Repairs Design Furniture

Mosquito net on the window: We choose ready or do it yourself. Installing a mosquito net on a plastic window with your own hands How to make a mosquito net on a plastic window

The plastic window will not be 100% functional without mosquito net. In addition to its main function - insect protection, the grid protects your home from dust, a poplar fluff and a small garbage, casually thrown by neighbors from above. If you decide to buy a grid in finished form, do not rush.

We will tell you how to make a mosquito net with your own hands on a plastic window for 72 rubles.

There are two reasons that encourage people to abandon the purchase of a ready-made mosquito net in a frame with fasteners. First, it is the price that depends on the size of the window and is approximately 700 - 1000 rubles. Secondly, the problem where to store grids from windows in winter. They are quite large and occupy a significant place in the apartment, which is always not enough. The option with which we will get acquainted will cost you 10 times cheaper and places in the cabinet will take place no more than a shoe box.

So, the choice is obvious, take care. To do this, we will need a cut of a conventional mosquito net size over the width of the window opening, with an increase of 4-5 cm on each side. You can buy it in any construction store. You also need to buy a cord, optimally, with a diameter of 4 mm. Please note that the diameter should be specified in the labeling of the cord. It is not necessary when buying to navigate "on the eye", since the cord of a smaller diameter, you will not be able to fix the grid, and with a large diameter it will cope much more difficult.

Mounting mosquito net.

When the necessary materials are already before you, the mosquito net installation itself will take you no more than half an hour. Open the window sash, where you will mount the mosquito net.

Gently remove the sealing gum from the frame around the perimeter of the open window. On the sash itself, the sealing gum is not needed.

Wipe the dust all the surfaces with which you have to work.

Start mounting a mosquito mesh canvas is more convenient from the top left corner. We apply a mosquito net to the frame and fix with the cord, pressing it into the grooves freed from the sealing tape. So that the cord confidently occupied his place, we recommend pressing it, using some stupid item, for example, a kitchen knife handle. Continue the fixation of the grid throughout the perimeter. Focus on the cells on the grid so that the canvas lay down exactly, and also try to mount it with a good stretch. This will make the finished work more aesthetic.

The remaining edges of the mosquito net can be cut to the cord itself all over the perimeter, but if you plan to remove it during the summer and re-mount it, then it is better to leave this edge. It will make it easier to edit. To remove this design, it is enough to pull over the cord.

There is an even more easy, but less practical way to fasten the self-made mosquito net. This is a fastening with the help of ordinary velcro. A part of the velcro with hooks is glued on the frame around the perimeter, and the second part is penetrated on the net. It is worth saying that the structure of the grid allows you to even do without a pile of velcro. It hooks well with hooks by itself. Both installations of the homemade mosquito net will allow you to save money and the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Mosquito net do it yourself. Video


Summer brings not only positive emotions and rest, because you should not forget about the annoying flies and dangerous mosquitoes, which are still lying to fly into the opened window. Mosquito net is inexpensive, but if you count that there are several windows in the house, then it turns out a very decent amount that, if desired, can be saved. Mosquito net is done with their own hands quickly and costs cheaply.

What is better - purchased mesh or made yourself?

Buy the window mesh will cost you about 1500-2000 rubles, so for the sake of savings, it can be done independently. Many wonder - how to make a mosquito net on the window? It is not difficult, especially since everything you need can be bought in a shopping store. If you are interested in the question of what mosquito nets make, the answer is simple - the material is durable fiberglass with the addition of atmospheric PVC. The higher the quality of the material - the higher the protection against insects.

Before making a mosquito net with your own hands, do careful measurements, do not forget about the allowances. If you are going to fix the grid with a velcro or glue, choose what can be easily removed and not damage the window.

Several simple ways to make a mosquito mosquito with their own hands

There are two types of mosquito nets that can be made independently:

  1. Fastened ribbon fixed - a simple and cheap way to make a mosquito net with your own hands.
  2. Frame.
  3. Rolled.

One of the most simple ways of making a mosquito net with your own hands is using a special material and a sticky tape.

Take high-quality velcro, it will depend on the quality of the mounting of the protective grid on the window opening. Also need special material with small cells. The smaller the cells, the better. Such material can be purchased in fabric stores, and you can use old products, such as unnecessary tulle. It is best to purchase a special mosquito mosquito - it reliably protects from insects and stands up withstanding atmospheric influences.

Mosquito net fixed with sticky ribbon

After all measurements are made, take the material and reveal it, do not forget to leave small allowances. Velcro divide into two equal parts. Apply glue for one piece and gently stick to the window to the window. After the glue gets free, attach a mosquito net to sticky tape. Similar grids can be done for the car. Made quickly and easily, with minimal cost. Instead of sticking tape, you can use special magnets, it will significantly reduce the installation time of the grid and simplifies the process.

