Repairs Design Furniture

Interior design of private houses in different styles. Modern design of a private house Cozy country house interior

The interior of the cottage should be as comfortable as possible and cozy so that his tenants can really relax and relax from noise and everyday life. The possibility of arranging a large area, the presence of high ceilings, as well as proximity to natural beauty - all this contributes to the use of a creative approach to creating a truly ergonomic space. To issue the interior of the cottage or country house, It is necessary to comply with a number of recommendations that we will describe below.

If the interiors of apartments in the city are not always dependent on the features of the construction, then the design of private houses will depend directly on the construction of the building. For example, the design in the style of Modern is unlikely to harmoniously look inside the wooden log cab traditional elements. In other words, the first recommendation consists in compliance with harmony between the interior and the exterior of the country house.

As for the internal design of the premises, it can be said about the following nuances:

- Choose a single style for interior design;
- provide the necessary color gamut;
- Choose high-quality modern finishing materials;
- Choose the appropriate style furniture objects;
- Competently use decorative elements and artificial lighting.

All these factors must be taken into account to create beautiful interior Cottage.

Color solutions

When making any interior, including a country house, it is important to competently pick up the color solutions. Incorrectly chosen palette can worsen well-being and reduce productivity. Of course, it all depends on individual preferences, but there are general patterns.

The arrangement of a private house involves the use of several basic (more than four) shades of those colors that the owner seems most attractive. But only one color for wall design should prevail. It is recommended to give preference to neutral calm colors, while colorful shades should be applied as accents. Remember that in a cozy cottage there is no excessive film, but it all depends on the style you chose, so there can be different options color solutions.

One way to create an original interior will be the combination of smooth and embossed surfaces with a different texture. In such a situation, even one-photon design looks contrast and attractive.

It must be borne in mind that even only one textured part will be able to significantly revive the space. For example, in the house in scandinavian style You can combine unspecifying curtains from monochrome tissue and the same upholstery of furniture with wicker seats, covers with a large viscous, and the like.


In cottages or country houses it is better not to clutter space large quantity Furniture. Especially since modern tendencies Dictate the fashion to minimalism. This is especially true for small houseswhere it is best to choose multifunctional furniture items, possibly - folding. Large furniture looks better in spacious country houses.

It must be remembered that the harmonious thing will look a combination of objects large size and small details. If you place in the rooms extremely large structures, they will not be perceived expressive. But too many small elements sooner or later will begin to irritate tenants and guests at home.


Lamps choose, focusing on their appearance. It is important that in the afternoon they fit into the overall stylist. Depending on the background, the chandeliers, lamps or sconces are selected, they may be dark, light, golden - the main thing is that the atmosphere of the country house is stylistically holistic.

It is important to correctly choose the lampshade, so I define in advance what style you prefer - Country, classic or minimalism. In large rooms, it is recommended to install large chandeliers, and for rooms small size Suitable compact lamps.

Interior style for country house

In the country cottages you can embody any designer sizes. However, except fashion trendsIt is necessary to take into account the individual preferences of the owners of the house. Consider the main characteristics of the most popular styles for designing the interiors of cottages: Country, Provence, Chale, as well as Scandinavian and modern style.

Country Cottage

This style will suit lovers of rustic romance and family traditions. Country - optimal option for owners wooden houses.

In such interiors there is an unacceptable modern materials, namely, metal, glass or plastic. For decoration, it is often used with floral motifs or striped, decorative plaster or stone, imitation of a wooden bar.

Color solutions must be as natural as possible. For the living room, the main accent can serve as a fireplace, the furniture is recommended to choose not high. In the kitchen, put an ancient buffet with shelves, a massive table made of wood, linen or stem curtains, dishes with painting.

Provence Cottage

This style is considered the ideal solution To create a cozy dacha atmosphere. Obligatory style attributes of Provence is considered to use natural materials and floristic motives.

This fashionable French direction involves the presence of an important role in furniture and decorative elements. Choose good quality furniture, possibly vintage or aged. It is best if it is bright shades.

As for the decor, the braided elements, vases with lavender, porcelain and baskets look good in the interiors in the style of Provence. All this contributes to the house a unique atmosphere and makes stay in it comfortable, which is very important for cottages or country buildings.

