Repairs Design Furniture

Bookcase with glass doors. CONTROL CONTROL - Bookcase with your own hands with drawings, diagrams and detailed description, how to make it my book walls yourself with your own hands

Make a bookcase with your own hands. How do you like this approach?

The idea is good on all sides: many people make furniture to order, especially if you need a non-standard size, form or material.

You, a novice furniture master, such a luxury will cost much cheaper. Only building material will be paid.

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Types of cabinets

There are quite a lot of diverse design ideas about how the bookcase should look like. But we will consider only classic options:
  • Angular.

If only you have, though the smallest, free corner, there will probably fit the bookcase.

This option of the cabinet is very practical, but perhaps the most difficult thing in the manufacture. Try to help you calculate your strength before proceeding to its assembly.

  • Classic rectangular.

Such a bookcase will also not take a lot of space. It is quite easy in the manufacture, which is perfect for beginners.

  • Built-in.

Depending on the form, the manufacture of such a cabinet can have a different level of complexity.

All walls of the cabinet are attached to the ceiling, the floor and walls of the room. It takes a lot of space that can be used more functionally, but in large rooms such a closet looks very representative.

  • Rack.

This is the easiest option for the very approval. In addition, the rack is remarkably suitable not only for storing books, but also clothes, tools and conservation. It is very multifunctional.

Step-by-step instruction

To fulfill such ideas, you will need healthy enthusiasm, start-up capital, work tools and the following instruction.

Step 1. Come up with a place for your future cabinet.

Step 2. Decide with the type of bookcase. Only on the basis of this selection you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Make measurements. If from the territory where the closet should be standing in the future, you have already figured out, it is very important to measure this place to understand what kind of cabinet you need.

In this case, you need to be very careful and accurate. As the saying goes: "Some seven times, and a rejection once." But it is better to measure ten times, especially if at school you did not have any special success in geometry or in the works.

Step 4. Make drawings. This is perhaps the most difficult and responsible point. Competent drawing - Already consider almost ready-made wonderful bookcase.

You can find various options for drawings on the Internet and adjust them to your sizes. If the idea of \u200b\u200ba unique author's cabinet was firmly covered in your head, draw it the scheme on your own.

Take note: There are many specially designed computer programs for blacks, which will significantly simplify you work. Examples of the best of them: Librecad, Freesoft, AutoCAD.

Step 5. Purchase building materials. The most common and cheap option for the manufacture of furniture - chipboard.

For the normal cutting of the chipboard, you need a special expensive tool, so show your drawings by a specialist working in the place where you buy material, and it will easily solve your problem for a reasonable price.

But the shelves from the chipboard are short-lived, they will soon be defeated and break under the weight of books. It will be more practical to use MDF - more dense material made of tightly rammed sawdust, or various varieties of natural wood.

So you will need:

  • MDF, chipboard or tree, cut according to your drawings;
  • plywood for the back wall of the cabinet;
  • drills, nails, nuts, etc.

You can make as an open-type wardrobe, without a door and closed. But it will be more rational to stop your choice on the closed type of a bookcase, because in this case the dust will be much less to settle on the books that will save time when cleaning.

In addition, the constant ingress of direct rays of the Sun leads to a damage of books: they quickly turn yellow and become dilapidated. True, there are also people who love to inhale dust and enjoy the type of books stylized under the old days. If you boldly choose a bookcase without a door.


Be sure to follow the implementation of this stage an absolutely smooth surface. Consider an independent assembly of a bookcase on a specific example of a classic bookcase.

  • Marking under the foundation.

Take a ruler and a simple pencil. Using these simple devices, you can easily cope with the first stage of the cabinet assembly.

Make a seat, about 5 cm at the bottom of the boards, which in the future will become the side walls of the bookcase, on both sides.

  • Work with a drill.

Now you need to drill the workpiece.

To do this, place the side wall so that it has a straight angle (90 °) with a future shelf of the cabinet and at the same time was in a steady position, according to the line you marked.

On the sides and in the middle, drill a suitable hole to screw the screws there in stock. The same operation is repeated for the top wall of the cabinet and all its shelves.