Frame window mesh

A more costly and complex method of making a mosquito net is a method with a fastening on a frame. To do this, you will need metal corners, plastic cable and exhaust rivets.

The first thing you need to do is to measure the window from the outside, because it will be the anti-moskit grid that will be attached. On the cable, cut the desired length, sticking to an angle of 45 degrees. Scroll sections and connect with metal corners. Now make in the corners of the holes in which rivets will be located. They should be outside, not inside the cord. Now it remains to consolidate the mosquito net itself on the frame. Do not pull a strongly anti-mosquito net, as in this way you can deform or break the canvas.

Frame window mesh

You can make sliding mosquito nets with your own hands, they will fit well and protect the balcony opening or the entrance door. Mosquito net to the balcony will help you prevent the penetration of dangerous insects into the room, protects reliably even from street dust. The manufacturing technology is the same, the only difference is that the material in the middle is cut, the edges are processed. For convenience, you can fix on the edges of the mesh magnets or rivets, so you will provide additional protection.

Rolled mosquito net.

Window rolled mesh operates on the principle of rollers. It reliably protects from insects, and it is convenient to use it and simply. If you are interested in how to collect a rolled mosquito net with your own hands, then there is nothing complicated here. One should only be patient and appropriate materials.

With your own hands you can make a mosquito net for the window of any sizes. For the manufacture of rolled protective grid, you will need only a special box with a shaft and material. For mounting the mesh to the window, use special magnetic latches. You can apply fastening screws with screws or in the end of the guide in the opening to the slope. Use a roll grid more convenient than usual, and it is much easier to care for.

Rolled mosquito net.

Rolled mosquito net on the window is a wonderful protection against annoying insects. Allergy is especially appreciated - because it will protect the room not only from mosquitoes, but also from pollen plants and a poplar fluff. Material for such a grid is best to choose fine-grained, it will increase the level of protection.

Make a mosquito net with your own hands will not be much difficulty. If you need a mosquito net to a balcony or a window, you can make it quickly and without excess costs. Pay this process for several hours and enjoy a relaxing life without annoying insects! Mosquito net made by your own hands is quite inexpensive. After the summer, it can be removed from the window and carefully pack, and next year to hang on the window.

The homemade and cheapest version of the mosquito net without the use of the frame. This option is a mesh mount directly to the plastic window profile.

Installing windows - not such a cheap pleasure. That is why many are trying to save on various trifles, which is counted and installing the mosquito net. But with the arrival of the hottime of the year, the installation of this good does not seem to be a waste of money. You can mount this design with your own hands.

How to choose a mosquito net?

Before direct installation, you need to select the manufacturer and model. Then you need to measure the window to correctly select the size. It is important to remember about the admission of 2 centimeters in the places of fastening. As for the tools, it will be necessary for the installation of a mosquito net:

  • pencil;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws up to 2 centimeters;
  • sculpture.

Types of mosquito nets

Mosquito nets on plastic windows have different designs, purpose and appearance. The main functions are:

  • protection of pets from accidental falling out of the window;
  • protection against flies, mosquitoes and other insects;
  • protection against garbage and dust.

Frame removable mosquito net

The most popular view is a frame removable grid, which consists of a frame frame. This frame is made from the aluminum profile, and the corners of the plastic connect the ends of the design. The grid itself is made from the fiberglass and keeps in the frame due to the sealing cord. This species is mounted on the outside and does not interfere with the work of the sash. In addition, there is a possibility of mounting the door. The rigidity of the design gives a horizontal plank, and the handles for mounting and dismantling are located under the sealing cord.

Montaja technology

  • it is necessary to make a markup to the pencil: postpone the width of the extreme points, and then connect all the points. The kit usually go 2 brackets that are needed for mounting at the bottom;
  • it should be noted 1-2 centimeters from the upper markup line to secure the upper brackets. It is important for the correct and convenient installation;
  • it is necessary to attach all the brackets with self-drawing, for this you will need screwdriver;
  • you must insert the grid in the mount, and then start to the bottom corners and lower down.


This species will suit people who have pets and fear that they may accidentally fall out. In addition, in the US, this species is also installed on the door to protect their favorites. It is mounted on metal or plastic brackets. The frame is made from an aluminum profile, and the canvas has a black color and is made of steel or aluminum profile or polyester with PVC nutrition. "Antikushka" consists of strengthening planks or imposses. The installation of this species is not different from the installation of the previous species. The only difference is fasteners that must be steel to withstand the animal weight.

Small squares often have a small window. In this case, it is best to install rotary mosquito nets. The main thing when they are mounted are fastener of the magnet and canopies. There are, of course, the skews, but it is often associated with the improper installation of the plastic window itself. The following is a mounting scheme for both the window and the door.