Chalet Cottage

For wooden cottages, the style of the chalet will be suitable, which will create a fabulous cozy interior With minimal finish. As a rule, the floor and the ceiling in such buildings wooden, and ceiling beams remain in sight.

The main characteristics of the style is the laconicity, the use of natural materials with a minimum processing, as well as environmental friendliness. Mandatory detail is a fireplace that occupies a central place in the living room.

The decor implies the use of wool, leather and fur skins. Household appliances The kitchen hides behind the cabinets so that the older's atmosphere is saved in the house. Flames made in the form of a candle are ideal as a chandelier.

Scandinavian style cottage

This direction is distinguished by restraint, the minimum inclusion of the decor and the use of high-quality natural materials. If you do not want to spend a lot of money for housing, but prefer modern trends and want to create a spacious light interior, pay attention to the Scandinavian style.

It is enough to align the walls in the house and pick up a neutral background - most often it's just white paint. The finish uses a tree. If necessary, the interior may be bright accents.

As for the furniture, it should be soft and comfortable, but in the form as simple as possible. Scandinavian style is welcome natural wood. You can dilute the strict atmosphere with pleasant smallest things, for example, unusual curtains or plants in Kashpo.

Cottage in modern style

In the interiors, decorated in a modern style, often use furniture from inexpensive materials - wood, glass, plastic. However, all items are important to choose carefully so that they are reliable. In practice, modern style is suitable for those who are used to changing the interior of a country house once a few years.

Designers advise to avoid any decorative elements, then space will remain light and air, nothing will interfere with residents and distract them. The ceiling is often left concrete, and the floor is performed from grinded neutral boards, laminate with a simple texture. Point lamps are installed in the rooms.

Interior of the cottage or country house - Photo

No matter what style is chosen for the interior design of the cottage, comfort and the presence of a cozy atmosphere are the main elements. Those who are engaged in the arrangement of their own house "from scratch", it is difficult to determine the choice of color palette, finishing materials, furniture and accessories. Therefore, we recommend that you look at how different country houses look like in reality. Inspire our selection of photos and experiment!

In the soul of each person there is an architect or at least the repairman. Only this can be explained by the desire if you do not build a "dream house", then at least to give your home some of your traits. And of the dreams, of course, everyone has different and many simply impossible to carry out without a thoughtful action plan and knowledge of the basic provisions of the interior design of the house.

Creating a comfortable I. beautiful homeThe "My Fortress" with confidence can confidently begins with the choice of the style concept of the building itself, its key points (main rooms) and the preservation area. So before proceeding with work, it is necessary to create, independently or with the help of specialists, the design project of the interior of the house.

Types of styles and interior at home

In the most general sense, the interior design style of the house or apartment can be defined as a harmonious combination of architectural traits, decor and color solutions. They are formed under the influence of any national characteristics (Arabic, Japanese, English styles, etc.) or the era of the development of society (minimalism, Victorian, gothic styles). List all directions does not make sense, but it is worthwhile to give a characteristic of the most popular of them.


Geographically, this design style appeared in the south of France at the end of the 18th century and expressed the desire of the rich bourgeois to join the life of the aristocracy. For Provence, a light "sweat" is characterized when the situation as if burned out on the hot South Sun and some time was on the sea wind.

In the modern design of the interior of the house in the concept of "Provence" or " Southern France»The following techniques are used:

  • The priority of natural materials in the setting (tree, stone, clay tile, brick).
  • The color scheme consists of cool tones - lavender, mint, green, blue and others. They should be as if burnt out or with the effect of "non-crusher."
  • In the floor, walls and ceiling finishes are used exclusively. natural materials - Brick, stone, ceramics. Traditionally, for this direction, the floor is laid out with tiles warm Tint (brown, pink-beige), and threaded rectangular beams pass through the ceiling.
  • Almost all furniture in the interior in the style of Provence refers to the category "Vintage", both by execution and as of the state. And it can already be purchased on the basis or achieve this effect independently.
  • Provence prefers printed tissues with a simple vegetable or geometric ornament. As decor, porcelain decorations and live flowers are used.

It is the style of Provence most suitable for the interior of a country house. This design will allow a person to feel herself in warm France, even if he is geographically located much north.

This style appeared in provincial England and symbolizes a rural flavor. He creates the impression of Quality, reliability, heat, comfort and many when choosing the interior design of a private house give preference to him. Country can not be divided into "modern" and "non-period" version. From the date of its creation and so far, it remained almost unchanged.