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Cabinets for books - functional, ergonomic and stylish interior items. Racks are placed in the living room, bedroom, corridors. Furniture products are varying with forms, dimensions, design, materials, internal filling. Make a bookcase with your own hands - a budget option. The project can be typical or copyright - created under the dimensions of the room required functional.

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Types of bookcases in the interior of their advantages

Models of racks for books are divided into 2 types: closed and open.

The closed version of the furniture is the most gentle for paper products, since it does not allow dust, moisture, straight rays of the sun. Lack of closed furniture systems - massiveness. Constructions are not suitable for compact premises. In models with closed facades, 2 types of doors are used: jewery and slad.

Open-type furniture facade provides direct access to publications. Models are aesthetic and spacious. On open surfaces, decor objects are also exposed. Racks are suitable for both spacious and small rooms. Design disadvantages - lack of protection against sun rays, moisture, dust.

Required regular care for printing publications in open-type designs. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of humidity in the room. Designers complement open book racks blocks with doors - swing or sliding. Additional storage elements are located in the bottom, upper or side structures.

Book racks are divided into horizontal and vertical. The version is determined in accordance with the dimensions and the style of the room. The form differences the angular bookcases, rectangular products and round designs, as well as the model of the rack type.

Cabinets for books are released by cabinet, modular or built-in.

Cabinet structures for storing books and magazines are most common in interior design. In accordance with the design intent, the filling and finishing of furniture are chosen. The product can be with open shelves either with the doors: sliding (check-in type), swing, glazed, etc.

Modular furniture for books allows you to combine elements of different height, width, configuration. The design is universal, because it can be located in the premises of different dimensions. Modular furniture blocks simply disassemble and move.

Built-in design for books is represented by a system with sliding or swollen doors. Furniture is distinguished by large dimensions, deep shelves. The feature of the model is in the fastening of parts to the ceiling, wall panels and the floor.

Doors can be frame or glass. Frame parts of the doors are made of MDF plates with veneer veneer or polyvinyl chloride film. Frames made of aluminum with imitation of metal or frame are sealed with decorative film under valuable wood rocks.

Bookcases with glass doors are aesthetic, make it easy to find the necessary volumes without opening doors. Furniture made of array in combination with glass is used in high-tech styles, modern, English classics.

Glass doors can be in the form of splashing flaps, sliding panels, bar glass. A small tinting of glass is allowed, which will partially protect paper products from direct sunlight.

What to take into account when drawing up the drawing of the cabinet

Before making, it is necessary to consider the configuration of the product, its location, materials, textures. Optimal placement of a book rack - in the office for work, living rooms, spacious corridors. It is not recommended to install furniture for books in children's rooms and bedrooms, since printing products contribute to the collection of dust.

Important when drawing up drawings of bookcases sizes: height, width. The scheme indicates not only general parameters, but also data for all elements, the number of blocks for the book.

The depth of the shelf for standard editions should be at least 20 cm, for large volumes, it will be required at least 30 cm. The recommended shelf thickness is at least 2 cm. Cartinent indentation is taken into account, which will take from 3 cm.

When drawing up a drawing of a bookcase with the help of a building level, it is required to check how long the floor is. If there is a slope, it will take to level the surface or hide the flaws by reducing the height of the legs. In the schemes it is necessary to reflect the functional details of the cabinet - the arrangement of the backlight, angular racks, if necessary, the sockets, etc.

After watching this cabinet outside and starting to study his design, you will be surprised how easy it is to make it. The side walls of plywood with glued wooden details look like traditional frames with fillets, but you do not have to make complex connections. In the doors, simple connections are used in hardwood, which is not difficult to make on the saw machine.

Planks glued to windows mimic hills, and there is no need to deal with connections and fitting profile details, as in real classic bindings.

First make sidewalls

1. Drink the side panels indicated in the "list of materials" by the sizes to the thickness of 51 × 711 mm thick and ostrive so that two blanks with a thickness of 6 mm. Then sill from these billets IN specified length (Fig. 1).

