Repairs Design Furniture

Combination of a wooden small house. How to guess with the color of the facade and roof: we select the most successful color combinations. Proper selection of facade finishing

To choose the color of the roof of the house, harmonizing with a common form of structure, it is enough to navigate to your taste or to ask the opinion of architects or designers. Also worth paying attention to the teaching of the Feng Shui, according to which the choice of the color of the roof directly affects the well-being inhabitants of the house.

Protection and energy management

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the roof performs a function, a kind of dome, which physically and spiritually protects living in the house from atmospheric phenomena. Its second purpose - control of subtle energies, thanks to which:

  • luck, emotional and financial well-being comes to the house;
  • supported and strengthens the physical health of the inhabitants;
  • harmony develops in relations of close people among themselves.

That is why it is important to carefully treat the selection of the roof shape and the color of roofing. The disharmony becomes an obstacle to the performance of desires and generates various kinds of difficulties.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the roof color must be approached by the host biopol (no matter, the man is or a woman). Only in this case in the house will reign a harmonious atmosphere.

Effect of color

The roof color of the house on Feng Shui can be selected, focusing on those values \u200b\u200bthat each color carries in itself from the point of view of thin energy control. In the teachings of Feng Shui, significant attention is paid to the color symbolism.

Red color: Symbol of resurrection, color of life, color of fire. The shades of red can be used when the roof is designing - the color will contribute to happy life and activity. However, bright red, saturated color, symbolizes the fire that can destroy the balance, provoke a discord in relations.

Green color: Symbol of hope, new life, harmony and calm. The roof of the green color contributes to a good life tone, soulful equilibrium and calmness. Not only in oriental teaching, but also in European psychological practice green is among the most favorable.

Yellow: Health, abundance, wisdom and experience. The inhabitants of the house under the roof of yellow, sunlight will always feel comfort, warm and comfort. It is important to choose harmonious shades.

Blue colour: Symbol of sea depth and heavenly casting. In the Councils of Feng Shui on the topic, how to choose the color of the roof of the house, you can find a clear indication that the color of the roof should not "fight" with the elements of the sky. Blue color refers to the number of adverse options for decoring the roof due to disharmony at the level of thin energies.

White color: The symbol of the Divine beginning, Infinity, Eternity. If the white color is organized by the chapter of the house, then it will be the perfect option for decorating the roof. In such a house, all the inhabitants will be ensured by comfort and mental equilibrium.

Black color: symbolizes changes. It is not necessary to make this color prevailing for roofing, it will contribute to the deterioration of energy flows. In addition, the building itself will look gloomy, which leads to discomfort. At the same time, the black color can be successfully used to design the roof elements.

Brown color: Constancy symbol, stability. The teaching of the Feng Shui warns from using brown in concentrated clean form, it is recommended to give preference to shades: beige, peach, sandy and others.

Before choosing colors and shades, you should read more in more detail with the correspondence of the color and elements.

Elements and color

Thinking over the question of how to choose the right color of the roof of the house, it is possible to focus on your own preferences, especially since the Masters of Feng Shui practically do not give direct tips, limited to general recommendations. At the same time, it is advisable to get acquainted with the principles of choosing color regarding his belonging to one or another element.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, each color refers to one of five elements:

  • Water (blue and black color);
  • Tree (green);
  • Fire (red);
  • Metal (white);
  • Earth (brown).

The variety of shades of each color allows not limited to the base colors when choosing a roof design. In addition, the quality and intensity of its influence on energy directly depends on the shades and saturation of the color. It is desirable to pick up harmonious shades.

The colors of the element of fire for the roof are not quite suitable, they are excessively "active". Their effect can be loosen using the color of the earth in the design of the roof. In this case, the house will become comfortable for people, first of all for those who occupy leadership positions are powered by power. In the design of many modern collections of roofing coatings, a combination of flowers of fire and earth flowers is used. Such a softened palette allows you to create roofs corresponding to the traditions of Feng Shui.

