bricks" with walls from transparent or stained glass. Due to the presence inside the air, they have good soundproof properties and passes 50-80% of light. As a rule, they are square shapes with dimensions of 19 x 19 cm or 24 x 24 cm and a thickness of 7.5 - 10 cm.


The glass blocks are laid at the finishing stage of the room after the device of the screed and plastering of the walls, but before performing the finishing floor and the finishing of the walls and the ceiling. Glass blocks can be put on the cement screed. The process of their laying into the wall is similar to brickwork, but the dressing of the seams do not do. The seam thickness is about 1 cm. Use a cement or cement-lime solution, which is applied to the horizontal and vertical surface of the block itself before laying. From the point of view of aesthetics, a qualitative extension of the seams is required.

Control zones

  • The adjoining of the partition from the glass blocks to the ceiling must be elastic, with the use of cork pads, as the glass is fragile material, and when the wall deformation may crack.
  • Glass blocks are better stacked on white or colored cement, then the seams will look more aesthetic.


The final cost of the partition depends on many factors. Moisture-resistant and fire-resistant materials are more expensive than the usual, the price increases the amount and quality of finishing, frame and sound insulation material. Installation of the partition is 30 - 40% of the value of the material, and its delivery and unloading, especially in the case of heavy materials, can be equivalent to their cost.

Repair of apartments is quite often accompanied by redevelopment of premises. Interior partitions are erected from various materials: bricks, drywall, cellular concrete blocks, wood, glass, polycarbonate, different plates and others. They are characterized by their operational characteristics. The choice of an option for the house depends on both the required functional indicators of the constructed partitions and their decorative species, the complexity of installation. Also an important point is often the price availability of the material, the ability to work with it with your own hands. In practice, combine to achieve the original, unique decorative design of the interior of housing.

Appointment of partitions between rooms

During major repairs in a private house or apartment, there may be a question to shift existing interior partitions or build new ones. Also, the problem is relevant in new buildings with free layout.

Interior walls are represented by a large number of diverse options for their creation. Create new rooms, or change the dimensions of existing ones, it follows that ensure the maximum level of comfort. The main obstacle to the construction paths may be the issue of the choice of material, the correct construction of the conceived design of it.

Interior partitions must:

  • at the maximum save the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • be durable to withstand the load from the hung shelves, paintings, lockers;
  • provide good noise insulation;
  • if possible, possess an attractive decorative appearance;
  • give inhabitants the possibility of privacy and comfortable pastime;
  • discover the house for functional areas: kitchen, toilet with bathroom (shower), hall, hallway, bedroom.

The best option that satisfies the first requirement is partitions having a small wall thickness. But they often do not correspond to the rest of the criteria.

In the inner partitions with niches or openings, aquariums are installed, various household appliances. And when the furniture serves as walls, then at the same time divided into the field of internally space of the house, clothing, books, dishes and other things are distributed, which are quite rarely used.

The correct construction of partitions solves a number of important tasks associated with the organization of a comfortable residence of the inhabitants of the apartment. At the same time, you can decorate housing.

Basic Rules of Montaja

You can build walls inside the house with your own hands or with the help of attracted workers, but it is necessary to take into account a number of restrictions. The rules are as follows:

  • it is forbidden to increase the size of bathrooms (toilets), kitchens, reducing the living area, and vice versa;
  • you can not equip the bathroom in a multi-storey building, if the neighbors kitchen room is located under the bottom;
  • also unacceptably the separation of the room into several parts in the presence of only one source of natural lighting (windows);
  • when a gas furnace is installed in the kitchen, it cannot be combined with residential premises;
  • it is strictly forbidden to transfer or demolish the carrying structures, because it is dangerous for the whole building;
  • it is allowed to build heavy interior partitions only on a solid base, in such cases it is pre-required to calculate the loads acting on overlapping.

With walls of lung materials (aerated concrete, or built with a frame), everything is easier: they are built everywhere without problems.

Internal redevelopment of the house will require appeals to the appropriate instances (BTI). The interroom unit must necessarily comply with the requirements. This question affects the sphere of comfort of neighbors, the integrity of the structure, personal security.

Materials for inland walls

If there is a question about what to make an intercommercial partition, then there is no unequivocal response. The modern construction market offers customers an extensive range. Each material is good in its own way. Before you buy any, you should study its features. Only after that - to solve from which it is better to make wall structures in a particular case. Monolithic concrete partitions create at the construction stage as bearing walls.