Short advice! In order not to stain the front side of the panels, make a shallow cutter traps for excess glue using a saw machine on the back side of the linings.

Stick the lining to the panels to the top and bottom edges.

2. For front and rear racks C, D. Select Layer 38 mm thick boards or glue a blank from several layers. From this material, cut two blanks with dimensions of 32x70x775 mm. Position the longitudinal (parallel) stop of the saw machine at a distance of 12 mm from the disk, lift the disk to a height of 12 mm and make it propyl on one plate of each workpiece and cropping a thickness of at least 19 mm. Move a little longitudinal focus from the disk and make another pass to expand the cutting on trimming. Check how plywood is inserted into it from which the rear panels will be made. N.. If required, adjust the position of the longitudinal stop again and make it still cut, achieving a dense fit. Then expand the tongs on both billets.

3. By installing the milling mill in the table, fasten the shaped milling mill into the collet for rounding with a radius of 25 mm and, gradually increasing its departure, for several passages, repellent on each billet rounding on the edge opposite to cutyl (Fig. 1a).Then set the direct slurry milling mill with a diameter of 6 mm and secure the stopper from trimming on the longitudinal stop at a distance of 45 mm from the cutter (Photo a).Move the longitudinal focus on a distance of 12 mm from the cutter and ellipped the incomplete spool in one of the billets, from which the left front and rear racks will be made C, D..

Secure the stopper from the trimming on the longitudinal stop of the milling table to the left at a distance of 45 mm from the cutter. With these settings, make an incomplete spool only in one billet.

Rearrange the stopper and lower the second workpiece on the rotating milling mill. After sampling, this billet will be a mirror copy of the first.

Cutting bars dried from cropping helps to press the front racks of C. The inner sides of the pens C, D and panels and should be aligned in the same plane.

4. To make the same incomplete spool on the billet for the front and rear racks of the right wall, place the stopper from the opposite side of the cutter (Photo B).Tightly pressing the second workpiece to the longitudinal stop and the stopper, lower it on the rotating milling mill and move along the stop to choose an incomplete spool. A chisel gently cut the corners at the end of the tongue in both billets.

5. Split both blanks along to get two front FROM And the two rear D racks 32 mm wide. Two-millimeter roundings on the external rheshes (Fig. 1b). Collect the details of the emery paper No. 220 and glue the racks to the side panels (Photo from).

Collect housing

1. On the specified sizes cut the front crossbar E., rear crossbars F. and minion G.. Temporarily postpone the front crossbar aside. As the same metol, as in the front and rear racks, cut down the inner edges of the rear crossbar and on both edges of the furnace poles to insert plywood fillets H (Fig. 3a).

2. Install a dial-up 12 mm thick saw in the saw blade and secure a wooden lining on the longitudinal stop. Turn on the machine and lift the disk so that it comes from the width to 12 mm width. At both ends of the front crossbar E., rear bars F. and furniture G. drink spikes, tightly included in the spuns of adjacent parts (Fig. 2a, photoD.).

Note. Check the connections thoroughly. For the front crossbar, thicker spikes may be required than for rear crossbars and the furnace.

Back in the direction of the front crossbar.

Make one pass on each side to form a spike in the center. To check the settings, first make a spike on a test pruning of the same thickness.

Align the furnace G in the center of the rear crossbar F. Using the kitchen and sharp knife, mark the position of the tongue on both crossbars.

3. Remove the wooden lining from the longitudinal stop and install it at a distance of 27 mm from the groove disk. Drink down the center of one plate G. Spool to insert partition I.. Align the furnace centered rear crossbar F. and tick the position of the tongue (photo E).Extend the lines, moved the markup on the edges of the crossbar, and cut the groove between the lines (Fig. 3).

Drink out of the crosses of the spacer and insert them between the ends of the rear crossbar F so that they do not bend under the pressure of the clamp.

4. Drying (without glue) Connect the rear crossbars F. and minion G.. Drink the rear fililers N. And check how they are inserted into the tongs of this assembly. Collapping those crossbars, furniture and emery paper No. 220, and then glue them together (PhotoF.).