Montaja technology

Using roulette should be noted on the frame 3.6 centimeters (the width of the canopies - 2 centimeters and the width of the mesh from the aluminum profile is 1.6 centimeters). Measurements need to be made on the site of future fasteners. Then you need to attach the magnet in the center of the window, sticking it or screwing it with self-draws. After you need to install all magnets on mosquito nets. And finally, you need to check the design to the correct opening and closing. In case of any faults, the repair is as simple as the installation.

Rolled construction

The most expensive view is rolled. Such species have the design of the blinds: twisted and spinned due to the cord, handles of the ware and roller. Another distinctive feature is the ability to repair in the future. The canvas is very tightly attached to the frame, so much better protects against insects and repair is quite simple. In addition, this species is quite often installed on the door. Such species are ideal for saving space, if there is no place to store sufficiently overall mosquito nets. The roll is folded into the aluminum box, which is attached to the top of the plastic window. Consists of a frame and holding planks.

Montaja technology

  1. First you need to remove the frame that it reveals the fasteners.
  2. Then, try the mesh to the window and mark the place of installation and fasten.
  3. Remove the cover with the holding plank. It can be done simply: you need to move the grid up and down, which will help to see the inner fasteners.
  4. Mount the bar on the perimeter of the window.
  5. Take the grid with twisting lever.
  6. Close the bar with the lid.

Here, in general, all the rules for the installation of various mosquito protection, which will ensure comfortable conditions in the summer and protect not only windows, but also doors. In addition, the repair of the mosquito net is also simple as the installation itself. As you can see, a mosquito net on windows with your own hands and possible repair in the future is easy and simple!

If you decide to save on the purchase of means of scaring or destroying insects, it is necessary to remember some of the very unpleasant moments that can accompany your communication with mosquitoes, mosquitoes and another flying, jumping and crawling brother. After all, it is not just a stunning discomfort, the unpleasant feelings of the touch of the wings of the obsessive, the cutting ear of the sound.

What you need to know about the need to protect against insects

With a modern environmental situation and the speed of mutations, even the usual, familiar mosquitoes and moshcar can acquire the most incredible properties and quality. It should be remembered that the millennia insects were carriers and initiators of various diseases - malaria, fevers and other epidemics. Huge continents experienced the waves of giant pandemic, which practically scattered more than half of the population, devastating the city and whole states. It seemed that such tiny creatures could do? But it is they who are carriers of swamp fever and other, no less dangerous tropical twigs, which are not only subject to the local population, but the people of the European race. Numerous historically well-known travelers and discovers and less well-known "tourists" of the past and present, those who managed to survive after traveling to tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, America and the mysterious indochy, accurately describe all the horrors of those diseases that were awarded all sorts of mugs and mosquitoes. If you have an opinion that it is - anywhere, but not with us, then you are completely wrong.

Today, huge masses of the population migrate into those areas where similar infections are widespread and there is a high probability that after relaxing in Malaysia or in Singapore, part of tourists will become passive carriers of the most different pathogens. And this is not all, from what you need to fear. It is no less interesting that it is also worth thinking about your own security regarding the allergies of your body. After all, the bite of such a nebust insect can easily cause not just unpleasant sensations, but represents a real danger to life - allergic reactions are the most different and very dangerous.

Nevertheless, all this can be avoided, not only using drugs, insect funds and other chemistry. There are the most reliable and proven method in those countries where insects are common - mosquito nets on window openings and doors. It is made today from modern materials and is distinguished by excellent design and elasticity. She not only perfectly protects against midges and mosquitoes, annoying fluff, which is so annoying with flowering poplars.

Causes of mosquito net installation

Nowadays, without exception, the model of plastic windows is offered by manufacturers complete with mosquito nets. So that she did not spoke you the mood and did not interfere with a good review, you need to consult with specialists and correctly pick up everything that will allow the grid to be perfect - color painting and sizes of cells. Then it is practically invisible and does not represent any obstacle for sunlight and air flows. This is very important in the design of the modern window, where it is possible to open it or completely open when the tension of the mesh can be tension from insects. This feature is very profitable for owners of housing and offices on the first floors of buildings in large cities and on the central streets.

It is this simple adaptation that has an excellent protective function from dust, fluff, small insects and even minor street garbage. And on high floors, she can save life to your favorite pets - from a hamster, a parrot to a cat, who likes to relax on the windowsill, watching what happens at the bottom. No less interesting that the mosquito net is easy to install, which makes it also very convenient for accommodation on the door. Due to the fact that it can be of various sizes and configurations, it is installed on the windows and doorways of any scale. Then you will have a calm and peaceful sleep, an abundance of fresh air in the bedroom, a cheerful mood in the morning and the charge of energy for the whole day.