Interior brick partitions are a standard way to build. To build such a design, you need to have special skills and knowledge. But this option is optimal for sound insulation, the degree of strength.

Brick due to its high density is a heavy material. For construction, such types of its composition are used:

  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • silicate.

The following types apply in the form of release:

  • whole;
  • hollow.

The advantage of brick walls is their high strength, resistance to damage, allowing you to hang heavy, massive lockers, paintings, other items. But for the grounds made from hollow varieties, it will be necessary to use reinforced fasteners.

The masonry is usually removed in Polkirpich. Its thickness does not exceed 160 mm. To build a design, it is necessary to take into account future weight, the load on the base.

Using bricks with voids inside, you can make a lighter wall: reduce its weight about 30%. But the soundproofing level will be less than when using full-scale brick.

The masonry make "under the extection" or for further plastering, decorative decoration. The first option itself is a way of registration, but it places high demands for the skills of the builder, the quality of work.

Use as a material for partitions in an apartment or house brick is an expensive version of their construction. Both material and work on its laying, have a high price. Further plaster also affects it. The process of the construction of brickwork is characterized by consideration, quite large temporary costs. But brick walls and partitions are distinguished by durability and durability.

Cellic concretes

Interior walls in new buildings are often elevated from gas and foam blocks. These materials are easily processed: they can simply cut the arch, mount the door box.

The resulting design is easily ease. It is better insulating characteristics than a brick, and sound insulation and especially strength - inferior to the last .

Working with cellular concrete faster and at the same time labor costs are less than during the construction of masonry.


Considering the various options, you should pay attention to the types of partitions from gypsum puzzle plates. Construction of such blocks is reminded of occupation with the designer: due to the presence of grooves and protrusions (ridges), the design elements are perfectly joined each other.

Puzzle plates possess such advantages:

  • easily processed;
  • has good heat and noise insulating characteristics;
  • has a relatively small mass;
  • simplicity of installation, greater strength of the erected design compared with the construction of a foam or gas block;
  • the presence of emptiness makes it easy to put internal communications.

Plates have relatively small strength, not moisture resistant, requires for installation of the use of special glue on a plaster basis.

Glass, blocks from it

Glass is used to create sliding partitions or stationary panels. The dimensions of the partitions themselves at the same time are insignificant in the thickness, but the rest of the significant characteristics suffer.

Application for the construction of glass blocks (luxefer) makes it possible to emphasize the style of the room, get interesting light and decorative effects.

Glass and luxmen are distinguished by a big price. They are relatively rare, because from the point of view of practicality is not the best solution.


Often they do in the apartment or house. The sheets are fixed on the previously created frame, inside which the sound and thermal insulation material are placed.

The use of drywall is characterized by simplicity of installation, the possibility of creating partitions of different shapes. In rooms with a high content of water vapors in the air, moisture-resistant varieties of GLCs are used.

In compliance with the technology of installation work, a design created from drywall is characterized by a slight weight and has sufficient strength, reliability.

Other materials for the construction of inner walls

In addition to the options considered, quite often in practice use other materials for the construction of walls inside the house, apartments. Among them you can select the following:

  • ceramzite concrete blocks close in their properties to brick, but less durable;
  • polycarbonate;
  • saintwich panels.

Often it is from the wood that make frame partitions in a house from the bar. It fits perfectly into the interior and does not require further finishes. The sandwich panels are used in prefabricated facilities. They are covered with aluminum sheets outside.

Before you need to select suitable material for existing operating conditions. The optimal option should be for the personal budget.

  • brick is the optimal solution if high strength is required, soundproofing to the maximum, but it will be necessary to calculate the load on the overlap;
  • interior walls from clay in their characteristics are close to brick;
  • partitions are better to do from cellular concrete, if necessary, insulate the rooms and avoid significant loads on the base;
  • frames, covered with boards or plasterboard sheets, can be raised quickly and get a fairly good level of heat and noise insulation, a decorative appearance, and this is the easiest option;
  • bruce structures are appropriate, mainly in wooden houses;
  • You can choose if you want to make partitions that create different optical effects.

High-quality brickwork does not require further finishes. This is a vested version with a decorative look. If necessary, savings should be borne in mind that the cheapest internal partitions are created from drywall.

Materials for the creation of interroom partitions are characterized by various sound insulation indicators. After the construction, it may be necessary to protect against outsiders, vibrations. It is important to work properly to improve your personal comfort.

First of all, bedrooms, children's rooms. For this, they increase the thickness of interior walls, or they are covered with their material with good noise insulation properties.