5. Check how the sidewalls are connected together. A / B / C / D, front crosspad E. And rear wall F / G / H. Measure the distance from the bottom of the tongue in the middle manual G. before the front crossbar. Drink the septum I. Such a width. Then measure the distance from the bottom edge of the front crossbar to the bottom of the front racks FROM. Drink three front overlays J. same length (Fig. 2)and set aside two of them aside. Stick one lining to the front edge of the partition, aligning at the bottom corner. When the glue is driving, pollip the lining to the lining with the partitions of the partition.

6. Drill holes for the power holders using a conductor device. Consider that the holes in the partition I. Are not like in the side panels A (Fig. 1b and 2).

Temporarily installed at the top and bottom of each sidewall, mounting squares hold the details of the housing at a right angle until the glue dries.

7. Drink up the top brazers TO, giving them contours according to the template, then start assembling the case (PhotoG.).

Short advice! Installational squares will be replaced by the helper assembly. Make enlarged copies of the top scales for temporary fixation of parts so that the assembly is rectangular. Make a chamfer on the inner corner of each square so that it does not stick to the details.

Stick one of the sidewalls A / W / C / D To the back wall F / G / Hthen add a septum I / J.. Stick to place the front crossbar E. And the second sidewall. Make sure the partition is located at a right angle to the body, and stick the top brazers to the place (Fig. 2),fixing them with clamps. Then glue the front overlays J. To both front racks FROM.

Make the top and bottom panels

1. Of the 18-mm plywood, drink the top and bottom panels L..

Attach the clamps of two lining M, n to the top panel L and mark their final length. Align the surfaces of the details when gluing.

2. Drink the blanks for the front and side edge linings M, N. With a flash of 25 mm in length and make snaps at an angle of 45 ° at one end of each of them. Attach the front and side linings to the front panel and mark the final length of the side lining. (Photo H).Also set the label on the inner edge of the front overlay for the markup of the second bevel. Break both parts to the final length, stick them to the panel and secure the clamps. Then include the remaining side part, mark it up, score and glue into place. In the same way, glue the lining to another panel.

3. Circle stamp radii on the front corners of the panels L / M / N (Fig. 2),drink the electric bolt, leaving a small allowance, then passionate up the line with a grinding pad.

4. Overweight decorative profile-toale on the upper ribs of the bottom panel L / M / N and on the lower edges of the top (Fig. 2c).Then, replacing the mill, make roundings with a radius of 3 mm from the opposite side of both panels. Slightly pass the transition line between two profiles to make it imperceptible. Finally pass over both panels.

Make the base

1. Process to the specified thickness and width material for the manufacture of front and side base boards Oh, R.. Slip the front board of the specified length, and on the side, leave the allowance of about 25 mm.

2. Inserting a milling mill in a table, fixed in the table, milling mills with a radius of 25 mm, make roundings at both ends of the front boards about and one end of each of the side boards R. Then mark and describe the squeaks on all three items (Photo I).

Call the roundings at the ends of the base boards Oh, r, then mark and make squeaks. Side boards will be described to the final length later.

Position the front base of the base on the bottom panel with 16 mm indented from the edge, aligning the center, and glue, fixing the clamps.

3. Follow on the front board ABOUT In accordance with the pattern cutout (Fig. 2)and drink, leaving a small battery. Smoothly sanding the edges and make 3-millimeter roundings on the lower edges of the legs and the lower edges of the side boards R. Finally, inhabit the details of the base with emery paper No. 220.

4. Put the bottom panel L / M / N on the stand, turning it over with the upper side (PhotoJ.). Stick the front base board ABOUT To the bottom of the panel (Fig. 2c).

5. When the glue dries, dock to the front board ABOUT Side boards foundation R And put the tags in them in the floss with side linings N.. Blind the side boards to the final length, stick to the place and secure the clamps.

6. Drink the rear brazers Q. And the front bobies R. specified sizes and shapes. Make 10-millimeter chamfer to install clamps on the front bugs. When the glued base dry, stick the jams and bosses in place, fixing them with clamps (Fig. 2).

Fastening panels to the case

To align the top panel with rear racks D, put the housing on the stand. Temporary spaceholding holds a partition I from skew.

