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Finishing at home with your own hands: Applying decorative plaster. How to apply decorative plaster? Decorative lacquet wall plaster for decorative plaster

Finish finish The walls are a very troublesome and responsible event. Especially if the corners and walls turned out uneven. Casting of such surfaces with wallpaper or decorative tiles is a complex task and rarely manage to solve it.

In such situations, decorative plaster comes to revenue.

What it is

Currently, the dominance of dry mixtures is the same bulk composition as the usual mass for interior decoration walls. The properties of the decor give her various additives specifically entered into the formulation. These can be small pebbles, and even wood fibers that give the lined surface completely original drawing and texture.

Even experienced plasterer, starting the walls of the walls, will not be able to present at the beginning of work what happens in the end. Therefore, the masters prefer before starting work to produce a test application on a small flat surface, for example - on a debris of plasterboard. The trial allows you to immediately determine the methods and methods of the coating to identify the most advantageous characteristics. decorative coating.

Decorative Stucco Costs

The presented material has many varieties. Depending on the composition of the material of the material in the form of a dry mixture ranges from 200 to 600 rubles per square meter. The rate of consumption of the finished composition is presented by the manufacturer and is indicated on the package. And the price of work per m 2 invited specialists is from 250 rubles.

It should be borne in mind that the use of such a method of finishing the walls eliminates the need to carry out a number of preparatory operations on their surfaces, which reduces the total cost of the coating. In addition, possessing minimal finishing work skills, you can perform them with your own hands, eliminating a significant part of the cost.

Types of decorative plaster

Several types of classification of such material for wall decoration are used:

  • According to the type of binder.
  • Depending on the type of filler, which determines the surface texture.

On the first question, you can get advice from the building of the building materials store. The choice depends, first of all, from the texture of the coated surface and the operating conditions of the coating after applying.

Depending on the filler, the classification may be as follows:

  1. Textural surfaces. As follows from the name, the surface of the finishing is irregular. The material successfully hides almost any defects on the wall and allows you to make an independent application by the Contractor, even with zero skills of such work. Actually, this is determined by the high popularity of this type of coatings. Yes, and the price of the material is at the minimum level for this type of coatings.

Plasters of this type, in turn, are divided into several varieties:

  • "Barats". Such an execution gives with a look from the side of the idea of \u200b\u200ba soft woolen surface. Well combined with substrates of mineral origin.
  • "Shuba". The surface is similar to the previous one, but it looks like a darling.
  • "Coroed". When applied to the plane, the grooves are formed, surprisingly resembling the traces of the kororad, proper selection Tone texture corresponds to the composition of wood.

  1. Structural. Such a type of coating is characterized by the almost absolute unpredictability of the surface nature, which will be obtained when applied. The previous version still allows you to somehow predict the result. In this case, at the beginning of work, you can only be sure in one - some structure on the surface will still manifest.
  2. Venetian. According to mine decorative opportunities This plaster surpasses other species. One of the features of such a coating is the need to create almost perfect smooth surfacethat is not always available even experimental masters. The process of applying is quite a long time. Distinctive characteristic It is also translucency of the material. With proper lighting, the effect of the inner lision of the surface is created. This property allows you to perform design solutions, in which the image on the wall looks like in a haze or fog.

In addition to the types of decorative plaster mentioned here, others are available. All of them differ in the character of fillers that imitate one or another surface inaccessible at cost. Such characteristics may be imitation under wood or silk fabric.

These materials include color plaster produced in a wide range of tones.

Plastering walls with their own hands

With the exception of individual cases (the application of the Venetian coating), plaster works are performed quite simply and any developer, if there is time and desire, seeks to fulfill these works on their own. The desire is quite reasonable and understandable, but it is necessary to take into account a number of circumstances that are set out below:

  • You need to carefully treat the selection of material. Here, the consultation of an experienced specialist is not just desirable, but also obligatory. And it would be better if it was not a store manager responsible for sales, but an uninterested person from the side. Ideally, it is better to see a sample of the execution of a particular interior. The calculation of the amount of material on the basis of the manufacturer's recommendations is not always faithful. Seeking to extract the buyer in economic efficiency, it shows minimum flowwhich in the conditions of real performance is not always achievable. Therefore, the amount of material is better to purchase with a small margin.
  • If there are no rough defects on the surface covered, clean finish can be neglected. Only coarse chips and cracks should be sealing. The rest will be effectively eliminated by a layer of plaster, for which it is originally intended. But the application of the primer is necessarily - it significantly improves the adhesion of the plastering composition to the wall surface. It is generally recognized that the smaller the structure of additional inclusions, the higher the surface quality should be.

