Repairs Design Furniture

Ceramic tile technology. Firing and buying a private furnace. Required materials and equipment

Where to buy raw materials for tiles?

State aid in business of this area.

Organization of mini business, how to open shop:

Line for the production of ceramic tiles.
Personnel for mini production.

Finance and development:
Financial plan.
Profit and payback period.

Development and improvement of this business.

Production of ceramic products can be attributed to the most ancient craft. And one of the most popular products from ceramics remains tile. There is absolutely not only for this product for this product, not only for attractive appearance, but also for such properties as hygiene, increased wear resistance, strength and refractory.

Despite the centuries-old history of this product, the foundation of the tile manufacturers adhere to each manufacturer almost the same. The only difference in the cheaper and expensive product is the quality of the most raw materials. To understand what kind of varieties used materials for the manufacture of tiles are quite enough to look at the finished product.

If there are small points on the surface, single extraneous inclusions, there are inhomogeneity of the color and blurry of the pattern, then for the manufacture of this tile sample, low-quality materials were used.

The main raw materials for the manufacture of ceramic tiles are the following items:

1. Kaolin and clay - the main raw material for the manufacture of tiles;

2. Quartz sand - added to the main raw material to obtain the shrinkage effect;

3. Slags, nepheline, field spatts are smooths that are used to obtain the effect of reducing the sintering temperature;

4. Surface active substances, dilutes, mechanical actants are special additives necessary for the manufacture of tiles.

The entire above-described list of raw materials can be divided into the following groups:

1. Raw materials from carbonate - gives an exhausted product a glassy structure;

2. Components from quartz - contribute to the formation of a "skeleton" of tiles;

3. Components of clay - give the mass of special plasticity, which allows in the future to receive formed products.

Depending on the type of clay components used, the housing of the manufactured tile may differ. It can be white, red or remain colorless. Ceramic tile that has a red or brownish body is made of a special grade of red clay. White tile It turns out if you use kaolin. If for the manufacture of tiles to use several clay varieties at the same time, then you can get a hill with a gray tint.

It is important to note the fact that the color of the initial raw material does not affect the quality of the final product. Of course, the cost of tiles with a white housing may differ from the cost of a product with a red body, but for commercial reasons. Namely from the place of production of the product itself and the cost of its delivery. The only difference in the white case from red is that the first is made with more accurate geometric sizes.

If we talk about the glazed tile, then the color is absolutely not visible under the layer of glaze. But with a unlawed product, things are a little different. Such a tile is one-color in all its thickness. Therefore, the aesthetic properties of the final product are directly dependent on the quality of the selected raw material. Therefore, special coloring substances are used to obtain the tile color.

Where to buy raw materials for tiles?

You can buy raw materials for the manufacture of tiles both in our country and beyond. For example, Kaolin is mined mainly in the UK, France and Germany. The quality of such a material is certainly excellent, but it will directly affect the final product and the consumer will find more difficult. Within our state, the clay deposits also exist. Which allow you to provide all production with high-quality raw materials, which is practically not inferior to a foreign analogue. And its cost is significantly cheaper both for the manufacturer and for the end user.

The quality of clay is the laboratories that use modern equipment during their work. That is why it is not worth looking far away, all the necessary components for the manufacture of ceramic tiles can be found within our state. For the purchase of the necessary raw materials for the manufacture of ceramic tiles, it is necessary to allocate about $ 6 thousand.

The process of manufacturers of ceramics tiles is quite simple. For the manufacture of tiles take clay of various varieties, with the addition of additional components, depending on its type and target. Using industrial equipment All components are pressed at elevated pressure with further firing in a special oven at a certain temperature.

Modern production involves several ways to manufacture ceramic tiles, depending on the product type required.

The main types are:

1. Bicotura - the facing of the inner walls is used;

2. Monocotture - for the facing of walls inside the building, for the floor;

3. Monoporosis for facing facades;

4. Clinker tiles for pools, bathrooms, pilaf;

5. Cotto - for facing facades;

6. Cyremmic granite - for the floor.

Under the name of the biccoture understand the enameled ceramic tiles. It is believed to a low-strength product, therefore, it is most often used for the interior decoration of walls in the room. The manufacturing technology of this type of tile involves pressing and conducting double firing.

During the first stage, this pressing and primary firing is made only the body of the tile. After that, experts conduct linear measurements to adjust the parameters of the product. Samples that have incorrect parameters are sent as marriage to the manufacture of tiles of the second grade.

Tile standard sizes The secondary firing step is underway, which contributes to the fastening of the enamel on the base of the tile. Such a layer not only gives a product of aesthetic beauty, and also prevents destruction under the influence of moisture. The last stage of production is to test the product for the presence of defects and further packaging of goods.

Monocotture can be compared with the tile type described above, but it does not have a retaining step. But this type refers to a more urgent and impact-resistant product. For its manufacture, a mixture of several clay varieties with various necessary additives are used. The raw material is mixed in the drums to obtain a homogeneous mass and moisturizes. Then the drying step occurs and the further grinding of raw materials in professional vertical silo. The resulting mixture is transmitted through the dispenser to the transport tape and sent to the mold. There is a distribution of all raw materials throughout the area and shaped of a stamping product.

The last step is the drying of the tile in a special chamber and applying the enamel layer. Then the product is subjected to baking in the furnace at a temperature of 1200 ° C and the phased cooling of the finished product. After this stage, the tile acquires the necessary hardness and the enameling layer is fixed on the body of the product. All processes occur under the close control of modern equipment. After baking, the tile is detectoscopic and visual control. After that, the tile is marked and packaged.

Monoporosis is also a type of tile using a single firing step. A distinctive characteristic is to use some other components in the manufacture of the product. This allows you to change the thickness of the tile and its physical properties. Such a manufacturing technology makes it possible to produce a large ceramic tile and almost perfect shape and proportions.

This tile is additionally subjected to the technological process of ratification - this is the stage of additional processing of the product faces. It occurs on special machines, where the edges of the product is cut. This stage allows you to make a product that has an ideal form, which greatly facilitates the process of laying the product.

This kind of clinker tile is made of inhomogeneous clay varieties with the addition of special oxidizing agents and dyes, as well as flux and chamot. Product formation is carried out by extrusion. This stage is carried out by priming a finished semi-finished product through special extruders. The finished product has a low porosity, due to which it acquires such properties as wear resistance and resistance to mechanical exposure. The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this type of tile is the floors, stairs, bottom of the pools and the other.

Cotto tiles are also obtained by extrusion. Its components are based on several varieties of natural clay. Basic positive Moment The tile varieties are its aesthetic qualities. Therefore, it is widely used for the reconstruction of buildings and premises, in the construction of structures in the old style.

This type of tile, as ceramic granite, is made on the basis of a mixture of white clay varieties, quartz, field swings and kaolin. This type of tile is attributed to products that have increased mechanical resistance. The only moment, the finished products are completely out of the texture and appearance of the drawing. Most often, ceramic granite does not permeate the stamp of the coating of the icing. It is used for facing facades of premises, as well as areas that can be exposed to strong wear during operation (floors, stairs).

Depending on the type of ceramic tile, which is going to make a company directly dependent on the planned financial capital.

Video, production of ceramic tiles:

To date, polyurethane forms for the manufacture of ceramic tiles have been widely used. The developing tile manufacturing industry is focused exclusively on high quality products. That is why today makes a form for polyurethane tiles. Such forms are most imitated natural materials (With which the manufacture of tiles was made earlier).

It often happens that various forms of tiles manufacturers can produce in limited quantities or produced by order of the consumer. It can be as standard forms of tiles (square, rectangle, square with rounded or moonlights), and completely non-standard forms for the manufacture of tiles made by individual order.

The following requirements are imposed to forms:

1. Resistance to abrasives and alkalis;

2. High elasticity;

3. Resistance to breaks, deformation and dressing;

4. The possibility of carrying out a large number of technological cycles (most often more than 1000).

All the above requirement corresponds to polyurethane forms for the manufacture of ceramic tiles for both internal and external work. That is why, tile manufacturers choose such modern and durable products.

State aid in business of this area.

To date, many novice entrepreneurs for the organization of the business of this area can take advantage of state support. And for this, the country has provided a number of possibilities. These are special programs for helping young entrepreneurs who include several support directions:

1. Subsidium;

2. Credit;

3. Property;

4. Training;

5. Export support.

Although wishing much more than the state implies the state. Yet, many have a chance to get the desired support. You can consider support options in more detail.

First of all, this is financial assistance (subsidy or loan for small business). It can take advantage of a businessman who is already in the register of entrepreneurs (no more than two years ago). In this case, you can relate to a young businessman and have the right to support from the state. The amount of financial assistance for Moscow residents can be up to $ 7 thousand. For residents of the regions, this amount is about $ 4 thousand. All means can be allocated to an entrepreneur only under the condition of co-financing. This means the need for simultaneous investment in the project and its blood. Such means are given the right to use as rental of premises, equipping jobs, acquiring equipment and more.

Additionally, the state proposes to help property. Most often - this is the provision of production areas on a preferential basis, which are listed on the balance of the city. For this, the selected rooms are offered entrepreneurs on competitive environments. And rental rates in this case are much lower compared to market. The winner of such auction receives a premises for use on special, preferential terms. It is important that having received a room in which it is necessary to carry out repair work, you can have full right in co-financing.

Also, the state offers its help in learning. To understand the Aza tiled business need vocational training. And the state is ready to come to the rescue. Such training can occur in the form of lectures, seminars, as well as conducting legal advice. It is important that such training is absolutely free and able to help young businessmen master the basics business activities.

Additionally, state assistance can be provided in support of exports. In this case, such state assistance can be useful at the stages of the production of finished products and the possibility of its further sales. Most often, the state offers preferential conditions for exporting manufactured products.

