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Planning fruit and berry gardens. Pricework: Garden layout and garden planning planking shrubs

Fruit garden It is necessary to plan slowly, everything is thought out well, since the future harvest will depend on the right place. For the fruit garden you need to highlight a light open area. It is undesirable to lay a fruit garden in a lowland, where the water will accumulate after the badness or spring melting of the snow.

Start bookmark fruit garden It is necessary from inspection and preparatory work, which include the cleaning of the area from old stumps, stumps and the rest of the garbage, the peroxide of the entire Earth on the site and the soil analysis. The soil analysis will show you what fertilizers you should contribute in the future. If you shed all the earth on the water site, it will provoke the growth of weeds for their subsequent removal.

Further stage - Planning a garden site.

The following data can affect the location of the fruit garden:

  • Location relative to the house (in front of the house, behind the house, on the side of the house)
  • Relative to the parties of the world
  • The presence on your site of other garden zones - flowerbeds, beds, reservoirs, lawn, etc.

Before you smack fruit garden, It is also necessary to determine which rocks and varieties will grow in it. Many trees reach a mature age only after 7-10 years. In this case, the harvest will have to wait long. In case you do not want to wait, and you wish to get a harvest for the next year, - you can plant large rooms.

Large - These are adult trees, aged 4 to 7 years, around the root system of which the earth comes. When transplanting such trees, a special technique is usually used.

When choosing tree species, it is necessary to remember that many breeds do not like neighborhood and suppress each other's growth. In addition, different trees in the fruit of the garden are completely different preferences for light and soil. It is advisable to consult with a specialist, or explore the appropriate literature.

Moreover, each culture has its own features of the structure of the root system. For example, an apple tree, the roots can grow up to 10 m, and deep into 6 m. The root system of pears, on the contrary, will grow larger - up to 10 m, and styling - up to 6m.

If the soil in your garden is heavy, the tree will not be able to root deeply. Such a tree is most likely weak.

Of course, ideal conditions in our fruit gardens for each tree is difficult to find. Nevertheless, the basic rules for planting trees will help you break a healthy fruit garden, pleased with your harvest. In order for the tree not just grew, and it is fruiting and was strong, it is necessary to provide it with the optimal layer of fertile soil, which will be the source of the necessary moisture and nutrition.

When landing large-leafers, your dream turn a plot into a flowering fruit garden quickly turns into reality. In addition, the root system of such trees has already been practically formed, and they can be replaced without fear.

Modern technique allows adult trees to transplant ( fruit largest) With no special problems.

Trees prepared for transplantation, naturally need to be healthy, not having damage. Trees having a hollow for transplanting are not suitable.

The crown of the fruit largeer is to significantly proper (remove some skeletal branches of about 1/3 of their length) to avoid evaporation of moisture. Wounds formed after trimming, smeared with garden wrair.

Soil com must be a cubic or cylindrical form.

The pit is prepared in advance (in 1-2 weeks). Its sizes must exceed the earthen com (twice - in height, and three times in width).

The bottom is prepared - a mixture of clamzite is falling asleep, then humidia, sand, peat and chernozem. The percentage composition of this mixture depends on the tree breed.

After landing a large-meter, all free space in the pit is falling asleep with good fertile land. Then, it is slightly seal.

And, naturally, they watered well. Moreover, watering system is envisaged (aeration tube or roasting irrigation).

Additional strengthening with wire stretch marks will help to give a more stable position of the transplanted tree.

It is necessary to choose young plants (1-2 years). So they are better leaving. The root system for more adult seedlings is easier to damage.

Saplings for fruit garden It is usually planted in autumn or in the spring at rest (when vegetative processes slowed down).

When planting seedlings, a pit is digging in advance (approximately 80x80 cm) and filled with fertile soil. The soil from the depths of the pit can be distributed over the coil circle. If the seedlock is imprisoned immediately after the pit is digging - the soil at the bottom must be sealing - to the tamper of the feet and pour 1-2 buckets of water.