The colors of water elements are black and blue, in fact, are a free energy waterfall. Since the waterfall is active water movement down, the energy in homes with blue or black roof is restless, together with it from the atmosphere of the house, the physical, emotional and intellectual forces are reduced, in the inhabitants decreases the activity, vital tone, diseases may appear, including chronic. Residents of houses with the roof of the water element of water rarely contributes to luck. Excessive nervous voltage affects not only the chapter of the house, but also at all households.

To harmonious colors, which can be used to design a roof, both independently and in combination with each other, belong to the shades of the flower of the elements of metal and wood.

To the "Earth" shade is recommended to add fire colors to get comfortable, prosperous options for roofing. This is an autumn orange, peach, gently scarlet, dark burgundy, sandy. The colors of the Earth's elements are very favorable for the roof of the house, since they symbolically represent the soil on which the family tree grows.

Not only color, but also form

The shape of the roof of the house is responsible for the relationship within the family. The round roof is a symbol of immortality, infinity - lost forces are rapidly restored in such a house, stress is removed. Pagoda roofs due to their form reflect the negative external influence on the family. The roof in the form of a pyramid, focused on the sides of the world, concentrates positive energy in the house. If the roof has the form of the right triangles, in such a house the inhabitants will accompany the luck. But the wave-like roof is not the best choice, because it prevents any endeavors of the head of the family and households. The "indulged" roof is also an unsuccessful option, since symbolizes the disorder in the relationship inside the family.

The positive effect of the correctly selected roof shape can be strengthened with color. If it is decided to pick up the color of the roof of the house on Feng Shui, you should not be limited to general recommendations. For deep analysis of energy movement in the house, determining the properties of the personality of its owner, it is necessary to study specialized literature or contact the masters of the exercise. This will not only build a comfortable house, but also create a truly favorable atmosphere in it.

Modern residential buildings are a variety of architectural styles. A huge selection of finishing materials allows you to make an external appearance of residential premises in unique and memorable. The most acceptable option to finish the facade is the siding panel for the skin of the house.

Features of the material

One of the important features of siding is its diversity.

There are several types of siding depending on the material:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • vinyl;
  • ceramic;
  • cement.

Each type has a rich palette of shades and various textures. For example, the base siding imitates the texture of natural materials - stone, wood. Colors are neutral, muted - light, beige, brown tones.

Metal siding is made of galvanized steel.The surface of such a material is smooth or textured. Smooth panels can be placed in a vertical and horizontal position. The color gamma makes it possible to choose from light to dark shades.

Wood panels are an environmentally friendly material, but require more careful care than other types. The paint periodically needs to be updated.

The most common view is vinyl. It is represented by a wide range of colors, which, with the right selection, create an individual for each owner of the facade of the house.

Ceramic siding is made of clay by adding special binding additives. Imitation under brick and tree, safety, fire resistance are the advantages of this species.

The more wear-resistant and practical cement siding due to their considerable weight is not suitable for all buildings.

Finishing siding has a number of advantages:

  • withstands temperature differences;
  • refractory;
  • easy;
  • resistant to bacteria and fungus;
  • easy to maintain and mounting;
  • it has protective and aesthetic functions.

Quality material has a service life of 40-50 years. Upon conscientious staining of the dark shades panel begin to burn out after 10-12 years, then the color loses saturation gradually, which is not noticeable. Coloring for the object of the house can be selected in white, pastel and bright colors.

Actual colors

Thanks to the rich palette, the residential building, covered with siding, will play new paints. Manufacturers of this building material use the latest technology when painting panels. Sodium dioxide, mass stabilizers and colors, as well as high-quality dyes give the color resilience. Dark panels are capable of attracting a lot of sunlight, the source of ultraviolet. Pastel shades siding long look like new.

You can make a classic home design.For this, the palette shows the colors - white, beige, cream, ivory. Such tones are less susceptible to burnout in the sun and harmoniously fit into the surrounding environment.