Below are real examples of state aid:

1. Compensation of costs for participation in exhibition events;

2. Subsidy to compensate for all costs associated with the payment of interest of the loan and the development of leasing manufacturing equipment;

3. Subsidy to compensate for the costs associated with the purchase or modernization of equipment;

4. Grants for young entrepreneurs for reimbursement of costs associated with the sale of goods or the provision of various services;

5. Subsidy to connect to electrical network and much more.

All the above-described opportunities for obtaining state aid are under preferential terms.

For the organization of business for the manufacture of tiles, it is necessary to rent a room about 100-120 m2. This area will be enough to arrange the necessary equipment, properly organize jobs for staff, allocate a place to store raw materials and finished ceramic tiles, as well as highlight an angle for office space. To choose this room there is no need to present special requirements. It is important to work well there. ventilation systemAnd the room was dry to carry out comfortable conditions for storing the feedstock and materials.

The height of the ceilings can be from 3.5 to 4 meters. In the greater height of the walls of necessity. There is still a need for all communications: water, heating in winter, sewage. It is important that the electrolery can withstand the voltage of 380 W for normal operation of the equipment.

You can also select several mandatory requirements To the production room, where the manufacture of ceramic tiles will be performed:

1. The presence of opening outstands of the binding or subcords in window Operm For carrying out indoor;

2. The presence of several outputs for the possibility of evacuating staff in case of danger to life or health;

3. The roofs of the building itself must necessarily have fencing around the perimeter with a height of at least 60 cm;

4. The roofs must be equipped with a special device for removing atmospheric precipitation;

5. Floors in the industrial and warehouse must be even, several and necessarily increased strength;

6. Personnel workplaces must be equipped with heat shielding rugs;

7. Coverage of walls and floors should allow regular wet cleaning premises;

8. Production premises must be equipped with fire safety facilities.

The rental value of such a room is about $ 220 per month. It is better to choose the room far beyond the city or in the industrial zone.

Line for the production of ceramic tiles.

To launch a mini plant for the manufacture of ceramic tiles, it is important to purchase the following equipment in order to purchase the following equipment:

1. Concrete mixers.
This equipment allows you to evenly mix the source material for the manufacture of tiles when using special blades. This equipment has a different volume. For a mini-plant for the manufacture of tiles, it is enough to purchase 2-3 concrete mixers worth about $ 560 each.

2. Vibrostanok.
The main purpose of this type of machine is the formation future tile from semi-finished product. The technological process of manufacturing the tile provides for the movement of the main raw materials into special forms, where the product is forming under the influence of vibration. The cost of vibrostanka is $ 5.5 thousand;

3. Furnaces for performing drying and roasting products.
The semi-finished product of the finished tile is placed in a special furnace for drying and subsequent deliverance of an unnecessary amount of moisture. By purchasing this equipment is better to stop your selection of the furnace, which uses hot air to dry. This stage adds strength finished product. Furnaces have a construction in the form of a tunnel. When the finished tile falls on the conveyor, it is subjected to burning in more than 900 o C. The cost of the furnace for drying and firing is about $ 1.7 thousand;

4. Camera for glazing tiles and drawing drawings.
To date, manufacturers of modern equipment offer a wide selection of special automata that can apply a layer of glaze, applying a variety of methods: bucket, conical, embossed or filler. The choice of this equipment is fully dependent on the allocated finances. The cost of such equipment begins from $ 1.2 thousand.

The above-described set of equipment can be attributed to the minimum for the opening of a mini tile manufacturing plant. But its value is quite high - $ 10.1 thousand. If you wish to offer consumers more unique products and make a profit not for production, then it will be necessary to purchase two more types of equipment for the manufacture of tiles:

1. Upgraded adapting chamber;

2. Additional set of stencils for applying a unique picture.

In this case, another 6 thousand $ should be added to the total cost of equipment.

It is important to note that it is best to choose the most automated equipment. But the cost of such will be higher. Alternatively, at the dawn of business development, you can give preference to partially mechanized work. And only sweats, at the time of profit and business development can be purchased more modern devices.

The video, how the equipment of the full cycle looks like, for the production of ceramic tiles:

Personnel for mini production.

Regarding the staff of employees, 3-4 people need to organize the production process. They will be able to fully monitor production processes: a mortar, fill in special forms, control of such technological processes as vibropressing, drying and firing. Also, operators on the line will check the products obtained at the time of defects, reject non-standard products and packaging the finished ceramic tiles.

There is no need to present special requirements to the operators. It is enough to work experience in this area and the minimum number of knowledge. There is a need to invite to work the quality controller manufactured products. An employee of this specification is obliged to have experience and knowledge in this area. There is also a need for a minimum number of utility workers (1-2 people), to perform slope-loading work. To fulfill the organizational moments, you will need an accountant, manager, secretary. Wage The staff of employees is about $ 3 thousand.

The target business audience of this area is all sorts of building outlets and individuals. Therefore, all advertising tools can be used to organize marketing activities of the business of this area. First of all, it is the creation of your own web resource. An important point to get around competitors is the permanent website promotion.

Also on consumers can be influenced using commercials on radio and television. Additionally, advertising articles and publications can be placed in popular newspapers and magazines. Additionally, it is worth participating in exhibitions and seminars. At such events, you can not only advertise the manufactured ceramic tile, but also to learn something new and interesting for business. We will not be superfluous on such foreign events, where you can learn about new tile manufacturing technologies and modern materials. The implementation of marketing activities should be approached with a special approach, it is possible to even entrust such work by a specialist in this industry. In order to quickly promote your production and get maximum profits. Marketing must be allocated at least $ 300.

Sales of ceramic tiles.

You can select several basic consumers of ceramics tiles:

1. Individuals;

2. Companies offering construction or repair services;

3. Building markets;

4. Building stores and supermarkets.

This is the main target audience for the sale of ceramic tiles. As you know, it is most advantageous to make sales of manufactured products to the wholesale buyer. And the higher the party, the greater the profit for the company.

Financial plan.

For the organization of a mini-plant for the manufacture of tiles, the following amounts of funds must be investing:

1. Rent of the production and office space - $ 220 per month;

2. Expenses for the purchase of equipment - $ 10.1 thousand;

3. Current funds with monthly payments - $ 3.5 thousand;

4. Permits for business development - $ 400;

5. Marketing activities - $ 300;

6. Workers' salary - $ 3,000;

7. Raw materials and materials - $ 6 thousand;

8. Taxes - $ 170;

9. Other spending - $ 200.

The main amount for investment is $ 24 thousand.

Profit and payback period.

The profitability of this production is about 45%. A monthly small enterprise can produce tiles in the amount of 27 thousand $. From this amount, you can subtract monthly current costs - $ 3.2 thousand. It is also necessary to subtract variable costs of $ 12 thousand. Balance profit from all sales is $ 13,000. Based on the data described above, the maximum profit of the company can be sold $ 27.5 thousand. But, minus all spending, about $ 8 thousand remains to share the enterprise.

Based on the practice, specialists have proven that the mini plant for the manufacture of ceramic tiles can fully recoup its initial investments in 12 months after the launch of production. But this payback may be obtained only in cases of perfect additions. This is when all sales paths fully function and are already installed from the first day of the equipment. But, most often, young entrepreneurs when developing a business of this direction may face a number of obstacles. It may be seasonality. After all, everyone knows that repair and construction works Most often under the warm season. Therefore, it may happen that the production line can be forced in autumn and winter. Therefore, so that this does not happen to your production is important to start the production of ceramic tiles in spring time and invest the maximum amount of effort on the development of marketing activities.

Business development.

For the development of the business of this area, it is possible to introduce a project for the production of ceramic photo filter to order. In total, to open the direction of manufacture of photographic tiles, you must additionally invest $ 4.8 thousand. This amount will include the acquisition of the necessary equipment, raw materials and the implementation of advertising activities. A bright and colorful panel can be applied to the tile of this species and instead of ordinary tiles. The photo shot has a number of advantages over standard tiles:

1. The ability to apply any drawing;

2. High quality finished product;

3. Strust resistance to abrasion;

4. Resistance to the effects of moisture and durability of the product.

The technology of manufacturing such a tile is quite simple. Modern tendencies allow you to apply a drawing by direct printing on ceramic tiles using a special printer. For future panels, a light shade tile is used. Its surface is cleaned and degreased. With the help of the painting, the layer of preto lacquer is applied.

Then the tiles are dried in the oven at a temperature of 150 ° C. Next, tiles are attributed to a special printer table. After applying the picture, the product is subjected to a re-drying. The process itself takes no more than an hour.

For the manufacture of tiles, you must purchase the following equipment:

1. Kraspopult - $ 30;

2. Printer for printing on ceramics - $ 3.7 thousand;

3. Furnace for drying - $ 600;

4. Computer and special software - 450 $.

Services of the enterprise for the manufacture of ceramic photo shutters require additional advertising. First of all, you can use the radio advertising and the creation of the Internet site.

Ideas for business from the section:

Ceramic tile is the facing material that is present in every home. Coming into the salons, we evaluate colors, design, sizes, forms, without even thinking about, but as actually, the tile is produced, which we are now kept in your hands. But this is a very interesting process, and believe me, the modern production of ceramic tiles has its secrets.

Composition of ceramic tile

Raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles are mixtures different materials, due to the use of which the technical, aesthetic and operational characteristics of the product are ensured:

  • clay materials provide the plasticity of the wet mass required to form the tile blanks;
  • quartz raw materials - quartz sand, forming a "skeleton" of ceramic tile, performs a structural function necessary to control and limit the change in the size of the tile, inevitably occurring during drying and firing;
  • materialscontaining field spatts (sodium aluminosilicates, potassium, calcium, etc.) or carbonates (in particular, calcium). Due to these materials, the required viscosity is achieved during the firing, which provides the vitreous and dense structure of the finished product.