Also, organic fertilizers (compost, manure), and mineral fertilizers contribute to the landing point. The number of fertilizers for each tree of trees is different. Directly to the roots of the plant, mineral fertilizers are better not to plunder. Only the ground from the top layer.

When landing seedlings for fruit garden It is necessary to remove broken branches. The roots are cut (before a healthy part) only if they are damaged.

A healthy seedling should have a well-branched root system. If the roots dried on the way, they can be placed in the water by about 12-24 hours. Immediately before landing the roots, it is advisable to dip in the clay bolt.

If the landing is not possible for several days, the seedling needs to be wrapped with a wet cloth and in several layers of the newspaper.

Leaves, in order to avoid evaporation of moisture, it is better to remove carefully.

When landing, it is advisable to take into account the position of the seedling relative to the parties of the world. For 1-2 years, until they grow in the nursery, they adapted to certain light conditions. The southern side of the satellite trunk can be distinguished on a darker brown color. Lighter side - North.

Root neck does not shuffle! It should be at the soil level. The soil in the attractive circle after the landing is mounted, and the seedlove itself is tested to the peg (not tight, eight).

Maintenance saplings for fruit garden - It is, pears, cherries and plums.

Like any responsible event, the bookmark of the future garden on the site begins with planning: on how carefully you think all the subtleties of the placement of capital and economic buildings, how responsibly will react to the choice of places for trees, shrubs, vegetable and berry plants, will depend on Harvest, and the comfort of your stay at the cottage.

When planning a garden and a garden, a lot of nuances have to be taken into account, so do not hurry, calculate several suitable options at once, and then choose the best of them.

If you want your garden to bring not only the fruits, but it wonderfully looked, it is necessary to attach a little effort and a little fantasy already when booking. This is very responsible work: it includes a large number of processes simultaneously performed, moreover, preparatory work and planting of plants must be carried out in a short time.

The garden laying deserves special attention also because the mistakes made at the same time are in the future it is difficult to correct, as the fruit trees are planted once for many years.

How to fill your garden with beautiful and fruitful plants? In order to correctly execute the layout of the household garden, use the advice of the experienced dacities presented on this page.

Planning the territory of the future garden

Whatever way you chose, the bookmark of the future garden should begin with a clear planning of the territory. All plants need to be planted immediately to a permanent place, since transplants are very harmful to plants. In order not to make a mistake, think over the site plan to the smallest detail and drucribe all your ideas.

Using the measurements of the site, for garden planning and garden, draw a plan on the scale. Such care is needed not only to accurately determine the landing site. You can easily calculate the number of selected plants.

Planning the various zones of your garden, usually try to make the playground well visible from the kitchen or from the recreation area.

It does not matter if you plan on your site a berry, garden or not - the working area is simply necessary. After all, the garden will be planted by plants that care.

The work area has a barn with inventory, a pit under a compost bunch. And since this zone is not entirely looking, it can be hidden by plants.

When the entire area is divided into zones and measurements are made on the ground, you need to think about the message between zones, that is, about paths and tracks. It is better if the tracks will not pass under right angles, and become smoothly bend.

Go through the outlined tracks, check: Is everything convenient? If everything is fine, you can go to the placement of plants in the site.

If you do not think your life without fresh vegetables, then take a well-lit place under the garden, located not on the aisle and with such a calculation so that the trees do not interfere with the normal growth of vegetables.

When planning a garden design, in order to plant you please not only with your appearance, but also harvest, trees are located at a distance of 4 m from each other, shrubs - 1.5-2 m. To create a living ingreders of the plant planted with smaller intervals, Depending on the type of hedge.

Rest zone can be placed near the house. Berry bushes, formed on the trellis, and fruit trees on the strabs will create a special comfort. Next to the playground should not be placed a pool or other reservoir.