In most cases, the installation of a mosquito from mosquitoes and other insects does not cause difficulties and non-special skills.

Features Mosquito Mesh Design

No one came up with no new one for hundreds of thousands of years. The mesh material is easy to perform, and modern innovative technologies allow you to create a lightweight design model of a fixed type, which represents a simple frame with a strained web. This is the simplest thing that could be done with your own hands to protect against all the unpleasant sensations and the consequences of mosquito bites. Mosquito net on the window with your own hands is done very simply, you just need to study the technology and our guide to choose the right materials.

Technology of this simple device is simple:

  • it is first necessary to resolve the issue with the choice of canvas. The best option will be a fiberglass coated with a rubberized composition, which is performed on the basis of the chemical composition of PVC;
  • production of a frame corresponding to geometry and sizes of the window or door to the doorway, where it will be located. They consist of a special aluminum profile for mosquito nets connected on the corners of plastic parts;
  • the overlaying of the grid and fix it with the help of structural rings or clamps for fixing the mesh fiber.

If you choose exactly such a structure and grade of fiber for the grid, it will have the following qualities - resistance to the impacts of the atmosphere, excellent fire safety, not broken on bends, and what is important for an external effect - absolutely not discolored with time.

Types of grids and the convenience of their use

Modern structural solutions of doors and windows simply affect the imagination, and the possibilities of their plane polyvariant opening are made as diverse and mosquito nets. Today there are the following types:

  • frame. Receive for any windows and doors, convenient and practical. Most acceptable for those who like to make improving for home with their own hands, simply clean and well processed, brackets and fasteners allow you to shoot it on the winter months;
  • door. The same as the previous version, but on the size of the door, is attached by special loops, it is easy to install and dismantled;
  • rollent. It is convenient because the design allows you to hide them, turning into a special aluminum penalty at the top of the opening;
  • sliding. Used on terraces and balconies, has an aluminum frame moving along the lower and top guide on the rollers. Easily removed and perfectly clean.

And at the end of our narrative about the benefits of mosquito nets, I would like to hope that you will make a choice between sticky ribbons, poison sprayers, fluffs and means from mosquitoes for the skin and the ability to simply make a mosquito net. If you wish, it can be purchased, but one way or another, after installing it, you will no longer meet in your apartment with insects, poplar flock, plant seeds and banal street garbage. Moreover, the prices are very democratic, and the product itself is worth it to urgently purchase or do.

In contact with

Mosquito net on magnets with their own hands.

There are curtains that are delaying insects on the street, whose halves are snapped by independently in reverse polarity magnets. Products of the Chinese manufacturer require refinement, the analogue of these structures is easy to make at home.

The price of a magnetic tape with a sticky layer on the reverse side ranges from 50 to 30 rubles for the temporon meter. For window structures, one side of this tape is applied around the perimeter of the opening. In the doorways, the three sides are processed by it. Then the contour of the canvas is trimmed with a cloth into which the response side of the magnetic tape is passed.

Convenience of the design lies in self-fixing of sash, mobility, quick installation at a new place of operation. With independent making, the design costs three times cheaper, the user uses the actual dimensions of the openings, ensuring full overlap of access by insect. The only difficulty lies in the correct position of the poles when passing through a substation case. It is impossible to confuse the polarity of the response side when gluing the opening side of the opening.

The grid density can be chosen independently, additionally process it with sprays. In addition to insects in the premises, the number of fluff, third-party garbage, accidentally falling into a room with a draft. The design is unlike all previous modifications, it is difficult to damage that increases its resource.

Mosquito nets do it yourself: materials, manufacture.

Not all window blocks are completed with the factory mosquitoes, some users do not suit the large size of these products during cross-season storage. Therefore, mosquito nets are often created with their own hands from girlfriend. There are several options without a rigid frame, homemade structures from factory imposses suitable for the size of cable channels for wiring.

Removable options without frame

Mosquito nets can be hung on clothes on clothing, shoe, construction "velcro". The budget of the design does not exceed 150 rubles, which is purchased by the canvas, clasp.

It is necessary to choose the modifications of "Velcro", the reverse side of which has a sticky layer. One part (with hooks) is glued along the perimeter of the window block near the sealing rubber tape. This distance is different for PVC profile of individual manufacturers, therefore, it should be measured its value before visiting the store.

The response part (fluffy) is moved around the perimeter of the canvas, the excess is trimmed with a knife. Instead of a standard grid, glassball can be used, the optimal color is black. Through white cells reduce the contrast of the street space, therefore, this color is not recommended.

A removable mesh from mosquitoes has another installation option. The budget does not increase, instead of a fastener you need to buy a cord (sold in sports, tourist, business stores). The diameter must correspond to 4 mm (checked on the label, and, without dimming manually), the larger does not fit in the factory groove, the thin will fly out of it.

Mosquito nets with their own hands of this type are cut into the size of the opening of the battery around the perimeter 3 - 2 cm. Installation is carried out in stages:

  • the grid is placed on the groove in the PVC profile
  • cord through it pressed into this groove, ranging from the corner
  • for convenience, a wallpaper narrow roller can be used.
  • the stretch is carried out alternately: top, side, bottom, second vertical

The advantage of the method is the easy tension adjustment, the cord can be removed to smooth wrinkles. There is no problems with the storage of the canvas after removing it in autumn. The seals removed for the summer are lubricated, their resource increases (there is no solar ultraviolet, weathelation).

Mosquito net from factory impost

If there is in the city of shops selling components, accessories for PVC windows easier to make mosquito nets with their own hands from these elements. The budget in this case will turn out to be maximal however, the products will still cost cheaper. For homemade mosquitoes, a kit will be required:

  • frame profile (impost)

  • connecting corners

  • blights
  • cord of the desired diameter
  • pens
  • fasteners (Z-shaped brackets)

Design dimensions are taken in view of the size of the opening - it corresponds to the internal dimensions of the grid. Manufacturing technology has the form:

  • curra Impost - Two vertical, two horizontal blanks, for greater rigidity can be used the average jumper from the same material.
  • assembly - the frame is collected with the help of corners, extension cords
  • tightbuli - the grid is superimposed on the frame, pinched inside the groove with a cord on one short side, then the rubber seal is refilled all over the perimeter, the edge of the cord, the canvas is cut off
  • installation - Design moves into fixed on the outer frame brackets

The advantage of the method is the factory quality of the elements, the presence of original handles, corners, connectors. Curra an impost is carried out with a hacksaw, thanks to the special elements of the cut everywhere. The mosquito net is not distinguished by design, quality, resource from factory modifications.

Mosquito net from cable channel

In small settlements, there may be no components from window sides made by the factory method or home master unknown addresses of these stores. In this case, mosquito nets can be made of cable channels, guaranteed to those present in the construction markets.

The craft budget is 300 - 400 rubles, all operations occupy an initial 2 hours, subsequent mosquitoes are twice as fast.

Manufacturing technology looks like this:

  • croa - Unlike the previous case, the edge is cut into a stub under 45 degrees
  • assembly - the greatest strength provides a mix of metal corners on rivets.

  • fixation of the canvas - the grid snaps up with the second-hand channels of the cable channels around the perimeter, starting with a short side

Installation in place of operation is similar to the previous case. If necessary, the brackets can be made independently from the primary materials:

  • aluminum strip
  • pVC profile slice

  • two reverse sides of the corner

In order for the plastic cable channel did not burst at the time of tension, the riveter is located on the side of the plastic, the fastened part of the fastener - from the side of the metal plate. The diameter of the drill in the manufacture of the hole is indicated on the packaging of rivets or selected on the table.

Make-up mosquito nets with their own hands, the user provides maximum integration of the design to the size of the existing opening. Increases the comfort of operation, there are no cracks, through which insect penetration is possible.

Effective means of protection against mosquitoes and other small insects - mosquito net. You can purchase a finished design, and you can make it with your own hands. The use of modern materials allows you to make a mosquito protection for a mesh window that will firmly fit to the window frame and have a neat appearance.

Types of protective grid

Before starting the manufacture, you need to decide what type of grid is needed. They differ in different parameters:

  • according to the mounting - on hooks, on velcro, on pins, on Z-shaped brackets;
  • by the type of opening: stationary, removable, sliding, rolled;
  • by the presence of a frame: on the frame (frame), frameless;
  • at the place of fastening: internal or outdoor.

Below will be described how to make the frameless - stationary and removable, as well as a mosquito protection option - a mesh on a frame from a cable channel.

How to make a budget version of the frameless grid?

The easiest version of the frameless grid made by their own hands is stationary. The canvas is simply glued to the windows frame. But since the beauty itself holds badly, after its perimeter, you need to sew a material strip with good adhesion. It can be any tissue tape. If you install on a wooden window, you can additionally fix the cloth with the buttons. The advantage of this method is the maximum simplicity, disadvantage - the grid cannot be opened, and also remove to clean up the contamination. That is, after some time it will have to dismantle and re-perform the entire procedure.

The second option is a velcro mesh. In order to make it with your own hands, the following materials will be needed:

  • anti-mosquito cloth;
  • velcro tape (Velcro, "Burner");
  • building glue.

Part of the tape is attached using the construction glue to the inner quarter. That is, to that part of the frame to which the shutter of the window is adjacent when closing. The second part is sewn around the perimeter of the anti-mosquito cloth. Before applying glue, the frame area to which glue will be applied, you need to degrease and clean from dust. The advantages of this type of frameless mesh are "reusability", if necessary, it can be opened or completely removed. In terms of cost, it also relates to a budget option.

For fastening the velcro to the frame, it is better to choose rubber transparent glue, for example, TYTAN, which is then easily removed without a residue. This is especially important if the plastic window is to rub and repaint, like a wooden, it will not work here.

Design of frame type do it yourself

For the manufacture of the frame, you will need the following items with your own hands.

  • Rectangular Cable Cable (15 × 10 mm). Length is determined based on the outdoor perimeter of the frame, where the frame will be attached.
  • Metal corners (10 mm) - 4 pcs.
  • Exhaust rivets - 16 pcs.

From the tools you will need a mill and drill. First of all, dimensions are removed - height and width. From the cable channel we cut 4 pieces at an angle of 45 degrees and fold in the form of a rectangle. Leaving over the corner, you need to drill holes in the profile so that they exactly coincide with the holes in the corners. Then, with the help of rivets, the design is connected - and the frame is ready. Please note when the riveter should be located outside the cable channel.

After the frame is ready, you need to fix the cloth in it. It is superimposed on top of the frame and snapped with a cable-channel lid. To secure it smoothly, without saving, you need to start mounting one of the long sides. At the same time, you need to trace so that there is no skew. Then the canvas is fixed on one of the following sides of the frame.

The opposite sides are better consolidated to the assistant, as it will be necessary to provide easy tension. At the same time, stretch the canvas, make sure that there is no skew and snap the bar is inconvenient, so the extra pair of hands will be here by the way. Mosquito mesh frame type can be attached to the window in different ways. The most common - plunger, using Z-shaped brackets.

To avoid declining the bar, it is better to further fasten it with glue. For this, when the design is fully ready, in the gap between the cable channel and its cover (bar) you need to apply a small amount of glue.

How to choose a canvas?

The main element in any similar design is the canvas. It is sold in rolls and on the Metage. In a roll, about 30 robes. If you need to make 1-2 designs with your own hands, then it is better to buy on a honey. Comparing prices, please note: they may also be indicated per square, and for the temporon meter. By qualitative indicators, the canvas differs in such parameters:

  • cell size;
  • the thickness of the canvas;
  • material;
  • strength.

The last indicator is important for the grid "Antikushka". She can withstand the "attack" of a pet, she is not afraid of cat claws and teeth. The most successful material for the manufacture of anticress mosquito nets is polyester with special impregnation.

If the house has a cat, you can only install a frame mosquito net. When installing, you need to take care of additional fasteners - the canvas to the frame and the frame to the windows frame. It is necessary so that the animal does not fly out with the grid.

The size of the cell is selected depending on which insect size in a particular area and from what is needed. The smallest cells have a section of 0.25x1 mm. They protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from small particles of sand and dust. The canvas with cells of this size will also become an obstacle for a poplar fluff. To protect against rain drops, the cross section should be not larger than 1x1 mm.

The material from which the canvas is produced is of great importance. It is he who is responsible for the color resistance and life. The most reliable option is a canvas of fiberglass with a polymer coating.

Featuring a quality canvas, you can make a good mosquito net of frame or frameless type. It will have aesthetic look, as well as respond to all functional tasks. You can ventilate the rooms, without fear that uninvited visitors will fly in them: it will guard the house and from mosquitoes, and from Moshcary, and from the annoying flies.

With the onset of the first sunny days, the question of protecting their housing from flies, mosquitoes, moshke and other flying insects becomes relevant. Wooden windows holders are traditionally attached to the frame with the gauze or grid buttons. And in other cases, the collected mosquito net can be salvation on plastic windows with their hands. The frame or rolled mesh from mosquitoes is easily installed and removed, does not require special care and strict rules during operation.

Mosquito nets

You can independently make the design of two types:

  1. on velcro;
  2. frame mosquito net.

The first option is simpler and budget. Make and install such a grid can any woman, not even having special tools. Framework grids are more practical, they will serve for several years, do not deform and retain their basic properties.

For the manufacture of the grid on the velcro will need: a web with the size of cells 1x1 mm; Velcro tape, on one side of which there is a pile, and on other small flexible hooks seizures; Adhesive for cork tree or mosaic tile. The strip of ribbon with hooks is attached with the help of glue around the perimeter of the window frame. After that, the desired segment of the grid is measured and cut. The remaining strip of ribbon with fluffy pile is attached around the edge. It is recommended to attach it to the frame 24 hours after complete drying of the glue.

Making a frame mesh with your own hands

The framework consists of the following elements:

  1. grid;
  2. painted aluminum profile;
  3. fasteners for the frame;
  4. transverse crossbar;
  5. fasteners for the crossbar;
  6. plastic mounts for corners;
  7. rubber cord-seal;
  8. handles-holders for installing a frame in the window opening.

At the very beginning, we will tell you how to measure a mosquito net on a plastic window . It is necessary to produce measurements when the window is open. Height and width must match the lighting effect. 4.5 cm of the window frame from above and 4 cm below should remain free, they will be installed fasteners for the frame. Subsequently, when making a frame, it is important to take into account the width of the aluminum profile. Its standard dimensions are 25 mm.

The assembly begins with the preparation of an aluminum profile. Pencils are applied to it, corresponding to measurements, vertical and horizontal frame planks are cut on them. Between themselves, they are connected by plastic corners, forming a frame.

The crossbar should be 50 mm less than the width of the mesh to easily insert between the side vertical boards. The main purpose of this element is the grid tension.

In the center of the frame, the grid may decrease due to the tension, and the plank will prevent it.

At first glance, it may seem that a mosquito net on plastic windows with their own hands - the design is complex and can only cope with it can only special tools in its arsenal. In fact, when measurements and assembly, you can use faded tools: school line, kitchen or stationery knife, scissors, and a screwdriver and hammer will be found in every home.

After the frame frame is assembled, you can start tensioning the grid. For this, the frame must be flipped over to the opposite side and put on a stable horizontal plane. The mesh segment is set on over the frame so that the protruding parts around the perimeter are equal.

With a screwdriver or other flat thin item in the profile groove the cord is refilled. It puts on top of the grid and firmly holds it inside the aluminum frame. In the process of work, it is important to pull the canvas and spread the forming folds.

In about the center of vertical slats, the handles are installed for convenient installation of the mosquito net. They are also rolled under the rubber cord. The remaining mesh cloth throughout the perimeter of the frame is cut off with a blade or a stationery, giving the product a finished, neat and aesthetically beautiful appearance.

Setting frame mesh

Before installing, prepare a window frame profile. Its surface is purified from dust and dryly wipe on a soft lint-free cloth.

For installation, special fasteners are used that are screwed to the frame with self-draws. On the lower horizontal bar of the window profile, there are two fasteners, they are slightly less in size than the upper mounts. For a more convenient screwing, you can glue them to the frame of bilateral scotch. After the screws are screwed down, it is recommended to treat all seams with silicone sealant to keep the waterproof and heat-conducting properties of the plastic profile.

By the same principle, the upper fasteners are installed. To calculate their location, you must install the frame with the grid until it stops to the bottom brackets, mark the height by the level of the upper bar, then add 8 mm to this figure. By installing the grid into fasteners, you should keep the frame for the handle. First, the mosquito net is inserted until it stops into the upper brackets, and the bottom plank must freely go over the lower fasteners. The frame is close to the window profile, then smoothly descends. If the upper fasteners do not sustainably hold the frame, it is recommended to reinstall them a few millimeters below.

Remove the mosquito net (for example, to clean from dust and debris) it is necessary as follows: holding the handle, the frame is raised up, removed from the lower fasteners, then lowers down and leaves the upper mounts.

Summer has come. Finally, you can open the windows and ventilate the apartment. But besides fresh and warm air, the summer can lead to your home and unexpected guests, ranging from annoying mosquitoes and ending with flies, bees and other grains. To avoid such a neighborhood, you should think about the acquisition of a mosquito net. Although why buy it if you can do it yourself? Moreover, it may not even become familiar with the azami construction man. So, we need a mosquito net on your own hands to make such a design will simply be enough.

Do better all yourself

If you think about getting rid of annoying insects, then most likely are already interested in acquiring either the manufacture of the grid from them. So, how is a mosquito net on plastic windows with their own hands? It is clear that the plastic window is not a wooden. That is, nails do not like it. Therefore, in the creation of the grid there will be their own nuances.

What do you need?

So, we need the following:

    The canvas itself, from which then the mosquito net will be obtained on plastic windows. Its hands in the right place to fix it every way.

    Contact tape (in the commoner called "reicker" and sold in any sewing store).

    Frost-resistant glue (preferably transparent, but anything suitable).

That's all the materials that we need. The total cost of them is unlikely to exceed the limit of 200-300 rubles. The only thing that could spoil your mood is to go shopping in search of the necessary goods. After the purchase of everything you need, you can move directly to the creation of your masterpiece.

Preparation method

Work begins with the fact that your chosen window should be carefully prepared, - wash the frame from dust and dirt, and then wipe the surface dry. This will provide a better connection to the design we create. After the surface is ready, it should be applied to each frame on a thin glue path. We will put one side of the velcro (the one that with hooks). Do not be afraid to apply glue - the grids created on plastic windows will easily be removed. And if you want to remove the glue, you can easily do it with a spatula. Next, you need to measure the desired amount of the mesh and to fill it under to not be mistaken with sizes, you can apply it to the glued velcro (only after the glue dry!) \u200b\u200bAnd make the necessary marks. To the edges of the grid, it should be carefully around the perimeter to shoot the second side of the contact tape (the one that "fluffy"). It will be more correct if you step up a fastener on both edges, but one seam is suitable in the middle. Now it remains to attach a ready-made grid to and then connect our "reurenger". Now you can not be afraid that the "enemies" will be held through plastic windows: the mosquito net is perfectly coping with all pests and does not allow them to the house.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of this thing. And if you start the initiative and attach hands, you will soon have its own mosquito net on plastic windows. With your own hands you can make a lot, the main thing is desire.

The easiest is the independent manufacture of mosquito nets from insects using the appropriate material with small cells and sticky tape for fastening. Such a product will protect the room for several seasons.

You will need necessarily the following components that can be retailed:

  • mosquito net with cells 1.2 mm;
  • sticky tape - one side should contain a pile, and on the other there must be a lot of small hooks;
  • glue for gluing cork or mosaic.

Surface preparation

Mosquito net for plastic windows should be installed on a pure, prepared surface. The space is prepared by clearing open windows from dirt and degreased their inner surface. To do this, you can apply a wedged sponge, rubbed after clean gauze.

Given that the installation is carried out on plastic windows, then for cleaning, be sure to use only soap water, and in no case do not resort to solvents or alcohols.

Laying ribbons

After cleaning the surface, divide the sticky tape. Select a part with hooks and glue to the window opening around the perimeter using glue applied to the opposite direction. Note that the tape does not interfere with the closing of the window. It is very important that it does not create difficulties in the butt zone between the base of the window and the party where it closes.

The tape can be glued easier if you enroll on the contrary, apply glue throughout the perimeter of the desired area, and after, without performing unnecessary measurements, crop the tape at the required length and width.

Marking and installation

Leave the tape for a while so that it dries, and make the marking mosquito net. Measuring the perimeter of the opening, and apply its contour to the canvas. Crashing, leave the stock that will be equal to the width. You need to bend around the perimeter of scavenly, then sew the second part of the tape, and the vice is out. Make a seam with the edge, if necessary, you can make additional stitches in the middle. After the ribbon with hooks on the frame is pasted, wait around three hours. Then attach a grid with a ribbon to it. Now you know that this design is not so difficult to do this design.

Installation of mosquito net on the frame

Of course, the following option is not the cheapest. However, costs can be minimized if the installation on plastic windows is carried out independently.

Materials. You need to purchase: Metal corners whose width is about 1 cm, cable-channel from plastic size 15x10 mm, glue, about sixteen stretching rivets, the canvas itself.

Making frame

Since this product is installed outside the window, then performing your measurements, oriented precisely on this side of the window. After the necessary data is obtained, you can proceed to the manufacture of the future frame: Mix your received data on the cable and cut the required length of forty five degrees with a sawdust or knife.

Places where the cut was made, sanding with a special sharpening bar. Match the ready-made polished components of the future frame, connect with metal corners. Holding them down, make holes for a rivet in the finished cable channel, taking into account the holes in metal corners.

Insert the rivets into the resulting holes. It is important that the rugging device is located outside your cable, and not inside. If you do not have a rivet, you can use screws and nuts.

Spliving screws, be sure to cover the nut with oil paint to avoid screwing nut during vibration.


After running the frame, go to the attachment to her of your anti-mosquito cloth. It is better to use a thin mesh to avoid difficulties when it is pressed in the cable. Put it on top of the frame in such a way that the edges performed for the perimeter of the frame by 2-3 cm, and snap the mesh with the cable-channel lid, alternating a short and long side snap. Be careful before fixing the long side.

Do not forget to pull it a little to the corner to eliminate the savings - but it's not worth pulling it, so you can break the protective canvas. After you finish installing it on the frame, you can crop all unnecessary sticking surplus. In some locations between the cable and cover, apply glue to avoid spontaneous opening of the lid.

How to install ready-to-window

Metal sheet, cut two bands 20-x30 and 20x40 mm, bending them in the form of Z. Try to bend clasp a channel. Select a shorter side on which drill a hole intended for self-proof. The finished mountings are installed from the street side of the window, retreating around a centimeter from the window opening.

Mounts are installed using self-press, and long mounts are placed at the top, and short - downstairs. The distance between the lower and the upper fasteners should exceed the frame length by 1 cm. Start start from the upper mounts, and end the bottom.