  • After the final drying of the primer, and she needs no less semissive for this, you can start plastering. With the complete absence of experience, no instructions will help, including video. But a lot of time will not need to master the profession. It is only necessary to start working with the least responsible place, for example, where the furniture will later be standing. It is also useful to practice in a stranger from building materials.
  • At the end of the application of plaster, it can be given an additional charm, adding additional relief, for which you will need additional tools. The unloaded surface can be colored additionally, pick up the paint to your liking. This method is used to ensure the uniformity of the tone throughout the room, which is often impossible at the inevitable frequent stucco composition.

Plaster, as a rule, is a waterproof coating. Therefore, it can be washed without fears. It should be refrained from the use of aggressive detergents. The soft detergent is used with elastic sponges, rigid brushes and means containing abrasives to care for such a coating are not applicable - the surface quickly loses appearance, becomes matte because large number scratch. As additional protection, the surface is covered with a thin layer of wax, which protects it from moisture, but not from mechanical damage.

If you wish to change the interior, the walls can be repainted, and if it is planned to use wallpaper, the walls can be fascinated.

Plastering tool

The tools and devices for professionals are quite diverse. It must ensure not only the performance of the work, but also their quality.

The assortment of the tool used largely depends on the choice of the nature of the coating. In very simple version You can do the minimum set of various sizes. It also takes Kelma, and for more complex variants, it is desirable to use textured rollers. If surface color is provided, you need to plunge the greasy tool.

Stuccoing on the wall

How to make decorative stucco with your own hands? For self-execution, man without experience can be recommended to cover the type of cored. It is not demanding of careful preparatory activities. By virtue of its invoice, it is not necessary to diligently align it in the process of applying. To work with such a material there are enough enough spatulas of various widths and a small skill plastering. Coroede spoil almost unreal. Technology involves making in different optionsthat directly depends on the size of the grapple inclusion. Larger will require a thicker coating layer.

The device "Venetian" without solid ownership of skills is impossible. When it is performed, you need to apply a few perfectly smooth layers of plaster, each with its properties.

Silicone materials require special skills. This is painstaking thin workrequiring incredible patience and artistic inclinations. But the result corresponds to the invested work.

The decor on the wall can be performed in the following order:

  • In accordance with the instructions on the packaging of the mixture, a solution of the desired consistency is prepared. The amount should provide for the possibility of working out at a time. Additional stirring with the addition of water is impossible - the thickened residue will have to be thrown away.
  • The universal tool becomes a spatula and grater. The coated layer applied is evenly distributed over the surface. As soon as the mass shows the first signs of rejection, it must be confused by a grater, at the same time creating a drawing.
  • For beginners in this case there are several simple techniques that allow simple operations to get beautiful decorative decoration. It may be grown by wave-like movements, beveled or straight lines, imitating rain, various closed curves or intersecting stripes. Movements when performing work should be confident, soft, not allowing patches.

  • An interesting surface texture can be obtained by applying the most unexpected items from crumpled paper to brushes or washcloths. Most simple way is the use of textured rollers with different drawings. Given the limited time for the frosting of plaster, the drawings also need to do the most quickly, there will be no possibilities for correction.
  • After 15 - 20 minutes after applying the pattern, the coating begins to lose its shine, which indicates the resulting crystallization of the solution. You need not to miss this moment, and the wet gladelka walk along the surface, smoothing the irregularities and removing too sharp relief differences. The tool must be cleaned more often and sauming.
  • To separate the sections of the coating with various textures, it is advisable to use construction tape. It is necessary to remove it before rejection of the applied solution to ensure clean, without breaking the section of the section.
  • Complete drying of the solution occurs during the day. After this time, it is necessary to treat the surface of the shallow emery skirt. In this way, excessive protruding parts and irregularities of the coating are removed.
  • The protective coating in the form of a varnish or wax is applied to the surface after about three days after the device of the decorative layer. Before applying it, you need to thoroughly clean the surface from dust using a vacuum cleaner.

  • When completing the finishes of the outer walls, the surface under concrete using river pebbles is popular. After applying the composition on the wall when he shows the first signs of the hole, you need to wet painting brush Fit a small part of the outer layer of the solution. The pebbles revealed at the same time is a wonderful decorative design of the wall.