Look at the photo - when planning tracks in the garden, you must consider that they must provide access to each corner of the site:

The width of the track should be sufficient for the garden car can pass on it normally.

Here is one of the examples of good garden planning:

    • Low hedge of Henomelles
    • on lawn
  • Hozblok.
  • Motor tracks
  • Compost
  • Column apple trees garden
  • Feed out
  • Patio
  • Currant Currant Golden
  • Lawn
  • Arch with Aktindia
  • Playground
  • Flower garden
  • Composition of bushes - on the strabs and ordinary
  • Garden
  • Gooseberry
  • Coastal plants
  • Gravel-covered path
  • Plum
  • Three wood pears

Planning Plants Planting in the Garden

According to experienced gardeners, constituting the plan of the site, it is important to be guided not only by its desires, but also by the needs of plants, so when planning the garden it is important to choose the right place to fit it.

Any plant for normal growth and development needs good lighting. However, this does not mean that they certainly have to frighten the sun on the open sun.

As shown in the photo, when planning the garden of the garden, trees need to be placed only in an open place:

This is especially true for plants formed in the form of a sleeper, cordon and palmette. Such a need is due to the fact that when shading the branches will grow unevenly, one-sidedly, it will be very difficult to stretch, and, therefore, it will be difficult to carry out the formation and further care for plantings.

In addition, the formated trees have a limited number of branches where the thrifting branches can be formed. To extend the productive period, it is important to take care of the good lighting of these twigs, because they are fruiting.

When planning a garden on the site, shrubs can be content with privided position, as they are less demanding of lighting. In addition, the root system of shrubs is more superficial, and therefore more demanding to moisturizing conditions.

(19 estimates, average: 4,53 out of 5)

Often you can hear from inexperienced dachens that their trees do not give such fruits as expected. And they begin to buy superior seedlings, cutting down all previously planted trees. But in most cases, the trees are poorly growing and fruit, people themselves are to blame. Most likely, planting trees was carried out on the principle of "the more, the better," there was no speech about the planning of the garden at all. And the result of such work was forever pool, not giving fruits of the plant.

The main thing, to each owner of his own area to understand that the creation of a garden, as well as the creation of the house should begin with careful planning.

How starts the garden

The garden begins with what needs carefully analyze the quality of the soil and climatein which you have to grow and be fronding your trees and shrubs. If you have too clay or sandy soil on your site, it is worth it to focus it with a black mill, peat and other useful components so that the roots are obtained enough power.

Climatic features that interfere with fruiting:

  • too cold winters;
  • late spring freezing;
  • excessive humidity.

Therefore, select trees follows from that climate in which they have to grow. Otherwise, fruit you will never wait.

Choosing trees

Choose fruit trees and shrubs for the garden plot should be strictly local selection. After all, only those apple trees, pears and Alycha, who are familiar to the local climate, will be able to successfully be fruit. They adapt perfectly to the temperature and humidity drops, pleased with their owners of the fruits if not every year, then in a year.

Southern fruits - apricots and peaches- very afraid of autumn damp. This is explained by the fact that in the humid climate, bloom does not end with pollination, and they become only emptyless without fruits. And pollen, together with moisture, simply falls on the ground. No less dangerous for these shrubs and spring frosts, which are coming at the time of the flowering of apricots.

Cherry does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater, And if you do not spend amelioration on time, then the plant will in the near future. Excessive dampness in the spring also does not bring benefits: the fruits begin to black and crack even before they mature. And therefore the landing of the shrub should be carried out in pre-drained soils.

It is worth choosing plants, strictly taking into account their performance. Think whether it is worth allocating a few meters of land under the trees that will be froning every five or six years or it is still easier to go to the store and buy a few kilograms of apricots or peaches, and on this earth to plant trees that will delight you with harvest.

Gallery: Garden Layout (25 photos)

Marking site

In order to know what trees to put on the site, you need to draw a scheme on paper on which all available buildings and those that you still plan to build: House, bath, household buildings. In addition, you should also draw those trees that you are not going to target.