Extravagance will give red, graphite and black. Take the look of the wooden house will help the color of the "Golden Oak" and "sea oak".

Attracts the attention of surrounding bright shades of yellow, green, blue and blue. But also relevant brown and chocolate colors.

Manufacturers of different firms offer consumer whole collections of colors.Shades are different. The usual colors - white, red, green, black. There are original, such as "delicious" - cream, chocolate, kiwi, lime, cream, banana.

For every taste and color, you can pick up an unsurpassed version of the decoration of the room. High-quality building materials for facing will be a long time to delight the tenants with its appearance.

Combination rules

The cover of the house requires an individual approach to the selection of color. Features such as the form of construction, the number of floors surrounding the landscape and size should be determining in the choice of siding.

The easiest way to install is one color. It does not require special skills and calculations. Bright shades visually increase the small house, and dark, on the contrary, reduce the large structure.

At home in several floors, you can originate with siding, combining multicolored panels. The main thing is to combine when combining that light shades are combined with dark, and bright colors are better not to abuse.

But it is also important to pay attention, from which texture the cover of the base is made.Basically, the finish is performed under a tree or natural stone. In this case, the panels of pastel tones, ivory, bronze and amber shades are perfect.

Door and window openings can be optimally beat, pick up the color of the roof, and the eaves and corners make a light on a dark background.

Sophisticated architectural buildings are better to do uniform, focusing on a certain fragment - they are issued by another color. This allows you to give the building a more elegant look.

If the house is built on the open plot, the finish will win in sand and pearl colors. White house drowning with garden greenery, classic exterior option.

Small, simple houses, trimmed by siding bright shades, will acquire an attractive appearance. For example, the old dacha of bright yellow color will charge the positive mood of passersby.

An excellent addition to the design will be the courtyard buildings, fencing performed in a single style.

Selection of color gamma

When facing the facade of the house is recommended to use no more than 2-3 colors. Optimal combination: Dark bottom - light top, dark top - light bottom or tone in tone. You can choose a colors yourself or use a computer program to select shades presented on the manufacturer's sites. This will help to see the structure in the finished form. But there are also tables for color selection.

The color of the facade is selected to the hue of the roof:

  • brown roof + cream, beige, chocolate panels;
  • blue roof + white color and all light shades;

  • green Roof + Light Gray, Yellow;
  • cherry roof + all colors with the exception of green, blue and brown;

  • light roof + bright solar shades;
  • galvanized roof is combined with any shade.

Choosing a suitable finish, it is important to take into account the surrounding house territory. If you have a reservoir or river near the house, the blue and all shades of blue will become optimal. The house surrounded by trees should not be done in dark, it will look depressingly. Light facade against the background of greenery will look elegant and fresh.

Gray tones seek boredom, sowing a house with one of them undesirable, it is better to choose an additional panel of another suitable color. Brown - modest color, symbolizes simplicity, perfectly suitable for the country house.

The red facade will be very bright, but it should be diluted with more muted tones.For example, arrange the corners and windows over white color.

Yellow tint - causes a feeling of joy and is one of the most sought-after to create an exterior of the house. Green - the color of the spring mood, transforms and emphasizes a small house.

Lovers of all natural can be made in favor of pastel colors. Morro oak, ivory, gold oak - shades that are able to meet the needs of people who want to be closer to nature.

Spectacular design examples for inspiration

Houses lined with siding look modern and presentable. The choice of style and color is available to everyone to decorate their home, make it unique. The sheathing of a new home or restoration of the old giving is able to turn work with panels into a fascinating creative process.

Consider options for examples in the photo.

  • The house with a red roof is lined with siding pastel tones. Facing window openings and corners in the color of the roof is an excellent addition to the light facade.

  • Brown roof, inserts on the windows, a beige facade against the background of green plantings make a building in two floors presentable.

  • Green shades in the framing of a small house raise the mood. Black roof and the entrance door of the shade of Fuchsia attach careless originality.

  • Bright red facade and unusual windows are isolated as white. Such a house is visible from afar and is able to attract views.

