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Gas-silicate blocks: disadvantages and advantages - what is more? Pros and cons of gas silicate blocks - myths and reality Composition and production technology of gas-silicate blocks

In the last article, we disassemble the advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete. It is time to assess the main advantages of gas-silicate blocks. These two material are the main "competitors" in low-rise construction and marketing wars of manufacturers have created some myths about the possibilities of their application.

Let's consider everything "for" and "against" this building material.

Recall: based on gas, lime, small amount of cement and gas-forming additives (usually aluminum powder). Gasilicate blocks pass autoclave processing in a thermal furnace. Chemical composition after heat treatment and forms basic consumer properties.


    Comfortable weight For construction work. Plus a small load on the foundation;

    Accurator of strength compression is higher than that of aerated concrete;

    Goodform, dimensions and geometry faces of blocks. It is produced not only in the form of parallelepiped, but also with tipped edges (spike-groove compound system), special recesses;

    Nice colour and a common aesthetic appearance even without additional finishes;

    Gazilikatwell processed. With the help of a simple tool, cutting, sawing and launching the stroke are possible;

    High vapor permeability And good environmental friendliness. Heat and air exchange in the house are provided by the porosity of the material in such a house with proper insulation, mold does not start and condensate is not formed. (the main thing is not to try to see such a house with foam);

    Gasilicate blocks relate to the groupwematory building materials and are considered the least fire hazardous


Important: a gas-silicate block from conscientious manufacturers is a good solution for the construction of the house, but it is necessary to count on some additional costs, and even better combine materials

    In general, gas-silicate blocks allow you to quickly rebuild the walls that will be easier and cheaper than bricks about 2 times. The best option is blocks manufactured in German technology and German equipment. However, the price of these blocks can arrange not everyone.

    Gasilicate blocks have become increasingly popular as a material for the construction of houses and other premises. It is mainly due to a very favorable relationship between the price of building materials and its characteristics.

    In fact, the gas silicate is one of the types of aerated concrete (cellular hardening concrete). It is used in the construction of buildings and structures of almost any destination and there are two types: wall and partition. They differ from each other by the fact that the wall can withstand higher loads, but also the cost is somewhat higher. It is much faster than when using more traditional materials, such as brick or slagoblock.

    History of material and manufacturing technology

    At the end of the 19th century, the need for multifunctional material arose. At the beginning of the last century, some inventors received the material that was patented as "wonder concrete". Under this name, the progenitor of a modern aerated concrete was hidden, but its characteristics were completely not reached up to modern.

    In the form in which they are known, the aerated concrete blocks appeared in the last decade of the 20th century. According to the method of manufacture, they are divided into autoclave and non-autoclave. The latter species is distinguished by the heterogeneity and the presence of harmful pores, which with time they give a significant shrinkage.

    The autoclave, on the contrary, is much more environmentally friendly and almost twice as fast. Lime, sand, water, cement, gypsum stone are used as components for the preparation of autoclave aerated concrete. After mixing these materials, a small amount of aluminum powder is added to the resulting mass, which contributes to the formation of gas bubbles, providing the porosity of gas-silicate blocks. After the material is swelling occurs, it is necessary to stand it a little. Then it is cut and placed in an autoclave, where he finally hardens. This technology is unique in that it does not leave any waste during production and is absolutely safe for the environment.

    Pluses of gas-silicate blocks

    This building material has many advantages over its more traditional competitors. Among them you can select the following:

    • Small weight. It is almost five times easier than ordinary concrete, which makes it possible to save already on the procedure for transportation and installation. In addition, low weight significantly reduces the laboriousness of the work.
    • Good durability. For example, a gas-silicate density 0.5T / m 3 has a very high compressive strength. This allows you to use it with, which are carriers in low-rise buildings. It can also be used as a placeholder in frame buildings and to build inland walls and partitions indoors.
    • Excellent thermal insulation properties. According to this indicator, it is three times superior to ceramic brick and 8 times - heavy concrete. This saves a significant amount on the thermal insulation of the building.
    • Ability to accumulate heat. Gasilicate blocks can accumulate a significant amount of heat, the source of which can serve as a heating system and solar rays. Thus, in the standard masonry of these blocks (375 mm), the amount of heat equivalent to accumulated in the brickwork, 600 mm thick, accumulates. This ability saves a significant amount of energy on the heating during the cold season.
    • Soundproofing is 10 times better than the brick. The porous structure allows you to very effectively absorb sounds, keeping the comfortable atmosphere indoors.
    • It is able to withstand the effect of flame for several hours.
    • Using only natural components provides complete safety in terms of ecology.
    • Thanks to its structure, it is possible to "breathe", creating a great room microclimate.
    • Minimum deviations in the size of gas-silicate blocks facilitate the process and masonry and reduce the construction time.