It is necessary because each construction or tree throws the shadow on everything that grows on your site. Consequently, shrubs, trees and other plants will begin to stretch in the other side where there is more light. To this they spend a lot of strength that could go for laying fruit. It will last until the top will not get closer to the light and does not overcome the barrier. And therefore, if your home or bath fully shades planted trees and shrubs, they can not always grow them and they will never be fruit.

In order to properly distribute trees on the site, you should also write the height of each building and the side of the world. Strike those zones on which the shadow will be located almost around the clock. These zones do not fit for planting trees and shrubs. Here you can safely put flowers, make a pond or pool. In order for the trees be fruitful, the shadow zones should be excluded from places to land.

Plant landing

Now you should figure out how to plant trees on the site correctly. To begin with, the gardener must decide how many trees and shrubs will grow in the garden. If you do not want to periodically cut the plants, then on one weaving of the garden or garden, you can land no more than 7 pears or apple trees. Because growing, they will begin to interfere with each other, swinging the shadow. And so the private house is the garden and the garden on the plot will only decorate.

If plant trimming is still planned, then you can on one hundred and plant to 15 fruit trees. If you consider yourself to smart dachnips, then wait on colon's trees And put them at a meter from each other. Examples of trees like this species can be found on the Internet or in the store of seedlings.

It is worth remembering that pruning leads to a decrease in fruit only among apricots and sweets, because the fruits grow throughout the branch, and therefore they are not taken to cut. All other trees need to constantly cut. This will help add lights with fruiting branches, and the fruit will become larger. The optimal option will be the formation of a crown in the form of a ball or wall, if you landed plants near the fence.

Apple trees and pears should be planted at a distance of at least three meters from each other. But the landing of shrubs can be carried out at a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other. Garden layout and garden should be conducted from the south to the northSo plants will not discard the shadows and interfere with each other.

It is not necessary to make the garden rectangular - it will not be very convenient when leaving for plants. If the gardener broke a fruit garden of a rectangular shape, then he will have to move with the inventory and fertilizers very carefully on it, so as not to damage the wheelbarrow of the trees.

Plan of OGOR

Modern laying of the garden ceased to be strictly rectangular. And this happened because the straight corners are completely inconvenient to rich with a wheelbarrow during fertilizer or watering the beds. Therefore, modern beds are made in such a way as to do it it was more convenient. Interesting ideas for the gardening of the garden site can be brought into account from other dacms and gardens.

Nevertheless, there are a number of basic principles that help to achieve a maximum harvest with a minimum number of beds:

If the gardener pretended to not think about the planning of the garden or the garden, he will have to thoroughly affect the cultivation of garden and garden crops. So, thoroughly pushed once, planning the location of trees or vegetables on the plot, you can further save yourself from unnecessary work.

Inexperienced summer houses, disembarking our own garden, often complain that it does not have that abundance of fruits on which they were calculated. And the trees begin to cut down, replacing them with super-modern seedlings. But in poor fruiting in 90% of cases, people themselves are to blame! Probably the landing was made chaotic, according to the principle "the more, the better," there was no layout of the garden, and the result is useless toe trees.

Video: how to plan the country's cottage

Creating a garden, as well as creating a house, begins with the design. Remember how the building project is chosen: study climate, terrain, the presence of free square, family members, etc. And only the accounting of all factors allows you to create a comfortable and warm home.

How starts the garden

The garden also begins with the study of the Earth, on which plants and climate will have to live, which directly affects the number of fruits. If the soil is too clay or one sand, it is necessary to enrich it with chernozem, peat and other useful components, which will depend on the roots.

In the climate, the main factor destroying fruits is frosty winters, spring late frosts and excess moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to select the range of trees, based on the climatic conditions of a particular area.

Choose trees

Apple trees, pears, allycha and cherries of local selection are the most resistant trees. They adapt almost in any area and fruit if not annually, then in a year.