  • Tree covering in combination with chocolate roofing. The drain, corners and window pastes on the roof, the base is laid out by siding under the brick.

The roof is not only a means to protect against bad weather () but also an element of the decor of the whole structure and even a plot. In order for the roof of harmoniously fit into the design of the house, you must think in advance. In order for the roof and the facade of the house well to fit each other, it is necessary to choose the right color and try to combine various options for these colors and their various shades. But in order for your home in harmoniously fit into the atmosphere around it, it is necessary to choose the right color depending on the place where it is located (forest, mountains, the seashore, etc.).

1. What needs to pay attention to choosing the color of the future roof?

Figure 1. Roof color sample and facade

In order for your future roofing, and the whole house as a whole, on the basis of construction looked beautifully, it is necessary to prepare a project in advance on which everything in the details can be calculated in advance and think about it, including what color of the roof and the facade to choose . You can mentally imagine it yourself and then try to postpone all this on paper, but you can immediately contact special agencies that are engaged in the development of projects of any complexity. They will help to determine the color of the roof and with the material both for the roof and the facades of your future at home. In the process of work, you can create a computer layout of the future at home, on which it will be very easy to "play" with the paints of roofing material and walls of the house.

Only if competently approach this issue "What color of the roof and facade to choose" And it is clear to work out a color scheme of the roof, only in this case, at the end of all construction work you, looking at your roof and the house will receive moral satisfaction and a feeling of aesthetic completeness. Not every new home can boast of it now. Very often, the future hosts pay the choice of roofing a slight value and, according to the results of all works, do not feel the joy that should be from the new home.

Everything should be in unity and harmony:

  • Roof with home;
  • House with the environment.

Sometimes, depending on the roofing material, blood color You can change already in the process of working on the roof itself (for example, if the roof in any color). But what if the roofing material does not allow you to change the color of the future roof? To do this, we need to think over the color gamut of the roofing material in advance, and decide in advance with the material itself.

Very often there are doubts about choosing the color of the roof or color of the facade. In this case, as an option, you can ask for advice from your friends or relatives. After that, you can analyze their answers and make your decision. In addition, there are various tables of "shades of colors" that allow without any design formation to competently choose the combined colors. It is no secret that different colors act on a person's psyche. So one colors can cause irritation and nervousness, while others on the contrary lift the mood and bring joy to life.

The main rule when choosing the main color is to support one style of the house and the buildings around it with the location of the house itself. Sometimes you need to emphasize the beauty of your home and somehow highlight it against the background of neighboring houses, and sometimes on the contrary, it is necessary to make the house to merge with the environment and was one whole. For example, if you have in the yard and in winter and in summer there are always a lot of green vegetation (trees and christmas trees), the green roof will fit very well in this interior. But if there is very little around the greenery or not at all, then in summer, such a roof can still look beautiful, but in the winter it will be just like one big green stain on a white background. The time of the year's change is very strongly affected by the color decision of the future roof and should be considered.

Here are some tips on which you can pay attention when choosing a color of roofing and roof:

  • Very dim will look in places where it is constantly wet and raw, long autumn and spring. For a gray roof, in this case, it is best to choose some bright and warm color of the facade;
  • Dark red or barded roofing (terracotta) very richly looks in forest and hilly places;
  • Roofing of brown and chocolate It looks very nice and overlooking those places where the autumn is very long warm and sunny;
  • Blue roof It will be very good to look somewhere near the water (for example, on the seashore or lake). In this case, the color of the facade is better to choose light, for example white.

2. What factors can affect the choice of color of the roof

It must be remembered that the dark roof is much better absorbs the sunlight and the heat released by the sun. The attic or the attic of the roof of the dark color warms up much faster. And the snow on such a roof is faster than light. It is for this reason that in the northern and cold countries most often choose the dark color of the roofs, and in the south, where most of the time is preserved warm and hot weather, light colors for roofs are selected.

When choosing a material for a roof and its color, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that with time, under the influence of sunlight and other atmospheric factors, the colors are pale, fade and burn out (change their saturation). On the light burnout color is less noticeable, but black, dark blue or dark brown color is not recommended to use in those places where a lot of the sun. Otherwise, the roof will have often painted (if material allows) or change the roofing material more often than indicated in the warranty service life.

At the moment, the most common colors for the roof is: red, blue, brown and green. The color of the roof, as well as the material of the roof itself, should be harmonized with the facade of the house and its various finishing materials. Those. The same roof will not be beautifully looking at a brick house and from a log. Under the stone houses (blocks, brick, plaster, tile) you need one roofing material, and under the wooden houses (lining, plywood, log) you need another roofing material. And the color, respectively, the same. A red brick house will not look good with a red metal tile, and a wooden log house with beige soft roof. They just merge.

The choice of the roof material and, accordingly, the color of the roof also affects the region in which the structure is located with future roof. So in the wooded terrain is much easier and cheaper to make a roof from the tree, which means the color will have to choose an approximate tree color. And in some rock or hilly areas, it is much easier to make a roof of a tile or slate. The natural color of the roof will always look beautiful and rich.

Tile of dark flowers is very well considered with natural materials, such as red brick or log.

3. The most common errors when choosing a color for the roof

  • Very often, the owners of the house buy the roofing material of the same color with the facade of the house. If the choice is made in favor of the same color for the roof and walls of the house, then the colors must be separated at least with shades, such as the walls to make lighter, and the roof is darker (or vice versa)
  • Dark color more than bright. For example, a huge dark color house will not look harmoniously with a small but bright roof. It is much better to make bright walls, and dark roof. Dark color should not prevail in contrast over light.
  • Simultaneous use of immediately large number of colors;
  • Simultaneous use of several warm and cold shades at once.

If for some reason you are mistaken in the choice of color for the roof and it doesn't look at your opinion on the background of the facade as you would like, then do not rush to repaint it. Sometimes, it is much easier, and sometimes cheaper, it will repaint walls at home, as the options for flowers for roofs are not so much, compared to the number of colors for facades.

4. Options for companyon flowers for any roof and walls:

  • Dark roofing and light walls. For example, brown roof (chocolate) will be very richly looked with a beige facade of the walls. Such a combination of colors visually increase the height of the structure and reassuringly act on vision. Brown roof gives charm structure. It looks very good with wood houses (cutters). Brown roof and light walls are a trend for all times. You do not know which color of the house and the roof to choose - pay attention to this combination of colors and you do not lose.
  • If you need to vice versa to make the house brighter and stand out against the background of the neighboring structure, it is better to choose bright contrasting colors. So, for example, a house with red walls and green roof will look very bright and juicy. It will never seem boring and always raise the mood.

The roof of light colors, such as blue, blue, gray or beige, will merge with the sky and the appearance of the house can lose a lot in this.

5. Distinctive features of various colors for roofing

It has long been known that some colors are capable of disturbing the lush forms of the human body, and some on the contrary make forms more. These tricks and tricks are very often used in modern fashion. Similarly, it can be applied on the roof. Some colors are able to hide those or other defects and unevenly on the roof, and some are able to decorate the old and the declaration of the roof, breathing in it a new life.
Let's consider the properties of the most common colors for the house and roof today:

  • Red color- One of the most catchy and bright colors. Today, very often manufacturers of various roofing materials use different shades in their production. This color is suitable for almost any walls and is very popular with consumers. Red roofs are very popular. Perhaps this is one of the most fashionable colors at all times. Red roofs can often be found in old areas of tourist cities.

  • Brown color - Very calm and neutral color. Brown roof And bright walls are one of the "golden" standards in construction, which is chosen increasingly and more often. Brown roof is an excellent option in almost any scenario. Brown roof And blonde walls (white, beige, light yellow) will look richly always at any time.