Among the main traits rustic style Especially allocated:

  • As a decor, "rustic" things are used - wicker baskets, faience dishes, wooden Toys And crafts, dry flowers and berries. Among ornaments are dominated by a variety of rural livestock, mushrooms, sunflowers, fruits and vegetables (except grapes and exotic). By the way, these plants can be grown in the greenhouses
  • Country textiles are only natural - wool, flax and sitherium with floristic and traditional motifs for England (polka dot, strip and cage).
  • For Country, the main thing is practicality and therefore the floors in such interiors make either wooden Bruschev dark color either from terracotta tiles. If the tree is used for the walls, it does not paint it in any way. It remains either coated with a verse or composition that imitating damage to woody bug.

Arabic (markan) style.

A purely national destination, which accompanies rather strict rules. In particular, the home interior design eliminates any images of animals (figurines, embroidery, mosaic) or people, including portraits. Mainly décor serve as geometric and plant ornaments.

Arabic style belongs to the "rich" directions for design. This impression is created due to the use of juicy shades of blue (azure), scarlet, yellow, as well as decoration "Gold". However, such a style looks great in the photo of the interior design of the house in magazines. Live in such an atmosphere for a long time Not everyone will be able.

The design of the interior design in the style of minimalism involves the maximum emptiness, that is, the absence of any decorations, decor and ornament.

The beauty of this direction is based on 3 principles:

  • Monochromicity is the use of only white, gray and black colors of different intensity. A rare bright spot is, as a rule, a subject randomly brought to the situation.
  • Simple forms are perfectly straight corners, flat lines and smooth bends.
  • The most modern materials are used - plastic, glass, smooth tree, steel, aluminum.

High tech

It is very closely associated with minimalism, but more oriented on functionality and does not have such monochromicity. For the style of high-tech, which is more suitable for an apartment or office than for the design of the interior of a country house, characterized by the absence of ornaments and excess decorations, straight lines, an abundance of metal parts and glass.

English Bourgeois style is one of the most traditional directions in the interior design of the house or apartment. It is very multifaceted and may include notes of classical style, provence, country, rustic or even an amp.

There are 3 basics for which an third-party observer always determines the English style in the interior:

  • The fireplace is a real, electric or decorative false panel with an appropriate shelf, where a variety of objects (hours, figurines, candles, flowers, etc.) are exposed in intricate order.
  • Furniture in Victorian or classic style, and especially installed near the fireplace chair with a high back and comfortable armrests. The upholstery should use dense textiles, velvet or leather.
  • The presence in the premises of the bookcase, shelves or shelves with books.

American (National Eclectication)

This style connects several directions at once, but it is distinguished by an amazing harmony. In addition, the interior in the American style looks expensive, but is available to almost everyone.

You only need to make efforts to achieve the following:

  • Dear materials (wood) in the setting. Red tree, cedar, beech does not have to be real. American style Therefore, it is popular, which allows you to use cheap imitation of expensive things.
  • Crystal or glass chandeliers and lamps, which are hanging in the middle of the room, creating a solemn atmosphere.
  • All rooms are zoned with niches, arches and partitions.
  • Lot soft furniture (sofas, armchairs, sofas, otfiki), tables, cabinets and dresser. In the bedrooms necessarily the presence of a toilet table with drawers or tremor.

Chalet (country style)

By itself, "Chalet" is vacation home In the mountains of Switzerland, in the setting of which natural, minimally processed and decorated materials are used. Interior walls Not covered with nothing but plaster or cladding in the form of tiles.

Key Room Design House

Under the "key" means rooms that are visited most often by residents and guests. The house itself may not even be completed, but if at least one important place is decorated in the selected style, the task is completed - the design goes according to the selected concept.

The key rooms are allocated among the key rooms:

The center of the composition of any living room is a sofa, at which family members are collected from time to time and guests are sitting. This "figure" is present in any style, distinguishing, depending on the selected design, only in color and model.

All other furnishings are placed around the sofa, which can be moved to the wall or stand in the middle of the room, sharing it into 2 parts. If the area allows, you can create "islands" - a sofa with a table moved to it, a chair and bookcase, armchair and lamp and so on.

  • Hall (Hall).