1. Put the housing on the workbench, setting the rear racks D.. Apply glue to the upper edges of the side panels BUT, front and rear crossbar E, F. and partitions I.. Install the top panel L / M / N So that the customer profile on its edges was a mirror reflection of the profile on the bottom panel. Lock the top panel with clamps in the hollow with the rear edges of the rear racks (photo K).Sharpen the bottom panel with the base L-R. In the same way.

2. Drink the shelves S. and edge lining T. specified sizes. Stick overlays to the front edges of the shelves in the upper side (Fig. 2).Give adhesion to dry, then finally from grinding the shelves together with the lining of sandpaper No. 220.

Doors are made simply

1. Ostive up to the specified thickness and width of the blank for crossbar and racks U., V.. Specify the length of these parts, measuring the width and height of the housing openings. Drink the crossbars and stand on 3 mm shorter than these sizes.

2. Install a set-to-saw blade with a thickness of 19 mm thick and make a trial connection in trimming, using trimming (read the Master Council below). Having achieved proper configuration, fix the disc height.

So that the connections in the hardwood turned out to be neat. To make connections in drapets, you must configure the departure of the groove disk above the saw table. Take two trimming of the same thickness as the workpiece for your items. Raise the disc to the height slightly less than half the thickness of the pruning. Directing trim using an angular (transverse) stop, drink the fold at one end of each trimming. Place both trial trimming on a flat surface and check how the folds are inserted into each other. Adjust the departure of the disk so that the surfaces of the folds are closed, without forming gaps.

Partially sticking a gamebar with a lining of the longitudinal stop, leave it open to a width of 10 mm. Put the folds along the inner edges of all the crossbar U and the racks V.

3. Drink on the edge of all the crossbars and racks U, V. 10mm folding (PhotoL.).

4. Using the crossbar U. As a template, adjust the position of the longitudinal (parallel) stop (read the "Master Board" at the top). By placing the details fold up, cut down the connections in the hardwood at both ends of the rear, use the crossbar as a template to change the position of the longitudinal stop. Put the connections in the edges in the ends of the string V, having their fold down.

5. Place frames from racks and crossbars U, V., Fixing the clamps all the angular connections in the hardwood. Make sure the rectangles of each frame before the glue grabs.

Put the door on the bottom panel by placing a coin under it. Using a centering drill, make the guide holes for screws.

6. After careful drying, set the loop doors (Fig. 4),then attach the doors to the housing (Photo M).

7. Check the fitting of each door to the housing. If required, rudder edges with a planer so that the gaps around the entire perimeter are the same. Install the latches and handle buttons in the specified locations. (Fig. 2and 4).

8. Ostroit to a thickness of 6 mm Material for the manufacture of strokes W, X. and planks Y, Z., imitating binding hills. Screw the vertical strokes w and tame their length to the folds of the door racks V.. Then mark at the place the final length of horizontal staps X.installed in false crossbar U. between vertical strokes. Note the length of the vertical and horizontal planks in accordance with the distances between the crossbars and racks. Take trial connections in shorter on trimming of a thickness of 6 mm, then cut the grooves in the middle of each plank and make feeding traps for glue next to the edges. Remove all the accessories and finally polish the doors, strokes and planks sandpaper No. 220. Carefully removing the dust from grinding, apply a finishing coating.

Put the door on the soft fabric and close the glass of the piece of cardboard, before drivening the nails of the studs in the stack.

9. When the coating dry, insert the glass into the folder. Drill holes in the head W, X. and secure them with thin nails-stud (PhotoN.). Do not apply glue so that the strokes can be removed if the glass breaks down. Apply thin strips of silicone glue-sealant on the backs of the planks Y, Z. And stick to the glasses, fixing the painting scotch. Reinstall accessories and attach the doors to the case. Now disappoint your favorite books for which you made this magnificent cabinet.

Today, the independent manufacture of furniture becomes very popular. One of the sought-after style directions is Loft. It contains furniture, rooms and whole houses.