Insulated mining construction have both a good soundproofing level. This is a typical way. The material is placed both outside and fill the emptiness. In the first case, the thickness of the partition will increase, the space of the room will decrease.

Separately taken, specific case, requires an individual approach. Choosing, from which the partitions in the apartment should be thought to think about the sound insulation qualities of the acquired material. The correct selection of this indicator will reduce the final costs, reduce work.

Recommendations on what can be built by partitions between rooms are shown in the following video.

Various design projects of walls in the apartment are presented later in the video.

Instructions for how to make a partition indoor independently from drywall, contains a video below.

Different types of interior partitions require different approaches to installation, temporary and cash costs for their erection. Their functional indicators are due to the properties of the materials from which they are built. The final solution when choosing an option should be taken, based on your own conditions and financial capabilities. If the base fortress allows, then brickwork is very practical.

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With the introduction of new layouts in new buildings, partitions became popular for zoning space in the room. They replace the wall, if there is no possibility or desire to extend it, and they look very picturesque and beautiful.
Often this is a salvation for small apartments - studios or rooms, which combine two zones: a bedroom with a living room. Divide the long room and make a rest area and guest zone - this is the dream of many owners of one-bedroom apartments and partitions allow it to do effectively and functionally.

Options for partitions Designers invented many. Usually, they serve to extinguish the personal space from residential or common.
I understand perfectly in those people who thus try to beat off from standard narrow seventeen meters a little space for a double bed or for a kitchen.

Decorative partitions differ from the walls with their light-level, because often when separating the room, one of the zones becomes without access to a natural light source. And here comes to the aid of the design without the rear wall or from a transparent material.

By its structure, partitions may be stationary or mobile. In stationary can be attributed to the designs of plasterboard, and to mobile - sliding partitions or racks.

Materials for zoning are also affected by their diversity, in fact you can use everything that is at hand or what is more accessible to you.

Below will analyze interesting ideas that have already embedded bold and active interior designers.
All partitions are selected under the overall interior style.

So in a Japanese style to divide the room into two zones, Japanese curtains are used, in eco-style and country - wooden partitions, in East - screen and filament curtains and other options.

Gypsum County Partitions

The most popular material for the separation of space is plasterboard. It is available at a price, allows you to make different forms and easily mounted. Such structures are most often stationary and have through shelves or projections for storing decor elements.

Such partitions are popular for the separation of zones in the nursery.

Recesses serve as shelves and skip sunlight. Such a partition allows you to divide the room into two zones: children's and adult.

This is a suitable method for allocating the personal zones of different children.

Photo of a successful solution for zoning in a one-room apartment.

The top of the partition serves simultaneously by the window and ventilation and separates the room of 18 square meters into two zones.

Branch of the kitchen from the living room. Aquarium is built into a niche.

The functional design of drywall allows us to place household appliances with convenience.

Gypsum cooker, decorated with wood.

You can zonate with a low partition. In the photo, a cozy room with two zones: sleeping and common.

Bedroom branch from living room.

A solid partition from GVL. Lack of light is compensated by lamps. Beautiful decoration ideas from inside panels under veneer.

A bright partition can be the main emphasis in the room.

Wood partitions

Wood partitions always look comfortable and expensive. Moreover, you can be sure that with hot summer, they will not allocate various kinds of poisonous substances, such as formaldehyde.

If you apply a fantasy, it is possible to divide the room available by bars, lining and boards. Tree view at different stages of processing is always impressive and beautiful.

The tree is processed and therefore you can make an exquisite pattern.

Decorative elements in the form of birch branches gives a feeling of unity with nature.

Ordinary railings can be an apartment decoration.

Designer option using wood sleeps.

Partitions are selected in the same style and color as the floor.

The photo it turned out very light and functional zoning.

Natural ideas permeates the entire interior of the apartment.

Wooden compositions can be unusual, but the structure of the tree does not lose its attractiveness.

Wrought options for partitions

Forged structures are affected by their grace and grace of lines. But the cost of them is significantly higher than that of drywall or other materials. This option serves as an example of the partition between the rooms.

But if the funds allow, or really want, then you still need to find a master who does it. Often they can be found where metal ladders are manufactured, because Forging there in the big go.

Shirma for zoning space

Shirms in ancient times used in the palaces and in the east.

Now it is an excellent compact design element. It can always be transferred to different places, to burn out the home, and with unrequisite to fold and remove.