    Cons of gas-silicate blocks

    But as you know, there is nothing perfect. This also applies to gas-silicate. It has the following flaws:

    • Relatively low strength and frost resistance. Walls from this material are prone to crumble under mechanical exposure. It is not easy for them to hang something from furniture elements, because plastic dowels simply will open the gas silicate.

    Council Proraba: If necessary, hang something on the wall, you need to use special, which do not destroy the material.

    • High hygroscopicity (tendency to absorb moisture). In the theory, gas-silicate, as a sponge can absorb a huge amount of water, after which the fungus may form in the pores. Therefore, it is necessary to securely protect it from contact with moisture.
    • Over time, it can give a significant shrinkage. This will lead to the cracking of the wall.

    Council Proraba: To avoid shrinkage, when laying the walls, it is necessary every 3-4 row to put a reinforced mesh or metal rods.

    Despite all the disadvantages of gas-silicate blocks, the advantages are largely compensated to them. With strict compliance with all the rules of their masonry, the houses from this material will preserve for a very long time and reliably serve to their owners.


    17.03.2017 0 comments

    Every year, more and more new types of building materials appear on the construction market, which are used in the construction of cottages and garages, cottages and skyscrapers. But many popular materials are obtained using residential buildings. Still, living in his own house, away from the city bustle, noise and poisoned air dream of many.

    One of these materials is a gas-silicate block. Due to its price and simplicity of installation, they were popular among developers. At first glance - this material is simply ideal for the construction of private cottages. But before buying the material and start construction, you should learn what gas-linked blocks pluses and cons have. To begin with, we will tell about dignity.

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    Gasilicate blocks

    This material was considerable popularity not only in the construction of residential buildings, but also household buildings - from chicken coop to garages. It was possible thanks to the following advantages:

    • low costif we compare gas-silicate blocks with bricks;
    • low weight is guaranteed low density - from 300 kg / m 3 to 600 kg / m 3. That is, it is comparable to most types of wood used in construction;
    • magnificent heat-insulating characteristics. Thermal conductivity of a wall of gas-silicate blocks, 8 times less than a brick. This advantage brought popularity to blocks, in countries with a harsh climate;
    • high thermal accumulation Significantly reduces the cost of heating at home. Even if the country house was empty in the winter months, it can be protected in a matter of hours, burning the minimum of fuel;
    • non-aggression - even direct contact with open fire does not bring harm material;
    • good sound insulation - According to this indicator, the material exceeds the brick 10 times;
    • excellent vapor permeability Creates a healthy atmosphere in the house - to be pleasant and comfortable in such houses;
    • ecology.

    As you can see, gas silicate blocks have many significant advantages. But it is not enough to know only about them - to be aware of the disadvantages of the material is even more important.

    What disadvantages do these blocks do?

    Crack on a gas-silicate block

    The main minus of gas-silicate sides - strength. Unfortunately, these blocks are poorly maintained as a load on bending and stretching and on compression. Therefore, building multi-storey houses from it cannot be - the walls are destroyed under their own weight. Often they are damaged during transportation and laying. In order not to interrupt the work due to lack of material, it is advisable to buy it with a reserve, the number of additional blocks depends on the volume of work. Yes, it will increase financial costs. But the blocks are guaranteed enough to complete construction.

    Another important drawback - moisture absorption. This leads to a whole complex of problems. First, on the intricate moisture unit, mold may appear - both on the outside and internal. Secondly, significant moisture absorption is the cause of low frost resistance. If the blocks are saturated with water, then during freezing it will destroy its pores, reducing the already not too high material strength.