Decor alternative ways

To give decorative properties, the coating of putty can be used in the following methods:

  • Purchase a dry shtailex mixture and breed it with water, taking into account the recommendations on the packaging. Most comfortable materials based on plaster or cement. Possessing high strength properties, they allow successfully leveling irregularities on the basis.
  • For the base layer, there are enough thickness of 2 mm, there is no need for a thorough leveling surface, since the decor will visually hide almost any irregularities.
  • In the process of creating a textured surface, you can use various tools and technological methods. Common way - application of a spatula or ironing
  • Various stamps and embossed rollers are widely used.

As an finishing operation, the surface is most often performed. It is made by painting roller for two passages, for the first time - with a long pile, the second - short. Such a coating highlights the texture of finishing.

Elements of textures are applied on the front layer of the same putty. Its thickness should not exceed 3 mm. Otherwise, it is possible to crack during operation.

The drying of the spacion layer is required when closed doors and windows. Drafts are not allowed. Acceleration of the process by turning the heaters can lead to cracking and collapse of the decoration layer. The essence of the process consists in crystallization of the mass of the finishing material, in which the air moisture takes place. Therefore, its premature removal will lead to a violation of the process.

As can be seen from the given data, the process of decorative decorative plaster can be very simple, even easier than the creation of a smooth base surface. But individual materials and methods require special attention and skills, as well as artistic taste. Really appreciate your strength and opportunities. I wish you success!

Decorative plastering was and remains a popular form of finishing both indoors and on facade Walls Due to its practicality and the variety of surfaces created. In this article, we will consider all popular methods and techniques for applying decorative plaster, whose features will be clearly shown in the video lessons.

Materials and tools

Covelma application technology includes the following work techniques:

  • A portion of the solution is superimposed on the tool and is distributed over the wall with short strokes. Stacking layers of plaster make peaks on each other. Their direction can be both in one direction and in different. If Kelma moves not in a straight line, but on the arc, the relief will be completely different, more freaky.

  • Another popular option to put decorative finishtorching celma. The plastering solution is also taken on the celma, then it is easily pressed with the entire surface to the wall and is given. Moves make quickly "on the low", turning the instrument in different directions. The effect is obtained shallow "fur coats" . You can also first apply the plaster with a smooth layer of 2-3 mm, and then make turning throughout the area. It turns out in the photo.


For decorating walls during repair, conventional fur (paint rollers) and special rubber with a specific pattern are used. Also, a structural roller for decorative plaster can be made with their own hands, wrapping its rotating part, for example, a rag, package or rope.

Pattern application technique structural roller Very simple:

  • the wall is plastered into one layer with a thickness of 2-4 mm;
  • the roller is carried out by plaster in one direction, leaving the drawing.

To give the walls the effect of type "fur coat" use a fur roller. There are two ways to perform:

  • the roller will plunge into the plastering and rolled along the wall;
  • the wall portion is completely shrouded with a celma or spatula, then the roller shapes the texture.

After grapping the solution on the wall, you can walk the wet mochelmy and smooth the protrusions, to sweat.

Important: If the mixture lies unevenly, it is necessary to remove excess with a spatula. It is not recommended to make big breaks when working with a roller, as the material is dry, and the joints will be noticeable.


With the help of a brush, a finishing coating is created, as a rule, using ready-made plaster for the decor. This method has several advantages:

  • Efficiency. The brush distributes the material with a thin layer.
  • Rapidity. When applied to the mixture on the wall, the texture is immediately created.
  • Simplicity. No special skills and techniques are required, decorative plaster is simply superimposed and is distributed to smears in different directions.

Often as part of such mixtures there are mineral fillers, such as sand, marble crumb. They give the roughness of the plaster and complement the texture created by the tassel. More about the application technique will be told in the video lesson below.


For the textured coating device, underriders are also used, for example, foam or sea sponges, Polyethylene packages, rags.

At first put even basic layer, Using Kelma. Then the sponge is buried with a small number of plastering and smears are applied to the wall. You can close not the entire surface, but only to make islands from plaster. After, it will begin to be captured (after 15-20 minutes), the tops smoothed by a celma or spatula.

In this way, mimic the texture of the stone, create arbitrary drawings.

Walls from dry plaster - drywall must be impregnated with water-repellent primer, crossing the reinforcing ribbon, align the surface to the finishing putty.