  • White color - Creates a feeling of purity, comfort and superiority. So white walls look above, and the roof of white color is very often used in combination with a transparent polycarbonate roof or large glass windows. Such a color looks as well as on the background of the sea or greens, but completely dissolves against the background of a snow-covered field or snowy mountains.

  • Yellow- It looks very good against the background of brown or burgundy colors. True, the roof in yellow color is usually painted where very little sun. Usually in such a color paint facades.

  • Grey colour- One of the most common colors for the roof today. This is the color of the usual not painted slate and metal (folding roof or stainless steel sheet). This color is neutral and long-faced everyone. He does not cause any aggressive emotion and does not pay attention to others.

If you do not know what color of the roof and the facade to choose, it makes sense to turn to the natural combination of colors. For example, if you draw your eyes on the flowers, then you can see that they all have a green barrel and various white, red, yellow and so on flowers. Although the green color of the facade and the white color of the roof will not look good, where the white facade of the walls and the green roof will look better.
Do not fully rely on someone's taste, as the same color can be perceived by different people in different ways and cause various feelings. You always need to see how exactly you like what kind of roofing you chose.

In a private house, like a person, everything should be fine - and inside and outside. Since the successful selection of the color of the facade and the roof of the house determines the entire appearance of the building, then this issue is required to pay special attention.

According to the construction technology, the facades are separated after the end of work on the construction of the roof, in addition, the roof is constructed for decades, and the facade can be updated periodically in a few years.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the range of materials for the finishing of facades is presented in the current market much more wider than that of roofing materials.

The output is unambiguous - it is necessary to start with the selection of the roofing material and its color color.

And already at the second stage, pick up which color of the facade is going to the roof.

The main factors defining the color solution of the roof and the facade

1. Location of the house and the surrounding landscape . Houses located in the northern regions, as a rule, are performed with roofing of more dark colors. Dark roofing is heated more strongly than light.

But in the southern regions, the heat given to such a roof will be more noticeable. The greatest degree of heating and heat recovery manifests itself when the roof is made of profiled sheet, metal tile and folded metal roofs.

The abundance of surrounding vegetation can make a successful use of a palette of brown and green shades, and located near the reservoir with a sandy beach - blue, coral, turquoise or beige tones.

Before selecting the color of the walls and roofs, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with local laws in which instructions may be indicated on the necessary definite coloring of the roofs. The French Provence can serve as an example, where the roofing coating of red-orange tiles is recommended.

This may be due to designer and architectural solutions to create a unique nature of the area or the need to preserve its historical appearance.

2. Architectural style and whether the house should merge with the surrounding landscape (To be inconspicuous), stand out or even sharply contrast with it. The combination of roof colors and the house largely defines the architectural decor of individual houses and surrounding their utility buildings.

Alpine style is of great interest. Roofing, colors and shades of natural wood, combined with a white or beige facade. In addition, the facade is often decorated with various decorative wooden elements.

A few words about various ethnic styles that are consistently popular in the construction of private mansions. In the architecture of buildings, the style is used inherent in a country or terrain: Chinese, Japanese, Venetian, Scandinavian, African. The color of the roof and the facade of ethnic houses, depending on the particular nature of the country and traditions inherent in the country can vary in a very wide range.

Pretty popular spectacular gothic. Such buildings have a pointed roof of dark color with different turrets, and the facade can be milky white.

If the house, according to the designer's plan, should merge with its surrounding landscape, the color decision of the facade and the roof is chosen by the corresponding surrounding background, and if desired, highlight the house - on the contrary, in contrast to it. Well fits into the landscape of green, brown and gray shades.

3. Need to hide the shortcomings of the architecture of the building or the desire to allocate its individual advantages . Most of the obvious disadvantages can be easily hidden by a good selection of color facade. This way can be emphasized all the advantages of the structure.

With a complex form of the building, bright colors should not be used, which will only emphasize all its bends. In this case, preferably there will be calm shades with the release of a more dark tone of the frame of the windows and doors.