Southern Guests - Apricot, Peach - are afraid of raw spring, because early flowering at high humidity does not end with pollination. Pollen along with moisture settles to the ground. Dangerous and spring frosts, which are just falling on the apricot color.

The cherry absolutely does not tolerate short-range waters, and if not to perform amelioration, in a couple of years it will figure it out. The raw spring also imposes his imprint: the fruits crack and rot, not having time to mature.

Therefore, selecting the range of trees, consider their future performance. Whether it is necessary to take precious meters on five to six hundreds of trees that can give fruit every six years (under optimal weather conditions!). Is it no better to go to the nearest supermarket and buy a couple of kilograms of apricots or peaches, which in the season will not be very expensive, and in the garden only those plants that will ensure the seven vitamins in the garden?

We make markup

To decide how many trees to plant and how to do it right, it is necessary to draw all the available and planned on the paper: a house, a bath, a gazebo, fence, electric poles with wires (if any) and old trees that do not plan to irrigate.

Garden on a small summer cottage

Why do you need it? Each object towering over the Earth discarded the shadow that affects the development of nearby plants. Trees, bushes, garden plants will begin to stretch into the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent lighting, spending their strength not to lay the fruit, but on the struggle for the light. It will continue until the top will not be higher than the barrier. And since the house or bath will not always grow trees, then the fruit you will not wait even after 10 years. Therefore, in its plan, mark the number of each construction, as well as the side of the world. Shadows will be located from the West and the East from the objects, narrowing to the south. Draw a seat with strokes where the shadow of more than half of the day will be. This distance is half the height of your buildings.

Everything that turned out to be shaded on paper is not suitable for the garden. There you can lay tracks, make a flowerbed, break the lawn, pond, etc. So that the trees gave a harvest, the shadow zone is excluded from the plan of the future garden.

Looking out plants

First decide how many trees and shrubs are planning to plant. If pears, apple trees do not want to cut, then we can "sit down" with a maximum of 7 trees. Why not thicker? Because as they grow, they will begin to discard the shadow, preventing each other in normal development.

If the pruning is still planned, the number of trunks can be increased to 15 (per hundred). The most "advanced" dacnis should be embarrassed on the column forms of trees, which are planted with an interval in the meter.

Option layout of a rectangular area with garden and garden

It should be noted!
Pruning reduces the amount of fruits only in cherry and apricot, because they are located along the entire twig. They are not accepted. The remaining trees in pruning are very needed. The fruits from this will become larger, unnecessary branches will not take the light. It is best to keep trees in the amount of about 2 meters, forming a crown as a ball or a flat wall (if you plant trees near the fence).

Trees are planted in four meters, if it is planned to restrain them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 2 m shape of the ball, and three meters, if you land the wall. Distance between shrubs (currant, gooseberry, etc.) - 1.5 m.

Rows must be located south to the north. So plants will discard less shadows, and you can plant shadowerous cultures in the aisle.

Planning OGOR

Modern garden layout and garden ceased to be strictly rectangular. And all because the straight corners are inconvenient to go through, moving with a wheelbarrow. Therefore, garden tracks and garden beds are placed as such a form so that it is convenient to walk with the inventory. Interesting examples of the planning of the garden and the garden can be sprinkled from other dacms, on the Internet or specialized directories.

But there are general laws that should be followed so that the minimum of the beds gave maximum harvest.

Those owners who did not suffer with layout are tormented with the cultivation of garden crops. Thoroughly, Pophots once, planning a garden and a garden, you will relieve yourself from excess work.

It often happens that the garden space is organized: on the first motive, under the action of emotions or under the influence of advertising, seedlings, flowers, accessories are bought, and then all this is accommodated randomly on the plot or on the principle of "like everyone else". How will all this end? The same: it will soon be that almost everything turned out to be not on the "place" and as a result on the site ugly and uncomfortable.