All joints and cracks need to be hushed out with a solution and cry for the reinforcing ribbon

If the walls are freshly plastered by the usual plaster, then they need to give drying within 4-5 weeks, to the complete formation of the layer. Further depends on the type of decorative plaster selected for finishing. If it is coarse-grained, with a pronounced relief, it is not necessary to put the walls, if with a fine fraction - it is better to apply a thin putty on the walls.

General rule

Scaled Walls must be passed by small abrasive, well mix dust formed after grinding. Next is applied primer that increases the adhesion of surfaces. After drying, for many types of plasters, it is necessary to apply a basic, shelled layer of primer, usually white or gray, sometimes melted under the finish finish.

Look at the learning lesson how it is properly made by the preparation of walls for decorative plaster, video shows in detail all stages of preliminary work.

The plaster is decorative, the technology of applying it on the surface of the walls is of great interest among the owners of their dwellings. This is one of the most fashionable wall coverings when repairing the premises.

If earlier plaster was finishing materialwhich is applied to the surface under the final coating, now it is used for finish coat. Technique of applying decorative plaster, video process, will show this article.

The material includes:

  • Watery base.
  • Polymers for ligament.
  • Fillerwhich can be:
  1. sand;
  2. limestone mixture;
  3. marble crumb (see plaster with marble crumb: species, features, methods of application).

Decorative plaster Perfectly aligns the surface and can be applied to many building materials.

In this case, the walls can be:

  • Brick.
  • Plasterboard.
  • Wooden and other.

Material feature - high plasticity, which makes it possible to get from it different images. When adding a small stone and shell, you can create a panoramic pattern.

Tip: Testaled or dry decorative plaster comes on sale. Specifications She has different things that should be borne in mind, acquiring material for decoration of walls indoors.

The material, by type of binding element and the composition of the filler can be:

  • Mineral plaster. Consists of lime or cement based on water. The price is the lowest, but there are a number of disadvantages, of which the most basal vibration resistance. Such a material may begin to crack even with a slight vibration in homes, near the railway track, which must be considered.
  • Silicate plaster. It has greater resistance to vibrating movements, however, not the highest. In this case, the binding element is liquid potassium glass. The main advantage of the material is not a high tendency to pollution.
  • Acrylic plaster . More quality coating Compared to two previous ones. The technology of decorative plaster is performed on the basis of aqueous dispersion of acrylic resins. This material is drawn up interior walls premises and facades of houses. The main advantages of it:
  1. moisture resistance;
  2. heat resistance.

In addition, it is very easy to wash. This type of coating for the bathroom and kitchen is out of competition.

  • Silicone plaster. Exactly this expensive coating. The binding element here are polymers. When applied to such a decorative coating with your own hands on the wall, it is easy to understand what the material has the most excellent plastic properties, which allows it to apply it even a non-professional worker. In addition, the surface is perfectly clean.

Different fillers determine the type of plaster.

She may be:

  • Textual (see Textural Plaster: Features of wall decoration). It is an inexpensive and fairly popular view of the coating. As a filler in it are:
  1. wood fibers;
  2. mica;
  3. small stones;
  4. mineral crumb.

Such fillers can obtain a volumetric pattern of the effect, and the walls, under such plaster, acquire the type of the present product of art.

  • Structural. Here as a filler used stone and mineral crumb. Elements of quartz are used in the coating.

Tip: Before applying this coverage, it is necessary to get acquainted with its structural homogeneity. In this case, the wall will be like reminded by a tree bark.

  • Venetian (see Venetian plaster with its own hands: Features of performance). The filler in such material is a marble crumb. This is a very beautiful decorative stucco, the technology of its application is quite complicated. The material is used, most often, in antique or classic interiors.
  • Facade. Mainly applies when finishing the facades. However, when using small granules, it can be applied indoors. Fillers in the material may be very different. Her advantages:
  1. moisture resistance;
  2. good soundproof;
  3. resistance to temperature fluctuations.
  • Gypsum. In this case, the filler takes plaster. The advantages of the material:
  1. high environmental friendliness;
  2. high-quality leveling properties;
  3. strength;
  4. increased plasticity.

What tools are necessary for work

Material type, decorative plastering technology, video for creating a unique ornament or a kind of texture shows in detail the whole process.

For coating, you will need special tools:

  • Steel Kelma. Represents special spatulawhich is mainly designed to apply the venetian form of the mixture. Coating metal elements special means, prevents rust formation. Patterns on structural and textured species may be very different, which allows you to perform tools of different sizes.
  • Plastic Kelma is used in the creation of the relief in the structural compositions of the type:
  1. "Coroed";
  2. "Shuba".
  • Decorative brush allows the surface to make a rough. The brush is "swinging", leaving the furrow. The result depends on the direction of movement of the tool on the wall. Movements can be:
  1. vertical stripes;
  2. arcs.