Ceramic tile production process

1. Mining clay

The production process begins in careers where the feedstock is produced. Clay varieties must have strictly defined chemical compositionSince it largely determines the properties of the material and its behavior when pressing and firing. That is why the leading manufacturers carry out tight control of this stage. The quality of raw materials is controlled both during the fence and when the factory is conseque. Entering the factory, claile is stored in special containers: a separate container is intended for each clay grade.

On a note: Manufacturers use different clay grades. Most of the Spanish factories "works" with red clay, because in Spain, the rich deposits of this raw material. But the highest quality is white clay, it provides the best characteristics and high level of stability of the product.

For example, Aparici factory works mainly with white clay and bring it from Australia.

Among the factories using only white clay grades in the manufacturing process - Porcelanosa and Venis. For Porcelanosa clay is mined in England, Ukraine, Belgium, Turkey and Holland.

2. Preparation of the mix

At the second stage of clay, in strictly calculated proportions, mixed with other components. Different types of mixture are used to produce certain colors, formats and tile models.

The resulting mixture enters the pre-grinding section and passes operations:

  • shredding
  • mixing
  • moisturizing

For the manufacture of the tile body, which is also called "biscuit", the raw materials are thoroughly crushed and mixed to obtain a completely homogeneous mass.

Today there are three types of ceramic mass preparation technologies. The choice of this or that technology depends on the properties of the raw materials and the type of product manufactured.

  • Semi-dry way. Powder pressing. For this, clay will first be crushed and dried, after which they are crushed and submitted to molding.
  • Plastic fashion - Of the tough mass using thermal processing. First, the clay is crushed under pressure, then it enters the clay mixer, where it is mixed with additives before receiving a homogeneous plastic mass.
  • Wet method. The starting materials are crushed and mixed with plenty of water (up to 60%) to obtain a homogeneous mass. After that, the liquid mixture is already in special tanks.

3) Product Molding

The resulting homogeneous mass passes the following stage of the production process - molding of the product.

There are two methods of molding - pressing and extrusion.

Pressing allows you to get only a flat tile of certain sizes; Extrusion provides the production of material of various shapes, including convex or concave.

Forming a product using pressing: The powder mass is squeezed with a press in two directions. High pressure particles are moved and partially deformed, due to which an unreleased tile already has an appropriate density and durability.

Forming Products with Extrusion: The clinker tile is made of a tough mass, which is pushed through a special extruder hole having the form of a future profile. In the production process there is a "liquid phase": a viscous mass under pressure is extruded from a certain form and is cut off. It is at the expense of this moment (which is not at molding by pressing) the extrusion method ensures the production of material of different forms.

Such a tile can be much thicker than pressed, it can be convex or concave, which makes it possible to produce special clinker elements - angular, external, internal.

The material obtained at this stage is still very soft, it is easy to break his hands.

4) drying

This is a mandatory process for the production of ceramic tiles, since if the material is high levels Moisture immediately after molding to send to the firing, then the product is cracking.

Due to the drying from the product, the percentage of water, which was necessary for its molding is removed. From drying depends the integrity of the tile (the absence of deformations, cracks and other defects), therefore this process Very rigidly controlled.

Drying can be carried out different methodsBut in modern production most often used installations with drying hot air. They provide moisture output to the surface of the product, its further evaporation and removal. The drying process lasts several dozen minutes. The speed of the process is achieved due to good heat exchange, efficient ventilation and relatively high air temperature during the drainage of the material.

In the process of drying and final high-temperature firing, the "shrinkage" of the product happens, i.e. Proportional decrease in B. linear sizes. At the same time, it is impossible to provide with an accuracy of a millimeter to the actual decrease in size, it depends on many factors. This explains the presence of calibers, i.e. Designations of the actual size of ceramic tiles. Definition and assignment of calibers with a finished product occurs at the sorting stage.

On a note: Many Porcelanosa collections do not pass drying in a traditional understanding. The material will be dried naturally, reaching the desired state. Of course, this requires special conditions and time, but such material is considered more natural, better.

5) Application Glazers (Enamel)

Ceramic tile - always glazed. Porcelain stoneware can be glazed and unlawed. The glazed tile and glazed porcelain stoneware is a relatively thin layer has a vitreous structure. That is, the surface of the tile differs from its base and provides a visual effect (color, gloss, ornament, etc.), as well as a number of properties, such as waterproof, hardness, etc., which can not provide base tiles. Thus, in the composition of the glazed tiles there are two layers with a different structure: the icing on the surface and the base located below. The unhappy porcelain stoneware, on the contrary, has a homogeneous structure throughout the thickness.

What is a glaze in ceramics? Glaze (from the German Glas - Glass) - this is a vitreous protective decorative Ceramic coating fixed by the firing. This coating can be transparent or opaque, colorless or painted, matte or glossy.

As a formulation, the icing is a mixture of various minerals and compounds, such as coloring pigments, frits, various oxyls, sand. The color of the glaze gives various salts and oxides of metals. For example, chrome will give green color, iron, cobalt - blue.

The prepared mixture is applied to the surface of the product and melted on it during the firing.

There are three main coordinates of the glaze on the surface of the ceramic tile: with the help of "drum", "dome" and digital printing.

Application of the glaze on the tile can be made before the firing during the roasting or after firing.

The glaze can be applied in the form of a pasty mass, granules, in the form of a spray suspension. The process of applying the glaze is carried out with the help of a machine, which is a round drum with a circle length several times the length of the tile. The drum, rolling on the tile, causes a liquid enamel to the surface of the product, and since the length of its circle is several times the tile length is several times, then 3-4 products are processed in one turn.

The process of glaze can be combined with the process of drawing a picture. Most often for this uses axial drum offset, which allows a large number of Tiles with unofficing pattern. But design and color is saved for the whole collection.

Another method of applying the glaze is made using the car in the form of "dome". At the same time, the machine does not touch the surface of the tile, it "watering" from above the surface of the product with a prepared mixture.

The digital printing method gives a number of advantages compared to two other ways of applying the image:

  • provides very high print quality;
  • makes it possible to decorate relief surfaces;
  • provides reproduction of natural and other textures in photographic quality;
  • allows you to quickly create new designs;

On a note: Currently, manufacturers of ceramic tiles are either buying a ready-made glaze (the mixture itself, which will be applied to the tile), or develop it yourself. For example, Peronda factory introduced a new collection with an exclusive coating resembling crystalline. This is the development of the factory itself and currently there are no such glaze from other manufacturers.

Among the well-known manufacturers of different types of glaze for the ceramic industry, Torrecid can be noted. The current direction of Torrecid is the production of glaze for digital technologies.

6) Obug

By firing ceramic tile Acquires mechanical characteristics necessary for subsequent operation. At high temperatures in the tile (and if the tile is glazed, then in the glaze) there are a number of chemical reactions and physical changes. When firing the clay turns into an animal mass.

The firing occurs in continuous furnaces, which are tunnels for which the tile moves on special conveyors. In the firing process, the tile is subjected to preheating, due to which the latest moisture remains evaporates, and then products are burned at a temperature of from 900 to 1250 ° C and higher. The temperature selection will depend on the type of product. For each type of tile, individual is developed temperature mode.

The temperature in the furnace rises gradually: the tile is heated from a smaller temperature to the greater. Otherwise, the product would immediately cracked.

For different materials, there is a maximum firing point. So, for double firing tiles - about 950 ° C, for one-time firing - to 1180 ° C, for porcelain stoneware - up to 1300 ° C. After staying on the roasting section, the tile moves through the tunnel, consistently cooled to the temperature necessary for its safe unloading from the furnace. After cooling, the tile acquires a structure with high mechanical strength.

On a note:The passage of tiles through the furnace at the production of Porcelanosa takes about 55 minutes (from beginning to end of the furnace). Each furnace sector is connected to its computer, each sector has its own temperature, for example, by the middle of the furnace - about 1200 ° C.

7) Sorting

Before the tile goes to the packaging site and then to the warehouse, it passes the sort stage. Here are the following tasks:

  • rejection of products with defect;
  • the tile of the first grade is separated from the tiles of lower varieties;
  • the tile of each variety is grouped into trading parties, based on the tonality (colors) and caliber (actual dimensions);

After leaving the furnace, the tile enters the area of \u200b\u200bflaw detection and calibration, then it goes to visual control of the tonality.

At the site of the defectoscopic control, each tile runs on a special "rails", the roller is rolled down in the center of the product, which has a certain pressure on the tile. In cases where the product has a defect, it breaks and does not automatically enter further tests.

At the site of visual control of the tonality, the defects of the enamel surface are checked, respectively, in the case of their presence, the tile is rejected. And at the same stage, the tile tile is determined.

On a note:Previously, visual control of the tonality was performed. Today, the production of many factories is automated to such an extent that cars perform this work, and they control them, say, one person. For example, at the Aparici factory, the colors compares a special car, the quality of the work of the factory is observed. In principle, such machines are quite accurate, so control over their work is optional, but recommended.

02.08.18 28 389 32

Three girlfriends have invested 700,000 rubles into the production of ceramic tiles.

Anna Samochanov

talked with the founders of the business

Planned to start in two months, but came five times longer. But two years later, their average monthly profit - 150,000 rubles, and they work with partners in nine cities.

I asked Ksyusha, Olya and Lena about how they launched their production.


Ksyusha repaired the kitchen and complained to girlfriends Ole and Lena, how difficult it is to find a decent tile for apron.

Olya artist at that time was engaged in plaster stucco. She paid attention to the fact that the technological processes of the production of stucco and tiles are the same. Make tiles handmade It is not very difficult: you need clay, glaze and firing furnace. Tile attached shape, dried, burned in the furnace, are covered with color (this is called glazing) and again burn.

The demand for the original handmade tile is, because there are few such proposals in Russia. In addition, the cost of tiles is small, and the prices in the market are cosmic.

Olya offered girlfriends to launch their production tiles. The moment was suitable: Marketer Ksyusha came out of the decree, Lena quit the executive director, and Olya was looking for a case for the soul. Girlfriends agreed.