This is the first room that guests see.

Regardless of the selected style in it there must be furniture items:

Hanger (wardrobe) for clothes - open suspension for scarves, hats, scarves and closed compartment for outerwear.

Shelf for shoes.

Mirror with located near the shelf for trifles (keys, comb).

Cabinets for the smallests needed to emerge from the house of a person - umbrellas, gloves, tools for care of shoes.

  • Kitchen.

The central room in the house, where family members take a lot of time and often receive guests.

Accordingly, it must be as comfortable and functional as possible. Considering that in many homes, the kitchen does not have the largest area, the design should be thought out for trifles and take into account 3 zones: a place for cooking (plate, cutting table, washing), place to eat (table, chairs or sofa), storage place (refrigerator, wardrobe.).

Private house design inside (photo illustrates different variants) It has significant differences compared to the design of a city apartment. In many ways, interior options depend on the size of such a house. Naturally, the design inside an economy-class private house has a little common with the improvement of a chic mansion: in the above photos, you can trace the principal features of the approach.

What are the features of the design performed with their own hands inside a private house, examples of which can be seen on the photo above? First of all, a private house is an isolated structure, in no way associated with a high fitness, the neighborhood of public areas.

If the interior of the city apartment is practically independent of the construction of the building itself, then the interior design inside the private house substantially depends on the appearance of the structure and arrangement of the entire site, and the photographs are clearly shown. For example, the ultra-modern style of the indoor decor will be absolutely wooden Sirubaperformed in the old-circuit style. In other words, the first feature: the need harmonious combination Internal and as well as landscape design.

An important feature of the future internal arrangement A private house is the possibility of building a house with the intended design. The owner of the house has the opportunity to not adhere to standard planning, but to show the maximum of fantasy still on the very initial stage. Non-standard forms, different levels, terraces, attic, etc. can be laid.

Thus, even a small private house, as can be seen in the photo, may be laid at the planning stage of construction, location, shape and size of premises, which means that any ideas arise.

Finally, the question of unity with nature should be noted. A private house Located on Earth surrounded by natural or converted natural landscapethat increases the need to use natural motifs in design. Significantly rises in the design of the role of wood and natural stone.

The internal design of the private house is ensured by the following main ways:

  • selection of single design style;
  • providing the necessary color palette;
  • selection of modern materials for wall decoration, ceiling and floor;
  • selection of appropriate furniture;

  • original arrangement of door and window Operactions, formation of niche, columns and other architectural elements;
  • use of decoration elements;
  • creating a special system of artificial lighting.

How to use color and contrast effects

One of effective ways designer solution considered the selection color Gamma.. By selecting color, you can raise the mood, cause relaxation and calm. Wrong color selection is able to cause irritation and aggressiveness. Of course, each person chooses its favorite color, but there are general approaches and recommendations.

Here the choice is better to stop on neutral pastel shades. Another color is designed to highlight large elements. Here is chosen the brightest color. Finally, one or two colors are designed to highlight smaller parts of the interior and accessories: pillows, different jewelry and baubles.

When making a living room, you can offer popular and attractive color combinations: Bright pink color of large parts on turquoise total background; combining gray background, turquoise elements and neon yellow contrast; Light blue and herbal green shades.

A fairly spectacular combination of white with black will shine new shades when adding elements of blue. Pink and creamy color looks perfectly on a common light background.

One of the interfering transform options is a combination of smooth, relief and textural surfaces. In this case, even one-color design becomes contrasting and original. One of the simple combinations is the polished surface of the bedside table and fur bed on the bed.

In Scandinavian style, for example, you can use the combination of light monophonic curtains and a sofa upholstery with seats having woven backs, and aspans with coarse mating covers. Even a single textural element may noticeably revive the entire interior.

Principles of furniture selection

Furniture in the root changes the entire design style, and therefore it must be selected according to him. Currently, lightness and airiness are welcomed. That is why it is recommended not to clutch the room with furniture, but post minimal amount items. IN small rooms Preference should be given to multifunctional and folding furniture.

In huge halls it looks better, on the contrary, large-sized furniture items. If you should consider that the most attractive is the combination of large items and small elements. Installation of only large objects leads to an inexpressive perception, as well as an excessive number of little things cause irritation to its variety.