It all depends on what fantasy at the premises owner.

  • Applicator. Designed to give a convenient texture to a tree.
  • Sea sponge. With it, paint is applied, which gives the coating an interesting effect.
  • Roller with the surface "under marble" is purchased to work with the Venetian surface. Helps imitate natural stone.
  • Porous roller will need to create an unusual texture surface. Used not only for painting with decorative paints.
  • Factive roller (see rollers for decorative plaster and creation of the embossed surface). Such tools are made on different stamps. They are convenient to use to apply repeated patterns, as on the wallpaper. When working, it is necessary to move from the bottom-up, it is necessary to carry out the surface of the roller with one movement, imprinting the ornament on the wall.
  • Stamp for Safari. It is possible to make the surface under the skin of the crocodile, using a special mixture "Safari" for this, which will give the surface to a very expensive and respectable look.

Decorative plastering methods

The technology of material application depends on its type, which determines the consistency of the material.

Before the decorative plaster is covered, the technology takes into account such factors:

  • It is not entirely convenient to work with a liquid mass, it is additionally impossible to dilute with water.
  • If there is a large filler or crumb in the material, it is possible to apply a coating manually.
  • Formulations that have a crumb of different fractions to manually apply quite difficult.
  • Materials dissolved by water have small toxicity, but they are more susceptible to negative environmental action.

Some important moments About applying decorative plaster:

  • On plastic oil paint, Polyurethane foam material dries significantly longer than on concrete with pores or plaster.
  • When working on an OSP, chipboard, plywood, a tree surface can be deformed from applying a decorative water-based coating.
  • When defects on the base of the surface, the coating of the material is needed with a thicker layer, which will increase the consumption of the material.
  • When coating water composition Rust spots may appear on ferrous metals.

Tip: Almost all types of decorative plaster have the same period of rejection. The setting of the material occurs in about 4 hours, it will be necessary to dry up to 36 hours, and for a complete rejection - up to 9 days. The first two days the surface should be protected from the drops of moisture and air temperature.

How to prepare the surface

To prepare walls of premises for decorative plaster, it is necessary:

  • Clear walls.
  • Well dry surfaces.
  • Remove dust.
  • Calve cracks and large defects.

Tip: Walls need to be overloaded special compositioncreating a layer located between the base of the wall and coating.

The primer softens the negative effects of air drops, which deform the voltages and enhance the carrier layer.

Different types of plaster are made special types of primers. Sowing, weak bases must be treated with a strengthening composition. Before applying decorative plaster, plasterboard should be treated with a special soil of deep penetration.

In the manufacture of the primer layer, you must consider several features:

  • It should be a thickness of more than 20 millimeters.
  • The burning of the soil should be done with a strong seal, so that the uniformity of the invoice is not impaired.
  • The surface is maintained about 10 days wet. For this, it is wetted by water to three times in 24 hours.

Application technology

What is the technology of applying decorative plaster, video will prompt detail. Different types Coatings are performed by various tools.

It can be:

  • Tassels.
  • Relief roller.
  • Master OK.
  • Putty knife.
  • Spatula.

The most common way to align the wall with the stucco is stretching.


  • Kelma or steel grater are used.
  • Operation is running up.
  • The grater is placed to the wall of the wall at an angle of 60 °. The coating layer thickness must correspond to the filler fractionality.
  • The final texture and pattern of the coating is formed by a plastic grater after the end of the solution of the solution to the tool.

Instructions for applying decorative plaster different types:

  • A coating with a uniform rough texture having a view of the same in size and tightly laid pebbles is formed by small movements in a circle directed in one direction.

  • Coating with the structure of the "Coroed" may have a groove:
  1. horizontal;
  2. vertical;
  3. cross;
  4. circular.

It depends on the trajectory and the amplitude of the tool movement.

  • Create diverse species Textures helps sandy and lime coverage. It is performed by tools for molding.

How decorative plaster is performed, application technology - video will tell how to apply it high quality and beautifully.