10 months

went to launch business

The girls wanted to enter the market with a premium tile: non-standard forms and colors, manual production and a low price - higher than the mass market, but lower than popular ceramics from Spain.

Girlfriends thought that the only difficulty was a search for a tile recipe for it to be burned without marriage. They planned to pick it up in a couple of months, and in parallel to rent a room, buy a furnace and launch production.

In fact, the preparation took 10 months.

Registration of a legal entity

In June 2016, the girls opened an IP on a simplified tax system. Costs - 5000 rubles.

The cash register did not buy: the company works only with legal entities and IP and receives money only to the current account, so the cash desk is not needed. The bank's account was discovered for free, the service was worth 1500 rubles per month. In the future, girls are going to install an online cashier to serve individuals.


Search for premises took 2 months.

Since the production is not automated, most of the work master does it yourself. Therefore, I was looking for a room with a sufficient day of daylight and spent water. Another requirement is a voltage of at least 380 volts, it requires a firing furnace. The ideal area of \u200b\u200bthe room is from 70 to 100 square meters to share it on office, warehouse and production parts, but do not pay large communal payments.

On the city portal, the girls found an 80-meter premises in the building of the Ekaterinburg Art Foundation. Rent cost 20,000 rubles per month, utilities were paid separately.

20 000 R.

paid for renting rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b80 square meters. m. in Yekaterinburg

The room was C. big windowsconducted with water and outlets by 380 volts. The girls planned to put the furnace in the center, and the rest is used to work at a computer, mixing materials, storage tiles and samples.

Repairing the room did not have to - cost general cleaning. Then the girlfriends bought racks for products in IKEE, 3 desktops and 4 stools, a coated board for recordings and a kettle. The girls spent 27,000 rubles on the furniture.


Girlfriends could not pick up a clay recipe on their own and took the temporary operation of the technologist. The technologist experimented with clay for 8-12 hours a week, her work was carried out in 8,000 rubles. The salary was paid from personal savings. For four months, the technologist selected clay, the glaze and regimes of obligs. Finding a cherished recipe, the girls said goodbye to the technologist and continued to work independently.

Clay and glaze girlfriends are purchased in St. Petersburg from Brizolor and Ceramics Gzhel - there acceptable prices And a wide selection of color glaze.

2460 R.

there is a square meter of the most expensive tile in the "Peace of Ceramics"

A 1 square meter of tiles takes 1 kg of glaze and 20-30 kg of clay. The thicket thicker, the more expense material. Together with the delivery of 1 kg of clay costs 42 rubles, it means that 1 square meter need to purchase clays by 840-1260 rubles. The cost of glaze depends on the color and varies from 200 to 1200 rubles per kg.

As a result, the square meter of the fiscal tile "World Ceramics" costs 1040 rubles, the most expensive - in 2460 rubles.

Firing and buying a private furnace

While the girls were looking for a room for two months, the tile had to burn on other industries. Girlfriends brought the basis for clay tiles and paid firing. Up to 1 square meter of ceramic tile, each firing accounted for 1200 rubles at 1 square meter.

The girl's burned tile was taken after 2-3 days. Home Olya applied to the tile of the glaze and drove back to the repeated firing. Sometimes it was possible to negotiate and put the coating on the spot immediately after the firing.

Other people did not particularly follow the process and their stoves often flew settings. If the tile was burned in the oven, heated at least 10 degrees above 1170 ° C, the products were spoiled. If the products were carried out in the furnace for an hour longer than needed, they also had to throw them away. Girls received about 20% of marriage at a rate of 5-7%.

After the girlfriend rented the room, they began to seek the oven for their own production. Finished furnaces From St. Petersburg cost 300 thousand rubles, and from Germany, from market leaders, - 400 thousand. There were no such money, so they found a local master, who made a furnace for 110 thousand. The furnace was without a passport, the certificate of quality and warranty coupon and looked less elegantly. But the oven from the Russian master solved the same tasks as imported, and the quality of the roasting did not suffer. Unlike leased furnaces, the marriage was no more than 8%.

110 000 R.

spent on the firing furnace

In the event of a breakdown, the master promised to come and eliminate the problem hour after the call. The girls enjoyed this service twice when the oven was resetting the settings. In both cases, the Master really came very quickly and immediately immediately chin. German ovens would have to send to the plant to the manufacturer or wait for the visit of the Technical Specialist.


Now the company produces ceramic tiles 11 forms and 48 colors. Square meter It is an average of 13,000 rubles.

Olya is responsible for making ceramic products. Art education helps her to invent new forms of tiles, colors and their combinations.

Most of the girls' forms spied in Spanish manufacturers who set trends on the market. Popular forms are popular: polyhedra, hexagons, diamonds, triangles.

Another source of inspiration is designer projects. Often the girlfriends are asked to make a tile by individual order. Olya is making new form, picks up the glaze and temperature modes for firing, and then this model remains in the range of the company.

Customers and Promotion

The first order of the girl received 10 months after registration legal entity. So much time was taken searching for premises, experiments with furnaces, creating several collections and customer search.

Today, the main customers are stores of ceramic tiles and designers. Looking for customers and negotiates former Marketer Ksenia. It uses cold calls and promotes the studio in Instagram and Facebook. IN social networks Girls tell about new forms of tiles and flowers of glaze, publish photos of implemented projects. Ksenia groups behave independently, and advertising costs 15,000 rubles per month.

So that customers can see the forms of tiles and colors, the girls made their own website. This helped the experience of Lena, which before that developed and promoted sites. The domain name and payment of hosting for 1 year cost 1,200 rubles. In addition to the site, products can be found in the company's catalogs and in the workshop.

Shipping girls themselves do not do - they agreed with by courier services And offer customers different options depending on the budget.

Market features

Premium market of ceramic tile is not familiar with domestic manufacturers. Ceramic tile from Spain costs 2-2.5 times higher than that russian manufacturers. Delivery is twicear longer. But the client is ready to overpay only because the company does not know from Russia.

To solve this problem, Ksyusha finds partners among ceramics stores. For a year and a half, she agreed with shops in 9 cities: Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Naberezhnye Chelny, Novosibirsk, Samara, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, Tula and Ufa. They offer customers a ceramics world tile for the full price, and they themselves order her girls with a discount. The size of the discount for each partner coordinate in the negotiations. The figure depends on competition in the city and potential demand for premium ceramics.

Another market feature is that customers are spent on a purchase for a long time - from 2 to 10 months. First, the designer shows the tile to the customer in the design of the kitchen interior or bathroom, after approval, coordinates the cost and delivery time, and then forms an order. Because of this, girls are difficult to predict sales. It happens that in a month they receive 5-7 applications from customers, and there is no one.


Company turnover is non-permanent. In one month, girls can receive orders for 20,000 rubles, and in the next - by 500,000 rubles. This is due to the poorly predicted demand for tiles.

Profit on average is 156,000 rubles per month. The girls share money among themselves and leave some of the funds on the account for renting a rental and utilities (27,000 rubles) in less profitable months.

156 000 R.

average profit per month

In 2017, girlfriends were sold at 23 m² tiles per month. By the end of 2018, they want to sell 70 m² per month and increase the turnover to 900,000 rubles.


Before starting, it is important to create a personal "airbag". It is worth postpone funds for 4-5 months so that there was no temptation to lower your hands without receiving profit. In the first months, the studio did not bring her income to girls, and the money continued to leave: for rent, utilities, purchase of materials. Girlfriends thought several times to close production, but helped the fact that Ksyusha was supported by her husband, and Olya with Lena worked.

To avoid conflicts within the collective, you need to agree on the shore, who is responsible for what. It is better to make a list on paper, to sign it and hang it in a prominent place. In the "Peace Ceramics" Ksyusha develops an affiliate network, Olya expands the range, and Lena monitors the execution of orders.

In order for the start to understand what to modify or fix, the entrepreneur himself can go through all the stages of purchase. Ksyusha became one of the first clients of the "Peace of Ceramics". After that, the girl was increased in the contract for the production of tiles for 2 weeks. An extra time will be needed if you have to eliminate the marriage or wait for the delivery of glaze.

If the turnover is a small or non-permanent, no need to hire full-time employees. It is more profitable to work with outsourcing companies or under the contract: experts decide the tasks set, and the entrepreneur pays for the result. The girlfriends agreed that as soon as the company's turnover would consistently reach 500,000 thousand rubles per month, they would be taken to the state of the accountant, a loader, marketer and an office manager. The girls will focus on global development challenges, and the leakage will go to full-time employees.

Mixtures of various materials are used:

  1. clay materials that provide the plasticity of the wet mass required to form the tile blanks;
  2. quartz raw materials - mostly quartz sand, which forms a "skeleton" of a ceramic product, that is, performs a structural function necessary to limit and control the change in the size of the product, inevitable when drying and firing;
  3. materials containing field wipes (sodium aluminosilicates, potassium, calcium, etc.) or carbonates (in particular, calcium), thanks to which the desired viscosity is achieved during the firing, which provides the vitreous and dense structure of the finished product.

The production of ceramic tiles consists of stages:

  1. Clay mining. The production process begins in careers where the initial components are produced. The types of clay used should have a strictly defined chemical composition, in the future it largely determines the properties of the material and its behavior when pressing and firing. Clay enters the factory, where it is stored in special containers. In each container - its grade clay.
  2. Preparation of the mixture. The clay is mixed with other components in a strictly calculated proportion, it enters the pre-grinding portion to a certain size and passes the operation: 1) of grinding; 2) mixing; 3) Moisturizing. Preparation of ceramic mass, depending on the properties of the feedstock and the type of products manufactured:
    - turn the way (pressing from the powdered mass - clay is first crushed and dried, then crushed and submitted to molding);
    - plastic method (of the tough mass using heat treatment - under pressure, clay is crushed, then sent to the clayness agent, where it is mixed with additives to obtain a homogeneous plastic mass);
    - Clear method (the starting materials are crushed and mixed with a large amount of water (up to 60%) until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then the liquid mixture is already in special tanks).
    For the manufacture of the body of the tile (it is often called biscuit at the production, since in color and form it resembles a cake for preparing a cake) Raw materials are thoroughly crushed and mixed to produce completely homogeneous mass for subsequent molding.
  3. Forming the product. Two methods are used for molding - pressing and extrusion.
    When pressing the powder mass is squeezed with a press in two directions, a high pressure is moving and partial deformation of the granules, so that even an unreleased tile has an appropriate density and durability.
    With extrusion, clinker tiles are made of a tough mass and molded when an extruder is molded through a special hole that have the form of a future profile. From the method of dry pressing, the extrusion is characterized by the fact that in the production process there is a so-called "liquid phase" when the viscous mass is extruded from a certain form under pressure and then trimmed. It is these technological subtleties that make it possible to produce material of various shapes, whereas with pressing you can only get a flat tile of certain sizes. Clinker tiles made by extrusion can be much thicker pressed, moreover, convex or concave, which makes it possible to produce special clinker elements, such as angular, external and internal.
  4. Drying the product. The mandatory intermediate operation of the technological process of production of ceramic products is drying. The drying performs an important role, since water is removed from the product, which was necessary for molding. The drying conditions are extremely important to ensure the integrity of the product, so the process should be carefully monitored to avoid the formation of deformations, cracking and other defects. In the production of ceramic tiles to date, drying plants with drying hot air are the most common, such an installation provides an exit to the surface of the moisture product, its further evaporation and removal. The speed of the installation (the drying process lasts several tens of minutes) is ensured by a good heat exchange, effective ventilation and relatively high air temperature at which the drainage is performed. If the raw having high humidity, Immediately after the molding, subjected to the burning, then it cracks. Further, in the drying process and the final high-temperature firing, the "shrinkage" of the tile (proportional reduction in linear sizes) passes, which is exactly what explains the presence of calibers assigned to the tile - in fact, the designation of its actual size. It is caused by the fact that it is impossible with an accuracy of a millimeter to provide this decrease in the firing process, it depends on the set of factors. Therefore, in the future, at the final stage, the tile is sorted according to the actual size (caliber), which in turn has small tolerances, according to ISO standards.
  5. Application of glaze (enamel). Glasur (from the German Glasur, from Glas - Glass) - vitreous protective decorative coating On the ceramics, fixed by the firing (transparent or opaque, colorless or painted). The glaze is a mixture of various minerals and compounds (frits, sand, various oxides, painting pigments that are applied to the surface of the product and melted). Glazers are there of different types, colored or lacrow, matte and glossy, even transparent. The color of the glaze is achieved by adding salts and metal oxides, for example, cobalt gives blue colour, chrome - green, iron - red. Tile can be glazed and unlawed. The glazed tile top, a relatively thin layer has a vitreous structure, that is, the surface of the tile differs from its base and provides a visual effect (color, gloss, ornament, etc.), as well as a number of properties, such as waterproof, hardness, etc. d., which cannot provide the base of the tile. Thus, in the composition of the glazed tiles there are two layers with a different structure: the icing on the surface and the base located below. The unlawed tile, on the contrary, has a homogeneous structure over the entire thickness. To date, there are several dozen ways to apply icing on the surface of ceramic tiles. The icing can be applied in the form of granules, pasty mass or sprayed suspension. Technologically enamel is applied using a car - a large round drum, the length of the circle, which is several times the length of the tile. The drum, rolling, inflicts liquid enamel and since the length of its circumference is much higher than the length of the tile, then 3-4 tiles are processed in one turn. The moment of application can occur differently: before the firing, after firing and even during the firing. To give a tile of a more aesthetic species, the glazing process can be used in conjunction with the application of various images often used axial drum offset, in order to make a large amount of tiles with a non-refining pattern, while maintaining the selected design and color of the series.
  6. Burning. By firing a tile, as well as other ceramic products, it acquires mechanical characteristics that make it suitable for various uses. Such characteristics are a consequence of chemical reactions and physical changes that occur both in the tile itself and in the glaze (in the case of glazed tiles). The firing is made in continuous furnaces, which are the tunnel from themselves, in which the tile moves on special conveyors, exposed to pre-heating, as a result of which moisture evaporates, then the tile is evaporated at temperatures depending on the type of product from 900 to 1250 ° C and more. The characteristic property of the clay is their ability to turn into a firing into the campanery mass. For each type of tile (and sometimes for each collection), individual temperature is developed. The maximum firing temperature for different materials is different. At double firing tiles - about 950 ° C, in one-time firing - to 1180 ° C, in porcelain stoneware - up to 1300 ° C. After staying for a certain time on the firing section, the tile moves further along the tunnel, consistently cooled to a temperature that provides its safe unloading from the furnace. After cooling, the tile acquires a structure with high mechanical strength.
  7. Sorting. Before entering the packaging site and then to the warehouse, the tile is carefully sorted. This process is designed to provide a solution of three tasks: 1) to discharge defective products; 2) separate the tiles of the first grade from the tiles of lower varieties; 3) Group of tiles of each variety in trading parties from the point of view of dimension (caliber) and chroma (tone). The sorting order may be as follows: After exiting a furnace, the tile comes to a portion of flaw detection and calibration, and then visual control of the tonality. The tests on the site of the flaw detection are that each tile falls on the so-called rails located along the edges of the tile and the center rolled the roller, which affects the tile with a certain load. If the tile has a defect, it does not withstand the load and breaks, automatically not falling into further tests. The enamel surface defects are visually checked, simultaneously with the definition of tile tonality. Next, the tile is sorted by parties, it is packaged, marked and hits the warehouse of finished products.

Types of ceramic tile

Each stage of production for various types of tiles has its own characteristics, which are determined in the future characteristics of the material obtained.


Enameled ceramic tile, designed for lining of indoor walls. Enamel gives shine tiles and allows you to display a drawing of any design, and also protects the ceramic tile body from moisture penetration. The body of the tile, the so-called "cookie", is obtained by pressing the moistened mass of red clay under pressure in special forms, followed by firing at temperatures up to 1040 ºС. The entire cycle of production of this type of tile occurs in two processes: 1) To create the base, only the base of the tile is burned, the root is performed at low temperatures. The result is a highly porous shard (with an indicator of water absorption up to 10%), not subjected to a shrinkage and does not require the sort of sorting tiles in the sizes (calibration). At the end of the production cycle, the tile undergoes the control of the planometric parameters and linear dimensions. In case of tile inconsistencies to the specified parameters, it is automatically removed from the conveyor and is processed. 2) the glaze is applied to fasten the enamel on the base and the secondary firing occurs, characterized by even lower temperature (700-900 ºС). To the second phase of the roasting - the phase of applying enamel - only pre-selected quality tile. General meaning of phased firing - ensuring the necessary strength characteristics "Biscuit" (high temperatures are necessary), and the preservation of the color of the desired brightness and saturation (at low temperatures, coloring pigments almost do not fade). The thickness of "cookies" is 5-7 mm, it is inferior by strength to other types of tiles and has interior use. Enamel, covering double firing tile, is a glossy or matte and does not have high surface strength, since it is not assumed that this tile used mainly on the walls will be subjected to mechanical and abrasive loads (they will not walk). The exception is some series of tiles recommended by manufacturers and how outdoor. Since the process of application of enamel does not affect the geometry of the tile, these parameters after the end of production are no longer controlled, the tile is checked for the presence of surface defects. The main formats of the production of tiles: 20x20 cm, 20x25 cm, 25x33.3 cm. Externally bicoture can be distinguished by: relatively small thickness; red-brown clay basis; low weight; Glossy shiny enamel.
Bikotture is usually manufactured by collections consisting of several colors: Light - most often basic in the series and additional - darker and with a large number of decorated elements. Decorated elements are manufactured in the following ways:
- using an additional third firing: the pre-made tile is cut under right size (for example, border). The necessary drawing is applied to the finished tile. It is done different ways Depending on the expected effect, the drawing through the grids or stencils with paints, gold, icing (sometimes in the form of powder). Next, another enameler is applied on the product with a subsequent firing at an even lower temperature (up to 700 ºС) to secure the pattern, while the glazing powder is melted, forming a relief pattern.
- With the help of plaster: For the manufacture of embossed decorating elements of a large thickness, a gypsum that gives plasticity is added to the kneading, then molding, followed by enamel and firing coating (sometimes drying without firing).


This is an enameled ceramic tile, designed for both wall cladding and laying tiles on the floor. Some of it are frost-resistant and, accordingly, allow you to apply this series outside and indoors. The whole cycle of production of monocotture occurs in one roasting process. Specially prepared mixture consisting of different varieties Clay with the addition of other natural components, mixed in special containers and at the same time moistened. It is then dried and grinding in huge vertical drums to almost the state of the suspension, and under pressure is supplied to the mold. The size of the pressed tiles at this stage exceeds the nominal size by about 7-10%, that is, a ceramic tile, having a size of 30x30 cm catalog, has also a size of approximately 33x33 cm. All this is because in the process of final firing and drying tile narrows proportionally decreasing in linear sizes. Further, the ceramic tile is sent to a special chamber of the final pear and on the site, where the enamel is applied to the yet, which after firing protects the structure of the tile and gives the color and design of the tile, intended originally. After applying the enamel, the tile is sent to the furnace to 100 m long. Gradually heating there to a temperature of 1200 ° C and then smoothly cooling, the ceramic tile passes the same chicken fir, as a result of which the base becomes extremely solid and enamel on it, forming a durable Single. After leaving the tile, the tile is sent to the area of \u200b\u200bdefectoscope and visual control of the tonality and calibration, after which it is sorted by parties, packed, marked and sent to the warehouse of finished products.
The main differences between the bicotura from the monocottia: a large hardness (density) of material as a result of the use of a more powerful press and a larger firing temperature, the presence of a series with low water absorption (<3%), морозостойкими качествами (некоторые типы плитки одинарного обжига производят специально для эксплуатации при минусовой температуре, такой плиткой можно облицовывать постройки снаружи), более толстая и прочная основа плитки, более твердая, износостойкая эмаль. Плитка одинарного обжига подвержена усадке, поэтому могут встречаться расхождения в размерах (калибрах плитки), которые отличаются в разных партиях. Эмаль у плиток одинарного обжига, кроме повышенных прочностных характеристик, обладает стойкостью к бытовым моющим средствам, а некоторые виды этой плитки обладают также повышенной стойкостью к агрессивным химическим средам.
Decors for monocottia are produced in two types: floor and walls. The production of outdoor decors is very similar to the production of the main material with the only difference that the design of the specified design is applied on the workpiece of the desired size, which is also burned, and therefore the hardness of the decor enamel is not inferior to the strength of the main field. Wall decorators are made according to the same technologies as for bicotura, accordingly, not possessing the strength characteristics of the main material. In many cases, the ceramic tile monocotture is proposed as an outdoor, corresponding color and size for some bicoture series, thus complementing them.
There is also a special subtype of the monocotture produced by the format of 10x10 cm. The tiles of this format are recommended, as a rule, for the "Apron" cladding in the kitchen (design and wall protection between the lower furniture tables and the upper lockers) and have a smaller thickness (about 6 mm) and more The number of different decors. Since this ceramic tile is used mainly in the interior, it does not have all the advantages of monocottia (use of softer parameters when pressing and firing), but, nevertheless, it is stronger than bicotura, and can be used as floor covering in private interiors ( cottages, apartments and so on).


A separate type of single firing tile is made using pressing technology and subsequent single tile firing and applied glaze. In the production of monoporosis, clay with a high content of carbonates is used. This product is highly true and has a large water absorption indicator - up to 15%. The thickness of the base is 12 mm, because the strength of such a tile is less than that of monocottia. The production technology of monoporosis makes it possible to produce large plates. Since the production uses a white mixture, it allows you to apply a thin layer of light enamel. This is very profitable, because, for example, bicotura having a red base requires a thick layer of light coating. Therefore, the most common colors mimicing marble. The surface of the tile is decorated with both the traditional method - applying a drawing on the product, and with a cutting under water under high pressure on special equipment, so you can get a beautiful prefabricated decor using the pieces of natural stone. Such a tile is less dense than monocotture, and it can be used only for the interior decoration of the premises.

Gres (ceramic granite)

Ceramic granite scrolling throughout the entire mass is an unailed ceramic single firing tile, made of light grade clay. The mixture from which the gel tile is made consists of clay of several varieties, quartz sand, field spat and coloring pigments (metal oxide) - natural components, which, unlike natural stone, do not serve as a source of increased radioactive background and are safe for health material. The phases of production of ceramic granite are similar to monocotture. The mixture is pressed, dried, and then burned at very high temperatures. In this case, the starting material sinters and forms a monolith. Thanks to this, the porcelain stoneware has high technical characteristics, such as: low water absorption indicator - less than 0.05%, resistance to chemical impacts, increased abrasion resistance, stroke strength, bending strength, resistance to temperature drop, clarity pattern and colors, color Products do not change under the influence of external factors. By type of surface, ceramic granite is divided into several main types:

  1. Matte - tile with such a surface after leaving the furnace is not additionally processed, so it has a natural look.
  2. Polished - the unprocessed surface of Gres is cut smoothly, and then brightened. As a result, the tile becomes sparkling. After polishing, the product is applied on the product, which closes the micropores and makes the surface less susceptible to pollution. However, such a tile has several drawbacks (if water falls on it, it becomes very slippery, besides, it is very easy to scratch it, therefore, for polished Gres, it is necessary to monitor especially carefully and clean with special non-abrasive liquid detergents).
  3. Semi-polished (lapppathed - from the Italian lappato - the fitted, discharged) porcelain stoneware - is obtained by cutting a smaller top layer of GRA using surface grinding technology (for this use special grinding stones). Typically, the uneven tile is treated, resulting in a spectacular combination of polished and matte areas. The surface of the laptic ceramic granite is easier to be cleaned of contamination. Lapatated ceramic tile differs from polished less intense tile processing, as a result of which the tile acquires a shine and a non-slip surface.
  4. Greetted ceramic granite received large distribution (Gres Porcelanato Smaltato). The technology of its manufacturer is very similar to the production of monocottia - applied enamel, determining the color and texture of the surface, is burned along with the tile as a result of a single firing, but the material has the same high strength and frost-resistant indicators as porcelain stoneware.
  5. Another technological processing of ceramic granite is validation. Realization is an additional mechanical processing of the ready-made material, which consists in cutting the side edges on each side of both matte and polished tiles on special machines (using diamond circles), to give it to everyone without exception, in a series of single size in each format and equally Smooth edges of the product. This operation allows you to lay the tiles of different sizes, as well as combine the matte and polished tiles of one series with minimal seams from 1mm, which is an additional advantage and almost impossible for non-standard tiles. Nevertheless, such a tile is still recommended to lay with a seam - in order for the building, or when expanding the tile (for example, from temperature differences), it did not crack.


This is usually unailed ceramic tile of single firing. It is made of red clay by extrusion - pushing through a square, rectangular or, for example, a hexagonal form. Cotto is used mainly to finish the floors. The extrusion method allows you to get a tile of the most bizarre configuration. The most running dimensions: 250x250, 300x300, 200x400 and 400x600 mm. Cobot Corpus has a variety of natural painting with yellow, brown and reddish gamma. The facial surface is usually treated with special brushes, as a result of which solid tuberculos appear on it. The finally the surface of the kitto can be polished, polished or, on the contrary, is made on purpose. The main technical characteristics of Coto: low indicators of water permeability and abrasion, resistance in compression and bends, resistance to chemical and atmospheric influences.


Clinker is a ceramic tile of single firing with a compacted basis, in the manufacture of which the extrusion method is used, as well as pressing technology (for example, from the Paradyz factory). Sometimes it is enamelled or covered with the so-called "salt" - a thin layer of transparent glass. The main characteristics of the clinker: high resistance to mechanical loads, low abrasion and water permeability indicators, resistance to chemical exposure, resistance to temperature difference, frost resistance. Usually clinkers are used to clamp floors both inside and outside, as well as in the construction of the pools - in decoration of bases, corners, drains, steps and various connecting elements.


A coarse tile with a colored base and front surface, as a rule, covered with opaque icing, to which a bright pattern is applied. For the production of majolica take career clays containing sand, carbonate fractions and iron oxides. The tile is obtained by pressing with the subsequent double firing. MAJIOLICA is characterized by high mechanical strength and resistance to the formation of crackers (small cracks on the surface of the colorful layer in painting - in the vintage paintings on canvas and wood, as well as on ceramics, enamel, glass), but because of the porous base of majolica, the water absorbs water, so Can only be used for finishing inner walls in dry rooms. Despite the limited area of \u200b\u200buse and energy-intensive double firing, majolica uses sustainable demand due to high decorative advantages, firmly associated with ancient.

General recommendations for the selection and use of tiles can be formulated so

Bikotture - It is used for cladding walls in the interiors, sometimes to cover the floor (if the selected series is recommended for such use), but only in those rooms that do not match directly with the street and where, as a result, there is no risk to damage enamel mechanical particles (sand, dust).
Monocotture - used for the facing of all types of surfaces in the interiors, and especially persistent views of this tile can be used as a floor covering in public places with not very intense patency (still need to be borne in mind that enameled ceramic tile will be in one way or another during operation faster What scratched in the mass of porcelain stoneware). Also, frost-resistant series can be used for outdoor and internal works.
Porcelain stoneware, scrolling in the mass - the facing of all types of surfaces both indoors and on the street. There is practically no restrictions on use - it can be private interiors, restaurants, and airports, and swimming pools, and paving tracks, etc. It is only worth noting here that for some outdoor works and floors in special premises it is necessary to select tiles with an appropriate anti-slip surface (for steps of the stairs) or streets, special premises (warehouses, manufacturing workshops). The choice of polished porcelain tiles: due to the very smooth surface of this material, it is used mainly in the interior, where there is no danger of water from entering it, which makes it very slippery. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the use of this material in places that have direct contact with the street (restaurants, cafes, lobby), exposes it to additional wear, as it will be more susceptible to mechanical load and with time it can lose its appearance.

Properties and features of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile is a very durable material. If the tile is properly laid, the limit of its strength is 10-20 times superior to a similar limit for cement or reinforced concrete - can reach 30 thousand tons per square meter! High stiffness indicator allows ceramic tiles not to bend and not deformed even with very high loads on the break. And how it is thicker, the higher this indicator. The vitreous surface of the ceramic tile (glaze or enamel) protects the ceramic tile from water exposure. This material has properties of refractory and fire resistance, so that the tile can be used for facing furnaces and fireplaces. It does not burn, protects the lined surface, and when heated does not emit nauned substances. The tile is not subject to destruction when contact with chemicals (the only threat is fluorinist-hydrogen acid). In contact with ceramic tiles, there is no discharge of static electricity, as it happens with synthetic surfaces (carpet, linoleum), that is, the tile is a dielectric. Ceramic tile is made of natural natural components and safe for the environment. Ceramic tile quickly absorbs and carries out heat, that is, it has a high thermal conductivity. It is one of the most hygienic materials, it is very easy to maintain clean.

  1. Wear resistance is one of the most important qualities of floor tiles, which characterizes the stability of the tile to abrasion and the ability to maintain an appearance unchanged. Researchers in the American Institute of Porcelain and Enamels, which conduct analysis, testing and studying ceramic materials, developed a classification of tiles according to the degree of abrasion. It is reduced by PEI and is used to properly select a tile of a specific wear resistance group depending on the type of premises in which it will be laid. If we put on the floor a tile of an inappropriate group, it will be very quickly wound up, loses strength, covered with scratches, and the glaze will lose the shine. The PEI classification includes five groups: PEI I - the tile of this group involves a light degree of operation without the effects of abrasive particles (used for walls in bathrooms). PEI II - the tile of this group implies operation with a small presence of abrasive particles (used for wall / floor in bedrooms, cabinets, bathrooms). PEI III - the tile of the third group is stacked in any residential premises and in small offices that do not have direct entry from the street. The tile is not suitable for stairs, corridors and other rooms with a lot of passability. PEI IV - the tile of this group has higher strength characteristics than the tile of the previous group, and therefore suitable for any residential rooms, as well as to cover the stairs, hall, corridors. PEI V - The tile of the fifth group is the most durable and resistant to abrasion from the glazed tiles. Therefore, only it is used both in private and public interiors with the passability above average (offices, shops, cafes, restaurants). For places with intensive traffic (motion), it is recommended to use a unpacked porcelain stoneware (airports, train stations, shopping centers).
  2. Water absorption is the ratio of the mass of water absorbed by the sample with its full immersion in water, to the mass of dry matter. The relation is expressed as a percentage. The water absorption of glazed ceramic tiles for the floor should not exceed 3% (standard EN 176 BL), for wall tiles, water absorption should be at least 10% (standard EN 159 BIII). The water absorption indicator of the tile plays an important role when lining the pools. To do this, it is necessary to use only a special tile, such as porcelain tiles, clinker, porcelain tile.
  3. Frost resistance - the ability of the tile to resist temperature drops. Water absorption and frost resistance interrelated characteristics, directly dependent tile porosity. When burning any ceramic tile, whatever the technology is applied, pores are formed in its body - from the evaporation of residual moisture, on the release of gases formed during high-temperature chemical reactions. Naturally, moisture from rain, fog, snow can penetrate them in them - if the tile is laid on the street, or from a variety of technological fluids - if tiled is lined, for example, a refrigerator. Frost resistance - the ability of ceramic products saturated with water, to withstand multiple alternate freezing in the air and thawing in water without signs of destruction and without a significant reduction in strength, in other words, the frost resistance rate is resistance to cyclic freezing and thawing. European audit techniques caused that 25 freezing / thawing cycles at a temperature of from - 15Cº to + 15Cº (at a temperature of from - 20 ° C + 25Cº according to GOST 7025-91) sufficient to establish the fact of the presence or absence of resistance. The resistance of the ceramic tile is determined by two parameters: the presence and amount of pores. The double firing tile is rather porous and, therefore, not frost-resistant. And the tile of single firing with water absorption is less than 3% is considered a frost-resistant. In contrast to ceramic tiles, in contrast to the ceramic tile, it has the minimum level of water absorption - less than 0.05%, which is characterized by the lack of pores and microcracks on the surface and opposes the penetration of water inside, does not expand and does not cause damage during freezes. Frost resistance must necessarily take into account and in the case when the tile is placed on the street or in an unheated room, where the air temperature drops below 0sº.
  4. Silvering is the appearance of thin cracks in the enamel coating. This happens with poor quality or incorrectly selected tiles under the action of sudden temperature drops. Such a defect is sometimes present on the tiles before laying. If it is proved that in the manufacture of the tile, the norm of "cracking resistance" was violated, the defect is considered a production marriage. When the tile cracks after some time after laying, the causal of the tile can be the causal: the use of a bad solution or adhesive, too thick or thin layer of these materials.
  5. Slip resistance is a characteristic that determines the ability of the surface to prevent the gliding of the object located on it. It is expressed in the friction coefficient, which is most often measured by the German DIN norm. The test result is expressed in the size of the angle of the floor, in which the object begins to slide. Slip resistance is the main requirement for the safety of residential and industrial premises, as well as for outdoor flooring. In the baths, saunas and pools, the ribbed tile with grooves is usually placed.
  6. Chemical stability is a tile enamel characteristic, reflecting its ability to withstand contact with chemicals at room temperature. The chemicals refer to the acid, salt, bases, as well as household chemicals, additives for the pool and homemade products. The tile should resist with aggressive or mechanical effects of these substances, not undergoing external changes. According to the norm EN 122, the following classes of tiles are allocated to the stability of aggressive media (media that causes the destruction of materials and deterioration of its properties - the use of household detergents, atmospheric effects): Class AA - when conducting tests, the tile completely retained the appearance, class A - appearance He changed slightly, class B - significant changes in appearance, Class C - a partial loss of appearance occurred, class D - the initial look absolutely lost. You should not forget about the seams on the lined tiled surface. They can be protected by filling with epoxy materials that are well resist chemical influences.
  7. Tone and tile caliber. The tone is the color saturation of the tile, which can not coincide a little with the declared color. It is indicated on the package of a number or letter. Caliber is the actual tile size, which sometimes a couple of millimeters differs from nominal. The caliber is specified on the package next to the nominal size. Small discrepancies in size often occur in the production of tiles with a very dense basis. In the manufacture of the tile is sorted by parties of the same size with the disorder set by the standards. Before laying the tile, check for the presence of incisions with the data specified on the package in size / comparing calibers, otherwise even minor deviations can cause irregularities or other coating defects.
  8. Bending resistance is a characteristic defining what the limit value of the static load applied to the three points of one ceramic tile is able to withstand without destruction. Bending resistance is higher than below the water absorption of tiles. Porcelain stoneware has a very high bending resistance, and the porous tile is lower.
  9. Strength limit is the level of possible load that the tile must be withstanding. It directly depends on its thickness. The ability to resist the loads is especially important for floor tiles. Such loads as the weight of human or furniture, the tile coating must be withstanding easily and not breaking.
  10. Surface hardness is a characteristic that expresses the ability of the surface to be resistant to the appearance of scratches and damage. In accordance with the norm of EN101 standards, the tile is classified on a scale from 1 to 10, respectively, the increasing hardness of minerals used for testing. Scratches are clearly viewed on a shiny surface of the tile, on the matte they are less noticeable.
  11. Resistance to temperature drops is the ability of the enamel surface not to undergo visible changes due to the "shock" caused by a sharp change of temperature by successive dive cycles into the water of room temperature and the subsequent room into the furnace with a temperature of above 105 ° C. The test shows a greater or less stability of tile to such effects.

The main factor in the production of ceramic tiles is a worked technological process of production, which is constantly being improved. As a rule, the cladding of the ceramic tiles of the walls makes the technology of double, less frequently equal firing. Outdoor ceramics, on the contrary, are more often burned once, less - two. But the manufacture of decorative elements requires additional - the third firing.

Tile production stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. The housing of the tile is prepared from a mixture of clay (for giving plasticity), quartz sand (for the hardness of the housing) and a field spat (for fading). When cooking, the glaze uses sand, kaolin clays, pre-harvested glass crumb, as well as oxide-based pigments (for color). For the manufacture of tile housing, raw materials are thoroughly crushed and mixed to obtain a completely homogeneous mass.
  2. Forming. Two methods are used - pressing and extrusion. The extruded ceramics is obtained from a powder solution, which is compacted and pressed under high pressure. The extruded options are made of the tough mass of the source materials and are molded when the extruder is passed through a special hole with a mouthpiece matrix that provides ceramic tiles with a thickness and width. Next takes cutting products along the length of special knives. The pressing method allows you to tougher controlling the size and get the surface of the best quality. In this case, extrusion is easier and cheaper.
  3. Drying and firing. After molding, the product is dried to remove a small moisture content. Then undergo a firing (unlawed tile) at a high temperature, varying depending on the type of material from 900 to 1 200 ° C. Chemical and physical characteristics, such as density, resistance to mechanical and chemical impacts, it acquires in the process. When firing, the high temperature gives material resistance to aggressive chemicals and physical environmental impacts.

Methods for the production of ceramic tiles:

  • bicotura (double firing);
  • monocotture (single firing);
  • monoporosis;
  • cotto;
  • clinker (extrusion technology)


Bicottura, that is, double firing is an enameled material designed for cladding the ceramic tiles of indoor walls. Enamel attaches shine and allows you to display a drawing of any design, and also protects against moisture penetration.

The entire cycle of production of ceramic tile occurs for two firing processes: the first - to create the base, and the second to fix the enamel.

The basis ("cookies") is obtained in this way: first, in special forms, the moistened mass of red clay is pressed, then it is burned at a temperature of up to 1040 degrees. Such a ceramic tile is considered porous, with an indicator of water absorption up to 10%. The thickness of "cookies", as a rule, is 5-7 mm. This species is inferior in strength to all other, therefore, can be used exclusively in the interiors.

Cooking cookies is a separate production cycle, at the end of which the products are monitoring the planimetric parameters and linear dimensions and, in case of inconsistency of the ceramic tile, the specified parameters, the samples are automatically removed from the conveyor and are processed. To the second phase of the roasting - applying enamel, discarded ceramic tiles are not allowed.

Enamel can be glossy or matte and does not have high surface strength, such as monocottia, since it is not assumed that this ceramic tile used mainly on the walls will be subjected to mechanical and abrasive loads, for example, it will go through it. At the same time, enamel is quite a rack to the effects of household detergents used to clean ceramics, as well as to cosmetic and hygiene, which can be in contact with the surface of the ceramic tiles in the bathrooms.

Since the process of applying enamel does not affect the geometry of ceramic tiles, these parameters are no longer controlled after the end of production, and the plates are tested only for the presence of surface defects.

Externally, ceramic tiles of this type features:

Relatively small thickness;

Red-brown clay base;

Small mass;

Bicoture is usually manufactured by collections consisting of several colors: lighter (most often basic in the series) and additional - darker, with a large number of decorated elements manufactured by two different ways.