Spectacular reception in the design of the room - the use of mirrors. This technique is especially important in small roomsSince visually expands the space. Modern fashion assumes formation mirror surface Even on the floor, which visually increases the height of the room. In the wall mirrors, the reflection of decorative chandeliers and lamps is especially beautiful. The darkened areas of the room are perfectly decorated with a mirror of an unusual configuration.

The importance of lighting

Artificial lighting provides the necessary charm to any interior. First of all, the lamps are selected in appearance so that in the daytime fit into the selected design style.

Depending on the total background, dark, white, golden chandeliers, lamps or sconces are selected. The most important effect is ensured when lighting equipment is turned on. With a directed beam of light, you can zonate the room.

The lampshar play an important role. Currently it is proposed a huge set different options both in shape and in color. It should be solved in advance which style is preferable: classic or modern. In large halls, the advantage of large chandeliers is indisputable. Installation point lamps On the ceiling, walls, floor, on distinctive lines (and even with multi-colored lights), it is capable of creating a real fairy tale inside the house.

Internal design of a private house can be performed different ways, and the specificity of the private house makes it possible to implement any fantasies . It is important to take into account that such design should be combined with externally execution Houses and all landscape design.

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Create interiors country houses And cottages, holding a photo from fashion magazines in the hands of a fairly time consuming. After all, the construction of a country house or cottage takes a lot of time and takes away less forces. Therefore, it is often not enough to have a zeal, nor fantasy to make full-scale interior planning. However, the left-handed interior gives any house to the finished look and it is about this today we will tell you.

Of course, each of the rooms can be equipped, simply based on the wishes of a family member, which lives in it. However, if you observe a single concept of the interior, the house can turn into a real picture from a fashion magazine. And for this you do not need to hire a costly designer - it is quite possible to cope with your own forces.

Unified Concept

Compliance with the Unified Concept in the interior of the whole house - the task is not from the lungs. However, it is worth it. Many fear that such an interior will be boring and uninteresting. Do not think that following a single style means using identical color solutions, interior items, materials and textiles. With the help of one concept, you can combine even a few styles that are combined with each other. For example, if you combine the Scandinavian style with the style of Provence in the same interior, the whole house will look harmonious.

Another option is to use an eclectic style in which various stylistic solutions are mixed. In this case, you can dilute, for example, Modern style with the following options:

  • bocho-chic - in the kitchen;
  • colonial - in the bedroom;
  • minimalism - in the office, etc.

At the same time, it is advisable to hold a single color scheme. However, this does not mean that you need to use the same colors in each of the rooms. Pick up the palette that arrange all family members, and consists of combined colors among themselves, and boldly use it in the interior.

Observing all these tips, when moving from the room to the room you will not have a feeling of dissonance.

Choose interior style

So, you decided to stand the design of the interior of the country house in a single style, which will harmoniously combine all the rooms. Now it is necessary to decide main questionWhich direction of designer thought is better to stick? This is both fascinating, and responsible occupation. It is not worth blindly about to make a changeable fashion - after a few years there will be trends in the interior, and the house will serve you not one ten years. Will you not constantly make repairs?! In addition, if the most fashion trend It does not combine with your ideas about cozy accommodation - you should not copy it.

Tip! If you liked the photo of the interior from the fashion magazine, before making it in life, you should think carefully. What looks good in the picture is not always suitable for a comfortable life.

Suppose, not everyone can withstand the asceticism of the style of minimalism, which promotes the presence of predominantly white "hospital" walls and the absence of all sorts of cute heart accessories. And vice versa, permanent accommodation In the Boho-Chic-style interior can be tedious to ascetic and calm natures.

Therefore, choosing the style of the interior, it is worth considering the nature of his owners and not to fall into extremes. If all family members differ radically on temperament, and so I want to observe the single style of the entire interior, it is preferable to choose a neutral version. In this case, the unity of space can be achieved if only hints on other styles of the interiors of country houses are added to each room. For example, public areas (living room, dining room, corridors, staircase) can be issued in neutral Scandinavian style, a teenager's bedroom - Loft style, parents' room - in the style of Provence, and the office is in the style of Hi-tech. In this case, all rooms must be associated with something uniform. For example, color, form of objects (circle, square, oval ...).