To get the desired, you need to act from the very beginning, as professionals - competently plan your garden. There is no other path, only pre-planning allows you to get the garden that you dream about.

Dinner Zone


And what kind of garden you dream? Here you need to stop. This is the first professional step. You need to determine which garden you need, and very specifically and "financially". To do this, start with yourself.

Take a clean sheet of paper and think in a relaxed atmosphere and write down: what do you like, and what about what you need, hobbies, family traditions, how do you spend your leisure, which inspires what you want to achieve. It is important. Suppose that this entry will be every member of your family, such a "study" will then help you when choosing specific options.


Now it's time to collect "Family Council". Gather all together, and let everyone make a list of their wishes as to what I would like to have on the site. Initially, abstract from the size of the site, as well as on whether it is new or on it already have plantations and buildings. Do not limit your fantasy, write down everything you want: bath, gazebo, fruit garden, vegetable garden, patio, garden stones, alpine slide, pond, workshop ... For children, it will probably need a playground for the elderly family members - a cozy bench. And where is the garden - there and the shed, and the compost pile. Discuss your lists together and approximate the area for all melted. It is quite natural that everything will not fit on the plot. Therefore, you need to walk along the lists a few times and delete everything, without which you can do, and this is at this stage your first list will help you - a list of your personal priorities.

Location Grokeok.

You have identified your "desire objects." The next step will be the creation of a collection of ideas. To do this, you need a bright folder with pocket files. Gradually, fold all the "images" into it, which are related to your future "Design project": clippings from magazines, photos, drawings, flowergles, arbors, original ideas, color solutions, materials from exhibitions. At first, do not analyze the execution, difficulty - just collect everything that I like. The most unexpected solutions will come, optionally in the same options as in your "collection", and from this "Kaleidoscope" will create your unique option.

Well, now - you are ready to proceed directly to planning. After all, now you know your dream "in the face." When planning, you need to consider whether you have a completely new site, or already a cherished garden. Dream garden for you real in any case. Fully affected garden can also be re-posted for a hundred percent, the whole thing in the method used


Use a very effective method that does not require special skills and skills. It is called "the kabel method".

1. Garden boundaries. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw the boundaries of your site. To do this, you will need a millimeter (scale of 1: 100, it means that the meter on the site corresponds to a centimeter on paper. It will be the most convenient scale for you). You can take both ordinary white paper, and at the same time use a scale ruler (such rules are sold with different scales, select the one where there are 1: 100). You also need pencils (simple and colored), cirkul, square, ruler, tracing, roulette and compass. Before drawing, measure the sides of the roulette section. By the way, if you do not know how to draw yourself at all, the documents will help you on your site - there must be a plan on a scale, its configuration. You just have to increase them to the desired, larger scale.

Stone as material for improvised buildings

2. Garden zoning. Here you need to determine which zones (parts of the garden) where they will be located and what they will be values. Zones always carry any function and allocate usually: a living area (house, summer house, summer kitchen, patio, etc.), recreation areas (gazebo, barbecue area, pond, swimming pool), household zones (garden, garden, Shed, garage, workshop, etc.). But it is only approximately, and you yourself can "establish any zones yourself, as you already have your own wishes.

Zones should be noted on their "design project". But not on the sheet of paper where you have drawn the boundaries of the site! Take several sheets of tracing for this. Move your source plan on the traction in several copies and on one of them, mark the zones. They are drawn in the form of abstract spots of arbitrary shape. Sign them. Consider the resulting option. It is possible that there will be questions where it is better to arrange any zone, for example, a gazebo. And you just have a few kabel. Count and so, and the edak, compare the options, go to the cushion along the main plan and immediately see the best. So, gradually, you will receive a full plan of zones (and determine their amount in your needs). At this stage, priority is given to practicality and rationality, because even the most spectacular design is unlikely to please you if the site is inconvenient.