Loft room

The Loft style in the interior combines bohemility and simplicity, it is distinguished by unusual, includes numerous postmodern design ideas.

The style is popular, he arose due to the poverty of the American population, but became the fond of the rich. Given the highlights of the direction, the beautiful and original furniture items are created, the rooms and whole houses are drawn up. Photo interiors decorated in Loft style, look spectacular and original.

The main features that distinguish the premises created in the loft style from the classic-style rooms in the interior are:

  • the absence of partitions from plasterboard or other material;
  • a large window has been built, there are no curtains and curtains;
  • the wall is left as it is; visible bricks without decoration;
  • concrete floors, there can be wooden flooring;
  • in the interior of the room harmoniously fit fireplaces, stoves, furniture from plasterboard;
  • there are beams on the ceilings;
  • lights the room with modern lamas;
  • the objects of furniture, decorated "under the old" (with cracked borovinki, with irradiated paint, are allowed; the widespread use of old cabinets and shelves is allowed);
  • characterized by the predominance in the interior of designer ideas, the restoration of old things is undesirable.

1 2 3 4

Old furniture items will be perfectly watching both in the interior of the living room and in the hallway. In the same vein, you can withstand bathroom and toilet. The style creates bookcases from plasterboard and metal, chairs, tables, dressers and other furniture.

Loft isolated:

  • bohemian (there are old objects that have a special value);
  • glamorous (in the interior there are bright details);
  • industrial (implies minimum furniture and decorating details).

How to make a wardrobe in the style of loft do it yourself

1 2 3

Loft style implies the presence of concrete or brick coarse walls, coarse plasterboard. Prevailing shades -tema, without the presence of bright elements. Unlike the furniture made in the classic style, Loft style furniture can be made from any rebuilt material, and even restoration is not needed for furniture, even the restoration will be more valuable here there will be an arrangement of furniture, giving it signs of the long-lasting era.

Corner bookcase

You can collect an angular bookcase without much difficulties and yourself. To do this, you need to prepare all the necessary materials, tools and strictly follow the instructions, you can use ready-made bookcase schemes with your own hands, drawings, where specific sizes are specified. You can change the parameters. Design of bookcases may be different.

To assemble a bookcase with your own hands, you need to follow certain rules:

  • draw a detailed locker model; The scheme of racks should display their width, the distance between the shelves, the width of the shelves in the future cabinet, the material from which they will be manufactured (in the interior of the loft, the designs of wood and metal look better);
  • the frame is made (a corner or profile tube is suitable for it, which are connected in a single design);
  • wooden boards under the shelf in bookcases are prepared; They restore or leave as it is;
  • the assembly of the installation of shelves in the already made cabinet is completed;
  • the assembled cabinet is set in a specific part of the room.

Bookcases in the interior of the loft may also have a different look: the cabinet can be built-in or separately worth it. Unlike the lungs and air structures in the style of Provence, the loft cabinet is characterized by severity and rudeness, simplicity, but this is its main feature and exclusivity.

A large and massive loft cabinet will perfectly fit into the interior, weathered in general style. But the small compact and discreet locker, created from metal pipes and small boards, will originally supplement the minimum furniture setting of the bedroom or baby.

If you are going to make a loft bookcase, then:

  • collect the maximum information about the direction of this style in the interior;
  • inspect the finished options and photos of furniture items performed in a convenient manner;
  • pick up an example, suitable specifically for you, or come up with your own;
  • look at the video lesson or read the instructions on how to make a bookcase with your own hands to understand all the assembly nuances for yourself.

Cabinet Drawing Cabinet Drawing

Loft style is perfect for those who appreciate minimalism in the interior, do not accept the jet of furniture, strive for simplicity and comfort. This direction will especially be appreciated by those who vividly perceives all new, loves avant-garde and unusual things, appreciates old and sophistication.

But those who, on the contrary, strive for the classics, loves and appreciates the usual comfort and beauty in detail, should be chosen for their home something completely different.

Bookcases are usually installed in the living room, but in the presence of space can be located in the bedroom or hallway. This subject of the interior may have different sizes and characteristics, and also has a different capacity. Many people love to read books, so for optimal storage, their library requires a wardrobe with the desired size and other properties. If it is impossible to find the optimal model, it is possible to independently make a bookcase with your own hands from different materials.