Brief encyclopedia of country house styles

To easier to navigate modern stylesIt is easier to use the mini-encyclopedia, which contains only those options that are most suitable in order to create interiors of country wooden houses. The most advantageously in this case will look at the following options:

  • Provence;
  • Loft;
  • Scandinavian style;
  • Country style;
  • Classic style;
  • Ethnic (with African, Mediterranean, Eastern, Chinese, Indian motifs, etc.);
  • Chalet.

Each of them deserves separate consideration.

Romance Provence

Provence in the interior of a country house looks the most harmonious. It is beneficial to the fact that it can be easily implemented using a minimum of opportunities. And it is not better suitable for the cottage. Indeed, where, as not in a country house, wooden floors and walls will most appropriate. But this is one of the main characteristics of Provence style.

Special attention, except for finishing materials, should be given to the selection of textiles. The interior in the selected style is ideal for curtains and wallpapers in small flower (lavender will especially look good). From the colors preference, give: light purple, creamy, beige, pale yellow, pale pink, gentle-blue. In a word, you have all the pastel gamma.

When creating interior design in the style of Provence, special attention should be paid to accessories. It can be wicker baskets, in which it is so convenient to store various trifles, or pillows with an embroidery cross, scattered through the sofa.

IN lately The interiors of cottages are fashionable to decorate various massive objects that have a direct functional purpose, for example, a bike. In case of style, Provence will fit decorative option With a basket in which you can place living or artificial flowers. Put the accessory near the stairs, and it will attract interested glasses of guests. A real small bike is suitable if it is pre-decorated (wash, paint, decorate with flowers).

Provence is very consonant with a country style, which differs only by insignificant nuances, for example, a more diverse color palette.

Modern Loft.

Bicycle - great idea And for the ultra-modern Loft style. Only in this case it should look more brutally. After all, the main idea here is the stylization of space under the industrial territory, which was equipped with a residential premises. Loft style involves using the appropriate material: brick masonry, imitation for bare concrete, wooden structures Between the ceiling and floor.

In the interiors in the style of Loft in their pristine incarnation, the creative identities of New York were inhabited: writers, artists, musicians. Therefore, for his recreation, the use of unusual decorative elements in avant-garde style is welcomed. It is not possible to better fit chaotic books scattered along the floor, paintings of avant-garde artists, placed by the windows, massive lamps, as if borrowed from an abandoned plant ...

The embodiment of the Loft style in a country house, use the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining space. So, you can combine several rooms in one (building your own home from scratch can be avoided by the decompression of the wall, if it is possible to provide such planning of the room in advance). For example, the kitchen, dining room and living room in a single large space will be organically watched. At the same time, each of the zones is isolated using architectural or design techniques.

Exquisite simplicity of Scandinavian style

Recently, this style is increasingly adherents. And this is no accident: he makes the room more spacious, fills it with his sun. Eco-friendly materials are used to recreate such an interior. Personal preference is given to the tree different breeds. The window is left or without a curtain (in this case only the adjacent wall is decorated), or is decorated only light transparent Curtains or Roman curtains. The color palette is chosen restrained. Special attention - white colorwhich is the main one. At the same time, interior items are distinguished by contrast stains: sofa, paintings, pillows, etc.

Originality of ethnic style

This style is not so often found in modern interior. At the same time, he is able to make it original and memorable. For his reconstruction, choose the main motive of the interior: African, Indian, or oriental. If you decide to make a note of African exotic to your interior, then pay attention to the appropriate accessories:

  • hunting trophies (stuffed in various animals living on the "Black Continent");
  • animal skins (lion, zebra, cheetah) scattered on the floor;
  • original and bright ceramics, etc.

Tip! Naturally, you should not spend money on the skins and the stuffed animals. Purchase relevant interior items in any online store is not difficult.

If you are a lover of the East and have not missed a single series of "magnificent century", then think about the recreation of an eastern fairy tale at home. In this case, the unchanged elements of the Eastern style will help you:

  • abundance of bright silk pillows;
  • thread abundance;
  • using bright flowers: gold, red, blue;
  • drape walls;
  • the use of luxurious carpets with patterns and ornaments.

Interiors of country houses and cottages in the style of chalet

With the growth of living standards, people start paying more attention to protecting ambient. This trend finds an embodiment in all areas of human activity, including in the creation interiors inside houses. The embodiment of an eco-friendly style - house chalet!