Repairs Design Furniture

"Smart", "Intellectual" Textiles and Clothing. Learn from Nature! The strength characteristics of tissues. Using textiles in different styles

Not only curtains on the windows, the upholstery on the furniture and patterns on the pillows decorate the interior. Textiles is capable of much and even challenge the ordination!

There are non-banking ways to use it in the interior. They shake below. Go!

Curtains like a door

If there wanted more free space and light in the apartment - curtains instead of the door will be an excellent option.

"Curtain doors" are suitable for kitchen, living room, dining room or corridor. For those places where the family spends time together, and there is no need for complete solitude.

Such a decision is a find for the nursery. For children, the door is the most traumatic object: and bumps to fill and pinch fingers can easily! A dense curtain will come to the rescue of parents.

Fabric instead of doors in the dressing room - a good option. The bedroom is the kingdom of textiles, so after hanging in the dressing room, you can:

a) visually increase the room, opening the hidden storage system,

b) update the interior (hang another speed easier than the new door),

d) to serve the bedroom even more

For such "doors" use satin, flax, silk, jacquard, cotton. Dense porther fabrics It looks expensive and better protect things from dust.

Life:before you go to the store behind the fabric, be sure to measure the wall at which the dressing room is located: so that the curtains lay beautiful folds, they should be in width by 60-70% more walls.

Curtains as a way of zoning

Curtains can be divided by a living room and a dining room, a bedroom and an office, without removing additional structures. Pros of such a design:

    saving expensive for us centimeters indoors: Move or quite remove the curtains if more space wants

    experiment with design: change or update the interior you can simply change textiles

    do not suffer with installing - Curtains are easily attached to ordinary eaves

Here it is necessary to observe a couple of simple rules: for separating areas, one light and transparent tissue is mainly used, the other is dense and dark. To make the room light - only a light curtain with a light curtain to make a closed zone - use dense tissue.

Life: To install zoning curtains, we use: rails, eaves (plastic or wooden), fasteners, clamps and pickups. Fastening element Place under the ceiling. Heavy canvas are worth hanging on large rings with a massive eaves. So the partition will not be saved with time.

Heavy tissue can be hanging on the ceiling bus. It consists of a durable plate, which is attached to the ceiling with a single screw. You can cut off the tire to the desired length of the knife.

Textiles as wallpaper

According to the tradition of the wall in the apartment must be necessarily painted, plastered or saved by wallpaper. No, it's quite good! (except for newspaper finish before sticking) But how do you like this offer - just take and cover the wall with a cloth?

So, we solve several problems at once:

    do not bother about a single concept of space - you can use one fabric on the walls, in furniture or in decoration items (for example, cover the above textile bedside flooring or armchair, sofa pillows)

    no need to delete small irregularities of walls - the cloth will hide all the flaws

    do not worry about noise insulation - the fabric absorbs noises much better wallpaper, and her porous structure delays air and an additional heat is created.

Of natural materials Use jacquard, cotton, flax, jute, from artificial - polyester, viscose, polyacryl.

You can use textiles on the walls around the perimeter or use only part of the wall.

LIFAC: P. ricurge fabric walls can:

  • on sticky ribbon
  • walking nails
  • furniture stapler (if you attach to wood or plasterboard)
  • just pull on the rails like stretch ceilings

Textiles like Panel

What to do if the pictures on the walls no longer bring joy and lies in the covers a favorite cut of the fabric? Make a panel from the existing textile!

The fabric is simply stretched into a cardboard or a suitable suitable size. It can be compositions from monophonic colors, geometric compositions from differentifect textiles or just one panel with a pattern.

Tip: It is desirable that the color and drawing on the panels echoed with objects of furniture and decor, so the single style will remain in the interior.

Life: E. if you do not go to the circle of cutters and sewing - this is not a reason to be upset. Here is a couple of tips on creating a textile panel with their own hands:

    cooking old frame or tight cardboard or chipboard sheet

    we stretch the prepared fabric to the base, after which we wrap it with back side and fix with glue

    attach this base to the frame

    if there are no frames, we take Phaneur

    to the front side attach foam rubber or syntheps

    this base is tightened by the prepared fabric and on the reverse side fix

Congratulations, you are now a master of all hands!

Patchwork carpet

When different loskuts of the fabric are stitching together into a single canvas, it turns out a patchwork.

It is assembled from ordinary monotonous pieces of fabric or from multicolored, geometric, unrelated patterns. Popular products made of cotton, synthetic and viscose.