If there is a wide and high chimney on the roof, then its color must be chosen under the tone of the roof. Small chimneys can be finished in colors, harmonizing with the facade.

Selection of colors in compatibility

For the design of the facade and roof, as a rule, two or three different colors are used. Selection of color solutions can be performed by professionals yourself or entrust this work. The main rule is compatibility of colors.

For independent choice of colors of the roof and facade, you can use special programs available on the Internet. It is not recommended to select the color of the roofing material on the catalog or the website of the company, it will be better to see this material in a specialized store.

According to the rules of their compatibility, the following tables are drawn up:

Where: 5 - perfectly combined, 4 are quite well combined, 3 - poorly combined, 2 - unacceptable combinations of colors.

The crossing of the frontal and cornese swells is selected in one color with the roof or can be contrasting. The color of the gutters and drain pipes, most often, is selected for the color of the roof, but quite aware of the color solution, which is harmonious with the trim of the facade. If doubt, in the correctness of the choice of color solutions, preference is given to close to the main tone of tones.

From how to choose the color of the roof and the facade depends on their harmonious combination, which gives an excellent visual effect. To achieve this, accounting for all the features of the color scheme and its effect on the surrounding landscape, the originality of the building, the characteristics of the materials used, the color solutions located next to objects and other factors.

Exterior house design is a business card of the owners. The aesthetic perception of the cottage has a great influence with the correct combination of flowers of walls, roofs and fronton.

The frontton is called the end part of the roof, framed by the ceiling overlap, and at the top of the roofing structures. This design element is found on two-tie, broken, single-table and Danish four-tie roofs. Fronton is always oriented strictly vertically. May have a triangular, polygonal or trapezoid configuration. This area in the house design occupies an intermediate position between the walls and roofing, which affects its color design.

Fronton at home

When choosing a sample solution for the front, you have to focus on the following points:

  • Production material. Some materials (for example - brick) have a limited color palette, so it does not have to choose in such cases.

  • Geography of terrain. There are certain national and historical trends of external design of buildings. This aspect is also important to take into account, because The desire to differ dramatically from others does not always look wisely.
  • Compliance with the architectural design of the building. The classic architectural style is well harmonized with light pastel colors. Using the High-Tech exterior allows you to apply gray, orange or black.

Another important criterion is the climatic conditions of the region. For external design of buildings in the northern regions, it is not recommended to use light and white shades. The fact is that on the background of snow (and it is often there for 8-10 months a year) the facade surface will look blurry. The exceptions are those cases when the roofing and walls are painted in dark colors, then the fronton can be light.

For the finishing of the frontaths, the following materials are most often used, which has a direct impact on the color design:

Combinations of hues of the facade can be different. Smooth transitions of one color solution can be applied to another, and sharp contrast solutions. Heavy shades include dark, olive and brown, to middle and easy - cold, light, unsaturated.

  • Cold tones are called shades of blue gamut.
  • Neutral - shades of green gamma.
  • Warm - color between yellow and scarlet.

Combatability of flowers

The following variants of the combination of the color of the fronton from the color of the walls and the roof are found:

  • One color with walls (Perhaps the difference in several tones). The most popular solution, where the selection of a particular shade is carried out with the orientation on the color of the roof (or vice versa).
  • One color with a roof. This option is less common. Walls in this case are mainly contrasting.
  • One color with roofs and walls. Such a combination is often used in wooden houses, or if a light finish is used. Tone surfaces try to choose different. One-color exterior design in dark colors looks too gloomy and in private house building is mainly not applied.

The individual preferences of the home team play crucial when choosing a color for the fronton. It is also necessary to achieve maximum harmony of all buildings on the household site. In addition to the facade and roof of the main building, it is also necessary to focus on whether there are green plantings on the household territory, how intensively the area is illuminated, in which other buildings and fence are built in.

The most popular color solutions for Fronton:

The combination of the "warm" facade and the "cold" roof is ugly. The classic variant of the combination is when light walls and frontton are complemented by dark roofing material.