Such a mobile version of the partition will like many of the owners of narrow rooms.

Glass designs

Glass is also an excellent option when separating the room. He misses the light and looks very easy. Of course, you must be confident as glass if you have children. Therefore, we often choose tempered glass or plexiglass. Tempered glass at shock is molded with small and non-sharp parts, so it will be difficult to cut down.

In the rooms where the bed is soldered can use matte glass with a special coating, so you and the light allow you to in the second zone, but do not show that you have in the bedroom.

The glass partition between the bed and the sofa is popular in use in minimalism and high-tech styles, because This material is self-sufficient and performs maximum functions at a minimum of the weighting of space.

The transparent partition completely skips light.

Shelving like partition

With options you could read in the previous article. Stellag structures that perform partition functions are often made very spacious and without the rear wall. They can exhaust the hallway or living area from the dining room.

They are often filled with books and elements of the decor or re-equipped with drawers and doors. This allows you to maximize the use of storage spaces.

A wardrobe is built into the plasterboard design.

The septum smoothly flows into the wall.

A low rack shows visually separating the sofa from the bed and it helps to divide the room into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. See photo.

In the design hid cabinets.

The fantasy rack is suitable for a bright interior.

The rack that is used to separate zones in the apartment is complemented by the doors.

Bar rack for indoor zoning

- Perfectly sells the kitchen from the dining room. This is a salvation for the owners of the combined living rooms with kitchens and one-bedroom apartments. Often the bar rack also performs the function of the dining table. Due to its height, it fully gives access to light, but nevertheless, the pricing shares the boundaries of the room.

Bar rack under the overall tone of the room with a glossy surface and serves as a partition between the kitchen and the living room.

Live Plant Partitions

This trend appeared recently, thanks to the creation and possibility of using at home drip irrigation. Thus, you can create partitions with grass for lawn or ivy. Using the most unpretentious and non-delicate growing plants. The baskets allow you to quickly give the partition a beautiful view, but at the same time spent little efforts for their departure.
Often in the form of a partition can serve as a simple vase with high plants planted in it.

Here, the whole effect will arise from the creation of a composition of these colors, which serve as a partition between the hallway and the living room.

Blinds like space separator

Use to separate the shutter space. Also steel quite recently. This option allows you to cut the room if necessary, for example, close from sunlight. Because of its lightweight design, they facilitate the interior and make the most appropriately with their partition function between the living room and the hallway.

Vertical blinds are more popular, but horizontal are also found and serve as a partition between the kitchen and the hallway.

In the materials you can meet paper blinds, from aluminum or plastic, which help to divide the room into 2 zones and do not eat space. The wider the individual details, the more modern and the interior looks holistically.

Sliding partitions like a coupe

To divide the room into two zones by a door with a coupe or a wardrobe, use guides and door canvases. Sliding partitions perfectly cope with their role of zoning. This option is suitable for small rooms and allow you to give the room a highlight, thanks to its coating. So gorgeous looks, matte options or glossy white, which reflect the light.

If you insert mirrors, you can also visually increase the space, and with the doors closed, guests and do not guess that you have another room.

Doors have a contrast finish.

The canvas is closed with plastic.

We share the space of threads and ropes

The decorative partition can be from all sorts of threads and even ropes. This option will look spectacular if you observe a strong tension of the ends.

Beads often drive beads.

Such options are popular in eastern countries. Now they come in both our use and allow us to make coloring design.

The principle of ombre can be embodied everywhere and can serve as an example of the division of the room with curtains.

Thin dark threads give the space.

We use plastic pipes as partition

Designers do not sit in place and come up with all new interesting ideas for decorating an apartment. For example, plastic pipes available to all can be a very stylish design element. As a result, such an unusual partition was created between the toilet and the bathroom.

This partition can even be done at home, if you can smoothly cut all the details.
The advantages can be distinguished the ease and availability of the design, as well as many variations of forms.

From the details of different diameters, you can create many interesting options.

Textile partition (Japanese curtain)

The easiest way to extinguish the comfort zone is to use textiles. Curtains can act in this role.
Dense curtains will replace the doors in the dressing room, sternally from unnecessary views and emphasize the softness of the interior. A minus you can allocate low sound insulation.

Curtains with a beautiful shade emphasizes the overall design idea.

Separation in one-room apartment.

Bright color attracts attention. When necessary, the septum from textiles can be shifted.

For the daytime, Tulle is suitable, and at night - curtains.

Japanese curtains came to us from organized Japan.