Squares, triangle, stripes, honeycombs - shapes of the patchwork can be any. It all depends on the design vision and features of the interior.

Such a carpet is suitable for any room. However, you should not get to the places where they can quickly get dirty - in the kitchen or in the corridor. But the living room or bedroom is a great place for patchwork. IN scandinavian style, Country, Provence, Kitche Patchwork will have to be by the way.

Life: P relation of the rug by pay attention:

  • on knitwear, bologna, materials stylized for burlap
  • material density and stretch ability
  • so that the fabric does not lein


Shirma Multifunctional subject:

    perfectly copes with the zoning of the room

    serves as a place to disguise

    able to replace the curtains on the windows

    just used as decor element

Standard option - three or two shifters in Shirma. The frame can be any: from wood, metal, plastics. Screens for zoning are more often made of dense fabric: jacquard, brocade, tapestry. So that the room looked easier and light, you can use light textiles: chiffon, flax, silk.

Life: T. canya is usually attached to velcro, laces, buttons. It is desirable that Shirma is in one style with other interior textiles - curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads.

Textiles as a way to hide superfluous

Sometimes it seems that objects facing the shelves create a mess in the interior. But they don't want to clean them with hearts. What to do?

You can install curtains replace furniture facades or hang fabric on glass doors cabinets.

Such fabric drapets will be useful in the kitchen. Move the curtains with a slight movement and get the necessary object. This solution is suitable for kitchens. small sizes. To open the opening doors, the place is required, which is usually not enough, and here save space and hide kitchen utensils from extraneous eyes.

In the same way, cosmetics can be hidden in the bathroom.

Life: C. to save space in the kitchen, you do not need to refuse your favorite headset. Even if the places are so small that the installed table does not make it possible to open the doors - this is not a reason to be upset. We screw the tire for the eaves to the tabletop, hanging on it the slope, harmonizing with the design of the room. To form neat folds, you can hang the tape for the curtains. And voila!

We will not stop saying that you can change the interior by starting with a small one. The most insignificant, at first glance, the detail is able to update the room. Complete our, decide, understand what style it fits you. And start collecting him slowly.

And live easily!

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Department design architectural environment


on the topic: Textiles and its ability to interior

Performed: Karchagin A.V. Student PI 11-1

Officers: Kapeleva S. B. Gritsenko M. I. Kungurova A. A.

Tyumen, 2012.


1. Excursion to the story

2. Types of fabrics for interior

3. Window Textiles

4. Furniture Textiles

5. Bed textiles

6. Table Textiles

7. Wall Textiles


List of used literature


textiles Interior Furniture Fashion

One of the most important components of the interior decoration is textiles.

The influence of textiles in the interior, many designers and decorators are estimated as 60% comfort. Indeed, the fabrics not only draw up the room, but also perform certain functions, filling with beauty and harmony every room.

The simplest definition of the comfort of the interior is the feeling of harmony of the inner world of man and the surrounding space. Interior designers, doctors, psychologists, sociologists and other specialists, recommend paying attention to the unique textile design possibilities. Why are fabrics so much affect the atmosphere in the house? What are the components of the comfort textile to implement?

Functionality. Textiles can solve almost any tasks in the interior. For example, block the light, cover from prying eyes, clean the air from pollution and smells, play the role of partitions and so on. Variety, plasticity and mobility of textiles, allows you to constantly expand its scope.

Combination. The interaction of color, forms and volumes with each element of space, can emphasize the style and character of the house or completely change. Bringing new things to the house, it is easy to turn them on in the composition of the space using the decor from the fabric.

Harmonicity. In the interior should be convenient for whom it was created. The operation of textiles must be comfortable, not to cause irritation and feelings of discomfort. Thoughtful, painstakingly selected fabrics, reflect the individuality and habits of the host. Curtains can adjust natural lighting, arrange color accents, create a harmonious emotional state of the inhabitants of the house at the moment.

Attractiveness. Regardless of those important factors As cost and functionality, textiles must be aesthetically attractive. Until we think about true values, it seems to just buy enough beautiful curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads and pillows. And yet, much more attractive, there will be author's elements created by hand.

Safety. Windows is the most vulnerable to curious eye space. It is the curtains carefully guarding the way at home, by one movement stopping a foreign look. Textiles, zonies space and creates comfortable privacy not only in the house, but also in public places, restaurants, offices and shops. Due to the lightness and softness of the forms, the products made of fabric are completely safe and is ideal for the decor of children's rooms.