If an element is needed, differing in size from the main format (for example, a border), then it is manufactured with an additional third firing. Pre-ceramic tiles are cut under the desired size - and another enamel layer is applied to them followed by firing to secure the pattern.

For the manufacture of embossed decorating elements of a large thickness, a gypsum that gives plasticity is added to the kneading, then molding, followed by enamel and firing coated (sometimes just drying without firing).

This is a more time-consuming, long and expensive process. Bikotture is used for facing the ceramic tiles of walls in the interiors, sometimes also to cover the floor (if the selected series is recommended for this application), but only in those rooms that do not come into contact with the street and where, therefore, there is no risk of damaging enamel abrasive particles (sand, dust).


MonoCottura, that is, single firing is an enameled material that is suitable for facing the ceramic tiles of walls and for laying on the floor. Some of her species are frost-resistant and, accordingly, it allows you to apply this type outside of premises.

The production of ceramic tiles occurs in one firing cycle. A specially prepared mixture consisting of different grades of clay with the addition of other natural components, is mixed in special drums and at the same time moistened. Then he was dried and grinding in huge vertical silos to almost to the state of the mixture and is supplied through the dispenser with the necessary portions on the transport tape, followed by a place in the mold, where the uniform distribution of a strictly dosed amount of this mixture occurs throughout the form of the stamp.

It should be noted that the size of the pressed billets at this stage exceeds the nominal approximately 7-10% (approximately corresponds to the moisture content in the kneading after the press, that is, ceramics that has parameters for the 30x30 catalog has a format of approximately 33x33). All this is because, in the process of drying and final firing, the plates are narrowed, decreasing in size, and this just explains the presence of calibers assigned to products

After leaving the press, the ceramic tiles are sent to a special chamber of the final pear, and then enamel is applied to a plot, where enamel is applied to the other products, which after firing protects the body and gives the designed originally design.

Next, the plates are fed into the oven with a length of up to 100 m. Gradually heating there to a temperature of up to 1200 ° C and then smoothly cooling, the ceramics passes the same firing, as a result of which the base acquires exceptional hardness and enamel enamel, forming a solid whole. The entire firing process is strictly controlled by computers at each phase of finding the furnace. After leaving the furnace, the ceramic tile comes to a plot of flaw detection and visual control of the tonality and calibration, after which it is sorted by parties, packed, marked and falls on the warehouse of finished products.

The tests on the field of defectoscopy are that each product falls on the so-called rails, where they rolled the roller on them, acting with a certain load. If there is a defect, it does not stand and break, automatically not falling into further tests. The enamel surface defects are visually checked, simultaneously with the definition of tile tonality.

Enamel of single firing plates In addition to increased strength characteristics, it has resistance to domestic detergents, and some to aggressive chemical environments.

In the production of ceramic tiles of monocotture, you can get outdoor and wall decors. The production of outdoor decors is very similar to the manufacture of basic material with the only difference that the design of the desired design is applied on the workpiece of the desired format, which is also burned, and therefore the strength of the decor's enamel is not inferior to the strength of the main field. Wall decorators (in case the series has a prescribing as "wall-mounted interiors" recommended by the factory designers) is made according to the same technologies as for bicotture, accordingly, without possessing the strength characteristics of the main field.

Monocotture is used for facing the ceramic tiles of all types of surfaces in the interiors, as well as, especially persistent views of this tile can be used as a floor covering in public places with a less intense flow of people. Also, frost-resistant series can be used for outdoor work.

The main differences of the monocotture from the bicoture:

  • a large material density, as a result of the use of a more powerful press and high firing temperature, and as a result, the presence of a series with low water absorption (<3%);
  • thirdly and solid foundation;
  • enamel is stronger and wear-resistant.


This is a separate type of ceramics of single firing. The production of ceramic tiles by the method of monoporosis occurs according to pressing technology and the subsequent single simultaneous firing and applied glaze. It is completely similar to the monocotture. But thanks to the use of several other components in the preparation of kneading, physical properties, and, accordingly, the scope of application is significantly different and are closer bicotura. In the production of monoporosis, clay with a high content of carbonates is used. When firing, as a result of chemical processes, highly peasant white mass is formed, with high water absorption (up to 15%). The strength of such a ceramic tile is noticeably less than the strength of the traditional "monocotture", therefore the base has a thickness of 12 mm. Naturally, it can be used only indoors.

This technology allows you to bake the plates of large formats of almost perfect dimensions, which, after additional mechanical processing of the faces (rectification), can be laid with minimal seams.

In the production of bicotura, where the base itself is made from red clays, light enamel must be thick enough, which is not lost color, in monoporosis, the white base allows you to apply a thin layer of light enamel. These two characteristics imply the stylistic design of the tiles-colors in the series usually simulate natural marble. Decors are manufactured as a traditional way - applying a pattern to ceramic tiles, and with cutting with water under high pressure on special equipment: in this way you can get a very beautiful prefabricated decor using, including the pieces of natural stone.

White porous base and a thin layer of enamel require special rules of operation: For cladding with ceramic tiles, it is necessary to use the adhesive composition of white, to rub the seams need very carefully, trying not to damage the enamel. The surface of a large format should be perfectly smooth.


Rectified ceramic tiles are becoming increasingly popular, the use of which allows you to create a single surface, without visible large seams. Thus, it seems that the surface is lined with natural stone.

Rectification is an additional mechanical processing of the finished material consisting in cutting the side edges of both matte and polished ceramic tiles on special machines, to give it all the products without exception in a series of single size in each format.

The equipment is configured in such a way that it also processes different formats in one series according to a given template so that, for example, two ceramic tiles 15x15 are stacked in one ceramic tile 30x15, or in one product 45x45 - one plate 30x30 and one 15x15. This operation allows you to flicker by ceramic tiles of different formats, as well as combine matte and polished versions of one series with minimal seams, which is an additional advantage and almost impossible for unretended products.


These are unailed tiles with a red porous base obtained by extrusion.

It is a ceramic material manufactured from clay different types. Molded extruding and dried tiles are burned at temperatures up to 1110 ° C. The base is porous, red with the most different shades (depending on the type of clay).

It has increased resistance to the effects of abrasive materials, is characterized by high resistance to compression, bending, action of aggressive chemicals and atmospheric phenomena.

Cotto is used for cladding ceramic tiles of floors inside buildings.


These are non-emalized tiles or enameled single firing with multi-colored (usually compacted) base obtained by extrusion. Ceramic tile production occurs in 2 stages:

  1. The raw material mixture is burned at temperatures up to 1250 ° C until the start of glazing.
  2. The use of the extrusion process allows not only the tile of complex geometric shape, but also various facing elements - bases, corners, steps, etc.

As a result, the products have good resistance characteristics by mechanical loads, abrasion, action of atmospheric phenomena and temperature drops. Resistant to the effects of aggressive chemicals are easily cleaned, unpretentious in operation.

Clinker tiles are used for laying floors inside and outside the building, facing the exterior walls of residential, public, industrial, sports facilities.


Ceramic tiles were considered for quite a long time for a universal finishing material, which to this day is widely used in construction and repair. Tile is facing everything that you can, pools, walls and floors in bathrooms and in kitchens, facades of buildings, steps of stairs, etc. And yet, despite the love of ceramic tiles, people looked for her alternative. Alas, ceramics - still fragile and porous material. In addition, rather large "dimensions" of tiles (the smallest size - 10 x 10 cm) do not allow the image with a "high resolution".

As a result of these quests in our life, a mosaic was again entered, known to humanity from time immemorial. However, as you know, all new is well forgotten old.


Smalta is a tile of stained glass. It is made of molten glass mass. In the process of producing ceramic tiles, they first mold (sometimes pressed), and then burn.

The color palette of Smalt includes hundreds of various colors and shades, which makes it possible to get highly artistic panels with it.

Smalta is distinguished by resistant to the effects of any aggressive media, as well as color resistance. The water absorption coefficient is almost equal to zero, which determines its scope. It is used for cladding by ceramic tiles of the underwater part of the pools, as well as for mosaic works.


This is especially durable ceramics. Enamel tiles with porous color base molded by pressing. Manufacturing technology, provides two separate firing: the first - for the tile housing, the second - for enamel (double roasting allows you to avoid cracks and "midges" on the surface). As a result, the tile is smooth, shiny and very decorative.

The raw materials for the production of Maitolika is a mixture of clay, sand, carbonate and iron oxide (gives the basis of pinkish tint tiles). The glaze is used only opaque - color.

It is used for cladding with ceramic tiles of inner walls of residential premises with low humidity (not intended for bathrooms, shower and similar rooms. Maitolika is a highly porous material, and has a large water absorption - 15-25%). The manufacturing technology of majolica tiles requires a high production culture, accuracy and accuracy in work. The samples use a red clay, which is subsequently covered with enamel and icing. A decorative drawing is applied to the second firing on top of white enamel.

The layout of future forms are made of soft material, according to which there is a plaster form in the future. After that, in finished molds, manually stacked with a reserve of the clay mass, the filled forms are left for a few days for natural drying. Ready and fitted samples are covered with a thin layer of white clay. To give products for characteristic red-brown and enviable strength, they are sent to the initial roast.

The firing is produced in special furnaces with evenly distributed heat so that the shrinkage of the tapes occur evenly.

Finally, artists can manually (!) Apply a drawing. But this is not as easy as it may seem at first glance: when repeated firing, the paints used can change their color, the incorrectly applied pattern is almost impossible to correct.

Painted samples are sent to repeated firing, which occurs under careful control of masters, following the immutability of the firing parameters. Sometimes finished samples are additionally glazed by special paints.

Today, multicolor tiles are experiencing their second birth. Dozens of companies on the territory of Russia offer cladding of furnaces and fireplaces with tiles, many specialize in solely sorrows. And it is not by chance. A person always strives for elegant, artistic, beautiful. One of the ways to satisfy this desire is a multicolor, warm, vibrant tie.