Before the direct works associated with the formation of a bookcase for books with their own hands, it is required to determine which model will be created. Designs should fit well under the style of the room, its color gamut and other parameters of the room.

Models of bookcases can be:

  • open - they consist of open shelves, so there are no doors. Creating such a closet is a simple work for which you do not need to buy many expensive materials. The minuses include not too presentable appearance;
  • closed - such models are considered the most optimal for structures designed to store books. This is due to the fact that they are equipped with the doors, so the books are securely protected from direct sunlight, dust or possible moisture. For a more attractive appearance of such a cabinet, glass doors are used, but it uses a glass with high strength.

By design, bookcases can be:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

To select the optimal design, it is taken into account, what sizes the room itself has, in which it is planned to establish the subject of the interior. Additionally, it is necessary to remember about the style of the interior and the availability of a free place in the room, since too cumbersome design in a small living room will visually reduce its dimensions and negatively affect attractiveness.

Additionally, varieties of cabinets are distinguished:

  • corrugated - chosen by many people most often for convenient location of a large number of books, newspapers or magazines, and it is also allowed to store many other small items. The filling of such a cabinet is selected by direct users, so it can be equipped with the doors with swing or sliding, and it can be done without facades;
  • modular - consists of a large number of different modules, and they can be combined and rearranged, which can always effectively change the appearance of the cabinet. Due to such an unusual option, you can embody the original design ideas for each room and style. If the room where the cabinet is planned is planned, it has a small size, then several modules are cleaned to save space;
  • built-in - usually such a design is formed by connecting a different number of sliding doors. A feature of this option is that all the walls are fixed directly to the walls of the room, as well as to the ceiling and floor;
  • corner - selected for small rooms. It occupies a certain angle of the room, therefore considerable space saves. It is well suited for different interiors, is distinguished by compact sizes, excellent capacity and creates free access to books.

If the built-in version of the bookcase is selected, it is desirable to form it in a specific niche of a particular room.




Tools and materials

Before the direct creation of the design should determine which materials for this will be used. It is allowed to use different materials, but the most suitable for different premises are the cabinets of wood. To do this, various wood breeds can be used, such as cherry or oak, birch or nut.

You can buy an array of wood or veneer, any option has high quality and excellent appearance.

If there is no possibility to spend a lot of money to buy such expensive material, MDF or chipboard is selected, as well as other lumber, on top of which there is a high-quality polymer coating. MDF is considered the perfect choice to obtain an inexpensive and acceptable cabinet quality. It is made by the way dry crimping and is distinguished by high strength and environmental cleanliness.

Additionally, it is necessary to decide, from which the doors will be made. They can also be created from wood, but it is allowed to apply plastic or glass for this. Glass doors are considered the most interesting and unusual, so they are often selected quite often, but it is necessary to make sure that the tempered glass of high strength is used.

From the tools you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • grinder machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • machine intended for high-quality milling;
  • drill and hacksaw;
  • roulette with a pencil;
  • carbon black and varnish;
  • fasteners;
  • billets intended for the formation of shelves and created from a high-quality furniture shield;
  • plywood used for the rear wall and lid;
  • material for legs, and small wooden elements from oak are optimal.

The design made of high-quality wood will serve for many years, and will always please an unusual appearance, as well as such models come to any interior.

MDF plates are ideal for a bookcase

Preparatory stages are performed before the direct process of creating a design:

  • selects a specific model that will be created with your own hands;
  • the entire closet is divided visually on separate compound elements, after which the drawing is formed for each part;
  • to simplify the process of forming the drawing and diagram, you can use modern and convenient to use computer programs;
  • it is solved, what sizes will have a closet, and the main parameters are: width, height and distance existing between the shelves;
  • according to the drawings, the partitions are operated on the main elements for obtaining a full-fledged and high-quality cabinet;
  • if a chipboard is used, it is desirable to order crucified from specialists, since if it does not apply specialized equipment, then uneven cuts, chips and other disadvantages are obtained;
  • if you need to make rectangular ends of the panels, then for this they are easily and quickly wrapped with a veneer.