Examples of applying various textural patterns:

  • Wave. For this:
  1. on a predetermined, fresh surfaces are performed;
  2. the area is wetted with water;
  3. overlated strips of a layer of solution. Strips are made direct or zigzag. Clamping the surface of the surface is attached to the waviness.
  • Boulders. In this case:
  1. on the soil layer, a sufficiently plastic color solution is applied;
  2. recalling halfter;
  3. the rigid tassel, which is located to the wall at an angle of 90 °, is performed by the surface of the surface. The tougher there will be a brush, the contrast will look like boulders.
  • Travertine. The multi-colored solution is applied to the surface with a thin layer by throwing and smoothed by halfter or spatula.
  • Furrows. To perform this texture, the low-circular form is needed, sharply sharpened, teeth, the width of their three centimeters, and the gaps between them make up 1.5 centimeters. Further:
  1. a small amount of moving plaster is applied to the primed surface;
  2. smoothed by halfter;
  3. applied the rule and at an angle of 45 °, the sharpened part of the little groove is formed by a furrow, the form of which depends on the configuration of the teeth.
  • Fur coat. Usually created by spraying or attachment through the grid by shaking the brush. Wherein:
  1. the grid is selected by the cross section of the cells about one centimeter;
  2. it is tensioned on the frame, the dimensions of which are 1 × 1 meter;
  3. rama leans to the soil;
  4. it is thrown into it with a shovel mixture through the grid.

The application must be applied with equal powerthat will allow the coating to get quite homogeneous.

  • Relational technology. In this case, the solution is closed by a broom, a broom hit the stick so that the plaster sprinkled along the wall.
  • Flakes. Sprinkle is performed by plastic and liquid mass, the texture after that resembles flakes of different sizes and shapes.
  • Sponge. The solution has a consistency of sour cream, applied to primer and neatly aligns. To it, with a certain interval, a sponge moistened with soapy water is leaning to prevent adhesion of the mixture.
  • The texture of strokes can be given to terrazitic plaster. To obtain it, a fine grained solution is used. The material processing can be started after the interval, which ranges from one to five hours. The comb is formed texture. For this purpose notches on the surface.
  • Choir stone. Such a texture is obtained by clogging of the tongue into the hardened solution. At the same time, pieces of coating will be chosen, and the recesses obtained will create a grain in the coating.

Details of decorative plaster shows video in this article.

How to perform sputtering decorative plaster

This method allows the composition to be applied to the slopes, decorative details or complex geometric surfaces. Using a spraying increases the aesthetic effect of applying artistic plastecrockers various fractionality.

It can be:

  • The composition of three millimeters thick, is selected to cover the main surfaces.
  • A layer of one millimeter is sprayed on slopes and decorative elements.

To apply decorative plaster by this method, you need to purchase a special device.

On one wall, the spraying should be performed continuously, starting on top and comply with the rule by which the work is performed "wet wet". If it is necessary to interrupt the work, the painting tape is glued along the end line of the decorative layer. After applying plaster, its structure is formed and only the scotch is removed.

These are the most common ways of applying decorative plasters.

In this article, let's talk about the ways of applying decorative plaster with their own hands. The process itself is not difficult, but will require you attention and accuracy. Well, about everything in order ...

Method 1.

Applying decorative plaster on the walls with their own hands. Sequence of work

To date, the great set of most different options Wall decorations, however, decorative plaster deserved specially popularity and love due to the combination of aestheticism and simplicity of application. Application of decorative plaster does not require tremendous effort and special experience (although it may have to be practiced). In addition, when you finish the walls of the walls, they can be cleaned with the use of detergents, without fear that water or these substances will damage the finish.

Thus, plaster is one of the most practical options for the design of the walls. If you do everything right, stucco will last you long yearswithout requiring repair or restoration.

How to choose decorative plaster

The choice of plaster is a very responsible stage, but it does not represent much difficulty. Class plaster can be different. For example, depending on which surface is obtained at the end of the work, or according to the coating method. And if with the second characteristic, everything is more or less understandable (hearing the "roller" in relation to the finish, you will understand that the plaster is applied with a roller), then on the types of surfaces we will stop more details.

So, decorative plaster can be:

1. Structural. If you have a "structural plaster" in the store, this means that in the pasta, which, in fact, is any plaster, special granules have been added. For example, pebbles or wood fiber - depending on which surface imitates this finish.

2. Flock. This type implies that tiny multi-colored grains will be planted on top of the glue.

3. Venetian. This is one of the most luxurious types of plaster, which is manufactured using marble flour. As a result, your wall will look like marble.

4. "Under the old man." Realistic imitation of "scuffs".

In most cases, decorative plaster is a homogeneous paste with the addition of a certain pigment, which gives it color. Nevertheless, choosing plaster, think about whether you want to get smooth wall Or prefer unusual texture. In principle, you can create a spectacular relief and using ordinary plasterbut much easier to initially buy the so-called textured plaster. If in the first case you will need to create a relief manually, then in the second - just apply plaster on the wall to a smooth layer.

The basis of plastering is also important. According to what is included in the basics, all decorative plaster can be divided into the following types:

  • Mineral. This is a very fireproof material, which is usually used for exterior decoration.
  • Acrylic. This is one of the most common types of plaster, which is more often used to finish residential premises.
  • Silicate. It is believed that this type of plaster can harm health, so it is better not to purchase silicate plaster for your own home, even though silicate material - The easiest in applying.

How to prepare a surface for decorative plaster

Like any other finishing workThe application of plaster begins with the fact that the surface of the walls is prepared for further processing. This is done as follows.

If the wall has been preserved old finishIt must be removed, and then thoroughly wash the surface so that the wall becomes the most clean. When the surface is driving, take emery paper And neatly align the wall: there should be no irregularities on it. Please note that the application of plaster, and surface preparation must be held at a moderate air temperature in the room: it should not be cold or too hot.

After stripping and leveling the wall, the surface must be covered with primer, which will provide the best clutch of the wall and decorative plaster. If there are any items on the wall that can cause rust, for example, a dowel, they should be isolated - otherwise the rust will penetrate into the wall cover

How to apply decorative plaster

As soon as you prepare the surface, you can move directly to the application of plaster. Applying decorative plaster on the walls with their own hands requires compliance with the instruction that is attached to the material. Carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations before starting to work.

You need to properly dilute plaster (only if it is not silicate - this plaster is sold already ready, but, as we have said, it is better not to apply it in residential premises).

The plaster walls are applied using a spatula of stainless steel or plastic cell. The choice of tools for applying depends on what the manufacturer of the material recommends.

Please note: working with decorative plaster, it is impossible to use steel tools, otherwise rusty traces will inevitably appear on the wall surface.

Approximate list of tools needed to apply plaster:

  1. The container in which the mixture is divorced .
  2. Spatulas (Kelma).
  3. Smolder.
  4. Painting ribbon - you will protect the surrounding surfaces.
  5. Roller or mitten for applying.
  6. Wet cloth - With it, you will clean tools
  7. Wax - they need to cover the plaster at the end of work so that the coating is more durable.
  8. Gloves.

Before starting the application of plaster, turn off all heating devices. If the room is very hot, the plaster will be stuck too quickly, and therefore it will be hard to work with it.

Throughout the work, do not leave the jar with the material open. It is necessary that the material does not lose its properties, as well as to protect the plaster from falling into her garbage or excess moisture. The correct method of applying plaster will be indicated on the package - much depends on what plaster you have chosen.

On the packaging with the material, the time of drying the plaster should also be indicated. Work can be corrected, but only until the plaster is freezing. As soon as this happens, any attempts to change something will stop giving results, even on the contrary: leading tool on the frying surface, you risk damageing plaster and completely spoil your own work.

Most often, decorative plaster is applied using a cell or spatula, after which it is leveling up using roller.

If you have chosen textured plaster with small grains, then the paintopult will be required to apply the material on the wall. Do not forget to make the nearest surfaces with a painting ribbon, otherwise they are pursuing them. In addition, make sure that the plaster lay down to a smooth layer. The layer thickness can be a pair of millimeters, and even more. Apply the material continuously, without pauses.

There is another way. The finished solution can be sprayed onto the wall using a stick and broom. However, do not be upset if you did not work out the plaster right from the first time in this way. You can either practice sprinkle it on a different surface, or resort to a simpler first method.

How to give stucco texture

If you initially chose the so-called texture plaster, then the relief on the wall surface will turn out by itself, without more effort. But you can form a spectacular surface relief of the wall and without help special materials. So, if you apply the material with infrequent wide smears, the wall will be visually even, but small "smears" with the help of a spatula will give the wall a more distinctive and interesting look.

To get an unusual furrowed surface, you can use a special grater, and you can give it a relief of the same spatula. It is better to do it together with the assistant: one inflicts a rather thick layer of plaster, and the second immediately forms the texture until the material has time to frost.

The plaster is very plastic: it can be given almost any form - the main thing is to pretrate first, because this procedure requires experience. Consider if you first work with this material or without experience, it was not possible to make a regular smooth finish, but the textured, then from the first time you most likely will not achieve the necessary effect. So you need to look at the cardboard first to get a beautiful relief.

Decorative Stucco Drying Speed

The drying time of such a decoration is several days. More exact time Depends on the type of mixture, its composition and manufacturer. The time required for the complete drying of the material must be specified on the package.

For a couple of days, the plaster will dry up and it will be possible to touch the walls without any problems, but the complete drying will occur only after a week or so.

Method 2.

Is it possible to make decorative plaster with your own hands without having experience, and not knowing what materials are used for finishing? W. ordinary personwho decided to make repairs in own apartment With your own hands, the answer will be unequivocal. Of course, such a decorative, as in the photo, is difficult to do (I'm not talking about masters), but if I really want, for example, make an unusual wall decoration in the kitchen or in the corridor, and the wallpaper is tired of what to do?
Most often, the person who has established repairs is not a specialist in decorative plaster, and even more so does not know what materials are needed, for example, to apply venetian, in which sequence to do all operations.

So, let's begin. What is needed from materials: putty (Turkish Sandagips), fogenfuller (for sealing seams in drywall), primer (in principle, you can use any), paint (for example, triore number 7, or pick up for painting decorative plaster), color for painting Paints (what color is needed here, such a color and pick up), the glaze (Trior with the effect of "silver"). Based on materials.

By tool: Drill with a mixer (for spacing stamping), a pair of spatulas are large and small (for applying a mixture), a smooth ironing corner (for forming a decorative coating structure), a grater with sandpaper (for aligning plaster), two rollers with large and large and Small pile (for painting), a sponge (for applying glazes), well, it seems to be all, more according to the tool for painting works.

On the walls: in principle, with this method of applying decorative plaster, it is not necessary to prepare the walls, since the layer of decorative will be relatively large, and can hide all small irregularities. But, of course, if the walls are strongly uneven, then it is better to align them. The main preparation is the primer, that is, before applying decorative plaster, the walls of the wall.

Thus, the materials and tools were prepared, start: stirring in a bucket putty with a fogenfuller in a ratio of approximately 1: 1. Instead of fogenfuller, it is possible to use plaster type "Rodband" or isogene, but in this case the structure will be slightly rougher than when using a mixture with a fogenfuller.

Next, we apply a conventional spatula on the wall of a layer of putty with a thickness of approximately 2-4 millimeters. By quadrature, let's say how much the mixtures were stirred, so much apply at once, well, usually, with such a layer, it turns out from 4 to 6 square meters, That is, half of the small wall can be immediately treated.

The next stage is the formation of the structure. There are many ways to use a lot of smoothness, you can walk along the plastering layer with a regular sponge or sponge roller, as an example, you can buy a special roller for the formation of a structure of decorative plaster. There are many ways, just if there is a desire to do something unusual, you can simply try, for example, on a piece of drywall, creating your own method of decorative plaster, especially on the Internet you can find many samples of finished decorative.

So, we form a smooth structure, making it like this: it's easy to press the smoothness to the plaster, and as if we try to "tear" it from the wall. Such movements go through the entire layer of putty, slightly not reaching the end of the layer, somewhere 2-3 centimeters - this is necessary in order to after applying the next layer of putty, during the formation of the structure, no visible seams appeared on the connection of plaster.

The resulting structure is discharged with the circular movements of the gladunds - here are trying by experimental way: I did not like the drawing in some place, we make the structure as described above and smoothed. At least 20-30 minutes before the start of drying the plaster, so there is time.

They struck the structure where they were corrected (as without it, after all, the first time), we wait until he dried. Usually at normal summer temperatures, it will dry the next day, after which it can be processed to further processing.

The unpainted decoration of walls with decorative plaster looks like the same as in the photo. I repeat once again, this is one of the ways of decorative plaster, which can be performed with your own hands without much material costs.

In painting - immediately apply a background with a long pile roller for painting the structure. The photo was used background beige color.

Next, the roller with a short pile is applied the main layer of paint, that is, a short pile does not give paint to paint the main background. It turns out that the background paints the deepening plaster, and the main paint paints the top.

We are waiting for paint drying about 30-40 minutes and proceed to final processing Decorative stucco with icing.

A few words about the glaze. The photo uses the glaze with the effect of "silver", a little toned in a beige color.

The glaze is applied with a sponge. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is not to make passes.

Well, decorative plaster with your own hands is ready. Try: variants and methods of wall finishing a lot, most importantly - to include fantasy, and, we hope this article was able to help you in the difficult repair.