Ecology. A huge variety of natural components and their combination with new technologies, make fabrics useful for health and ecology at home. Modern textile hypoallergen is capable of cleaning the air, remove unpleasant odors, convenient for caring, moisture consists, does not support burning and so on.

Upgrade. The love of decorators to the tissues is not at all difficult to understand, appreciating the unlimited possibilities of design and interior change only with textiles. You can change and update absolutely any item in the house.

1 . Excursion to history

The first fabrics appeared in the era of Neolithic. They were learned to first weathered by hand from coarse fibers of flax, nettle or cannabis. The first thin flax fabrics and silk began to skillfully drape the walls and the inputs of the best temples and houses for the nobility of ancient Egypt and Rome. Decoration of tissues began to develop rapidly as art in the era of prosperity of the Roman Empire and Luxury times. Precious fabrics appeared, handmade carpets, magnificent tapestries (the era of "Byzantine luxury").

In medieval Europe, cold and darkness stone walls Velmazby castles tried to hide behind the warmth and comfort of luxurious tapestry fabrics. The fabrics were tightened on the ceilings and walls, decorated door and window openings, which helped to maintain heat and removed residents from drafts. In the era of the Renaissance, those who could afford such a manufactory design changed him according to the change of the seasons, for holidays, according to their own whim. Fashion came to the popular embroidery silk roses, lilies, crown. Handwork on such scales - tremendous work for masters of that time.

With the arrival of Baroque style, pompousness and high cost of textiles in the interior reached the apogee - tapestry changed silk and velvet. Luxury accessories appeared: fringe, heavy gold brushes, gilded carved cornices and lambrequins. Textiles began to be widely used as a furniture upholstery. Curtains it became possible to raise up.

Neoclassicism took the luxury and added elements from the life of the deceased ancient Pompei to the drawings of textiles. In fashion at the time there was a wooden carved lambrene.

During an ampir style, ornaments using laurel wreaths, animal heads, orline profiles elements. Karnisy ended with spear tips. The prevailing kel is cherry or pink. Themes - the valor of military trips.

Modern and Art Deco came to replace the ampir. The latter is distinguished by a peculiar plant pattern - smooth lines of climb plants and the brightness of ornaments.

The times came, the architectural styles changed, but the fabrics still remained one of best ways decorating interior premises. Each era brought something new to the design. These textile applications in the interior are available to our fantasy for use today.

2 . Types of fabrics for interior

All fabrics are divided into type of weaving and in composition. The composition is responsible for performance features Fabrics, and weaving - for aesthetic properties.

One of the oldest fabrics is silk. Silk properties depend on the type of fibers. If the threads are obtained from a wild silkworm, the fabric has an inhomogeneous structure. Butterflies for smooth flowing silks are grown in greenhouse conditions, their threads have specific names and shade. Elite silk, de gournay.

Another oldest fiber, with whom a person learned to work - woolen. The main advantage of wool is warm, and mainly it is used for furniture upholstery, plaids, pillows. Wool is predominantly monophonic, or with a classic ornament: Cells striped-chicken legs. However, even tulle make with wool mixtures.

Len is another common material, it is used as a upholstery. Rude linen texture interesting looks in modern interiors, especially now, when Len learned to paint in bright shades. Effectively looks like lines. Flax can be blown as chameleon and not burn - from the fiber Trevira makes fabric, exactly imitating flax.

Pure cotton is mainly used in children's collections, where everything should be hypoallergenic. But in general, cotton better manifests itself in blending tissues with the addition of synthetic fibers.

In jacquard fabrics, the density of the threads per unit area is very high, but the fibers themselves can be soft and gentle.

Almost all the fabrics with a large pattern can be attributed to jacquard fabrics, in the rapport of which hundreds are involved, and sometimes thousands of different-fledging threads. Jacquard weaving is considered one of the most complex and dense.

Damascus weaving is when the face and scholars mirrorly repeat each other. If you take a thread of different colors, then the drawing is obtained by color, and if one, then - as if knocked out.

Very popular fabric - velvet, it can also be used for upholstery and for curtains. There is velvet fat and the finest, dear Florentine velvet manufactured by ancient technology: Pictures are taken through different heights and different colors. There is a more durable artificial velvet - from polyester or non-combustible fiber.