During the preparation of parts, it is necessary to constantly check with existing drawings and schemes, since the probability of creating poor-quality elements that cannot be used in the future will be used.

Cut out curly details

All items must be seized

Details for bookcase

Milling ends

This procedure is not particularly durable and complexity, but it will have to pay a lot of attention, since without this process it may not be too attractive. For perfect work, the rules are taken into account:

  • the cuts are correctly selected, intended for the formation of a beautiful and optimal relief;
  • clearly and competently set departure with the necessary parameters;
  • used high-quality and modern milling equipment.

The main features of milling belongs:

  • securely fixed and prepared a milling machine;
  • during the filing of it, the blanks are not allowed so that it deviates or moved to the parties, as it guarantees a bad result of the work;
  • when performing a process, it is necessary to ensure that all movements are smooth and careful;
  • before work, it is recommended to make sure that the equipment is working, for which the milling is performed on a small unnecessary element;
  • processing of the REC must be performed only after the optimal size is issued;
  • after work, the place is checked where the workpiece touched the working part of the instrument;
  • if there are small irregularities, they are neatly cleaned with sandpaper, because if you do not perform this process, then irregularities will be clearly visible after coating elements.

Thus, perform milling simply, if you follow the main stages and rules, as well as apply high-quality and modern equipment.

Milling ends

Milling groove

Back wall

On the photo of different bookcases is almost impossible to see the back wall, so it is usually well hidden. This allows it to create it inexpensive and easy to handle materials. Usually it uses a standard chipboard sheet.

Although the rear wall can not spoil the appearance of the cabinet, but the reliability of the entire interior object depends on its correct fixation, since it acts as a connecting element.

For the formation of the posterior wall, a sheet of chipboard or plywood is most often used. These materials are considered simple in processing, so cutting out of them the parts necessary in size will not be difficult. Cutting can be carried out by an electric or manual jigsaw, and a special sawing machine is often used. Before cutting, you need to mark the markup onto the sheet so that the perfectly smooth rear wall is obtained having the desired dimensions. The chamfer is eliminated with the skin.

If you need to get a fairly reliable back wall, then it is recommended to use LDSP instead of plywood. This material has a greater weight, as well as secure it quite simple. It is withstanding different loads, therefore it is considered an ideal choice for a cabinet, which will be installed a lot of heavy books.

For the rear wall of the bookcase, the chipboard is most often used.

Cabinet assembly

How to make a bookcase with your own hands? After performing numerous preliminary work, the immediate assembly of this design begins. This process is divided into sequential steps:

  • initially, the place is selected where the work will be performed, and it must be represented by a flat surface, since in the presence of distortions there may be different irregularities in the final structure;
  • the side walls are attached to the upper part, and the corner is used to check the smooth location of the elements, and only after the measurement, fixation is performed, and this approach will prevent irregularities in the joints of the joints;
  • the holes are drilled for fasteners, for which the drill is used, and its diameter must be slightly smaller than the selected fastener;
  • the details are securely and firmly tightened with each other fastener, and the optimal choice for this process is considered a confirmation that twists the hexagon;
  • after fixing the upper element of the structure, the fixation of the lower part begins, and before that, it is also necessary to pay a lot of attention to high-quality measurements with a corner;
  • the rear wall is fastened, for which a pre-cut sheet of plywood or chipboard is used, and for this you can use nails or even a construction stapler;
  • the mounting of the shelves begins, and there will be really significant loads at the expense of the use of a large number of books, so it is not advisable to make them removable;
  • shelves It is advisable to fix the confirmation that ensures the reliability and durability of the elements;
  • the doors are installed with the help of loops, if the design being created is formed with facades.

Thus, the bookcase can be performed with their own hands. In this case, the ideas of future users are embodied, and a really interesting design is obtained. Optimal materials for this are considered wood or MDF. During the process, much attention is paid to the creation of the drawing, the choice of quality material, correct measurements and reliable fixation.