3. Tracks. Draw them on taching. First, shoot the alleged routes of your movement, and then draw the outlines of the tracks along it. Their accurate width and form can be drawn later. The main criterion - must be convenient. From decorative reasons, do not make all the tracks with absolutely even, let it be a small bend. Shake them around the garden - connect to a single route. It is convenient, and practical, it is one of the landscape architecture techniques.

4. Trees and shrubs. Draw them on a cart with circles of the corresponding value, for this ask in reference books, what kind of crowns you choose the trees in adulthood and what distance when landing it is necessary. General Recommendation for accommodation Such: Higher plants - at the bottom of the site, beautiful-flowering - closer to rest areas. Sustainers, including berry, you can form a track, coniferous can be accessed from the prevailing winds.

5. Flowers. All draw on the next flooring, since the options will be many! Place them, as you like, but do not forget about the requirements for illumination. Place for roses - in front of the house and on the south side, coniferous and heers are good in the mountaineering, enter the site to the site, which bloom longer than the rest.

Garden furniture

6. Vertical landscaping. We draw it with conditional icons also on the tracing. Choose "your" types of vertical landscaping, which likes: screens, arches, choplaresters, pergolas, etc.

7. Garden accents. Arrange the focus on the schematic plan: garden accessories, containers with plants, think over the lighting, spectacular parts. In a word, give the "highlight" site.

Well, now - the most exciting moment! Singing all your tracks, you will receive a plan of your dream garden.


It uses the same method here, but with some features.

1. Analysis of existing conditions.At the very beginning of the planning, you must draw the Borders of the Garden. But further follows the analysis of the existing conditions - the fact that you are "given". It is necessary to draw a plan of the site as it is now. So, you have drawn the boundaries of the site, and now apply all those objects to this plan that there are already (trees, buildings, etc.). The resulting plan that "given" is now necessary to supplement. This means - to identify the individual features of your site. Mark on the side of the world, determining them with the help of a compass - it is very important for the correct orientation of future landings and buildings, this is your climate light. Mark all the features of the microrelief - depressions, elevations, irregularities and sign them. Draw an arrow direction of the slope if it is. His angle rate on the eye. Pay attention to the landscape around you, the proximity of the forest, the reservoir, the roads, how beautiful views from the site, on the neighbors buildings. Right on the plan sign that I would like to hide, but what, on the contrary, to reveal. Objects on the plan Picture simple geometric shapes - circles, rectangles of the appropriate size, better than color.

If your garden is riddown, you know a lot about it. Therefore, it is necessary to note in terms of the direction of the prevailing winds, the "schedule of motion" of the shadows during the day, the location of the warst and the coldest places (those where the frost is guaranteed and the snow lies longer). Very good, of course, learn the level of groundwater and the composition of the soil (approximately, the exact analysis is not needed).

It is very good to use when analyzing the existing Conditions Camera. It will be very convenient to shoot some corners of your estate to always have a material before your eyes for reflection and not miss any detail.

Decorative lantern

2. Zoning an oblique garden. The main thing for zoning is to take into account those individual features that you revealed in the first step: the relief surrounding the landscape, existing buildings, climatic features. If somewhere opens especially beautiful view - it is logical to make a rest area there, if there is a lowland or vpadina - not to find a better place for the pond. The most important design secret: Most of the minuses of your site are actually advantages, it is good luck, this is your individual style, it is thanks to them that your site will become unique!

Bordeur of flowers

If the site is already mastered, there are buildings and landings, then you need to consider each "object", as far as it suits you and fits into a new zoning. Cardinal changes do not need to be afraid, as everything can always be adapted to new conditions, there are special decorative techniques for this.

All subsequent five steps - Planning tracks, plants, flower beds, vertical landscaping and garden accents perform on separate traps in the same way as it is done when planning a new garden. But before that, having completed zoning, mark on the tank only those objects that you would like to leave in the garden, and from the rest abstract - do not transfer them to your project.