Organza (veil) is very thin, tulle with characteristic gloss. There is a huge amount of organza species. When it has two layers, a molar effect appears - the fabric seems to be wavy.

Moir is another type of weaving. Moire is cotton and polyester. Speecually looks cotton mooard on the walls - real fabric wallpapers are obtained.

There is still such material as a taffeta - polyester, acetate or silk. This is something like a monophonic silk made of artificially straightened fibers changing the color and parenting characteristic crunch. The taffeta looks particularly effectively on the windows and in tent structures.

Furniture fabrics are divided into several types: Shenille, velor, jacquard, flock, scotchgard (cotton), tapestry, microfiber. Thanks modern technologies, All rich color palette and high wear resistance. For example, jacquard fabrics with their smoother texture are suitable for palace interiors, refined and refined furniture. And velor and shineill look more organic on objects of geometric shapes.

Modern material - microfiber: in fact, some base with a sprawled pile. And if under the microscope, overwhelm the threads in a special way, then you can get Alcantar - the view of the nonwoven microfiber. It seems to the touch of Alcantara - an artificial suede, while it exceeds the values \u200b\u200bof genuine leather several times. In addition, she supposes the widest color gamut.

Children's and youth cover furniture is often hurt by scotchgard (name options: cotton, printed cotton, thermal damaskard). It can be a cotton only to the touch, but in essence it is 100% polyester. Most often it can be washed in washing machine Unlike Shenilla and Jacquard, which usually give shrinkage.

3 . Window Textiles

Drapets on the windows, perhaps the most popular way to use fabrics in the interior. In addition, the window design today (and before too) acts as one of the most important elements of the interior as such. From how the window is executed, the overall impression of residential space depends largely. It is easily explained by the fact that any person entering the house, the first thing throws a look at the window - the lighting source.

IN different styles The design of the window is dominated, which emphasizes the overall atmosphere of the room on its luxuriousness or modesty, officialness, or comfort, sophistication or simplicity, businesslikeness or frivolism. Therefore, the color of the fabric for the window curtains, its drawing and texture, as well as cutting and the method of assembling the curtains are able to emphasize the stylistic solution of the room. For example, linen curtains are appropriate when making an interior in eco-friendly styles, organza and a group - in ethnic and romantic, cold silk - in the style of Hi-tech, and velvet is already the privilege of classicism and baroque. Pastoral flower on the curtains, the cage and strip is French Provence, the German Biedermeyer and the West Country, and the smooth-wide curtains of pastel tones or juicy paints and Arabesque are already the "breath of the East."

If we talk about fashionable winding trends, it is appropriate to stop at two main (and opposite) directions. The first is a multisective drape, the second is the absence of additional tissue design.

In the first case, the spectacular type of curtains are attached due to the special cutting of the canvas, multi-layered and exquisite drapery. The French curtains (marquises) can become a "highlight" of the interior, bring the lump of bolery in the living rooms and bedrooms. The Austrian and London curtains differ from the marquis more restrained drapery, they look elegant in the canteens and children's rooms.

The second option emphasizes all the attention on the quality, texture and color of the fabric, when it simply closes the window (Japanese and Roman curtains without additional pickups and assemblies). Roman curtains - a practically universal model - can be used in the design of both strict cabinets and children's; In the classic setting and in an ultra-modern room. Japanese panel curtains can not only be executed, but also organize space using them as partitions.

An even more compact version of the window drapery is a curtain cafe, rolled curtains and curtains-plize, which are attached to the frame and leave free space in front of the window.

4 . Furniture textiles

An important element of the interior is the upholstery of furniture. Case or sewn to the base, it can update the furniture or bring a special flavor in the overall design of the room. It is now popular upholstery from a variety of fabrics: jacquard, silk, velvet, tapestry, cotton, natural or artificial leather, artificial suede.

Tissue manufacturers offer thousands of color options and hundreds of types of embosses. Perhaps the author's upholstery soft furniture. This embroidery, decoration decorative elements and much more. Modern designers recommend using the non-generated to-based upholstery, but switch to removable covers. They are comfortable in care, in addition, the use of covers allows you to change the upholstery of furniture, and with it to update the interior.

The covers for upholstered furniture can be everyday and perform protective functions (this is especially true for expensive or luxury furniture) Or, on the contrary, the cheapest and non-sustainable sofas and chairs using covers will turn into the highlight of your interior, the style will emphasize and ask the desired tone.