    By cons, you can also attribute external attractiveness of gas silicate blocks. The light gray walls with the streaks of a dark gray solution can hardly be delighted even the most unprinating owner. Therefore, aesthetic appeal can not be entered into the list of merits of the material. Such drawbacks significantly narrow the scope of application of gas-silicate blocks.

    Is it possible to get rid of minuses?

    Properly selected blocks, guarantee strong walls

    As you can see, gas silicate blocks pluses and cons have, like any other building material. Tell me - is it possible to get rid of deficiencies in order to get a dream house?

    With low strength, alas, nothing can be done. It is necessary to choose the material correctly, at the calculation of the future load on the walls. As mentioned above, the density of the blocks can range from 300 to 600 kg per cubic meter. Of course, the more weight, the higher the cost, but also the strength also increases. When building walls of a single-storey house, it is advisable to use the material with a density of 400 or 500 kg / m 3 (depending on the thickness of the walls and future loads on them). They are able to withstand significant loads without harm to themselves. If you decide to build a two-storey house, it is better to purchase blocks with a density of 600 kg / m 3 - they are stronger. Alas, from the construction of high houses will have to abandon - the material simply will not endure the load.

    Another drawback - moisture absorption. The only way to solve the problem is reliable protection. Stucco and painting in this case will not allow achieve the desired result. As practice shows, the plaster does not hold too long on the surface of gas-silicate blocks. The house inevitably gives shrinkage, because of which the plaster is covered by a web of cracks, and sometimes it is simply creepy, leaving blocks defenseless before moisture. A layer of paint disrupts gas exchange, leading to the fact that the material loses one of its main advantages.

    Decoration of walls of gas silicate blocks siding

    Therefore, the best solution in this situation is siding clamping. The walls are trimmed with a special membrane material, allowing to provide an effective diversion of moisture from the premises, and at the same time, protect the walls from rain, snow and other atmospheric precipitation. Siding not only gives the house an attraction, eliminating it from another important drawback, but also protects against mechanical loads.

    Satisfied with a popular way of finishing walls from gas-silicate blocking - warming Minvata. Mineral wool fasteners to the wall, produced by special dowels, as a result its detachment is excluded from the wall. After the Minvat, it is rejected by a grid, it is pressed into the glue layer. After complete drying, the glue is applied to the glue into two layers, it is ground, it is ground and painted.

    We must not forget about the waterproofing of the walls below. Before booking the first row of blocks on the foundation, building polyethylene or rubberoid layers. If you need to protect the walls from moisture after they are laid, you can use mastic - it is covered by several lower rows, which allows you to protect the blocks from moisture, and at the same time, it almost does not violate gas exchange.

    With this approach, you can completely deliver the material from all the most important deficiencies.

    Now you know all those inherent in the house of gas-silicate pluses and cons, and also have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ways to eliminate the latter. So, you have a wonderful opportunity to get a cozy, reliable, beautiful and warm home.

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    One of new building materials For the construction of the house is aerated concrete. In our time, it began to be widely used in mass construction. To build a house from such a material, it is necessary to determine which gas blocks are pluses and cons. When the properties of the blocks of aerated concrete are studied, you can make a choice of material for the construction of the house.

    Advantages and disadvantages of gasoblocks

    The pluses of gas-blocks include:

    Ease of material. Such a property allows you to reduce the consumption for the construction of a massive foundation, because the weight of the building from gas blocks is significantly lessthan the weight of the building from any other material. However, the foundation should not be fed or giving shrinkage. In this case, cracks can form on the walls. The lightness of gasoblocks facilitates their transportation, as well as submitting to the place of work.

    Strength. In the process of exposure to the material of pressure and high temperature, gasoblock strength is formed in the autoclave. Calcium hydrosilicate crystals are formed, and they give material stable structure and strength.

    Cannot be called aerated concrete building material, but considering its low weight, it has a very high indicator. By the ratio "Strength - Ease" is the best option for the construction of a private house.