These are stretched fabric cloths having a variety of drawings and ornaments. They are beautifully zonied the room and do not look a heavy or foreign element.


Tell VK

During the repair or when buying a new apartment, many comes the idea of \u200b\u200bredevelopment. This can be carried out in order to increase the area of \u200b\u200bindividual premises or, on the contrary, the division of one large room into two small. In any case, it is possible to make a partition with your own hands, for this it is necessary to follow some advice and recommendations to be discussed in this article.

Important rules on partitions

Before you plan to make redevelopment, it is important to learn about which of the walls is carrier. It is this wall that should not be demolished and generally produce any actions with it, otherwise it is possible to pay a big fine for it. Therefore, you will have content with only what is allowed by law. In particular, it is possible to install partitions in the room. Let's first deal with what a partition is.

The partition is a subtle simpleness. In some cases, it fully divides the room, and sometimes only partially segments some part of the room. In the finished form, its thickness will reach an average of up to 12 cm. Such standard sets the construction material used. For example, if the partition is made of bricks, its size is 6 × 12 × 24 cm. Plus layer of plaster - it turns out a wall of 10 cm. But there are also non-standard solutions. For example, a partition can be much thicker, as a result, it is used as a shelves, but there is already a choice for you.

Two times die - once a rejection

The success of the future design will largely depend on accurate measurements. An important rule that applies to any type of partition - compliance with an angle of 90 ° C. If this is not achieved, the furniture will not fit tightly to the wall, and the view will be no. For the correct measurement, select the binding point. This place will be the beginning of a new partition. Then the line or the border of the partition is drawn to the desired distance, it is noted where it will end.

To achieve an accurate vertical, you can use a plumb or construction level. It is better to perform this operation together.

Before you begin to upward the partition, check all the computing measurements, according to the principle - to death twice, once again. It should be noted that this procedure is performed regardless of the selected material for the partition.

Fast and reliable way

The plasterboard partition is considered the simplest, moreover, inexpensive option. In this case, it is important to know how to make a partition in the room correctly. Which is such a common. The profile is based on a framework of the framework for previously produced calculations. If the humidity is enhanced in the room, it is possible to use HCCB to cover.

For the manufacture of such partitions, drywall is used 12 mm.

If something, for example, a shelf or TV is planned for future simpleness, then the framework must be changed in advance to enhance. The advantage and disadvantage of the material lies in its advantage. It can easily carry out the desired number of outlets and illumination. Optionally, a niche can be done in the partition, for example, for a decorative vase.

If you plan to insert the doors, then the doorway must be enhanced. You can use wooden bars.

Well, most importantly, do not forget to perform sound and noise insulation. To do this, inside the partition should be placed mineral wool.

Unusual glass partitions

Thanks to a wide variety of building material, there is an excellent opportunity to create a magnificent interior in your apartment. Very often, glass partitions are used as a decor element. Glass in combination with other building materials can create shine and chic in the interior. The main problem of this material is its fragility. Although to a greater extent it will depend on:

  • thickness;
  • material quality;
  • size and pr.

As a rule, you will have to order a glass partition in the firm, however, you can cope with the installation yourself. When buying you get a set of fixtures. Although the installation will require you a lot of effort, the beauty and harmony of the result obtained completely will be blocked.

Miracle partition transformer!

Another, so to speak, an innovative solution: to use sliding or transformable shirms as partitions. One of their advantages is in convenience during operation, as they occupy a little space. Most often you can see sliding partitions made of wood, as well as decorated with glass and other materials. This system resembles the principle of the coupe. There are two methods of their installation:

  1. Suspended installation.
  2. Installation with guides.

As for the second option, the partition moves along the special guide tires. It can move in two ways:

  1. The walls of the partition moves along the wall. Thus, a whole moving wall is manufactured.
  2. In this case will have to work hard. Before installation, a special niche is manufactured. At the time of movement of the partition, the cloth is completely hiding. Depending on the design of the niche, the partition can be visible and vice versa. In any case, install the transformer partition can be independently without the help of specialists.

The partition in the room is not a dream - this is a reality!

We looked at only some types of partitions that can decorate the interior of the apartment. In many ways, you will have one or another partition, depend only on you. Always consider the features of your interior, as well as your personal preferences. Perhaps you have already passed this stage of repair and enjoy comfort by setting one or another partition. If so, then write to us about your ideas. Share your experience and your observations. We are waiting for your comments!


Example of manufacturing plasterboard partitions:
