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Homemade strawberry growing technology. Expenditures at the initial stage. Where and how to sell

Sweet fragrament berry strawberries love children and adults. In long winter months, people are looking forward to summer when it is possible to enjoy her taste. Why wait so long? You can grow strawberries in winter in the greenhouse. Moreover, a favorable business will bring considerable income.

What is the benefit

So the nature ordered that the mass maturation of this delicious and all beloved berries falls at the beginning of the summer. But, strawberries are growing and selling many daches and farmers, therefore competition between them is huge. However, at the end of the season, the berry is not found. Frozen strawberries are sold in stores. But it is not compared with a berry, torn from the bed.

An enterprising person can start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round and will not disappoin to the choice of business. The main thing is to plant commercial berries, which will make a profit. For reference: the use of strawberries Russians increases from year to year to fifty percent. This means that the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all-round can serve as a good investment of own funds for the future. Of course, strawberries are a demanding plant. However, with appropriate care, this culture gives good yields and does not require significant costs.

How to register a business?

If you were convinced that the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all year round begins to bring good income, start the registration of your business. This business is classified as an individual form of entrepreneurship and has a category of agricultural producer. This accrued a single tax not exceeding more than six percent. To exercise strawberry in the greenhouse all year round as a business, one registration is not enough. You need to stock up with several certificates:

  • Belode berries to a certain variety.
  • The type of fertilizer with a brief annotation of the composition of the mixture.
  • License to the implementation of strawberries.
  • Declaration of compliance of the GOS berry with an indication of product quality information and compliance with all required standards.
  • Sanitary certificate.

Profitability of berry business

Under this concept implies the payback of all costs. This is the ratio between the profit gained as a result of the sale of the product and the cost. Moreover, business depends on the value of all the funds spent, plus a trade cape. If you first decide to start growing strawberries in the greenhouse all year round, the business plan should be made to take into account all the advantages and minuses. It is better to refer to specialists for help.

The cost includes all costs: the price of seedlings, fertilizers, the payment of the salary to workers to care for strawberries, the rental fee and so on. The Dutch cultivation method of berries requires smaller costs, then costs will significantly decrease. If the business is not large enough, you can not hire workers, do it on your own. At the expense of salary salary, employees will also save money. So, for example, the average value of the cost per kilogram of strawberries for 2012 amounted to one and a half dollar.

You can easily get a significant profit in the period when the berry season ends, if you exercise strawberry growing in the greenhouse all year round. The photo, represented by your attention, reminds of a delicious and fragrant berry, especially in the winter when it is not easy to get a strawberry. Therefore, you can put the desired price for the product, and due to this profit.

Strawberry sales

The entrepreneur raised and gathered a good breeder harvest, which meets all the requirements. The question arises about her marketing. Some do it yourself, organizing several points of sale in advance. But it is not always profitable. In the winter season, up to eighty percent of strawberries are sold by supermarkets. If you exercise the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all-year year as a business, then long before the harvest is taken to find search for future customers for their products.

It should be considered that the stores are made by very high demands, first of all, to the appearance of berries: it should be clean, without leaves and twigs, one-dimensional color. If it is impossible to implement strawberries through the store, you can pass it with wholesale processors: manufacturers of juices, jams and other semi-finished products.

Strawberry Growing in Bags

How to grow strawberries in bags. And watering, and lighting, and pollination is easier to exercise, using Dutch technology. To begin with, finding and equip the room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich depends on your needs. You can use a balcony if its area allows. The prerequisite is to maintain the temperature regime: during the day - twenty-five degrees, at night eighteen. You need to stock and patience, since the troublesome business is to grow strawberries in the greenhouse all year round.

In bags of polyethylene, longitudinal openings are made in a checker order, only four rows. The length of the opening is eight centimeters, and the distance between them is twenty-four. These holes are planned to plant young bushes of strawberries. Bags, a diameter of fifteen centimeters and up to two and a half meters high, are put on the floor into one tier. If they smaller or allows the height of the room, a lot of long-term accommodation is allowed. The square meter of the square is placed 2-3 bags filled with a substrate from a peat mixture and perlite.

Seed seeds immediately in bags inefficient. It is better to buy seedlings or grow it yourself. Before boarding, she should be in a hibernation. To do this, use the freezer or cold basement. In this question, the prospect is pleased: after the first year harvest you will have your own seedlings.

Future landings need to provide food. To do this, the irrigation system should be built. The tubes for droppers are suitable, which come to each bag: from below, from above and in the middle at a distance of 55 centimeters. The ends of the tubes are connected to the pipeline located above the bags, each of which requires two liters of water during the day.

A large role for growing strawberries has lighting. It should be adjusted so as to bring close to the natural as possible. Within 8-12 hours a day, the lamps must be turned on, and the rest of the time is turned off.

Strawberry in the greenhouse. Benefits

  • The possibility of growing berries is year-round.
  • There is no dependence on weather conditions. It is no secret that rain and dampness reduce yield by 25 percent. Berry in the greenhouse is not subject to these phenomena.
  • There is no need for additional land resources.
  • The costs associated with the cultivation of berries pay off in just one season.
  • Strawberry, grown in a greenhouse, is better taken to implement supermarkets.
  • Great demand for the berry in winter makes it possible to decently earn.
  • Current care in the greenhouse is easier than on the garden bed.
  • The profitability indicator can be closer to one hundred percent.

Disadvantages of the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse

If you decide to build a berry business, the question will definitely arise how to grow strawberries in the greenhouse all year round for sale. Do not hurry with the answer and do not take hasty decisions. The fact is that here, as in any business, there are their problems.

  • First you need to solve the issue with heating. If it does not matter in mind the limited funds, you can immediately forget about the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing strawberries year-round.
  • For cultivation of culture in greenhouse conditions, funds will be required at the initial stage, and considerable. First, it is necessary to build a greenhouse with an artificial lighting system, irrigation and pollination. Buy all the necessary equipment and planting material.
  • The problem lies in constant leaving of plants. Not everyone can do it on its own. Sooner or later, the question will be the issue of hiring utility workers. And these are additional costs. Perhaps for someone cheaper will cost to grow strawberries in the open soil. Each himself appreciates its capabilities.

Types of greenhouses

  • Premises with film coating. Such greenhouses for growing strawberries requires a minimum of costs. Probably, so they are available to novice gardeners. But, there is a huge minus: the film does not protect the plants from frost in winter. It is impossible to heat the greenhouse. So in conditions of harsh climate, it is very risky to use such greenhouses.
  • Glass greenhouses are sufficiently bulky structures that need foundation. But they can be used, and the walls are transparent.
  • Polycarbonate greenhouses are advisable to build for the organization of serious business for many years, as such premises have a long service life, they are durable and lungs, albeit the most expensive.

How to grow landing material?

First you need to plant a plant, and then start growing strawberries in the greenhouse all year round. Business directly depends on the quality of the planting material. His preparation has some features. The seedlings grown independently will reduce its purchase costs. Get a plant for landing in different ways.

One of these is the use of young sockets, for which in the fall, before the onset of frost, it is necessary to carefully dig up the rooted young mustache from the uterine plantations. Freshly prepared seedlings with open roots should be stored in the basement or refrigerator, with air temperature of 0- + 2 degrees. But, some experienced entries - entrepreneurs consider unprofitable to distinguish special squares for the uterine plantation. This brings losses.

Cassette seedlings

Based on the rich experience of Russian crops, a more suitable option is to use cassette seedlings if you start growing strawberries in the greenhouse all year round. The yield when landing this type of seedlings is much more. The increasing root system quickly carries out and fully ensures the useful nutrition of the plant. To get a cassette seedlings, it will take about one and a half months.

For this, young mustache is separated from the uterine plants and put a period of one hour in a cool room, 0- + 1 degree for cooling. Then planted in plastic containers with cells, pre-filling them with a nutrient earth mixture. After 2-3 days, the roots grow on 3-4 centimeters, and after 10 days the root system is fully formed.

In the first month, it is necessary to ensure that the straight sun rays do not fall into seedlings. Only after five weeks, young plants can be reached on the sun. By this time the cell is filled with roots, and it can well be transferred to a permanent place of growth. The cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse all year round should be started with the use of self-pollinated repair varieties, such as the Crown, Kimberly, Florence, Marmolad, Honey, Anannas, Selva, Sakhalin and others. Otherwise you will have to manually pollinate each flower. Perfect chamomile, Yuni SMYADS, if you exercise strawberry in the greenhouse all year round in Siberia. These varieties are typical representatives of the high-yielding industrial type of this culture.

Berry business in greenhouse

You can successfully build your business on the cultivation of strawberries in a closed room, having enough funds for this. A year before landing in a greenhouse, it is necessary to start training the planting material in the open soil. The soil should be chosen of the weakness, druminous or neutral. It should have a huffing enough. For reference: To take 1 hectare of the greenhouse area, you need to lay the uterine plantation in the open soil in 150 square meters.

Experts and gobble-lovers know several ways with which you can get a seating material. But, the most fruitful are seedlings from plants - two years. They are transplanted in autumn, in October-November according to the 20x30 centimeters scheme. In arid weather, young plants should be water.

Caring for greenhouse strawberries

When stormy bloom begins, the greenhouse needs regular ventilation. This decreases the humidity of the air and associated diseases of the plants. At this time, feeding is carried out using carbon dioxide. After her, it comes to fruiting and increases yield.

Strawberry demanding to moisturizing. But water should not fall on the plants, watering is carried out under the root. In the West countries, the soil in the greenhouse is covered with a film of black. It does not allow the berry to touch with the ground, weeds grow slower, and the land is better preserved heat than a film of another color.

The greenhouse conducts the procedure for artificial pollination of strawberries. On small plantations, this is done manually 2-3 times a day. After a few days, pollination is repeated. If the greenhouse occupies a huge area, then at the time of flowering it is placed with bees.

The vintage of strawberries are collected from mid-March to the end of April with without it the collection of berries falls at the end of March - mid-May.

Currently, strawberry breeding on household sections has long been the usual phenomenon. And it is not surprising. After all, strawberries refers to plants that do not require greater knowledge and serious material costs. And the berry itself has such a pleasant aroma and a wonderful taste that without it it is impossible to imagine any festive table. But the useful properties of strawberries at no less than its taste. Therefore, she became one of the most desirable berries on the table not only among lovers gardeners, but also from ordinary buyers at any time of the year.

Apparently, it led to the fact that in Russia the strawberries began to consume every year more and more. This is a reliable fact. According to statistics, this increase is 30-50% per year. For this reason, this berry has become very popular at the gardeners. It is difficult to even imagine any household economy without strawberry beds.

Business Plan: Strawberry Growing in Teplice

Many entrepreneurs wishing to organize their work in this field are asked about how to carry out year-round cultivation of this berry. Today there is a significant number of different varieties and technological processes.

However, the characteristics of climatic conditions do not allow the cultivation of strawberries for a whole year. As a result, people are looking forward to summer to enjoy this delicious and useful berry. Therefore, the business plan for year-round growing strawberry in the greenhouse completely solves this problem. The main criteria for this idea is more details.

Choosing a method of cultivation

In this case, it all depends on the individual desire. It is no secret that the most affordable and simple way to produce a crop is the technology of growing strawberries in the open ground. But this method has serious disadvantages: the threat of bad weather conditions and the very short fruction season (May-June).

Therefore, the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse is the most optimal choice for an amateur gardener or entrepreneur. Many businessmen in this field apply exactly this method. In favor of choosing the specified method of growing strawberries, the fact that the ground plants give a harvest only in the summer for two to three months, and the greenhouse fruit, almost, all year round. And the price of winter berries is much higher than the soil.

As for the land used, the greenhouse economy is arranged so that each square meter of the site used brings much more harvest than open soil. This is an important for each entrepreneur. However, do not forget that business for the cultivation of strawberries in greenhouses and greenhouses, except for positive sides, has some negative.

After all, it is necessary to spend certain funds. That is, the cost of building and equipment of greenhouses will be required. Also, artificial pollination and lighting will also have to use. In addition, the taste of dirt fruit is considered better than greenhouse. But the most important and positive side of this issue is that the business on the strawberry produced in the greenhouses is rapidly payback, and therefore very beneficial for the manufacturer.

Room and necessary microclimate

In this regard, with the right approach there is no special complexity. When conducting a greenhouse economy, the construction of a new room is not obligatory - you can use any available. The main thing is that light, water and heating are lied. And then you can maintain the necessary temperature (22-25 ° C), humidity (75-80%) and lighting (up to 12 hours per day) during the whole year.


This issue should be paid to special attention. To organize high-quality lighting in the greenhouse, it is necessary to install a 400 watt lamps and a certain length of light waves, imitating natural, - sodium lamps. However, in this regard, it all depends on their own desire. Special reflectors will help to ensure better scattering of light. Their quantity depends on the scale of cultivation.

Each lamp should illuminate no more than 1 square meter. m and be at the height of one meter above the plant. It has a considerable effect on the quality of the berries. Artificial lighting provides only extra in the morning and in the evening. It may be insufficient. The main source must be, if possible, natural lighting for which it serves as a high-quality covering with excellent light bandwidth.

Selection of soil

To obtain a good harvest, any plant requires high-quality land with the content of the necessary components for growth and ripening. Therefore, carrying out the cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse, it is recommended to use the soil consisting of 80% of the loose rock and 20% of the humus. This is the optimal option.

It is important to know that humus should have a homogeneous color and not to be smelling ammonia. The resulting soil is also called a compost, and it necessarily needs disinfection. Otherwise, in it over time, various pests will appear, which can lead to loss of crop. Disinfection is carried out by heating the compost at a temperature of 55-60 ° C in a large tank for at least 12 hours.

Implementation of watering

The correctness of this action is important. Watering must necessarily be drip, because the strawberry does not tolerate the convergence or water from falling on the leaves. It is important to know. The entire watering system should consist of water tank, which is above the level of racks with beds, and rubber pipes with microscopic holes. This design is not difficult. Holes for drip irrigation on the rubber tube need to be done so that everyone matches one strawberry bush. The tube is located on the surface of the soil and is connected to water tank.

Selection of varieties and planting

The correct approach in this direction also significantly affects the quality of the harvest. In addition to the arrangement of the greenhouse, a successful choice of strawberry varieties is very important for the successful management of this case. And it becomes more and more complicated, because on sale every year, all new and interesting views are in its properties.

In order not to be mistaken, some gardeners plant several varieties in the open soil in the spring and choose for landing to the greenhouse is the best in its indicators. This is a rational method. It is possible to plant seedlings to the greenhouse at the beginning of spring or autumn. This is a more optimal period. Before planting to the greenhouse, the seedlings must be withstanding several days in any cool and darkened place.

The temperature in this room must be no less than - 2 ° C. It is important to know. Immediately after planning seedlings in a greenhouse, the temperature should be raised gradually, bringing it from 10 ° C to 22 ° C. Water strawberries best at the same time. It is also necessary to thoroughly clean the beds from weeds, trim extra mustlemen and shoots.

Exercising the cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse, pollination can be carried out with a soft brush. It also is done with intensive ventilation. Some gardeners for pollination of strawberries install bee hive to the greenhouse. It is important not to forget to carry out the chemical treatment of plants from harmful insects and diseases.

Registration of this business

As soon as the novice entrepreneur or an amateur gardener is convinced that the cultivation of strawberries as a business brings good and stable income, you can begin the state registration of this case. It is necessary that there are no problems with the law.

The cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse can be attached to the individual form of entrepreneurship with the category of the agricultural producer. And such activity is subject to a single tax (ECHN), which cannot be more than 6%. For the maintenance of greenhouse business, one registration will not be enough. Be sure to get several certifications.

  • On the accessories of finished products to a certain variety.
  • Applied fertilizers.
  • License for sale.
  • Declaration of compliance of the GOST RUSSIAN FEDERATION, with information on quality and compliance with all regulations and regulations.
  • Phytosanitary certificate (for agricultural products).

Organization of implementation

Sales of strawberries can be carried out independently, having in stock a few points of sale. However, they are not always beneficial to contain. In winter, about 80% of this product is successfully implemented in supermarkets. Therefore, you should take care of the search for customers.

It is not necessary to forget that in stores and supermarkets often make high requirements for the external state of strawberries. This, as a rule, turns on the purity of the berries, as well as the presence of their one-dimensional and bright color.

Also about 1/3 of the collected strawberries can be implemented with different recyclables. They can be manufacturers of frozen fruits, juices, yogurts, jams and other semi-finished products.

Profitability of this business

The amateur gardener either a novice entrepreneur must begin its activities with the correct counting of expenses and income. Business Plan "Cultivation of Strawberries" contains the cost of the necessary equipment. For example, to arrange a greenhouse with an area of \u200b\u200b120 square meters. m, you will need to purchase 80 sodium lamps, which should be a capacity of at least 400 watts, devices for drip irrigation, building material for containers and racks.

It will also require the cost of acquiring seeds and payment of electricity for lighting. With the total area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse about 120 square meters. M (80 square meters of useful area) The yield can reach up to 4.5 kg from 1 square meters. m. In winter, 1 kg of strawberries, as a rule, costs from 450 to 500 rubles.

And this means that only one month will make it earn at least 162,000 rubles. And since the initial costs are possible to recoup for 2-3 months, and the ripening period from the beginning of the planting ranges from 2 to 4 months, the cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse can become quite profitable no later than six months.

Business on the strawberry every year is gaining more turns. For growing berry for sale, there is enough square of 10 square meters. m., And the demand for them most of the year is huge. It is enough to survive the end of May and the beginning of June, when the strawberry actively matures on the open soil. All the rest of the time your business of growing strawberries will flourish and fruit high income. Of course, if it is properly organized.

Despite the fact that strawberries are considered a rather capricious plant, this is an affordable and high-cost business. The yield is on average three times a year, including in winter, guarantees a stable year-round income.

Is your business?

Before you take to make a business plan for the cultivation of strawberries, appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of this case. Availability and low entry threshold is not a guarantee of success. You must be confident in your willingness to overcome possible difficulties in the start and doing business on the cultivation of strawberries.

It is necessary to grow strawberries in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse, which is quite logical. In the open ground, it fertures from May to June, not to mention the fact that in winter it is basically difficult to grow something. Besides the fact that the greenhouse allows you to grow strawberries at any time of the year, it has a number of other advantages:

  • the harvest does not suffer from bad weather, while on the open soil you can lose up to 30% of the berries;
  • you can do with a significantly smaller area;
  • strawberry business at home pays off for the season;
  • berries look presentable and their willingness take supermarkets;
  • in not the season, especially in winter, you can put a high purchasing price;
  • the profitability of growing strawberries for sale may exceed 100%.

As for the shortcomings, the most critical are:

  • the entrance to the greenhouse business may be higher than when starting business to grow strawberries on the open soil;
  • plants should be artificially pollinated, irrigated, lighting;
  • the taste of berries is significantly different from grown in natural conditions.

Starting expenses

Like any business, growing strawberries will require initial costs. First of all, on the purchase of seedlings. Culture is multiplied through the "Ukhinki". It is best to take a healthy "mustache" of the first and second order with a developed outlet and roots. When choosing a variety, you should navigate its yield. The most fruitful are varieties of Vizh, Glime, Red Capul, Cambridge, Kama, Will, Elasanta.

The next stage is the choice of premises and equipment of the greenhouse. Depending on the scope of the business and the budget, you can construct a polycarbonate, glass or frame greenhouse, covered with film. The film is the most inexpensive, but in winter it will not protect your crop from frosts. In a glass greenhouse, you can grow strawberries all year round. It has enough light, it is well heated. But it requires large investments in the equipment of the room, especially if you build it from scratch: laying the foundation, the construction of walls, roof, heating system, etc.

In the plan of simplicity of organization, greenhouses for cultivation of culture all year round is the optimal solution to become a polycarbonate greenhouse. This is a frame structure that does not require the installation of the foundation. It differs from the first type of heat to the fact that the frame is made of galvanized metal, and is covered with polycarbonate. The price of such a design depends on the method of galvanizing the frame, polycarbonate thickness and their manufacturers. Such a greenhouse will serve a year round decades. Passing inside the maximum of sunlight, it will increase your strawberry yield. Therefore, if you are aimed at large volumes of production, it is better to stay on this type of greenhouses.

On average, the equipment of the square meter of the greenhouse will take about $ 6 and the same on the purchase of seedlings. That is, the square meter of plants in the greenhouse will cost $ 12.

Methods of growing

The most common are two ways of strawberry cultivation in greenhouses for year-round yields. The first, simple and understandable - landing in containers filled with soil. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bgreenhouse, containers are located in one row, cascade or vertically.

Recently, the second method is gaining popularity, the so-called Dutch. In this case, special bags are used for seedlings for approximately two meters long filled with soil. They make holes about 8 cm in diameter, where the plant is planted. The advantage of the method is that on one square meter of the room you can accommodate three such bags. You can hang them anywhere - in the garage, shed, on the balcony or loggia - it is important only to bring lighting and organize the irrigation system.

Some method you do not stop to take the berries all year, you need to properly care for the tubers. First of all, planting in the prepared soil. You can use the ground from the garden, you can halfway to mix it with the purchase of soil. For reliability before landing, it is better to handle a mixture with a solution of manganese and focus.

The tubers are embarrassed, but not too high so that the root system does not pour off during watering. You can water the plants can be watering, but to ensure that the water does not bore the fruits and leaves. Therefore, it will be more competent to establish a special irrigation system that will feed moisture directly to the root of the plant. Strawberry loves warm water and watering at least 1 time a day.

Special attention should be paid to the air temperature inside the greenhouse. In the summer, it should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter it is not lower below 18.

Pollination of flowers

To strawberries be fruitful all year, each period of flowering is used to maximize, pollinating flowers. In the greenhouse, in artificial conditions, the fruits themselves will not take place. Especially since the life of the flower is small - one or four days, although the flowering period itself can last a few weeks. Several methods use for pollination.

If the plantation is small, use the manual method - the soft brush is transferred to pollen from the stamens on the pestle. The procedure must be carried out every morning over each flower. If tubers are too much for such painstaking work, you can recreate natural conditions. For example, imitating the wind, send a fan on flowers. On large plantations for the period of flowering, it is recommended to install hive with bees or bumblebees.

Sales questions

Sales depends largely on the quality of berries. Therefore, they should be assembled manually in plastic boxes or baskets for 1-3 kg, in which it will be sold. The main thing is not to move it from one container to another.

The distribution method depends on the time of year. In summer, strawberries goes faster in the markets, and in the winter the main source is supermarkets.

Strawberry, which lost its commodity species, but still kept taste, you can sell processors for the manufacture of yoghurts, jams, juices. This source will cover approximately 30% of the grown berries.

Profitability of business

The level of profitability depends on the disclaims of the business and the method of growing berries. It is logical that the more greenhouse, the harder it is to install, the greater the entrance threshold. The organization of a small plantation at home (on the balcony or garage) will require minimal primary costs. In the latter case, there is no need to hire workers to care for plants - everything can be done independently. And the Dutch cultivation method minimizes the costs.

The season of open soil berries is small, no more than two months a year. All the rest of the time the owner of greenhouse plants can receive super-profits by setting a high purchasing price. On average, at such a time kilogram of strawberries costs $ 8. From a square meter in two months you can collect up to 30 kg of berries, that is, a net income will be $ 240.

Business complexity

The most important problem of growing strawberries - reliable heating in winter, not to mention the light. If it is not organized, it makes no sense to take for this business. Plants require constant care. Even a small plantation on the loggia must be given at least three hours a day. For large areas, it is necessary to hire workers. The organization of cultivation on a large scale will require major capital investments.

Therefore, the main complexity of the business lies in the cultivation of berries. But his attractiveness is that the sales problems practically does not happen.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


The demand for such a berry like a strawberry is invariably large. Moreover, it grows annually, therefore, prices for it increase. It is not surprising that gardeners change their qualifications from amateur to entrepreneurial. Some grown strawberries on their own plot, others use rented lands. What will the approach to the cause depends on how ambitious businessman and what means it has to start a business. In any case, this type of activity brings profit.

The best varieties of strawberries for growing for sale in the summer and winter - where to buy good seeds and seedlings for breeding?

Strawberry is valued for the taste and beneficial properties. It is possible to achieve a good harvest of this berry only if we comply with the technology of cultivation and other important norms. The breeding of this culture brings profit not only in the summer, but maybe the year-round profitable business, if properly approach its organization.

All strawberry varieties are divided into two types:

  • Selection . The creation of scientific and research institutions relating to the system of state testing of varieties are engaged. On the Russian market there are also varieties of foreign selection developments;
  • Local . These are fruits of gardeners, grown on the basis of selection of the best forms of local strawberries.

The varieties are distinguished by different volume of crop under the same grace of growth. Each agro-climatic zone requires the selection of those strawberry varieties that are most adapted to the proposed conditions, therefore, their yield will be maximum.

There are varieties of remote species, giving several yields in one growing season:

  • Albion . Refers to greenhouse varieties. It is distinguished by a long fertility - before the onset of frosts. For berries typical, a conical shape and a pleasant taste. It can be used in a fresh form, cook from it jam, jam, do other billets. For this variety, resistance to disease and weather bad weather is characteristic.
  • Vonon. . It can be grown both on mulch and under the film, which avoids the disease of the rot in the rain. The variety of late maturation, so the processing is not exposed, is consumed in a fresh form.
  • San Anders. - A variety derived by American breechers, in some way novelty. It is an improved version of Albion. It requires a neutral day. It gives fruit since the end of May (if they hide, on April and April) and ending in October. The taste of berries is balanced, the flesh is solid, perfectly resist rain.

There is an ampel variety of strawberries - a curly bush, fruiting on a vertical support. In addition to use, it is often used for natural decoration. Fruption lasts all summer. Curly bushes of strawberries are not prone to diseases arising due to contact with soil.

Some varieties of ampel berries tend to give fruit all autumn, bright representatives of the varieties of this species:

  • Alumb , Received as a result of crossing two varieties - Flistar and Rapells. For it, it is characteristic: long bloomrs, the oblong form of berries, a large size, weight of up to 40 grams, sweet, dense pulp.
  • Geneva . It presents early varieties with even big bloomer than alive. It has a high yield, you can collect up to 3 kilograms from the bush.

There are, of course, such an exotic variety as Pineberry, originating from the South American Wild Strawberry. It was saved thanks to the Dutch farmers. Ripe berries of small size (up to 23 mm) have white, and their seeds are red, the pulp taste of pineapple. The variety is most interesting to professionals and decorators.

To other, no less popular varieties of early ripening include:

  • Honey . This is a greenhouse variety with high yield. Berries have a dark red color, glossy shine, spicy sour taste. It is characterized by resistant to diseases, temperature drops, not afraid of heavy rains and frosts.
  • Clery - Creation of Italian breeders having dense, sweet berries in the form of a cone, about one size, up to 40 grams. Gives a high harvest and is perfectly transported. Less others is subjected to disease.

To acquire elite varieties of strawberries, you can use the services of a nearby nursery or other farms specializing in plant dilution.

Consult on this issue can specialists working in the management of local agriculture. In addition, special publications place ads for the sale of strawberry seedlings offered by local lovers of this culture.

How to properly grow strawberries at home and industrial scale year-round - criteria for choosing the premises for growing strawberries in winter and summertime

Strawberry growing rooms are used both in winter and summer. These are greenhouses and greenhouses located on household or cottage sites.

The advantage of such buildings is as follows:

  • Saves place Due to the use of multi-tiered cultivation (on racks, in suspended pots, and so on).
  • There is a maximum crop protection From the occurrence of diseases and the invasion of pests - the soil is checked in advance and is protected.
  • The best conditions for growth are created. Strawberries, climatic indicators are tracked, such as lighting, temperature regime, humidity.
  • When installing an automatic control system The time is reduced to care for strawberries and the process of cultivation is simplified.

Strawberry growing rooms must comply with the following criteria:

  • Area - From several squares to infinity.
  • Sufficient illumination or the presence of additional lighting (a long day contributes to the rapid ripening of berries).
  • The possibility of fresh air inflow room.
  • The presence of irrigation system.
  • The ability to regulate temperatures (Heating system opening windows or removable panels).

Should not also forget about artificial pollution of plants, since yield directly depends on this. Some entrepreneurs manage to grow strawberries in basements and garages. If all the conditions are followed, it is quite acceptable, although it is not about to talk about a large yield. These premises will soon be suitable for preserving seedlings, followed by its disembarkation on an open soil or in a greenhouse (greenhouse).

Features of the technology of growing strawberries for sale - the features of the planting material for growing strawberries all year round

Usually the planting material for strawberries are the mustache taken from maternal plants formed on the open soil. Such material is obtained as a result of pruning. Next, it is planted in the ground, which is suitable for the soil after the cereal, stern land, peat, but all this must be brazed.

For year-round cultivation, the berries are often used by seeds belonging to repairing varieties and non-samplers, i.e., use a seed or vegetative method - dividing one bush by 10-15 seedlings. It is more economical than buying ready-made seedlings, but has its difficulties.

Texts should be avoided, for which they need to withstand with a low plus temperature in a humid environment. It also spends more time on their germination in the soil (about 40 days), which must also be wet. But, as you know, humidity is a friend of mold and fungus.

To exclude such problems, peat tablets are used to dry seeds. This ensures easy seed germination and their rapid development.

Another feature of year-round growing strawberry in greenhouse conditions is the use of hydroponics (in this way). This method allows to use various nutrient mixtures (instead of soil) to power the root system.

How does this happen: Saplings are planted into the substrate (peat mixture, mineral wool or coconut), after which, with the help of droppers to the roots, a solution that feeds the plants with mineral salts is constantly fed. For feeding used urea, magnesia, potassium, superphosphate and other nutrients.

Modern methods growing strawberries - what equipment must be purchased for growing strawberries on a plot or indoors?

Methods or technologies allowing to effectively grow a lot of strawberries. It requires their specific equipment for each, so novice businessmen need to understand the main modern methods to choose the most optimal for their business.

  • Growing strawberries in Dutch technology

This technology involves the cultivation of the berries throughout the year, for which a greenhouse is needed with constant humidity (up to 80%), sufficient lighting, air circulation, the correct temperature regime (not lower than 18 ° C and not higher than 28 ° C). Continuous harvest is ensured due to the fact that the seedhold landing is carried out permanently, the approximate period is 2 months.

The seedlings used is called Frigo. It is characterized by 7-9 monthly storage. They save it in refrigerators with a constant temperature of 0 ° C or -2O ° C, in polyethylene packages with a film thickness up to 0.05 mm, and before boarding the day they defrost.

Strawberries when using this method grows in any capacity. It can be pots, containers, polyethylene bags, placed both vertically and horizontally, and filled with substrate, characterized by moisture resistance, porosity, lack of toxicity. Seedlings are planted in compliance with chess order (circuit 25 by 30 cm). In the bags there is a hole of a depth of 8 cm. The distance between the rows is up to 50 cm.

Watering is carried out by a drip method, which prevents water from entering the plant itself. For the sampling system as a "water tower", a large container is needed with 70 mm tubes from it in diameter, then they must narrow up to 25 mm. Tubes with a diameter of 6 mm are bodied to bags or other containers. And the last condition of the Dutch technique is pollination conducted in a timely manner. It is performed either manually using a tassel, or bees (hive is entered into a greenhouse).

  • Vertical cultivation of strawberries

This method is recognized more economical and is used for year-round strawberry business - vertically in closed rooms you can place a much larger number of seedlings (on racks in pots, in boxes, in bags). But the organization of lighting should be taken into account: either it is greenhouses, where the walls are transparent, or there is additional uniform lighting. Also important is good air circulation.

  • Growing strawberries in a closed and open ground in a garden

On the open soil, strawberries are grown in different regions of Russia. It is valued for a more rich and fragrant taste, although its yield in this case is slightly lower. Also, not less than three varieties with different maturity times.

For such a method of growing strawberries, it is necessary to pre-take care of the garden: choose a well-lit place where the soil is sandy or looglinous and contains humus. When landing should not be mixed with varieties, narrow beds are recommended - 80 cm with a two-level disembarkation, the distance between the beds is one meter. The land around seedlings should be well compacted to exclude voids around the root. Supported sufficient watering and feeding.

Increase the yield of berries, if you make a severition of a trapezoidal shape and hide it with a film or film tunnel (there is high and lower). To do this, we need to stock special equipment that helps to form a comb (high bed) and cover it. This ensures early harvest and late, in the cold autumn months.

Also for the beds are widely applied by landing of tubers on agrovolokne, this gives a number of advantages:

  1. Lack of weeds.
  2. Do not grow "mustache".
  3. Excessive water is going under a plated agrofiber, there is no slippers, bear, ants.
  4. The harvest fees and the planning processing of strawberry bushes are facilitated.
  • Growing conditions suspended strawberries

This technology allows you to grow an environmentally friendly strawberry without additional hassle, only seedlings are planted not in boxes or beds, but special bags filled with soil, and hanging outdoors or indoors.

This method facilitates harvesting and improves its quality due to the fact that there is no contact with the soil. The main conditions of such cultivation include periodic feeding of strawberries, ensuring sufficient illumination and ventilation of plants. Other factors inherent in greenhouse growing strawberries (watering, air temperature and so on) are necessary.

  • Growing strawberries by mitlider

Main conditions of the method:

  1. Open ground.
  2. Narrow beds in the form of boxes without bottom filled with multi-layer soil.

Food for seedlings represent special mineral compositions made in the soil fractionally and consistently. This ensures the balance of the feeding and develops the resistance of plants to microorganisms, weather badness and weeds, allows you to increase yields.

Advantages of this technology:

  1. Minimum argotechnics.
  2. Reduction of watering costs.
  3. Reducing the number of weeds.
  4. Less time spent on care.

The plants receive the entire set of nutrients, it is about to say more strawberries - several yields for the year. The technique is relevant for almost any climatic conditions.

  • Israeli Strawberry Growing Technology

The technology is based on a vertical method of growing berries with the use of hydroponics (natural soil is missing). Strawberry seedlings are located in specially designed gutters from plastic filled with a neutral substrate of artificial origin. They serves water containing the entire set of components necessary for the successful growth and fruction of strawberries. As a rule, a system for preparing, adjusting the composition and supply of the solution is fully automated.

This technology saves the area occupied by strawberries on the site. For planting seedlings, pyramidal multi-tiered structures made from any girlfriend are used. The frame is made of boards or wire, covered with a grid for enclosures.

The size of the pyramid is chosen arbitrarily, for example, an area of \u200b\u200bone square meter, the height of the structure is 160 cm, and the height of the tiers is 20 cm, provided that each tier has a smaller perimeter than the previous one. Plants can be seen in the gaps left between tiers, and filled with a nutrient mixture or soil. In such a pyramid, there are up to 70 bushes of strawberries.

Business plan for the cultivation of strawberries for sale - from what costs consist of expenses and how to calculate profitability and net profit?

  • Primary expenses

At the initial stage, for year-round growing strawberries, you can use the finished room located on the summer site. Suppose it will be a shed of 20 square meters. m., refurbished under the greenhouse. Then the starts at the start will be minimal - up to 30000 rubles. These include: the purchase of seedlings, peat, perlite, polyethylene film of 3-millimeter thickness, coverage for lighting, heating, salary of hired workers.

  • Method of growing the easiest

Bags are made from the film - high containers with paved edges, with a round cross section of up to 20 cm. They are filled with the soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers, the top of the bag is tightened with a twine. Next, the kind of "beds" are located in the greenhouse at the rate of 3 pieces on one square meter. In each bag, there must be 8 cuts with a distance between them equal to 18 cm, seedlings are planted in them. The irrigation system will consist of plastic bottles suspended above each "bed". From each bottle to the bag there are several thin tubes.

  • Calculation of profits

For the year you can get three harvesters: 1 mpq. Give about 30 kg of strawberry.

So for the year it will work:

20 x 30 \u003d 600 kg from one harvest.

600 x 3 \u003d 1800 kg for the whole year.

The cost of a kilogram of berries varies depending on the season - in the summer of 200 rubles, in winter, 550 rubles.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a profit on the cultivation of strawberries all year round has quite positive perspectives.
The business plan for the cultivation of strawberries will help determine which means needed for investment, as they need to distribute whether this enterprise will be cost-effective, whether invested funds return quickly, etc.

There are two ways to grow strawberries: in the open soil and in the greenhouse. Consider these two options in more detail from an economic point of view.

Idea number 1. Business for the cultivation of strawberries in the open soil


  1. The lower production costs in comparison with the greenhouse method is approximately $ 0.5 per kg.
  2. Requires minimum investments. As fixed assets there is a plot of land, further seedlings, fertilizers, means for transporting and selling a harvest, directly working force for landing, growing and collecting.

Disadvantages of strawberry growing in open ground:

  1. Dependence on weather conditions: shower, hail, harsh temperature fluctuations can significantly damage the harvest and even completely destroy it.
  2. The main sales period begins with the middle of May, the end of the period is again limited to weather conditions, while the price of the product varies significantly. If at the beginning it is about $ 6 per kg, then by the end of the harvest period is reduced half.
  3. High competition, in this case it is necessary to work out in advance about sales markets and storage conditions, because During the harvest, the proposal may often exceed the demand.

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Idea number 2. Business on the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouses all year round


  1. Independence from weather conditions. With the help of additional lighting and heating in the greenhouses, strawberries can be grown all year round.
  2. Permanent demand. Low competition in the market in the autumn and winter period. Strawberries is a favorite delicacy of many people. Currently, there are several imported suppliers, the product of which is set in the markets of approximately $ 10 / kg. Many buyers consider this price significantly overestimated and refrain from buying. Selling strawberries for $ 5-7 per kg, the local entrepreneur has the opportunity to get a significant profit.
  3. The ability to cooperate with recycling companies. Strawberries are very often used in the production of dairy products: yogurts, strawberry cottage cheese, etc., in the production of confectionery, in cosmetology, in the production of some alcoholic beverages and juices. Having a stable harvest, there are no problems in the establishment of these sales points.
  4. Fast payback. Greenhouse pays for less than a year.
  5. The strawberry grown in the greenhouse is significantly ahead of the one that ripen on the open ground. Therefore, it is possible to get ahead of competitors and saturate the market all year round.


Receives are required for initial attachment.

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Idea number 3. Business on the cultivation of strawberries at home all year round

The advantages of growing at home the same as in the above version, however, as you understand, in a smaller volume. But the prospects for obtaining good profits are there and there are no problems with the sales: the harvest is divided into familiar neighbors. Yes, and home you can rejoice with a useful berry all year round. No, you do not need to hire anyone, you can handle it yourself. Strawberry business at home begins with minimal investments.

Since the main goal of the project is to obtain a maximum profit, we will not rely on luck (ie, in the weather) and consider the careful second option.

The first thing you need to decide is a choice of space. Here you must decide on the availability and magnitude of your site, funds that are ready to invest, and as well as you are ready to expand your business. The cultivation of strawberries is pretty, payd back in the first year. Are you ready to expand the territory to invest, or will it be enough for your profit?

The next step is weapons of greenhouse. According to experts, the creation of greenhouses of 1 hectare will need 60-70 thousand dollars. Based on the size of your site, you can calculate the number of necessary funds.

The third thing we need is to choose a variety. Strawberries can be removable, self-polished varieties and varieties with early maturation. Moreover, it is the last grade of the most high-yielding and appropriate with a very thick landing.

In addition, it is not demanding to the lighting regime. Such a strawberry does not respond at all to the light mode. The flowering and fruiting process does not depend on the length of the daylight. Even with a very intense landing, you can get a big harvest. On one square meter you can grow to 110 bushes. At the same time, the process of education of inflorescences is continuously occurring, receiving berries.

Fourth, this is the preparation of strawberry beds. Grow strawberries in the greenhouse does not make much problems. The main thing you already know, balance lighting and nutrition. It is not more appropriate to grow at all on earth, but in suspended containers.

To prepare 100 kg of the substrate to fill it, you will need: 65 kg of straw (suitable solo oats or wheat), about 30 kg of chicken litter, 2 kg of plaster, slightly chalk (about 600 g) and urea (300 g). The substrate is composed and sterilization is performed.

The fifth step is to create a drip irrigation system.

Next, deal with growing seedlings. Initially, we begin with the fact that we buy seeds of the varieties you need. Next, we test them and choose the most optimal in yield. After planting seedlings, after a few months we get a crop. Strawberry grown in a greenhouse is able to give a rich harvest for 2 years, so it is not worth updating it during this period.

Commier about the lighting of the greenhouse.

Harvesting. How many labor will you need to collect strawberries? The calculation is simple: one person a day is able to collect about 40 kg of strawberries. The average salary of the work per day is about $ 12. The yield on average is 50 tons with 1 hectare of greenhouse. From 1 square Meter can be collected about 40 kg, every two months.

We are looking for a sales point. The most effective is to sell through local supermarkets. On other points of implementation, we talked above. Also, if desired, you can acquire your own workshop for the production of juices, jams, etc. You can start to supply berries in local gardens, schools, camp. Having received a license, it is possible to establish sales and beyond the country.

We calculate taxes and profits. Business for the cultivation of strawberries belongs to the preferential category on taxation. Here it should be noted that agricultural producers have the opportunity to take advantage of a single agricultural tax of 6% from the income received, which decreases by the amount of expenses.

In addition, Federal Law No. 110-FZ dated 06.08.2001, Art. 2.1., Determines the ability to apply even a zero rate. Accordingly, you can make adjustments to your business plan.