    Heat insulation. This indicator is determined by the thermal conductivity coefficient than it is lower, the higher the thermal insulation properties. Low thermal conductivity does not allow heat to leave the room through the enclosing structures and does not miss the cold in the winter season, or hot air - in the summer. Thus, a comfortable microclimate is formed in the house where the winter is warm, and the summer is cool. Due to low thermal conductivity, the means for heating and additional thermal insulation are saved. Manufacturers declare high thermal insulation, but in practice not everything is so cloudless.

    Soundproofing. The structure of gas blocks allows absorb sound wavesTherefore, such material has a very good sound insulation that meets all construction standards.

    Easy processing. Aerated concrete products are easy to handle. They can be cut, drill or grind with a hand tool without applying special physical efforts. No, the need to buy any special equipment for processing material.

    Easy mounting. The simplicity lies in the low weight of the piece material and the availability of special grips, allowing you to conveniently carry blocks. For a better clutch of blocks on their surface, the grooves and the comb are arranged. Increases the mounting speed thin layer of special glue, which is used for masonry gasoblocks, and their large dimensions; Thanks to this, the construction of the building under construction is quickly erected.

    Universality. The ease of processing gasoblocks and their properties make it possible to use such a material for the construction of walls, partitions, stairs, fences and many other structures.

    Geometrical parameters. Gas block production technology allows you to provide very accurate blocks of blocks. This is achieved due to the cutting of the semi-finished product and autoclave burn. After such treatment material does not give a shrinkage. The accuracy of the block size simplifies the construction of the design of the desired size. The deviation of the size is ± 2 mm.

    Biological resistance. On the surface of the aerated concrete, mold, fungi or rot is not formed.

    Fire resistance. Gzobeton does not burn and does not support combustion when opening open fire. The temperature during the fire is 600 degrees, aerated concrete is able to withstand twice as large (up to 1200 degrees) temperature. In fire conditions, the design of gas blocks up to 3 hours does not lose its carrier ability.

    Frost resistance. The frost resistance of the material on the corresponding brand is determined, which is indicated by the letter "F", then the number indicates the number of freezing cycles. Gas block is withstanding up to 35 freezes, which means that it stands over 35 winters. True, in practice it cannot be checked yet, since there are still young people built from gasoblocks.

    Comfort. Aerated concrete is a porous material, so the house of the gas block can be boldly called "breathable". Due to this, air circulation is performed and the level of humidity is monitored. And this contributes to the formation of a healthy microclimate indoors.

    Ecology. Aerated concrete is an environmentally friendly material that remains such throughout its term of operation. It does not release toxic substances and does not pollute the environment. In the manufacture of pieces, it is used 5 times less raw materials due to the porous structure of aerated concrete.

    Protection against pests. In the design of such a material will not be able to settle rodents or insects.

    Quality. Due to the complexity of manufacturing technology and expensive equipment excluded handicraft production of gas blocks. In factory conditions, each batch of product is monitored by quality control, so all the stated technical characteristics of the material correspond to reality.

    The gasoblock has a lot of advantages, but there is enough deficiencies too. Manufacturers are usually silent about them or give sufficiently poor information, but if a person is going to build a house to himself, he should be aware of the minuses of gas blocks.

    Minuses of gasoblocks are:

    It is important to draw attention to all the pros and cons of the material to decide whether to build a house from the gas block.

    Gasoblokov classification

    Differences in shape:

    Differences for purpose:

    To date, there is a big competition among manufacturers. Many firms have already deserved authority in the building materials market. The most famous are the Netherlands Company "HESS AAC SYSTEMS", "H + N", one of the pioneers in Russia "Sibit", as well as "AEROS".

    There are many other manufacturers that provide a complete range of aerated concrete blocks. To purchase the desired volume of material for the construction of the house, it is necessary to determine how many gas packs in 1 cube, since block sizes differ. The following table will help correctly determine how much material needs.

    Table of parameters of individual blocks and packaging.

    Product Parameters Block volume, m 3 Package volume, m 3 Number of blocks in the package
    Length Height Width
    Gasoblock І-th variety. Brands D400, D500 600 200 75 0,009 1,8 200
    100 0,012 1,8 150
    150 0,018 1,8 100
    250 0,03 1,8 60
    300 0,036 1,8 50
    350 0,042 1,68 40
    375 0,045 1,8 40
    400 0,048 1,44 30

    Depending on the production technology and proportions of the components of the material, gas blocks have various physico-technical parameters. Accordingly, this technical indicators are necessarily labeled each product.