In the same quality, another element of furniture textiles - capes. They are easily replaced, easily erased (or cleaned) and are also easily manufactured (linked, sews, knit). Sofa pillows are also able to ask the interior mood - Duma. From the choice of the shape of such pillows, its colors and finishes, your home mood can vary from nostalgic to the most frivolous. And about the additional feeling of comfort, which creates sofa pillows, do not talk a lot.

Furniture textiles is especially relevant when the usual home furniture is already tired, but has not yet developed its service life. It is too early to change it, but I want change. Then they come to the rescue, changeable covers, capes and bedspreads, the choice of materials for which is almost impaired - from the most dense and heavy, to the weightless and "shaggy". Having such interchangeable clothing, you can update the situation in your home several times during the year, depending on the season or from your own mood.

5 . Bed textiles

Wide textiles is used to create a bedroom interior. The design of the design of this room does not pass without using such elements as bedding and bedspreads. These details should not only be harmonized with each other, but also to be combined with other tissue elements (curtains, decorative pillows, capes, etc.). In addition, since the bed is the center of the bedroom, then its decoration becomes the starting point when creating a general design of this room.

Textiles for the interior bedroom, it is, of course, the topic is quite intimate. But here everything is subordinate not only to functionality and direct appointment, but also the laws of interior design. One thing, eco-friendly fabrics for children bed linenOther - a comfortable bed of an elderly person and a completely different is a romantic or passionate bed of love.

Despite the privacy of this element of the interior, Bed Textiles easily can compete with the textile of the window.

Among all directions of textile design for sleeping, two are allocated: traditional and minimalist.

Minimalism is, first of all, functionality, laconicity and simplicity, natural fabrics, calm tones and severity of bed linen.

The traditional stylistic direction is a special burden, sentimentality, the comfort of all sorts of "decorations". There are here, where to turn around the comforts of comfort, romantic agents and admirers of sophistication. In addition to soft pillows And the blankets are also bedside lamps and cavalry, as well as bed linen of all kinds of styles and colors. In addition, bedspreads for the bed is also a very significant element of the interior design of the bedroom, especially if they are harmonized with the design of the window curtains.

6 . Table Textiles

As for textiles in the interior of the dining room, the fashion on it is quite conservative. Table textiles are tablecloths, napkins and towels, the most common fabrics for which - flax and cotton. Of course, it is not necessary to discount and such a gift of scientific and technological progress, as new synthetic materials (waterproof, unintellible, etc.) which are actively used in the production of tablewear, but at the same time artificially imitate the texture and appearance of natural tissues.

Decorations for cutlery remain classic - lace, merry, embroidery, curly border. Yes, and the tile underwear itself has almost passed into the discharge of interior jewelry and holiday attributes. Any solemn event is firmly associated with us with starchy tablecloths and beautifully folded napkins.

In the design of the interior, the unchanged rules continue to operate with the help of cutlery:

· The overall tone of the tablecloth should be the brighter of the main (predominant) color in the interior;

· Napkins can be one color with a tablecloth, as well as much darker or lighter;

· A permissible combination of napkins and tablecloths of different colors, and a combination of contrasting tablecloths in case of multi-layer design;

· Cutlery color affects appetite: orange, red and white increase it, and blue and black - quench.

7 . Textiles for walls

Drapery with tissue curtains is one of the most spectacular ways of textile space design. Thanks to this original reception, one can achieve a full separation of space without the construction of partitions. The curtains help to create separate areas in restaurants, hotels and individual rest of the most sophisticated private interiors. Decorative function The curtains lies in their special property to enhance warmth and comfort, as well as in the feeling of solemnity of being.

Baldakhins are big rare and original decision In modern interiors. And it is quite natural. Such a luxurious piece of tissue decoration requires a completely defined space and a special atmosphere, filled with noble wealth. The most sophisticated luxury that is not afraid of close attention and original details., Worthy of the selected filling. The interiors in which magnificent and royal or light and playful fabric tents-Baldakhins live are unique spaces.

Textile wallpapers are demonstrated perfect combination Highest aesthetic and operational properties. A rare interior called on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe owners, to become exceptional, costs without such wall coverings. With the closer look at the walls, decorated with textile wallpaper, leave the impression of the luxurious tissues of space. And this introduces a special, vintage mood. However, the impression of modern, industrial interiors is often amplified by textile wallpaper.


Textiles is always a final chord in the harmony of the interior and on how clean and beautifully the sound of this chord often depends on the overall perception of the appearance of the room.

At the same time, the disregard of the emotional and aesthetic effects of textile components is able to reduce all the efforts of architects and "kill" the interior decor. In addition, it is long known that touching the soft surface of the fabric can cause a lot of emotions: soothe and relax or revolve, give festive mood Or set up the body to the philosophical way, give a pleasant coolness in the heat or warm in slush and cold.

Even the most serious exclusive design project is not able to do without beautiful textile elements, designed to make some diversity in his appearance and slightly dilute its severity, filling the house atmosphere of comfort. Beautiful curtains and curtains on the windows, decorative bedspreads on upholstered furniture, wall panels, tulle and other decorative components - they do not leave fashion and perform an integral part of the interior, weathered in any of the modern or classic styles, advantageously emphasizing his uniqueness and glad the owners Aesthetics and quality of manufacture.

Times pass, architectural styles are changing, and the tissues remain, as before, one of the best ways to decorate interior.

List of used literature







7. Alekseev ^ p. Y. Structure of the space of a residential building. The evolution of ideas: studies. Value / S. Y.Alekseev, E. I. Mironov. Rostov N / D: growth. State Architectural Institute, 1995. - 57 p.: Il.

8. Bhaskaran L. Design and time: styles and directions in modern art and architecture / L. Bhaskaran. M.: Art Rodnik, 2006. - 256 p.: Il.

9. Konman T. Modern house: Art design: Popp. Encycle. / T. conmanum; per. from English Belikova. - M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1997.- 264 C.: IL.

10. Krutsky E.V. The interior of your home / E. V. Krutsky, D. V. Litvinov. -Katerinburg: U-factor, 2005.- 272 C.: IL.

11. Matyunina D. S. History of the interior: studies. Manual / D.S. Matyunina. - M.: Culture: Academic Project, 2004. - 567c. - (Gaudeamus).

Posted on


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Textiles in the interior - Photo

The keystall in the decoration of the interior is the choice of fabric. Textiles in the interior refer to the fundamental factor that affects the design, which, in turn, depends on the planned style direction.

We all know that the color is able to influence the visual definition of the spatial perspective. Cool, or retreating shades, visually increase the distance. While warm tones - protruding, turn in spectator perception space.

Textiles can be attributed to the tart, even sharp interior spices. The lack of manufactory depletes the design, makes it fresh and tasteless,

she told in his interview the famous French designer of the world of luxury and high fashion Karin Sajo, who took part in the World Decorating Art 2016 exhibition in Moscow.

A lot of bold works were presented by the French artist, where the starting material for decorating the interior, in addition to traditional textiles, were leather and rubber, and metal and glass were used as decorative elements.

The difference between the modern interior is the exclusive work carried out to order. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths and bedspreads decorated with hand-painted painting, the main leitmotif of the interior decoration in the current year. A similar trend of the design of the premises is preserved and the coming year.

Spirit of France in the interior

The birth of French textile fashion occurred during the reign of Louis. Use in the interior of natural tissues of jacquard and tapestry, decorated with and damask patterns, entered the Board of Maria Antoinette. Silk fabrics with rustic motives toile de jouy were taken at the courtyard of Mrs. de Pompadour. They are relevant to today, and underlie the display of French style.

For style, personifying the spirit of free France, are characteristic color preferences and images of national ornaments.

Modern decorative textiles in the interior from French decorators is represented by a collection of silk curtains with manually deposited by rustic patterns and classic heavy cordial velor fabrics with a foil ornament of all colors of the rainbow.

No less trace in the formation of textile fashion left the period of French colonizers. Patterned embroidery from Morocco, bright Algerian motifs in carpets and bedspreads, drawings of exotic fruits on curtains and tapestries. All these elements are peculiar to the interior in a modern classic French style.

Classic motifs in the modern interior

Textiles B. modern interior

The secret of the success of modern classic decoration of the rooms, is based on a pleasure-friendly pleasure from organized space, in contemplation and accommodation in the created image. The introduction into the interior of the magnificent classics is often intrusive, and the restraint of the minimalist direction is primitive, which gave rise to the style of modern classicism.

IN modern classic There is no floral print and drapery. Preference is given to natural shades and natural patterns of natural materials.

The style is characteristic of natural moderation and detailing of scenery. The role of the interior decoration is home textiles playing the role of contemporary. Practicality and natural shades of matter, favorably emphasize the main details and decorative elements, which account for the main focus when forming a style.

Secrets of the bedroom comfort

Textiles in the bedroom interior

Decorating the interior of the bedroom is particularly carefully. Comfort and comfort are very important in the bedroom house, therefore, with extreme attention, the color palette and texture of textile components of the bedroom interior are.

For a full rest and healthy sleep, the first priority becomes right choice Mattress, pillows and blankets. The Sleep Process itself and the replacing awakening is equally important. This process should occur with a certain share of comfort.

Textiles in the bedroom Plays a dominant role. Texture, color and design of bed linen must cause an emotional positive, both when the disintegration of the sleep and at the time of awakening.

The choice of textiles - bed linen and corresponding to it in style covered, is no less important than the acquisition comfortable bedAs the central detail of the interior of the bedroom. In accordance with the color palette of bedding, the upholstery material for upholstered furniture and curtains are selected.

Secrets of kitchen decor updates

Quickly change not only the interior, but also the style of the kitchen without an application of physical forces will allow replacement of curtains and kitchen textiles - tablecloths, towels, napkins.

Modern kitchen textile created by special technologies and is different high quality Product. Tightly twisted combined fabrics made of natural and artificial fibers, capable of repeating contamination and moisture, and also braid fat. Special fabric impregnations Allowed to be installed on the surface of textiles hot dishes.

Despite the opinions of skeptics that the mothers attributes in the kitchen are meaningless and impractical, textiles for the kitchen is considered a constant part of the decor.

Decor of the kitchen interior is akin to the wardrobe. Like clothes, the replacement of textiles can be carried out depending on the change of season or under the mood, replacing the tablecloth by tracks, serving or staged napkins. In any case, there are visible changes in decorative decoration.

Textile replacement is a simple and winning option. Experimenting with a variety of shades and textures, you can give kitchen space Very presentable view.

Bathroom - Path to Perfection

Textiles in the interior of the bathroom

Bathroom accessories are few - a foothold, and shower blinds, if you do not take into account bath towels. But it is from these little things that the appearance and visual perception of the bathroom interior depends.

Landwritten bathroom, first of all, it is customary to pay attention to the selection of tiles and plumbing. About accessories are not customary to take care, right up to the end repair workCombining textiles in the bathroom with a fully decorated room and the finished interior.

Shutters, rugs and towels are considered an equally important part of the bathroom decor than finish and interior combined.

Fabric accessories are not just to decorative elementsDelivering joy and visual satisfaction of the owner of the housing. Rugs are removed from temperature drops after bathaking. Even with the device of electric heat floors, it is pleasant to step onto the tissue surface, rather than a tiled gloss.

Blinds, except aesthetic, carry a functional load, protecting the floor from aquatic spray - a sufficiently aggressive environment capable of negatively affect the environment.

Thanks to innovative technologies, the curtain textiles in the bathroom produces the most diverse. You can choose models with built-in magnets, or energy curtains - material that transmits sunlight. Surprisingly that textile products Combined with absolutely any style created in the bathroom room.

Mansion hold on to the bathroom towels. Color, texture, quality and tactile characteristics depend entirely on the preferences of the owner of the residential premises. Selected in the color of the interior or contrasting shades, small or bath, linen or terry towels are designed to set the tone to the entire interior in the bathroom.

Textile properties to radically change the interior, demonstrates a short video:

Curtains on the window, towels and tapes are a standard set of textiles that meets in each apartment. But to limit the use of tissues with only these methods is not worth it. Listen to alternative opportunities to transform the interior with textiles - in disabilities. After all, such an accessible decor looks unusually spectacular.

1. Miniature, but attracting curtains

Such curtains will be appropriate not only in the kitchen, but also in any room where the level natural light - below the average. Curtains decorate the interior, but do not block the path to the sunshine.

2. Spectacular panels instead of paintings

From the residues of tissues, harmonizing among themselves, can be made unusual panel. Just pull textiles on cardboard or skid and suitable size.

3. Cozy curtains in country style

Old handquets and cuts of fabric can be given new lifeWhen using them as unusual curtains. Just give them to the cornice.

4. Fissure accent wall

The accent wall, which differs from other walls - a great way to revive the interior. The situation will be doubly original if the decor use the fabric canvas stretched into a large frame.

5. Patchwork carpet

Sew a motley carpet from textile residue, which is in every home, even a child. Such a carpet will harmoniously fit into the eclectic interior.

6. Fabric decoupage on furniture

Decoupage with textile - simple, but spectacular way to change old furniture. The fabric is superimposed on the primed surface and is covered with a layer of PVA mixed with water. After drying, you need to apply several layers of acrylic varnish on the fabric.

7. Protection for open shelves

Many objects that are in places in open shelves create chaos in the interior. An easy way to streamline the situation is to hang curtains that replace furniture facades.

8. Cases for a variety of decorative pillows

Decorative pillows - an easy way to decorate the interior. In order for the pillow to make a single composition, put on them covers from harmony tissues.

9. Cozy headboard for bed

An unusual headboard for the bed will make the interior of the bedroom individual. Make a headboard with your own hands is easy.

10. Sleep under the canopy

Tissue Baldahin is a classic way to make a sleeping place secluded and cozy. Baldahin can be both translucent and made of dense tissue.

11. Unusual Shirma

Shirma will help divide residential space on functional zones, as well as hide them from prying views.

12. Clothes for lamp

An ordinary lamp lamp is easy to transform with decoupage. To make the interior with a holistic, make a lampshade from the same fabric as curtains.

13. Original ceiling finish

Curtain can be used not only for window design. This is also a democratic way to zoning the premises.

After the decor of the house with the help of textile elements is finished, it's time to start arrangement pricework. Continuing the topic -

Selecting textiles in the interior is a difficult task, because here it is worth considering not only external characteristics, such as prints and color, but also their composition, strength and rules of care.
About how to choose a suitable fabric correctly, we asked the interior designer, the head of the architectural bureau Victoria Vlasova Interiors - Victoria Vlasov.

Fabric characteristics - how to choose suitable material

When choosing a fabric for interior design, not only its own preferences should be taken into account, but also the characteristics of the material - functionality, convenience and durability. To choose the appropriate material, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe classification of tissues, as well as what the main features of each of them are.
Fabric composition
The main characteristic of the fabric is its composition. To date, natural threads are used in the production of fabrics: vegetable cotton and flax and animal wool and silk, as well as artificial viscose, and completely synthetic - polyamides and polypropylene.

The larger in the fabric of the natural composition, the higher it is in terms of cost quality. In practice, this is characterized by a greater wear resistance, more pleasant to the touch textures, less exposure to burnout in the sun. Therefore, natural fabrics are more functional. In addition, natural fabric is elegant when drapeting and gives the interior dear and stylish look.

Therefore, choosing a cloth, the first thing to pay attention to its composition - it should be at least 60% of natural yarns.

However, if we are talking about the design of public interiors - restaurants, cafes, hotels - the use of natural tissues due to fire safety requirements is strictly prohibited here. For such interiors, there is their own line of tissues, on the invoice that is not distinguished from natural, with the corresponding regulations of public interiors.

The strength characteristics of fabrics

The following parameter, important when choosing tissues, is the result of the Martindale test (analogues: a test test, a table test) - a special technique to determine the level of wear resistance of the material. In the process of testing, the fabric is rubbed on another material in a circle until a certain number of ribbon filaments appear. The amount of revolutions passed before the abrasion determines the quality of the fabric. The lowest characteristic for cordial fabrics is 6000 revolutions, for upholstery - at least 20,000 revolutions. These indicators should be taken into account when choosing fabrics for furniture upholstery.

One more an important characteristicDetermining the quality of the fabric is the steering strength - an indicator, as the tissue behaves when tensioning. This is also important when choosing upholstery fabric For interior. Depending on the tasks of the project, it is equally important to take into account resistance to burning tissues and refractory.

The following characteristic, which is important to take into account and purge - dimension. There are two key sizes: 1 - 1.40 m and 2 - 2.83 m. Difficulties arise in projects with high ceilings - from 3 meters. If one-photon fabric is selected for window design, there are no problems, and if we talk about fabrics with a print, where the step can reach up to 70 cm., It is important not to be mistaken in the calculation of the tissue for matching the pattern.

Care for tissues

In addition to choosing a tissue, it is important to understand their composition and characteristics, the customer needs to be warned about the peculiarities of the care of the tissues. Curtains, pillows, furniture upholstery - all this can come into disrepair after the first irregular cleaning. Pay attention to the rules for the care of the cloth shown on each of them, because some can be washed, while others - no. Some are subjected to wet cleaning, and others need to immediately process special compositions at a certain temperature. Your client must be warned about all this.

Given all these rules, create a wonderful image with the help of competent selected textiles will be easy. The main thing is to thoroughly explore the selected brand and its assortment.