    Table of brands and their technical properties.

    Physico-technical characteristics D400. D500. D600. D700. D800.
    Concrete class AT 2 B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 AT 7
    Concrete class B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 AT 7
    Thermal conductivity in a dry state, λ W / m * 0 s 0,095 0,118 0,137 0,165 0,182
    Thermal conductivity of wet material, λ W / m * 0 s 0,1 0,127 0,15 0,192 0,215
    Brand frost resistance F35 F35 F35 F35 F35
    Parputness, μ mg / m * h * pa 0,23 0,2 0,16 0,15 0,14
    Shrinkage, mm / m 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3

    Aerated concrete in recent years has become one of the most popular materials for masonry walls. Blocks are used both in private construction and industrial scales. Individual developers build at home, garages, baths, satisters for various business needs. In the second case, gas blocks are used to arrange the redesigns between rooms (rooms) inside multi-storey buildings.

    Experts express an ambiguous opinion about the advantages and minuses. The difference in the assessment is due to a relatively short term of its mass application. Therefore, to make a generalization is still early. There are no fundamental studies of the behavior of aerated concrete blocks over several decades. Observations and measurements are held relatively recently. The overall picture form feedbacks of private developers who do not always comply with building technologies and accusing "poor-quality materials", and not their own non-professionalism and negligence.

    At the same time, the quality of the gasoblocks, which were produced 5-8 years ago, and the modern is radically different. Now there are dozens of firms offering a truly reliable building material. One thing can be said definitely: modern blocks are an affordable and reliable wall stone, quite suitable for the construction of objects with a service life of about 50-80 years.

    General Overview and Features

    To begin with, the composition of the aerated concrete should be studied. Blocks are made on the basis of such components:

    • cement (from 50 to 70%);
    • sand (20-40%);
    • lime (5%);
    • water (less than 1%);
    • special additives (0.05-0.1%).

    The mixture is poured into the shape heated to 40 ° C and sent to the autoclave. Gas blocks suitable for masonry are manufactured only at large enterprises where there are cameras in which pressure is up to 12 bar and a temperature of about 2000 ° C. The mixture includes aluminum powder, it activates stormy gas formation. It is this additive that makes autoclave aerated concrete with a cellular (porous) material. Air bubbles in the structure of the stone determine the thermal insulation characteristics and allow it to "breathe".

    After complete hardening of the gas-concrete mass, it is cut using strings to block blocks of certain sizes and configurations. A high-quality stone produced in compliance with technologies is characterized by the ideal accuracy of lines. The correct parallelepipeds stacked on each other provide thin seams between the rows of the wall. Cold's bridges can be avoided, thereby significantly reduced the heat loss of the building.

    Also sold blocks that have not been subjected to autoclaving. They are dried in hydration boxes in conditions of elevated temperature and humidity. Accordingly, concrete strength is 3 times less from what was obtained by an autoclave method. This type of aerated concrete is suitable for insulation, but not for masonry.

    And very low quality from blocks made by handicraft. Reviews about them are a solid flow of negative statements. But, given the fact that in each of the three production options, the ready-made material is called "gasoblock", consumers are generalized. Accordingly, it is formed that the minuses are much more than the advantages. In fact, the shortcomings of a quality aerated concrete is completely small. Experts in their reviews indicate that with the right arrangement of the foundation and observance of technologies, the operational parameters of the blocks are not strongly inferior to bricks or slagoblock.

    Technical characteristics of blocks

    1. Dimensions.

    Standard linear dimensions of block-parallelepipeds:

    • in length - from 500 to 600 mm;
    • in height - 200 mm;
    • thick - from 75 mm to 500 mm.

    2. Configurations.

    Produced in the form of parallelepiped with 6 smooth surfaces or with grooves and ridges on 2 end faces. U-blocks are also available for arcoating arrangement.

    3. The strength of aerated concrete.

    The material is light, but at the same time has good strength. Depending on the brand, the coefficient of compressive strength is from 1.5 to 3.5 kgf / cm².

    4. Classification of grades depending on the density of aerated concrete:

    • D300-D500 - heat insulation;
    • D500-D900 is an intermediate version used for structural and thermal insulation;
    • D1000-D1200 - Construction Aerated concrete.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    All the above properties of aerated concrete blocks should be taken into account during construction. Depending on the type of future building (house, bath, garage), you can use a wall stone of various sizes and density.

    Of course, the pros and cons have delicate blocks produced by both the autoclave method, and obtained by drying in hydration chambers. But in the first case, the claimed properties practically coincide with the operational, and in the second material may behave "inadequately". After all, the parameters are designed for some climatic conditions, and developers make their own adjustments, without considering the reviews of experts on construction from gas blocks.

    1. Pluses of aerated concrete:

    • Easy processing.

    With the tool, the gas blocks are easily processed manually. You can silent, make notches, grind the surface.

    • Heat insulation properties.

    Using the blocks of the D500 and D600 brand, the developer reaches two goals at once: the construction of the house or bath box, as well as the thermal insulation of these buildings.

    • Soundproofing.

    The ability to sound insulation directly depends on the brand of gas blocks and wall thickness.

    • Fire resistance.

    Aerated concrete blocks are non-combustible material. They possess the highest grade of fire resistance.

    • Ecology.

    Gas blocks are safe. Health damage from aerated concrete can be in one case - in the presence of radioactive elements in the base mixture. But it is almost impossible on an industrial scale when the components are undergoing laboratory studies. During operation, the blocks do not react to the formation of toxic substances. According to its ecological characteristics of aerated concrete, we compare with natural materials and a slightly inferior to the tree.

    • Low weight.

    Very light, so it's easy to work with him. Masonry can be performed independently.

    • Large product size.

    This parameter should also be attributed to the pros. The construction of houses from aerated concrete is carried out much faster than similar from the brick.

    • Resistance to biological effects.

    Gas blocks are a medium unfavorable to form molds, fungal colonies and reproduction of bacteria. The material does not need to be treated with antiseptics.

    2. Disadvantages and negative parameters:

    • Fragility.

    This minus block manifests itself during transportation, in the process of masonry. But the main point is a predisposition to the cracking of the walls in the event of improper arrangement of the foundation. Small irregularities of the ribbon base - and after 2-3 years, the blocks will take a crack. The problem can be solved by applying reinforcement with a grid with an interval of 3-4 rows.

    • High coefficient of water absorption.

    It can be reduced by special impregnations that are applied before plastering. Leave the "open" walls from aerated concrete is not categorically recommended.

    • The problem with fasteners on a gas-concrete surface.

    Massive shelves, cabinets and other items are very difficult to fix on the wall. The best solution is self-tapping screw. But for them their nuance is oxidation, and as a result, the loss of aesthetic species.

    • Morked sellers. Frost resistance parameter.

    Some experts argue that the actual frost resistance of the D500 blocks is only 25 cycles. Although the sellers declare at least 50 (this is the indicator suitable for the outer decoration). Frost resistance at the F50 level is observed at the gas blocks of the brands D600 and higher.

    • The presence of free lime.

    Such a disadvantage leads to actively flowing inside the aerated concrete corrosion processes. Lime are energized pipes, reinforcements, jumpers and other metal elements.

    Build or not build from aerated concrete?

    This question is very often arising from individual developers. On the one hand, the material has many pluses, and on the other - no less than minuses. The relative cheapness of the blocks is compensated by the "lottery" on the issue of building durability. It is not known how long the house has a house from aerated concrete, if suddenly there are deficiencies in the foundation or masonry.

    The developers are actively discussed by minuses of a bowl of aerated concrete. These include the properties of the material to actively absorb moisture. But the use of impregnations and primers, as well as the waterproofing finish is a good solution in this case.

    In favor of houses, garages or baths from gasoblocks evidenced and savings on the foundation. For the future construction, a massive monolithic plate is not required, a sufficient belt base. Can be erected accordingly on any type of soil.

    It is necessary to start the construction of a building from aerated concrete, pre-weighing "for" and "against". It is important to take into account all factors (location, type of soil and depth of freezing, relief, floors). Even in the case of a lightweight structure (garage, baths), you need to adhere to technology, in order not to witness the destruction of almost new buildings.